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Grade & Section ________________________Subject: Personal Development

Name of Teacher: ____________________________________Date: _________

I. Title: Holistic Development

II. Type of Activity: Concept notes with formative activities

LAS for summative assessment ( Written Work

Performance Task)


1. Evaluate his/her own thoughts, feelings, and behavior

2. Show its connections in actual life situations.

IV. Learning Objective/s:

1. Discuss the relationship among psychological, cognitive, physiological,

spiritual, and social aspects of development.
2. Evaluate their own thoughts, feelings, and actions through understanding
the different aspect of self.

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3. Evaluate their own thoughts, feelings, and actions through exploring
oneself and,
4. Show the connection of their thoughts, feelings, and actions to life

V. Reference/s:

For Print Material/s:

Personal Development, DepEd First Edition 2016, pg 9

Module in Personal Development 2nd Ed.2017, Doriden de Classica A.
pg 16
Personal Development, Ricardo Rubio Santos, pg 24

For Online Resources:

https://idreamcareer.com/blog/holistic-development/ Dipankar Sarkar, 3-27-2020

7K-A8fa0wTP_boY&bih=618&biw=1349&tbs=sur%3Afmc&hl=fil&hl=fil/July 7,


August 26, 2021

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=667/ August 26, 2021

bih=667/August 26,2021

VI. Concept Notes with formative activities

Holistic Development

Holistic development is a comprehensive approach in learning which aims to

develop multiple facets or abilities of a human brain. Conventional educational and
learning systems aim at the development of intellectual capabilities only. But holistic
growth aims at the development of physical capabilities, intellectual abilities,
cognitive or mental abilities, emotional abilities, and social skills.

Adolescence is a crucial period in the development of an individual. It marks

the major transition stage that bridge childhood to adulthood. The middle and late
adolescence is between the ages 15-21. This is the time of one’s life that is full of
excitement and challenges.

The Various Aspects of Holistic Development of Persons:

1. Physiological or the physical attributes including the five senses.

2. Cognitive or the intellectual functions of the mind: thinking, recognizing,

reasoning, analyzing, projecting, synthesizing, recalling, and assessing.

3. Psychological or how thinking, feeling, and behaving interact and happen

in a person.

4. Social or how an individual interacts with other individuals or groups of

individuals; and

5. Spiritual or the attribute of a person’s consciousness’ and beliefs,

including the values and virtues that guide and put meaning into a
person’s life.

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The word "holistic" derives from the Greek "holos", which simply means
"whole". A useful definition of "holism" is "to emphasize the importance of the
whole while realizing that the parts are dependent on each other."

Life is a intricate fabric of many threads. Life consists of more than our bodies.
Bodies are merely the garage of the soul.

"We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience, but we are
spiritual beings having a physical experience." (Wayne Dyer)

The spirit is the soul. It is the real YOU. It needs nourishment. It is there to
lead you in the right direction. Intuition is connected to your spiritual self. If, for
example, prayer is you talking to God, intuition is God talking to you!

The mental part is everything that concerns the mind. It is the thinking
process; it is all things we are aware or unaware of. We can affect our mental
status. Throughout this site, there are many tools and information that
anybody has free access to.

Affirmations are great for affecting your mind in the direction you like.
Even goal setting is a way of directing your mind.

Emotional health is one component, just as valuable and necessary as
all the others for a harmonic life. By now it is obvious that these building
blocks for personal development go together and affect each other. Moreover,
each block requires the others. They form a holistic unity, your life.

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Key Elements of



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VALUES are usually nouns,
while VIRTUES are adjectives that
describe positive and desirable
qualities which usually mirror a value
it represents. Values are usually
reflected through these virtues
which in turn become eminent in the
www.canstockphoto.com attitude and behavior of a person.


Values Virtues
Peace Peaceful, calm
Integrity Reputable, responsible, believable,
honest, trustworthy
Love Loving, caring, compassionate, gentle,
Respect Respectful, Respectful, civil
Balance Objective, fair, harmonius

Task 1: You can do this Answer the following questions for brainstorming. Put your
answers in a piece of paper.

1. What is your understanding of a whole person?

2. How are your thoughts, feelings, and behavior related?
3. How do you react to your thoughts, feelings, and behavior?
4. What is your understanding of values vs virtues?
5. How do this affect a persons’ thinking and behavior?

Task 2:
Research Activity with art: Answer this in a separate sheet of paper

1. How the does brain process an external stimulus and how does the rest of
the body react to what it is signaling?

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2. How do emotions behave as motivators? Draw a list of 5 different emotions
and feelings and determine which of these you have experienced.


Task 3:
In your activity notebook, divide a circle into 8 segments. Write some descriptions
of the different aspects of yourself in each segment.

1. Physical Self
2. Intellectual self
3. Emotional self
4. Sensual self
5. Interactional self
6. Nutritional self
7. Contextual self
8. Spiritual self

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You may search either in the net or any reference material to further describe the
above aspects of self. Describe them thru self-analysis but should not be based
on the dictionary. Your circle must look like: Hereunder is an example:


Task 4 You can do more

You are to make a personal recipe for achieving

personal goals. Identify your goals. Refer to the
previous activity of self-aspect inspired by success
stories and break down into a recipe. Write your
own procedure for success with brief explanation.
Use separate sheet of paper for your answers.


Recipe for Success

1 teaspoon of logical thinking 1 cup
creativity 1 cup of vision

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2 pinches of positivity 3 teaspoon of leadership 2 cups of

1 lb of goodwill 2 teaspoon of teamwork 3 tablespoon of


3 tablespoons of hope and unlimited faith of mixing

Procedure with explanation:

In the Recipe of success, there is no room for negativity. The above

ingredients and measurements must be accompanied with lots of hard work and
perseverance. Mind, emotions, habits, way of thinking and action-based
performance to attain ones’ dream is very important to make all your dreams come
true. Success is not about money but it’s about how we live life to the fullest with a
purpose and a legacy great to inspire other people and mostly to glorify God.

Task 5

Identify the concept needed in the statement given. Choices are provided inside
the box.

A. Social B. Physical C. Spiritual

D. Mental E. Psychological

1. Maria puts powder on her face to look good. She is very much conscious of
her appearance because she was afraid of being rejected.

2. Andres is an extrovert type of person. He is very sociable and has a good

interpersonal relationship.

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3. Mika keeps on attending mass. She heard the moral values a person should

4. The professor usually gives a lot of information for a student to learn.

5. Ciara is poor but has a strong energy. She is independent and manages
certain problems.

Task 6

Examine yourselves by briefly putting your own definition on the different

aspects of development. Relate your answers to your own experiences.


1. Physiological/Physical

2. Intellectual/ Mental

3. Spiritual/ Moral

4. Social/ Interpersonal

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5. Psychological-Emotional

Task 7 Challenge yourself Describe the following terms and give

examples based on real life experiences. You may use separate sheet of
paper for your answers.

Word Your definition of the Your real-life

given word experiences or
pertaining to the
application of the
given words in your
life as a teenager
Social development

Cognitive development

Spiritual development


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Task 8 Follow up activity: Maintain a personal journal of
self. Use a separate sheet of notebook for this. Write your
day to day journey in any aspect of your life. Write your
ideas, feelings, experiences, habits, and more pertaining to
your day to day activities. This will help you express
yourself and know yourself better. Every concern you may
want to share shall be treated with confidentiality.

Task 9 The following questions are personal questions for you to express
yourselves better. Put your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

1. How is your day?

2. List the positive things that happen.
3. List negative things/struggles of the day.
4. How did you face the challenges encountered?
5. What are the things you found out because of these experiences?
6. What are your strengths and limitations?
7. What qualities you want to improve.
8. What are the things to be thankful for?
9. Differentiate virtues vs. values
10. What is the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors?

Task 10: Level Up Write YES if you agree to the statement and NO if you disagree.
You may write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

1. Carlo consulted his emotion after having second thought of courting Rose.
Carlo gave flowers to Rose. Giving flowers is known as the behavior/act.

2. When a person has low confidence, her social life will be not be affected.

3. In decision making, only our thoughts/thinking should be used. ________

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4. A person can learn even if he is ready. _______

5. Every member of a group has moral tasks needed to be solved for her to feel
she belongs to a group. _____
Task 11: Write the word “Values” if the word indicates a Value and “Virtues” if the
word indicates a virtue. Put your answers in your activity notebook.

______1. Peaceful

______2. Love

______3. Integrity

______4. Loving

______5. Affectionate

Task 12: Fill out the space below by inserting word/s or phrase on how you think,
feel and act based on different aspects on how you think, feel and act. Use a
separate sheet of paper for your answers.

1. I am if others will tell negative things
about my appearance
2. My favorite part of my body is my __________
3. I consider my _______________ as my physical asset because
4. I don’t like my _______________________as a part of my body and
I want to_____________________________.

1. I study hard because

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2. I appreciate my _________________ subject because
3. I do not appreciate my ___________ subject because

Sociological/ Interpersonal
1. I want to be with people who are
2. I do not want to be with people who are
3. I love to talk about ideas or topics on _________________________

1. The thing that hurts me the most
2. My trigger warnings that induces negative feelings
3. My favorite person to share my feelings

Spiritual/ Religious
1. I attend mass regularly
2. I am not attending mass often because ____________________
3. I feel _______________________whenever I pray.
4. I pray for__________________________ that_______________.
5. I thank God for________________________________________.

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