Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development
Mårten Aurelius
My appreciation also goes to Professor John Sören Pettersson who has been very
helpful and making it possible for me writing this thesis.
I also would like to thank Eric Sohls, my classmate for his valuable input during the
Last, but not least, I would like to thank Sean McCreanor the CEO of Assignar, who
helped me recruit mobile application development experts to conduct my survey.
Table of Content
Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................ 1
List of Figures ........................................................................................................................ 2
List of Tables.......................................................................................................................... 3
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 4
2. Theoretical Background .............................................................................................. 11
2.1 Mobile Development Technologies .................................................................... 11
2.1.1 Mobile Operating System Characteristics ................................................... 11
2.1.2 Mobile Application Native Development .................................................... 12
2.1.3 Mobile Application Cross-Platform Development ...................................... 14
2.2 Existing decisional frameworks ........................................................................... 18
2.2.1 Dalmasso et al. (2013) and Heitkötter et al. (2013) .................................... 18
2.2.2 Rieger et al. (2016) and Rieger et al. (2019) ............................................... 24
2.3 Comprehensive Decisional Framework for Native vs Cross-Platform
Development ................................................................................................................... 35
2.3.1 Takeaway from Pre-existing Models ........................................................... 35
2.3.2 New Decisional Framework......................................................................... 36 Business environment perspective ......................................................... 37 Infrastructure perspective ...................................................................... 40 Development perspective ....................................................................... 42
2.3.3 List of criteria for selecting native vs cross-platform .................................. 43
2.3.4 Summary earlier research and contribution made by this thesis ............... 51
3. Empirical Study ............................................................................................................ 55
3.1 Data Collection .................................................................................................... 55
3.2 Analysis and Results ............................................................................................ 58
3.3 Discussion ............................................................................................................ 68
4. Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 78
5. References................................................................................................................... 83
6. Annexes ....................................................................................................................... 87
List of Figures
Figure 1 Mobile Operating System Market Share Worldwide from Aug 2012 – Jan 2020
(Statcounter, 2020). Reprinted with permission from Statcounter. .................................................... 5
Figure 2 Cross-platform mobile frameworks used by software developers worldwide as of 2019 (Liu,
2019) ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3 Matrix suggesting best approach from level of customization compared with number of
customizations done in the app ........................................................................................................ 40
Figure 4 Min, max and mean value for the 22 criteria for the Entire sample ................................... 69
Figure 5 Min, max and mean value for the 22 criteria in the sample of Developers ....................... 70
Figure 6 Min, max and mean value for the 22 criteria in the sample of Decision makers ................ 70
Figure 7 Min, max and mean value for the 22 criteria in the sample categorized as Both developers
and decision makers.......................................................................................................................... 71
Figure 8 Min, max and mean value for the 22 criteria in the sample of Developers including the
sample that answered Both developers and decision makers .......................................................... 72
Figure 9 Min, max and mean value for the 22 criteria in the sample of Decision makers including
the sample that answered Both developers and decision makers .................................................... 72
Figure 10 Min, max and mean value for the 22 criteria in the sample of 15 Years or more of
experience ......................................................................................................................................... 73
Figure 11 Min, max and mean value for the 22 criteria in the sample of 10 Years or more of
experience ......................................................................................................................................... 73
Figure 12 Years of Experience vs Be Agile in HR and Be Agile in Budget which both are from the
Business Environment perspective .................................................................................................... 74
Figure 13 Weight of each criterion from the sample of Developer based on years of experience ... 74
Figure 14 Weight of each criterion from the sample of Decision Makers based on years of
experience ......................................................................................................................................... 75
Figure 15 Weight of each criterion from the sample of Both based on years of experience ............ 75
Figure 16 Years of Experience vs Position vs Provide support for required system integration, Deliver
needed access to device specific hardware or device API and Deliver needed access to device
specific hardware or device API ........................................................................................................ 76
Figure 17 Years of Experience vs Position vs Outliers. ...................................................................... 77
Figure 18 Rounded mean, rounded median and mode for each criterion in the entire sample ....... 79
List of Tables
1. Introduction
The present thesis work develops a functional framework for selecting native vs
cross platform approach in mobile applications development. The new framework
presents a list of tangible and measurable criteria and brings more precision and a
clear definition for criteria borrowed from Rieger et al. (2019). The new framework
also develops a new dimension, “the Business Environment”, that covers the
business context for the developing company and major requirements in its today’s
With this research work, we aim to help the decision makers to make the trade-off
for developing applications in native or in a cross-platform environment.
1.1 Background
The number of mobile application downloads has increased from 140.7 billion in
2016 to 204 billion 2019 with a worldwide revenue of 462 billion USD (Clement,
2019). Mobile applications benefit to several industries such as transport,
ecommerce, net banking, travel, retail and enterprise services (Dalmasso et al.
2013, p 1).
Besides from developing the actual application and identify the segment, B2B or
B2C, there is a challenge when selecting which OS to target.
The smartphone market has exploded during the last 10 years. According to Holst
(2019) the global smartphone shipments has increased from 173.5 million units in
2009 to 1 404,9 million units in 2018. During this period there have been different
mobile operating systems, for example Android, Blackberry, iOS, Symbian and
Windows. Today the market is dominated by two contenders – Android and iOS
(Statcounter, 2020). It may be a difficult decision to take which OS to focus on for
companies developing mobile applications. Even if the market today is dominated
by Android and iOS there might be another contender dominating the market in
the future. As seen in Figure 1, the OS market share has shifted during the last 8
years. This is the unsecure circumstances companies must take into consideration
when choosing strategy for their mobile application development. The mobile OS
dominating the market today might not dominate the market in 5 years.
Figure 1 Mobile Operating System Market Share Worldwide from Aug 2012 – Jan 2020
(Statcounter, 2020). Reprinted with permission from Statcounter.
Making the selection of OS for application development is not only based on market
share or targeted industry. Lamhaddab et al. (2019) presents four factors for
deciding which OS is suited for enterprise requirements:
1. Audience: Android has the bigger market share and for the first quarter of
2019 the Google Play Store pulled 22 billion applications worldwide, the
Apple Application Store only drove 8 billion.
2. Monetization: While Android has more downloads, Apple has nearly twice
lead when it comes to gross consumer spend.
3. Project timeline: Developing applications for Android is 30-40 % slower than
iOS in average.
4. Budget: The cost to develop a mobile application depends on the scope and
complexity of the project but also devices and OS versions support,
marketing effort, team and cross department involvement,
maintenance/upgrade etc.
Developers target one specific platform using its software development kit (SDK)
and frameworks when developing native mobile applications. The application is tied
to that specific environment (Heitkötter et al. 2013, p 3). Developing native
applications for Android is done using Android Studio with Android SDK and native
applications for iOS is done using XCode with iOS SDK. This means one development
environment and source code for each OS (Monus, 2019). The diversity of mobile
platforms and SDKs and other tools cause unique challenges as choice of SDK, user
experience, stability of framework, ease of updating cost of development for
multiple platforms and time to market an application (Dalmasso et al. 2013, p 1).
Liu (2019) presents the 10 most used cross-platform frameworks in 2019 illustrated
in Figure 2. The most used framework is ReactNative with a usage of 42% among
developers using cross-platform tools. The following four frameworks have almost
the same share of users with a usage between 26-30%. In chapter 2.1.3 the main
characteristics with pros and cons are presented for ReactNative, Xamarin, Flutter
and Adobe PhoneGap because they represent different shares of usage and have
different technical characteristics and therefore an interesting comparison. Some
companies will prefer one over another based on what each cross-platform tool
have to offer and is the best fit for the competence already existing in the company
and the characteristics of the application to be develop.
Cross-platform mobile frameworks used by
software developers worldwide as of 2019
Choosing a cross-platform approach might look at the obvious choice since you can
have a single code base for several OS making the development and maintenance
faster, easier and cheaper. This is, however, not always the case. According to
Biørn-Hansen et al. (2019, p 8) cross-platform frameworks has limitations making
them less capable for application development than the native development
approach and is hard to integrate with device application programming interface
(API). They also conduct that cross-platform development tools are not as easy to
test and debug as native development tools.
As described, there are many variables to take into consideration when developing
an app. What market does the company target? Does the customer need
integration to device API? What OS does the application need to be available for?
Does the application need to be available for multiple OS? Depending on the
outcome of these questions, a number of other key technical considerations, as well
as contextual considerations, either native or a cross-platform approach may be
Dalmasso et al. (2013, p 1) is presenting nine criteria and Heitkötter et al. (2013, p
6-7, p 15-16) identifies 14 criteria for helping decide whether to take a native or a
cross-platform approach when developing mobile applications. Heitkötter et al.
(2013, p 6) divides these 14 criteria in two perspectives, Infrastructure and
Development, with seven criteria for each perspective. These criteria are not up to
date since the technology and market has emerged since then and therefore the
demands on the criteria are different today. The lists of criteria are also too broad
with limited perspectives and there is a need for a more detailed level for decision
makers to be able take the decision based on these criteria. Rieger et al. (2019, p
180-186) expands the perspectives identified by Heitkötter et al. (2013, p 6) and
add additional two, leading up to four perspectives for evaluating different cross-
platform frameworks. These four perspectives cover more up to date demands but
do not cover the decision on whether to choose a native or a cross-platform
approach since the criteria only aims to identify different characteristics when
selecting a cross-platform framework. This thesis work is using the perspectives
presented by Rieger et al. (2019, p 180-186) as a reference for the list of criteria
selecting native or cross-platform approach.
This thesis work expands previous list of criteria from Dalmasso et al. (2013, p 1)
and Heitkötter et al. (2013, p 6-7, p 15-16) by updating the list, detail the criteria to
achieve a measurement level and complete it with new criteria that are related to
the company’s profile. This thesis uses the Infrastructure and Development
perspectives defined by Heitkötter et al. (2013, p 6) and then further developed by
Rieger et al. (2019, p 180-186). Rieger et al. (2019, p 193) got feedback from experts
that some generic criteria, such as Pace of Development found in Development
perspective, need to be scrutinized, which is provided in this thesis and in the
context of decision between native or cross-platform application development.
The primary target group of this thesis is the decision makers in companies choosing
strategy of their mobile application development. The decision makers most
probably work in companies developing mobile application software or using
consultant companies developing the software for them. By providing criteria for
choosing native or cross-platform development approach, the established new
framework will support the decision among the two approaches.
1.5 Delimitations
Since the market for mobile OS today is dominated by Android and iOS
(Statcounter, 2020), the native development perspective in this thesis is only
focusing on these two OS. The list of criteria is based on the perspective of
Infrastructure and Development introduced by Heitkötter et al. (2013, p 6) and
further expanded by Rieger et a. (2016, p 8-14) and Rieger et al. (2019, p 180-186).
This thesis work adapts the ethical considerations presented by Leedy et al. (2015),
described in more detail this chapter.
Leedy et al. (2015, p 120) state that most ethical issues in research fall into one of
the categories 1) Protection from harm, 2) voluntary and informed participation, 3)
right to privacy and 4) honesty with professional colleagues.
Protection from harm
A researcher should treat all participants in a courteous and respectful manner. The
risk involved in participating in a study should not be greater than the normal risks
of day-to-day living (Leedy et al. 2015, p 120).
Right to privacy
Under no circumstances should a research report be presented in a way that
anyone could be aware of how an individual participant have responded or behaved
unless the participant has granted permission in written for this to happen (Leedy
et al. 2015, p 123).
The conducted survey in this thesis is anonymous and voluntary. The responses are
treated with confidentiality and no identifying information such as name, e-mail
address or IP address are collected.
2. Theoretical Background
Mobile applications are developed targeting a specific OS which can be done by
either using native or cross-platform development. This thesis is reviewing different
mobile development technologies, mobile operating system characteristics, mobile
native development, mobile cross-platform development and previous literature
with existing decisional framework for selecting native or cross-platform approach.
Cross-platform approaches does not give the same user experience as a native
approach. A native touch and feel, can only be achieved using truly native
components inside the app. A deep integration with the device and improved
performance are important parameters to take into consideration when developing
an app. (Shah et al. 2019, p 7).
According to Shah et al. (2019, p 6) native applications are to prefer when it comes
to performance-related parameters like access to native device APIs, ease of
update, rendering UI and providing the better user experience. Native applications
require platform specific knowledge which are often cost intensive. Shah et al.
(2019, p 7) conclude that despite the disadvantages in a cross-platform approach,
they often are the preferable approach except when developing high performance
11 Android OS
Android’s primary purpose is to create an open software platform available for
carriers, OEMs and developers to introduce a product that improves the mobile
experience for users. Android is designed so no industry player controls or restricts
the innovation of another resulting in product with source code open for
customization and porting. To prevent uncontrolled customization that can lead to
incompatible implementations, the Android Open Source Project, led by Google,
maintains the Android Compatibility Program that spells out what it means to be
Android compatible and what’s required of device builders have to achieve that
(Android Source, 2019).
Android applications cost $25 to host on Google Play and developing an application
for Android is easier compared to iOS since the guidelines are not as strict as iOS
(Pratap, 2018). iOS
The iOS OS, originally called iPhone OS, is the mobile operating system developed
by Apple Inc for devices manufactured by Apple. Originally developed for iPhone,
iOS was later extended to be implemented for other Apple devices such as iPad and
Apple TV. iOS is a Unix-like OS with four levels of abstraction: the operating system
kernel, the core services level, the media level and the user interface (Novac et al.
iOS applications cost nearly $200 to host on Application Store and to get approval
from Apple may take some time since the guidelines are strict (Pratap, 2018).
Fundamentals, 2019). Each application has only access to the components required
to do its work and cannot access parts of the system for which is not given
permission (ibid, 2019). According to Android Developer Fundamentals (2019) each
application lives in its own security sandbox protected by the following Android
security features:
The entire feature-set of the Android OS is available using Java APIs enabling
building UI, access to non-code resources, notifications, activity manager to provide
a common navigation back stack and content providers to access data from other
applications . With this framework, developers have full access to the same
framework APIs that Android system applications such as email, SMS, calendars,
internet browsing etc are using (Android Developer Platform, 2019).
Developer Swift, 2020). Strings are Unicode-correct and use UTF-8 based encoding
to support international languages and emoji (ibid, 2020).
The market today offers several different cross-platform frameworks. In the
following sections the main characteristics of Xamarin, ReactNative, Adobe
PhoneGap and Flutter is presented. Xamarin
Xamarin is an open source platform from Microsoft for developing mobile
applications targeting iOS and Android using C# and .NET. enabling developers to
use base libraries for working with strings, dates and files/IO. Xamarin has a big
community with more than 60 000 contributors from more than 3 700 companies.
(What is Xamarin, n.d.).
Haberl (2015, p 49) conclude that since Xamarin implement a layer over the native
environment, there is no real control of what is generated as the final code to be
run on the device. This can lead to a lot of workarounds within the codebase.
Share more than 75% of the code across platforms (Manchada, 2019)
Strong community with over 60 000 contributors and more than 3 700
companies (Manchada, 2019)
A single tech stack for faster development using Visual Studio and C#
(Leuschenko, 2018)
Applications for all platforms where developers can create applications for
mobile and desktop experiences simultaneously (Leuschenko, 2018)
License is free for individuals and startups but is expensive for enterprises
with $250 - $5 999 annual fee (Manchada, 2019)
Not recommended for applications with heavy graphics (Manchada, 2019)
Limited access to certain important libraries (Manchada, 2019)
Slow debugging process, especially on Android (Manchada, 2019)
Does not support all available 3rd-party libraries for Android and iOS without
specific wrapper (Leuschenko, 2018)
Larger application size adding 2-5 Megabytes for the release and around 20
Megabytes for debug builds (Leushenko, 2018)
Share more than 80% of the code across platforms (Manchada, 2019)
Preview results right away and ready-to-apply elements (Manchada, 2019)
Hot reloading features allowing developers see changes made within
seconds (Manchada, 2019)
UI rendering giving a highly responsive interface (Manchada, 2019)
Reliable and stable applications (Ganguly, 2018)
Ready-made components achieving simple functionalities making
development process faster (Ganguly, 2018)
Growing community where developers can get help (Ganguly, 2018)
16 Adobe PhoneGap
Adobe PhoneGap is an open source framework built on top of Apache Cordova.
Developers is using web technologies like HTML, CSS and Java Script to build mobile
applications but still have access to native device APIs like camera, GPS and
accelerometer (Adobe PhoneGap, n.d.).
Cons: Flutter
Flutter (first released Dec 4th, 2018) is an open source framework by Google for
creating native compiled mobile applications that can be run on both iOS and
Android. Flutter is using the object-oriented programming language Dart with
widgets optimized for 2D graphics. Developers can use the same design on both iOS
and Android. Flutter provide access to some native device API, like camera,
geolocation, network and storage but Flutter do not intend to build support for all
native services and APIs (Flutter FAQ, n.d.).
Flutter does not offer support for Android TV and Apple TV (Manchada,
Lacks with respect to native development (Manchada, 2019)
Since Flutter applications is using built-in widgets instead of platform
widgets the size of the application is usually bigger (Manchada, 2019)
Limited libraries and often developers must build functionality themselves
(Fitzgerald, 2019)
Not an extensive or easy support for continuous integration (Fitzgerald,
platform development. Heitkötter et al. (2013, p 6-7, p 15-16) is presenting criteria
for comparing native and cross-platform approach based on the Infrastructure and
Development perspective.
1. Quality of UX
2. Application development cost
3. Time-to-market
4. Supportability
5. Ease of updating
6. Potential users
7. Quality of applications
8. Security of app
9. Application extension
Quality of UX
Measures the quality of the user experience. The native approach is described as
Excellent and cross-platform approach as Not as good as native applications.
Measures the how fast an application can be developed. The time-to-market for a
native application is considered High and with a cross-platform approach Short.
How easy an application is to support is evaluated within each approach. An
application developed with a native approach is considered Complex and with a
cross-platform approach as Medium to complex.
Ease of updating
How easy an application is to update and keep updated is evaluated here. An
application developed with a native approach is considered Complex and with a
cross-platform approach as Medium to complex.
Potential users
Measures the number of potential users when selecting approach. The native
approach limits potential users to a particular mobile platform whereas the cross-
platform approach has a large number of potential users since it is reaches to users
on different platforms.
These first six criteria are all supportive when selecting native or cross-platform
approach. They need to be scrutinized and further developed but would in general
serve as a helpful criterion. Quality of UX is different in native or cross-platform
applications given that native development provides full support for all UI elements
whereas cross-platform is restricted to the framework. Application development
cost and Time-to-market can all be related to the competence available in the
company and would also be an important criterion. Supportability could be
measured how well the chosen approach is easy to maintain and support needed
functionality of the app. Ease of updating is a part of continuous integration and
continuous application store integration which also are important criterion when
selecting approach. Potential users as described above is the essence of selecting
native or cross-platform approach, the number of platforms the company need to
target and is therefore also an important criterion.
These criteria are limited to a very few decision factors and it is not elaborated what
each criterion means and what long term effects that have in the selection of
approach. Dalmasso et al. (2013, p 1) does not make any distinctions between B2B
or B2C approach, the need of device API or different perspectives of the application
lifecycle. The way of judging each criterion is also very vague using meanings like
Excellent, Medium, Not good etc. There is no explanation how the different
evaluation factors of the criteria should be interpreted or used within an
organization judging the outcome of the criteria.
Heitkötter et al. (2013, p 6-7, p 15-16) is presenting criteria for comparing native
and cross-platform approach based on the Infrastructure and Development
perspective. Heitkötter et al. (2013, p 6) defines the perspectives as “The
infrastructure perspective sums up criteria relating to the life-cycle of an app, its
usage, operation and functionality/functional range” and “The development
perspective covers all criteria that are directly related to the development process
of the app, e.g. topics like testing, debugging and development tools”.
These criteria are not a framework for deciding if native or cross-platform approach
is the most suitable for the company but serves as a comparison tool between the
different approaches. This comparison is more comprehensive than the work by
Dalmasso et al. (2013, p 1)
Heitkötter et al. (2013, p 6, p 15) identifies the following seven criteria for
comparing native and cross-platform approach from the infrastructure perspective
which is further described in Annex 2:
Supported platforms
Native: Is done separately for each platform because programming language and
API differ.
Cross-platform: The number of mobile platforms that are supported and the
importance of them.
Long-term feasibility
Native: Studies show that both Oss [Android and iOS] will remain popular.
Developers can rely on large communities, regular bug-fixes and updates.
Cross-platform: For small companies, this criterion can be of importance due to the
initial investment. Indicators are short update cycles, regular bug-fixes, support of
newest versions of mobile operating systems etc.
Cross-platform: Does the framework support native look and feel? Most users seek
applications that look like native applications.
Application speed
Native: Native prototypes are not slower than cross-platform. Equal to cross-
platform tool PhoneGap.
Native: Within platform-specific application stores
All seven criteria are important when selecting between native or cross-platform
approach. License and cost include the pricing model affordable by the company
and if there are any restrictions in the framework limiting needed modifications.
Supported platforms is the essence of selecting native or cross-platform approach,
the number of platforms the company need to target and is therefore also an
important criterion. Access to platform-specific features is also an important
criterion since the native approach gives access full access to all device features
whereas cross-platform most often only provide a subset of all features by default.
Long-term feasibility, besides the rapidity in releasing bug-fixes and new OS
features, also implies the risk of selecting one approach over another and is also a
criterion that needs to be taking into consideration when selecting approach. Look
and feel with the meaning of accessing different UI-components is also an
important criterion since native development provides full support for all UI
elements whereas cross-platform is restricted to the framework. Application speed
could be different depending whether the application is developed natively or in a
cross-platform environment. The importance and impact of this is very dependent
on what type of application that is developed and for some applications the
performance is essential. As for the last criteria, Distribution, is also important since
support for continuous application store integration could be an important criterion
for the company.
Heitkötter et al. (2013, p 7, p 16) identifies following seven criteria for selecting
native or cross-platform approach from the development perspective which is
further described in Annex 3:
1. Development environment
2. GUI design
3. Speed and cost of development
4. Maintainability
5. Opportunities for further development
6. Ease of development
7. Scalability
Development environment
Native: Android applications with Java-enabled IDE such Eclipse with corresponding
plugins. iOS developers require Max OS and XCode
GUI Design
Native: Both Android and iOS support WYSIWYG editor.
Cross-platform: The process of creating GUI and its software support like editor or
Cross-platform: Speed of the development process and factors that could hinder a
fast development. Cost are related to the speed of development and the salary for
the competence needed for a developer in each framework.
development is important from the perspective in what approach the company can
maintain and develop changes in the application without affecting the speed.
Rieger et al. (2016, p 8-10) identifies following seven criteria for selecting cross-
platform framework from the infrastructure perspective which is further described
in Annex 4:
1. License
2. Supported target platforms
3. Long-term feasibility
4. Supported development platforms
5. Distribution channels
6. Monetisation
7. Global application distribution
The license under which framework is published is essential for the type of product
to develop. It needs to be assessed if a developer is free to create commercial
applications and the pricing model also needs to be considered.
Long-term feasibility
Choosing an approach might be a crucial strategic decision considering the initial
investment for hiring and training developers as well as the risk of technological
lock-in, especially for smaller companies. The maturity and stability of the
framework can be evaluated by the historical and expected backwards
incompatible changes of major releases. Short update cycles, regular bug-fixes and
security updates are other indicators.
These three criteria are all important when selecting native or cross-platform
approach. License include the pricing model affordable by the company and if there
are any restrictions in the framework limiting needed modifications. Supported
target platforms is the essence of selecting native or cross-platform approach, the
number of platforms the company need to target and is therefore also an important
criterion. Long-term feasibility, besides the rapidity in releasing bug-fixes and new
OS features, also implies the risk of selecting one approach over another and is also
a criterion that needs to be taking into consideration when selecting approach.
25 Development perspective by Rieger et al. (2016)
Rieger et al. (2016, p 10-12) identifies following 11 criteria for selecting cross-
platform framework from the development perspective which is further described
in Annex 5:
1. Development environment
2. UI design approach
3. Testing support
4. Speed of development
5. Deployment support
6. Preparation time
7. Scalability
8. Development process fit
9. Maintainability
10. Extensibility
11. Integrating native code
Development environment
The maturity and features of an IDE has a big impact of the development
productivity and speed. Tools support includes functionalities such as auto-
completion, debugging tools and emulator. The freedom of choosing a preferred
IDE lowers the initial setup effort for additional dependencies such as runtime
environment of SDK.
UI Design Approach
UI is a major concern for cross-platform approaches. Graphical user interfaces are
highly platform specific and often covered by a default appearance defined by the
framework. WYSIWYG editors for creating appealing interfaces for multiple devices
can be beneficial and increases the speed of development.
Testing Support
Application logic and user interfaces needs to be tested with established concepts
such as system and unit tests. To test context-sensitive mobile scenarios external
influences may be simulated. Providing a developer console, meaningful error
reporting, logging functionalities and debugging on a connected device are
possibilities to evaluate.
Speed of Development
Amount of boilerplate code necessary for functional application skeletons and the
availability of typical application functions such as user authentication has an
impact of the speed of development.
These four criteria are all important when selecting native or cross-platform
approach. Development environment and Testing support are linked together and
is a criterion from the perspective on how the testing tools (and debugging) used
by company is supported in each approach. UI design approach is also a key
criterion in terms of how well each approach support the GUI components needed
by the app. Speed of development is a key criteria in terms of which approach the
company can maintain and develop changes in the application without affecting the
Rieger et al. (2016, p 12-14) identifies following nine criteria for selecting cross-
platform framework from the development perspective which is further described
in Annex 6:
Access to Device-specific Hardware
It is of big importance in cross-platform approaches to access platform- and device-
specific hardware. This includes sensors such as camera, microphone, GPS,
accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, temperature sensor and heart rate
Business integration
Applications may communicate with existing Web service back-end for data storage
and processing or initiate inter-application communication.
These two criteria are important when selecting native or cross-platform approach.
Access to device-specific hardware is, as discussed previously during the review of
Heitkötter’s framework, an important criterion since the native approach gives
access full access to all device features whereas cross-platform most often only
provide a subset of all features by default. Business integration is important when
developing online or B2B applications and therefore a criteria where native and
cross-platform approaches differ in support and need to be taking into
consideration when deciding.
Rieger et al. (2016, p 14) identifies following four criteria for selecting cross-
platform framework from the development perspective, which is described further
in Annex 7:
3. Usage patterns
4. User management
The speed, responsiveness of user actions and stability are essential performance
aspects. The user experience is subjective but speed at start-up, after shutdown
and after interruptions can be measured. Also, CPU, RAM and battery usage at
runtime can be assessed.
These two criteria are important when selecting native or cross-platform approach.
Look and feel with the meaning of accessing different UI-components is also an
important criterion since native development provides full support for all UI
elements whereas cross-platform is restricted to the framework. Performance
could be different depending whether the application is developed natively or in a
cross-platform environment. The importance and impact of this is very dependent
on what type of application that is developed and for some applications the
performance is essential.
The remaining two criteria, 3) Usage patterns and 4) User management does not
affect the decision between native or cross-platform approach in that sense they
are key criteria. User patterns evaluates how well an application integrates into
personal workflows and User management in what extent a cross-platform
framework supports local user accounts and server-based authentication.
Based on Rieger et al. work 2016 (p 8-14) with four perspectives, Rieger et al.
further extends the criteria for selecting cross-platform approach in the work
published 2019 (p 180-186). With this work, Rieger et al. (2019, p 176) propose
steps forward to become the definite framework for evaluating cross-platform
development approaches with weighting capabilities that offer individualisation
and customization. Rieger et al. (2019, p 179) describes the four perspectives as
4. Usage: Non-functional requirements such as performance and user-
Rieger et al. (2019, p 187) present a weight % for each criterion indicating the
importance. Each of the 33 criteria receive a weight between 1-7 where the total is
100 points. The weight for each criterion is presented in Annex 12.
Rieger et al. (2019, p 180-182) identifies following seven criteria for selecting cross-
platform framework from the infrastructure perspective which is further described
in Annex 8:
1. License
2. Supported target platforms
3. Long-term feasibility
4. Supported development platforms
5. Distribution channels
6. Monetisation
7. Internationalization
For commercial development, a framework’s license is important. Does the
framework have any restrictions to the usage of developed applications? Does the
licensing model allow modifications of the framework? The pricing model is also of
importance and evaluated in this criterion.
Long-term feasibility
The choice of application development approach can be a strategic decision
and a commitment for many years. The chosen framework must be
evaluated from the perspective of the company developing the framework
as well as a possible technological lock-in.
These three criteria are all important when selecting native or cross-platform
approach. License include the pricing model affordable by the company and
if there are any restrictions in the framework limiting needed modifications.
Supported target platforms is the essence of selecting native or cross-platform
approach, the number of platforms the company need to target and is therefore
also an important criterion. Long-term feasibility, besides the rapidity in releasing
bug-fixes and new OS features, also implies the risk of selecting one approach over
another and is also a criterion that needs to be taking into consideration when
selecting approach.
Rieger et al. (2019, p 182-183) identifies following 12 criteria for selecting cross-
platform framework from the development perspective which is further described
in Annex 9:
1. Development environment
2. Testing
3. User interface design
4. Continuous delivery
5. Pace of development
6. Preparation time
7. Scalability
8. Development process fit
9. Configuration management
10. Maintainability
11. Extensibility
12. Integrating custom code
Development environment
Evaluation of integrated development environment (IDE) and its features like auto-
completion, integration of library documentation, built-in debuggers and emulator
support to help developers.
Besides from regular unit tests the context-sensitivity of mobile devices must be
fulfilled. Mobile scenarios, such as phone calls when using the application and
varying connectivity, must be taken into consideration when testing. Remote
debugging the device is preferable compared to using an emulator.
Continuous delivery
An app’s lifecycle include deployment. When using an agile method using platforms
to automate building, testing and deployment of an application can be used.
Frameworks can be designed to integrate with such toolchains by offering project-
specific scripts, advanced build options and continuous application store
integration for publishing updated versions.
Pace of development
The influencing factors like for example the amount of boilerplate code necessary
for functional application skeletons. The overall development speed has a direct
impact of the costs and ultimately the return-on-investment.
These five criteria are all important when selecting native or cross-platform
approach. Development environment and Testing are linked together and is a
criterion from the perspective on how the testing tools (and debugging) used by
company is supported in each approach. UI design approach is also a key criterion
in terms of how well each approach support the GUI components needed by the
app. Continuous delivery covers continuous integration and continuous application
store integration. Pace of development is a key criterion in terms of which approach
the company can maintain and develop changes in the application without affecting
the speed.
12) Integrating custom code does not affect the decision between native or cross-
platform approach in that sense they are key criteria. Preparation time is how fast
a developer can be acquainted with a specific cross-platform framework.
Development process fit evaluates organisational terms of developer
specialization. Therefore, they are more a matter of competence available in the
company than the aspect of choosing native or cross-platform. Scalability covers
how each framework can handle modularisation and Maintainability how the
framework handles the code base over time and Extensibility how well a framework
can be extended with third party libraries and therefore not applicable in the
context of choosing development approach. Development process fit covers how
the development process in a cross-platform framework adapts to the company’s
strategy. Configuration management is a criterion for theming and different user
privileges. Integrating custom code covers how well a cross-platform framework
handles integration native code and custom libraries and therefore only a cross-
platform criteria since a native approach already handles native code.
Rieger et al. (2019, p 183-185) identifies following ten criteria for selecting cross-
platform framework from the application perspective which is further described in
Annex 10:
System integration
Many applications are using a back-end system for feeding the application with
data. Frameworks support different options for data exchange protocols,
serialisation and multiple data formats.
These two criteria are important when selecting native or cross-platform approach.
Access to device-specific hardware is, as discussed previously during the review of
Heitkötter’s framework, an important criterion since the native approach gives
access full access to all device features whereas cross-platform most often only
provide a subset of all features by default. System integration is important when
developing online or B2B applications and therefore a criteria where native and
cross-platform approaches differ in support and need to be taking into
consideration when deciding.
Rieger et al. (2019, p 185-186) identifies following four criteria for selecting cross-
platform framework from the usage which is further described in Annex 11:
Look and feel
The user interface should have a native look and feel rather than look like a web
site. If generated applications use a truly native interface, it should be created in
the way typical for the platform. Applications should support the platform-specific
usage philosophy like the position of navigation bars, scrolling and gestures.
Poorly performed applications would likely have low user acceptance. With
performance means application load time, speed for changing views and
computations resulting from user interactions. Performance also includes CPU-
load, battery drain during runtime and download size.
These two criteria are important when selecting native or cross-platform approach.
Look and feel with the meaning of accessing different UI-components is also an
important criterion since native development provides full support for all UI
elements whereas cross-platform is restricted to the framework. Performance
could be different depending whether the application is developed natively or in a
cross-platform environment. The importance and impact of this is very dependent
on what type of application that is developed and for some applications the
performance is essential.
The remaining two criteria, 3) Usage patterns and 4) User authentication does not
affect the decision between native or cross-platform approach in that sense they
are key criteria. User patterns evaluates how well an application integrates with
other applications and how an application can restore data when a user returns
after closing the app. User authentication in what extent a cross-platform
framework supports local user accounts and server-based authentication.
In this chapter, we update and expand the previous list of criteria from Rieger et al.
(2019, p 180-186), detail the criteria to achieve a measurement level and complete
it with new criteria that are related to the company’s profile.
measurement level to evaluate the criteria and needs to be updated with more
recent aspects presented by Rieger et al. (2016, p 8-14) and Rieger et al. (2019, p
180-186). The criteria from the development perspective by Heitkötter et al. (2013,
p 6-7, p 15-16) is for example missing the testing and debug criterion. As described
earlier, Biørn-Hansen et al. (2019, p 8) state that native development tools are
easier to test and debug compared to a cross-platform development, and therefore
would be an important factor when evaluating the development perspective of a
native vs cross-platform approach. The criterion GUI design (in Development
perspective) is not elaborated in the way you could use it as a criterion since the
demands on GUI is differs depending on what segment the application is targeting.
As Long (2017), states the UI is more important in an application targeting a B2C
segment compared to a B2B solution and this criterion would therefore have to be
in a more detailed level to decide from it. The Development perspective also lack
the criterion of competence. When selecting approach, it is of big importance of
which competence the company has to offer. As described in criterion Development
environment development for Android is done using Java and iOS using Objective-
C. According to Manchada (2019) development using cross-platform tool Xamarin
is done using C# which could make some companies voting in favour of using that
tool instead of a native approach since that competence might already exist in the
The four perspectives with its 33 criteria presented by Rieger et al. (2019, p 180-
186) are valuable for selecting among different cross-platform frameworks. They
are, however, not intended to act as criteria selecting between native or cross-
platform approach. These criteria do cover many aspects when making such
selection. To help selecting between native or a cross-platform approach, these
criteria are lacking tangible measures and needs to be in a more detailed level which
this paper covers with the new decisional framework.
Based on the perspectives from Heitkötter et al. (2013, p 6-7) and further expanded
by Rieger et al. (2016, p 8-14) and Rieger et al. (2019, p 180-186) this thesis present
a number of key criteria to help decision makers decide whether they will develop
application using native or cross-platform approach. A new perspective, Business
environment, is introduced that covers the company profile and the market the
application is targeted to.
By providing a more detailed and in-depth criteria selection for Infrastructure and
Development perspective and adding the Business perspective, there are complete
and enough decision factors to make the decision to take a native or a cross-
platform application development approach without the need of the Application
and Usage perspective introduced by Rieger et al. (2019, p 183-186).
Rieger et al. (2019, p 187) is using a weight mechanism where each 33 criteria
receive a weight between 1-7 with a total of 100 points making each point
represent a 1% weight. To present only the key criteria for Infrastructure and
Development perspective, only those with a weight % between 3-7 (Rieger et al.
2019, p 188), as seen in Annex 12, are used.
This thesis work review and discuss each of these, highlight those criteria that may
weight heavier in the decision making and complement Rieger et al. (2019, p 180-
186) list with tangible measures of each previous established criteria and with
complementary list of criteria. In fact, mobile development projects in the last
decade have shown importance of a number of additional aspects, mainly related
to the business activity of the mobile platform provided.
Company profile
The profile of the company is an important criterion when choosing strategy.
According to Francese et al. (2017, p 138) developing a native application for each
platform require companies to have developers with strong expertise on iOS and
other with strong expertise on Android. Developers must maintain UI patterns on
multiple platforms keeping in mind the similarity of these patterns among different
If the company does not have resources to maintain several platforms but need to
target both iOS and Android, they probably would be suited with a cross-platform
approach. Therefore, the aspects of HR management to handle several
development teams and the agility in budget to switch platform are important
Developing native applications for Android OS is done using Koitlin, Java or C++
programming languages (Android Developer Fundamentals, 2019) and for iOS using
Swift or Objective-C (Apple Developer, 2020). Cross-platform tools offer other
programming languages like C# in Xamarin or JavaScript in React Native (Dev
Technosys, 2020). The needed competence is based on the choice of native or
cross-platform approach, but also the competence that already exists in the
company, as well as the possibility to find competence the company might need to
recruit. Also related to long-term feasibility in, some companies might
anticipate it will be easier to recruit programmers with C# experience and use
Xamarin than programmers with Swift-competence needed for a native iOS
approach, and therefore choosing a cross-platform approach. According to
Majchrzak et al. (2015, p 74) the language best suitable for a business application
depends on the developer base existing in the company.
applications can access all possible features of a given platform. If this is important
for delivering the desired solution, a native approach can be suitable.
Ruggedized handheld device solutions are used in industrial, retail, and service-
based organisations. They are designed to operate properly in dirty environments,
in extreme temperatures and designed to withstand a series of shocks and drops
(Burch et al. 2016, p 146). Companies purchasing ruggedized devices usually follow
a five- to seven-year life cycle. (ibid, 2016, p 147).
Two of the key vendors delivering rugged mobile devices are Zebra and Honeywell
(Businesswire, 2018). Zebra offer SDK for Android and Xamarin (Zebra, n.d.) and
Honeywell offer SDK for Android, iOS, Windows and Web (Honeywell, n.d.). Besides
from Zebra offering SDK for Xamarin, these two companies only offer native
development support for integrating their device hardware.
When in time
When to switch from native to cross-platform, or the other way around, is also a
criterion that needs to be taken into consideration. Angione (2011) presents three
different levels of software customization 1) Individualization, 2) Tailoring and 3)
Core Code Changes and New Custom Software Modules.
The second level of customization is Tailoring and imply changes made in the
software to fit a company’s organizational process. Tailoring may involve
implementing new modules, tailor features to better suit a given task such as
vocabulary and application defaults or adding new encapsulated user functions
(ibid, 2011).
The third level of customization is Core Code Changes and New Custom Software
Modules. This level frequently undermines the confidence of the packaged
software’s integrity and the overall application’s evolvability. This level brings
complexity of true software development, integration and testing during each
revision/upgrade cycle (ibid, 2011).
The level of customization and needed approach can be illustrated using this matrix
in Figure 3:
Figure 3 Matrix suggesting best approach from level of customization compared with
number of customizations done in the app
The pricing model is also of importance and evaluated in this criterion. Native
Android development is free of charge whereas iOS development comes with an
annual fee of $99 - £299 (Apple Developer Purchase, 2020). The license model for
the framework might also interfere with the modifications needed to develop the
Target platforms
The reason for evaluating native or cross-platform approach is the need of different
OS platforms to be supported. What is the platform or platforms that the company
needs that application to be targeted for? Does the application need to be available
for several platforms? This criterion is related to Company profile and Competence
Long-term feasibility
The choice of application development approach can be a strategic decision and a
commitment for many years. The chosen framework must be evaluated from the
perspective of the company developing the framework as well as a possible
technological lock-in (Rieger et al. 2019, p 181). This also applies on the selection of
native vs cross-platform approach. Selecting a cross-platform approach also means
that the company locks the technological development in the hands of the
framework. Choosing native approach can also be considered a lock-in to that
specific OS. Rieger at al. (2019, p 181) highlights that this criterion is especially
important for small companies which might lack the resources to correct an ill
choice. Since iOS and Android has emerged as stable duopoly of smartphone
operating system vendors, long-time reliability is ensured on a native approach
(Rieger et al. 2019, p 192).
41 Development perspective
The development perspective comprises all criteria that are directly related to the
development process of the app, e.g. topics like testing, debugging and
development tools (Heitkötter et al. 2013, p 6). Since Development environment
and Testing in a selection between native or cross-platform approach is close to
each other, they are presented as one criterion.
Preparation time
The time it takes for a developer to get acquainted with the framework and
application platform is depending on the required technology stack and
programming languages. This is covered by Company profile and Competence in The competence already existing in the company will provide information
on how fast they can be productive, and the company’s agility determine how fast
they can provide the developers with needed courses to be productive.
UI design
Most applications are user-centred which makes the user interface design an
essential part of the app. Graphical user interfaces are in most cases specific to the
platform and often only covered by the default appearance defined by the
framework (Rieger et al. 2019, p 182). Cost savings by shared code is only done
when designs are simple to not require platform-specific accommodations to be
made for UI designs and functionality. Where beautiful design with animations,
scrolling and transitions is important, it might be more beneficial of using native
libraries (Campbell, n.d,). Francese et al. (2017, p 139) conclude that if the demands
on the UI is fancy native UI, animations, 3D rendering, or intensive hardware is
needed, then the application should be developed native.
Continuous delivery
An app’s lifecycle also include deployment. With an agile method companies can
use platforms to automate building, testing and deployment of an app. There is also
of importance with continuous application store integration to publish an
application in a fast an easy way without affecting the workload of the development
Pace of development
The overall development speed has a direct impact of the costs and ultimately the
return-on-investment. If a company with a small development team want to target
both iOS and Android, a cross-platform approach will most probably be best suited
since they do not have resources to develop native for two platforms at the same
time. This criterion is closely related to criteria Company profile and Competence in and Target platforms in Pace of development criteria will not be
evaluated from the perspective of maintaining several platforms since that is
covered in Company profile and Competence. If there are any limitations in a cross-
platform approach making development pace slower this must be addressed. There
could be limitations in a cross-platform framework that the company must
compensate for to get needed functionality in the app. Customizations done in the
framework in the core code changes level (as described in When in time)
might address limitations that slows done the development pace.
Handle customizations in the core code changes level without affecting pace
of development
The evaluated criterion should be assigned a score from 5 (we definitely can fulfil
requirements) to 0 (we definitely cannot fulfil requirements), indicating in what
extent the company has capacity to fulfil native respectively cross-platform
development approach. The impact each criterion has when selecting approach
depends on the company. Therefore, this thesis provides a list with a weight and
each company then enters a score from 0-5 as described above how the company
can fulfil the requirement. After the company has entered the score for native and
cross-platform for each criterion, they then use the formula below to calculate
which approach gives the highest score and thereby indicating which approach is
best suited for the company and thereby avoiding subjective decisions. Say, for
example, decision makers in a company working with C# development is focusing
on the fact that they only will target the Android platform. Therefore, they take the
decision on a native approach. They oversee the fact that they do not need a native
GUI appearance, no access to device specific hardware and have no competence of
Java within the company. In this case a cross-platform approach with Xamarin and
C# might have been a better solution. By weighting the different criteria, such a
scenario is hopefully avoided.
The overall score S for each approach (native and cross-platform) is calculated as
the weighted arithmetic mean of the criteria using this formula borrowed from
Rieger et al. (2019, p 187):
∑ 𝑤 , ∗ 𝑏𝑒 + ∑ 𝑤, ∗ 𝑖 + ∑ 𝑤 , ∗ 𝑑
𝑤 = 100
Where 𝑏𝑒 , 𝑖 and 𝑑 being the criteria score from the business environment,
infrastructure and development perspective respectively, and 𝑤 , , 𝑤 , and 𝑤 ,
the corresponding weights for each criterion. The approach with the highest
weighted score will then indicate which approach is the best suited for the
On the next two pages the framework is presented in Table 1. One column contains
the criteria divided into the three perspectives: Business environment,
Infrastructure and Development. The next column is the weight% for each criterion
where the sum of all criterion equals 100. The last two columns contain the
fulfilment level for native and cross-platform approach, respectively. The company
will use this to enter the score from 0 (we definitely cannot fulfil requirements) to
5 (we definitely can fulfil requirements). The weight for each criterion will be
defined through the empirical study with help from professionals from the field.
1-7 Fulfilment (0-5)
5 = We definitely can fulfil
requirements to:
0 = we definitely cannot fulfil
requirements to:
Criterion Weight % Native Cross-
approach platform
Business environment perspective
Company profile
BE1 Be agile in HR management (all ?
aspects related to employees) to
maintain selected approach.
BE2 Be agile in budget (cost of ?
developing for several platforms,
cost of hiring developers to reach
desired speed of development, cost
to switch platform if needed)
BE3 Deploy competence already available ?
in the company
BE4 Deploy competence available in ?
market recruiting developers
B2B or B2C
BE5 Provide support for required system ?
integration (back-end and cloud)
needed in the app
BE6 Deliver needed access to device ?
specific hardware or device API
BE7 Needed application performance ?
When in time
BE8 Perform customization with core ?
code changes of the application
requiring a heavy technical expertise
BE9 Handle high number of ?
customizations done frequently of
the application which also impact the
maintenance of the app
Infrastructure perspective
I1 Meet pricing model ?
I2 Handle restrictions of needed ?
modifications in the framework
Target platforms
I3 Migrate existing software platform ?
into new mobile app
1-7 Fulfilment (0-5)
5 = We definitely can fulfil
requirements to:
0 = we definitely cannot fulfil
requirements to:
Criterion Weight % Native Cross-
approach platform
I4 Deliver the application to ?
targeted/needed operating system(s)
Long-term feasibility
I5 Provide technical support ?
I6 Offer new features in the application ?
delivered by OS manufacturer
I7 Handle the risk of OS manufacturer ?
will drop support for development
tools used in selected approach
Development perspective
Development environment and
D1 Test fragmented platforms ?
supported by the application
D2 Support testing tools used by the ?
User interface design.
D3 Support advanced GUI features ?
needed in the application such as 3D
rendering components and AR/VR
Continuous delivery
D4 Support continuous integration, ?
automate building, testing and
D5 Provide continuous application store ?
Pace of development
D6 Handle customizations in the core ?
code changes level without affecting
pace of development
Sum 100
Weighted score
Table 1 Comprehensive decisional framework for native vs cross-platform development
2.3.4 Summary earlier research and contribution made by this thesis
Table 2 provides a summary of earlier research and contribution made by this
thesis of the different criteria. The weight for each criterion will be defined
through the empirical study with help from professionals from the field.
Aurelius 2020 Rieger et al. 2019 (p Rieger et al. 2016 (p 8- Heitkötter et al.
180-186) 14) (2013, p 6-7, p 15-16)
Company profile
Be agile in HR
management (all aspects
related to employees) to
maintain selected
Be agile in budget (cost of
developing for several
platforms, cost of hiring
developers to reach
desired speed of
development, cost to
switch platform if needed)
Deploy competence
already available in the
Deploy competence
available in market
recruiting developers
B2B vs B2C
Provide support for
required system
integration (back-end and
cloud) needed in the app
Deliver needed access to
device specific hardware
or device API
Needed app application
When in time
Perform customization
with core code changes of
the app application
requiring a heavy technical
Handle high number of
customizations done
frequently of the app
Aurelius 2020 Rieger et al. 2019 (p Rieger et al. 2016 (p 8- Heitkötter et al.
180-186) 14) (2013, p 6-7, p 15-16)
application which also
impact the maintenance of
the app
License License and Costs
Meet pricing model
Handle restrictions of
needed modifications in
the framework
Target platforms Supported Platforms
Migrate existing software Access to platform-
platform into new mobile specific features
Deliver the app application Development platforms
to targeted/needed
operating system(s)
Distribution channels Distribution
Look and feel
Application Speed
Long-term feasibility
Provide technical support
Offer new features in the
app application delivered
by OS manufacturer
Handle the risk of OS
manufacturer will drop
support for development
tools used in selected
Development and testing Development environment
Test fragmented platforms Preparation time Ramp-up time
supported by the app
Support testing tools used
by the company
Scalability Scalability Scalability
Ease of development
Speed and Cost of
Opportunities for
further development
Development process fit
UI Design GUI Design
Aurelius 2020 Rieger et al. 2019 (p Rieger et al. 2016 (p 8- Heitkötter et al.
180-186) 14) (2013, p 6-7, p 15-16)
Support advanced GUI
features needed in the app
application such as 3D
rendering components and
AR/VR components
Testing Test support
Continuous delivery Deployment support
Support continuous
integration in automate
building, testing and
Provide continuous app
application store
Maintainability Maintainability
Extensibility Framework Extensibility
Native Extensibility
Customer code
Pace of development Pace of development Speed of development
Handle customizations in
the core code changes
level without affecting
pace of development
Hardware access
Platform functionality
Connected Devices
Input heterogeneity
Output Heterogeneity
App Application Life Cycle
System Integration
Fallback handling
Degree of Mobility
Look and Feel
Usage Patterns
User authentication
Table 2 Comparison of previous work and contribution made by the thesis work
3. Empirical Study
Empirical study to allocate weight for selected criteria qualifies as a quantitative
research methodology. In fact, we use a survey technique to collect data from
professionals in the mobile applications development field to establish the weight
of each criteria in chapter 2.3.2. Leedy et al. (2015, p 23) describes a quantitative
research where the researcher tries to measure variables in some numerical way.
When measuring the outcome of a research, Leedy et al. (2015, p 27-28)
emphasizes that the researcher needs a systematic way of measuring the
phenomena under investigation such as rulers, scales, length or weight. In this
thesis each criterion is given a score from 1-7 as introduced by Rieger et al. (2019,
p 187), indicating the weight it should have on the selection between native or
cross-platform development approach.
The criteria in the survey are presented without relation to the perspectives of
Infrastructure or Development. The survey also includes some outliers, criteria that
should not be a part of the decision making, to make sure the sample conducting
the survey is evaluating the criteria thoroughly and not just answering them
without any thoughts. The outliers help to remove human errors or other data that
should not reflect the survey. According to Hodge et al. (2004) outliers is used to
remove anomalous observations from data by identify errors and remove their
faulty effect on the data set.
The survey is done using Artologik Survey and Report provided by Karlstad
University which also provide some analysis of the data.
Along with the ethical considerations in chapter 1.6 the survey is presented with
this introductory text:
“You are invited to participate in this research project because you are a
professional with the right competence and selected to assist in this research. Your
participation in this research study is voluntary.
The procedure involves filling an online survey that will take approximately 10
minutes. Your responses will be confidential and we do not collect identifying
information such as your name, email address or IP address. The survey questions
will be about. key criteria when selecting native or cross-platform mobile application
development. All data is stored in a password protected electronic format. The
results of this study will be used for scholarly purposes only and may be shared with
Karlstad University representatives.”
Years of experience
Position (Developer, Decision Maker, Both or Other)
22 Handle customizations in the core code changes level without
affecting pace of development
Are there any key criteria that is missed in the survey that is of big
importance when choosing native or cross-platform mobile
application development approach?
Do you think the following criteria could or should be among the list
of criteria when selecting between native or cross-platform mobile
application development approach?
23 Support internationalization and adding multiple languages
Configuration management
23 Support theming and different user privileges
Table 3 Survey
Years of experience
The years of experience among the respondents had a mean value of 11,3 years,
the min value was 3 and the max value 21. The standard deviation was 6,8 and the
coefficient of variation was 60,4%.
The mean value among developers where 6.3 years, among decision makers 17,0
years and the mean value among those defined as both developers and decision
makers was 10,0 years.
The positions among the respondents was divided among developer (3
respondents), decision maker (3 respondents) and both developer and decision
maker (2 respondents).
Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 0% 12,5% 25% 12,5% 37,5% 12,5% 0%
# 0 1 2 1 3 1 0
Table 5 Distribution of weight in criteria Agility in HR management
The mean value among developers where 4.0, the mean value among decision
makers 4.7 and the mean value among those defined as both developers and
decision makers was 3.5.
Agility in budget (cost of developing for several platforms, cost of hiring developers to reach
desired speed of development, cost to switch platform if needed)
The Agility in budget had a mean value of 5,3, the min value was 4 and the max
value 7. The standard deviation was 1,0 and the coefficient of variation was 19,7%.
Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 0% 0% 0% 25% 37,5% 25% 12,5%
# 0 0 0 2 3 2 1
Table 6 Distribution of weight in criteria Agility in budget
The mean value among developers where 4.7, the mean value among decision
makers 6.3, and the mean value among those defined as both developers and
decision makers was 4.5.
Deploy competence already available in the company
Deploy competence already available in the company had a mean value of 4.5, the
min value was 2 and the max value 7. The standard deviation was 1.6 and the
coefficient of variation was 35.6%.
Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 0% 12,5% 12,5% 25% 25% 12,5% 12,5%
# 0 1 1 2 2 1 1
Table 7 Distribution of weight in criteria Deploy competence already available in the
The mean value among developers where 4,0, the mean value among decision
makers 4,0 and the mean value among those defined as both developers and
decision makers was 6,0.
Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 0% 12,5% 25% 0% 50% 12,5% 0%
# 0 1 2 0 4 1 0
Table 8 Distribution of weight in criteria Deploy competence available in market recruiting
The mean value among developers where 5,0, the mean value among decision
makers 4,3 and the mean value among those defined as both developers and
decision makers was 3,0.
Provide support for required system integration (back-end and cloud) needed in the application
Provide support for required system integration (back-end and cloud) needed in the
application had a mean value of 4,3, the min value was 2 and the max value 7. The
standard deviation was 1,7 and the coefficient of variation was 39,3%.
Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 0% 12,5% 25% 25% 12,5% 12,5% 12,5%
# 0 1 2 2 1 1 1
Table 9 Distribution of weight in criteria Provide support for required system integration
(back-end and cloud) needed in the app
The mean value among developers where 4,0, the mean value among
decision makers 5,7 and the mean value among those defined as both
developers and decision makers was 2,5.
Deliver needed access to device specific hardware or device API
Deliver needed access to device specific hardware or device API had a mean value
of 5,3, the min value was 1 and the max value 7. The standard deviation was 2,0
and the coefficient of variation was 37,8%.
Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 12,5% 0% 0% 12,5% 12,5% 37,5% 25%
# 1 0 0 1 1 3 2
Table 10 Distribution of weight in criteria Deliver needed access to device specific hardware
or device API
The mean value among developers where 5,7, the mean value among decision
makers 3,7 and the mean value among those defined as both developers and
decision makers was 7,0.
Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 0% 0% 0% 0% 25% 25% 50%
# 0 0 0 0 2 2 4
Table 11 Distribution of weight in criteria Needed application performance
The mean value among developers where 6,0, the mean value among decision
makers 6,7 and the mean value among those defined as both developers and
decision makers was 6,0.
Perform customization with core code changes of the application requiring a heavy technical
Perform customization with core code changes of the application requiring a
heavy technical expertise had a mean value of 4,0, the min value was 2 and
the max value 5. The standard deviation was 1,2 and the coefficient of
variation was 29,9%.
Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 0% 12,5% 25% 12,5% 50% 0% 0%
# 0 1 2 1 4 0 0
Table 12 Distribution of weight in criteria Perform customization with core code changes
of the application requiring a heavy technical expertise
The mean value among developers where 4,3, the mean value among
decision makers 4,7 and the mean value among those defined as both
developers and decision makers was 2,5.
Handle high number of customizations done frequently of the application which also impact the
maintenance of the application
Handle high number of customizations done frequently of the application
which also impact maintenance of the application had a mean value of 4,1,
the min value was 2 and the max value 6. The standard deviation was 1,5 and
the coefficient of variation was 35,3%.
Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 0% 12,5% 25% 25% 12,5% 25% 0%
# 0 1 2 2 1 2 0
Table 13 Distribution of weight in criteria Handle high number of customizations done
frequently of the application which also impact maintenance of the application
The mean value among developers where 4,7, the mean value among
decision makers 4,3 and the mean value among those defined as both
developers and decision makers was 3,0.
Meet pricing model in license
Meet pricing model in license had a mean value of 4,0, the min value was 2
and the max value 7. The standard deviation was 1,8 and the coefficient of
variation was 44,3%.
Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 0% 25% 25% 0% 37,5% 0% 12,5%
# 0 2 2 0 3 0 1
Table 14 Distribution of weight in criteria Meet pricing model in license
The mean value among developers where 4,3, the mean value among decision
makers 3,7 and the mean value among those defined as both developers and
decision makers was 4,0.
Handle restrictions of needed modifications in the framework
Handle restrictions of needed modifications in the framework had a mean value of
4,1, the min value was 3 and the max value 5. The standard deviation was 0,8 and
the coefficient of variation was 20,2%.
Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 0% 0% 25% 37,5% 37,5% 0% 0%
# 0 0 2 3 3 0 0
Table 15 Distribution of weight in criteria Handle restrictions of needed modifications in
the framework
The mean value among developers where 4,7, the mean value among decision
makers 3,3 and the mean value among those defined as both developers and
decision makers was 4,5.
Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 0% 12,5% 25% 25% 25% 12,5% 0%
# 0 1 2 2 2 1 0
Table 16 Distribution of weight in criteria Migrate existing software platform into an app
The mean value among developers where 3,7, the mean value among decision
makers 3,3 and the mean value among those defined as both developers and
decision makers was 5,5.
Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 0% 0% 12,5% 0% 25% 25% 37,5%
# 0 0 1 0 2 2 3
Table 17 Distribution of weight in criteria Deliver the application to targeted/needed
operating system(s)
The mean value among developers where 6,0, the mean value among decision
makers 5,3 and the mean value among those defined as both developers and
decision makers was 6,0.
Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 0% 0% 12,5% 25% 62,5% 0% 0%
# 0 0 1 2 5 0 0
Table 18 Distribution of weight in criteria Provide technical support
The mean value among developers where 4,3, the mean value among decision
makers 4,3 and the mean value among those defined as both developers and
decision makers was 5,0.
Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 0% 0% 12,5% 25% 37,5% 25% 0%
# 0 0 1 2 3 2 0
Table 19 Distribution of weight in criteria Offer new features in the application delivered
by OS manufacturer
The mean value among developers where 5,3, the mean value among decision
makers 4,7 and the mean value among those defined as both developers and
decision makers was 4,0.
Handle the risk of OS manufacturer will drop support for development tools used in selected
Handle the risk of OS manufacturer will drop support for development tools used
in selected approach had a mean value of 3,8, the min value was 2 and the max
value 6. The standard deviation was 1,4 and the coefficient of variation was 37,0%.
Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 0% 25% 12,5% 37,5% 12,5% 12,5% 0%
# 0 2 1 3 1 1 0
Table 20 Distribution of weight in criteria Handle the risk of OS manufacturer will drop
support for development tools used in selected approach
The mean value among developers where 2,7, the mean value among decision
makers 4,3 and the mean value among those defined as both developers and
decision makers was 4,5.
Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 0% 12,5% 12,5% 50% 12,5% 12,5% 0%
# 0 1 1 4 1 1 0
Table 21 Distribution of weight in criteria Test fragmented platforms supported by the app
The mean value among developers where 4,7, the mean value among decision
makers 3,7 and the mean value among those defined as both developers and
decision makers was 3,5.
Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 0% 37,5% 12,5% 25% 25% 0% 0%
# 0 3 1 2 2 0 0
Table 22 Distribution of weight in criteria Support testing tools used by the company
The mean value among developers where 4,0, the mean value among decision
makers 3,0 and the mean value among those defined as both developers and
decision makers was 3,0.
Support advanced GUI features needed in the application such as 3D rendering components and
AR/VR components
Support advanced GUI features in the application such as 3D rendering components
and AR/VR components had a mean value of 4,0, the min value was 2 and the max
value 6. The standard deviation was 1,5 and the coefficient of variation was 37,8%.
Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 0% 12,5% 37,5% 12,5% 12,5% 25% 0%
# 0 1 3 1 1 2 0
Table 23 Distribution of weight in criteria Support advanced GUI features in the application
such as 3D rendering components and AR/VR components
The mean value among developers where 4,0, the mean value among decision
makers 4,7 and the mean value among those defined as both developers and
decision makers was 3,0.
Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 0% 0% 0% 12,5% 12,5% 62,5% 12,5%
# 0 0 0 1 1 5 1
Table 24 Distribution of weight in criteria Support continuous delivery in automate
building, testing and deployment
The mean value among developers where 5,3, the mean value among decision
makers 6,0 and the mean value among those defined as both developers and
decision makers was 6,0.
Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 0% 0% 12,5% 25% 25% 12,5% 25%
# 0 0 1 2 2 1 2
Table 25 Distribution of weight in criteria Provide continuous application store integration
The mean value among developers where 4,3, the mean value among decision
makers 4,7 and the mean among those defined as both developers and decision
makers value was 7,0.
Handle customizations in the core code changes level without affecting pace of development
Handle customizations in the core code changes level without affecting pace of
development had a mean value of 4,9, the min value was 3 and the max value 6.
The standard deviation was 1,0 and the coefficient of variation was 20,3%.
Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 0% 0% 12,5% 12.5% 50% 25% 0%
# 0 0 1 1 4 2 0
Table 26 Distribution of weight in criteria Handle customizations in the core code changes
level without affecting pace of development
The mean value among developers where 4,3, the mean value among decision
makers 4,7 and the mean value among those defined as both developers and
decision makers was 6,0.
Are there any key criteria that is missed in the survey that is of big importance when choosing
native or cross-platform mobile application development approach?
Two responders wanted to add the following criteria to the list:
“CodePush is an Application Center cloud service that enables Apache Cordova and
React Native developers to deploy mobile application updates directly to their
users’ devices” (Microsoft CodePush, 2019). Since CodePush is directly associated
with two cross-platform techniques, React Native and Cordova (Adobe PhoneGap),
it is not an option for the native approach. This makes this not applicable as a
criterion when selecting between native and cross-platform approach.
By storing data in the database an application will have support for offline use.
Xamarin is using SQLite as database to store data (Xamarin.Forms Local Databases,
2019). SQLite is also available using React Native (React Native SQLite, 2015), native
Android development also supports SQLite (Android SQLite, 2019) and native iOS
development support SQLite (Apple Developer Persistent Store Types, 2018). By
storing data in a database, the application has offline support and thereby not a
criterion when selecting between native and cross-platform approach.
Support for third-party libraries could be a criterion. However, it is dependent on
which third-party libraries is needed for the application and on what platform and
approach they are available. This is therefore not a criterion possible to use as a
selection between native or cross-platform in general terms.
Weight 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 12,5% 12,5% 0% 12,5% 0% 12,5% 12,5% 37,5%
# 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 3
Table 27 Distribution of weight in outlier Support internationalization and adding multiple
The mean value among developers where 4,3, the mean value among decision
makers 4,3 and the mean value among those defined as both developers and
decision makers was 5,0.
Weight 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Percentage 25% 12,5% 12,5% 0% 0% 25% 0% 25%
# 2 1 1 0 0 2 0 2
Table 28 Distribution of weight in outlier Support theming and different user privileges
The mean value among developers where 4,0, the mean value among decision
makers 2,7 and the mean value among those defined as both developers and
decision makers was 3,5.
3.3 Discussion
The result from the survey shows that there is a big discrepancy in the entire sample
on how the criteria are weighted. 14 of 22 criteria had a coefficient of variation
above 25%.
Discussion from entire sample
As visualized in Figure 4, there is a big spread between the max and min value. The
mean value among the entire sample is closer to the max value than the min value.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Figure 4 Min, max and mean value for the 22 criteria for the Entire sample
The 6th Deliver needed access to device specific hardware or device API and 7th
Needed application performance criterions differs the most compared to the rest in
that sense that they have the biggest and smallest deviation from max and min
The survey included three positions: 1) Developer, 2) Decision maker and 3) Both.
Since years of experience does not give a mutual view, we investigate if there is a
more homogeny among the sample within job position.
Among the sample of developers (3 respondents) there was 7 criteria with a
coefficient of variation above 25%. The sum of the rounded mean weight for each
criterion among developers is 100.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Figure 5 Min, max and mean value for the 22 criteria in the sample of Developers
By looking at Figure 5 one can conclude that the respondents with the position as
developers had a more homogeny view on the weight distribution. The criteria 8,
Perform customization with core code changes of the application requiring a heavy
technical expertise, 9, Handle high number of customizations done frequently of the
application which also impact the maintenance of the app, and 10, Meet pricing
model, are the ones that differs the most.
Decision maker
Among the sample of decision makers (3 respondents) there was 12 criteria with a
coefficient of variation above 25%. The sum of the rounded mean weight for each
criterion among decision makers is 101.
Decision Maker
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Figure 6 Min, max and mean value for the 22 criteria in the sample of Decision makers
Figure 6 shows that there is a big spread in weight distribution among decision
makers. The 6th criteria, Deliver needed access to device specific hardware or device
API, have the biggest spread with a min value of 1 and a max value of 6.
Among the sample of both developers and decision makers (2 responders) there
was 8 criteria with a coefficient of variation above 25%. The sum of the rounded
mean weight for each criterion among both positions is 104.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Figure 7 Min, max and mean value for the 22 criteria in the sample categorized as Both
developers and decision makers
It is an even weight distribution among the sample with a position of both and
developer and decision maker, as can be seen in Figure 7. There are six criteria
where both respondents gave the same weigh allocation 4) Deploy competence
available in market, 6) Deliver needed access to device specific hardware or device
API, 9) Handle high number of customizations done frequently, 14) Provide technical
support, 21) Provide continuous application store integration and 22) Handle
customizations in the core code changes level without affecting the pace of
The graph in Figure 8 shows the min, max and mean value for the 22 criteria in the
sample of developers and both developer and decision maker.
Developer and Both
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Figure 8 Min, max and mean value for the 22 criteria in the sample of Developers including
the sample that answered Both developers and decision makers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Figure 9 Min, max and mean value for the 22 criteria in the sample of Decision makers
including the sample that answered Both developers and decision makers
Figure 9 shows that there is a big spread in weight distribution among decision
makers. The 6th criteria, Deliver needed access to device specific hardware or device
API, have the biggest spread with a min value of 1 and a max value of 6 and shows
the same distribution as the ones that had a position as only decision makers.
15 Years of Experience
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Figure 10 Min, max and mean value for the 22 criteria in the sample of 15 Years or more of
10 Years of Experience
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Figure 11 Min, max and mean value for the 22 criteria in the sample of 10 Years or more of
This shows that even people with many years of experience weight each criterion
different, and there is not a mutual view of the weight each criterion should have.
As can be seen in Figure 10 and Figure 11 the ones with more experience had a
more homogeneous weight distribution.
As seen in Figure 12 the line shows that respondents with less experience weight
the criteria “Be agile in HR management” less than “Be agile in budget”. The
respondents with 15 years of experience or more weighted both Be agile in HR
management and Be agile in budget high with a value between 5-7 as illustrated in
the ellipsis. Can this be a phenomenon of generation where a less experienced
professional think it might be easier to find competence compared to a more
experienced professional?
Figure 12 Years of Experience vs Be Agile in HR and Be Agile in Budget which both are from
the Business Environment perspective
To analyse the result even further we investigate to see how the data looks among
years of experience for each position.
Among the sample of developers, the years of experience was 3, 6 and 10 years.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Figure 13 Weight of each criterion from the sample of Developer based on years of
Looking at Figure 13 it looks like the developers with 3 and 10 years of experience
have a more equal weight distribution among the 22 criteria. The developer with 6
years of experience has slightly different weight distribution.
Decision Maker
Among the sample of decision makers, the years of experience was 10, 20 and 21
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Figure 14 Weight of each criterion from the sample of Decision Makers based on years of
Looking at Figure 14 there is hard to make any conclusions or find any patterns
among decision makers based on years of experience.
Among the sample defined as both developers and decision makers, the years of
experience was 5 and 15 years.
Figure 15 Weight of each criterion from the sample of Both based on years of experience
In Figure 15 there is only two respondents and they show a similar weight
distribution even if one has five years of experience and the other has 15 years of
experience. This could be explained if they work in the same company and have
similar view. Unfortunately, the company is not a part of the survey and therefore
such a conclusion cannot be made.
When analysing position and years of experience with the criteria Provide support
for system integration, Deliver needed access to device specific hardware or device
API and Needed application performance demonstrated in Figure 16 there is a
correlation between years of experience and weight. Needed application
performance was given the weight 5 from a developer with three years of
experience which since then increased to 6 and 7 by developers with 6 and 10 years
of experience, illustrated by the first line. The same criteria were given a high weight
among the decision makers in the sample illustrated by the black arrows in Figure
2. Provide support for system integration, however, decreased with the years of
experience (illustrated by the second line) among the ones in the sample with the
position as decision maker. The same applies on Deliver needed access to device
specific hardware or device API among decision makers. Those with the position as
both developers and decision makers weighted Deliver needed access to device
specific hardware or device API at 7, which is the highest score, even though there
was a big spread in the years of experience (5 and 15 years).
Figure 16 Years of Experience vs Position vs Provide support for required system integration,
Deliver needed access to device specific hardware or device API and Deliver needed access
to device specific hardware or device API
Discussion of Outliers
There are two outliers in the survey, Support internationalization and adding
multiple languages and Support theming and different user privileges. The outliers
received a very diverse weight among the sample and therefore did not fulfil the
intended purpose of detecting human errors and remove faulty data. The
coefficient of variation for Support internationalization and adding multiple
languages was 62,9% and the coefficient of variation for Support theming and
different user privileges was 88,1%. Both outliers had a big spread among the
respondents where both got 0 and 7 as weight. There could be many reasons for
this, and one could be that the outliers where weakly described making room for
interpretation beyond the intended scope.
The outliers had a very big coefficient of variation with 62,9% and 88,1%, and in
that sense prove that these two criteria should not be among the 22 key criteria for
selecting native vs cross-platform application development.
Discussion summary
By only reviewing all data from the position or years of experience does not give a
clear picture of the data set. As a decision maker you can have different background
leading into that position, but a developer most likely have a technical view on the
criteria. That could be one of the reasons the group of developers have a more
consistency among the weight distribution compared to decision makers.
If we look at the sixth criterion, Deliver needed access to device specific hardware
or device API, the developer and both developer and decision maker had a mean
value of 6,2 but the position of only being a decision maker had a mean value of
3,7. This is a technical aspect and not all decision makers might know that native
development approach provides access to all device API but not always in a cross-
platform approach, and therefore should have a high weight distribution in the list
of the criteria.
A more business-oriented criteria is the second one, “Be agile in budget” (cost of
developing for several platforms, switch platform if needed), where the decision
maker had a mean value of 6,3 and developer had a mean value of 4,7. This could
be explained by the less technological aspects of the criterion and therefore
developers weight that less than decision makers do.
4. Conclusion
Decide on mobile development approach is not an easy decision to make. There are
many variables to take into consideration and there is also a matter of technological
philosophy. This thesis is contributing by providing a framework for making that
decision based from a theoretical and objective perspective rather than subjective
opinions. Yet, also bring contribution from practice as the field where developer
and managers make their decisions constantly to enhance their business, build up
new strategies and gain competitive advantage.
Based on the outcome of the survey, one can conclude that allocated weight for
the criteria is not consistent among the sample. They who had the position of
developer and both developer and decision maker had the most homogeny weight
distribution in the sample. Not even by analysing the data from only years of
experience gives a homogeny weight distribution. This divergence is a proof that
the framework presented in this thesis is of great value for decision makers and
that there is a need of such a tool. If all respondents had the same weight on all
criteria there would be less need of making the decision into a theoretical and
objective process. Since this is not the case, there is a proof of the importance of
such a framework for selecting native or cross-platform application development.
The respondents of the survey did not ask any questions or gave feedback. This
could be interpreted as the criteria was well expressed without any
misunderstandings and can be considered a strength. Another strength is the
distribution among position and years of experience among the respondents. The
respondent with least experience had 3 years of experience and the one with most
had 21 years of experience. The distribution among position was almost evenly
distributed where 37.5% was developers, 37.5% decision makers and 25% both
developers and decision makers.
Both developers and decision makers are stakeholder when it comes to allocating
weight since weight allocation must have input from both technological as well as
business-oriented aspects. By using the mean value from the entire sample, we get
a weight distribution evenly distributed among decision makers and developers.
The rounded mean, the rounded median and mode (most frequent weight) for each
criterion in the entire sample is illustrated in Figure 18. As can be seen the rounded
mean value does not differ much from the rounded median or the mode value and
therefore a weight that can be used for each criterion.
Figure 18 Rounded mean, rounded median and mode for each criterion in the entire sample
By using the mean value from each criterion in the survey from the entire sample,
and round it to closest integer, we receive a total of 100 with a weight distribution
as can be seen in Table 29.
1-7 Fulfilment (0-5)
5 = We definitely can fulfil
requirements to:
0 = we definitely cannot
fulfil requirements to:
Criterion Weight Native Cross-
% approach platform
Business environment perspective
Company profile
BE1 Be agile in HR management (all 4
aspects related to employees) to
maintain selected approach.
BE2 Be agile in budget (cost of developing 5
for several platforms, cost of hiring
developers to reach desired speed of
development, cost to switch platform
if needed)
BE3 Deploy competence already available 5
in the company
BE4 Deploy competence available in 4
market recruiting developers
B2B or B2C
BE5 Provide support for required system 4
integration (back-end and cloud)
needed in the app
BE6 Deliver needed access to device 5
specific hardware or device API
BE7 Needed application performance 6
When in time
BE8 Perform customization with core code 4
changes of the application requiring a
heavy technical expertise
BE9 Handle high number of customizations 4
done frequently of the application
which also impact the maintenance of
the app
Infrastructure perspective
I1 Meet pricing model 4
I2 Handle restrictions of needed 4
modifications in the framework
Target platforms
I3 Migrate existing software platform 4
into new mobile app
1-7 Fulfilment (0-5)
5 = We definitely can fulfil
requirements to:
0 = we definitely cannot
fulfil requirements to:
Criterion Weight Native Cross-
% approach platform
I4 Deliver the application to 6
targeted/needed operating system(s)
Long-term feasibility
I5 Provide technical support 5
I6 Offer new features in the application 5
delivered by OS manufacturer
I7 Handle the risk of OS manufacturer 4
will drop support for development
tools used in selected approach
Development perspective
Development environment and
D1 Test fragmented platforms supported 4
by the application
D2 Support testing tools used by the 3
User interface design.
D3 Support advanced GUI features 4
needed in the application such as 3D
rendering components and AR/VR
Continuous delivery
D4 Support continuous integration, 6
automate building, testing and
D5 Provide continuous application store 5
Pace of development
D6 Handle customizations in the core 5
code changes level without affecting
pace of development
Sum 100
Weighted score
Table 29 List of criteria selecting native vs cross-platform approach with weight as rounded
mean value from the empirical study using entire sample
4.1 Limitations
The survey did not include company name or company size. With this information
there would be possible to draw conclusions based on respondents from the same
company or if they worked in a big or small company. There is probably more likely
that respondents from a smaller company would weight Be agile in HR
management and Be agile in budget higher than respondents from a larger
company, based on that financial resources are different in these companies.
Since the survey had a big variation of weight distribution among the respondents,
a larger sample would be beneficial.
Suggested further research is to conduct a survey with a larger sample. Since the
weight distribution among the respondents seem to be dependent on the position
and not as many years of experience, a larger sample would be beneficial. A
suggestion for the data collection would be having company name and company
size as parameters in in order to make conclusions based on that.
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6. Annexes
Annex 1 Comparison native and cross-platform approach (Dalmasso et al. 2013, p 1)
Annex 2 Infrastructure perspective - Criteria for selecting native or cross-platform approach (Heitkötter et al. 2013, p 6, p 15)
Annex 3 Development perspective - Criteria for selecting native or cross-platform approach (Heitkötter et al. 2013, p 7, p 16)
Annex 4 Infrastructure perspective – criteria for selecting cross-platform framework (Rieger et al. 2016 p 8-10)
License The license under which framework is published is essential for the type of product to develop. It needs
to be assessed if a developer is free to create commercial applications and the pricing model also needs
to be considered
Supported target platforms The major concern for selecting cross-platform framework is the number and importance of supported
mobile platforms. Support also includes which versions of the mobile OS each framework is supporting
and in what extent.
Supported development Flexibility in development platforms is beneficial for heterogenous teams where developers are working
platforms with specific hardware or software such as development environment. The role within a team such as UI
or UX design may require support for multiple platforms.
Distribution channels Number of users that can be reached, publication process and compatibility with application store
restrictions are some key aspects when considering distribution channels.
Monetisation The complexity of selling the application itself and the following in-application purchases as well as the
availability of advertisement need to be considered.
Global Application A global distribution of applications is most often desired. Approaches can offer built-in support for
Distribution distribution and localisation and translation capabilities allows for easy delivery of multi-language
Long-term feasibility Choosing an approach might be a crucial strategic decision considering the initial investment for hiring
and training developers as well as the risk of technological lock-in, especially for smaller companies. The
maturity and stability of the framework can be evaluated by the historical and expected backwards
incompatible changes of major releases. Short update cycles, regular bug-fixes and security updates are
other indicators.
Annex 5 Development perspective – criteria for selecting cross-platform framework (Rieger et al. 2016 p 10-12)
Development environment The maturity and features of an IDE has a big impact of the development productivity and speed. Tools
support includes functionalities such as auto-completion, debugging tools and emulator. The freedom of
choosing a preferred IDE lowers the initial setup effort for additional dependencies such as runtime
environment of SDK.
Preparation time The learning curve and best practices of the approach should promote rapid initial progress. The number
of types of required technology stack and programming languages needs to be considered in order to
lower the entry barrier.
Scalability Modularisation capabilities of the framework with the ability to partitioning code in subcomponents and
architectural design decisions such as MVC pattern has implications to the application structure. With
specified interfaces and interactions between components, developers can specialize themselves on few
relevant components.
Development process fit The amount of boilerplate code, initial configuration and the effort to subsequently modify its scope are
aspects regarding to evaluate the framework. This criterion also includes the organizational aspects of
scalability in terms of developer specialization.
UI Design Approach UI is a major concern for cross-platform approaches. Graphical user interfaces are highly platform
specific and often covered by a default appearance defined by the framework. WYSIWYG editors for
creating appealing interfaces for multiple devices can be beneficial and increases the speed of
Testing Support Application logic and user interfaces needs to be tested with established concepts such as system and
unit tests. To test context-sensitive mobile scenarios external influences may be simulated. Providing a
developer console, meaningful error reporting, logging functionalities and debugging on a connected
device are possibilities to evaluate.
Deployment Support Generating individual packages for all targeted platforms simplifies the deployment process. Approaches
vary from requiring all native SDKs to external build services and cloud-based techniques. Sophisticated
projects use continuous integration platforms to automate testing and frameworks can explicitly be
designed to integrate with such toolchains.
Maintainability The evolution of the code base over time. Maintainability is hard to measure and quantify but lines of
code and reusability of source code across development projects are two ways of measuring it.
Extensibility The possibility to extend the framework with functionality based on custom components and third-party
libraries should be evaluated. This for example be additional UI elements and functionalities to access
device features.
Integrating Native Code Running native code in a cross-platform approach seemingly invalidates the idea of a cross-platform
development. This can, however, be necessary when applications are migrating from another platform.
Also, native platform API might enable features not available in the cross-platform level of abstraction.
Speed of development Amount of boilerplate code necessary for functional application skeletons and the availability of typical
application functions such as user authentication has an impact of the speed of development.
Annex 6 Application perspective – criteria for selecting cross-platform framework (Rieger et al. 2016 p 12-14)
Access to Device-specific It is of big importance in cross-platform approaches to access platform- and device-specific hardware. This includes
Hardware sensors such as camera, microphone, GPS, accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, temperature sensor and heart
rate monitor.
Access to Platform-specific Functionalities include a persistent layer accessing the file system and a database on the device, contact lists,
Functionality information on network connection and battery status.
Support for Connected Wearable devices are often coupled to a respective master (e.g. a smartphone) and this trend of “device extensions”
Devices must be evaluated regarding viable device combinations.
Input Device Heterogeneity This evaluates the support regarding the variety of input devices than can interact with an app. This includes
keyboards, mouse, touch screens, voice recognitions, remote controls, hardware buttons and more. This also include
multi-touch screens reacting to gestures such as taps, swipes, pinches etc.
Output Device Mobile devices provide different output devices differing in device size, resolution, format, colour palette, frame rate
Heterogeneity and opacity.
Application Life Cycle How far a framework supports the life-cycle inherent to an application where platforms may differ in starting,
pausing, continuing and exiting an app.
Business integration Applications may communicate with existing Web service back-end for data storage and processing or initiate inter-
application communication.
Security Frameworks support developing secure applications in several levels such as access permissions, data encryption
mechanisms and secure data transfer protocols and input validation preventing cross-site forgery and code injection.
Fallback Handling Intelligent fallback mechanism in case individual features are unsupported or restricted can include graceful
degradation techniques or redirected to a Web page.
Annex 7 Usage perspective – criteria for selecting cross-platform framework (Rieger et al. 2016 p 14)
Look and feel This evaluates if the UI elements of the framework have a native look and feel or behave like a Web page. Rich user
interfaces with 2D/3D animations and multimedia features are challenging for cross-platform tools. It should be
considered in what extent the framework supports the platform-specific usage philosophy.
Performance The speed, responsiveness of user actions and stability are essential performance aspects. The user experience is
subjective but speed at start-up, after shutdown and after interruptions can be measured. Also, CPU, RAM and
battery usage at runtime can be assessed.
Usage patterns Users want an “instant on” experience and continue where the left of when then left the app. Applications must
integrate into personal workflows to match usage patterns.
User Management Frameworks have different support of user handling reaching from local applications to user accounts over several
devices and role-based authentication. Authentication may therefore be done in-application or server based and
potentially connected to session management.
Annex 8 Infrastructure perspective – criteria for selecting cross-platform framework (Rieger et al. 2019 p 180-182)
License For commercial development, a framework’s license is important. Does the framework have any restrictions to the
usage of developed applications? Does the licensing model allow modifications of the framework? The pricing
model is also of importance and evaluated in this criterion.
Supported target platforms The reason for using a cross-platform framework is for being able to reach several platforms but only develop once.
This criterion is therefore very important. Two versions of a platform might be different enough to consider
developing for them to be the same as developing for two distinct platforms.
Supported development Software as Microsoft Windows and Apple MacOS and how well the development environment works are evaluated
platforms here. A good development platform support is beneficial for integration with additional application development
tasks for example user interface and user experience.
Distribution channels Most users acquire their applications in large repositories like Google Play or Apple Application Store, but a broader
support for cross-loading from relevant stores is desirable. Cross-platform frameworks can differ from the
compatibility of application store restrictions.
Monetisation How well does the framework support the means of monetisation? Following categories of applications with specific
business purpose is defined; Paid (one time fee), Freemium (pay to get access to advanced features, in-application
purchases), Paidmium (combines paid downloads and in-application purchases), In-application advertising (banners
and sponsored content) and Free (to increase customer satisfaction).
Internationalisation Applications are often distributed globally, and internationalisation and localisation can offer added value and
broaden the base of potential users.
Long-term feasibility The choice of application development approach can be a strategic decision and a commitment for many years. The
chosen framework must be evaluated from the perspective of the company developing the framework as well as a
possible technological lock-in.
Annex 9 Development perspective – criteria for selecting cross-platform framework (Rieger et al. 2019 p 182-183)
Development environment Evaluation of integrated development environment (IDE) and its features like auto-completion, integration of library
documentation, built-in debuggers and emulator support to help developers.
Preparation time The time it takes for a developer to get acquainted with the framework is depending on the required technology
stack and number of supported programming languages of the framework.
Scalability In large-scale or distributed development projects, there is a need to have a scalable application and therefor
appropriate modularisation is needed.
Development process fit A framework should be compatible with the needed development process used by the development team, for
example agile or waterfall methodology.
User interface design Most applications are user-centred which makes the user interface (UI) design an essential part of the app. Graphical
user interfaces (GUI) are in most cases specific to the platform and often only covered by the default appearance
defined by the framework.
Testing Besides from regular unit tests the context-sensitivity of mobile devices must be fulfilled. Mobile scenarios, such as
phone calls when using the application and varying connectivity, must be taken into consideration when testing.
Remote debugging the device is preferable compared to using an emulator.
Continuous delivery An app’s lifecycle include deployment. When using an agile method using platforms to automate building, testing
and deployment of an application can be used. Frameworks can be designed to integrate with such toolchains by
offering project-specific scripts, advanced build options and continuous application store integration for publishing
updated versions.
Configuration management Support for different user privileges, theming and regional peculiarities can be supported by the framework by
different application packages.
Maintainability Code base evolves during an app’s lifecycle. Line of code, readability of code, use of design patterns, in-code
documentation can be used to quantify maintainability. Reusability of source code across development project can
also be evaluated.
Extensibility The framework extensibility covers the flexibility of adding third-party libraries and custom components instead of
developing themselves.
Integrating custom code Some applications require native code or custom libraries to be run. This can be seen as a paradox to the cross-
platform approach but can be necessary in some cases. Platform-specific APIs can enable platform functionalities
and device features. Companies might want to integrate native code when migrating applications that where
developed natively to a cross-platform approach.
Pace of development The influencing factors like for example the amount of boilerplate code necessary for functional application
skeletons. The overall development speed has a direct impact of the costs and ultimately the return-on-investment.
Annex 10 Application perspective – criteria for selecting cross-platform framework (Rieger et al. 2019 p 183-185)
Access to device-specific A lot of device hardware is available today such as camera, microphone, GPS, accelerometer, gyroscope and
hardware temperature scale. Frameworks with poor support for device specific hardware is a risk where feature-poor
applications are developed.
Access to platform-specific To avoid the risk of feature-poor applications there might be a need to access to platform-specific features such as
functionality the filesystem, database, contact list, information on the network connection and battery status.
Support for connected The ability to support connected devices like wearables and communication through gadgets has been more
devices important recently. How well these connected devices are supported by the framework must be evaluated.
Input device heterogeneity A smartphone screen can be manipulated using multi-touch gestures such as taps, swipes, pinches and pressure. The
smartphone also reacts to orientation changes and hardware buttons. Cross-platform frameworks must make these
possibilities available for developers.
Output device heterogeneity Screen-size, resolution, format, colour-palette, frame rate and opacity differ between model and devices.
Application life cycle The application life cycle includes of starting, pausing, continuing and exiting an app. Multithreading, continuously
running background services and notifications extends the state in which an application is executed. The life cycle of
an application should be inherited by the framework.
System integration Many applications are using a back-end system for feeding the application with data. Frameworks support different
options for data exchange protocols, serialisation and multiple data formats.
Security A framework can support the development of secure applications with several security attributes such as
confidentiality, integrity and control.
Robustness Applications should include intelligent fallback mechanisms in case specific features are unsupported or restricted by
for example using graceful degradation techniques. An application should also be fault-tolerant
Degree of mobility Four categories of mobility can be distinguished and supported by the framework. Stationary, Mobile, Wearable and
Annex 11 Usage perspective – criteria for selecting cross-platform framework (Rieger et al. 2019 p 185-186)
Look and feel The user interface should have a native look and feel rather than look like a web site. If generated applications use a
truly native interface, it should be created in the way typical for the platform. Applications should support the
platform-specific usage philosophy like the position of navigation bars, scrolling and gestures.
Performance Poorly performed applications would likely have low user acceptance. With performance means application load
time, speed for changing views and computations resulting from user interactions. Performance also includes CPU-
load, battery drain during runtime and download size.
Usage patterns Users wants an “instant on” experience and continue where they left the app. This means that unsaved data should
be available after closing the app, data retrieved from the internet should be stored locally. Applications should also
integrate with common applications such as messaging, email and social media.
User authentication Frameworks should offer several ways for user authentication such as pins, passwords, gestures and biometric
Annex 12 Criteria with weight percentage (Rieger et al. 2019, p 188)
Criterion Weight %
I1 License 5
I2 Supported target platforms 6
I3 Supported development platforms 2
I4 Distribution channels 2
I5 Monetisation 1
I6 Internationalisation 1
I7 Long-term feasibility 5
D1 Development environment 7
D2 Preparation time 7
D3 Scalability 2
D4 Development process fit 2
D5 User interface design 4
D6 Testing 3
D7 Continuous delivery 3
D8 Configuration management 1
D9 Maintainability 2
D10 Extensibility 2
D11 Integrating custom code 2
D12 Pace of development 4
A1 Access to device-specific hardware 4
A2 Access to platform-specific functionality 5
A3 Support for connected devices 3
A4 Input device heterogeneity 1
A5 Output device heterogeneity 1
A6 Application life cycle 2
A7 System integration 3
A8 Security 3
A9 Robustness 2
A10 Degree of mobility 1
U1 Look and feel 5
U2 Performance 4
U3 Usage patterns 2
U4 User authentication 3