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Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology


Characterization of flow units, rock and pore types for Mishrif

Reservoir in West Qurna oilfield, Southern Iraq by using lithofacies
Ahmed N. Al‑Dujaili1 · Mehdi Shabani1 · Mohammed S. AL‑Jawad2

Received: 11 August 2021 / Accepted: 9 September 2021

© The Author(s) 2021

This study has been accomplished by testing three different models to determine rocks type, pore throat radius, and flow
units for Mishrif Formation in West Qurna oilfield in Southern Iraq based on Mishrif full diameter cores from 20 wells. The
three models that were used in this study were Lucia rocks type classification, Winland plot was utilized to determine the
pore throat radius depending on the mercury injection test (r35), and (FZI) concepts to identify flow units which enabled
us to recognize the differences between Mishrif units in these three categories. The study of pore characteristics is very
significant in reservoir evaluation. It controls the storage mechanism and reservoir fluid properties of the permeable units
while pore structure is a critical controlling factor for the petrophysical properties and multiphase-flow characteristics in
reservoir rocks. Flow zone indicator (FZI) has been used to identify the hydraulic flow units approach (HFUs). Each (HFU)
was reproduced by certain FZI and was supposed to have similar geological and petrophysical properties. The samples were
from four lithofacies, mA, CRII, mB1, and mB2. Because of the wide range of cored-wells samples (20 wells), this paper is
updated the previous studies and indicated some differences in the resulting categories. It was noticed as results of this study
that the rocks types of the lower Mishrif were mostly ranged from wackestone to packstone in the upper part of mB2 which
reflected mid-ramp facies while the upper part of mB2 referred to shoal facies and for the mB1 unit the rocks types mostly
range from packstone to grainstone with some points as wackestone marked as shoal and rudist bioherm facies. Grainstone
relatively decreases with the increasing of depth from upper to lower Mishrif while wackestone and packstone indicated
increasing in the same direction. The unit mA is marked as mesopores and macropores, while megapores and macropores
feature increased in mB1 which has been noticed in the northern part of West Qurna oilfield due to increasing shoal and
rudist bioherm facies, the mB2 unit revealed increasing in mesoporous and decreasing in megaporous. The upper Mishrif
(mA) has three flow units, while the lower Mishrif (mB1, mB2) has eight flow units four for each reservoir unit.

Keywords West Qurna · Mishrif formation · Rocks type · Pore throat radius · Flow units

Introduction depositional model and facies distribution. Core tests are the
first tool to study petrophysical properties but it’s not likely
It’s known that carbonate rocks cover about 30% of the to get plugs from each well to understand rocks' properties
sedimentary rocks and comprise 60% of the convention and stratigraphic accumulating patterns.
hydrocarbon in global reservoirs (Ahr 2008). Heterogene- Rock type and pore throat radius dominate the relation-
ity and complication are the challenges to comprehend the ship between porosity and permeability. Porosity and perme-
ability can be determined directly as in this study from core
analysis. The pore characteristics are one of the quite con-
* Ahmed N. Al-Dujaili siderable properties in reservoir evaluation. It dominances the storage mechanism and reservoir fluid properties of the
Petroleum Engineering Department, AmirKabir University permeable units while pore structure is a critical prevailing
of Technology, Tehran, Iran factor for the petrophysical properties and multiphase-flow
Petroleum Engineering Department, University of Baghdad, characteristics in reservoir rocks. Flow zone indicator (FZI)
Baghdad, Iraq has been used to identify the hydraulic flow units approach

Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology

(HFUs). Each (HFU) is reproduced by certain FZI and is

supposed to have similar geological and petrophysical prop-
erties. Core data from 20 wells were used to determine the
rocks type, the pore throat radius, and flow units for each res-
ervoir unit. Core data from 20 wells were used to determine
the rocks type, the pore throat radius, and flow units for each
unit of Mishrif Formation in West Qurna oilfield in Southern
Iraq. The discrete facies sequence is produced either from
core measurements (lithofacies) or clustered from the well
logging data (electrofacies) (Tang et al. 2004).
Recently partitioning algorithms Partitioning Around
Mediods (PAM) and K-means cluster analysis have been
used to analyze well log data in R-statistical computing lan-
guage (McCreery and Al-Mudhafar 2017).

Fig. 1 Lucia rocks type

Literature review

Rocks type 2018), (Ismail and Al-Najm 2019), (Deng Ya et al. 2016),
and (Hussain et al. 2020).
The pore system can be classified according to the structure Clustering analysis has been used by Abbas et al. (2019)
of the selective deposits (Choquette 1970). Geologists, ana- as an unsupervised machine learning technique to collect a
lyzers, and reservoir managers used the Archie and Lucia set of data into clusters with no predefined classes for three
tabulations. Lucia’s procedure disparities the sedimento- wells in the upper shale member/Zubair formation in Luhais
logic and diagenesis practicability with physical proper- oil field southern Iraq. In the research of (Al-Mudhafar et al.
ties depending on Archie’s compilation (Liu 2018), which 2019), data from heterogeneous carbonate reservoir and two
has three main pore type classes, and the distribution and different clustering algorithms, K-mean approach and Calin-
interconnection of pores are different for each kinds (Lucia ski-Harabasz solution were used to classify reservoir facies
2007). based on the given data.
Rocks type was classified into types that have the same
deposition conditions and identical diagenesis practicabil-
ity (Lucia 2007). Pore size, porosity, sorting, and separate Pore throat radius
vugs porosity are the main factors affecting rocks types. This
classification has three categories of rocks type (Lucia 2007) A new empirical relationship between porosity, air perme-
Table 1: ability had been developed. Winland, who was concerned
Lucia (2007) gives a comprehensive formula known as about the pores interconnecting consistently with a satura-
rocks fabric number (RFN) Fig. 1. tion of mercury in 35% which is written as to form (r35)
for a group of sandstones and carbonates samples (Winland
log k ={9.7982 − 12.0803 log (RFN)
[ ] } 1976). Winland computed the regressions for percentiles
+ 8.6711 − 8.2965 log (RFN) log 𝜑 (1) (e.g., 30, 40, and 50), but the best regression (highest R)
was obtained at 35%. Why 35% resulted in the best correla-
tion, no explanation was given.
Many papers have been published focused on rocks type
Winland’s R35 Equation is as follows:
for Mishrif Formation in West Qurna oilfield (Liu et al.

Table 1 Rocks type according to (Lucia, 2007)

Class # Grain size μm Rocks type Affecting factors

Class 1 More than 100 Almost grainstone Grain size, sorting, and inter-grain cement content
Class 2 Between 20 and 100 Predominated by packstone Grain size, inter-grain micrite, and cement
Class 3 Less than 20 Pack-wackestone, wackestone, and Inter-particle porosity and micrite particle size

Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology

Table 2 Pore throat type Flow units

Pore throat type Radius microns
Flow unit is defined as a part of the reservoir, where the
Megapores More than 10 petrophysical and geological properties that impact fluid
Macropores Between 2.5 and 10 flow are regular and proportionally foretell by the features of
Mesopores Between 0.5 and other rock sizes (Ebanks 1992), While it is defined as strati-
graphically continuous segregation of a similar reservoir
Micropores Between 0.2 and
process that regards the geological framework and preserves
Nanopores Smaller than 0.2
the rock type characteristics (Gunter 1997). In simplification
terms, the porosity, permeability, and bed thickness data are
using to determine the flow unit. Cores flow units specified
in the sedimentary environment, structure, capillary curves,
and petrophysical properties (Abbaszadeh 1996).
The concept of flow unit contributes to:

• Quantitative definition and mapping of the parts of the

reservoir in terms of reservoir behavior.
• Realistic building block for reservoir zonation, which was
advantageous to numerical simulation of the reservoir
performance (Hearn et al. 1984).

Various methods have been developed for flow unit iden-

tification, based on descriptions of pore geometry, a deposi-
tional environment of rock structure, and diagenetic process.
These methods include relationships between reservoir qual-
ity and rock type.
The Reservoir quality index (RQI) and Flow zone indica-
Fig. 2 Pore throat radius classification tor (FZI) concepts have been identified to derive flow units.
The RQI and FZI are defined as in the Eqs. (3–5) (Amaefule
et al. 1993).
�√ �
{ ( ) } RQI(μm) = 0.0324 K∕𝜑e (3)
log 35 = 0.732 + 0.588 log kair − 0.864 log 𝜑 (2)

Pore throat radius can be recognized as (Porras and Cam-

( )
FZI = RQI 𝜑z (4)
pos 2001) Table 2, Fig. 2.
(Awadeesian et al. 2015) studied the facies classification, The (φz) is the ratio of pore volume to grain volume and
and associated most important diagenetic impacts on pore defined mathematically as:
development for Mishrif Formation in West Qurna oilfield. ( )
(Ismail and Al-Najm 2019) was concerned with the rele- 𝜑e
𝜑z = ( ) (5)
vance between petrophysical properties (porosity and per- 1 − 𝜑e
meability), using lithofacies and NMR data, and then cor-
responding the results to define rocks type and pore throat where K = permeability, φe = effective porosity.
It can conclude that the Winland R35 method is the best
method of rock typing in predicting the core permeability
values (Haikel et al. 2018).
Field geography

West Qurna is one of the supergiant oilfields in southern

Iraq, 70 km northwest of Basra city, and 14 km far off West
Qurna city, the oilfield is neighboring to North Rumaila oil-
field Fig. 3.

Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology

Fig. 3 West Qurna oilfield (Liu et al. 2018)

Structurally. This field is a section of the long axis-asym- depositional environments Fig. 5. These environments are
metrical outspread isocline extended 10 km width and 40 km (Mahdi and Aqrawi 2014):
length. The isocline trends North–South, the trend changes
at Northern field to NW–SE. The eastern flank’s dip is about 1. Mid-ramp environment facies that cover the open marine
1.6°, while the west flank’s dip ranges 2°–3.5°. The field is facies.
located on the outer platform of the Arabian Plate, in Meso- 2. Rudist bioherm, these kinds of environments facies
potamia's foredeep basin (Fouad 2010). assorted as moderate to high energy with level and large-
scale fragment structure as rudist.
3. Shoal facies, Peloidal skeletal is packstone to grainstone
Geological setting rudists firmness, floatstone, and rudstone are describing
the shoal environment facies.
Mishrif Formation which represents the middle Cretaceous 4. Back-shoal facies, this environment combination known
is the main carbonate reservoir in southern Iraqi fields, as skeletal peloids packstone, wackestone, and floatstone
featured by heterogeneity and complication, this reservoir with few grainstone.
comprises six facies that graduated from mid-ramp facies 5. Lagoon facies, skeletal peloids wackestone, wacke-
to supratidal facies. Mishrif Formation in West Qurna oil- packstone, and packstone structure characterized these
field is composed of three major reservoir units: mA, mB1, environment progressions.
and mB2 with two cap rocks units CRI and CRII. Mishrif 6. Tidal flat facies, this environment facies exhibited the
Formation is a section of a second-Sort system trajectory of shallowest water depositional region in this Formation.
Arabian huge sequence 8 (AP8) (Sharland et al. 2001), this
order begins from the Albian era to early Turonian. The Age Mishrif Formation is composed of rudist, algal,
of Mishrif is late Cenomanian to early Turonian from 95 to foraminifera, bivalves, coral, gastropods, and echinoderms.
89 MA (MA means mega-annum = million years from the Facies are changing gradually from the mid-ramp to the
present) Fig. 4. lagoon facies and the formation is divided into five units:
Mishrif Formation clarifies shallowing upward two Cap Rock I, Upper Mishrif (mA), Cap Rock II, and Lower
periods in decline platform sort, this Formation shows six Mishrif. (mB1 and mB2, respectively. The heterogeneity

Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology

Fig. 4 Stratigraphic column

for southern Iraq (Mahdi and
Aqrawi, 2014)

of the formation varies from homogeneity in the mA unit as in Figs. 6, 7, and Appendix 1. The number of plugs is
to higher anisotropy in the mB1 unit than mB2 unit (Al- shown in Table 3.
Dujaili et al. 2021).

Materials and methods The coring task provided 4816 preserved cores, which were
used in the first step for measuring the permeability and poros-
Materials ity of the samples. The core samples were extracted from
Mishrif Formation, and the average rock density of the core
The data used in this study have been extracted from 20 was measured to be 2.691 g/cm3. The laboratory measure-
wells drilled in Mishrif formation in the West Qurna oilfield ments (RCA) were conducted.

Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology

Fig. 5 Depositional environments for Mishrif Formation in the West Qurna oilfield (Sharland et al., 2001)

Fig. 7 Core handling and a core sample from a well in West Qurna

Table 3 Plugs numbers used in the study

Mishrif unit No. of Plugs Range of 𝜑 (v/v) Range of K (mD)

mA 1024 0.010–0.319 0.01–1384

CRII 80 0.021–0.267 0.001–282
mB1 1284 0.010–0.352 0.01–2214
mB2 1528 0.019–0.377 0.01–1350

Fig. 6 Well locations in Mishrif contour map


Core data values for porosity and permeability of 20 wells

for Mishrif reservoir in West Qurna oil field were used to
The second step in this study was to insulate the plugs stated determine rocks type, pore throat radius, and flow units for
according to the layers depending on the upper and lower limit Upper Mishrif (mA), Cap Rock II, and Lower Mishrif. (mB1
of each unit and also on the specified depth that each core has and mB2 units, respectively. Techlog software 2015.3 has
been taken from a certain well. The data have been analyzed been used to determine rocks type, pore throat radius, and
and tabulated for each unit of Mishrif Formation Figs. 8 and 9.

Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology

Fig. 8 Porosity histogram according for wells lithofacies by Techlog software

flow units. The results are presented and discussed for all For the cap rock II unit, it has been seen that the varia-
units in the following: tion in rock type is very noticeable in the unit which covers
all classes.
Rocks type Rocks type of mB1 unit enhances rock properties as
compared with unit mB2. Rocks type of facies continues
By using rocks type classification (Lucia 2007), the results to be consists of classes 2 and 3 while in some wells the
for all units are shown in Fig. 9. mA unit shows rocks type in grainstone increased noticeably.
class 1 lower than in mB1, which reflects the rare grainstone. For the mB2 unit, class 2 wackestone and packstone
The small grain size makes most of the rocks forming this were the main rocks of this reservoir unit when correlated
unit are classes 2 and 3 (pack-wackestone, wackestone, mud- with core description and microfacies thin section and the
stone, and with packstone but in low percentage) (Fig. 10). result was the same microfacies. The mB2 environment
graded from mid-ram environments at the lower section to

Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology

Fig. 9 Permeability histogram according for wells lithofacies by Techlog software 2015.3

Fig. 10 Rocks Type for all units of Mishrif units

Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology

Fig. 11 Pore Throat Radius for all units of Mishrif

shoal and rudest bioherm at the upper section of the unit. macropores. Macropores correlated the grainstone when
Class1 grainstone has been noticeable rarely in this unit. correlated with microfacies. Rudist, benthic foraminifera,
coral, and echinoderms microfacies. On the other hand,
Pore throat radius mesopores equivalent packstone when the bioclast grains
decrease in microfacies.
Pore throat radius of unit mA were macropores and The mB2 unit was better in the north of the formation
mesopores correlated wackestone, packstone, and low per- also where pores throat radius type was mesoporous and
centage of grainstone microfacies in the northern part of some points were microspores, while southern part points
the formation. While the pore throat radius was mesopores distributed between microporous and mesopores as shown
with a rare percentage as macropores and microspores in the in (Fig. 11).
southern part of the unit (Fig. 11).
According to Fig. 11, the CRII unit is composed generally Flow units
of nanopores and micropores in the south of the formation
and it will transfer to mesopores in the northern part of the The upper Mishrif (mA)
For the mB1 unit, it enhanced as rocks type, megapores In this part, three flow units are observed as in Figs. 12, 13
noticed as the major distribution in this unit with some with moderate regression of about 0.7.

Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology

Fig. 12 Flow units for the upper Mishrif (mA) and the lower Mishrif (mB1, mB2)

The lower Mishrif (mB1, mB2) According to the rocks type and pore throat radius
results, the study diagnosed the following:
The lower Mishrif which consists of mB1, mB2 units has
eight flow units as in Figs. 12, 13 with a good regression
of about 0.9. High porosity, high permeability rock

Reservoir flow units correspond to skeletal-dominated

Discussion grainstone/ rudstone facies (class1). Dominant pore types
include inter-particle and moldic porosity types. Pore
Many previous studies dealt with rocks type, pore throat throat sizes average around 4–15 microns. High flow
radius, and flow units but the determination of these char- zones within the mB1 lagoonal system. High flow zones
acterizations was done either from electrofacies or limited (grainstone) within the upper part of the mA unit are best
lithofacies data. This study tried to be more accurate by developed in the upper mA higher permeability flow units
using lithofacies data from many locations in the field. By and finally, the high flow zone in the upper mB2 shoal
using bigger project area with bigger number of the wells facies with pore throat sizes average around 4–10 microns.
could provide broader picture of the reservoir description.

Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology

Fig. 13 Flow units for the upper Mishrif (mA) and the lower Mishrif (mB1, mB2) by Techlog software 2015.3

Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology

High porosity, low permeability rock (high storage, Conclusion

low flow potential)
This study involved the relationship between petrophysi-
Rocks types 2 and 3 correspond to facies with packstone/ cal properties (porosity and permeability), using core data
wackestone textures and are dominated by microporosity then correlate the result to determine rocks type, pore
Pore throat sizes average around 2–0.5 microns. This rocks throat radius, and flow units as follows:
type includes the lower part of mB2 which is marked as mid-
ramp facies and the lower part of the mA unit. 1. The rocks types of unit mB2 were mostly ranged from
wackestone to packstone which reflected mid-ramp
Low porosity, low permeability rock (barriers facies while the upper part of mB2 referred to shoal
and baffles) facies.
2. The rocks type of mB1 unit where mostly range from
This reservoir rock type is characterized by low porosity packstone to grainstone with some points as wackestone
chalky limestone and class 3 rocks type, low permeability marked as shoal and rudist bioherm facies.
rocks are developed around sequence boundaries and in 3. Unit mA has a variety of rocks types due to facies ranged
restricted lagoonal facies in the upper part of the mB1 zone from rudist bioherm or shoal facies to supratidal facies
and the lower part of mA. Pore throat sizes average less than in the upper part of the mA unit.
0.2 microns. Low reservoir quality in these rock types is due 4. Megaporous and macroporous referred to rudstone and
to cementation correlated with exposure surfaces. grainstone when correlated with core data with a high
The results of flow units for the upper Mishrif (mA) and energy environment as shoal or rudist bioherm facies.
the lower Mishrif (mB1, mB2) by (FZI) method showed that Mesoporous throwback the medium energy level and
among those reservoir units, mB1.4 is considered as one packstone microfacies are dominated by microfacies
of the most important reservoir unit in Mishrif reservoir in back-shoal facies. Microporous mostly wackestone sym-
West Qurna oil field. bolize lagoon and mid-ramp facies.
Units’ mA.2, mB1.3, mB2.2, and mB2.4 may be classi- 5. Pore throat radius of unit mA were macropores and
fied as very good to good reservoir. mesopores in the northern part of the formation, while
Units’ mA.1 and mB1.1 are of moderate reservoir char- the pore throat radius was mesopores with a rare per-
acteristics, while units’ mB1.1, mA.3, and mB2.3 have centage as macropores and microspores in the southern
comparatively poorer reservoir characteristics and may be part of the unit.
classified as bad reservoir. 6. For the mB1 unit, Megapores are the major distribution
The cap rock is placed at the bottom of the mA.3 reservoir with some macropores. Macropores.
units. This unit has very low porosity and permeability val- 7. The mB2 unit was better in the north of formation also
ues. The pore type is nanopores and micropores with some where pores throat radius type is mesoporous and some
mesopores. points were microspores, while southern part points dis-
tributed between microporous and mesopores.
8. The upper Mishrif (mA) has three flow units while the
lower Mishrif which consists of mB1, mB2 units has
eight flow units.

Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology

The data from South oil company unpublished report. 2014.



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WQ-10 WQ-13 WQ-17 WQ-20 WQ-21 WQ-60 WQ-

Consent for publication Ahmed Noori Al-Dujaili, Mehdi Shabani, and

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original paper in the Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production




Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-

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Appendix 1: Wells tops for the Mishrif wells in this study in meters

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