DLL TLE 6 AGRICULTURE SY2023-2024 Sept 04 08 Rev01

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LOG Teaching Dates and SEPT. 04~08, 2023 Quarter 1st QUARTER


Perform propagation of Perform propagation of Perform propagation of Perform propagation of
Trees and Fruit trees Trees and Fruit trees Trees and Fruit trees Trees and Fruit trees
A. Content Standard following agricultural following agricultural following agricultural following agricultural
standards set in the standards set in the standards set in the standards set in the
industry. industry. industry. industry.
Applies knowledge and Applies knowledge and Applies knowledge and Applies knowledge and
B. Performance Standard skills in planting trees and skills in planting trees & skills in planting trees & skills in planting trees &
fruit trees fruit trees fruit trees fruit trees
2. Uses technology to 2.2 Conduct a 2.3 Conduct a 2.4 Conduct a
gather information about survey/interview for the survey/interview of the survey/interview of the
trees and fruit trees. following: following following
 data preparation  market demands for  Sources of trees and  famous orchard, farm
C. Learning  use of survey fruit trees fruit trees in the country
Write the LC code for each.
 use of interview
2.1 Conduct a survey /

interview for elements to

be observed in planting TEACHER’S
trees and fruit-bearing
trees. TLE6AG0b-2 DAY KICK
2a. Discuss the different 2.2.1 Identify different 2.3.1 Present data 2.4.1 Present data
tools/instruments in OFF market demands for trees regarding different regarding famous orchards
gathering data for trees and fruit trees sources of trees and fruit and farmlands within the
and fruit trees.  Be able to present trees community in the different
 Interview data using an interview or  Be able to present provinces in the country.
II. CONTENT  Survey a survey. data using an interview or  Be able to present
2.1.1. Elements to be a survey. data using an interview or
observed in planting trees a survey.
and fruit trees
Be able to present data
using an interview or a
A. References Curriculum Guide for Curriculum Guide for Curriculum Guide for Curriculum Guide for

Grade VI-Agriculture p.32 Grade VI-Agriculture p.32 Grade VI-Agriculture p.32 Grade VI-Agriculture p.32
1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials pages

3. Textbook pages
LED TV, PowerPoint
4. Additional Materials from LED TV, PowerPoint LED TV, PowerPoint LED TV, PowerPoint
presentation, materials for
the Learning Resource presentation, materials for presentation, materials for presentation, materials for
(LR) portal activity activity activity
B. Other Learning Resource
Ask anyone from the Identification of the Discussion on the Presentation of the
class to report about different elements to be different sources of different well-known
trees and fruit trees. observed in planting trees and fruit trees. orchards/farms in the
A. Reviewing the previous lesson
Importance and the trees and fruit trees. country.
or presenting the new lesson
benefits we can derive Report on market
from planting trees and demands for trees and
fruit trees. fruit trees.
Be able to discuss before Learners will identify the Present before the class Learners will be able to
the class the use of different market demands some sources of trees and gain information about the
interviews and surveys for trees and fruit trees. fruit trees. success stories of some
B. Establishing a purpose for the in gathering data and Present the different well-known
lesson other elements to be observed in orchards/farms in the
information about trees planting trees and fruit country.
and fruit trees. trees.

C. Presenting examples/Instances Presentation of Identify market demands Using a developed Presentation of the
of the new lesson data/information on the for trees and fruit trees. database, present before different well-known
different trees and fruit Show data regarding the the class the different orchards/farms with
trees grown in the different elements to be sources of trees and fruit exemplary characteristics
different provinces with a practiced in planting trees trees as follows: and awards.
focus on their ordinary and fruit trees.  Commercial Values Integration:
names and their scientific Values Integration: Nursery Orchards and farms with
name. Data are shared with local  Agricultural exemplary characteristics
Values Integration: farmers and vendors in Institutions and awards may share
Information on the trees order to help them  Department of their knowledge /
and fruit-bearing trees is increase their knowledge Agriculture expertise with the local
shared with local farmers and profit.  Bureau of Plant farmers and small

in order to enhance their Industry businesses to increase
knowledge on the matter. their knowledge on such.
Present data-gathering . Interviewing skills on Presentation skills using Video presentation
instruments using market demands for trees video footage on the featuring the outstanding
Interviews and Surveys. and fruit trees. different sources of trees orchards/farms in the
Present charts/pictures and fruit trees. country.
showing the different SPED: The learner will be SPED: The learner will be
elements practiced in guided throughout the guided throughout the
D. Discussing new concepts and
planting trees and fruit activity and will be activity and will be
practicing new skills # 1
trees allowed to explore and/or allowed to explore and/or
SPED: The learner will be share his/her ideas. share his/her ideas.
guided throughout the
activity and will be
allowed to explore and/or
share his/her ideas.
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills # 2
Discussions on the use of List down different Presentation skills on the Video coverage
technology in gathering elements involved in different agencies, presentation of some well-
F. Developing mastery
data on trees and fruit planting trees and fruit partners being the source known orchard farms in
(Leads to Formative
trees. trees. Identify some of trees and fruit trees. the country.
Assessment 3)
market demands related to
trees and fruit trees.
Present before the class Demonstrate the Show some footage of Present data of some
the scientific practices in different practices in different government, outstanding
gathering data about the planting trees and fruit non-government as well as orchards/farms in the
trees and fruit trees. trees. private entities, where country.
Present before the class trees and fruit trees are Present their sample
videos, and film clips of obtained from. proposals or project
G. Finding practical application different products that studies.
of concepts and skills in daily serve as market demand
living for trees and fruit trees
(e.g.: foods: fruits,
candies, jams,
non-food: furniture,
energy source,
infrastructure, etc.
H. Making generalizations and The importance of The different elements in Sources of trees and fruit Qualities and
abstractions about the lesson scientific tools in data planting trees and fruit trees. characteristics of an ideal

gatherings. trees. Some products orchard.
derived from trees and
fruit trees will provide for
a market demand.
Written examination Oral recitation Group presentation. Video Written examination.
Demonstrations. Demonstrations presentation. Quiz. Word Game.
Brainstorming. Direct Observation.
I. Evaluating learning
Reporting and
presentation skills.
Role Play.
Present documentaries Demonstration on the Develop a flip chart on the Video shoot of different
and some data about different practices in different sources of trees types of orchards.
trees and fruit trees that planting trees and fruit and fruit trees.
are gathered through trees. Invite at least one
J. Additional activities for
surveys and interviews. practitioner who can
application or remediation
share his / her expertise /
experiences in marketing
products out of trees and
fruit trees.

Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else
VI. REFLECTION needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so that when you
meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.

A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue

to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter that my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover
that I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by: Approved by:

_________________ ___________________ __________________ ____________________

TLE Teacher Master Teacher I Head Teacher III Principal III

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