Companion and Scribes
Companion and Scribes
Companion and Scribes
• Conversion of Umar R.A strengthened Islam. His conversion gave courage to the Muslims. It
boosted the morale of Muslims so much that they started praying openly at Ka'bah. Abdullah ibn
Masud reported “We have been powerful since Umar embraced Islam.” The Prophet (P.B.U.H) gave
him the title of Al Farooq i.e the one who makes a distinction between the right and wrong.
• When the Muslims were ordered to migrate to Madinah, most of them left Makkah secretly but
Umar R.A migrated openly.
• He participated in all battles Badr, Uhad, Trench, Khyber and Hunain. At the time of battle of Badr
he shared camel with Abu Bakr and AbdurRehman bin Auf. During the battle of Uhad he was
among those encircled the Prophet (P.B.U.H) to protect him from Quraish. He also dug the trench
around Madinah with other companions at the time of battle of trench.
• His ties with Prophet (PBUH) were strengthened when Prophet (PBUH) married his daughter
Hazrat Hafsa.
• He took the pledge of Rizwan at the hand of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) to avenge the blood of Usman.
He was unhappy about the terms of the treaty of Hudabiyah and showed his dissatisfaction for
which he later always repented. He was present at that time of signing of treaty.
• At the time of conquest of Makkah Abu Sufyan was taken a prisoner when he came to spy on
Muslim. Umar R.A asked the Prophet (P.B.U.H) permission to kill him.
• During the Expedition of Tabuk he gave half of his wealth in the way of Allah.
The Prophet (P.B.U.H) had a deep love for Umar R.A he said “Were a Prophet to come after me
he would have been Umar but I am the seal of prophets”. On the Prophet’s death in his grief,
he said he would kill anyone who said that the Prophet had died then Abu Bakr made him realize
that Islam was to continue after Prophet’s death.
Scribes of Divine Revelation:
• Scribes of the Prophet (pbuh) were among the closest companions. They not only kept a record of
revelations but also wrote letters and treaties as commanded by the Prophet (pbuh). They were the four
rightly guided Caliphs, Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman, and Ali, who accompanied the Prophet (pbuh) from his
childhood and was a memorizer of Quran. He also wrote the terms of Treaty of al Huadaibiya.
• The Qur’an was written in its entirety during the Prophet’s time even though it was not compiled in
one text. There were various scribes who had different roles as companions, who wrote the verses down
on a number of materials. These included animals skin, shoulder bones of camels, palm leaves, stone
tablets and pieces of wood etc.
• Some of them were official scribes who wrote letters for him (for example Ubayy ibn Ka’ab) whilst
some became scribes because they kept their own personal copies of the revelations (for example
‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘As). He sought the Messenger’s specific permission asking, ‘May I write
down everything I hear from you in the states of contentment and anger?’ He replied, ‘Yes, for I
speak nothing but the truth.’). A number of companions had their own personal copies of the words
of the revelations, which were later used to verify the one copy in the time of Abu Bakr. Companions
who kept a private record of the text of the Qur'an satisfied themselves as to the purity of their record
by reading it out to the Prophet.
• The Prophet used to instruct the scribes about the sequence in which a revealed message was to be
placed in a particular Surah (chapter). In this manner, the Prophet arranged the text of the Qur’an in a
systematic order till the end of the chain of revelations. Zayd ibn Thabit reported, “We used to record
the Qur’an from parchments in the presence of the Messenger of God.” There was always a scribe on
hand to write down the revelation or to insert new ones revealed to Holy Prophet under Divine guidance
through angel Jibrael during 610AD to 632AD. This is mentioned in Quran, “(written) by the hands of the
scribes honourable, pious and just.”(80:15-16)
• Zayd bin Thabit, one of the chief scribes relates: "I used to write down the revelation for the Holy
Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. When the revelation came to him he felt
intense heat and drops of perspiration used to roll down his body like pearls. When this state was over I
used to fetch a shoulder bone or a piece of something else. He used to go on dictating and I used to
write it down. When I finished writing the sheer weight of transcription gave me the feeling that my leg
would break and I would not be able to walk anymore. When I finished writing, he would say, 'Read!'
and I would read it back to him. If there was an omission or error he used to correct it and then let it be
brought before the people." Some companions, who did not write down the revelations, had memorized
them instead and their versions were used to verify the written copies after the Prophet’s death.
5.(b) Explain the importance of the principles employed by the compilers of the Qur’an at the
time of the Caliphs. [4]
After the Prophet’s death there was deemed a need to compile to Qur’an into a book form. Various
principles were employed, all of them to ensure authenticity to the original message.
• The Qur’an was compiled in the dialect of Quraysh because it was the original dialect –other dialects
could have been fabricated or distorted.
• Zayd bin Thabit gathered written materials from various companions, and checked all these versions
with those who had committed the Qur’an to memory –
• this was to ensure that none of the written copies had anything added or omitted and so that the
Qur’an remained authentic to the way the Prophet had received it.
• The order of the suras was not complied in the order that the Prophet had received revelation, but
generally in order of descending length – this was due to the belief that the order of the suras was
divinely ordained and the main scribes would have known this.
• He is known as Sahabi bin Sahabiya because his brother and mother belonged to the earlier
companions of the Prophet PBUH. He is regarded as one of the first converts to Islam who faced
tortures of the Quraish with patience. After embracing Islam, he gave up all other business and
would always remain present in the service of the Holy Prophet PBUH .
• He learnt Quran with great fondness and attention and is said to be the first one to recite the
Quran openly in Makkah. He migrated twice to Abyssinia and later to Madina.
• He took part in the battle of Badr where he killed the Prophet’s PBUH greatest enemy, Abu Jahl.
He also took part in battle of Uhad.
• He knew the Quran very well, because of his close association with the Holy Prophet PBUH. He
was one of the companions named by the Prophet PBUH as one from whom the others should learn
the Quran. (Bukhari) The Holy Prophet PBUH also said: “ If anyone likes to recite the Quran as
fresh as it had descended then he must recite it on the reading of Abdullah bin Masud.”
• After the Prophet PBUH death, he was regarded as an expert on interpretation of the Quran.
Hazrat Umar sent him to Kufa as an administrator of the public treasury and as a teacher of religion.
Hazrat Umar greatly appreciated his deep knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah and often consulted
him on these matters.
• He belonged to the Khazraj tribe and had pledged allegiance to the Holy Prophet PBUH at Aqabah,
as such, he was one of the first persons from Yasrib to accept Islam.
• He served as a scribe to the Holy Prophet PBUH and wrote letters for him. The last verse of the
Holy Quran revealed in 10 A.H. is said to be written down by him.
• His recitation of the Quran was so beautiful and his understanding so profound that the Holy
Prophet PBUH encouraged his companions to learn the Quran from him.
• At the time of the Holy Prophet PBUH death, he was one of those who knew the Holy Quran by
heart and is said to have possessed his own copy of the sacred text.
• He was constant in his worship and would often be found in the mosque, busy in prayers or
teaching. He was a member of the consultative body to which, Hazrat Abu Bakr as Khalifa, referred
many problems. He died in 29 A.H during the Khilafat of Hazrat Usman.
• After migration the Prophet appointed Zaid bin Sabit to write down the revelations received by
him. • The Holy ProphetPBUH did not allow Zaid bin Sabit to take part in the Battle of Badr as he was
only thirteen years old at that time. He took part in the Battle of Trench and the Tabuk Expedition.
• Zaid bin Sabit was a very learned person who could speak many languages. The Holy Prophet
PBUH chose him to learn Hebrew so that he could correspond with the Jews i.e “Zaid learn the
writing of the jews for me.’’ He also learnt Syrian and soon became proficient in dealing
with non Arabic speaking people.
• He had a good memory and memorized the Quran during Prophet’s lifetime.
He had great command over Quran as he directly learnt it from Prophet SAW so he was well aware
of the circumstances of the revelation which made him an authority over the matter of Fiqh.
• Zaid bin Sabit was the first Ansar to swear allegiance to Hazrat Abu Bakr as the Khalifa. He took
part in the battle of Yamama and fought against Musailma, the false prophet, during the Khilafat of
Hazrat Abu Bakr.
• When most of the people who had committed the Quran to memory were martyred in the battle
of Yamama, Hazrat Abu Bakr entrusted Zaid bin Sabit with the task of collecting the verses of the
Quran and compiling them in book form. After hard work and consultation with various companions
of the Holy Prophet PBUH, he produced a compilation.
• During the Khilafat of Hazrat Umar, Zaid bin Sabit was appointed as the Qazi of Madinah. Hazrat
Umar would often appoint him his deputy at Madinah when he went to perform hajj or Umrah.
During the Khilafat of Hazrat Usman, he was made responsible for the public treasury. He was also a
member of the committee which was formed to prepare copies from the original copy of the Quran.
• Zaid bin Sabit was very knowledgeable about the commands of distribution of inheritance. The
Holy Prophet PBUH said that he was the most aware of these issues. (Tirmizi).
During the battle of Uhud he changed the tide of the battle when he attacked the Muslim force
behind them thus changing their victory into almost a defeat.
When Hazrat Abu Bakr sent him as a commander of an army to crush the apostates, he said that the
Prophet SAW say about him: “He is the best slave of Allah, a sword of Allah that he has
unsheathed for the disbelievers, hypocrites, and the polytheists.”
During the battle of Muta after the martyrdom of three commanders, Khalid bin Waleed took over
and Allah gave victory to the Muslims at his hand. He fought so bravely that the nine swords broke
at his hand.
During the conquest of Makkah, he was appointed as leader of one of the four squadrons into
which Prophet SAW divided his army.
Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umer placed similar reliance on him and made him commander of in
their armies in wars against the Romans and the Persians. He died in 21 A.H.