Boundary and Communication Controls
Boundary and Communication Controls
Boundary and Communication Controls
Boundary control :
Access Controls: These controls restrict use of computer system resources to authorized users, limit
the actions authorized users can taker with these resources, and ensure that users obtain only authentic
computer system resources.
An access control mechanism processes users’ request for resources in three steps:
Identification: First users identify themselves to the mechanism, thereby indicating their intent to
request system resources
Authentication: It is a two way process wherein users must authenticate themselves, and the
mechanism in turn must authenticate itself.
Authorization: Users must request specific resources and specify the actions they intend to take with
the resources.
Digital Signatures: In computer system, Digital Signatures establish the authenticity of persons and
prevent the denial of messages or contracts when data is exchanged electronically
Physical Component Controls: One way to reduce expected losses in the communication subsystem is
to choose physical component that have characteristics that make them reliable These controls involve
Transmission Media - Bounded (Guided) Media or Unbounded (Unguided) Media; Communication Lines
– Private (Leased) or Public; Modems; Port Protection Devices; Multiplexors .
Line Error Controls: Whenever data is transmitted over a communication line, it can be received in
error because of attenuation, distortion, or noise that occurs on the line. Error Detection (using Parity
Checking, Loop Check) and Error Correction (using forward Error Correcting Codes and Backward Error
Correction) are the two major approaches under Line Error Controls.
Flow Controls: These are needed because two nodes in a network can differ in terms of the rate at
which they can send receive and process data. The simplest form of flow control is “Stop-and-Wait Flow
Control” in which the sender transmits a frame of data only when the receiver is ready to accept the
Link Controls: This involves two common protocols – HDLC (Higher Level Data Control) and SDLC
(Synchronous Data Link Control); the study of these is beyond the scope of this book.
Topological Controls: A communication network topology specifies the location of nodes within a
network, the ways in which these nodes will be linked. Some of the four basic topologies include Bus,
Ring, Star and Tree Topology.
Channel Access Controls: Two different nodes in a network can compete to use a communication
channel. Whenever the possibility of contention for the channel exists, some type of channel access
control technique must be used. These techniques fall into two classes – Polling methods and
Contention methods. Polling techniques establish an order in which a node can gain access to channel
capacity; whereas in Contention methods, nodes in a network must compete with each other to gain
access to a channel.
Internetworking Controls: Internetworking is the process of connecting two or more communication
networks together to allow the users of one network to communicate with the users of other networks.
Three types of devices are used to connect sub-networks in an Internet: Bridge, Router and Gateway.
Storage Virtualization: Storage virtualization is the apparent pooling of data from multiple storage
devices, even different types of storage devices, into what appears to be a single device that is managed
from a central console. Storage virtualization helps the storage administrator perform the tasks of
backup, archiving, and recovery more easily.
Grid Computing :
Grid Computing is a computer network in which each computer's resources are shared with every other
computer in the system. It is a distributed architecture of large numbers of computers connected to
solve a complex problem. In the grid computing model, servers or personal computers run independent
tasks and are linked by the Internet or low-speed networks.
A typical Grid Model is shown in Fig. 5.7.1.
(i) Benefits of Grid Computing :
Making use of Underutilized Resources: In most organizations, there are large amounts of
underutilized computing resources. In some organizations, even the server machines can often be
relatively idle. Grid computing provides a framework for exploiting these underutilized resources and
thus has the possibility of substantially increasing the efficiency of resource usage.
Resource Balancing: For applications that are grid-enabled, the grid can offer a resource balancing
effect by scheduling grid jobs on machines with low utilization. An unexpected peak can be routed to
relatively idle machines in the grid; and if the grid is already fully utilized, the lowest priority work being
performed on the grid can be temporarily suspended or even cancelled and performed again later to
make room for the higher priority work.
Parallel CPU Capacity: The potential for usage of massive parallel CPU capacity is one of the most
common visions and attractive features of a grid. A CPU-intensive grid application can be thought of as
many smaller sub-jobs, each executing on a different machine in the grid.
Virtual resources and virtual organizations for collaboration: Another capability enabled by grid
computing is to provide an environment for collaboration among a wider audience. The users of the grid
can be organized dynamically into a number of virtual organizations, each with different policy
requirements. These virtual organizations can share their resources such as data, specialized devices,
software, services, licenses, and so on, collectively as a larger grid.
Access to additional resources: In addition to CPU and storage resources, a grid can provide access to
other resources as well. For example, if a user needs to increase their total bandwidth to the Internet to
implement a data mining search engine, the work can be split among grid machines that have
independent connections to the Internet. In this way, total searching capability is multiplied, since each
machine has a separate connection to the Internet.
Reliability: High-end conventional computing systems use expensive hardware to increase reliability.
The machines also use duplicate processors in such a way that when they fail, one can be replaced
without turning the other off. Power supplies and cooling systems are duplicated. The systems
are operated on special power sources that can start generators if utility power is interrupted.
Management: The goal to virtualizes the resources on the grid and more uniformly handle
heterogeneous systems create new opportunities to better manage a larger, more distributed IT
infrastructure. Aggregating utilization data over a larger set of projects can enhance an organization’s
ability to project future upgrade needs.
Communications: Communications within the grid are important for sending jobs and their required
data to points within the grid. The bandwidth available for such communications can often be a critical
resource that can limit utilization of the grid. In some cases, higher speed networks must be provided to
meet the demands of jobs transferring larger amounts of data.
Software and Licenses: The grid may have software installed that may be too expensive to install on
every grid machine. Some software licensing arrangements permit the software to be installed on all of
the machines of a grid but may limit the number of installations that can be simultaneously used
at any given instant.
Special equipment, capacities, architectures, and policies: Platforms on the grid will often have
different architectures, operating systems, devices, capacities, and equipment. Each of these items
represents a different kind of resource that the grid can use as criteria for assigning jobs to machines.
Data configuration: The data accessed by the grid jobs may simply be staged in and out by the grid
system. However, depending on its size and the number of jobs, this can potentially add up to a large
amount of data traffic. This is preferable to using a networked file system to share this data, because in
such a file system, the data would be effectively moved from a central location every time the
application is run. This type of analysis is necessary for large jobs to better utilize the grid and not create
unnecessary bottlenecks.
Monitoring progress and recovery: The user can query the grid system to see how his application and
its sub-jobs are progressing. A grid system, in conjunction with its job scheduler, often provides some
degree of recovery for sub-jobs that fail. A job may fail due to a Programming error, Hardware or power
failure, Communications interruption etc.
Reserving resources: To improve the quality of a service, the user may arrange to reserve a set of
resources in advance for his exclusive or high priority use.
(iv) Using a Grid: An Administrative Perspective
Planning: The administrator should understand the organization’s requirements for the grid to better
choose the grid technologies that satisfy grid’s requirements. One of the first considerations is the
hardware available and how it is connected via a LAN or WAN. Next, an organization may want to
add additional hardware to supplement the capabilities of the grid.
o Security: Security is a much more important factor in planning and maintaining a grid where data
sharing comprises the bulk of the activity. In a grid, the member machines are configured to execute
programs rather than just move data. This makes an unsecured grid potentially fertile ground for viruses
and Trojan horse programs. For this reason, it is important to understand the issues involved in
authenticating users and providing proper authorization for specific operations.
o Organization: It is important to understand how the departments in an organization interact, operate,
and contribute to the whole.
Installation: First, the selected grid system must be installed on an appropriately configured set of
machines. These machines should be connected using networks with sufficient bandwidth to other
machines on the grid.
Managing enrollment of donors and users: The administrator is responsible for controlling the rights
of the users in the grid. Donor machines may have access rights that require management as well.. The
rights of these grid user IDs must be properly set so that grid jobs do not allow access to parts of the
donor machine to which the users are not entitled.
Certificate Authority: It is critical to ensure the highest levels of security in a grid because the grid is
designed to execute code and not just share data. Thus, viruses, Trojan horses, and other attacks cane
affect the grid system. The Certificate Authority is one of the most important aspects of maintaining
strong grid security. An organization may choose to use an external Certificate Authority or operate one
itself. The primary responsibilities of a Certificate Authority are:
o Positively identifying entities requesting certificates;
o Issuing, removing, and archiving certificates;
o Protecting the Certificate Authority server;
o Maintaining a namespace of unique names for certificate owners;
o Serving signed certificates to those needing to authenticate entities; and
o Logging activity.
Resource Management: Another responsibility of the administrator is to manage the resources of the
grid. This includes setting permissions for grid users to use the resources as well as tracking resource
usage and implementing a corresponding accounting or billing system. Usage statistics are useful in
identifying trends in an organization that may require the acquisition of additional hardware; reduction
in excess hardware to reduce costs etc.
Data sharing: For small grids, the sharing of data can be fairly easy, using existing networked file
systems, databases, or standard data transfer protocols. As a grid grows and the users become
dependent on any of the data storage repositories, the administrator should consider procedures to
maintain backup copies and replicas to improve performance.
(v) Application Areas of Grid Computing
Civil engineers collaborate to design, execute, & analyze shake table experiments.
An insurance company mines data from partner hospitals for fraud detection.
An application service provider offloads excess load to a compute cycle provider.
An enterprise configures internal & external resources to support e-Business workload.
Large-scale science and engineering are done through the interaction of people, heterogeneous
computing resources, information systems and instruments, all of which are geographically and
organizationally dispersed.