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Preventive MCQs collection, by Rasha

1. Humectants are added in the dentifrice (toothpastes) to

a decrease the surface lesion of the dentifrice.
b prevent the separation of the liquid and solid component of the paste.
c help in caries control
d prevent the paste from drying out
e help in preventing periodontal disease control.

2. Intervention of a disease at a stage before the disease occurs is:

a primary prevention
b immediate prevention
c community prevention
d secondary prevention
e tertiary prevention

3. Which of the sugar is least cariogenic

a glucose
b sucrose
c lactose
d fructose
e xylitol

4. Which of the following is most effective mean of health education

a lectures
b group discussion
c individual instructions
d distribution of pamphlets
e seminar

5. Which of the following is most effective method of preventing dental caries in general
a diet counselling
b oral prophylaxis
c fluoride mouth rinses and pastes
d systemic fluoride
e topical fluoride

6. The concentration of Sno2 used for topical application is

a 2%
b 10%

c 8%
d 1.23%
e 5%

7. Examining a pt in dental office is equivalent to community dental health

a analysis of data
b program planning
c program operation
d surveying
e evaluation

8. Which of the following preventive measure should be recommended for an 18 old

person who has no caries or restoration
a pit and fissure sealant
b dietary counselling
c topical fluoride application
d oral hygiene instructions and prophylaxis
e systemic fluoridation

9. Oral cancer can be prevented by

a early screening
b biopsy
c radian
d surgery
e chemothetapy

10. True or False

A. You do not have to pay a dental charge for suture removal

B. Band 1 Urgent charges to pay for arresting bleeding
C. NHS will provide teeth whitening
D. Emergency dental treatment cost is £20.60 . This covers emergency care in a primary
care NHS dental practice such as pain relief or a temporary filling.
E. Band 1 course of treatment cost is £20.60. This covers an examination, diagnosis
(including X-rays), advice on how to prevent future problems, a scale and polish if
clinically needed, and preventative care such as the application of fluoride varnish or
fissure sealant if appropriate.
A True, B False,
False, C. False,
False, D.True,
D.True, E. True

11. Following are covered by band 3 treatment

A. bite raising
raising appliances
appliances (other
(other than laboratory
laboratory made
made appliances)
B. splints (other than laboratory made splints) in relation to periodontally compromised teeth and
in connection with external trauma
C. addition of tooth, clasp, labial or buccal flange to dentures
D. orthodontic treatment and appliances
E. custom made applications excluding sports guards
Answer: DE are band 3.
3. ABC are band 2

12. Band 2 course of treatment

a. extraction of teeth
b. inlays, pinlays, onlays and palatal veneers, in alloys containing 60% or more fine gold,
porcelain, composite resin and ceramics
c. relining and rebasing dentures including soft linings
d. adjustments to, and easing of, dentures or orthodontic appliances
e. scaling, polishing and marginal correction of fillings

13. Which of the following has proven to be the MOST important in community
preventive program:
A. Dental awareness
awareness of of the community
B. Institution of oral hygiene measures
C. Water fluoridatio
f luoridation

14. The amount of fluoride required to reduce caries according to age and level of
fluoride in drinking water. Which of the following figures is incorrect**
A. 1 year old
old child requires
requires no fluoride
fluoride when
when the fluoride
fluoride in drinking
drinking water
water is
B. 3 years old child requires no fluoride when the fluoride in drinking water
is 0.7PPM
C. 6 years old child requires 1mg of fluoride when drinking water containing

15. How many ppm “ Part Per Million” of fluoride are present in water supply in
case of temperate climate:**
A. 1 ppm
B. 2 ppm
C. 8 ppm
D. 1.2 ppm

16. Using fluoride in the root surface caries is to protect,

A. Enamel
B. Dentine and cementum
C. Cuticle

17. Fluoridation is the adjustment of the fluoride content of a community water supply
to optimum levels for caries prevention. Which of the following statement is
A. Tooth decay
decay declines
declines by 90%
90% to 95%
B. Tooth decay declines by 45% to 55%
C. Greater reduction in smooth surface caries from in pit and fissures
D. Fluoridation increases vulnerability to osteoporosis

18. Of all the factors that increase the resistance of teeth to dental caries THE MOST
A. The general
general nutrition
nutrition of a child during
during the period
period of tooth
tooth formation
B. The intake of fluoride during the period of enamel mineralization and maturation
C. Periodic topical fluoride application by dental health care following tooth eruption
D. Sufficient intake of calcium and Vitamin D during the period of enamel
mineralization and maturation

19. Which one of the following are not used in water fluoridation:
A. SnF2
B. 1.23% APF
C. H2SiF2
D. CaSiF2
E. 8% Stannous fluoride

20. Topical fluorides are MOST beneficial when:

A. Directly applied
applied on decalcified enamel
B. Applied after eruption

21. In regards to topically applied fluoride :

A. Effective
Effective in incorporated
incorporated into dental
dental plaque
B. Inhibits acid demineralisation of enamel

22. Which of the following is not a property of Fluoride ion:

A. Crosses placental
placental barrier
B. Deposits in bone
C. Excretes rapidly by kidney

E. Bacteria
extrinsic tooth stain

23. Pointing the brush apically, at 45 degree to long axis of the teeth vibrate the brush,
not changing the position of the bristles. What brushing technique is this?
A) Bass
B) Fones
C) Stillman
D) Charters

24. A town has water with a fluoride ion level of 0.4 ppm. What fluoride supplementation
is necessary for 2- year old child?
A) 0.25 mg/
mg/ day
B) 0.5 mg/ day
C) 1 mg/ day
D) none

25. Fluoride prevents dental caries by:

a. rendering enamel more resistant to acid dissolution
b. inhibition of bacterial enzymes
c. modification in size and shape of teeth
d. all of the above

26. De-fluoridation is an example of which level of prevention?

a. primary
b. secondary
c. tertiary
d. all of the above

27. The usual metabolic pathway of ingested fluoride involves urinary excretion
primarily, with the remaining portion found largely in:
a. teeth
b. skeletal tissue
c. muscle tissue
e. none of the above

28. Any factor that brings about change in a health condition or other defined
characteristic is a/an:
a) Determinant
b) Quantifica
c) Outcome

29. For a patient with a high caries risk bitewings may be indicated:
A) 24 months
months intervals
B) 6 months intervals
C) 12 months intervals
D) 18 months intervals

30. Duraphat in high caries risk group children is applied every

A) 2 months
B) 4 months
C)6 months
D)8 months
E) One-yearly

31. The normal unstimulated salivary flow rate is:

A.0.02 ml/min
B.0.2 ml/min
C. 2 ml/min
D 20ml/min

32. Most important dietary habit for the development of caries?

A) Frequency
B) Amount of
of sugar intake
of sugar
of intake
C) Form of sugar intake
D) Quantity of fruit consumed

33. The lethal dose of fluorides for an adult is:

a. 1.5 to 2.5 gm.
b. 2.5 to 10 gm.
c. 10 to 15 gm.
d. 15 to 20 gm.
e. More than 50 gm.

34. Case control study is a part of:

a. Descriptive epidemiology.
b. Analytical epidemiology.
c. Experimental epidemiology.
d. It is not related with epidemiology.
e. Serological epidemiology.

35. Gingivitis is initiated most commonly by:

a. Vitamin deficiency.
b. Pregnancy.
c. Local irritating factors.
d. Calcium deficiency
e. Malocclusion.

36. Deflouridation of water can be done by:

a. Sodium chloride.
b. Potassium permanganate.
c. Chlorine.
d. Lime and alum.
e. Bleaching powders.

37. Which of the following is most effective method of preventing

dental carries in general population:
a. Diet counseling.
b. Oral prophylaxis.
c. Fluoride mouth rinses and pastes.
d. Systemic fluoride.
e. Topical fluoride.
38. Which of the following preventive measure should be
recommended for an 18 year old person WHO has no caries or
a. Pit and fissure sealant.
b. Dietary counseling.
c. Topical fluoride application.
d. Oral hygiene instructions and prophylaxis.
e. Systemic fluoridation.

39. Examining a patient in dental office is equivalent to

community dental health:
a. Analysis of data.
b. Program planning.
c. Program operation.
d. Surveying.
e. Evaluation.

40. Name the indicator which reveals the burden of ill health of
the community:
a. Mortality indicator.
b. Nutritional state indicator.
c. Disability rate.
d. Morbidity indicator.
e. Socioeconomic indicator.

41. The optimum amount of fluoride in drinking water that does

not produce mottling of enamel yet causing reduction in
dental caries is:
a. 0.01 PPM.
b. 0.1 PPM.
c. 1.0 PPM.
d. 2.1 PPM.
e. 4.5 PPM.

42. The major component of dental plaque is:

a. Materia alba.
b. Lactic acid.
c. Desquamated epithelial cells.
d. Microorgan
e. Salivary contents.

43. How many times a year should a child with high caries risk have fluoride applied to his
or her teeth?

44. How would carry out a diet analysis for a child?

do a diet diary for 3 days ( 1 weekend and 2 others)
write down everything the child eat and drink with times and even snacks between meals

45. EMQ
A 0.1 mg fluoride/day
B 0.25 mg fluoride/day
C 0.5 mg fluoride/day
D 0.75 mg fluoride/day
E 1.0 mg fluoride/day
F 2.0 mg fluoride/day
G 5.0 rilg fluoride/day
H No fluoride required
For each of the following scenarios, choose the most appropriate dosage of fluoride
from the list above. You may use each option once, more than once or not at all.
1 3-month-old child living in an area with water fluoridati
on greater than 0.7
0.7 ppm.
2 A 5-year-old child living in an area with no water fluoridation.
3 A 3-year-old child living in an area with water fluoridation of 0.2 ppm.
4 An 18-month-old child living in an area with water fluoridation of
0.25 ppm. (
5 A 3-year-old child in an area with water fluoridation of 0.6 ppm
1H 2C 3C 4B 5B

46. EMQ
A Bass
B Charters
C Fones
D Modified Stillman
E Roll
F Scrub
G Stillman
For each of the following brushing techniques, choose the most appropriate name
from the list above. You may use each option once, more than once or not at all.

1 Pointing the brush apically, parallel to the long axis of the teeth, roll the brush occlusally
maintaining contact with the gingivae, then with the tooth surFace.

2 Pointing the brush apically, at 45° to the long. axis OF the teeth vibrate the brush, not changing
the position OF the bristles.
3 Pointing the brush apically, at 45° to the long axis OF the teeth apply pressure to blanch the
gingivae. Repeat several times. Slightly rotate the brush occlusally during the procedure.

4 Pointing the brus!\apically, at 45° to the long axis of the teeth make the gingivae blanch, but at
the same time vibrate the brush and move it occlusally.

5 Pointing the brush horizontally with the teeth in occlusion move the brush in a rotary motion
against the maxillary and mandibular teeth surfaces and gingival margins.

ANSWER: 1 E 2A 3G 4D 5C

47. EMQ
A Extraction under general anaesthetic
B Extraction under local anaesthetic
C Fissure sealants only
D Non-vital pulpotomy
E No treatment required
F Preventative and dietary advice only
G Simple restoration
H Simple restoration and fissure sealants
I Systemic fluoride only
J Topical Fluoride and preventive advice
K Vital pulpotomy
For each of the following scenarios, choose the most appropriate treatment from the
list above. You may use each option once, more than once or not at all.
1 A 6-year-o
ld child with
with a small carious
carious lesion in a lower
lower right Second
molar. He is cooperative and his first permanent molars have erupted.
2 A 4-year-o
ld with six first and second
second molars
molars that cannot
cannot be restored.
3 A 2-year-o
ld child with
with a single tiny
tiny pit caries
caries lesion in an upper first
4 A 5-year-o
ld who has
has caries in his
his lower left
left first molar which
which is causing
the tooth to throb. The tooth is vital.
5 A 7-year-o
ld with a non-vital
non-vital lower
lower left second
second molar.

ANSWER: 1H 2A 3J 4K 5G or D

48. A substance used as a non-cariogenic substitute for sugar is?


49. Examination / check up and scale and polish come under which NHS band?
Band 1

50. If you perform RCT and provide a full coverage metal crown on lower right 5 and
amalgam restorations on Upper right 6,7.
Which NHS band will you charge?
Band 3 = £244.30

51. What is the approximate unstimulated salivary flow rate?

0.5L/ min (750 ml/ day)

52. What is the value of critical PH?

5.5 critical ph

53. What is Stephens curve?

Demineralization after sugary food intake leading to drop in SALIVA PH

54. Which of the following mostly affect the incidence of dental caries?
A. Frequency
Frequency of eaten
eaten sugar.
B. Amount of sugar.
C. Type of sugar.

55. How many times a year topical fluoride application is advised for a moderate varied
risk 10 year old child?
2 times/ year

56. Early colonizer of dental plaque is:

A. S. Sanguis
Sanguis .
B. S. Salivarius.
C. Actinomyco
D. Provetella intermedia.

57. Dental caries is associated with:

1. certain strains of streptococci.
2. certain strains of staphylococci.
3. certain strains of lactobacilli.
4. gram negative rods and certain anaerobic bacteria.
A. (1) (2) (3)
B. (1) and (3)
C. (2) and (4)
D. (4) only
E. All of the above.
58. Band 2 course of treatment
a. extraction of teeth
b. inlays, pinlays, onlays and palatal veneers, in alloys containing 60% or more fine gold,
porcelain, composite resin and ceramics
c. relining and rebasing dentures including soft linings
d. adjustments to, and easing of, dentures or orthodontic appliances
e. scaling, polishing and marginal correction of fillings

59. How much pressure is applied by the probe in CPITN index:

a. 10gm.
b. 25gm.
c. 35gm.
d. 45gm.
e. 5gm.

60. Oral cancer can be prevented by:

a. Early screening.
b. Biopsy.
c. Radian.
d. Surgery.
e. Chemotherapy

61. Humectants are added in the Dentifrice (tooth pastes) to:

a. Decrease the surface lesion of the dentifrice.
b. Prevent the seperation of the liquid and solid component of the
c. Help in carries control.
d. Prevent the paste from drying out.
e. Help in preventing periodontal disease control.

62. Gingivitis is initiated most commonly by:

a. Vitamin deficiency.
b. Pregnancy.
c. Local irritating factors.
d. Calcium deficiency
e. Malocclusion.

63. Band 3 course of treatment

a. £56.30
b. £244.30
c. endodontic treatments (root canal treatment) of permanent or retained deciduous teeth,
pulpotomy and apicoectomy
d. provision of full (completed) or partial dentures, overdentures and obturators in synthetic resin
or metal or both synthetic resin and metal, including any cast or wrought metal components or
aids to retention
e. taking material for pathological examination

64. By what percentage are carious lesions reduced in someone who has continuously
drank fluoridated water since birth?

A. 10%-20%
B. 40%-65%
C. 70%-90%
D. 30%-50%

65. What daily dose of fluoride supplements should be given to a 5 year old who lives in
an area with .5 ppm?
A. 0 mg
B. 5 mg
C. 25 mg
D. 1 mg

66. Sodium fluoride gels and foams for in-office use are generally available in the
following concentration?
A. 1.23%
B. 2.0%
C. 5%
D. 1.1%

67. 1.23% APF Gel/Foam has a pH of?

A. 5
B. 7
C. 2.5
D. 3.5

68. For optimum caries reduction fluoride varnish should be applied every ____ months?
A. 1-2
B. 8-12
C. 3-6
D. 6-8

69. Fluoride varnish would be indicated in all of the following cases EXCEPT
A. Patient
Patient with open carious lesion
B. Patient with active pit and fissure enamel lesions
C. Patient with orthodontic brackets
D. Patient with dentinal hypersensitivity

70. This drug is a human IgG2 monoclonal antibody that inhibits RANK receptors on
osteoclasts preventing formation and function, thus decreasing bone resorption
A. Bisphosphonates
B. Calcitonin
C. Vit. D

71. A Dentist did pulpotomy of primary molar and then after few moths he did stainless
steel crown. What band he gets to claim.
Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4
No Claim

72. Patient has an over jet of above 9mm which UDA band it will be
Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4
Band 5

73. Over jet of 4.5 mm criteria with incompetent lips which UDA band it will be
Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4
Band 5

74. Following are covered by band 2 treatment

A. Non-surgical
Non-surgical periodontal
periodontal treatment
treatment (gum disease treatment), including root-planing, deep
scaling, irrigation of periodontal pockets and subgingival curettage and all necessary scaling
and polishing
B. Surgical periodontal treatment, including gingivectomy, gingivoplasty or removal of an
operculum, raising and replacement of a mucoperiosteal flap, curettage, root planning and bone
C. scaling and polishing
D. surface application as primary preventive measures of sealants and topical fluoride
E. oral surgery including surgical removal of cyst, buried root, unerupted tooth, impacted tooth
or exostosed tooth and alveolectomy

75. Pointing the brush apically, at 45 degree to long axis of the teeth vibrate the brush,
not changing the position of the bristles. What brushing technique is this?
A) Bass
B) Fones
C) Stillman
D) Charters

76. A town has water with a fluoride ion level of 0.4 ppm. What fluoride supplementation
is necessary for 2- year old child ?
A) 0.25 mg/
mg/ day
B) 0.5 mg/ day
C) 1 mg/ day
D) none

77. Fluoride prevents dental caries by:

a. rendering enamel more resistant to acid dissolution
b. inhibition of bacterial enzymes
c. modification in size and shape of teeth
d. all of the above

78. De-fluoridation is an example of which level of prevention?

a. primary

b. secondary
c. tertiary
d. all of the above

79. The usual metabolic pathway of ingested fluoride involves urinary excretion
primarily, with the remaining portion found largely in:
a. teeth
b. skeletal tissue
c. muscle tissue
e. none of the above

80. Any factor that brings about change in a health condition or other defined
characteristic is a/an:
a) Determinant
b) Quantifica
c) Outcome

81. For a patient with a high caries risk bitewings may be indicated:
A) 24 months
months intervals
B) 6 months intervals
C) 12 months intervals
D) 18 months intervals
82. Duraphat in high caries risk group children is applied every
A) 2 months
B) 4 months
C)6 months
D) 8 months
E) One-yearly

83. The normal unstimulated salivary flow rate is:

A.0.02 ml/min
B.0.2 ml/min
C. 2 ml/min
D 20ml/min

84. Most important dietary habit for the development of caries?

A) Amount of
of sugar intake
B) Frequency of sugar intake
C) Form of sugar intake
D) Quantity of fruit consumed

85. Following are covered by band 3 treatment

A. bite raising
raising appliances
appliances (other
(other than laboratory
laboratory made
made appliances)
B. splints (other than laboratory made splints) in relation to periodontally compromised teeth and
in connection with external trauma
C. addition of tooth, clasp, labial or buccal flange to dentures
D. orthodontic treatment and appliances
E. custom made applications excluding sports guards

86. Intervention in the disease process at a stage before the lesion occurs is
A. Multiple prevention
B. Community prevention
C. Secondary prevention
D. Primary preventio
E. Tertiary prevention

87. Which of the following factors is are necessary for dental caries
A. Host
B. Sugar
C. Bacteria
D. Environment, bacteria, host
E. Host, sugar, bacteria

89. The most cost-effective method for prevention of dental caries is:
A. Water fluoridation
B. Fluoride mouth washer
C. Fluoride fissure-sealants
D. Fluoride in salt
E. Fluoride in food

90. The recommended level of fluoride in drinking water for temperate climate zone is
A. 2ppm
B. 1.5ppm
C. 1ppm
D. 0.5ppm
E. 0.25ppm

91. Primary prevention includes

A. Pulp capping
B. Speech therapy
C. Supervised brushing program
D. Chemotherapy
E. Pulpectomy

92. Bisphosphonates are used in all except

D.Hypervitaminosis D

93. Which of the following drugs would put a patient at risk of developing osteonecrosis
of the jaws following a tooth extraction
A. Alendronic
Alendronic acid
B. Alfentanil
C. Aldactone
D. Almotriptan
E. Alverine

94. Which of the following primary preventive services would be provided in the
community, rather than by dental professional?
A. Diet counseling
B. Plaque control program
C. School water fluoridation
D. Pit fissure sealant
E. Dental education

95. Promoting healthy life-style in children is:

A. Primordial Preventio
B. Secondary Prevention
C. Specific Protection
D. High risk strategy
E. Tertiary Preventio

96. Who is called all "father of public health"?

A. William Budd
B. Tomas Syndenham
C. John Snow
D. Galen and Avicenna
E. Jules Guerin

97. Which of the following is not a property of Fluoride ion

A. Crosses placental
placental barrier
B. Deposits in bone
C. Excretes rapidly by kidney
D. Bacteria static
E. Produces extrinsic tooth stain

98. The highest fluoride concentration can be found in which of the following compounds
A ) Fluoride weekly mouthrinse.
B ) Fluoride gel/ professional use.
C ) The highest strength fluoridated toothpaste
D ) Fluoride varnish.

99. A town has water with a fluoride ion level 0.4ppm. What fluoride supplements is
necessary for 2 year old child?
A)0.25 mg/day
B) 0.5 mg/ day
C) 0.5 mg / day
D) none

100. At which level of fluoride in water does a person 0-16 years not need fluoride
A) 0.5 ppm
B)>0.6 ppm
C) 0.3-0.6 ppm

101. What is not disaccharide sugar

A) lactose
B) maltose
C) mannose
D) sucrose
102. The parents should start cleaning their child’s teeth

A. As early as possible
B. After eruption of the first primary tooth
C. At 6 yrs old
D. When he is able to use a brush

103. The result of one randomized control study can be considered as

A. I b evidence
B. II a evidence
C. III b evidence
D. III c evidence

104 .The suitable way to study the effect of tetracycline in management of periodontal

A. Cohort study
B. Case control study

C. Randomized
Randomiz ed control trial
D. Meta-analysis

105. Evidence from expert committee opinions and/ or clinical experience of expected
authorities. Level of evidence is

A. II b
B. Ia
C. II a
F. V

106. Study the effect of fluoride on the population ( water fluoridation) which study is this

A. Cohort
B. Case control
C. Comparative
Comparative study
D. Randomized
Randomiz ed control trial
E. Ecological study

107. Which of the statements are correct regarding a 9-year-old patient?

A. Children of this age
age should
should never be
be advised to use toothpaste
toothpaste with more than 1000 ppm.
B. Fluoride tablets would be the best way of administering fluoride if the child shows evidence of
caries or a high caries risk and lives in a non-fluoridated area.
C. If the child lives in a fluoridated area of 1 ppm then you must advise them to use non-
fluoridated toothpaste as they are at risk from fluorosis.
D. Mottling of enamel can occur with systemic administration of fluoride in water at a level
of 1 ppm
E. You could consider advising the use of a fluoride mouthwash if indicated by caries risk

108. Smokers are .... times susceptible to oral cancer than non-smokers
a. 8%
b. 11%
c. 13%
d. 15%
NOTE: Oral cancer
smoker only = 11%
smoker + alcoholic = 38%

109. What a One alcohol unit is equivalent to?

a. half a pint of ordinary strength beer, lager or cider (3-4% alcohol by volume)
b. a small pub measure (25ml) of spirits (40% alcohol by volume)
c. a standard pub measure (50ml) of fortified wine such as sherry or port (20% alcohol by
d. half a glass (87.5ml) of wine (12% by volume)
e. all of the above

110. How many units of alcohol a pregnant woman is advised to have per week?
a. 0
b. 1-2
c. 2-3
d. 3-4

111. How many units of alcohol a pregnant woman can have per week?
a. 0
b. 1-2
c. 2-3
d. 3-4

112. Age: 67 years.

Attendance record: The patient had full upper and lower dentures fitted by you 2 years
ago and subsequently attended twice for easing of the lower denture.
Medical history: None of note.
Social history: Non-smoker and non-drinker.
Dietary habits: Healthy diet (lots of fresh fruit and vegetables).
Use of fluoride: Not applicable.
mucosalevidence and dental
lesions. Both upperhistory: Healthy
and lower oral fit
dentures mucosa with nowell.
and function evidence of any
Plaque: Dentures are free of plaque deposits and the patient rinses them immediately
after meals and soaks them in a cleansing solution overnight.
Saliva: Normal.
Other: None
Recall interval recommended for next oral health review?
ANSWER: 24 months

113. The major component of dental plaque is:

a. Materia alba.
b. Lactic acid.
c. Desquamated epithelial cells.
d. Microorgan
e. Salivary contents.

114. The optimum amount of fluoride in drinking water that does not produce mottling of
enamel yet causing reduction in dental caries is:
a. 0.01 PPM.
b. 0.1 PPM.
c. 1.0 PPM.
d. 2.1 PPM.
e. 4.5 PPM.

115. A trial which determines the feasibility and practicality of a study is called a:
a. Longitundinal study.
b. Placebo.
c. Case control study.
d. Cohort study.
e. Pilot study

116. Hypothesis is:

a. A report.

b. A theory.
c. A synopsis.
d. A supposition from an observation.
e. An experiment.

117. Standard deviation is also known as:

a. Normal distribution.
b. Standard error of proportion.
c. Standard error of mean.
d. Mean deviation.
e. Root mean square deviation.

118. Matching questions

1. Acidulated phosphate Fluoride B
2. Sodium Fluoride D
3. Stannous Fluoride A
4. Sodium Fluoride Varnish C
A. can cause gingival sloughing
B. can cause etching or pitting of composite restorations
C. sets in the presence of saliva
D. used as a desensitizing agent

119. 23% concentration

a. Acidulated phosphate fluoride
b. Sodium Fluoride
c.Stannous Fluoride
d. Sodium Fluoride Varnish

120. Applied at 4 month intervals

a.Sodium fluoride varnish
b.Sodium Fluoride
c.Stannous Fluoride
d.Acidulated phosphate Fluoride

121. Which one of the following are not used in water fluoridation:
a-SnF2 1.23%
b- APF

122. Fluoridation is the adjustment of the fluoride content of a community water supply
to optimum levels for caries prevention. Which of the following statement is correct?
A. Tooth decay
decay declines
declines by 90%
90% to 95%
B. Tooth decay declines by 45% to 55%
C. Greater reduction in smooth surface caries from in pit and fissures
D. Fluoridation increases vulnerability to osteoporosis

123. Which of the following has proven to be the MOST important in

community preventive program:
A. Dental awareness
awareness ofof the community
B. Institution of oral hygiene measures
C. Water
W ater fluoridation

124. Good oral hygiene and fluoridation is LEAST useful in preventing caries of:
A. Pit and fissure
B. Smooth surface
C. Inaccessible area
125. The water fluoridation is 0.5ppm; what is the recommended supplemental fluoride
concentrations for 3 year old child:

126. Narrow confidence interval comes from:

a- large study
b- large standard eror
c- small study
d- none of above

127. Best approach to study rare disease is:

a- case control study
b- cross sectional study
c- cohort study
d- clinical study

128. The lethal dose of fluorides for an adult is:

b. 1.5
2.5 to
to 2.5 gm.
10 gm.
c. 10 to 15 gm.
d. 15 to 20 gm.
e. More than 50 gm.

129. Case control study is a part of:

a. Descriptive epidemiology.
b. Analytical epidemiology.
c. Experimental epidemiology.
d. It is not related with epidemiology.
e. Serological epidemiology.

130. Gingivitis is initiated most commonly by:

a. Vitamin deficiency.
b. Pregnancy.
c. Local irritating factors.
d. Calcium deficiency
e. Malocclusion.

131. Deflouridation of water can be done by:

a. Sodium chloride.
b. Potassium permanganate.
c. Chlorine.
d. Lime and alum.
e. Bleaching powders.
132. Which of the following is most effective method of preventing dental carries in
general population:
a. Diet counseling.
b. Oral prophylaxis.
c. Fluoride mouth rinses and pastes.
d. Systemic fluoride.
e. Topical fluoride.

133. Which of the following preventive measure should be recommended for an 18 year
old person WHO has no caries or restoration:
a. Pit and fissure sealant.
b. Dietary counseling.
c. Topical fluoride application.
d. Oral hygiene instructions and prophylaxis.
e. Systemic fluoridation.

134. Examining a patient in dental office is equivalent to community dental health:

a. Analysis of data.
b. Program planning.
c. Program operation.
d. Surveying.
e. Evaluation.

135. Name the indicator which reveals the burden of ill health of the community:
a. Mortality indicator.
b. Nutritional state indicator.
c. Disability rate.
d. Morbidity indicator.
e. Socioeconomic indicator.

136. The optimum amount of fluoride in drinking water that does not produce mottling of
enamel yet causing reduction in dental caries is:
a. 0.01 PPM.
b. 0.1 PPM.
c. 1.0 PPM.
d. 2.1 PPM.
e. 4.5 PPM.

137. The major component of dental plaque is:

a. Materia alba.
b. Lactic acid.
c. Desquamated epithelial cells.
d. Microorgan
e. Salivary contents.
138. Pointing the brush apically, at 45 degree to long axis of the teeth vibrate the brush,
not changing the position of the bristles. What brushing technique is this?
A) Bass
B) Fones
C) Stillman
D) Charters

139. A town has water with a fluoride ion level of 0.4 ppm. What fluoride supplementation
is necessary for 2- year old child?
A) 0.25 mg/
mg/ day
B) 0.5 mg/ day
C) 1 mg/ day
D) none

140. Fluoride prevents dental caries by:

a. rendering enamel more resistant to acid dissolution
b. inhibition of bacterial enzymes
c. modification in size and shape of teeth
d. all of the above

141. De-fluoridation is an example of which level of prevention?

a. primary
b. secondary
c. tertiary
d. all of the above

142. The usual metabolic pathway of ingested fluoride involves urinary excretion
primarily, with the remaining portion found largely in:
a. teeth
b. skeletal tissue
c. muscle tissue
e. none of the above

143. Any factor that brings about change in a health condition or other defined
characteristic is a/an:
a) Determinant
b) Quantifica
c) Outcome

144. For a patient with a high caries risk bitewings may be indicated:

A) 24 months
months intervals
B) 6 months intervals
C) 12 months intervals
D) 18 months intervals

145. Duraphat in high caries risk group children is applied every

A) 2 months
B) 4 months
C)6 months
D)8 months
E) One-yearly

146. The normal unstimulated salivary flow rate is:

A.0.02 ml/min
B.0.2 ml/min
C. 2 ml/min
D 20ml/min

147. Most important dietary habit for the development of caries?

A) Amount of
of sugar intake
B) Frequency of sugar intake
C) Form of sugar intake
D) Quantity of fruit consumed

148. The concentratrion of fluoride in topical NAF

a) 2%
b) 5%
c) 8%
d) 10%

149. Duraphat in high caries risk group children is applied every

a) 2 months
b) 4months
c) 6 months
d) 8 months
e) One-yearly

150. What is the optimal flouride concentration in water?

a) 0.7ppm
B) 1.0ppm
c) 0.3ppm
d) 0.5ppm
151. What does 1ppm of water flouridation equate to?
a) 1mg F per liter
b) 10 mg F per liter
c) 100 mg F per liter
d) 0.1mg F per liter

152. According to the National Children's Dental Health Survery in 2013, the % of 12 year
old with obvious decay experience in permanent dentition is
a) 34%
b) 46%
c) 20%
d) 70%

153. A substance used as a non-cariogenic substitute for sugar is?

A. Fructose.
B. Glucose.
C. Lactose.
D. Maltose.
E. Sorbitol.

154. What is the approximate unstimulated salivary flow rate?

A. 2 ml/min.
B. 0.2 ml/min.
C. 0.02 ml/min.
D. 20 ml/min.

155. Which of the following mostly affect the incidence of dental caries?
A. Frequency
Frequency of eaten
eaten sugar.
sugar. Sept
B. Amount of sugar.
C. Type of sugar.

156. What type of study is the randomized control trial?

A prospective
B retrospective
C observational

157. % of edentulous pt in UK? 6%

158. The optimum amount of fluoride in drinking water that does not produce is
a. 0.1ppm
b. 1 ppm

c.0.01 ppm
d. 2.1ppm
159. For an 11 years old patient who is a high caries risk ,which concentration of fluoride
toothpaste will you prescribe for the patient.
a. 1000 ppm
b. 1500 ppm
c. 2800 ppm
d.5000 ppm

160. Fluoride prevents dental caries by

a. Rendering enamel more resistant to acid dissolution
b. Inhibition of bacterial enzymes
c. Modification in size and shape of teeth
d. All of the above

161. Prevention? Fluoridation is an example of which level of

a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. Tertiary
d. All

162. 18 months of age, what is fluoride supplement for child living in 0.25 ppm
fluoridated water?
0.25 mg
0.5 mg
1 mg

163. Six-year-old – Non fluoridated water, what is the fluoride supplement dose
0.25 mg
0.5 mg
1 mg

164. Six-year-old child with fluoridated water of 0.6ppm, what is the fluoride supplement
dose given
30 0.25 mg
0.5 mg
1 mg

165. 3year old with fluoride concentration of 0.3 ppm fluoridated water, what is the
fluoride supplement dose given
0.25 mg
0.5 mg
1 mg
166. Duraphat in high caries risk group children is applied every
2 months
4 months
6 months

167. Which of the following is not a property of Fluoride ion

A. Crosses placental
placental barrier
B. Deposits in bone
C. Excretes rapidly by kidney
D. Bacteria static
E. Produces extrinsic tooth stain

168. The highest fluoride concentration can be found in which of the following
A ) Fluoride weekly mouthrinse.
B ) Fluoride gel/ professional use.
C ) The highest strength fluoridated toothpaste
D ) Fluoride varnish.

169. A town has water with a fluoride ion level 0.4ppm. What fluoride supplements is
necessary for 2 year old child?
A)0.25 mg/day
B) 0.5 mg/ day
C) 0.5 mg / day
D) none

107. At which level of fluoride in water does a person 0-16 years not need fluoride
A) 0.5 ppm
B) >0.6 ppm
C) 0.3-0.6 ppm

D) <0.3ppm

171. What is not disaccharide sugar?

A) Lactose
B) maltose
C) mannose
D) sucrose

172. What’s the percentage of edentulous patients in England?

and Scotland?
6% , 12%

173. What’s the maximum safety

173. safety limit of alcohol for male and female patients?
a. 12 units/week
b. 3 units/ week
c. 14 units / week

174. Biphosphonates work by:

A stimulating
stimulating osteoblasts
B inhibiting osteoclasts
C inhibiting osteoblasts
D stimulating osteoclasts

E stimulating both osteoclasts and osteoblasts

175. Which of the following does not cause osteonecrosis of the jaw?
A oral biphosphona
B subcutaneous denosumab
C intravenous biphosphonates
D phosphorus poisoning
E oestrogen replacement therapy

176. Name the cariogenic bacteria?

Streptococci Mutans (MS) and lactobacilli ( fissure) , actinomyces, strep salivarius ( root caries)
177. Which topical fluoride should not be used for a patient with crowns?
APF gel

178. What is MRONJ?

Medication related osteonecrosis of the jaw

179. Action mechanism of biphosphonates?

Bisphosphonates inhibit the resorption of bone by osteoclasts

180. What is the incidence of MRONJ after tooth extraction in pts with cancer and in pts
being treated for osteoporosis?

Incidence of MRONJ after tooth extraction is 2.9% in patients with cancer and 0.15% in patients
being treated for osteoporosis

181. What’s the recall interval for

181. fo r an adult patient with chronic periodontitis?
a. 3 month
b. 6 month
c. 12 month
d. 24 month

182.. What’s the value of the critical PH on Stephens curve?

182 curve ?
a. 4.5
b. 5.5
c. 6.5

183. The most reliable predictor of caries in the UK is socioeconomic group?

a. true
b. false

184. Two conditions of enamel facilitate post eruptive uptake of fluoride element:
A. Hyper mineralisation
mineralisation and surface dentine
B. Surface demineralisation and hypo mineralisation
C. Dental fluorosis and enamel opacities

185. In regards to topically applied fluoride :

A. Effective
Effective in incorporated
incorporated into
into dental plaque
B. Inhibits acid demineralisation of enamel
186. Prevention before the lesion occurs is?
a. Primary prevention
b. Secondary prevention
c. Tertiary preven
d. Relative prevention

187. Which of the following is most important in the development of dental caries
a). Time of sugar intake
b) Frequency of sugar intake
c) Amount of sugar intake

188. Any factor that brings about change in a health condition or other defined
Characteristic is?
a) Determinant
b) Quantifica
c) Outcome

1 CD
2 B

17 B D

18 B C

19 D
Answers: True
-AE, False-BCD

Answers: D is
is True and the rest are
are False
nswers: BCD

1. Band 1 course of treatment

a. £20.60
b. £56.30
c. Clinical examination, case assessment and report
d. Orthodontic case assessment and report
e. Radiographic examination and radiological report

Answers: ACDE

True-ABCE, False-D(Malden in Essex)

1.1 A D E
1.2 A


1 H 2C 3C 4B 5B
1h 2e 3c 4b 5b
1 F 2C 3G 4B 5E
1f 2c 3g 4b 5e

1C ??
4 0.25

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