PDF Preventive Mcqs Collection - Compress
PDF Preventive Mcqs Collection - Compress
PDF Preventive Mcqs Collection - Compress
5. Which of the following is most effective method of preventing dental caries in general
a diet counselling
b oral prophylaxis
c fluoride mouth rinses and pastes
d systemic fluoride
e topical fluoride
c 8%
d 1.23%
e 5%
13. Which of the following has proven to be the MOST important in community
preventive program:
A. Dental awareness
awareness of of the community
B. Institution of oral hygiene measures
C. Water fluoridatio
f luoridation
14. The amount of fluoride required to reduce caries according to age and level of
fluoride in drinking water. Which of the following figures is incorrect**
A. 1 year old
old child requires
requires no fluoride
fluoride when
when the fluoride
fluoride in drinking
drinking water
water is
B. 3 years old child requires no fluoride when the fluoride in drinking water
is 0.7PPM
C. 6 years old child requires 1mg of fluoride when drinking water containing
15. How many ppm “ Part Per Million” of fluoride are present in water supply in
case of temperate climate:**
A. 1 ppm
B. 2 ppm
C. 8 ppm
D. 1.2 ppm
17. Fluoridation is the adjustment of the fluoride content of a community water supply
to optimum levels for caries prevention. Which of the following statement is
A. Tooth decay
decay declines
declines by 90%
90% to 95%
B. Tooth decay declines by 45% to 55%
C. Greater reduction in smooth surface caries from in pit and fissures
D. Fluoridation increases vulnerability to osteoporosis
18. Of all the factors that increase the resistance of teeth to dental caries THE MOST
A. The general
general nutrition
nutrition of a child during
during the period
period of tooth
tooth formation
B. The intake of fluoride during the period of enamel mineralization and maturation
C. Periodic topical fluoride application by dental health care following tooth eruption
D. Sufficient intake of calcium and Vitamin D during the period of enamel
mineralization and maturation
19. Which one of the following are not used in water fluoridation:
A. SnF2
B. 1.23% APF
C. H2SiF2
D. CaSiF2
E. 8% Stannous fluoride
E. Bacteria
extrinsic tooth stain
23. Pointing the brush apically, at 45 degree to long axis of the teeth vibrate the brush,
not changing the position of the bristles. What brushing technique is this?
A) Bass
B) Fones
C) Stillman
D) Charters
24. A town has water with a fluoride ion level of 0.4 ppm. What fluoride supplementation
is necessary for 2- year old child?
A) 0.25 mg/
mg/ day
B) 0.5 mg/ day
C) 1 mg/ day
D) none
27. The usual metabolic pathway of ingested fluoride involves urinary excretion
primarily, with the remaining portion found largely in:
a. teeth
b. skeletal tissue
c. muscle tissue
e. none of the above
28. Any factor that brings about change in a health condition or other defined
characteristic is a/an:
a) Determinant
b) Quantifica
c) Outcome
29. For a patient with a high caries risk bitewings may be indicated:
A) 24 months
months intervals
B) 6 months intervals
C) 12 months intervals
D) 18 months intervals
A) Frequency
B) Amount of
of sugar intake
of sugar
of intake
C) Form of sugar intake
D) Quantity of fruit consumed
40. Name the indicator which reveals the burden of ill health of
the community:
a. Mortality indicator.
b. Nutritional state indicator.
c. Disability rate.
d. Morbidity indicator.
e. Socioeconomic indicator.
43. How many times a year should a child with high caries risk have fluoride applied to his
or her teeth?
45. EMQ
A 0.1 mg fluoride/day
B 0.25 mg fluoride/day
C 0.5 mg fluoride/day
D 0.75 mg fluoride/day
E 1.0 mg fluoride/day
F 2.0 mg fluoride/day
G 5.0 rilg fluoride/day
H No fluoride required
For each of the following scenarios, choose the most appropriate dosage of fluoride
from the list above. You may use each option once, more than once or not at all.
1 3-month-old child living in an area with water fluoridati
on greater than 0.7
0.7 ppm.
2 A 5-year-old child living in an area with no water fluoridation.
3 A 3-year-old child living in an area with water fluoridation of 0.2 ppm.
4 An 18-month-old child living in an area with water fluoridation of
0.25 ppm. (
5 A 3-year-old child in an area with water fluoridation of 0.6 ppm
1H 2C 3C 4B 5B
46. EMQ
A Bass
B Charters
C Fones
D Modified Stillman
E Roll
F Scrub
G Stillman
For each of the following brushing techniques, choose the most appropriate name
from the list above. You may use each option once, more than once or not at all.
1 Pointing the brush apically, parallel to the long axis of the teeth, roll the brush occlusally
maintaining contact with the gingivae, then with the tooth surFace.
2 Pointing the brush apically, at 45° to the long. axis OF the teeth vibrate the brush, not changing
the position OF the bristles.
3 Pointing the brush apically, at 45° to the long axis OF the teeth apply pressure to blanch the
gingivae. Repeat several times. Slightly rotate the brush occlusally during the procedure.
4 Pointing the brus!\apically, at 45° to the long axis of the teeth make the gingivae blanch, but at
the same time vibrate the brush and move it occlusally.
5 Pointing the brush horizontally with the teeth in occlusion move the brush in a rotary motion
against the maxillary and mandibular teeth surfaces and gingival margins.
ANSWER: 1 E 2A 3G 4D 5C
47. EMQ
A Extraction under general anaesthetic
B Extraction under local anaesthetic
C Fissure sealants only
D Non-vital pulpotomy
E No treatment required
F Preventative and dietary advice only
G Simple restoration
H Simple restoration and fissure sealants
I Systemic fluoride only
J Topical Fluoride and preventive advice
K Vital pulpotomy
For each of the following scenarios, choose the most appropriate treatment from the
list above. You may use each option once, more than once or not at all.
1 A 6-year-o
ld child with
with a small carious
carious lesion in a lower
lower right Second
molar. He is cooperative and his first permanent molars have erupted.
2 A 4-year-o
ld with six first and second
second molars
molars that cannot
cannot be restored.
3 A 2-year-o
ld child with
with a single tiny
tiny pit caries
caries lesion in an upper first
4 A 5-year-o
ld who has
has caries in his
his lower left
left first molar which
which is causing
the tooth to throb. The tooth is vital.
5 A 7-year-o
ld with a non-vital
non-vital lower
lower left second
second molar.
ANSWER: 1H 2A 3J 4K 5G or D
49. Examination / check up and scale and polish come under which NHS band?
Band 1
50. If you perform RCT and provide a full coverage metal crown on lower right 5 and
amalgam restorations on Upper right 6,7.
Which NHS band will you charge?
Band 3 = £244.30
54. Which of the following mostly affect the incidence of dental caries?
A. Frequency
Frequency of eaten
eaten sugar.
B. Amount of sugar.
C. Type of sugar.
55. How many times a year topical fluoride application is advised for a moderate varied
risk 10 year old child?
2 times/ year
64. By what percentage are carious lesions reduced in someone who has continuously
drank fluoridated water since birth?
A. 10%-20%
B. 40%-65%
C. 70%-90%
D. 30%-50%
65. What daily dose of fluoride supplements should be given to a 5 year old who lives in
an area with .5 ppm?
A. 0 mg
B. 5 mg
C. 25 mg
D. 1 mg
66. Sodium fluoride gels and foams for in-office use are generally available in the
following concentration?
A. 1.23%
B. 2.0%
C. 5%
D. 1.1%
68. For optimum caries reduction fluoride varnish should be applied every ____ months?
A. 1-2
B. 8-12
C. 3-6
D. 6-8
69. Fluoride varnish would be indicated in all of the following cases EXCEPT
A. Patient
Patient with open carious lesion
B. Patient with active pit and fissure enamel lesions
C. Patient with orthodontic brackets
D. Patient with dentinal hypersensitivity
70. This drug is a human IgG2 monoclonal antibody that inhibits RANK receptors on
osteoclasts preventing formation and function, thus decreasing bone resorption
A. Bisphosphonates
B. Calcitonin
C. Vit. D
71. A Dentist did pulpotomy of primary molar and then after few moths he did stainless
steel crown. What band he gets to claim.
Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4
No Claim
72. Patient has an over jet of above 9mm which UDA band it will be
Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4
Band 5
73. Over jet of 4.5 mm criteria with incompetent lips which UDA band it will be
Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4
Band 5
75. Pointing the brush apically, at 45 degree to long axis of the teeth vibrate the brush,
not changing the position of the bristles. What brushing technique is this?
A) Bass
B) Fones
C) Stillman
D) Charters
76. A town has water with a fluoride ion level of 0.4 ppm. What fluoride supplementation
is necessary for 2- year old child ?
A) 0.25 mg/
mg/ day
B) 0.5 mg/ day
C) 1 mg/ day
D) none
b. secondary
c. tertiary
d. all of the above
79. The usual metabolic pathway of ingested fluoride involves urinary excretion
primarily, with the remaining portion found largely in:
a. teeth
b. skeletal tissue
c. muscle tissue
e. none of the above
80. Any factor that brings about change in a health condition or other defined
characteristic is a/an:
a) Determinant
b) Quantifica
c) Outcome
81. For a patient with a high caries risk bitewings may be indicated:
A) 24 months
months intervals
B) 6 months intervals
C) 12 months intervals
D) 18 months intervals
82. Duraphat in high caries risk group children is applied every
A) 2 months
B) 4 months
C)6 months
D) 8 months
E) One-yearly
86. Intervention in the disease process at a stage before the lesion occurs is
A. Multiple prevention
B. Community prevention
C. Secondary prevention
D. Primary preventio
E. Tertiary prevention
87. Which of the following factors is are necessary for dental caries
A. Host
B. Sugar
C. Bacteria
D. Environment, bacteria, host
E. Host, sugar, bacteria
89. The most cost-effective method for prevention of dental caries is:
A. Water fluoridation
B. Fluoride mouth washer
C. Fluoride fissure-sealants
D. Fluoride in salt
E. Fluoride in food
90. The recommended level of fluoride in drinking water for temperate climate zone is
A. 2ppm
B. 1.5ppm
C. 1ppm
D. 0.5ppm
E. 0.25ppm
93. Which of the following drugs would put a patient at risk of developing osteonecrosis
of the jaws following a tooth extraction
A. Alendronic
Alendronic acid
B. Alfentanil
C. Aldactone
D. Almotriptan
E. Alverine
94. Which of the following primary preventive services would be provided in the
community, rather than by dental professional?
A. Diet counseling
B. Plaque control program
C. School water fluoridation
D. Pit fissure sealant
E. Dental education
98. The highest fluoride concentration can be found in which of the following compounds
A ) Fluoride weekly mouthrinse.
B ) Fluoride gel/ professional use.
C ) The highest strength fluoridated toothpaste
D ) Fluoride varnish.
99. A town has water with a fluoride ion level 0.4ppm. What fluoride supplements is
necessary for 2 year old child?
A)0.25 mg/day
B) 0.5 mg/ day
C) 0.5 mg / day
D) none
100. At which level of fluoride in water does a person 0-16 years not need fluoride
A) 0.5 ppm
B)>0.6 ppm
C) 0.3-0.6 ppm
A. As early as possible
B. After eruption of the first primary tooth
C. At 6 yrs old
D. When he is able to use a brush
104 .The suitable way to study the effect of tetracycline in management of periodontal
A. Cohort study
B. Case control study
C. Randomized
Randomiz ed control trial
D. Meta-analysis
105. Evidence from expert committee opinions and/ or clinical experience of expected
authorities. Level of evidence is
A. II b
B. Ia
C. II a
F. V
106. Study the effect of fluoride on the population ( water fluoridation) which study is this
A. Cohort
B. Case control
C. Comparative
Comparative study
D. Randomized
Randomiz ed control trial
E. Ecological study
108. Smokers are .... times susceptible to oral cancer than non-smokers
a. 8%
b. 11%
c. 13%
d. 15%
NOTE: Oral cancer
smoker only = 11%
smoker + alcoholic = 38%
110. How many units of alcohol a pregnant woman is advised to have per week?
a. 0
b. 1-2
c. 2-3
d. 3-4
111. How many units of alcohol a pregnant woman can have per week?
a. 0
b. 1-2
c. 2-3
d. 3-4
114. The optimum amount of fluoride in drinking water that does not produce mottling of
enamel yet causing reduction in dental caries is:
a. 0.01 PPM.
b. 0.1 PPM.
c. 1.0 PPM.
d. 2.1 PPM.
e. 4.5 PPM.
115. A trial which determines the feasibility and practicality of a study is called a:
a. Longitundinal study.
b. Placebo.
c. Case control study.
d. Cohort study.
e. Pilot study
b. A theory.
c. A synopsis.
d. A supposition from an observation.
e. An experiment.
121. Which one of the following are not used in water fluoridation:
a-SnF2 1.23%
b- APF
122. Fluoridation is the adjustment of the fluoride content of a community water supply
to optimum levels for caries prevention. Which of the following statement is correct?
A. Tooth decay
decay declines
declines by 90%
90% to 95%
B. Tooth decay declines by 45% to 55%
C. Greater reduction in smooth surface caries from in pit and fissures
D. Fluoridation increases vulnerability to osteoporosis
124. Good oral hygiene and fluoridation is LEAST useful in preventing caries of:
A. Pit and fissure
B. Smooth surface
C. Inaccessible area
125. The water fluoridation is 0.5ppm; what is the recommended supplemental fluoride
concentrations for 3 year old child:
b. 1.5
2.5 to
to 2.5 gm.
10 gm.
c. 10 to 15 gm.
d. 15 to 20 gm.
e. More than 50 gm.
133. Which of the following preventive measure should be recommended for an 18 year
old person WHO has no caries or restoration:
a. Pit and fissure sealant.
b. Dietary counseling.
c. Topical fluoride application.
d. Oral hygiene instructions and prophylaxis.
e. Systemic fluoridation.
135. Name the indicator which reveals the burden of ill health of the community:
a. Mortality indicator.
b. Nutritional state indicator.
c. Disability rate.
d. Morbidity indicator.
e. Socioeconomic indicator.
136. The optimum amount of fluoride in drinking water that does not produce mottling of
enamel yet causing reduction in dental caries is:
a. 0.01 PPM.
b. 0.1 PPM.
c. 1.0 PPM.
d. 2.1 PPM.
e. 4.5 PPM.
139. A town has water with a fluoride ion level of 0.4 ppm. What fluoride supplementation
is necessary for 2- year old child?
A) 0.25 mg/
mg/ day
B) 0.5 mg/ day
C) 1 mg/ day
D) none
142. The usual metabolic pathway of ingested fluoride involves urinary excretion
primarily, with the remaining portion found largely in:
a. teeth
b. skeletal tissue
c. muscle tissue
e. none of the above
143. Any factor that brings about change in a health condition or other defined
characteristic is a/an:
a) Determinant
b) Quantifica
c) Outcome
144. For a patient with a high caries risk bitewings may be indicated:
A) 24 months
months intervals
B) 6 months intervals
C) 12 months intervals
D) 18 months intervals
152. According to the National Children's Dental Health Survery in 2013, the % of 12 year
old with obvious decay experience in permanent dentition is
a) 34%
b) 46%
c) 20%
d) 70%
155. Which of the following mostly affect the incidence of dental caries?
A. Frequency
Frequency of eaten
eaten sugar.
sugar. Sept
B. Amount of sugar.
C. Type of sugar.
158. The optimum amount of fluoride in drinking water that does not produce is
a. 0.1ppm
b. 1 ppm
c.0.01 ppm
d. 2.1ppm
159. For an 11 years old patient who is a high caries risk ,which concentration of fluoride
toothpaste will you prescribe for the patient.
a. 1000 ppm
b. 1500 ppm
c. 2800 ppm
d.5000 ppm
162. 18 months of age, what is fluoride supplement for child living in 0.25 ppm
fluoridated water?
0.25 mg
0.5 mg
1 mg
163. Six-year-old – Non fluoridated water, what is the fluoride supplement dose
0.25 mg
0.5 mg
1 mg
164. Six-year-old child with fluoridated water of 0.6ppm, what is the fluoride supplement
dose given
30 0.25 mg
0.5 mg
1 mg
165. 3year old with fluoride concentration of 0.3 ppm fluoridated water, what is the
fluoride supplement dose given
0.25 mg
0.5 mg
1 mg
166. Duraphat in high caries risk group children is applied every
2 months
4 months
6 months
168. The highest fluoride concentration can be found in which of the following
A ) Fluoride weekly mouthrinse.
B ) Fluoride gel/ professional use.
C ) The highest strength fluoridated toothpaste
D ) Fluoride varnish.
169. A town has water with a fluoride ion level 0.4ppm. What fluoride supplements is
necessary for 2 year old child?
A)0.25 mg/day
B) 0.5 mg/ day
C) 0.5 mg / day
D) none
107. At which level of fluoride in water does a person 0-16 years not need fluoride
A) 0.5 ppm
B) >0.6 ppm
C) 0.3-0.6 ppm
D) <0.3ppm
175. Which of the following does not cause osteonecrosis of the jaw?
A oral biphosphona
B subcutaneous denosumab
C intravenous biphosphonates
D phosphorus poisoning
E oestrogen replacement therapy
180. What is the incidence of MRONJ after tooth extraction in pts with cancer and in pts
being treated for osteoporosis?
Incidence of MRONJ after tooth extraction is 2.9% in patients with cancer and 0.15% in patients
being treated for osteoporosis
184. Two conditions of enamel facilitate post eruptive uptake of fluoride element:
A. Hyper mineralisation
mineralisation and surface dentine
B. Surface demineralisation and hypo mineralisation
C. Dental fluorosis and enamel opacities
187. Which of the following is most important in the development of dental caries
a). Time of sugar intake
b) Frequency of sugar intake
c) Amount of sugar intake
188. Any factor that brings about change in a health condition or other defined
Characteristic is?
a) Determinant
b) Quantifica
c) Outcome
1 CD
2 B
17 B D
18 B C
19 D
Answers: True
-AE, False-BCD
Answers: D is
is True and the rest are
are False
nswers: BCD
Answers: ACDE
1.1 A D E
1.2 A
1 H 2C 3C 4B 5B
1h 2e 3c 4b 5b
1 F 2C 3G 4B 5E
1f 2c 3g 4b 5e
1C ??
4 0.25