DLL Catch Up Friday Grade 3

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School: Grade Level: THREE

GRADE 3 Teacher: Learning Area: CATCH-UP FRIDAY

CATCH-UP FRIDAY Teaching Dates and Time: FRIDAY, Quarter: THIRD

Catch-up National Reading Program
Values Education Health Education Peace Education Guidance Program
Subject: (NRP)

Quarterly Drop Everything Drop Everything and Community Sexual and Community
Theme: and Read Read Awareness Reproductive Health Awareness

Prudence Ways friends express Prudence

Sub-theme: - - -
Peace Concepts feelings for each other Peace Concepts

Reading The Importance of

Reading Making Wise Ways Friends
I. Session Title Enhancement Cooperation and THE BETTER ME!
Intervention Choices for Peace Express Feelings
The learners should The learners should The learners should
The learners should The learners should The learners should
be able to make wise be able to understand be able to define and
be able to identify be able to identify the be able to choose
choices to create the importance of understand the
the main problem main character's knowledge and skills
II. Objectives peace within showing appreciation concepts of peace,
and solution in the dream and the reason that are helpful in
ourselves and with and care in cooperation, and
story. behind it. learning
others. friendships. responsibility.
Zumba Dance: Girl In the Short Story: Ang
Short Story: Si Red Youtube Link: langgam at Ang
Riding Hood https://www.youtube.com/ Tipaklong
Short Story: Ang
III. Learning Short Story: Si Youtube Link: watch?v=v7zTVdJn- Youtube Link:
Takdang Aralin ng gc&t=99s
Resources/ Goldie https://www.youtube Short Story: The Grumpy https:// HGA-IIIc-4
References (PDF) .com/watch? Goat www.youtube.com/
(PDF) Youtube link:
v=CRHXZl0w4z8 watch?
watch?v=QQwBxxMIQMY v=wwkipb4V74s

IV. Activities and Begin with Begin with Begin with Begin with Begin with Begin with classroom
Procedures classroom routine: classroom routine: classroom routine: classroom routine: classroom routine: routine:
a. Prayer a. Prayer a. Prayer a. Prayer a. Prayer
b. Checking of b. Checking of b. Checking of b. Checking of b. Checking of a. Prayer
Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance b. Checking of
c. Quick c. Quick c. Quick c. Quick c. Quick
Kamustahan Kamustahan Kamustahan Kamustahan Kamustahan Attendance
c. Quick

A. Preparation A. Let’s Explore This

DRILL: Basic Sight A. Friday Routine and Settling
Words Exercise In
“Word Hunt”
Girl in the Mirror | Greet students and
Zumba® | Dance welcome them to Study the set of letters.
Fitness | Live Love the lesson. Look for the five skills
Party that you need to
Briefly review achieve academic
This routine helps classroom rules success. Write them on
students focus and and expectations. a piece of paper.
prepares them for Below are the clues for
learning. Start with a calming you.
A. Introduction activity, such as
B. Current Health deep breathing Example: think-
Greet the students News Sharing exercises or thinking
A. Pre-Reading and introduce the mindfulness
topic: Briefly Briefly share a meditation. 1. write- _________ 2.
Activate prior explain that today's positive health news read- _________
knowledge: Ask lesson will be about story or fact with the Introduce the topic
students what they "Prudence Peace of the lesson: 3. solve-_________ 4.
class. This could be
know about fish and Concepts" which about the benefits of Peace Education. study-_________ 5.
aquariums. Have means making wise count-_________
friendship, healthy
them share their choices to create B. Peace
habits, or acts of Keep in Mind
experiences with peace within Education
caring for fish or ourselves and with kindness. Learning
visiting aquariums. others. Encourage students Session
Brainstorming: Ask 1. Find a place at home
to ask questions where you can focus
Introduce Set the tone for and share their own students what they
vocabulary: Pre- reflection: Ask on doing your school
thoughts and think of when they work.
teach any difficult students to think experiences. hear the word
vocabulary words A. Preparation and about a time when 2. Read your lessons
"peace." Write their properly. If you are
from the story, such Settling In they made a good C. Health ideas on the board.
as "aquarium," choice that helped done doing your work,
Sessions read other materials
"suffocate," and Prepare copies of create peace (e.g.,
Definition: Together, aloud or silently.
"essential." the story for each sharing a toy, Brainstorming: Ask
Set the purpose: student. resolving a conflict students how friends define peace as the 3. Practice solving
calmly). Invite a few show that they care absence of conflict Math problems.
Explain to students Review classroom students to share about each other. and the presence of 4. Organize your
that they will be rules and their experiences. Write their ideas on harmony, respect, modules and other
reading a story expectations. the board or chart and cooperation. things related to school
about a fish named paper. work.
Goldie and that they Briefly discuss the B. Reflective 5. Create your daily
Discussion: Facilitate Discussion: Discuss
should pay attention importance of reading Thinking schedule in doing your
a discussion about the importance of
to what happens and enjoying stories. school tasks.
Show the YouTube the different ways peace in our lives,
video: Play the friends express classrooms, and You Can Do It:
chosen Little Red feelings, such as: communities. Ask
B. Dedicated Riding Hood video.  Words of questions like: Make a “to do list” of
Reading Time Encourage students to affirmation (saying your daily task on a
pay attention to the nice things) Why is peace clean piece of paper
Introduce the story important? and post it on the wall
choices made by Little  Acts of service
title "Ang Takdang (helping out) near your study area to
Red and the Wolf and
Aralin ng How does peace keep you reminded.
their consequences.  Gifts (giving
Kinabukasan." make us feel?
Individual reflection: What I Have Learned
Briefly explain the thoughtful)
Distribute the  Quality time What actions can we
and how the other concept of setting Direction: Copy and
construction paper (spending time take to promote
fish feel. (time and place) and answer on a clean
ask students to predict circles and ask together) peace? piece of paper. Check
B. During Reading where and when the students to write down  Physical touch (/)
story might take place. one lesson they (hugs, high fives) the sentence before
Distribute copies of learned from the story each number if it is
the story to each about making wise correct, and mark it
Read aloud: Read student. choices. Briefly Storytelling: Read (X) if is
the story discuss their answers the short story "The not.
expressively, Ask students to read individually or as a Grumpy Goat" _____ 1. In this time of
pausing at the story silently or whole class. (adapted from pandemic, achieving
appropriate points to take turns reading Aesop's Fables) academic success is
ask questions and aloud in small groups. C. Structured about a goat who possible.
check for Values learns the _____ 2. Skills and
understanding. Encourage students to Activities importance of being talents are important in
use good reading friendly and learning new things.
Character voices: habits like focusing on showing _____3. Making a “to
Encourage students the text, avoiding Structure Values appreciation do list” or schedule
to use different distractions, and using Activity: Introduce will not be helpful in
voices for the context clues to three core values accomplishing a task.
different characters understand unfamiliar related to Prudence Storytelling: Read _____4. Practicing
when reading aloud words. Peace Concepts: D. Reflection and the story of "The Ant skills and talents will
parts of the story. Respect, Sharing and the be helpful in achieving
Responsibility, and Individual Grasshopper" (or a academic success.
Visualize: Ask C. Progress Cooperation. Explain Reflection: Provide similar story) and _____5. You cannot
students to close Monitoring each student with learn new things
how these values can discuss the themes
their eyes and through construction paper without the help of the
help us make wise of cooperation and
imagine the scenes Reflection and or a blank card. Ask people
described in the Sharing choices. them to draw or responsibility. around you.
story. Have them Scenario building: write about a time
share their After reading, gather when a friend Application: Ask Share Your Thoughts
Present different
visualizations with students for a group showed them they students how the and Feelings
scenarios based on
the class. discussion. cared. Encourage story relates to peace
the Little Red Riding them to focus on Direction: Copy the
and how they can
Predict: Ask Use the chart paper or Hood story (e.g., Little the specific action quotation on a clean
apply the lessons
sAtudents to predict whiteboard to list Red decides to take a or words that made piece of bond paper,
learned to their own
what will happen students' thoughts shortcut through the them feel good. make your best
next in the story and answers to woods, the Wolf tries creative design and
based on the events reflection questions to trick Little Red into E. Wrap UP display it on the wall
so far. (written or verbal). opening the door). near your
C. Progress
End the lesson with a study area or compile
Group discussion: Monitoring
Ask guiding questions positive and it in your Homeroom
Divide students into through
C. Post Reading to facilitate discussion: encouraging message Guidance Portfolio.
small groups and Reflection
about the importance
and Sharing
Retell the story: What did Mayumi assign each group a of friendship and “To accomplish great
Have students retell dream of being? different scenario. In kindness. things,
Distribute reflection
the story of Si their groups, students you must not only act,
Goldie in their own What made Mayumi questions to students but dream;
discuss how each (e.g., "What does
words, either want to be a teacher? value (Respect, not only plan, but
individually or in peace mean to believe.”
Responsibility, you?", "How can
small groups. Was there anything in -Anonymous
Cooperation) could you be more
Main problem and the story that
have helped Little Red peaceful in your
solution: Discuss the surprised you?
main problem in the make different choices classroom?", "What
story (the plants Can you connect in the scenario. can you do to help
being removed) and anything in the story Sharing and others feel
the solution (the to your own life or peaceful?").
presentation: Each
other fish replacing dreams?
the plants). group presents their Allow students time to
Encourage students to chosen scenario and reflect and write their
Character feelings: share their own their solutions based answers individually.
Ask students to infer dreams and on the three values to
how the different aspirations for their Invite volunteers to
the class. Encourage
characters felt future. share their reflections
respectful feedback
throughout the story. with the class. Be
and discussion.
Use the chart paper Celebrate diverse respectful of all
to create a list of dreams and D. Group responses and
characters and their emphasize the Sharing and encourage positive
emotions at different importance of having Reflection discussion.
points in the story. goals.
Importance of Yarn web of peace:
plants: Discuss the D. Wrap Up Gather students in a
importance of plants circle and provide a D. Wrap Up
in an aquarium and Briefly summarize the ball of yarn. One
how they help fish main points of the student starts by Briefly summarize the
survive. story and the key points of the
sharing a wise choice
discussion. lesson.
Creative activity: they would have made
Have students Ask students to share in the Little Red
Remind students of
create a collage or their takeaways from Riding Hood story and the importance of
drawing that depicts the lesson. throws the yarn ball to practicing peace in
a healthy aquarium another student who their daily lives.
with plenty of plants Remind students does the same.
and happy fish. about the importance Continue until
of reading regularly everyone has shared
and practicing good and a web of
reading habits. connections is formed.
Class reflection: Ask
students to reflect on
what they learned
throughout the lesson
and how they can
apply it in their daily
lives. Discuss how
making wise choices
can help them feel
safe and create peace
with others.

E. Feedback

Quick review:
Briefly recap the
key points of the
lesson: making
wise choices, core
values of respect,
responsibility, and

activity: Distribute
short slips of paper
and ask students to
write down one way
they will make a
wise choice like
Little Red in the
future (e.g., telling a
trusted adult if
someone tries to
trick them, being
responsible for their
own safety). Collect
the slips and
encourage them to
remember their

A..No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B..No. of learners
who require
activities for
remediation who
scored below
C…Did the
remedial lessons
work? No. of
learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D..No. of learners
who continue to
E..Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
difficulties did I
encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by: Noted By:

Teacher Principal

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