It Era Notes
It Era Notes
It Era Notes
Daniel, Instructor
Information Technology (IT) Era: An era where information is the main
strategic resource upon which individuals, organizations, and societies
rely for their growth and development
We live in the information age, which is a period in human history
characterized by the shift from industrial production to one based on
information and computerization.
Living in the Information Technology Era explores the SCIENCE,
CULTURE, and ETHICS of information technology (IT); its various uses
and applications; and its influence on culture and society.
It also aims to strike a balance between conceptual instruction and
socially and culturally oriented discussions, as it not only explains the
basic concepts or key terms in IT but also features the major IT trends
along with the issues and challenges these developments bring.
Through this subject, more knowledgeable and responsible students
who can maximize the benefits of information technology without
compromising values and ethics will be developed."
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
Advancements: Continuous advancements in technology,
particularly in computing power, storage capabilities, and data
transmission speeds, have played a significant role. These
advancements enable the development of more powerful and
efficient ICT systems and devices.
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
Remote Work and
Collaboration: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the
adoption of remote work and virtual collaboration tools. This shift
emphasized the importance of ICT in maintaining business
continuity and enabling flexible work arrangements.
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
2: Education: Knowledge Anytime,
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
Statistic: As of 2021, Netflix had over
208 million subscribers worldwide, illustrating the dominance of
streaming services.
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
8: Transportation: Navigating
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
Recognize that implementing ICT
takes time. When it comes to how long it will take to become
used to new tools and technology, be realistic. Give oneself
permission to grow and adapt at a comfortable speed.
6. Invest in Quality Devices:
Choose reliable and efficient devices to support your ICT
integration. This includes smartphones, laptops, tablets, and
other gadgets. Invest in quality products that align with your
usage patterns and requirements.
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
Encourage feedback from others who
use similar technologies. Stay open to adjustments and
improvements based on your experiences. Flexibility is key to
successfully integrating ICT into your life.
12. Balance Screen Time:
While integrating ICT, be mindful of screen time. Establish a
healthy balance between online and offline activities to avoid
digital fatigue and maintain overall well-being.
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
develops global awareness such as
cultures, religions, ideologies and lifestyles. These create an
environment of openness and increases mutual respect.
Communication: We can communicate each other without
boundaries. It becomes quicker because we can send an instant
message in a fraction of time with the low cost which saves costs and
man power for delivery. For that E-mail, teleconferencing, and
video-conferencing are available. By the use of video conferencing
technique, we can get feel to communicate with someone face to
face which is benefit for meeting or communicate together.
Usage of Free time: ICT can be used to access as an
entertainment. We can play games, launch of digital TV, Chatting,
watch videos, listen songs, watch or listen to the news, pick up on
individual news items, and many more.
Children’s Education: New ways of learning are possible
through ICT such as e-learning, distance learning, on-line materials,
virtual learning and interactive multi-media. Students can be part of
these various learning and teaching from all over the world. For the
impossible experiments, we can use simulations and virtual reality.
If students and teachers logged at same time at the same pace mad
the virtual classroom for e-learning. This is a smart investment four
our children’s future.
Self Employment: ICT gadgets are help out us to do our jobs
easier. We can create our own business shops without the heavy
overheads of place, purchase items and sales in market and make the
advertising campaigns use of multimedia application. This increased
sales and encourages the small businesses. We can use net banking,
online payments as the payment option.
Paperless Environment: ICT mostly uses its gadgets to store
and retrieve information instead of paper. Use of ICT involved less
papers, thus it saves the trees and makes our environment healthy.
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
Developing Health Literacy: With
the immediate feedback from doctors, we becomes well sooner.
Health literacy deals with the need for people to access and use high
quality information about disease and medicines through internet
health care services available in ICT gadgets.
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
Cost: Many ICT gadgets are expensive. So
they are cost effective to purchase and to maintain. Poor students
cannot get the benefits of e-learning due to the educational
Job loss: Job losses may occur because of manual operations
being replaced by automation.
Security/loss of privacy: Each ICT gadgets are integrated by
specific technology and uses Internet connections. Data must be
reserved as secure data so it needs to protect from virus attacks and
other forms of malware are released daily. Use of social networking
web site risk of personal data loss. When we use Net banking, online
payment then there is a risk of losing our money by fraud people.
They can transfer our money to their account.
The World Wide Web -- also known as the web, WWW or W3 -- refers
to all the public websites or pages that users can access on their local
computers and other devices through the internet.
The term World Wide Web isn't synonymous with the internet. Rather, the World
Wide Web is part of the internet.
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
History of the World Wide Web
Paving the way for an internet revolution that has transformed the
world in only three decades, the World Wide Web consists of multiple
components that enable users to access various resources, documents
and web pages on the internet. Thus, the WWW is like a vast
electronic book whose pages are stored or hosted on different servers
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
GFG website, and all the content of this
site like webpages and all the web documents are stored on the
world wide Web.
To access one of these pages, a user and their client machine supply a
universal identifier to the web server via a browser. This identifier may
be a uniform resource locator (URL) or uniform resource identifier
(URI) and is unique to each web page.
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
Internet users access the web through web
browser software, which is included in or can be downloaded on
computers and mobile devices. Each web page has a unique address
called a URL, which can be entered in a browser's address bar to
navigate directly to a site.
Web Page
A web page is what you see in a web browser when you're on the
internet. You are on a web page right now. Think of the web page as a
page in a magazine. You may see text, photos, images, diagrams,
links, advertisements, and more on any page you view.
Often, you click or tap on a specific area of a web page to expand the
information or move to a related web page. Clicking a link, which is a
snippet of text that appears in a color different from the rest of the
text, takes you to a different web page. If you want to go back, use
the arrow buttons provided for that purpose.
Introduction to Internet
The Internet is the foremost important tool and the prominent
resource that is being used by almost every person across the globe. It
connects millions of computers, webpages, websites, and servers.
Using the internet we can send emails, photos, videos, and messages
to our loved ones. Or in other words, the Internet is a widespread
interconnected network of computers and electronic devices(that
support Internet). It creates a communication medium to share and
get information online. If your device is connected to the Internet then
only you will be able to access all the applications, websites, social
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
media apps, and many more services. The
Internet nowadays is considered the fastest medium for sending and
receiving information.
Each website has its Domain name as it is difficult for any person to
always remember the long numbers or strings. So, whenever you
search for any domain name in the search bar of the browser the
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
request will be sent to the server and that
server will try to find the IP address from the Domain name because it
cannot understand the domain name. After getting the IP address the
server will try to search the IP address of the Domain name in a Huge
phone directory that in networking is known as a DNS server (Domain
Name Server). For example, if we have the name of a person and we
can easily find the Aadhaar number of him/her from the long directory
as simple as that.
So after getting the IP address, the browser will pass on the further
request to the respective server and now the server will process the
request to display the content of the website which the client wants. If
you are using a wireless medium of Internet like 3G and 4G or other
mobile data then the data will start flowing from the optical cables and
will first reach towers from there the signals will reach your cell phones
and PCs through electromagnetic waves and if you are using routers
then optical fiber connecting to your router will help in connecting
those light-induced signals to electrical signals and with the help of
ethernet cables internet reaches your computers and hence the
required information.
What is an IP Address?
IP Address stands for Internet Protocol Address. Every PC/Local
machine is having an IP address and that IP address is provided by the
Internet Service Providers (ISPs). These are some sets of rules which
govern the flow of data whenever a device is connected to the
Internet. It differentiates computers, websites, and routers. Just like
human identification cards like Aadhaar cards, Pan cards, or any other
unique identification documents. Every laptop and desktop has its own
unique IP address for identification. It’s an important part of Internet
technology. An IP address is displayed as a set of four-digit like Here each number on the set ranges from 0 to 255.
Hence, the total IP address range from to
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
DSL Modem
A DSL modem is a hardware device, the function of a DSL modem is
to convert digital signals into analog signals that are suitable for
sending over a telephone line.
Lesson 1. Netiquette
What is Netiquette?
Simple stated, it’s network etiquette – that is the etiquette of
cyberspace and “etiquette” means the forms of required by good
breeding or prescribed by authority to be required in social or official
life. In other words, netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
– Even though you may be interacting with a computer screen, you are
communicating with a real person who will react to your message. Make a good
impression - treat others with the same respect that you would like to receive and
avoid confrontational or offensive language.
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
– E-mail and chat messages that you send or receive
are considered private and should not be forwarded or copied to others without
gaining the consent of all involved participants. In general, messages posted to
discussion boards and social media sites can be read by the public. You may never
know who might read or share what you post. It is a good practice to always ask a
post’s author for permission before sharing a post with other parties.
• To protect your privacy and safety, do not share online any sensitive personal
information such as:
- Your home address or phone number - Personal conversations
- Social plans, such as vacations
- Financial information
- Usernames, passwords, or hints
- Anything personal that you would not want shared by others over the Internet .
• If the material you share with others online came from another source, make
every effort to gain permission from the original author or copyright holder.
Copying someone else's work and passing it off as your own is plagiarism. It
damages your reputation and could subject you to serious academic and legal
b) Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in
real life While it can be argued that standards of behavior may be different in the
virtual world, they certainly should not be lower. You should do your best to act
within the laws and ethical manners of society whenever you inhabit
"cyberspace." Would you behave rudely to someone face-to- face? On most
occasions, no. Neither should you behave this way in the virtual world.
c) Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace "Netiquette varies from domain to
domain." (Shea, 1994) Depending on where you are in the virtual world, the same
written communication can be acceptable in one area, where it might be
considered inappropriate in another. What you text to a friend may not be
appropriate in an email to a classmate or colleague. Can you think of another
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
e) Rule 5: Make yourself look good online One of the best things about the virtual world is the lack of
judgment associated with your physical appearance, sound of your voice, or the
clothes you wear (unless you post a video of yourself singing Karaoke in a clown
outfit.) You will, however, be judged by the quality of your writing, so keep the
following tips in mind: Always check for spelling and grammar errors Know what
you're talking about and state it clearly Be pleasant and polite
f) Rule 6: Share expert knowledge The Internet offers its users many benefits; one
is the ease in which information can be shared or accessed and in fact, this
“information sharing" capability is one of the reasons the Internet was founded.
So, in the spirit of the Internet's "founding fathers," share what you know! When
you post a question and receive intelligent answers, share the results with others.
Are you an expert at something? Post resources and references about your
subject matter. Recently expanded your knowledge about a subject that might be
of interest to others? Share that as well.
g) Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control What is meant by "flaming" and
"flame wars?" "Flaming is what people do when they express a strongly held
opinion without holding back any emotion." (Shea, 1994). As an example, think of
the kinds of passionate comments you might read on a sports blog. While
“flaming” is not necessarily forbidden in virtual communication, "flame wars,"
when two or three people exchange angry posts between one another, must be
controlled or the camaraderie of the group could be compromised. Don't feed the
flames; extinguish them by guiding the discussion back to a more productive
h) Rule 8: Respect other people’s privacy Depending on what you are reading in
the virtual world, be it an online class discussion forum, Facebook page, or an
email, you may be exposed to some private or personal information that needs to
be handled with care. Perhaps someone is sharing some medical news about a
loved one or discussing a situation at work. What do you think would happen if
this information "got into the wrong hands?" Embarrassment? Hurt feelings?
Loss of a job? Just as you expect others to respect your privacy, so should you
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
respect the privacy of others. Be sure to err on the
side of caution when deciding to discuss or not to discuss virtual communication.
i) Rule 9: Don't abuse your power Just like in face-to-face situations, there
are people in cyberspace who have more "power" than others. They have more
expertise in technology or they have years of experience in a particular skill
or subject matter. Maybe it's you who possesses all of this knowledge and
power! Just remember: knowing more than others do or having more power than
others may have does not give you the right to take advantage of anyone. Think
of Rule 1: Remember the human.
j) Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes Not everyone has the
same amount of experience working in the virtual world. And not everyone
knows the rules of netiquette. At some point, you will see a stupid question,
read an unnecessarily long response, or encounter misspelled words; when this
happens, practice kindness and forgiveness as you would hope someone would
do if you had committed the same offense. If it's a minor "offense," you
might want to let it slide. If you feel compelled to respond to a mistake, do so in a
private email rather than a public forum.
Lesson 2: Cybercrimes
What is Cyber? It is the Characteristics of the culture of computers, information,
technology and virtual reality.
Republic Act No. 10175 Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 is a law in the
Philippines approved on September 12,2012 which aims to address legal issues
concerning online interactions and internet.
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
Republic Act No. 10173 Data Privacy Act of 2012 is an act protecting individual
personal information.
c. Computer Addiction
• Offline: generally used when speaking about excessive gaming behavior, which
can be practiced both offline and online.
• Online: Also known as “Internet Addiction”, gets more attention in general from
scientific research than offline computer addiction, mainly because most cases of
computer addiction are related to the excessive use of the Internet.
*Virtual Self -The persona you create about yourself virtually.
a. Hacking
• Unauthorized access of or interference with computer systems,
servers, or other information and communication systems
• Unauthorized access to corrupt, alter, steal, or destroy electronic data
using computers or other information and communication systems
without the computer or system owner’s knowledge and consent
• The introduction of computer viruses resulting in the corruption,
alteration, theft, or loss of such data
• Illegal Access
• Illegal Interception
• Data Interference
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
• System Interference
• Misuse of Devices
• Infection of IT Systems with Malware – if the act is committed against
critical infrastructure of the Philippines the, penalty is between 12-20
years reclusion temporal
• Six years up to twelve years of imprisonment also known as prison
b. Electronic theft
• Illegal Downloading
• Obtaining files that you do not have the right to use from the internet.
• Digital Piracy
• Practice of illegally copying and selling digital music, video, computer
software, etc.
• Copyright Infringement
• Penalty of Php 50,000 – 500, 000 and or prison mayor
d. Cyberbullying
• The use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by
sending a message of an intimidating or threatening nature.
• The Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 (RA 10627)
e. Cybersex
• Willful engagement, maintenance, control, or operation, directly
or indirectly of any lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or sexual
activity with the aid of a computer system for favor or consideration.
Lirio V. Daniel, Instructor
• There is a discussion on this matter if it
involves “couples” or “people in relationship” who engage in cybersex.
• Penalty at least Php 200,000 and or prison mayor
f. Child Pornography
• Is a form of child sexual exploitation
• Unlawful or prohibited acts defined and punishable by Republic Act
No. 9775 or the Anti- Child Pornography Act of 2009, committed
through a computer system.
• Penalty of 12-20 years of imprisonment or reclusion temporal
g. Cyber Defamation
• Is an unprivileged false statement of fact which tends to harm the
reputation of a person or company.
• Penalty of 6-12 years of imprisonment or prison mayor