Week 3b - Motions of The Earth
Week 3b - Motions of The Earth
Week 3b - Motions of The Earth
(GEO 101)
• Rotation
• Revolution
• Equinox
• Solstice
• Four Seasons*
It is the only satellite of our earth and has two main motions around the earth i.e.
revolution around the earth and rotation on its own axis.
These motions of the moon affect what it looks like at different periods and also affect
the solar and lunar eclipse.
Moon travels the earth counter-clockwise from west to East. This movement around the
earth is known as the ORBIT OF THE MOON.
The orbital period of the moon can be expressed in Sidereal or synodic months because
of it different phases.
One Side areal month=time it takes for the moon to orbit round the earth and return
to the same celestial sphere and is equal to 27.3days. This is the actual orbital
period of the moon
One synodic month=time it takes for moon to go from full or new to another full or
new moon and this is equal to 29.5days (Lunar month)
The moon has four phases as it revolves round the earth the moons orbital period
and rotational period is the same i.e. 27.3days known as the Synchronous rotation
At some point in the moon’s rotation, the sun, moon and earth
are aligned in the eclipse of the moon where the moon
blocks suns rays to the earth and so there is darkness on
earth. This is the Solar Eclipse
At sometimes too, the sun, earth and moon are aligned and
the moon enters the earth’s shadow making it hidden from
view known as the Lunar eclipse
And some other times, the tilt does not affect any places to be
closer or farther away from the sun. thus, all places receive
equal daylight and sunlight causing the equinoxes.
Time of the year when the sun is Time of the year when the sun is
nearest to the equatorial plane farthest from the equatorial plane
giving equal lengths of day and hitting the temperate to polar areas,
night. resulting in long nights and days.
An equinox occurs at the start of the The solstice occurs during the
spring and fall. summer and the winter.
Time of the year when the sun is nearest to the equatorial plane giving equal
lengths of day and night.