Lcs Prelims Reviwer 3
Lcs Prelims Reviwer 3
Lcs Prelims Reviwer 3
cannot decide his/her first language used throughout the world. It's also
as it comes from his/her inheritance, known as international English and
legacy, or birthright. global English. It's one of the most
widely spoken languages in the globe,
Is native language different from mother tongue of more than 300
mother tongue? million people and the most widely
There is no significant difference learned foreign languages. The
between mother tongue and first language is widely spoken almost all
language since both refer to a over the world, mostly 6 continents in
person’s native language. However, in the world and it's the basic language
some contexts, mother tongue refers of the Britain, Canada, Ireland, U.S,
to the language of one’s ethnic group, Australia, New Zealand and different
rather than one’s first language. Pacific and Caribbean Island countries,
it's as well an official language of India
Is native language different from (bharat), Philippines and several sub-
mother tongue? Saharan African nations.
Mother tongue or first language is the What are Englishes?
language a person has been exposed The term World Englishes is used to
to from the birth. It is usually the describe all the different varieties of
language one first learns. It is also the English that exist worldwide. As
language a person is most fluent in. English travels around the world, it
Nevertheless, in some countries like changes and develops in different
India and Kenya, the term mother ways to fulfil the needs of the people
tongue refers to the language of one’s who use it.
ethnic group, instead of one’s first English is currently spoken by an
language. estimated 1.35 billion people, meaning
almost 20% of the world currently
English vs. Englishes, Standard speaks English. However, the English
English, Common Language, vs. used worldwide can differ in terms of
Multilingualism vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar,
Difference between English vs. and accent. Therefore, it’s best to
Englishes? think of the English language as a
What is English? plural, ie. Englishes.
Definition: Because of British colonialism and
English is a language—originally the British and American imperialism, the
language of the people of England. English language spread around the
Today, English is the main language world. Communities adopted and
of the United Kingdom, Ireland, the adapted the language to suit their
United States of America, Canada, needs, resulting in the creation of
Australia, New Zealand and more than hundreds of new varieties of English.
fifty other countries. The English Today, English continues to spread
language is of Old Germanic origin, worldwide thanks to globalization, its
with many influences from other use as a lingua franca, and its
languages including French, Latin, prominence on the internet.
and Old Norse. It is a part of the Indo- What is Standard English?
European language family. Standard English is the form of
English is sometimes described as a English widely recognised and
"world language" or a "global lingua accepted as 'correct'. It is often used
franca". It is the world's most widely in formal situations (e.g. in an exam)
used language in international and when we are being polite (e.g.
business and telecommunications, speaking to your headteacher).
newspaper and book publishing, It is important to remember that there
scientific publishing, mass isn't just one 'Standard English' as
entertainment and diplomacy. different English-speaking countries
The term World English refers to the have slight variations in their standard.
English language as it is variously Some standard English examples
University of Rizal System
Republic of the Philippines
H5CC+HH2, Marigman St. Barangay,
San Roque Antipolo City Rizal, Antipolo, 1870 Rizal
*Tel no: (02)8539 - 9950
acquisition. Here are the fundamental Those sentences are not yet
distinctions between these theories: grammatically correct but the use of
Nativist Theory - proposes that other elements such as lexical
language development is an innate morphemes are now used in this
biological trait in humans, asserting stage.
that the species is biologically ● Multiword Stage (3 and up) -This is
programmed with the ability to acquire likely the last stage of language
language. Noam Chomsky, a acquisition wherein a child is now able
prominent nativist, emphasizes the to communicate fully and understand
role of biological factors over quickly. In this last stage. They are
environmental influences in his theory able to create complex sentences to
of language development. incorporate their ideas. The use of
Interactionist Theory - This theory morphemes has now developed and
combines insights from sociology and are now used to create functional and
biology to elucidate the development semantical sentences essential in
of language, asserting that children communication.
acquire language driven by a desire to
communicate with their surroundings. Second Language or L2
It emphasizes the idea that language Definition - A second language is one
emerges from and is intricately tied to that is spoken in addition to the first
social interactions. language. It might be a nearby
6 Stages of Language Acquisition language, another language from the
● Pre-Linguistic Stage (infant-6 speaker's native nation, or a foreign
months) -In this stage language is not language. It is learned after the first
developed yet, babies communicate language has already been
through sounds. They use crying with established.
facial expressions to determine their Differences - The primary distinction
needs. They discover their voice tracts between a first language and a
that produce sounds through cooing. second language is that a first
● Babbling Stage (6-9 months) -This language is the language that a
stage refers to the development person learns at birth, whereas a
wherein a child learns to babble second language is a non-native
sounds. Babbles are sounds typically, language that is typically learnt later.
vowels that are produced by babies. A first language is learnt easily and
Those are syllables, not yet words. effortlessly, but a second language
Teeth begin to appear. Talking is now requires intentional effort and teaching.
possible. Furthermore, a person's first language
● Holophrastic Stage (9-18 months) - is generally the one they are most
In this stage, a child learns and familiar with and use the most, but a
speaks single words. Mostly, their second language is commonly used in
learnt words during this period are conjunction with the first.
mama and dada, focusing on their Origins - The phrase "second
interest and needs. This phase is language" originated in the study of
longer than the rest of the stages. language learning and usage. The
● Two-word stage (18-24 months) - phrase "second language" originated
This stage of language development in the research of mother tongue/first
focuses on a child’s ability to combine language acquisition, and it now refers
words such “Give me” or “cat stand”. to a language learnt by a person after
Children are now able to group words their original language, particularly if
together to communicate and create they live in a region where the new
essential meanings that are more language is widely spoken. The
understandable. distinction between first language (L1)
● Telegraphic Stage (2-3 years old) - and second language (L2) is based on
This is a much more complex stage the age of acquisition and the
for a child, they are now able to conscious effort required to acquire
construct sentences to communicate. the language. The phrase has been
University of Rizal System
Republic of the Philippines
H5CC+HH2, Marigman St. Barangay,
San Roque Antipolo City Rizal, Antipolo, 1870 Rizal
*Tel no: (02)8539 - 9950
only works one way, the proposed NOSE, and MOUTH; if there is a
universal is a unidirectional one. distinct term for FOOT, there will be a
- Linguistic universals in syntax are distinct term for HAND; similarly, if
sometimes held up as evidence for there are terms for INDIVIDUAL
universal grammar (though TOES, then there are terms for
epistemological arguments are more INDIVIDUAL FINGERS. Subsequent
common). Other explanations for research has shown that most of
linguistic universals have been these features have to be considered
proposed, for example that linguistic cross-linguistic tendencies rather than
universals tend to be properties of true universals. Several languages, for
language which aid communication. If example Tidore and Kuuk Thaayorre,
a language were to lack one of these lack a general term meaning 'body'.
properties, it has been argued, it On the basis of such data it has been
would probably soon evolve into a argued that the highest level in the
language having that property. partonomy of body part terms would
2. In Phonology be the word for 'person'.
- Some linguistic universals (or Universal Grammar - A theory
tendencies) may be phonologically proposing that humans possess
based. For example, the raspberry innate faculties related to the
sound is never used phonemically acquisition of language. The
within any human language, while definition of universal grammar has
there is no known language without /a/ evolved considerably since first it was
or /ɑ/. Also, all languages have some postulated and, moreover, since the
plosives. 1940s, when it became a specific
- High pitch sounds (such as /i/, as in object of modern linguistic research. It
poquito (Spanish), kitty (English), is associated with work in generative
maomi (Mandarin)) frequently refer to grammar, and it is based on the idea
smaller beings or objects (supposed that certain aspects of syntactic
to be such since smaller creatures can structure are universal. Universal
only produce higher pitched sounds). grammar consists of a set of atomic
3. In Semantics grammatical categories and relations
- In the domain of semantics, research that are the building blocks of the
into linguistic universals has taken particular grammars of all human
place in a number of ways. Some languages, over which syntactic
linguists, starting with Leibniz, have structures and constraints on those
pursued the search for a hypothetic structures are defined. A universal
irreducible semantic core of all grammar would suggest that all
languages. A modern variant of this languages possess the same set of
approach can be found in the Natural categories and relations and that in
Semantic Metalanguage of Wierzbicka order to communicate through
and associates [2]. Other lines of language, speakers make infinite use
research suggest cross-linguistic of finite means, an idea that Wilhelm
tendencies to use body part terms von Humboldt suggested in the 1830s.
metaphorically as adpositions, or From this perspective, a grammar
tendencies to have morphologically must contain a finite system of rules
simple words for cognitively salient that generates infinitely many deep
concepts. The human body, being a and surface structures, appropriately
physiological universal, provides an related. It must also contain rules that
ideal domain for research into relate these abstract structures to
semantic and lexical universals. In a certain representations of sound and
seminal study, Cecil H. Brown (1976) meaning—representations that,
proposed a number of universals in presumably, are constituted of
the semantics of body part elements that belong to universal
terminology, including the following: in phonetics and universal semantics,
any language, there will be distinct respectively.
terms for BODY, HEAD, ARM, EYES,
University of Rizal System
Republic of the Philippines
H5CC+HH2, Marigman St. Barangay,
San Roque Antipolo City Rizal, Antipolo, 1870 Rizal
*Tel no: (02)8539 - 9950