ICT 1010 What Are ICTs

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ICT 1010

Edward C. Mwalimu
 What are ICTs?

 Information Technology (IT) was first used in the early 1980s to

indicate the convergence of computer technology and
communication technologies.

 1990s, the term Information and Communication Technologies

(ICTs) was more widely used to replace IT which is to give a
greater emphasis on communication aspect.

 ICTs is a field of work and study that “includes technologies such

as desktop and laptop computers, software, peripherals, and
connections to the Internet that are intended to fulfil information
processing and communications functions” (Statistics Canada,

 According to UNESCO ICTs is “the combination of informatics

technology with other, related technologies, specifically
communication technology” (UNESCO, 2002).
Uses of ICTs in various sectors Cont’
 ICTs can be used to facilitate public and private sector
activities in areas such as in:

 Public Administration, (Govt & Civil Society as players)

provide functions that that enhance the social, economic and
political developments of the citizenry.

 e-Government, a concept that defines a situation where

government activities and public information can be made
available using ICTs.

 Transport sector, ICTs are used to improve road, air and rail
Uses of ICTs in various sectors Cont’
 Health Sector, ICTs are being used to support efficient exchange of
information between health professionals and clients.

 They enable transfer of patient records between sites and they can
improve clinical effectiveness of care by health professionals-

 Special Needs (for the Physically Challenged), ICTs are extremely

useful in providing access to communication, education and open up
opportunities for them.
 The use of Braille keyboards and printers can help alleviate some
common literacy and numeracy problems for visually impaired.
Uses of ICTs in various sectors Cont’
 Education Sector, ICTs help in facilitating learning and exchange
of educational materials.

 ICTs are helping library professionals store and manage academic


 The online learning system is another web-based application that

is revolutionalising the learning platform of education. It
compliments the traditional face-to face teaching and learning

 In the on-line system, students can access class notes, submit

assignment and also join a discussion group with other learners.
Uses of ICTs in various sectors Cont’
 Environment, ICTs are being used to collect data about
environmental issues.

 For example the Geographical Information System (GIS) is used

for collection, storage, analysis, display and application of
geographic data- Climate change information.

 Agriculture sector, ICTs can be used can be used to impart

information directly to farmers and the farming community.

 This is aimed at Sharing Knowledge and Improving Access to

Uses of ICTs in various sectors Cont’
 Manufacturing sector, ICTs are being used to link process chains in
manufacturing as opposed to improving or facilitating single steps in
the production lines.
 Electronic Commerce, e-commerce is the use of telecommunications
or the Internet to carry out business of any type.
 Examples of e-commerce are business-to-business e-commerce,
online shopping, online banking, online stock trading etc.
 One of the advantages of e-commerce is the reduction of transaction
Uses of ICTs in various sectors Cont’

 Travel and Tourism, ICTs have penetrated this sector the Internet in
particular. It is used to provide multimedia information about
destination to prospective travellers.

 With the aid of ICT applications, prospective travellers can view a

destination, book accommodation, book the flight and other forms
of transport and pay for all these without leaving their homes.

 (Facilitating Activities in the Business Sector)

The Concepts of Digital World and Digital Natives

 This is a new era of digital innovation that promises a better future

for everyone. The benefits and results are seen everywhere around
the world.

 Business or transactions are done electronically.

 navigation systems in our cars

 Computer processed materials Making it easy for companies to

transact effectively & efficiently

 Cell phones improving:-TV and surf the web and have wireless,
WIFI and Bluetooth capability
Digital World Cont’

 The digital world is basically a the spread of technology which

has culminated out of:

 Computers and communications technology most notably the

internet which has led to the information revolution

 In the digital world, use of the internet is requirement for one to

be called a citizen in the digital world.
Digital Natives
Digital Natives
 A generation of people who have been born and raised in a
digital, media-saturated world. The term coined by education
consultant Marc Prensky.

 People born after 1980 are known as “Digital Natives”

 They only know a world that is digital.

 Digital Natives use digital technologies to express themselves

and relate to others by using sites such as WhatsApp, Facebook,
Twitter, WeChat and Myspace.
Digital Immigrants
 Includes us who were not born in the digital world but have, at
some later point in our lives, become fascinated by and adopted
many or most aspects of the new technologies.

 The term digital immigrant may also apply to individuals who

were born after the spread of digital technology and who were not
exposed to it at an early age.
Digital Immigrants

 Digital immigrants are also believed to be less quick to pick

up new technologies than digital natives.

 This results in the equivalent of a speaking accent when it

comes to the way in which they learn and adopt technologies.

 A commonly used example is that a digital immigrant may

prefer to print out a document to edit it by hand rather than
doing onscreen editing. 
Digital Immigrants Cont’

 The classification of people into digital natives and digital

immigrants is controversial.

 Some digital immigrants surpass digital natives in tech savvy, but

there is a belief that early exposure to technology fundamentally
changes the way people learn.
Digital Natives Cont’

They use information as something to be downloaded

and changed to fit their needs
 Globalization
 In the digital world you find interconnectivity.
 Makes it easier for businesses to reach the world market.
 A system of interconnected economies based on capitalist
markets is what is referred to as globalisation.
Globalisation and technology provides for access to foreign
markets. This is made possible through the internet.
There are approximately 6 billion consumers on the digital
In as much as the global market place presents opportunities for
business growth, it also comes with great risks.
Globalization Cont’

 Among the risks are:

 Competition all over the world.

 competing on global base means understanding local customs,

laws, and regulations governing each country.

 It also entails conducting business in different languages,

currencies and time zones.
 In the digital world, events occur at a rapid pace
 Everything happens at a CLICK OF BUTTON
 Important because, physical transfer of goods, money and
people is not always required or necessary
 One can purchase a software through the internet and
directly download that software to his/her computer
Speed Cont’

 Compare these capabilities with need to physically transport

software from the distributor to the physical world

 The speed of technological change itself is at an alarming level

 The power of computers doubles about every 18-24 months

Digitization of goods

 In electronic commerce, digital goods is a general term that is used

to describe any goods that are stored, delivered and used in its
electronic format.

 Digital goods are shipped electronically to the consumer through e-

mail or downloaded from the Internet.

 Attachment through email or secure link where you can download

the item.
Digitization of goods Cont’

 Digitization is driven by a combination of consumer demands and

the development of new ICTs.

 The biggest challenge that digitization poses is employment.

 Our social interactions are being digitized, largely thanks to all

the different social networks and social media that we have.

 On a positive note being digitized is helping know our location

through GPS tracking
Measure of products & services
 If you are to survive in the digital world then one needs a change of
mind set.

 It requires it requires re-thinking the long held business conventions.

 If you take the definitions of products and services, most people say
that products are tangible goods/items while services are non-
tangible good/items.

 In the digital world, the definitions of the two are not clear
because most ICTs requires both the product and service for
them to function
Measure of products & services Cont’

 For instance, NET STAR is a company that has to do with

security in Zambia, and it uses GPS and Cell Phones to provide
services like car tracking.

 Using this service, you can also be able to have access to

additional services like receiving directions; road assistance and
making reservations like dial a cab
Role of Ideas

 Throughout history, humans have primary valued tangibles goods

such as land and minerals.

 The values of ideas have come to rival with the value of tangible
goods, this is because, and ideas lead to new inventions that have
broad economic impact.

 Ideas also give raise to creative works such as books, music,

art and movies.
Role of Ideas Cont’

 New ideas are at the heart of ICTs that businesses rely on, and it
is for this reason that companies can do anything to protect their

 However, you need to note that, although digitization of good has

made it easier to distribute products, it has also made it easier for
people to steal products (intellectual property).
Intellectual Property

 Intellectual property is the law that deals with the protection of

ideas. It has become highly important and cardinal in development
and use of ICT

 Intellectual property, allows developers of ideas and creative

works exclusive rights to works for a period of time. It has four
main parts:
Intellectual Property Cont’

 Patents: These protect inventions of about a period of 20 years;

however, years may vary depending on the laws of each country.

 An inventor who wants patent protection, must apply to the

patents and tread mark office.
 In most cases, when one is applying for patent, it requires the
presence of the lawyer, hence the applicant must be ready to fit
the expense of the lawyer.
Intellectual Property Cont’

 Copyright: These protects the expression of an idea and not an

idea itself.

 It covers works like books, music, movies, works of art (creative

Intellectual Property Cont’

Trade Marks and Trade Secretes:

 Trade Marks: These are words or phrases used to identify
a product, business, or a services, for the purpose of
conducting commerce.
 Most common brands in the world are trade marked
 Coca-Cola , Samsung , Blackberry, Nokia,Toshiba,
Trade Marks Cont’

 Service Marks: This similar to a trade mark but only applies to a


 If a trade mark is not registered or pending, it is usually followed

by a symbol TM

 When it is registered, it gives the developer of a product

exclusive rights and other legal protections and it is followed ®
Trade Secrets

 Any confidential business information which provides an

organisation a competitive edge may be considered a trade secret.

 Trade secrets encompass manufacturing or industrial secrets and

commercial secrets.

 The unauthorized use of such information by persons other than

the holder is regarded as an unfair practice and a violation of the
trade secret.
Trade Secrets Cont’

 Depending on the legal system, the protection of trade secrets

forms part of the general concept of protection against unfair
competition or is based on specific provisions or case law on the
protection of confidential information.

 The subject matter of trade secrets is usually defined in broad

terms and includes sales methods, distribution methods,
consumer profiles, advertising strategies, lists of suppliers and
clients, and manufacturing processes.
Trade Secrets Cont’

 While a final determination of what information constitutes a

trade secret will depend on the circumstances of each individual

 clearly unfair practices in respect of secret information include

industrial or commercial espionage, breach of contract and breach
of confidence.

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