Business Ethics Review (2nd Sem, 2nd QTR)
Business Ethics Review (2nd Sem, 2nd QTR)
Business Ethics Review (2nd Sem, 2nd QTR)
MODULES 1-4 8. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. Pay Wages and Taxes
1. A business model that helps their clients by B. Avoid Restrictive Trade Practices
marketing or selling their clients’ products or services C. Manage Performance
for them. D. Create and Maintain a Safe Workplace
A. Employment Model
B. Market Intermediary Model 9. Company A provides solutions to social issues and
C. Entrepreneur Support Model giving support to education. What particular
D. Low-Income Client Model responsibility is being focused?
A. Responsibility not to cause harm
2. Which of the following view of CSR establishes B. Responsibility to prevent harm
harmony with both business operations & public C. Responsibility to do good
interest? D. Responsibility for safety
A. Private View C. Classical View
B. Public View D. Managerial View 10. This is organization's voluntary desire to make
social contributions that are not mandated by
3. These are enterprises that seek to place people who economics, laws or ethics.
might otherwise find it difficult to enter the mainstream A. Economic responsibilities
job market, such as those with learning difficulties or B. Legal responsibilities
mental health problems. C. Ethical responsibilities
A. Community enterprises C. Credit Unions D. Discretionary responsibilities
B. Cooperatives D. Social firms
11. Which of the situation that usually occurs through
4. Why do social enterprise exist? false information about a company, advertising, or
A. To set up to tackle/solve social, economic or where competitors compete on equal unequal terms.
environmental issues in business. A. Unfair Communication
B. To have another source of income. B. Unfair Competition
C. To serve as business model C. Basic Fairness
D. To solve legal and economic issues in the D. Misappropriation of Trade Secrets
12. An example of cooperative model is ______.
5. It is a structure, design, or framework that a A. Import-export C. broker services
business follows to bring value to its customers and B. market research D.collective
clients. bargaining
A. Corporate social responsibility
B. Sustainable development 13. It is the deterioration of the environment through
C. Social enterprise depletion of resources and the destruction of
D. Social business model ecosystem and extinction of wildlife.
A. Environment Regulation
6. This describes the ways and means how a company B. Environmental Degradation
relate with its customers and with its workers to C. Environment Policies
maintain a healthy customer service and an employer- D. Environment Deterioration
employee relationship.
A. Basic Fairness 14. A company purchasing together products that
B. Distribution Dilemmas aren’t naturally related.
C. Personnel and Customer Relations A. Dumping C. Tying
D. Product Placement Ethics B. Dealing D. Fixing
7. This concept emphasizes the business expectations 15. The act of spreading false information about the
to fulfil their economic goal within the legal framework. quality or characteristics of a competitor’s product or
A. Economic responsibilities service.
B. Legal responsibilities A. Misappropriation of Trade Secrets
C. Ethical responsibilities B. Tortious Interference
D. Discretionary responsibilities C. Trade Libel
D. Exclusive dealing
B. 33. strengthen share prices
16. All of the following are types of social
entrepreneurship EXCEPT________. 34. Which of the following is NOT ethical?
A. Community enterprises C. Cooperatives A. Serving an honest day’s work
B. Social firms D. Tangible assets B. Volunteering in waste management promotion
C. Objectionable shows
17. It is a business scheme or strategy to increase D. Uprightness or truth in advertising
sales which may involve short term discounts or
giveaways. 35. Which of the following is not a feature the
A. Pricing C. Collusion economic development of the country?
B. Promotion D. Placement A. optimistic economy C. poverty alleviation
B. creation of jobs D. economic change
18. Taking an immediate action to recall of the
products in the market is an example of ______. 36. A company sells a product in a competitive market
A. Responsibility to do good at a loss.
B. Duty not to cause harm A. dumping C. price fixing
C. Responsibility to prevent harm B. refusal to deal D. tying
D. None of the above
37. This occurs when the maker of the product uses a
19. This is considered as the highest criterion of social name, logo, or other identifying characteristics to
responsibility. deceive consumers into thinking that they are buying
A. Economic responsibilities the product of a competitor.
B. Legal responsibilities A. branding C. promotion
C. Ethical responsibilities B. trade secrets D. trademark infringement
D. Discretionary responsibilities
38. This is a business practice of the organization that
20. This concept includes behavior that is not accounts for the social and environmental impacts that
necessarily codified into law and may not serve the the business operation creates.
organization's direct economic interest. A. Corporate Social Responsibility
A. Economic responsibilities B. Legal responsibilities
B. Legal responsibilities C. Ethical responsibilities
C. Discretionary responsibilities D. Discretionary responsibilities
D. Ethical Responsibilities
39. This view argued that a company should be
A. Unfair Communication C. Personnel and operated on a profit-orientation basis where its mission
Customer Relations is to increase its profit as long as it stays within the
B. Fraud D. Distribution rules of ethics.
Delimmas A. Economic responsibilities
B. Legal responsibilities
B. 21. denying safety C. Ethical responsibilities
C. 22. mistreating employees D. Discretionary responsibilities
A. 23. spreading of humors
D. 24. promotions 40. All definitions of Corporate Social Responsibility
C. 25. employees working conditions recognize that ________.
B. 26. problems with a product A. companies have responsibility for their impact on
D. 27. ethics society and environment
B. the natural environment should be the main
A. Responsibilities to C. Responsibilities to focus of CSR activities
Government Employees C. business ethics is a complex issue
B. Responsibilities to D. Responsibilities to D. companies must pay equal attention to business
Creditor Suppliers ethics and sustainability