GE113 Presentation Assignment Online Major Assignment

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GE113 – Building Skills for Success

Presentation Assignment – Online Course Due March 24th

Value: 20% of Final Grade

15% presentation, 5% peer review

Due Date:

Format: The presentation will be conducted by recording yourself and posting a link to the recording in a
discussion board in our Blackboard course

Recording can be done with your phone, webcam or DSLR.

Recording equipment and recording rooms can be booked through the Library at the College.

Presentation – 15%
Conduct a presentation on one of the topics covered in this course. You will need to conduct additional
research beyond what is covered in the course for your presentation topic. Your presentation should be
approximately 10 minutes in length. Presentations should reflect what we learned in the course about
delivering effective presentations.

Topics include:
Time Management Strategies
Goal Setting
Note Taking
Emotional Intelligence
How to assess information online and in textbooks
Reading Skills
Financial Management
Critical Thinking Skills
Stress Management Strategies


You can present on a different subject of your choosing. You may want to present on a hobby you have (ex.
maybe you are a competitive mountain biker) or you can present on a topic from another course you are
taking. If you are presenting on information from another course you will need to keep in mind that your
audience may have no background on your subject matter.

Your topic MUST be approved by your Instructor.

Peer Review Process – 5%

You will be required to complete a peer review for 5 of your classmates’ presentations. Completing these peer
reviews is worth 5% of your mark.
A link will be posted in Unit #11 for the Peer Reviews.

Presentation Scoring Guide

Weak - 1 Average - 2 Good - 3 Excellent – 4 or 5

Introduction is clear

Purpose of presentation is

Introduction captured the

audience’s interest

Presentation was well prepared and


Presentation was informative

Student’s movement (body

language) enhanced presentation
and was not distracting

Presenter had good voice control,

strategic pauses, clarity and used
appropriate words

Use of cue cards or notes was


Visuals (i.e. power point) were


The conclusion was strong

10 minute time frame was met

Presenter and presentation was

professional overall

Total Mark /60

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