1. This document contains a question bank for the Research Methodology & IPR course covering topics on industrial designs, geographical indications, and case studies on patents.
2. It includes 15 multiple choice and descriptive questions ranging from 5-10 marks on defining industrial designs and GIs, registration procedures, rights granted, enforcement, classification trends, and examples of registered GIs in India.
3. Key questions examine the acts governing GIs in India, the DPIIT's IPR-related activities, eligibility for industrial design protection, and case studies on the turmeric, neem and basmati patents.
1. This document contains a question bank for the Research Methodology & IPR course covering topics on industrial designs, geographical indications, and case studies on patents.
2. It includes 15 multiple choice and descriptive questions ranging from 5-10 marks on defining industrial designs and GIs, registration procedures, rights granted, enforcement, classification trends, and examples of registered GIs in India.
3. Key questions examine the acts governing GIs in India, the DPIIT's IPR-related activities, eligibility for industrial design protection, and case studies on the turmeric, neem and basmati patents.
1. This document contains a question bank for the Research Methodology & IPR course covering topics on industrial designs, geographical indications, and case studies on patents.
2. It includes 15 multiple choice and descriptive questions ranging from 5-10 marks on defining industrial designs and GIs, registration procedures, rights granted, enforcement, classification trends, and examples of registered GIs in India.
3. Key questions examine the acts governing GIs in India, the DPIIT's IPR-related activities, eligibility for industrial design protection, and case studies on the turmeric, neem and basmati patents.
1. This document contains a question bank for the Research Methodology & IPR course covering topics on industrial designs, geographical indications, and case studies on patents.
2. It includes 15 multiple choice and descriptive questions ranging from 5-10 marks on defining industrial designs and GIs, registration procedures, rights granted, enforcement, classification trends, and examples of registered GIs in India.
3. Key questions examine the acts governing GIs in India, the DPIIT's IPR-related activities, eligibility for industrial design protection, and case studies on the turmeric, neem and basmati patents.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
QUESTION BANK Module 5: Industrial Designs , Geographical Indication ||Case Studies on Patents
Course Name: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY & IPR Course Code: 21RMI56
th Semester/Section: 5 Sem , EC CO Attainment CO5 Course In-charge: Dr. Bhagya H K Academic Year: 2023-24 RB Q.No Question Marks T Briefly explain the overview of Industrial Design (ID). Summarize the Non- 1 10 L1 Protectable Industrial Designs in India. Discuss the Industrial Design registration procedure by using a flowchart. 10 2 L2 Define Geographical Indications (GI) with an example. What are the rights granted 10 3 L1 to GI holders? Summarize the IPR-related activities the Department for Promotion of Industry and 4 10 L2 Internal Trade (DPIIT) undertakes. What are the eligibility criteria for obtaining protection for industrial designs 5 6 L1 1. What acts, laws, and rules govern geographical indications (GI)? L1 6 6 Describe the enforcement of Industrial Design Rights. L2 7 5 Explain the classification of Industrial Designs and design registration trends in L2 8 7 India. Explain registered Geographical Indications(GI) in India with the tabulate of L2 9 8 examples Explain the Identification of Registered Geographical Indications (GI) items. What 10 10 L2 are the common methods used to project GI in India. Using a flowchart, explain the process of GI registration. 10 L2 11 Briefly explain the overview of Industrial Design (ID). Summarize the Non- 12 6 L2 Protectable Industrial Designs in India. 2. Explain collective marks and certification marks in the context of geographical L2 13 indications. 7
3. Describe the GI ecosystem in India.
14 5 L2 Discuss the case studies of Turmeric, Neem and Basmati Patent. 10 L2 15 ** CO = Course outcome *** RBT= Revised Bloom Taxonomy
Prepared by Dr. Bhagya H K (Course In-charge: RM&IPR – 21RMI56)