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Reservoir Characterization and Rock Typing of Carbonate Reservoir in the

Southeast of Iraq

Article in Iraqi Geological Journal · January 2023

DOI: 10.46717/igj.56.1A.17ms-2023-1-29


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3 authors:

Ohood Salman Omar Al-Fatlawi

Iraqi Oil Exploration company University of Baghdad


Sameer Noori Ali

Iraqi Ministry of Oil


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Iraqi Geological Journal Salman et al. 2023, 56 (1A), 221-237

Iraqi Geological Journal

Journal homepage: https://www.igj-iraq.org

Reservoir Characterization and Rock Typing of Carbonate Reservoir in the

Southeast of Iraq
Ohood Salman1, *, Omar Al-Fatlawi2 and Sameer Al-Jawad3
Department of Petroleum Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
WASM: Energy and Chemical Engineering, Curtin University, WA, Australia
Ministry of Oil/RFD, Baghdad, Iraq
* Correspondence: ohoodthaar@gmail.com

Received: Flow unit and reservoir rock type identification in carbonates are difficult due to the
2 September 2022 intricacy of pore networks caused by facies changes and diagenetic processes. On the other
hand, these classifications of rock type are necessary for understanding a reservoir and
2 October 2022 predicting its production performance in the face of any activity. The current study focuses
on rock type and flow unit classification for the Mishrif reservoir in Iraq's southeast and the
Published: study is based on data from five wells that penetrate it. Integration of several methods was
31 January 2023 used to determine the flow unit based on well log interpretation and petrophysical properties.
The flow units were identified using the Quality Index of Rock and the Indicator of Flow
Zone. The Winland correlation was used to determine the pore throat size. The Lucia
classification was based on fabric rock number, and cluster analysis detects rock types using
well log data within the Mishrif Formation. Four rock types have been specified by the
combination of these approaches grainstone-packstone, packstone-wackestone,
Wackestone-Mudstone and Mudstone.
Keywords: Mishrif Formation; Rock type; Reservoir; Well log; Rock quality index;
Indicator of flow zone

1. Introduction
Rock typing and reservoir characterization are significant tools in prediction and performance of
reservoirs and in understanding reservoir architecture (Al-Jawad et al., 2020; Al-Dolaimy et al., 2021)
The hydrocarbon storage capacity of a reservoir is determined by its porosity, but deliverability is
determined by its permeability(Ismail and Al-Najam 2019). The purpose of the reservoir
characterization method is to recognize reservoir quality (Shedid, 2018). The flow unit approach has
been widely employed for pore-scale rock type classification based on flow attributes depending on
geological factors and the physics of the flow(AbdulMajeed and Alhaleem, 2020; Mahmood and Al-
Fatlawi, 2021). These flow units reflect reservoir compartments with comparable petrophysical and
geological characteristics, but they are unique from other reservoir divisions in terms of fluid flow(Al-
Jawad and Saleh 2020).
Rock typing, by definition, is the classification of reservoir rocks into different units. These units
were deposited in similar environments and went through similar diagenetic processes (Awadeesian et
al., 2018). For each rock type, this results in a distinct porosity-permeability relationship, a similar

DOI: 10.46717/igj.56.1A.17ms-2023-1-29
Iraqi Geological Journal Salman et al. 2023, 56 (1A), 221-237

capillary pressure profile, and the same water saturation for a given height above the free water level.
(Bhatti, 2020).
A rock's hydraulic properties are determined by its pore geometry (AlJuboori et al., 2020). Texture
and mineralogy play a significant influence in this process, as do their quantity and placement in relation
to the pore throat (i.e., grain size, grain shape and packing) (Al-Fatlawi, 2018). The presence of separate
rock units with comparable pore throat features is typically indicated by different combinations of these
geological traits. Identifying the pore throat features is necessary for accurately zoning reservoirs into
units with similar hydraulic parameters (Amaefule, 1993).
Five wells from east south of Iraq have been selected as they were consistently spread across the
Mishrif formation to determine the reservoir's characteristics and rock type. The field is one of Iraq's
most major southern east oil fields. It is in Dhi Qar city. The field's 34 km length and 17 km width
suggest the presence of unfaulted subsurface fold structure with a general northwest-southeast trend
(Jreou, 2013). The shallowest hydrocarbon-bearing formation in Iraq's X field is the Mishrif reservoir.
Fine to coarse bioclastic limestones are characterized by a shallow depositional domain (Khalaf, 2009).
The average thickness is about 180 m, in X field, the formation can be subdivided into two intervals,
separated by a layer 10–12 m thick of shale with carbonate intercalations. Mishrif Formation is oil
bearing only in the lower section, which has an average thickness of about 100 m. (Amna, 2006 and
Jreou, 2013). Fig. 1 represents the stratigraphic column of the Mishrif Formation in XX field.

Fig.1. Mishrif Formation Stratigraphic column of XX Field (Jreou, 2013)

Iraqi Geological Journal Salman et al. 2023, 56 (1A), 221-237

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Flow Zone Indicator (FZI) and Rock Quality Index (RQI)
The relationship of core analysis data to the Rock Quality Index (RQI) depends on its indication of
flow zone is deemed one of the best techniques for locating and classifying flow units (Soleymanzadeh
et al., 2019).
FZI is calculated using core data from cored wells and usually applied to uncored wells based on
correlations of log attributes (Al-Qattan and Al Mohammed, 2017).
This specific factor, known as the indicator flow zone (FZI), is used to discover the geological
parameters that influence the fluid flow, particularly when geological features based on variation in
diameters of pore-throats, which affect permeability are considered (Amaefule, 1993):
FZI = (1)
RQI = 0.0314 ∗ √ (2)
Ø𝑧 = (3)
1 − Ø𝑒𝑓𝑓
Where: RQI: is the reservoir quality index (μicron), FZI: is a quality of reservoir index function
and void ratio (μicron), Øeff: is the effective porosity (fraction), and Øz : is a normalized of porosity
(volume of pore -to volume ratio of grain) (fraction).

2.2. Winland Method

Pore throat size and porosity were investigated by Winland using mercury injection experimental
studies on numerous sandstone and carbonate rock samples. The best correlation analysis (R2) was
found to be associated with a mercury saturation level of 35%. In the case of 35% mercury saturation,
the diameter of the pore throat is r 35 (Soleymanzadeh et al., 2019).
Determining pore throat size (R35) form core porosity and permeability for the reservoir units
provides the best basis of defining reservoir flow units (Al-Jawad, 2014). An interval of rock with similar
fluid flow and average pore throat radii is a petrophysical rock type (PRT) technique (Opuwari et al.,
2021). The following is the Winland correlation:
log R35 = 0.732 + 0.588log k − 0.864log ϕ (4)
where R35 is in µicron, k is the uncorrected permeability of air in mD. ϕ is porosity in %.
The radius of the pore throat can be identified as Table 1, Fig. 2.

Table 1. Pore throat radius type (Porras and Campos, 2001)

Iraqi Geological Journal Salman et al. 2023, 56 (1A), 221-237

2.3. Lucia Method

Rock permeability and saturation are controlled by the porous structure of the rock, and the Lucia
classification classifies the spatial distribution of pore sizes within that rock. Carbonate rock textiles can
be linked to pore-size distribution if the pore space is classified as either interparticle, separate-vug, or
touching-vug, depending on the type of pore (Lucia, 2007).

Fig. 2. Pore throat radius classification (Pittman, 1992)

Lucia's Petrophysical Rock Classification employs laboratory measures of porosity and

permeability to connect pore size distribution to the number of rock fabrics in a sample (Bhatti, 2020).
Rock fabric number is a formula (5) provided by Lucia (2007) (RFN) (Fig. 3).
log (k) =(9.7982 - 12.0803 log RFN) +(8.6711 - 8.2965 log RFNlogØ) (5)

Fig. 3. Rock fabric number classification (Riazi, 2018)

2.4. Cluster Analysis

Cluster analysis was used to categorize well log data based on degree of similarity or dissimilarity
across groups in order to develop rock type log using an internally homogeneous and externally isolated
approach (Al-Jafar and Al-Jaberi, 2019).

Iraqi Geological Journal Salman et al. 2023, 56 (1A), 221-237

An initial estimated mean value for each cluster is assumed for each input loge data set, and then
the sum of squares difference between data points and the cluster mean value is minimized inside each
cluster using a K-mean statistical approach (Anon 2021).
The raw and interpreted log data for shale volume (Vsh), bulk density (RHOB), effective porosity
(PHIE), and water saturation (Sw) for the five studied wells were used as input data in cluster analysis
by using IP 2018 program.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Flow Zone Indicator (FZI) and Rock Quality Index(RQI)

All of the wells' RQI versus FZI plot functions were created for each reservoir unit using the
equations in Eqs. 1, 2, and 3. Fig. 4 represent a plot for Porosity versus Permeability and Fig. 5) reflect
reservoir quality index (RQI) versus the logarithm of the normalized porosity (ØZ); for various values
of the flow zone indicator (FZI).

Fig. 4. Cross plot permeability vs. Porosity for specific FZI Values for Mishrif Formation

Fig. 5. RQI versus. Øz cross plot for Mishrif Reservoir

Iraqi Geological Journal Salman et al. 2023, 56 (1A), 221-237

There are four distinct rock types and groups in the Mishrif formation; the pore throat of all points
with the same (FZI) line is the same. Whereas, the first category (FZI-1) (Mudstone Microfacies) reflects
poor reservoir quality (with a permeability of less than 0.1 Md), the second group represents a fair rate
of the reservoir (FZI-2) (Wackestone–Mudstone Microfacies) with permeability range 0.1-10 md, FZI-
3 is characterized by permeability more than 10 md (Packstone–Wackestone Microfacies) in the third
group, and its permeability is greater than 100 md in the fourth group (FZI-4) (Grainstone-Packstone
Microfacies) and the quality of the reservoir is excellent.

3.2. Winland Method

Five categories of PRT or rock types For the Mishrif Reservoir were identified by the Winland
technique with equal (R35) pore throat sizes and similar reservoirs characterization. Table 2 summarizes
the variability associated with petrophysical properties associated with each rock type, while Figs. 6. a
and b indicate the application of the Winland method for studied wells.

Table 2. Petrophysical properties by Winland Method

Petrophysical Rock Pore throat Permeability Pore throat

type number (Microns) (mD) type
PRT_1 0.1-0.29 Less than 0.2 Nanopores
PRT_2 0.29-0.83 0.1-2.5 Micropores
PRT_3 0.83-2.4 2.5-20 Mesopores
PRT_4 2.4-6.93 20-100 Macropores
PRT_5 More than 10 More than 100 Megapores

3.3. Lucia Method

Three rock types are identified by the Lucia method depending on rock fabric number the first class
is Grain-dominated Fabrics grainstone, with Rfn (0-1.5); this class is a very good representation in the
formation with a high value of permeability; the second group contains grainstone and packstone, with
RFn (1.5-2.5) which reflected suitable rock quality type of Mishrif Formation. The third group is Mud-
dominated Fabrics containing packstone, wackestone RFn (2.5-3.5) and mudstone Rfn more than 3.5 ,
which reflect intermediate to bad rock quality type, Fig. 7 indicate the Lucia application on studied

3.4. Cluster Analysis

The randomness result, as shown in Fig. 8, which was used as input data in cluster analysis by using
the IP program, resulted in four cluster types from twenty assumed clusters, as represented in
Dendrogram (Fig. 9), which has identified four groups belong to Mishrif rock typing.
Fig. 10 illustrates the cluster multi-curve cross plot of cluster analysis for the studied wells. The
rock type details of the Mishrif Formation. Four petrophysical rock-type groups have been identified as
• Petrophysical Rock Type 4 (Green color) this rock type (PRT_4) has characterize by very good
petrophysical properties with porosity ranging from 18 to 23%, and permeability range from100
mD to 1000 mD, with low water saturation content (20%-35%).
• Petrophysical Rock Type 3 (Blue color) this type represent good to intermediate petrophysical
properties are observed, with porosity ranging from 10 to 18% and permeability from 10 to 100
mD and considered high water saturation zone (more than 45 %).
• Petrophysical Rock Type_2 (Red color) considers the fair properties belong to the average porosity
is 11%, permeability range 1-10 md and high-water saturation more than 70%.
Iraqi Geological Journal Salman et al. 2023, 56 (1A), 221-237

• Petrophysical Rock Type 1 (Yellow color) This PRT consisted of high a shale volume fraction. The
petrophysical properties porosity, and permeability are less than 1 with high-water saturation (90%
-100%). It appears as cap rock of mishrif formation and as shale separated layer in the middle part.
Table 3 represents the final rock type statistical results using cluster analysis technique and Figs.10,
11, 12, 13, 14 illustrated cluster analysis results for all wells studied.

Fig. 6. Winland application (a)Winland cross-plot with iso-pore throat lines; (b) Porosity-permeability
cross plot according to Winland PRT

Iraqi Geological Journal Salman et al. 2023, 56 (1A), 221-237

Fig. 7. Lucia application (a) Lucia rock type for Mishrif Reservoir (b) Porosity-permeability cross
plot to Lucia classes for Mishrif Reservoir.

Iraqi Geological Journal Salman et al. 2023, 56 (1A), 221-237

Table 3. Cluster analysis results for each rock type

Rock Type PRT- 4 PRT-3 PRT-2 PRT-1

Cluster_Point 4006 4501 2397 679
cluster spread 0.8409 0.6628 1.02 1.699
Mean 0.053 0.04344 0.09951 0.62471
STd Dev 0.04859 0.03714 0.08026 0.179
Mean 0.22502 0.18826 0.09534 0.02061
STd Dev 0.03454 0.02588 0.04048 0.03914
Mean 2.3141 2.387 2.5293 2.2633
STd Dev 0.05888 0.04627 0.06581 0.144
Mean 0.38262 0.88459 0.91258 0.97336
STd Dev 0.1313 0.1097 0.1515 0.961

Fig. 8. Randomness of the cluster group

Fig. 9. Dendogram of the cluster group

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Fig. 10. Multi curve cross plot for studied wells

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Fig. 11. Cluster analysis for XX_1

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Fig. 12. Cluster analysis for XX_2

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Fig. 13. Cluster analysis for XX_3

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Fig. 14. Cluster analysis for XX_4

Iraqi Geological Journal Salman et al. 2023, 56 (1A), 221-237

Fig. 15. Cluster analysis for XX_5

4. Conclusions
This study focused on determining rock type and flow unit in carbonate reservoir, Mishrif
Formation in southeast Iraq was chosen. There are four distinct groups by combining the three
approaches (FZI, Winland r35, Lucia) using core analysis and cluster technique based on log data
(Grainstone-Packstone, Packstone-Wackestone, Wackestone-mudstone and Mudstone) as described

Iraqi Geological Journal Salman et al. 2023, 56 (1A), 221-237

• Rock type-1 (PRT-4) represents the best petrophysical properties. Rocks which mainly contain
Grainstone-Packstone, belonging to class 2 of Lucia’s Petrophysical classification, the pore throat
size is the best with Winland r 35 more significant than 10 μm and FZI more than 4 μm.
• Rock type-2 (PRT-3 ranks as good to intermediate reservoir quality rock, which is mainly
composed of packstone. The calculated Winland r35 pore throat size values range between 2.5 and
6 μm, FZI between 2 and 3 μm.
• Rock Type-3 (PRT-2) considered as fair properties, which is mainly composed of wackestone-
mudstone belong to Class 3 of Lucia classification, the pore throat size range (0.29 - 0.83) micron
and the FZI about 1 micron.
• Rock Type-4 (PRT-1) this rock is consisted of a large volume of shale that appears as cap rock of
the Mishrif Formation and as shale separated layer in the middle part.

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