GRADE&SECTION: ST.Ambrose Of Milan
My thought on the movie P.K, The movie P.K is a Indian movie it explore’s the belief system of
people. the main character in this movie is an alien named P.K he land on our planet.In the
beginning of the movie when he landed and saw our planet he was clueless. In this part of the
movie I saw him as a newborn baby because he don’t know a thing in our planet and don’t know
how we live humans he’s like a baby learning to know our world. When he landed he had an
interaction to a man that man was shocked to see him because he was naked but little did P.K
know that man was a theif. the guy stole his remote that remote is the only way PK. can go back
in his planet. In this part the lesson that I got in this scene was that not all people is good or have
good intension. And after that he began to discovering our planet earth. On the other hand a new
character was introduce to the movie a woman named jaggu. She was inlove to a guy named
sarfraz, this part of the movie was located in belguim. When sarfraz and jaggu is planning there
wedding jaggu parents did not agree to the marriage because sarfraz is a muslim and raised in
Pakistan. Jaggu parents worship this godman named mr tapasvi. But jaggu did not listen to his
parents and she was determine to marry sarfraz. Sarfraz din’t show up in there wedding. After
that miserable day jaggu decided to go back in india. She was hire as a journalist in india. When
she met PK in a train station looking weird.jaggu ask Pk why is he finding the god PK answered
that. He’s finding his remote and when he’s asking people where is his remote they will say just
pray to god so in this part PK beileive that when you pray something to god it will grant it or it
will immediently grant everything that he likes. Which is not true. That was proven by him
trough out the movie. so he started questioning himself in the end what god should he call or to
believe. So the movie goes on finding his remote and jaggu just helping him to find it and PK is
just learning and learning about us humans and the different kind of religion. And he’s
determination to find he’s remote led him to different religion ofcoures PK did not appreciate
this because he is an alien and he was confused in every religion have there own believe and
rituals. He did all the ritual in effort that the gods will grant his wish and sometimes while he’s
doing this rituals he’s doing something dumb and disrespectful to a the lesson I got in
this part was we should respect to the people in there own believes and religion. Because each
religion is unique in there own we should not mock one another’s religion. In one part of
the movie PK was hit of a car when he was in the hospital the guy who hits PK trys to run but he
choose not to and help PK in everything PK want. I learned in this scene that human are
naturally kind and have a conscience.after the accident PK learned that when he touch a person
he will gain after he understand and learn everything PK ask the guy who hit him to
help him to find his remote. And in the way of helping PK the guy who hit PK died in a
explotion in a train station after Pk sees the dead body of his friend he cry’s and morn. In this
scene I realize every living this has feelings even he’s an alien. So at the last part of the movie
PK had an debate with mr Tapasvi. The rules is simple when PK wins he will get his remote
back. At the end pk wins. And sarfraz its not true that he left jaggu in there marriage he was just
late and the letter that jaggu read was not her’s so it was just a misunderstanding and the
prophecy of mr Tapasvi was not true. In the end PK did have his remote back and return t his
planet. But he learn a lot in Earth……
I conclude that this is a good movie with all the emotion from comedy to drama etc, and this
movie showcase the different religion.and it showcase the different culture of religion.and just
lets respect the uniqueness of eachother religion.
The lesson that I got in this movie was just respect eachother religion. And understanding is the
key.everyone has the chance to learn,do not trust anyone, and understanding among different