Optometry: A Review of Astigmatism and Its Possible Genesis

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A review of astigmatism and its possible genesis

Clin Exp Optom 2007; 90: 1: 5–19 DOI:10.1111/j.1444-0938.2007.00112.x

Scott A Read PhD Astigmatism is a refractive condition encountered commonly in clinical practice. This
Michael J Collins PhD review presents an overview of research that has been carried out examining various
Leo G Carney DSc aspects of this refractive error. We examine the components of astigmatism and the
Contact Lens and Visual Optics research into the prevalence and natural course of astigmatic refractive errors through-
Laboratory, School of Optometry, out life. The prevalence of astigmatism in various ethnic groups and diseases and syn-
Queensland University of Technology, dromes is also discussed. We highlight the extensive investigations that have been
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia conducted into the possible aetiology of astigmatism, however, no single model or theory
E-mail: sa.read@qut.edu.au of the development of astigmatism has been proven conclusively. Theories of the devel-
opment of astigmatism based on genetics, extraocular muscle tension, visual feedback
and eyelid pressure are considered. Observations and evidence from the literature
Submitted: 7 September 2006 supporting and contradicting these hypotheses are presented. Recent advances in tech-
Revised: 3 October 2006 nology such as wavefront sensors and videokeratoscopes have led to an increased under-
Accepted for publication: 10 October standing of ocular astigmatism and with continued improvements in technology, our
2006 knowledge of astigmatism and its genesis should continue to grow.

Key words: aberrations, astigmatism, cornea, corneal topography, refractive error

Astigmatism is a commonly encountered degrees of astigmatism is associated with a visual feedback model in which astigma-
refractive error, accounting for about 13 the development of amblyopia3–5 and tism develops in response to visual cues.
per cent of the refractive errors of the some associations have also been noted In this review we will consider the various
human eye.1 Our knowledge of astigma- between astigmatism and the develop- hypotheses regarding the aetiology of
tism appears to have begun in the early ment of myopia.6–10 Advances in technol- astigmatism and examine the evidence in
1800s when Thomas Young reported on ogy and instrumentation mean that our the literature for these theories. We will
his own astigmatism but it was not until ability to measure, define and analyse the also present some new evidence from
1825 that the first cylindrical lens was used eye’s optical and shape properties (includ- recent research in our laboratory that has
by George Airy for the purpose of correct- ing astigmatism) have improved markedly investigated the role of near work and eye-
ing his own astigmatic refractive error.2 in recent years. lid forces on corneal shape and refractive
Since these early explorations, there has Despite extensive research, the exact error development.
been a great deal of research carried out cause of astigmatism is still not known.
into various aspects of astigmatism. One One possible reason for astigmatic devel-
reason for this research interest is the fact opment would be a genetic aetiology.
that the presence of astigmatism appears Other possible causes include mechanical Ocular astigmatism can occur as a result
to have the potential to influence normal interactions between the cornea and the of unequal curvature along the two prin-
visual development. The presence of high eyelids and/or the extraocular muscles or cipal meridia of the anterior cornea

© 2007 The Authors Clinical and Experimental Optometry 90.1 January 2007
Journal compilation © 2007 Optometrists Association Australia 5
Astigmatism and its genesis Read, Collins and Carney

(known as corneal astigmatism) and/or it

may be due to the posterior cornea,
unequal curvatures of the front and back
surfaces of the crystalline lens, decentra-
tion or tilting of the lens or unequal refrac-
tive indices across the crystalline lens
(known as internal or residual astigma-
tism). The combination of the corneal and
the internal astigmatism gives the eye’s
total astigmatism (that is, total astigmatism
equals corneal astigmatism plus internal
astigmatism). Corneal astigmatism is often
classified according to the axis of asti- Figure 1. Example of the classification of corneal astigmatism according to the axis.
gmatism as being either with-the rule Astigmatism can be classified as either with-the-rule (WTR) (where the steepest corneal
(WTR), oblique or against-the-rule (ATR) meridian is oriented approximately vertically) (left), against-the-rule (ATR) (where the
(Figure 1). In the past, astigmatism has steepest corneal meridian is oriented close to horizontal) (right) or as oblique (where
been defined as ‘regular’ or ‘irregular’. the steepest corneal meridian is oriented at an oblique angle) (centre). Axial curvature
Typically, irregular astigmatism is used to corneal topography maps are shown here for three different subjects.
describe a variety of asymmetric aberra-
tions such as coma, trefoil and quadrafoil.
The widely adopted use of Zernike poly-
nomials to describe the detailed compo-
nents of the eye’s optics has made the use
of the term ‘irregular’ astigmatism largely
A recent study investigating corneal
topography has classified astigmatism
according to the changes occurring in the
astigmatism of the peripheral cornea.11
Corneal astigmatism was classified as
being stable, reducing or increasing in
the peripheral cornea. Of the subjects
with significant corneal astigmatism tested
in this study, astigmatism was found most
commonly to be reducing (47 per cent
of astigmatic subjects) or stable (44 per
cent) in the peripheral cornea. Figure
2 illustrates these forms of corneal



It is well accepted that there is some rela-

tionship between the eye’s corneal and
internal astigmatism. In 1890, Javal pro-
posed a rule that predicted the total astig-
matism of the eye based on the corneal Figure 2. Examples of two forms of corneal astigmatism. The maps on the left illus-
astigmatism.12 Javal’s rule states: trate corneal astigmatism that is stable in the peripheral cornea (or astigmatism that
extends out into the peripheral cornea). The maps on the right illustrate corneal
At = k + p( Ac ) astigmatism that reduces in the peripheral cornea (or astigmatism that is primarily
confined to the central cornea). Axial power maps are displayed at the top and only
where At is the total astigmatism and Ac is the cylinder power is plotted in the lower maps (for both the central and peripheral
the corneal astigmatism. The terms k and cornea).

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6 Journal compilation © 2007 Optometrists Association Australia
Astigmatism and its genesis Read, Collins and Carney

Early childhood Childhood Adulthood Older adulthood

Birth to 4 years 4 to 18 years 18 to 40 years 40+ years
· Cornea steep · Cornea flattens · Cornea remains · Cornea steepens
· High degrees of · Astigmatism stable (more in horizontal
corneal astigmatism reduces · Small degrees of meridian)
· Shift
· Most
common axis · Small degrees of
WTR astigmatism
WTR astigmatism
most common
in corneal
astigmatism axis
most common towards ATR being
most common

Figure 3. The typical changes that occur in astigmatism throughout life

p are constants approximated by 0.5 and fied by Grosvenor, Quintero and Perrigin nal optics can be attributed, in part, to the
1.25, respectively. This rule relies on the (1988). astigmatism of the posterior cornea.
fact that residual astigmatism is thought to Kelly, Mihashi and Howland15 used an The compensation of corneal astigma-
be constant and ATR in most people (that instrument that allowed simultaneous cap- tism by the internal optics of the eye has
is, -0.50 D ATR). ture of corneal and total eye aberrations been known for many years.12,15,16 The
Grosvenor, Quintero and Perrigin13 sug- on a population of young subjects. They numerous studies into Javal’s rule tend to
gested a simplification of Javal’s rule. found that some corneal aberrations are indicate that this compensation is a pas-
Regression analysis was carried out to compensated by the internal optics of the sive process (that is, the majority of the
investigate the relationship between cor- eye, including horizontal/vertical astigma- population has approximately 0.5 D of
neal and total astigmatism. The slope of tism, lateral coma and spherical aberra- internal astigmatism, opposite in sign to
this regression line is equivalent to the tion. They suggested that the horizontal/ the corneal astigmatism). Some authors15
constant ‘p’ (from Javal’s rule), and the y vertical astigmatism compensation is an have suggested the possibility of an
intercept is equivalent to constant ‘k’. The active process determined through a active ‘feedback driven’ process operat-
slope of the regression line was found to fine-tuning, emmetropisation process. No ing to reduce the total astigmatism of
be slightly less than one, and the y inter- significant compensation was found for the eye (particularly horizontal/vertical
cept close to 0.5. Based on these results, oblique astigmatism in this population. astigmatism).
the authors proposed a simplified Javal’s Dunne, Elawad and Barnes16 investi-
rule of At = Ac - 0.5. This simplified rule gated residual astigmatism, by measuring
was found to fit their data more closely the difference between ocular and total
than the original Javal’s rule, which sug- astigmatism (by cylindrical decomposi-
gests that an internal astigmatism of mag- tion). The average residual astigmatism There have been many studies that have
nitude 0.5 D is relatively constant across was found to be -0.46 × 98.2° for right attempted to define the prevalence of
subjects with different amounts of corneal eyes and -0.50 × 99.4° for left eyes. In ap- astigmatism in the population and to illus-
astigmatism. proximately two-thirds of eyes, the axis trate the typical changes that occur in
Keller and colleagues14 investigated the of the residual astigmatism was found to astigmatism throughout life. These inves-
relationship between corneal and total be perpendicular to the axis of corneal tigations provide some clues to the pos-
astigmatism by measuring corneal astig- astigmatism. sible causes of astigmatism. Figure 3
matism with a computer-assisted videok- Several studies have investigated the illustrates the typical changes that occur in
eratoscope. The corneal topographical astigmatism contributed by the posterior astigmatism throughout life.
data were converted into a best fit sphero- corneal surface.17–20 These studies have
cylinder for a number of different pupil found levels of astigmatism for the poste- Astigmatism in early life (infancy
sizes and subjective refraction was mea- rior cornea ranging from 0.18–0.31 D. and early childhood)
sured using the same pupil sizes. Corneal The curvature of the posterior cornea Generally, studies have shown that in the
astigmatism was plotted against total astig- combined with the refractive index differ- first months of life, infants exhibit a high
matism for the different pupil sizes and ence between the cornea and the aqueous prevalence of significant degrees of astig-
the relationship between corneal and means that the posterior corneal astigma- matism,21–30 which appears to be corneal
total astigmatism was found to be inde- tism is of opposite sign to that of the ante- in origin.24,27,29 The cornea of newborns is
pendent of pupil size. The results from rior cornea. Therefore, the compensation steep and exhibits large degrees of astig-
this study supported Javal’s rule as simpli- of corneal astigmatism by the eye’s inter- matism.27,29,31 Isenberg and co-workers29

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Journal compilation © 2007 Optometrists Association Australia 7
Astigmatism and its genesis Read, Collins and Carney

used videokeratoscopy to measure the cor- amounts of WTR astigmatism being in astigmatism that occur throughout life
neal curvature of newborns (up to eight found most commonly. also appear to be due primarily to corneal
days after birth) and found an average of change.
six dioptres of corneal astigmatism. Stud- Astigmatism in adults
ies have also shown that the steepest, most Astigmatism in young adults (younger
astigmatic corneas occur in the newborns than 40 years) occurs commonly but in
with the lowest birth weight and lowest relatively low amounts.35,36 In an investiga-
post-conceptional age.27 While studies tion of young adults aged 20 to 30 years, There is widespread agreement that some
have consistently found high degrees of Satterfield36 found that 63 per cent of sub- degree of symmetry exists between the
corneal astigmatism to be present in jects exhibited 0.25 D or more of ocular refractive errors of right and left eyes. Sev-
infancy, there is some conflicting evidence astigmatism, however, the majority of sub- eral studies have noted mirror symmetry
of the most common axis of astigmatism. jects with measurable astigmatism exhib- to occur between the axes of astigmatism
Perhaps indicating the difficulties of ited less than one dioptre. In a cross- of right and left eyes.16,44,45 McKendrick
obtaining accurate measurements on new- sectional study, Fledelius and Stubgaard37 and Brennan41 measured corneal and
born infants or suggesting a large amount found that 46 per cent of the total popu- ocular refraction (with autorefraction and
of variability in the corneal shape of lation had corneal astigmatism of greater autokeratometry) for both eyes in a group
infants, some studies have found a pre- than 0.5 D but only 4.7 per cent of the of subjects. The mean and spread of astig-
dominance of WTR corneal astigma- population exhibited greater than 1.5 D matic errors was similar for right and left
tism,26,29,30 while others have shown a of corneal astigmatism. Generally, studies eyes. The axes of corneal and total astig-
predominance of ATR corneal astigma- have shown that in young adults, WTR matism were found to be similar between
tism in infants.22–25,27 astigmatism occurs most commonly.35,37–42 the two eyes.46 Most subjects were found to
As infants grow older, the prevalence With increasing age, a general shift in display either mirror (for example, right
of high degrees of astigmatism typically the axis of astigmatism is found from a eye axis 10°, left eye axis 170°) or direct
reduces or, in other words, an emmetropi- predominance of WTR astigmatism (in (for example, right eye axis 10°, left eye
sation of the astigmatic refractive error adults younger than 40 years) to a pre- axis 10°) symmetry of their astigmatic
occurs.21–29 Dobson, Fulton and Sebris22 dominance of ATR astigmatism (in adults axes. There was no predominance of
and Gwiazda and colleagues23 found a older than 40 years).35,38–40,42,43 This shift in either mirror or direct symmetry of astig-
shift in astigmatism from a predominance astigmatic axis in older age appears to be matic axes when analysis was carried out
of higher degrees of ATR astigmatism in due to changes in corneal curvature.38–40,42 for the population. Figure 4 illustrates the
children younger than four years, to a pre- In a cross-sectional study of corneal and corneal topography from a normal subject
dominance of low levels of WTR astigma- total astigmatism, Anstice38 found that who shows mirror symmetry between the
tism in children older than four years. internal astigmatism remained relatively corneal astigmatism of the right and left
Gwiazda and colleagues23 postulated that stable over time and that changes in astig- eyes.
pressure from the eyelids on the cornea matism throughout life were due prima-
over time may be causing the shift in astig- rily to changes in corneal curvature.
matic axis from ATR to WTR in children. Baldwin and Mills39 investigated longitudi-
Studies of preschool-age children gen- nal changes in corneal and total astigma-
erally show a relatively low prevalence of tism in patients over a 40-year period and There is some evidence to suggest that the
high degrees of astigmatism (that is, found a steepening of the cornea and an presence of astigmatism may be associated
greater than one dioptre) that is predom- increase in ATR astigmatism with aging. with the presence of spherical refractive
inantly WTR in nature.32–34 Huynh and The majority of this change in astigmatism errors. The presence of astigmatism has
associates34 investigated a large population was due to corneal change, that is, a steep- been found to be associated with myopic
of six-year-old children and found that ening of the horizontal meridian of the refractive errors, that is, astigmatism was
only 4.8 per cent of children exhibited cornea. As will be discussed later, this associated with higher degrees of myo-
greater than one dioptre of ocular astig- change in corneal curvature may be pia.6–10,47,48 Fulton, Hansen and Petersen6
matism and 75 per cent of subjects exhib- related to the reduction in tension of the suggested that uncorrected astigmatic
ited WTR corneal astigmatism. eyelids that typically occurs with age. errors influenced the development of
In summary, at birth children exhibit a In summary, young adult subjects typi- myopia and that the optical blur from
high incidence of astigmatism that is cor- cally display small degrees of WTR astig- uncorrected astigmatism may be a trigger
neal in origin. As children grow older, matism and in older adult years a shift in for myopic development. The presence
the cornea flattens with significantly astigmatism occurs where ATR astigma- and changes in astigmatism have been
reduced astigmatism. Over the age of tism becomes more prevalent. Astigma- found by some investigators to be associ-
four years, the prevalence of large tism most commonly occurs due to the ated with an increased progression of
amounts of astigmatism is low, with small curvature of the cornea and the changes myopia.6,10,49 In a longitudinal study of

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 90.1 January 2007 © 2007 The Authors
8 Journal compilation © 2007 Optometrists Association Australia
Astigmatism and its genesis Read, Collins and Carney

matism. Fan and associates10 reported a

high prevalence of predominantly WTR
astigmatism (55.8 per cent of children
tested exhibited an astigmatic refractive
error of 0.50 D or greater) in a study of
Chinese schoolchildren aged three to six
In a large study of the refractive error
of American children, Kleinstein and
colleagues62 noted an increased preva-
lence of astigmatism in children of Asian
Figure 4. Axial curvature corneal topographical maps and Hispanic origin. Asian children dis-
from the right and left eye of a subject who shows distinct played a prevalence of astigmatism of one
mirror symmetry between the corneal astigmatism of the or more dioptres of 33.6 per cent and
two eyes Hispanic children a prevalence of 36.9 per
A recent study63 of the refractive error
of the indigenous people of Brazil
reported a very low prevalence of myopia
(2.7 per cent) and a relatively high preva-
refractive error, Gwiazda and colleagues7 Dobson and Miller57 on a population of lence of astigmatism (with 16 per cent of
found that their subjects exhibiting signif- Native American school children, found subjects exhibiting greater than 1.00 D of
icant ATR astigmatism and myopia in that 42 per cent of subjects exhibited ocu- astigmatism). In this population, the astig-
infancy were more likely to develop myo- lar astigmatism of 1.00 D or greater. This matism was predominantly ATR. Fuller
pia at school age. In contrast with these high degree of astigmatism is corneal in and co-workers64 found a high proportion
studies, other investigators50,51 have found origin55,56 and it has been postulated that of WTR astigmatism in a small population
little to no association between the pres- these high degrees of WTR astigmatism of Bangladeshi children living in East
ence of astigmatism and the presence and may relate to heredity or nutritional fac- London.
progression of myopic refractive errors. tors.52,53,55,58 Lyle, Grosvenor and Kean53
While there is some equivocal evidence, postulated that poor nutrition may lead to
there does appear to be an association reduced corneal rigidity and result in
between astigmatism and the develop- increased corneal astigmatism due to pres-
ment and progression of myopia. The sure from the upper eyelid causing the Ocular surgery can lead to significant
exact nature of this relationship and the cornea to become flatter in the horizontal changes in astigmatism. The fact that
mechanisms underlying it are not fully meridian and steeper in the vertical. some surgical procedures can cause highly
understood. There is also an increased prevalence of significant changes in corneal curvature
astigmatism in some populations of East and astigmatism provides information
Asian subjects.10,59–61 Kame, Jue and regarding the biomechanical properties
Shigekuni60 presented retrospective longi- of the cornea and may also give clues to
The studies that have been discussed up tudinal data on changes in corneal astig- the aetiology of astigmatism. Meek and
to this point have generally been con- matism in a clinical population of East Newton65 suggested that the structural
ducted on populations consisting of pre- Asian subjects. They found that subjects and mechanical properties of the cornea
dominantly healthy Caucasian subjects. younger than 30 years generally showed (including the arrangement of collagen
Studies of populations with different eth- an increase in WTR astigmatism and sub- fibrils in the cornea and sclera) can
nic backgrounds (particularly those with jects older than 30 years showed a explain the alteration in corneal curvature
higher incidences of astigmatism) may decrease in WTR astigmatism. The rates of and the resulting astigmatic changes fol-
provide further insight into the aetiology change of astigmatism were found to be lowing some ocular surgery.
of astigmatism. Several different ethnic greater for the Asian subjects studied than Modern surgical techniques for cataract
groups appear to exhibit an increased for those reported in previous longitudi- involve a small incision in the cornea and
prevalence of astigmatism. nal studies of Caucasian subjects. The can lead to alterations in astigmatism.
Subjects of Native American ethnic authors suggested that the greater tight- Incisions made in the cornea generally
origin have an increased prevalence of ness of the Asian eyelids and narrower cause a flattening in the incised corneal
high levels of astigmatism, particularly palpebral apertures may have led to the meridian (and a subsequent steepening of
WTR.52–57 The recent study by Harvey, observed greater rates of change of astig- the orthogonal meridian), thus leading to

© 2007 The Authors Clinical and Experimental Optometry 90.1 January 2007
Journal compilation © 2007 Optometrists Association Australia 9
Astigmatism and its genesis Read, Collins and Carney

astigmatic change.66,67 Therefore, the loca- the incision appears to be correlated to

tion of the corneal incision made during the amount of induced astigmatism with
cataract surgery will influence the induced smaller incisions (as used in ‘microtrabe-
astigmatism, whereby a superior incision culectomy’ procedures) leading to a
typically results in a flattening of the verti- smaller astigmatic change.80 The exact
cal meridian (and an increase in ATR cause of the corneal change following tra-
astigmatism) and temporal incision place- beculectomy is not known, although it has
ment leads to a flattening of the cornea been postulated that it relates to tension
in the horizontal meridian (that is, an from sutures used in the surgery,82 cauter-
increase in WTR astigmatism).67,68 The size isation of the wound80,82 or wound healing
of the incision (with larger incisions caus- factors79 leading to steepening of the cor-
ing greater astigmatic change)69–71 and nea in the superior meridian.
the location of the incision in relation to The growth of a pterygium onto the cor-
the corneal centre (with incisions closer to nea can lead to significant changes in cor-
the centre of the cornea being associated neal astigmatism.83–85 Typically, the shift in
with greater astigmatic change)72 will astigmatism is an increase in (asymmetric)
influence the induced astigmatism. The WTR astigmatism brought about by a flat- Figure 5. Example of a corneal topo-
changes in corneal astigmatism following tening of the cornea that occurs in the graphical map from a patient with an
cataract surgery appear to be related to horizontal meridian between the corneal advanced pterygium. Note the WTR
the anatomical and biomechanical prop- apex and the head of the pterygium.83–85 astigmatism and flattening of the cornea
erties of the cornea.65,73 By understanding The specific cause of this corneal flatten- adjacent to the head of the pterygium.
these corneal changes following incisional ing is thought to be a tear pooling effect
surgery, strategies are now employed near the head of the pterygium,86 mechan-
that take advantage of these astigmatic ical tractional forces on the cornea from
changes in the cornea to reduce the over- the pterygium85,86 or a combination of
all level of refractive astigmatism following these factors. The size of the pterygium
cataract surgery.66,67 appears to be related to the magnitude of resulted in less astigmatism following sur-
Retinal detachment surgery involving the induced astigmatism.83 Figure 5 illus- gery. The difference between the graft and
scleral buckling causes significant changes trates the corneal topographical changes recipient corneal size may also influence
in astigmatism and corneal curvature. typically brought about by a pterygium. the post-surgical corneal curvature.93
This appears to be due to indentation of Surgery to remove pterygia typically leads Newer surgical techniques, such as non-
the sclera by the buckle leading to alter- to a reduction of the induced WTR astig- mechanical trephination with the Excimer
ations in corneal curvature,74,75 which can matism and an increase in the regularity laser, also appear to lead to a reduction
result in either regular or irregular cor- and symmetry of corneal topography.84,85,87 in post-operative astigmatism compared
neal astigmatism.74,75 The specific buckling The amount of astigmatic change brought to traditional mechanical trephination
procedure influences the changes in cor- about by surgery for pterygium appears to techniques.94
neal curvature.74,76 Local or segmental be related to the preoperative size of the
buckles lead to a local steepening in pterygium.84
the corneal quadrant adjacent to the Another ocular surgical procedure that
buckle74,76 and encircling buckles lead to can result in significant amounts of cor- While much research has been carried out
a more generalised peripheral flattening neal astigmatism postoperatively is pene- into the prevalence and changes in astig-
and central steepening of the cornea.76 trating keratoplasty.88–90 Troutman and matism throughout life, questions still
Uneven tightening or asymmetric place- Lawless88 reported an average level of remain of the causes of astigmatism. As
ment of encircling scleral buckles may also corneal astigmatism of 4.3 D (range of 0– astigmatism most commonly has a corneal
lead to marked asymmetric astigmatic 10.5 D) in subjects following penetrating origin, the following sections will concen-
change.76 Most studies have noted these keratoplasty. A number of different proce- trate on the research that has been con-
corneal changes to be transient74,77,78 but dures has been suggested to reduce the ducted into the possible causes of corneal
significant change can persist up to six level of astigmatism post-keratoplasty. astigmatism.
months following surgery.75,76 Selective manipulation of sutures whereby
Trabeculectomy for glaucoma can cause the sutures along the steepest corneal Genetics and astigmatism
significant corneal change, which is typi- meridian are loosened has been shown One possible explanation of the aetiology
cally a steepening in the vertical meridian, to reduce the astigmatism.90,91 Belmont, of astigmatism is that astigmatic refractive
leading to an increase in regular WTR79–81 Troutman and Buzard92 found intra- errors are genetically determined. Numer-
and irregular astigmatism.82 The size of operative monitoring of corneal curvature ous studies have been undertaken to in-

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 90.1 January 2007 © 2007 The Authors
10 Journal compilation © 2007 Optometrists Association Australia
Astigmatism and its genesis Read, Collins and Carney

vestigate the influence of genetics on qualitative trait (that is, affected/unaf- tion that is used to control eye growth.104
astigmatic development. fected), no definite model of inheritance Imposing defocus on experimental ani-
In an early study, Wixson95 investigated was found to best fit the data. When the mals using spherical lenses has also pro-
the heritability of corneal power by com- severity of astigmatism was included in the duced changes in ocular growth, where
paring corneal power in a group of par- analysis, an autosomal dominant model of the eye grows so that it matches both the
ents and children with a group of inheritance provided the best fit to the direction and magnitude of the imposed
husbands and wives. He concluded that data. The authors estimated that the fre- spherical defocus.104–106 Therefore, it
both parents seem to participate in deter- quency of the putative gene was low and would seem plausible that astigmatism
mining the corneal power characteristics that it had more effect on the presence of may develop through a similar visual feed-
of the child. Wixson95 suggested that the astigmatism than on its severity. Clementi back model (that is, the eye grows in an
inheritance of corneal power appeared to and associates100 suggested that bias (in astigmatic way in response to the visual
be best approximated by an autosomal subject selection and analysis) in previous environment). Several studies have been
recessive pattern. studies may have led to inconsistent conducted to assess the effect of inducing
Several studies comparing monozygotic results. astigmatic refractive errors on eye growth
and dizygotic twins have investigated the Lee and colleagues101 investigated the in experimental animals.
genetic influence on astigmatic refractive refractive errors of a large population of Irving, Callender and Sivak107 induced
errors,96–99 including Teikari and O’Don- families in the Beaver Dam eye study (440 astigmatic refractive errors in chick eyes
nell,96 Teikari and associates97 and Valluri family groups). While strong aggregation using goggles and found that the chick
and colleagues.98 All of these studies of myopia and hyperopia was found eyes grew to partially compensate for the
found significant differences in the intra- among siblings in this study (suggesting induced astigmatic errors. Their results
pair correlations for spherical refractive a potential genetic influence on these were consistent with the chick compensat-
errors between monozygotic and dizygotic refractive errors), minimal associations ing towards the best sphere of the induc-
twins, suggesting that genetic influences were found between family members ing lens, however, there was a high degree
on myopia and hyperopia are strong. The for astigmatism. This suggests minimal of variation in response between animals.
correlations between monozygotic twins genetic influence on astigmatic refractive Schmid and Wildsoet108 also induced astig-
for astigmatism were not significantly dif- error. matic refractive errors in chick eyes. While
ferent from the correlations between dizy- The studies into genetics and astigma- they found that the induced astigmatic
gotic twins in these studies. This suggests tism do present some conflicting results. errors did cause alterations to ocular
that the genetic contribution to astigma- Certain studies indicate some degree of growth, the changes were not consistent
tism is low, with environmental factors heritability of astigmatism and also tend to with the hypothesis that chick eyes
being the major contributors. In another favour an autosomal dominant mode of compensated for the induced astigmatic
large study, Hammond and co-workers99 inheritance.99,100 Other studies favour a errors.
investigated the refractive error of 506 stronger environmental influence.96–98,101 McLean and Wallman109 used crossed
female twins (226 monozygotic and 280 It would appear that both genetic and cylindrical lenses (which produce blurred
dizygotic). In contrast to the previous environmental factors have roles in the retinal images but have no spherical
studies of twins, Hammond and co- development of astigmatism. The exact power) to induce astigmatic blur in chicks.
workers99 found the correlations for nature of these mechanisms is still not They found no evidence that the chick’s
monozygotic twins for astigmatism to be fully understood. eyes compensated for the imposed astig-
greater than the correlations for dizygotic matic errors. When the crossed cylinders
twins. This suggests more significant Animal studies and astigmatism were used in conjunction with a spherical
genetic effects on astigmatism than previ- Studies using animals have provided lens, the eyes grew to compensate for the
ous studies. The authors concluded that important insights into refractive error spherical lens only. This indicates that
the heritability of astigmatism was 50 to 65 development and have shown that visual large amounts of astigmatic blur did not
per cent (that is, 50 to 65 per cent of the feedback does play a role in the develop- interfere with the spherical lens compen-
variance in astigmatic refractive error was ment of some refractive errors. These sation in chick eyes and implies that the
attributed to genetic effects) and that the studies have generally investigated the amount of blur present is less important
heritability predominantly involved domi- effects of altering an animal’s normal than the sign of the defocus and that
nant genetic effects. visual experience. Experiments have sharp images are not required for lens
Clementi and associates100 analysed data shown that form deprivation (through tar- compensation.
from 125 Italian families affected by astig- ssorhaphy, corneal opacification or with There have been studies investigating
matism (476 subjects). Refractive error form depriving goggles) causes axial myo- the effect of inducing astigmatic refrac-
and corneal astigmatism were measured pia, which recovers on the removal of the tive errors in monkey eyes. Kee and
using automated techniques. When the deprivation.102–105 This indicates that the associates110 imposed WTR, ATR and
data were analysed for astigmatism as a retinal image occurring provides informa- oblique astigmatic refractive errors in

© 2007 The Authors Clinical and Experimental Optometry 90.1 January 2007
Journal compilation © 2007 Optometrists Association Australia 11
Astigmatism and its genesis Read, Collins and Carney

monkeys. These animals developed signif- in the horizontal recti muscles may lead to the corneal topography following strabis-
icant amounts of astigmatism (corneal in a bending of the cornea in the horizontal mus surgery.123 It remains to be seen
origin, oblique in axis and bilaterally mir- meridian thus leading to ATR corneal whether alterations in EOM tension from
ror symmetric), which were reversible on astigmatism). They proposed that changes everyday tasks such as convergence and
the removal of the induced refractive in the tension of the EOMs throughout eye movement also cause significant
errors. The axes of the astigmatism that life might lead to subsequent changes in changes in corneal topography and astig-
developed were not appropriate to com- corneal astigmatism. The effect of extraoc- matism.
pensate for the induced astigmatic errors. ular muscle (EOM) tension on corneal
These animals also showed changes in shape is a subject that has received limited Eyelid pressure and astigmatism
spherical refractive errors as a result of the coverage in the literature and the exact Pressure from the eyelids on the cornea
induced astigmatic errors.111 Both myopic influence that contraction and relaxation has been implicated as a possible factor in
and hyperopic refractive errors were of the EOMs has on corneal topography is the development of corneal astigmatism.
found to occur as a result of the astigmatic still not fully understood. Grosvenor12 proposed a theory for the
defocus, with the monkeys’ eyes found to Early research into this topic investi- aetiology of astigmatism, whereby the
grow axially in compensation to one of gated the changes occurring in corneal band-like pressure from the upper eyelid
the principal meridians of the astigmatic curvature during convergence. Some stud- on the cornea causes the eye to exhibit
lenses. ies have found that a slight flattening of WTR astigmatism (as occurs in the
Kee and colleagues112 investigated the cornea (in the horizontal meridian) majority of young adults) (Figure 6).
changes in astigmatism occurring in accompanies the act of convergence.113,114 Grosvenor12 suggested that the tightness
monkeys as a result of experimentally in- Other investigators found that no signifi- of the eyelids and the rigidity of the ocular
duced myopia and hyperopia. Significant cant changes in corneal curvature (as surface interacted to produce corneal
amounts of astigmatism were found to oc- measured with a photokeratoscope) occur astigmatism. The typical shift in astigmatic
cur as a result of inducing both myopia with convergence or with changes in fixa- axis from WTR in young adults to ATR in
and hyperopia (with spherical adapting tion (that is, changes in EOM tension do older adults was also explained through
lenses). These astigmatic errors were not cause a change in corneal shape).115 a reduction in lid tension with age,
corneal in origin, oblique in axis and All of these studies were limited by the leading to a reduction in WTR corneal
bilaterally mirror symmetric. The authors technology of their time and the tech- astigmatism.
suggested a possible growth-related mech- niques used may not have provided a There has been a number of experi-
anism associated with the development of sufficiently accurate assessment of the ments examining the effect of the eyelids
the spherical refractive errors that leads to periphery of the cornea to describe any on corneal astigmatism. Wilson, Bell and
the astigmatism. These astigmatic errors changes occurring during convergence. Chotai124 investigated changes in corneal
were found to diminish on reversal of the More recent reports of the effect of astigmatism brought about by lifting the
myopia or hyperopia. EOM tension on astigmatism have centred eyelids. Eighteen subjects had their cor-
These studies have presented some on changes occurring in corneal topogra- neal astigmatism measured (by keratome-
conflicting results on the exact end point phy and refraction following EOM sur- try) with lids in normal position and
of emmetropisation when astigmatic gery. Kwitko and colleagues116 found that retracted (with a speculum). Subjects with
refractive errors are induced in experi- surgery on rabbit EOM’s caused signifi- more than one dioptre of WTR astigma-
mental animals. There is only limited evi- cant changes in corneal topography in tism showed a systematic change in the
dence to suggest that the eye can grow some cases. There have also been several direction of less WTR astigmatism when
to compensate for astigmatic refractive reports of highly significant changes in the lids were retracted. Those subjects
errors. It is clear that inducing astigmatic astigmatism117–121 and corneal topo- showing changes exhibited a steepening
errors has the potential to significantly graphy122,123 following surgery for strabis- of the horizontal meridian of the cornea
affect normal eye growth in these animals mus in human subjects. but not a flattening of the vertical merid-
(both axial growth and corneal shape can The exact cause of this change in cor- ian as may have been expected. The
be altered as a result of induced astig- neal topography following EOM surgery results of this experiment suggest that the
matic errors). is still not known. Alteration in muscle position of the lids has an influence on
tension (and subsequent alteration in the the degree and direction of corneal
Astigmatism and extraocular force applied by the muscles to the ante- astigmatism.
muscles rior globe) or changes in tractional forces In a cross-sectional study, Vihlen and
Howland and Sayles24 suggested that cor- due to surgery have both been suggested Wilson125 investigated the changes in eye-
neal astigmatism may develop as a result as possible causes of these topographical lid tension and corneal toricity that occur
of unequal tension exerted on the cornea changes.119,121 Factors relating to surgical with age. A definite reduction in lid ten-
by the extraocular muscles (EOMs) (for recovery (for example, inflammation in sion, and a change in corneal toricity
example, an increased degree of tension and around the globe) may also influence towards ATR were found with increasing

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 90.1 January 2007 © 2007 The Authors
12 Journal compilation © 2007 Optometrists Association Australia
Astigmatism and its genesis Read, Collins and Carney

Figure 6. Illustration of the eyelid pressure theory of corneal Figure 7. Example of a subject exhibiting a close correlation
astigmatism development. According to this theory, pressure between the angle of the palpebral fissure and the axis of the
from the eyelids alters corneal shape and leads to a steepening corneal cylinder. This subject has a slightly up-slanting palpe-
in the cornea’s vertical meridian. This results in WTR astig- bral fissure (palpebral fissure angle of five degrees) and a
matism, which is typically seen in the majority of young corneal cylinder axis of 173 degrees. Shown here is a digital
subjects. image of the palpebral fissure captured in primary gaze, over-
laid with an axial power corneal topographical map.

age. No association was found between expect that certain correlations exist nea or the mechanical effects of the
eyelid tension and corneal toricity (that is, between the axis and magnitude of astig- slanting eyelid caused alterations in the
tighter lids did not correlate with more matism and the angle and position of the corneal shape.
astigmatism). Longitudinal studies investi- eyelids. It should be noted that the exist- Read, Collins and Carney128 recently
gating eyelid tension and corneal toricity ence of correlations between eyelid mor- carried out an experiment investigating
may be required to shed more light on phological features and astigmatism does corneal astigmatism and eyelid morphol-
whether eyelid tension does play a role in not prove that eyelid pressure is causing ogy in a group of 100 young normal adult
the typical changes in corneal astigmatism astigmatism. Garcia and associates45 stud- subjects. Corneal astigmatism was assessed
found with age. ied a population of children with high through the analysis of corneal topo-
The influence of lid position on astig- astigmatism (greater than 1.5 D). Cyclo- graphical data and eyelid morphological
matism was also studied by Grey and plegic retinoscopy, corneal topography information was ascertained through anal-
Yap.126 Ocular astigmatism was measured and palpebral fissure slant were measured. ysis of digital images taken of the anterior
on patients who adopted three different Most astigmatism was WTR. The majority eye and adnexae (in primary gaze, 20
lid positions (that is, deliberately wid- of subjects also displayed an up-slanting of degrees downgaze and 40 degrees down-
ened, normal position and deliberately the palpebral fissure (that is, temporal gaze). In this group of normal subjects,
narrowed lids). A significant increase in canthus higher than the nasal canthus). A significant correlations were found be-
ocular astigmatism was found for the significantly higher proportion of patients tween the parameters describing the axis
deliberately narrowed eyelid position with with high corneal and total astigmatism of corneal astigmatism and the angle of
subjects showing an increase of WTR also displayed abnormally slanted palpe- the upper and lower eyelid and palpebral
astigmatism. bral fissures. The axis of astigmatism was fissure in primary gaze. Figure 7 illustrates
Lieberman and Grierson127 measured found to be significantly correlated with these correlations.
corneal topography in subjects with and the degree of palpebral fissure slant. The
without the lids touching the cornea. They steeper corneal axis was found to be ori- Astigmatism in diseases and
found changes in corneal shape occurred ented perpendicular to the horizontal syndromes
when the lids were retracted from the cor- axis of the palpebral fissure. Garcia and There are several genetic syndromes that
nea. This further confirms that the posi- associates45 suggested two possible mecha- are associated with eyelid abnormalities
tion of the eyelids can influence the shape nisms for the association between palpe- and also with an increased prevalence of
of the cornea. bral fissure slant and astigmatic axis: astigmatism. Studies into populations of
If pressure from the eyelids leads to developmental factors may lead to corre- subjects with these syndromes tend to
WTR corneal astigmatism, then one may lated growth between the lids and the cor- support the notion that pressure from

© 2007 The Authors Clinical and Experimental Optometry 90.1 January 2007
Journal compilation © 2007 Optometrists Association Australia 13
Astigmatism and its genesis Read, Collins and Carney

the eyelids may contribute to corneal in their 73 subjects with spina bifida. A Eyelid pathology and astigmatism
astigmatism. high prevalence of oblique astigmatism There have been numerous reports of
Down syndrome has been associated was also found. The majority of the how certain eyelid pathologies can cause
with significant ocular abnormalities. Da patients with up-slanting palpebral fis- corneal distortions and changes in cor-
Cunha and de Castro Moreira129 noted sures exhibited astigmatism (greater than neal astigmatism. These reports highlight
that 82 per cent of the Down syndrome 0.75 D). Of the patients with astigmatism the influence that changes in eyelid pres-
patients exhibited up-slanting palpebral and up-slanting palpebral fissures, the axis sure can play on corneal topography and
fissures (that is, temporal canthus is of astigmatism tended to be oriented per- astigmatism.
higher than nasal canthus) and 60 per pendicular to the angle of the palpebral The presence of a chalazion in the eye-
cent exhibited astigmatism. Astigmatism fissure, similar to the trends reported with lid has been shown to cause significant
(greater than 0.5 D) was the most com- Down syndrome. corneal distortions and resultant changes
mon refractive error found in the popula- All of the above populations exhibit a in corneal topography and astigmatism in
tion and severe astigmatism (greater than high prevalence of astigmatism. It appears some patients.140–142 Surgical removal of
3 D) was found in 20 per cent of the chil- that in some cases, the increased preva- the chalazion generally leads to resolution
dren. Haugen, Hovding and Lundstrom130 lence of astigmatism and axis of astigma- of the corneal changes.
presented longitudinal data on 60 chil- tism can be explained by changes in the Records143 presented various causes of
dren with Down syndrome. They found 57 mechanical interactions of the eyelids with monocular diplopia. He suggested that
per cent of the children have astigmatism the cornea. Asymmetric corneal growth is external irregularities of the cornea and
(the majority being WTR). The reduction also possible. eyelids including chalazia and unusually
in infant astigmatism seen in the first years tight lids may produce corneal distortions
of life in a normal population was not that may lead to monocular diplopia.
exhibited by the Down syndrome popula- Nystagmus and astigmatism Robb144 reported that 16 of 37 infants
tion (that is, there was a failure of the Nystagmus is characterised by rapid invol- with eyelid and orbital haemangiomas
emmetropisation process in this popula- untary oscillatory eye movements. These exhibited astigmatic refractive errors. In
tion). Eleven children had oblique astig- back and forth eye movements typically almost all cases of astigmatism, the hae-
matism, which displayed distinct mirror occur horizontally. Nystagmus may occur mangioma appeared to be in a position
symmetry of axes between right and left as a physiological phenomenon or be a where it exerted pressure on the eye in a
eyes. The authors suggested that this dra- congenital or acquired defect. Congenital direction perpendicular to the axis of
matic mirror symmetry for oblique astig- nystagmus can be associated with many astigmatism. Hence, the astigmatism was
matism may be caused by mechanical different ocular and neurological defects. probably related to the pressure exerted
factors exerted on the cornea by the up- Subjects with nystagmus have been shown by the lesion on the cornea. Plager and
slanting of the palpebral fissures.131 Cregg to display an increased prevalence of high Snyder145 reported three cases in which
and colleagues132 also found a failure of degrees of astigmatism.135–137 The astigma- the surgical resection of eyelid and orbital
emmetropisation in Down syndrome chil- tism in these subjects is generally WTR capillary haemangiomas in infants caused
dren. Of those children with oblique axes, and corneal in origin.138,139 a resolution of astigmatism. Pressure from
the majority showed mirror symmetry of It appears that the process of emmetro- the haemangioma on the globe was sug-
the axes between eyes. pisation (that is, the normal process of gested as the cause of the astigmatism in
Wang and associates133 reported on reduction of neonatal refractive errors these infants.
the ocular findings of 14 patients with with eye growth) is impaired in subjects Ptosis and the surgical repair of ptosis
Treacher Collins syndrome, a rare congen- with nystagmus.137 These subjects show a have been implicated in the development
ital disorder. The patients generally exhib- wide spread of refractive errors, with high of astigmatism. Patients with congenital
ited a downward slanting of the palpebral degrees of WTR corneal astigmatism ptosis have a higher degree of corneal
fissure. Corneal astigmatism (greater than being particularly common. While the topographic assymetry and irregularity, as
2 D) was present in five of the 14 patients. exact cause of the high degrees of astigma- well as a higher degree of corneal astigma-
There was an overall correlation between tism is not known, mechanical interaction tism.146 In addition, astigmatism appears
the degree of facial deformity and the between the eyelids and the cornea to change following surgical repair of con-
presence of astigmatism. Generally, the (which would be increased as a result of genital ptosis,147 possibly due to changes in
axis of astigmatism was found to be in the constant nystagmoid eye movement) the lid/cornea interaction following sur-
the same quadrant as the horizontal may play a role.136,137,139 Changes in the gery. Superior corneal steepening was
palpebral fissure axis. influence of the EOMs on corneal shape reported in a 62-year-old man with bilat-
Ocular abnormalities are also found or asymmetric visual experience are other eral blepharoptosis.148 Repair of the ptosis
in spina bifida. Paysse and co-workers134 possible explanations for the increased led to relief of symptoms of monocular
found exaggerated up-slanting of the prevalence of corneal astigmatism in sub- diplopia and amelioration of the corneal
palpebral fissure to be a common finding jects with nystagmus. distortion.

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 90.1 January 2007 © 2007 The Authors
14 Journal compilation © 2007 Optometrists Association Australia
Astigmatism and its genesis Read, Collins and Carney

changes in central corneal topography im-

mediately following a 60-minute reading
task. The change in corneal shape was
described as a wave-like distortion, which
corresponded closely to the position and
angle of the lids during reading. Signifi-
cant changes were also found in corneal
refractive power and astigmatism. The
change in corneal astigmatism following
reading was towards ATR. Further to this
study, Buehren, Collins and Carney160
showed that the significant corneal topo-
Figure 8. Example of the typical changes that can occur in corneal graphical changes that occur as a result of
topography following downgaze reading tasks. Note the horizontal reading in downgaze also lead to signifi-
band of distortion in the superior cornea in this map of corneal cant changes in the eye’s total higher
tangential power (right), captured after the subject had been reading order aberrations and astigmatism.
in downgaze for one hour. This area of distortion correlates closely to Figure 8 illustrates the typical changes
the position of the eyelids during downgaze reading (left). Figure that can occur in corneal topography fol-
courtesy of Dr Tobias Buehren. lowing downgaze near work. In addition,
a recent study has shown that significant
diurnal variation can occur in corneal
topography and astigmatism, which ap-
pears to be related, in part, to corneal
Blepharoplastic surgery in adult pa- noted to be returning towards pre- distortion due to pressure from the eyelids
tients typically causes an increase in treatment levels. on the cornea.161
WTR astigmatism.149–151 As some of these Lid-loading procedures (with metal lid The effects of different visual tasks on
changes regressed with time after surgery, weights) to treat lagophthalmos have also corneal topography were investigated by
Holck, Dutton and Wearly149 concluded been shown to induce one to two dioptres Collins and colleagues.162 Corneal topog-
that the astigmatic changes may be due to of WTR astigmatism in some patients.153 raphy was measured before and after sub-
post-surgical eyelid swelling. Detorakis, Io- The astigmatism in these cases was attrib- jects performed a 60-minute reading task,
annakis and Kozobolis151 investigated uted to implants that were too heavy or of a microscopy task and a computer task.
changes in corneal topography following incorrect radii that caused increased pres- Eyelid induced corneal topographical
lower eyelid surgery for involutional ectro- sure on the cornea. changes were evident following each of
pian. An increase in the percentage of All of these eyelid pathologies increase the tasks. The reading and microscopy
subjects exhibiting WTR corneal astigma- the influence of the eyelids on the cornea. generally resulted in larger, more centrally
tism was found after blepharoplasty sur- Resolution or removal of these patholo- located corneal topographical changes. A
gery to restore the normal lower eyelid gies generally leads to a reversal of the number of subjects showed significant
position. corneal changes. These results support changes in corneal astigmatism (in the
Moon, Lee and Kim152 investigated the the concept of astigmatic development, form of an increase in ATR astigmatism)
corneal topography of subjects who suf- where eyelid pressure is involved and illus- following reading and microscopy. The
fered from essential blepharospasm or trate how increasing eyelid pressure can pattern of topographical change appeared
hemifacial spasm. These subjects were lead to alterations in corneal curvature. to be related to the position of the eyelids
treated with a botulinum toxin-A injection and the amount of horizontal eye move-
to relax the eyelid muscles and relieve the Visual tasks and corneal ment involved in the task. Tasks involv-
blepharospasm. Corneal topography mea- astigmatism ing more horizontal eye movements (for
surements one month after botulinum Sustained pressure on the cornea from example, reading) and narrower palpe-
injection (a time where the Botulinum normal eyelids may also lead to corneal bral apertures exhibited more localised
Toxin is thought to reach its maximum changes. Several reports have appeared in corneal changes.
effect) revealed a trend for a reduction in the literature relating episodes of monoc- Evidence indicates that sustained pres-
the amount of WTR corneal astigmatism ular diplopia (caused by corneal distor- sure on the cornea from normal eyelids
compared to pre-treatment levels. Six tion) to periods of near work in downward can result in significant corneal change.
months after the injection (where the gaze.154–158 With recent developments in corneal
effects of the toxin are thought to have Buehren, Collins and Carney159 found topography and improved methods of
disappeared), corneal astigmatism was that 12 of 20 subjects showed significant visualising and analysing the shape of the

© 2007 The Authors Clinical and Experimental Optometry 90.1 January 2007
Journal compilation © 2007 Optometrists Association Australia 15
Astigmatism and its genesis Read, Collins and Carney

cornea, corneal astigmatic and more com- increase our understanding of the causes 14. Keller PR, Collins MJ, Carney LG, Davis
plex corneal shape changes have been of astigmatism. With advances in technol- BA, Van Saarloos PP. The relation be-
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