SPDL7111w MO
SPDL7111w MO
SPDL7111w MO
This guide enjoys copyright under the Berne Convention. In terms of the Copyright Act, no 98
of 1978, no part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any other information
storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the proprietor.
Table of Contents
Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 3
Using this Module Outline ........................................................................................................... 4
Module Resources........................................................................................................................ 5
Module Purpose ........................................................................................................................... 6
Module Outcomes........................................................................................................................ 6
Assessments ................................................................................................................................. 7
Module Pacer ............................................................................................................................. 10
Welcome to Professional Didactics: Life Orientation for the Senior Phase. This module covers
some didactics and Life Orientation to prepare aspiring teachers for the classroom.
The South African curriculum include several aims, principles and outcomes for learners.
Equipping learners to participate in society, facilitating the transition of learners to the
workplace, social transformation, understanding their Human Rights and Responsibilities,
problem-solving skills and to become part of an inclusive society. Life Orientation serves to
assist learners with mastering some skills to enable them to cope with life in general better.
The Life Orientation teacher has an additional obligation because as a life Orientation teacher,
you are expected to be subject specialists as well as role models and exemplar.
This document includes a basic outline of the content of your module and should be used to
guide your progress through the course of this module. In it, you will find a module pacer,
which outlines the suggested hours for each learning unit. Additionally, your pacer includes the
objectives that inform the cognitive levels that you will be expected to engage with specific
content. Please use these objectives to prepare for your assessments and ensure that you have
mastered them accordingly.
An assessment brief section, which outlines the kinds of formative (developmental) and
summative (final) assessments that you will need to complete for the module, is also included
in this document. Please consult with this section so that you are suitably prepared for your
Finally, this document also includes a short breakdown of each learning unit. These are likely
to include various activities and revision questions for each learning unit. Again, please use
these to guide your comprehension and mastery of the content of this module so that you can
successfully meet the outcomes and develop the skills related to this module.
Module Resources
Prescribed PM1
Material (PM)
for this Module Gous, I. and Roberts, J. 2015. Teaching Life Orientation. Senior and FET
Phases Cape Town: Oxford University Press Southern Africa.
ISBN: 9780199053643 (Softcover) https://ezproxy.iielearn.ac.za/login?url=
&site=ehost-live&ebv=EK&ppid=Page-__-1 [Accessed 10 January 2022].
Module Purpose
The purpose of this module is to provide students with a framework of core pedagogical
knowledge and practices that will allow them to apply their specialised content knowledge
to the development and delivery of lessons in the Senior Phase in a competent, proficient
and critically reflective manner.
Module Outcomes
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the subject specialisation’s
Senior Phase curriculum and specialist pedagogy.
Design engaging and effective CAPS-relevant lessons that meet the needs of
diverse groups of Senior Phase learners.
Demonstrate knowledge of different assessment purposes, practices and tools
for determining learning and guiding future planning in the Senior Phase.
Defend a chosen assessment strategy for given scenarios, learners, outcomes
and content.
Summative Assignment
The summative assignment • Work through all the activities, exercises and revision
for this module will be an questions to ensure that you have a clear idea of the
open book, take-home nature of the summative assignment. You must also
assessment and will assess have completed close readings of your prescribed
all learning units in this material and engaged in additional reading to ensure
module. It will include that you have prepared adequately for this summative
theory-based application, assignment.
synthesis and evaluation- • Pay close attention to the instruction words (like
type questions. discuss, apply, describe, analyse etc.) and to the mark
allocations of each subsection to ensure that you
provide the correct depth and detail in your answers.
• Given the open book, take-home format of this
assessment, it is critical that you continue to retain
intellectual integrity and that you treat your summative
assignment with the same attention to referencing as
required for your assignments.
Module Pacer
Code Programme Contact Sessions Credits
SPDL7111p PGCE1p 36 Contact + 4 Learn 24
SPDL7111w PGCE1w 12 Weeks
Learning Unit 1 Considerations when Teaching Life Orientation
Life Orientation is essential for developing learners holistically. As a subject, it seeks to equip
learners with personal, social, intellectual, physical and emotional skills to aid in their
personal growth and well-being. It provides guidelines for how they might approach the
challenges and opportunities that come from living in a rapidly changing society. The Life
Orientation teacher is essential for this development as they must present these life lessons
to their learners while occupying three unified roles: that of a mentor, a coach, and a
In this learning unit, we will begin by discussing the role and importance of Life Orientation
for Senior Phase students as well as how metacognition should be applied to its teaching.
We will then explain the different personality theories necessary for understanding learners
and the difference between being self-aware and being able to understand others. Next, we
will look at what innovative skills and elements are needed for being a Life Orientation
teacher, including how counselling skills can assist learners with their problems. We will then
look at how the curriculum and classroom activities can help learners to discover and
understand their problems. Finally, we will analyse how the Life Orientation teacher can
assist learners to both overcome their circumstances and build resilience.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend 6 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a distance student, you will likely spend 2 weeks on this learning unit.
Please work through Themes 1, 2 and 3, together with the relevant sections of your
prescribed source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives for
this learning unit, please also ensure that you complete all activities on Learn.
It is important for Life Orientation teachers to have self-awareness and knowledge of the
self. It is of equal importance for Life Orientation teachers to be able to assist learners in
developing their own ideas and knowledge of their selves. In pursuing this task, the Life
Orientation teacher is often presented with opportunities to discover areas of them self
while developing strategies to encourage this in their learners.
In this learning unit, we will begin by discussing the different dimensions of the self, as well
as its role in broader society. We will then look at some different techniques to manage one’s
self and to assist learners with their self-development and goalsetting. Lastly, you will
develop some of your own strategies for assisting learners in this way.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend 4 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a distance student, you will likely spend 1 weeks on this learning unit.
Please work through Themes 1 and 2 together with the relevant sections of your
prescribed source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives for
this learning unit, please also ensure that you complete all activities on Learn.
One of the key functions of a Life Orientation teacher is to act as a role model to their
learners and to their communities, displaying the values, drive, and emotional maturity that
they want to inspire in others. These qualities also include environmental consciousness,
health awareness and social responsibility. A Life Orientation teacher must take these issues
into account when making decisions and applying their problem-solving techniques.
In this learning unit, we will look at the different strategies for being responsible from a
social, health and environmental perspective as well as how these areas influence decision
making and problem-solving. We will then apply these skills to social, health and
environmental issues. Lastly, we will use different teaching strategies to design lessons
aimed at teaching this kind of decision making and problem-solving to learners.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend 6 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a distance student, you will likely spend 2 weeks on this learning unit.
Please work through Themes 1, 2, and 3, together with the relevant sections of your
prescribed source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives for
this learning unit, please complete all activities on Learn.
In this learning unit, we will discuss the rights and responsibilities of all South Africans under
the Constitution. We will then analyse how the Constitution along with these rights and
responsibilities support our democracy. Next, we will look at the importance of children’s
rights in South Africa as well as the role of the media in nation building. Lastly, we will apply
teaching and learning strategies to design lessons about democracy and human rights.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend 6 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a distance student, you will likely spend 2 weeks on this learning unit.
Please work through Themes 1, 2 and 3, together with the relevant sections of your
prescribed source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives for
this learning unit, please complete all activities on Learn.
These days, people tend to live more sedentary lives, and so children have fewer
opportunities to participate in physical activities. This is why it is important that learners are
given these opportunities at school. The benefits of physical activity for children are vast,
and beneficial in many ways, and so this should be well established in schools.
In this learning unit, we will look at the benefits of physical education. We will also look at
the teaching methodologies that will allow the Life Orientation teacher to set up lesson plans
for physical education. Lastly, there will be an opportunity to work on exercise activities that
will benefit learners in a Life Orientation class.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend 4 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a distance student, you will likely spend 1 week on this learning unit.
Please work through Themes 1 and 2, together with the relevant sections of your prescribed
source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives for this learning
unit, please complete all activities on Learn.
It is important for learners in the senior phase to consider their career options, and to be
aware of their career choices. This is because subject choices for grade 10 and upwards play
heavily into what will be feasible for them to pursue further. Therefore, a Life Orientation
teacher needs to be aware of career guidance theories and strategies to determine their
teaching approach. The future point of: “what the learners will do after grade 12” should be
kept in mind.
In this learning unit, we will look at the different career guidance theories and strategies
used to teach learners about their career options. We will also consider teaching
methodologies that can be applied to career guidance. Finally, we will establish which
artefacts could be created to assist learners when making career decisions.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend 6 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a distance student, you will likely spend 2 weeks on this learning unit.
Please work through Themes 1 and 2, together with the relevant sections of your prescribed
source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives for this learning
unit, please complete all activities on Learn.
Assessment is an important tool for teaching and learning. It is used to determine whether
the learning unit objectives and subject aims have been met. Without any form of
assessment, teachers would find it difficult to monitor progress in learners and know where
and when improvement and intervention is needed.
In this learning unit, we will look at how a learner’s Life Orientation skills are assessed
according to the CAPS document, as well as other assessment methods. We will also be
identifying different assessment tools, determine whether they are effective and create
suitable assessment tools. Finally, we will be considering feedback for assessments, ensuring
that it is constructive and appropriate.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend 8 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a distance student, you will likely spend 2 weeks on this learning unit.
Please work through Themes 1, 2, 3 and 4, together with the relevant sections of your
prescribed source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives for
this learning unit, please complete all activities on Learn.