Q3 - Math 3 Missing Terms

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI
Mati Central District

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 3

I. Objective:

Determines the missing term/s in a given combination of continuous and

repeating pattern.

II. Subject Matter

A. Subject: Determining the Missing Term in a Pattern
B. References: MELC: M3GE-IIIi-4 p. 263
C. Materials: laptop, Television, activity sheet
D. Values Integration: Cooperation
E. Subject Integration: MUSIC, ARTS

III. Procedures
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Unfreezing Activities
Have pupils skip count by 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s.
2. Review
Draw the symmetrical line in the given figures below.

3. Motivation
The teacher presents the illustration

Ask: What can you see in this illustration?

What can you say about the arrangement of the shapes?
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Let the pupils watch a video with the title “The Patterns Practice
Song” by Scratch Garden. After watching the video ask them, what did
they see in the video?
2. Discussion
Divide the class into 4 groups. Each group will choose a leader to
discuss the given task.

 Group 1: Determine and write or draw the missing term/s in the

given pattern. What shape should put on the

 Group 2: Determine and write or draw the missing term/s in the

given pattern. What is the next shape in this pattern?

 Group 3:
Determine and write or draw the missing term/s in the given
pattern. What shape should be put next in this pattern?

 Group 4: Determine and write or draw the missing term/s in the

given pattern. What letters should put on the blanks?

3. Generalization
1. How can you identify the missing term/s in the given
pattern of shape, figure, letters, or numbers?
2. How can you find the missing number/s in a given pattern?

C. Post Activities
1. Exercises
Direction: Determine the missing shapes. Draw your answer in your
2. Application
Group the students into 4 groups. Compose each group with girls/boys. Each
group will choose a leader to present their work in front of the class. Remind them
responsibly in doing their task. Appreciate students through clapping after
presenting their outputs. Rubrics must be presented before the activity.

Criteria Beginner 1 Acceptable 2 Proficient 3

Process Skills Members do not Members Members
demonstrate occasionally always
target process demonstrate demonstrate
skills. targeted process targeted process
skills. skills.
Time Management Members do not Members finish Members finish
finish on time on time with ahead of time
with incomplete incomplete data with complete
data. data.
Cooperation and Members do not Members have Members are on
Teamwork know their tasks defined tasks and have
and have no responsibilities defined
defined most of the responsibilities
responsibilities. time. Group at all times.
Group conflicts conflicts are Group conflicts
have to be settled cooperatively are
by their teacher. managed most cooperatively
of the time. managed at all
Ability to do work Members require Members Members do not
independently the supervision require need to be
of the teacher. occasional supervised by
supervision by the teacher.
the teacher.

Group 1: Determine the missing shapes, figures, or numbers. Write

and color your answers.

80___60 50 ___ 20 ___

Group 2: Determine the missing shapes, figures, or numbers. What
should be the next shape in this pattern? Draw and color your
Group 3: Determine the missing shapes, figures, or numbers. Draw
and color the missing shapes to complete the pattern.

Group 4: Determine the missing shapes, figures, o numbers. What

should be the next letter in this pattern?
Draw and color your answer.

3.Value Integration

1. Did you participate while working with your group?

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Identify the missing term/s in a given pattern, shapes, or figures.

V. Assignment
Direction: In a long bond paper draw and color your own pattern.
Prepared by: ELIMI. REBUCAS

Checked and Observed:

Mater Teacher 1

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