Mountain Astrologer 2020 4
Mountain Astrologer 2020 4
Mountain Astrologer 2020 4
2020 — 3
People really need a good
astrologer nowadays.
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Letter from the Editor
Dear Readers:
As I write this letter, the U.S. death toll from COVID-19 has just surpassed
Eileen Mello 100,000 and the #BlackLivesMatter movement is in the national spotlight as
Editor never before. Please know that TMA’s hearts and minds are with each of you
during this profound turning point for our nation and the world. We extend our
heartfelt condolences for the unique losses everyone has endured as the world
around us staggers. We also recognize that you have given us a considerable op-
portunity to continue performing meaningful work on your behalf. Thank you.
Because we understand that our world has been shaken like a souvenir
snow globe, we have brought you empowering feature articles. Leading finan-
cial astrologer Christeen Skinner offers expert advice so that you may more
skillfully navigate the market volatility. The formidable Bill Meridian also joins
us for a global view with special emphasis on the world-point axis and the De-
cember 2020 Jupiter–Saturn conjunction. In “The Astrology of Epidemics and
Pandemics,” European astrologer Ema Kurent highlights the major aspects of
Neptune–Pluto and Neptune–Saturn in longitude, declination, and latitude and
what they portend for our future.
Speaking of — we can all feel that this current time, marked by the con-
junction of Saturn–Pluto, is fraught with peril and fear; that our individual and
collective rebirthing processes will be long and arduous. We’ve sustained “pro-
longed exposure” to the unenviable traits of the so-called great malefics. Yet,
there is good fortune to be mined if we are willing to embrace the challenges
of the times.
Thus, I invite you to consider the benefits of employing a richer, more nu-
anced perspective of these powerful archetypes. Wonder Bright, TMA’s new
columnist, presents “Traditional Astrology in a Modern Practice: Working with
the Malefics” — a humorous, thought-provoking take on Mars and Saturn that
will certainly broaden your outlook.
From my vantage point, Saturn and Pluto are not (only) the harbingers of
this bleak moment, but also the stalwart friends guiding us through the transition
so that we can reach our greatest potential. Perhaps if we embrace a more holis-
tic approach to all the planets — regardless of their malefic or benefic characteri-
zations — we will find ourselves closer to the sustainable future we envision.
Our hope at TMA is that you find a few quiet moments to decompress by
immersing yourself in the expert astrology presented here. I suggest a nice cup
of tea to accompany the delightful dialogue between Wynne Jordan and es-
teemed author and professor Sue Tompkins.
In other news, since joining The Mountain Astrologer team last Decem-
ber, I have exchanged greetings with dozens of our lovely readers. (We are
also pleased that this will be the third issue reaching former Dell Horoscope
subscribers!) Thank you for your encouragement, your feedback, and for
your community. Astrology is one of the great blessings of life, and regard-
less of our individual differences, we find commonality within our pursuit of
its mystical wisdom.
Happy reading and ciao for now.
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† Á 19° 45' † Moon. It’s notable that her Leo Sun is unaspected (or “feral”), sug-
† 10'
gesting that in her earlier years she may have felt like a misfit,
12 7
Chart 1: 54' Ý 17° Â
14° even though she needed to march to the beat of her own drum.2
‡ Ý Leo Sun with Capricorn Moon combines the energy of ego
37' 30'Œ Jacinda Ardern 37'
¿ 21° ‡ 1 6
recognition with a need for practical executive action, as in “no
Ü fooling around.”3 We saw her no-nonsense executive authority in
2 5 March of 2019, just one week after a lone gunman killed 51 peo-
12° 15' 46'
ˆ 3 4 ple in two Christchurch mosques. Assault weapons were banned.
ˆ 20° Œ ‹
57' À 10' 56' 28° Boom. Just like that. With her Mercury square Pluto, we can ap-
10° 20° preciate how her mindset (Mercury) could be perceived as forceful or
05° ¶ Ê 07'
extreme. With her Mars in Libra, we can see her need to assert herself
‰ 10' 23°
Š as a warrior — for peace. Toss her Capricorn Moon into the mix and
27° ‰ 04' we have a wide t-square, supporting her need to make things happen
— in words and in deeds.
All charts use Placidus houses One year later, on March 14, her response to COVID-19 was
and the Mean Node. equally strict and effective. “We must fight by going hard and by go-
ing early,” she stated.4 This tough-as-nails social expression reflects
her Venus–Saturn square, though Neptune’s opposition to Venus (all
three form another t-square) adds idealism and empathy. New Zea-
land’s lockdown may have been the strictest in the world, but Ardern
made two exceptions quite clear: The Easter Bunny and the Tooth
Fairy were absolutely, positively “essential workers.” Her compassion-
ate handling of the crisis won hearts around the world.5
Ardern’s Leo North Node is squared by Uranus, which makes
a modern psychological astrologer wonder how Ardern’s indepen-
dence may have been usurped in her early home life, likely by a
maternal influence. How will a need for freedom to be her unique
With Ardern’s self play out in her relationships? Ardern is the third woman to be-
Mercury square Pluto, come New Zealand’s prime minister — that’s not unique — though
at age 37, she was the youngest. She was also unmarried and preg-
we can appreciate how nant, becoming only the second elected world leader to give birth
her mindset (Mercury) while in office (the first was former Pakistani Prime Minister Bena-
zir Bhutto; Ardern’s daughter happened to be born on Bhutto’s
could be perceived as birthday). She became engaged to partner Clark Gayford last year
but has no plans to set a wedding date — at least not until after the
forceful or extreme. September election.6 Perhaps she’s still feeling the need for indepen-
dence suggested by the past three squares to her Sun from transiting
Uranus between May 2019 and February 2020.
deliberately unclear. The song was about “raucous sex,”9 with pre-
À 08° „ 46' 12 7
cise details a matter of debate,10 as was Little Richard’s sexuality. At
½ 09° „ 09'
Chart 3: 13°
„ Captain Š one point, he referred to himself as “omnisexual,” attracted to men
1 Sir Tomas Moore 6
29° …
2 5
Little Richard made it on to the
Billboard charts in the fall of 1955. The
3 4
„ ¾ ‰
53' Œ Œ 13°
55' 00'
ome of us shudder when we think of Saturn transits … minded of the quote attributed to Gloria Steinem: “Power can
or panic when Pluto inches towards a major area of our be taken, but not given. The process of the taking is empow-
chart. Both planets have dark, fearsome reputations, erment in itself.” 1 And of course, this takes time and maturity
and this year we’ve seen how their conjunction in Capricorn (the Saturn process).
in mid January coincided with the start of a prolonged period Keywords can provide a springboard for astrological
in many societies of personal and economic hardship (Saturn) learning and synthesis, and Saturn–Pluto suggests privacy, en-
amid an atmosphere of fear (Saturn), suspicion, and panic durance, indefatigability, fortress-like defences, deep personal
(Pluto). We’ve witnessed an enforced (Pluto) pause (Saturn) to reserve, and deep reserves in general. Here are some phrases
everyday life — a lockdown (a great Saturn–Pluto word) with and ideas that communicate the message of Saturn and Pluto:
much of the world “temporarily closed for renovation.”
With the pair conjunct this year, it’s the start of a new • Foundations of power; reinforcement of power
era that will culminate in 2036–7 when they oppose each • Demolition and reconstruction of structures/society
other and end with the next conjunction in Pisces in 2053–4. • Compulsion to control
The 22 months around the conjunction (from February 2019 • Mistrust of power bases; paranoia about “The System”
to November 2020) have also been the most extreme time (imposed authority)
of Pluto’s sojourn (January 2008 to November 2024) in • Terror of responsibility; extreme caution; sabotaging
Capricorn. authority
Much has been written by mundane astrologers on the • Fear of power/annihilation/persecution; impotence
current planetary climate and its connection to previous • Transforming personal and collective authority
Saturn–Pluto cycles and international events, but in this article, • Profound life lessons around self-control and self-mastery
I’d like to focus more on the energies of these two planets. • Powerfully committed to the transformation of the self
We astrologers are taught that Saturn is the planet
associated with (among many other things) responsibilities, We’re all witnessing Saturn–Pluto in 2020, but what if
commitments, structures, boundaries, limits, delays, law and we have an aspect between these two planets in our natal
order, and society in general. Pluto has dominion over the chart, too? What’s fascinating is that if we were born under
major social issues and taboos that dominate an era or gen- a planetary combination (particularly one involving the social
eration, as well as anything seismic encountered in the life and outer planets), we are automatically connected to peri-
that feels humbling, non-negotiable, or irreversible. Whereas ods in the future when these two planets aspect one another.
Saturn is linked to fear, finality, and mortality, Pluto is more This has been labelled a “recurrence” or “resonant” transit.
about terror (i.e., extreme fear) and what happens after For instance, if we’re born under the Jupiter–Saturn con-
something or someone in our life has died. Pluto symbolises junction that happens every 20 years, we will find that major
the aftermath of an event, and the processes of rebirth, re- chapters of our life will begin, shift gears, or end when these
juvenation, and reinvention. With Saturn, the road ends. two planets aspect each other during our lifetime.
But with Pluto, the terrain has changed irrevocably — we Using roughly a 5° orb from the first to final hit, here’s
couldn’t have avoided it, and now there’s no turning back. a list of dates when Saturn and Pluto were in aspect (con-
In a birth chart, the combination of Saturn–Pluto sug- junction, square, opposition) with one another. (See Table,
gests issues around control, power, authority, and respect. following page.) The conjunction represents the merging of
At best, it represents expertise, self-mastery, and power ac- the planetary principles and the start of a new cycle; the
cumulated over time and experience — surviving life’s trials square shows challenges to existing structures and obstacles
and tribulations and rites of passage (Saturn). Ideally, surviv- necessary to move things forward; while the opposition (the
ing and thriving. Or “coming into your own personal power,” aspect of relationship) brings the awareness/negotiation of
as the self-help books promise. With Saturn–Pluto, we are re- others’ Saturn–Pluto needs/behaviours into the mix.
urn). At the time, Saturn and Pluto were Ê17° ……50'05' 28°
… 06'57' 10 9 Ý
conjunct at 26–27° Libra, both within a 40'
11 8 Œ
degree of her Ascendant and square to
her natal Saturn. (See Chart, at right.) 27° ¶ 19°† 45' 12 7 27°
It was a non-negotiable, Pluto-type †
¾ 26°† 18'
trauma enforced upon her that necessi- 04'
Á 27°† 10' 1 6
Œ52' Ü22°
¿ 04'
tated a reconstruction (Saturn–Pluto) of
2 5
her body and life. 16' 06'
‡ 3 4
Brennan fought her injuries with 17° ‹
rage. “Anger is a powerful emotion. It
½ 17°
47' É
increased my determination not to go 27° ˆ ‰ 04'
under.”3 Healing took a long time, and she ‡ ¿ 28°
became addicted to the pills prescribed by 04' 59' ¾ 27°
Chart: Bi-wheel. 27° 04'
Inner wheel and house cusps: Eileen Brennan
ˆ 04' 27°
Compliments of:
Outer wheel: Accident by Vehicle Astrologer Linda Kaye 27° ‰ 04' continued on p. 20
Please feel free to ask Moon for Sometimes a 1st-house Saturn can
astrological perspective (moonrabbit be associated with a difficult childhood by sending or early life events forcing you to grow
your question, along with your birth up very quickly, leaving you with an in- The nature of Mars
date, place, an accurate time of birth,
and its source (birth certificate, etc.).
ternalized sense of responsibility for
everything and everyone. With a Cap-
is to act, while Venus
Astrology can help to bring a fresh ricorn Ascendant and Saturn rising, prefers to wait and
point of view but doesn’t replace lis- you can feel like nothing comes easy;
tening to yourself or a professional. rather it has to be earned. Often, there
receive. Sometimes
Q: I’ve had other astrologers tell
is a perfectionistic overtone to both of the square between
these energies, and you can be your
me that Pluto is pretty strong in own worst critic. Focusing exclusively the two leads
my chart, and that’s why I haven’t
gotten what I desire. My Pluto is in
on external goals and achievements can
create frustration because getting where
to acting too soon,
Virgo, but I don’t know what that you’re going always feels like it takes or waiting
really means for me. Can you help? too long. Both of these planetary en-
— “A” ergies are associated with a traditional, too long to act.
conservative, and conventional ap-
A: I see why you’ve gotten the feedback proach to life.
joy and happiness through working with
about having a strong Pluto. (See Chart
Chart 1 In contrast, your Sun and Moon Astrologer Compliments of:
Natal Chart children
916-730-6805 or in the arts. Your Leo Sun is
Linda Kaye
1, below right.) You have Pluto Aug in 19
4:37 pm PDT +7:00(how you express your outer and inner
1960, Fri
conjunct Uranus, the most unconven-
conjunct your late-degree Leo Sun, but
self) are both in Leo, a playful, spon-
33°N57'42'' 118°W21'08'' tional, non-traditional of all the planets.
it is an out-of-sign conjunction,Tropical
taneous, and creative energy, which So, on the one hand you’re a natural
gives it a slightly different, lessMean
sometimes leads people to find great
rule breaker, a person who questions
meaning than if it were a same-sign
authority and who is born to live “out-
conjunction. That, along with five plan-
26° † 06' side” the norms, but on the other hand
ets in Pluto’s house (8th), may be part
00' 14° the equally strong Capricorn side of
of why you experience frustration, but ‡ À … 09'
19° your nature wants to fit in. This causes
first I want to address some other is- 06° É
» internal conflict.
sues of not getting what you desire, ‡ 16°
… 12°
38' 05° ¸ You loosely have a “bucket” chart
which is something that comes 01' 26' …
… 26° ¿ 06°
ˆ Œ 58'34' „
„ with nine planets filling the signs
from looking at the entire chart. 10 9
57' „
21° º 22'
12° 46' „15° between your Moon in Leo
You have Capricorn rising ¶
11 8 50'
00° and your Saturn in Capricorn,
with Saturn, the ruling planet 09'
½ 23°ˆ while the tenth planet, Mars
of Capricorn, in its own sign 46'Œ
12 7 — the planet of desire —
— or at home — in your 1st 06°
Chart 1: 06°
Editor’s Note: Cross ventilation similar way, the astrological effects of hol poisoning after a long battle with
produces a breath of fresh air. It is eclipses on a native or a society can drug and alcohol addictions.
desirable in a house and even in a be gleaned from this myth. Why are the effects of the nodes in
magazine! In this spirit, we are featur- Though dramatic eclipses visible this chart so dramatic? Not only is the
ing a series of short articles designed at the time of birth are obviously quite Rahu–Ketu axis across the 1st–7th house
to make some of the basic building rare, every chart contains, and must axis, Rahu is debilitated and Ketu is ex-
blocks and ideas of Vedic astrology contend with, Rahu and Ketu. Their alted, which exaggerates their effects.
more accessible to all. We anticipate DNA brings themes implicit in the cre- All of the grahas (planets) except for the
that opening the Eastern Window can ation myth into the individual’s destiny Moon are “in the belly of the snake,”
clarify the complementarity between pattern. There are endless permutations a pattern known as Kala Sarpa Yoga
great astrological traditions. and outcomes that Rahu and Ketu can
create in the ecosystem we call a chart.
The Power of Illusion (or is it the Let’s look at a few themes that Rahu
Illusion of Power?): Rahu, Ketu, and Ketu bring forward, or color, in the
and the Wizard of Oz horoscopes of two famous natives.
Eclipse — a most spectacular,
terrifying, hoodwinking, conjuring, Amy Winehouse
phantasmal, astronomical event. The Not only are Rahu and Ketu strad-
disappearance of the Sun, the bloody- dling the 1st–7th house axis (see Chart
ing of the Moon. Reality or illusion? If 1, below), Amy was actually born in a
what you see is what you get, it is both. Ketu dasha (planetary period) and Rahu
The eclipse spectacle shows great in- bhukti (sub-period).4 (See Table 1, be-
vention and innovation, an extensive low right.) The encircling “embrace” of
range of possible presentations, inten- the dragon seemed inevitable — a com-
sity, charisma, and a radically altered pelling portrait of destiny and karma. 9LPVKRWWDUL'DVKDV
view of the cosmos. Amy’s incredible talent was 6WDUW'DWH
And the illusionists? Those ambi- evident from the beginning as was her .H 5D
tious tricksters, Rahu and Ketu. They .H -S
maladjustment to societal norms. Un- .H 6D
have no substance, are shadowy out- fortunately, she became a member .H 0H
9H 9H
siders; but yet, there is power in the of the infamous 27 club, a group of 9H 6X
confusion they wreak, in the manipula- young celebrities who passed away at 9H 0R
9H 0D
tion and misconceptions. Yes, illusion 27 years old; Amy succumbed to alco- 9H 5D
is potent, and the purveyors can whip 5DVKL'*HQHUDO 9H -S
9H 6D
up the masses, disguise reality, and be-
come “Oz, the Great and Powerful.”
The creation story of Rahu, 5D
Ketu, and the Churning of the Ocean1 6X 0D
6X 5D
conveys these characteristics. Myths 0D 6X -S
embody important realities and even 6X 6D
$V -S
-S .H 2. Raj Vedam, “TEDx Talks: Of Ancient Star-Gazers
-S 9H and Story-Spinners,”
-S 6X
watch?v=Jq__DXtfeXw (accessed May 15, 2020).
6DJ 6FR /LEU 9LUJ 3. Farrow, “Meet the Fascinating Wives of the
Moon,” in TMA, Dec. 2018/Jan. 2019, p. 18.
Table 2: L. Ron Hubbard’s
Vimshottari Dashas–Bhuktis continued on p. 62
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Horary Graphic Ephemerides Interpretations
by Ema Kurent
he first question that an astrologer asks in reference son for their condition, and when Neptune moves away, these
to a contagious disease is: What is its planetary ruler, people start to feel good again. Thus, Neptune takes away
or significator? Whereas traditional astrologers may physical strength for reasons difficult to discern. However, ex-
choose Saturn (illness and death in general) or Mars (infec- tremely contagious diseases are another possible expression,
tious disease causing inflammation and fever), my experience in which case, we see a widespread, invisible attack of a quasi-
is that contagious diseases and epidemics are more accurately alive organism (virus) deplete, dissolve, and obliterate human
ruled by Neptune. There are two reasons for this: chemistry immune defenses. An apt signature, indeed.
and (lack of) containment. Based on my reckoning that viruses and epidemics fall un-
First, Neptune rules chemistry and poisons, as well as ev- der Neptune, I have examined the planet’s transits according
erything that is subtle but hurtful or detrimental to our bodies. to three measurements: longitude, declination, and latitude.
Take alcohol or drugs, for example, two classical Neptunian Because not all epidemics could be accounted for by Neptune
entities. They change the chemistry of our bodies and make us transits, I added total and annular solar eclipses, also checking
feel “unreal,” nauseous, or sick. Many medicinal drugs create them against their aspects with Neptune. My results revealed
in us a feeling of being well, when in reality we are not: Aspirin the importance of less commonly used aspects like parallels of
will make a headache go away, but the cause for the headache declination and latitude, which I’ll cover in detail below.
will still exist. Viruses invade our bodies before we are even According to my research, all the worst epidemics and
aware of it and weaken us substantially. They are seemingly in- pandemics in recorded history have manifested in times of
visible, so small that they can be seen only under a microscope, Neptune–Pluto or Neptune–Saturn major aspects in longitude,
though they can be deadly because they reproduce wildly and declination, or latitude; or the involvement of Neptune and ei-
meddle with our bodily chemistry. They have this typical Nep- ther of the two pairs of planets during a major eclipse. Often,
tunian trait of pulling down bodily defenses, and our immune the trigger can be Neptune’s arrival at a critical degree: on the
systems have to put up a fight when faced with the threat equator, the ecliptic, a station, or the degree of its maximum
of their invasion. Diminutive but strong, invisible but highly declination. The involvement of Pluto more often escalates
contagious, and fatal — that is all very Neptunian. an epidemic into a pandemic. Epidemics also tend to develop
Second, Neptune rules everything that cannot be con- into pandemics in the years of minor and major lunar stand-
tained or is very difficult to contain (like gasses); everything that stills (discussed in detail below), and during those months
spills over the top; everything that is a threat simply because it when the lunar maximum declination is 23.5°. While these
cannot be controlled. Viruses are such entities — the most in- lunar phenomena indicate extremes of all kinds (from nat-
determinate form of life, yet all the more dangerous because of ural disasters and mass suffering to major breakthroughs in
their sheer determination to reproduce and invade our bodies. science), in this article I demonstrate how they relate to out-
Transits and progressions of Neptune tend to cause people to breaks of epidemics and pandemics. I will mainly focus on
feel weak, tired, or lethargic. Doctors usually can’t find a rea- declination and celestial latitude only — measurements that
AUG. / SEPT. 2020 — 21
Epidemics / Pandemics
are less widely known but no less powerful than the more fa-
miliar measurement of celestial longitude (zodiacal degrees).
The force of any planet on the
ecliptic is tripled, and the slower
Declination and Celestial Latitude
Declination is a measurement in the equatorial system the planet, the longer its effect.
whereby we measure the distance of a celestial body above
or below the equator (or north and south of it) in degrees,
minutes, and seconds of arc. Latitude (or celestial latitude) or S). Due to the precession of the plane of the lunar orbit,
is a measurement in the ecliptic system whereby we measure its monthly maximum gradually increases and decreases,
the distance of a celestial body above or below the ecliptic with the whole cycle taking 18.6 years. Starting at 18.1°,
(or north and south of the Sun’s annual, imaginary path) in the Moon’s maximum declination will gradually increase for
degrees, minutes, and seconds of arc. The only aspects that 9.3 consecutive years, reaching the maximum of 28.7°, and
we use with both measurements are referred to as paral- then decrease back to 18.1° through the next 9.3 years.
lels of declination and parallels of latitude or their opposite, The periods (lasting approximately a year) when the Moon’s
known as contraparallels. I have come to the conclusion that maximum monthly declination is about 18° are called minor
a viable orb for a parallel of declination is 1°, and for a paral- lunar standstills, and when its maximum monthly declination
lel of latitude it should be 20 arc minutes, not more. This is is 28.5° these periods are called major lunar standstills. The
because the apparent distances between celestial bodies in lat- measurement 23.5° lies between both values and is critical
itude are tiny; all the planets except Pluto stay relatively close because it is the degree of the Sun’s maximum declination
to the ecliptic at all times. Venus can reach just beyond 8° of (reached twice a year at the solstices).
northern or southern latitude; the Moon has a steady cycle of Let us now look at some of the historical epidemics/pan-
fluctuating between a bit over 5° to the north or south; Pluto demics beginning with the bubonic plague, to see how these
can go as far as 18°, whereas all the other planets — espe- astrological factors present themselves.
cially those from Jupiter onwards — will always stay closer.
The terms major and minor lunar standstills refer to Ecliptic Crossings
the declination cycle of the Moon. During its monthly cy- In my research, I uncovered a correspondence between
cle, the Moon reaches its maximum declination twice, once Neptune crossing the ecliptic and outbreaks of an epidemic/
to the north and once to the south (of the equator). This pandemic nature. The force of any planet on the ecliptic
maximum declination varies between 18.1° and 28.7° (N is tripled, and the slower the planet, the longer its effect.
Due to its slow motion, Neptune crosses the ecliptic every
82 years (approximately). Starting from 1345, the year just
before the devastation of the bubonic plague, the next cross-
ings occurred in 1426, 1509, 1590, 1674, 1755, 1838,
1920, and 2003. (See Figure 1, following page.) Bear in
mind that with celestial latitude, the orb of influence is 20 arc
minutes, which amounts to 10 years in Neptune’s case, so
every Neptune ecliptic crossing spans 10 years.
Figure 2: The path of Neptune in celestial latitude over 200 years (1300–1500)
1509 (1504–14) N/S: 1510 marked the year of the first 1674 (1669–79) N/S: Between 1663–79, there were sev-
chronicled pandemic. Medical historians describe it as in- eral major outbreaks of plague in Europe. Whereas timing
fluenza. It emerged as an acute respiratory disease in Asia is a bit off for the Great Plague of London (1665–66) which
before spreading through North Africa and Europe. Vast claimed about 100,000 lives, plague took another 152,000
swaths of people were affected although the mortality rate lives in France, Spain, Malta, Austria, and the Netherlands
was only 1%. within the said time span.
1590 (1586–96) S/N: From 1592 to 1593, London ex- 1755 (1750–60) S/N: By the mid 18th century, small-
perienced its last major plague outbreak of the 16th century. pox was a major epidemic worldwide. In 18th-century Eu-
At least 21,000 people died of plague within the city and in rope, smallpox was a leading cause of death, killing an
the surrounding parishes. estimated 400,000 Europeans each year. The British used
Figure 3: A triple parallel of declination between Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto in 1917–18, synchronous with the outbreak of Spanish Flu
Figure 6: A triple parallel of latitude between Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto in 1769–73, synchronous with the outbreak of several epidemics
Figure 8: The parallel of Neptune and Pluto in celestial latitude, exact in October 2020
Last train of Wuhan metro before authorities lock down the city for the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak
China News Service / (CC BY 3.0)
addy, do you know how you can get people to counted for the irregularities of Mercury’s orbit, which were
stop hating you?”1 Ten-year-old Lilah had been initially thought to indicate the presence of a nearby unde-
thinking about the strong reactions many peo- tected planet. And the flyby of Uranus and Neptune by space
ple had to her father’s work and had a solution to offer him. probe Voyager 2 in the 1980s gave us precise measures of
Mike Brown, a professor at the prestigious Caltech Univer- their mass. From this, more accurate modelling of the so-
sity, had been a central figure in the 2006 debate that saw lar system’s combined gravitational effects was made, which
the International Astronomical Union (IAU) reclassify Pluto as showed there was no mysterious ninth planet pulling on the
a dwarf planet, reducing our solar system to only eight full- orbits of the known eight.
sized planets. He was well used to the acrimony his name It was 2014 when Lilah made her suggestion — little
evoked amongst supporters of Pluto, and it’s fair to say he did Brown know at the time, in only a few years, he was to
even played into the animosity — Brown’s Twitter handle is @ have a radical change of heart. He and his research partner,
plutokiller and he wrote a book called How I Killed Pluto and Konstantin Batygin, would find gravitational evidence of an
Why It Had It Coming. These are the hallmarks of a resilient undiscovered planet, orbiting far out in the distant reaches of
man ... or at least one who has the courage of his convictions! the Kuiper belt — that region out past Neptune, filled with
“Gosh no, I don’t. How should I do that?”2 Lilah was of- thousands of tiny icy bodies, including Pluto. They would ob-
fering him a path to redemption he probably didn’t think was serve that distant Kuiper belt objects have their orbits aligned
needed, but Brown was happy to play along. “You should go in particular directions, indicating the presence of a large
find a new planet and then people wouldn’t hate you any- gravity well. And after extensive mathematical modelling, the
more,” she expanded. Brown laughed and explained to his pair would conclude the disturbances could only be caused
young daughter that there were no new planets to be found. by the presence of a sizeable planet orbiting so far out that it
The theory of relativity had long ago put paid to the didn’t even perturb the orbit of Neptune.
hunt for Vulcan, a hypothesised small planet thought to be So, in 2016 “Pluto Killer” would metamorphose into
orbiting close to the Sun. Einstein’s theory adequately ac- “Planet Hunter,” as Brown came to dedicate the majority of
national Astronomical Union in August 2006. Waifer X (CC BY 2.0).
some old photographs in a family album and come across a
picture of a friend you hadn’t seen in 20 years, when sud-
denly the phone rings and it’s that very friend calling up to
say hi. That sort of thing.
BEYOND THE The more I delved into both of these subjects, the more
I began realizing how much overlap there really was between
them, not just in their theoretical foundations but their prac-
tical applications. For example, I saw that astrology could be
viewed as a beautiful example of synchronicity writ large, in
that the patterns of our horoscope illustrate how “meaning-
ful coincidence” permeates every aspect of our lives; every
facet of our daily experience, from the trivial to the profound,
is embedded in a network of acausal connections and cor-
respondences that symbolically relate back to the planets,
aspects, and houses of the horoscope. In a sense, one’s entire
In a sense, one’s
entire life is “synchronistic”
in that everything co-incides.
by Wynne Jordan
ue Tompkins is a registered homeopath and one drop. Then I left school at 15 with no qualifications because
of the most experienced astrologers in the United I wanted to leave home. My mother was a bit violent and
Kingdom. She lectures widely at home and abroad. I was unhappy, and I just wanted out. I went into nursing,
Her books, Aspects in Astrology (1989) and The Contem- and somehow around age 18 I ended up with Linda Good-
porary Astrologer’s Handbook (2006) are international man’s Sun Signs. My best friend seemed so typical of her
bestsellers. A fellow of the Faculty of Astrological Studies, sign, Gemini, that I just thought, “This is unbelievable!” I also
Sue has been honoured with various awards, including, in felt fairly typical of my Aquarius Sun. Anyway, I just got ob-
2003, the British Astrological Association’s Charles Harvey sessed with it, thinking “Well, there’s something in this,” and
Award for exceptional service to astrology. Her website is I ended up being in that something in this phase for a num- Sue spoke to me from her home in ber of years.
North London on April 10, 2020. I had joined the British Astrological Association and got
their magazine, but it didn’t make any sense to me. I was liv-
Wynne Jordan: Sue, my first encounter with you was at ing in the provincial town of Stafford, and there were no books
Oxford in 1988 at the Faculty of Astrological Studies’ sum- on proper astrology. Then at age 20 I moved to Canada
mer school. It was in our little tutorial group of ten where and started to learn some things, how to set up a chart, etc.
we convened after each lecture, and that day you were our In Toronto, I could buy books, and I just bought everything
tutor and we were talking about Mars. We had copies of all I could, and I was testing it all the time. As you know your-
ten birth charts and were analyzing each other’s Mars place- self, as you begin to more deeply understand the symbolism
ments. I remember one woman couldn’t relate at all to her you realize that it is absolutely jaw-dropping. It was a gradual
Mars position, so I suggested to you that maybe the astrology thing for me, a very slow apprenticeship. As soon as I realized
just didn’t work that time. You replied right away, very em- there was something in it, I couldn’t find out enough. I wasn’t
phatically, “The chart does not lie!” My immediate thought that surprised to discover that astrology worked, but that abso-
was, “Holy cow! This woman really trusts this stuff.” lute conviction you mention would have taken a while.
So my first question is, how did you come to that state
of conviction? I’m wondering about the degree of confidence WJ: Did you study with the Faculty right away?
that you had, and whether it was a long journey for you to
accept astrology, or did it come pretty naturally to you? Also, ST: No, I was vaguely teaching myself for a time, and then
can you describe for us your journey into astrology? when I got back to London, I joined the Mayo School. Jeff
Mayo was my first teacher and I stayed with him until the cer-
Sue Tompkins: I guess the conviction may have taken tificate, which I got at age 25. And then I sort of switched
some time. There are a couple background elements to my to the Faculty — in those days the courses were all by corre-
journey. Firstly, I wasn’t that happy as a child; I was an only spondence. Live classes were just beginning in London, and
child and quite introverted, and I was full of the big ques- Liz Greene was starting to teach at the Centre for Transper-
tions — you know, who is God, why are we here, all those sonal Psychology. I just went to everything and everybody
kinds of things. And I was an observer; I’ve always wanted who was around: Liz Greene, the Faculty, Charles Harvey,
to know what made people tick. So I had that as a back- John Addey. John Addey was researching at the time, so
ST: Oh, not for ages. I just did it, and I did the diploma for WJ: It must have been quite exciting.
ages and ages because I was fascinated. I mean, nowadays
you get students in the first year saying, “I want to be a pro- SJ: Yes, our little team of Faculty teachers on the London
fessional astrologer.” But it wouldn’t have occurred to me, or classes was good. We had Mike Harding, Lindsay Rader-
to any of my peers either. And then, when I got my diploma, macher, Kim Farley, Christeen Skinner, Babs Kirby, and many
the Faculty was advertising for a teacher and I was given an others. There was a real sense of community. I remember
Sue Tompkinsclass. I had a job at the Citizens Advice Bureau at theof:
Astrologer Linda Kaye
when the Faculty was celebrating its 70th birthday in 2018, it
Natal Chart
Jan and
30 1954, Sat I went from doing five days a week there to four,
7:05 pm GMT +0:00
made a little film talking to different people about what the Fac-
Taplow, three, as the astrology increased. That’s what I tell grad-
51°N32' 000°W41'
ulty meant for them, and I was one of a number of people who
Tropical to do now. You couldn’t just jump in and earn a living
Geocentric said it meant family. I don’t know if it’s my Uranus in Cancer
from Nodeastrology — it took a while.
Mean in the 11th, but for about ten to 15 years, it was family.
Rating: AA
WJ: Can you tell me a bit about the Oxford summer school?
27° Ý 19'
‚ That was my first introduction to astrology in the U.K., and it
30' 22°
ƒ ½ Ü 57' kind of blew me away. How did that evolve?
ST: The first year we did it was in 1987 at Winchester, a
46' 20° Œ 26° Church of England college. After we did one year there, the
„ ƒ ‹
10 9
dean of the college cancelled it quite at the last minute; he
11 8 just didn’t want astrology there. So we had a bit of a cri-
sis, and then Jesus College at Oxford had a cancellation and
Á 24°„ 07' put us in. The joke is, the religious college at Winchester re-
Œ 12 7
05° Sue Tompkins 05° jected us because we were astrologers, and we went straight
… ‹ into the arms of Jesus! I taught at Jesus College every year
25' Placidus house system, 25'
Mean Node
31' Š right up until 2000. And then the summer school moved to
33' Š
º Brasenose, and now they’re at Exeter College.
2 5 Š
10° » Back then you could only teach there if you were a Fac-
26° Œ 42'
10' ‰
¸ 46' ulty diploma holder, but they have changed that and now
3 4
… ‰ 23° Š
23° Â 08°
they get excellent people from around the world who aren’t
† 05' 21'
41' É Faculty graduates, in addition to the many who are. I still
‡ ˆ
26° ‡
09° 21° think it’s one of the highlights of the astrological calendar.
À 24°
Those buildings alone lift me — Jesus College dates from the
† 57' ¾ ¶ ‰
¼ 05°
1500s and Exeter from the 1300s — and at Exeter you quite
27° ‡ 19'
often hear the choir rehearsing. I still teach there sometimes,
WJ: You’re also teaching a weeklong residential course WJ: In Aspects in Astrology (p. 64), you write: “There is
in Spain. never a point at which we can say we do understand a chart
or that we have got to the bottom of ourselves; the whole
ST: Yes, ever since I left the Faculty, I have run my own res- thing is an ongoing process.” Do you think, as astrologers,
idential course. For many years I held it in Glastonbury, and there is a tendency to set impossible standards for ourselves
then I went to France for about four years, and when that in how much we can understand a client?
place sold, I found this wonderful venue not far from Girona
in Spain. There are never more than 20 students, and a lot ST: Oh yes, I do think that. I think astrologers are a bit full of
of them come every year. Kim Farley is my partner in crime themselves, really. Because you can have a lovely conversa-
each year and she’s a fantastic cook as well as a fantastic as- tion with somebody, and sometimes when they leave they will
trology teacher. Unfortunately, it may have to get cancelled look at some issue in a new way, and it’s fantastic when that
this year, because of the virus. happens. You’ve done your job, so to speak. Except you have
WJ: Any other books on the horizon? WJ: As we speak, on Good Friday in April 2020, the world
is in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Could you com-
ST: I hope to do a medical astrology book and I have it ment generally on the current transits?
partially done, though I don’t know if I’ve got the energy
to finish it. I have things researched that I don’t think any- ST: Like most of my colleagues and friends, last autumn I
one else has talked about. Of course, as a homeopath, I hear was talking about the impending January 2020 Saturn–Pluto
about people’s health problems all the time. I can actually say conjunction and all the things that it is associated with:
some quite simple but original things. austerity, the very hardest of economic times, feelings of
persecution from various groups of people, and, with the
WJ: Well, I certainly hope you get around to it. Tell us about two planets of death conjunct, potentially massive deaths.
your teaching in China. How did that come about? I remember thinking, well, that can’t possibly happen, can
it? That austerity was what we were recovering from! I just
ST: What happened in China a number of years ago is that didn’t have a clue how this was going to manifest. Perhaps it
Western astrology became legal, and an American astrologer, would be the lessons of that austerity?
David Railey (who is very involved with ISAR) started a school I was kidding myself! It’s a very good example of astrol-
with one Felicia Jiang. The school is called Nodoor, and it’s ogy: you both know and you don’t know. I absolutely didn’t.
the oldest and largest Western school of astrology in China. You can kind of see the virus in the U.K. chart’s transits, and
It’s huge; they’re a big organization. Since then a lot of other in Boris Johnson’s too, in retrospect. I am, of course, familiar
schools have appeared. David asked me if I wanted to teach with the Chinese chart, and I knew China was in for some-
online for Nodoor, perhaps because both my books have thing huge — but I thought it was going to be an earthquake!
WJ: Yes, people haven’t been able to buy yeast for three weeks
here because everyone is suddenly interested in baking bread!
by Christeen Skinner
Author’s Note: To make an astro-financial forecast, tures — suggest difficult days ahead. As forecasted by many
financial astrologers consider the distribution of the planets financial astrologers, 2020 is proving to be the year of the
around the Sun (both geocentrically and heliocentrically). “Great Financial Reset.”
The many indicators leading to this designation can be
ince the start of 2020, indices have made dramatic found amongst the solar eclipse on December 26, 2019: The
falls. Older traders and investors have seen this type of presence of the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in
market behaviour before and know that there is even- Capricorn gave rise to speculation that governments and
tual recovery. In relatively recent times, one of the most corporations would be challenged as never before. Financial
dramatic days of trading occurred on August 16, 1974, when astrologers have long been of the opinion that until Pluto com-
the Dow Jones Index fell by over 45%. It took 418 weeks to pletes its transit of Capricorn in 2024, echoes of the Global
make full recovery and 15 weeks after this date before the Financial Crash of 2008 would be heard. The concentra-
final low of that period. Whilst the planetary alignments be- tion of planets in Capricorn in January 2020 did not suggest
tween August 1974 and August 2020 are very different, it an exact repeat of the global crisis, but the high probability
of reevaluation and reset. Cracks and fissures in the market-
place were also apparent from the lunar eclipse on January 10,
August 17 is a Monday and could and the recent eclipse on June 21, 2020 suggested a potential
for events that would shake the world; the social and economic
yet prove to be one of the most consequences would be without precedent.
significant trading days of this Though much of the blame for market turmoil since
March has been laid at the door of the pandemic,1 many
two-month period. traders were already of the opinion that a correction was long
overdue. In analyzing market trends, several cycles have to be
considered, not least of which is the Saturn–Uranus cycle that
is likely that the anniversary of the events in 1974 will be comes to its heliocentric last quarter phase2 on October 19,
acknowledged and that echoes and reverberations of that 2021 at 12° Aquarius–Taurus, and the Chiron–Pluto cycle,
earlier drama will be felt. which will be in contra-parallel latitude3 in April 2022. We
History never repeats exactly — though it is more than are likely to experience considerable trader panic between
a little interesting that Uranus reaches retrograde station now and then. Young traders will surely find this daunting,
on August 15 and that the Sun and Mars reach their trine
on August 16 whilst there is a Sun–Mercury conjunction on
August 17. Sun–Mercury conjunctions often mark crucial The recent eclipse on June 21,
turning points, though not across all markets. When boosted
by other aspects, as in this instance, and taking into account 2020 suggested a potential for
the sign involved (Leo), there can be significant price move-
ment in certain sectors: in this case, probably grains.
events that would shake the
August 17 is a Monday and could yet prove to be one of world; the social and economic
the most important trading days of this two-month period;
a fitting anniversary to the 1974 low, though I doubt that it consequences would be
will mark the low from which history eventually marks re- without precedent.
covery. The alignments and connections of the planets for
the remainder of 2020 — often described as planetary pic-
Chart 1: Chart 2:
12 7 12 7
10° 10° 09° 09°
‡ Coca-Cola Ý ‡ Johnson and Ý
1 Company 6
15' 36'
1 Johnson 6
43' 2 5 2 5
ˆ Œ
09° 13° Œ 20' 08° 37' 37'
ˆ ½
3 4 3 4 Ü
Ü ˆ 19'
05° Ü
18' Œ Œ 58' 18° 36' ‰ 17°
07' 28'26' ‹
29° 03° 04' ò
Š Š Š 18° ò ¶ ‰
21°22°25° ¿
12° 21' Charts use 12° Ê 33'
‰ 53' Ãʼ 21°
Placidus houses and
‰ 05' 20°
18° Š 38' 17° Š 48'
the True Node.
48' „01° Ã
again and this time, investors rec- 54' „
20° 12 7 20°
ognized JNJ’s contribution to the ½ 18°‰ 39'Œ
COVID-19 global research initiative. ‰ Œ16' ƒ19°
Á ƒ
The first trade chart shows the Sun 01'
Á 23°‰ 02'50'ŒŒ 1 6 01'
(2° Libra) conjunct Neptune (3° Li- ¾ 26°‰ 2 5
bra). Transiting Saturn trines both in ƒ07°
early 2021 — and yes, this does suggest
52' Œ
3 4 Œ
30' Œ44'
Ü ŒŒ ‚ ‚27°
consolidation of gains as 2020 gives way 00° Ü 41'
É 34'
07° 11°
to 2021. Yet Pluto moves to square na- 04° ò¿ ÝÝ
15' ½
tal Venus (ruler of the 7th house) as Sat- ‹ 20°
‹ 10°12°
56' ÂÉ 27°
Ü 50' Œ
08° 30' Œ
Chart 3: Bi-wheel. Â 23°
Ü 48' ¼ ò
14° 09'
Inner wheel and house cusps: Caterpillar Inc.
¿ 07°
Outer wheel: Uranus Retrograde Station, August 15,of:2020,
Astrologer Linda Kaye 14° Ý 24'
10:26 a.m. EDT 916-730-6805
by Bill Meridian
Author’s Note: Welcome to the Global Scan. Mundane planetary picture, and eight hypothetical planets to astrol-
astrology can be seen as a two-step process. First, one ogy.2 Planets located at these degrees find expression in the
looks at the longer-term configurations that are in effect. world more easily than planets that are not. So, if a person
The second step is to determine which natal charts and has Mercury at one of these points (an ideal configuration for
areas are affected. a writer), their ideas will find their way into the media quite
From the first perspective, 2020 is rich with major readily. One example is the horoscope of Hillary Clinton.3
planetary activity: (Chart not shown.) Her Moon, Ascendant–Descendant, Juno,
and Mars–Pluto conjunction are either within a degree of the
• Six eclipses, including a solar eclipse on a world points by conjunction or are 45° away as in the case of
world-point axis — 0° Cancer. the latter two planets.4 Hillary Clinton is one of the few peo-
• A Saturn–Pluto conjunction on January 12 at ple on the planet known simply by her first name.
22°46' Capricorn — on one of the zodiac’s Another powerful example occurred on December 11,
power points.1 2008, when Mercury (29° Sagittarius) was conjunct Pluto (0°
• A Jupiter–Saturn conjunction at the winter solstice Capricorn) and news of Bernie Madoff’s arrest for running a
while the Sun is on the 0° Capricorn world point. Ponzi scheme broke.5
And an example of an event that certainly affected the
This is quite a series of developments. I think that the entire world is 9/11. On that day, Mars (1°26' Capricorn)
most important phenomena are those that energize the 0° activated the prior June 21, 2001 solar eclipse point
Cancer–Capricorn world-point axis. The June 20th solar (0°10' Cancer).
eclipse occurred at 0° Cancer on the summer solstice, while the
Sun will be located on the opposite axis at 0° Capricorn — the The Jupiter–Saturn Conjunction:
winter solstice — during the Jupiter–Saturn conjunction. This December 21, 2020
tells us that both the 0° Cancer–Capricorn axis, as well as the Jupiter–Saturn conjunctions are believed to be
0° Aries–Libra axis, will be energized. In addition to 0° cardinal, descriptive of the forthcoming 20 years. In my book, Plan-
15° of fixed signs is also lit up (the world points). etary Economic Forecasting, I outlined evidence that a
The world points concept requires some explanation. Jupiter–Saturn conjunction chart only ruled the period leading
These degrees (0° cardinal and 15° fixed) were determined into the opposition, and that the opposition chart has more
to be important by Alfred Witte and the Hamburg School of relevance over the next decade. The December 21, 2020
Astrology. Witte contributed the 90° dial, the concept of the Jupiter–Saturn conjunction is unique because it occurs on the
winter solstice with the Sun at 0° Capricorn (see Chart, fol-
lowing page). (We must go back to 471 C.E. and 233 C.E. to
find conjunction charts with the Sun at 0° cardinal.) The 0°
Planets located at the Capricorn solar position was already energized by an oppo-
sition from the June 2020 solar eclipse.
world point degrees find expression In addition, the horoscope for the Jupiter–Saturn
in the world more easily than conjunction is essentially the chart for the winter solstice,
making it doubly important. We can safely say that 0°
planets that are not. Cancer–Capricorn will remain energized into 2021. Any-
one with planets in these degrees, such as Hillary, may be
motivated to play an important part on the world stage.
Chart 1:
12 Jupiter–Saturn 7
‹ Conjunction …
07' À 18° ‹ 18' Dec. 21, 2020 07'
‹ 48' 1 6
¶ 26° 11:14 a.m. EST,
New York, NY
10' 2 5 Œ
Ü Œ 06'
22° 23° 57' „ 36'
Ü ¼ 02°
Ý 3 4
06° Ö „
10' Œ 08°
¿ 52'
25° 12'
Ý 31' É 12°
20° ‚ 58'
matters commenced on such days Bill Meridian has been in the investment and astrology fields since
rarely work out as planned. 1972 and specializes in mundane and financial astrology. He studied
core-energetic therapy with Dr. John Pierrakos. He is a member of the
Kenos Circle, a Vienna-based futurist society. He has authored four books.
In 2002 and in 2016, he was ranked the number one stock market timer
in the U.S. by Timer Digest. He wrote the mundane column for Dell Horo-
will be on the Midheaven line along the western border of scope from 1990 through 2020. In April 2020, he was elected to the board
of the new Foundation for the Study of Cycles. E-mail: bill@cyclesresearch.
the country, increasing tension near that line of demarcation.
com; website:
Likewise, the June solar eclipse path runs through this region
— a planetary powder keg that is likely to create a crisis be-
fore year end!
China’s chart was singled out in early 2019 as difficult
because Pluto transited over its natal Jupiter five times. I ex-
pected economic stress there that would affect the globe just
as Pluto transiting over natal Jupiter sent New York City into
bankruptcy in the early 1970s. (I never thought of a pan-
demic.) Note that the June solar eclipse path shadows China,
keeping this country in the spotlight through 2020. The good
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by Jenn Zahrt
As August kicks off, many forms You erupt into ebullience,
of support come under review. You sending ripples into your domes-
get jolted by a curveball in your per- tic sphere as August begins. The
sonal finances that threatens to wave of excitement stems from
thwart — or even throttle — your your newfound devil-may-care
recreational plans. Then, the Aquar- attitude. The typical routes of
ius Full Moon puts the spotlight feathering your nest no lon-
on your audience, your friends, ger adhere; you must innovate
and your networks of association. You typically have no and inject a bit of worldly ambition into a space normally
problems expressing yourself, in fact it’s where you shine. reserved for rest and recuperation. The longer you hold
Others weigh in on your output now, and some even pro- out on blending these worlds, the more the lure of status in-
vide you with crucial feedback, should you be open to hear- tensifies. A graceful solution is found through tacit, effective
ing it. As The Beatles put it, “the love you take is equal to nudges to those in your immediate environment. Your words
the love you make.” carry soft power. Use it.
Mid month, your message gets amplified, causing more That said, keep on alert around September 9, when
potential shock waves. Authenticity is key. You eschew Mars goes retrograde in your 12th house of hidden enemies
anything that does not resonate with your core purpose. until mid November. You’ll want to watch for people who ex-
As you adopt an increasingly coherent rhythm, acknowl- press loyalty to your face and act otherwise when they think
edge that others around you need time to adjust. Your you aren’t looking. This is a classic moment to discover who
lightning-quick reflexes can be scary for people who take stands faithfully by your side and who has less noble inten-
longer to process change. tions. Gird your loins, and look out for what is normally hid-
In late August, the minutiae of routine grabs your full at- den from view.
tention. You find momentum in modifying your daily habits to Possible frenemies aside, September is also an excellent
suit your new needs. On September 1, the Pisces Full Moon month to make sure you are not inciting discord through
shines light on your blind spots, so be alert. If you exercise vig- any actions of your own. The 12th house also represents
ilance, what you learn suggests some lucrative ramifications for self-undoing. Misdirected anger could catch you off guard.
your work life. Your ruling planet, Mars, turns retrograde on With Uranus moving through your 1st house of Self, your
September 9 (until mid November). Use this time to recalibrate reliable steady nature gives way to your newfound capac-
yourself, applying wisdom from any challenges you’ve faced ity to flip the table on end and be alarmingly spontaneous.
thus far. A weathered vine produces the most complex fruits. You may even surprise yourself. Examine and defend your
Toward the end of September, your shadow diplomat boundaries with care.
emerges. A stymied professional situation suddenly gains The month of September ends with a re-evaluation of
new traction. However, you are asked to put yourself in your values. Dreams of distant shores and possible futures
someone else’s shoes. Loathe as you may be to do so, you finally get some foothold in reality, with tangible action
stand to benefit from briefly stepping outside your comfort items you can put to work. Your usual suspicion of hurdles is
zone, to anticipate your opponent’s next moves. The best proven true as you attempt to gather speed. Stay the course
defense is a good offense. and you will witness the world unfold before you.
2119 Gold Avenue SE (near UNM campus)
It’s tempting to believe astrology is somehow sufficient
unto itself, requiring no other methods or systems to enhance
its efficacy. I’m reminded of the astrologer I once knew who
— when asked whether she thought studying subjects like psy-
chology, the I-Ching, palmistry, or Tarot might help her own
astrological practice — replied, ”There’s no need. Astrology
covers all the bases.” Well, not really. In this essay, I’ve tried to
show that knowing different symbolic systems can provide us
with different perspectives into a given situation not available
through any one system. Understanding the language of syn-
chronicity and “meaningful coincidences” offers us one such
avenue and should rightly be part of any truly holistic approach
to astrology, whether we’re focused more on personal inter-
pretations or on world events unfolding across the global stage.
by Wonder Bright
raditional astrology is rife with phrases the modern ing was destructive but never rushed me through the process.
mind finds objectionable. After a century’s worth of Slowly, over time, she helped me pull apart the pattern my
neuroscience and psychological advances, terms like chart described and get to where it was rooted in my actual
“bad houses,” “detriment,” and “malefic” seem out-of-step at life. With her, I learned to observe what Rob Hand calls the
best. Many people quite naturally find such phrases unneces- “reality game” and to scry the world lying just below the sur-
sarily dark and demoralizing, and it’s certainly reasonable to face of my story about it. All along, the traditional techniques
ask how such terms could ever be considered useful, let alone that dictated the focus of my chart pulled our conversation
helpful inside the sort of counseling practice modern astrolo- forward and me with it.
gers tend to adopt. At the heart of it, the fatalistic nature of As my abject grief faded, I began chafing at the framing
traditional astrology conflicts with modern belief in free will of a system developed before a queer feminist woman like my-
and progress. So why are so many people turning to ancient self would ever have been allowed near it. But I never got over
methods to describe modern lives? the relief of techniques that named my grief without telling me
If I had been at a different point in my life when I first to transcend or transform it. I never got over the experience
learned these phrases, I might have balked at them too. But of being in a dark place and being given words for it. In those
when I first encountered them, I was reeling from a terri- techniques, the struggles of my life came into sharp focus, and
ble breakup and wasn’t in an especially optimistic frame of I could no longer paper over them. Once I stopped resisting
mind. Instead, I was listening to Johnny Cash’s cover of Nine the darker difficulties of my life, I could begin working with the
Inch Nail’s “Hurt” on repeat, rewatching Buffy the Vampire actual material of my soul. I could stop trying to be something
Slayer (season five twice) and making some epically awful I wasn’t and become more of what I actually was. Accept-
rebound dating choices. I may have resented the new astro- ing what I was took longer than learning the techniques, but
logical techniques I had for describing the way my romantic it wouldn’t have happened without them. Modern astrology
life was consistently in the toilet, but it was beyond me to promised me wisdom and revelation, but never actually de-
deny the power of the truths they indicated. livered it. Not like this. How could it, when it lacked the teeth
It would be fair to say that I steeped myself in dark pre- to describe the dragons I had to fight to achieve it?
dictions the same way I listened to Johnny Cash’s cover of Still, a question began to plague me. We have many
“Hurt.” Everything was on repeat. I wasn’t trying to recover more tools to use against those dragons than the ancients
from the breakup as much as soak myself in it. My poor who first identified them. How could I use traditional tech-
mother got so sick of me complaining about my 7th house niques to understand and describe the human condition in the
that she started heading me off at the pass with comments 21st century?
like, “Doesn’t your chart say anything about when you’ll be I’ve spent 16 years asking that question and my obses-
happy again?” Or, pressing her luck, “Isn’t there more to life sion remains unabated. The contradiction between fatalistic
than astrology?” traditional techniques and my incurably optimistic modern
LOL, Mom. As if. mind has taken me on a journey that has been unexpected
Fortunately, my therapist had more latitude for my and confronting, but ultimately illuminating. It’s time now to
dark navel gazing. She took advantage of my sudden and share what I’ve discovered, and this column will be devoted
overwhelming need to identify the ways my romantic pattern- to doing just that. In each installment we will dive into the
Astrology News
by Gloria Star
Astrologers Become Socially Distant At the time I am writing this column, Northwest Astro-
As the focus of our lives over the past few months has logical Conference (NORWAC) will be initiating its first-ever
been “all COVID-19 all the time,” the world of astrology has all-digital conference in Seattle, Wasthington. The Astrolog-
also been significantly impacted. One of the most notable ical Association of Great Britain (AAGB) has just announced
manifestations has involved the much-beloved astrology con- that it will go online for its June 2020 conference, utilizing
ference. Whether or not you enjoy gathering with other astrol- webinar format for the entire event. Details are available on
ogers and like-minded individuals, those meetings have now their website (see below listing). We send our best wishes as
been halted in the wake of stay-at-home lockdown orders. this grand experiment gets underway.
From meetings and classes hosted by local groups or organiza- The ISAR Conference, slated to take place in Westmin-
tions to larger regional and international conferences, leaders ster, Colorado, will soon be announcing their decision about
in the astrological community have been scrambling to main- whether or not to hold it, postpone, or cancel. They intend
tain connections while revising schedules, venues, and options to make that decision by July 25. By the time this issue of
for these events. You’ll see some of these influences as you TMA goes to press, they will have learned about govern-
peruse the Astrology Conference Calendar in this column. mental guidelines regarding an assembly of that size. ISAR
Astrology classes and full courses of study have been announced in April 2020 that they will not attempt an online
available online for years. For example, the International conference at this time.
Academy of Astrology (IAA) has successfully hosted sev- The future of UAC 2022 also hangs in the balance and
eral international conferences utilizing webinar-type formats. will be powerfully influenced by the alterations from our cur-
However, the huge, dynamic gatherings like International rent experiments as we reframe the possibilities of gathering
Study for Astrological Research (ISAR) or United Astrology and sharing with one another. We astrologers are an adaptable
Conference (UAC) have not yet been available as a 100% vir- and visionary breed. We have a grand opportunity to reinvent
tual experience — until now. As you know, astrologers are the ways we will continue to share knowledge and be part of
unique, with their particular viewpoints bringing almost any the evolution for the new practice and profession of astrology.
subject into a different focus. There’s a lovely brilliance dis-
played by this diverse body of individuals, and being together Share Your Thoughts
can be truly life-changing. For the next several months at I’ve heard from many of our TMA readers concerned
least, these events are curtailed. Many are taking on the chal- about these changes. I would like to invite you to share your
lenge to utilize the wonders of our current technology to meet thoughts or experiences until we once again have access to
via webinar and other connections like Zoom. While sharing more opportunities to be together personally.
and learning via digital screens might be an excellent oppor- Have you attended a conference that was reset in a digital
tunity, it’s a completely different experience from sitting format? Did you find this to be a positive experience? What
together in person. did you like or dislike? How do you think the loss of opportu-
Plus, the marvelous trade shows and marketplaces nity to gather in large groups might impact astrology?
mounted at conferences provide an opportunity for show- Please send your comments regarding any of these new
casing new books, software, and creative, metaphysical directions to me via e-mail at:, and I’ll
merchandise. Those who rely on conventions to market their share a summary with TMA readers in a future installment of
goods will be limited for a while, although online shopping “Astrology News.” Thank you!
is likely to be featured at the larger virtual summits. Some
form of social distancing may become the new normal, quite In Brief
possibly well into the future. While the large-scale astrology Thanks to TMA reader, M. Murphy, for sending along an
conference and pop-up markets have been evolving over the interesting article about the links between medieval astrology
past decade, COVID-19 has accelerated changes. and epidemiology. Appearing in The Conversation (https://
July 11–12 (postponed): 18th Annual Sophia Centre December 14–19: Institute of Vedic Culture 30th Interna-
Conference, “Stories of the Sky,” Lampater, Wales, U.K. tional Astrology Conference: Building Bridges Between East
is postponed until 2021. and West, Kolkata, India.
Save the Date:
August 21–28 (canceled): Faculty of Astrological Studies September 2021: Canadian Astrology Conference. Details
Summer School, Exeter College, Oxford, U.K. A message from to be announced.
the organizers: “In order to maintain the connectivity of the
unique community spirit that Summer School engenders, we will
© 2020 Gloria Star – all rights reserved
be offering an alternative event online, The Summer Gather-
ing, which will take place over the weekend of 21–23 August.” Gloria Star is a professional astrologer, author, and teacher. You can learn
FOR INFO: more about her and her services at
hroughout August and September, Mars is visible the ENE around 4:15 a.m. and can be located slightly above
nearly all night long. Jupiter and Saturn are visible in and to the right of Regulus, the star marking the heart of
the evening and set before dawn. Venus is visible Leo the Lion.
in the morning. At the beginning of August, Mercury is also
visible in the morning. In September, Mercury becomes an The Evening Sky
evening planet that travels very low to the horizon, making it As sunset darkens the sky on August 1, locate the Moon
difficult to locate. One of the brightest meteor showers, the in the southeast. Jupiter will pop into view above the
Perseids, peaks in August. Moon, followed by Saturn to the left (east) of the Moon.
The following evening, the Moon will be below and to the
The Morning Sky east of both planets. Jupiter is traveling through the later
At the beginning of August, Venus rises shortly after (eastern) portion of the constellation Sagittarius, and Saturn
3:00 a.m. in the ENE in the constellation Taurus. (All times is between the stars marking Sagittarius and Capricorn. Ju-
are in Local Daylight Time, unless otherwise noted.) On the piter will be visible until it sets around 4:30 a.m., followed by
morning of August 3, Venus will be below Zeta Tauri, the Saturn around 5:00 a.m.
star marking the lower horn of the Bull. At the beginning of August, Mars rises around 11:45
Mercury rises in the ENE around 5:00 a.m. in the space p.m. amid the dim stars of the constellation Pisces, and can
between the constellations Gemini and Cancer. On the be located high in the southern sky at dawn. On August 9,
morning of August 5, Mercury will be below Castor and Pol- locate Mars slightly to the left of the Moon. The following
lux, the stars marking the heads of the Twins. Mercury travels night, Mars will be above and to the right (west) of the Moon.
quickly toward superior conjunction with the Sun and moves On August 28, Jupiter will once again pop into view
about 2° per day through the constellation Cancer. This above the Moon as sunset darkens the sky — this time, in the
causes the planet to rise about ten minutes earlier each day. SSE. Saturn will be to their left. The following evening, both
By August 11, Mercury rises around 6:00 a.m. and will no planets will be to the right of the Moon. At the end of August
longer be visible in the morning sky. and beginning of September, Jupiter sets around 2:30 a.m.,
Venus continues to grace the morning sky with her and Saturn sets around 3:00 a.m.
presence and enters the constellation Gemini as Mercury dis- Mars rises around 10:15 p.m. at the end of August and
appears from view. On August 15, locate Venus below the beginning of September, and can be located in the SSW at
Moon and between Tejat and Alhena, the stars marking dawn. On the evening of September 5, the Moon passes in
the feet of the Twins. At the end of August and beginning of front of Mars, blocking the planet from view. The midpoint
September, Venus rises around 3:15 a.m. of the Moon’s occultation of Mars occurs around 11:45
On September 9, Venus passes below Castor and Pollux p.m. Eastern Time and 10:45 p.m. Central Time. An oc-
at about twice the distance from them as the stars are from culted Mars will rise for those in the Mountain and Pacific
each other. The ecliptic climbs steeply out of the eastern hori- time zones.
zon in the morning at this time of year, and Venus will be in Mercury becomes an evening planet in mid September.
the space between the constellations Gemini and Cancer. However, at this time of year, the ecliptic lies very low to the
On the morning of September 13, Venus can be located western horizon at night. Mercury will not gain much height
below the Moon. The following morning, Venus will be to the above the horizon as it increases its distance eastward from
right (west) of the Moon. On September 30, Venus rises in the Sun. Mercury will set around 8:00 p.m., with the ending
light of sunset still upon the horizon. This will make Mercury Perseid Meteor Shower
almost impossible to locate. If you want to try, find Spica, the The Perseids are active from July 17 through August 26.
bright alpha star of Virgo. Mercury will pass close to this star. This is a fun shower to observe, because it provides a lot of
If Spica does not appear through the sunset in your location, bright meteors that quickly streak across the sky at 37 miles
then neither will Mercury. per second. The radiant (apparent origin point) of the shower
It will be easier to start locating Spica at the beginning of is near the head of Perseus. Perseus rises in the north around
September, when the star is slightly higher above the west- sunset and is highest in the eastern sky around dawn. Thus,
ern horizon after sunset than it will be later in the month these meteors are visible all night long, with greater numbers
when joined by Mercury. To get your bearings, the very occurring in the last few hours before sunrise.
bright star in the west will be Arcturus of the constellation This shower peaks on night of August 11–12, when 50
Boötes. Spica will be along the horizon below and to the left to 75 meteors are expected per hour. On the peak night,
(east) of Arcturus. Note how Spica appears a bit lower to the the Last Quarter Moon rises shortly after midnight. For most
horizon each night as September progresses. On the eve- showers, this would considerably deplete the number of visi-
ning of September 21, Mercury will seem to touch the right ble meteors. However, the Perseids are bright enough that
(west) side of Spica. On September 22, Mercury will appear many will shine through the moonlight. Sometimes a few
at the upper left edge of Spica. Both Mercury and Spica set Perseids appear after sunrise because they are so bright and
around 7:45 p.m. amid the residual glow of the setting Sun the radiant is so high.
on these evenings. Both objects will be difficult to locate at
this time. If you spot only one object, it will likely be Mercury, For visual aids that help you to locate the planets, visit
since the planet will be a bit brighter than the star on those “The Mountain Astrologer Sky Maps” tab at Julene’s web-
dates. Spica has a bluish tint, and Mercury appears yellow in site:
The Moon joins Jupiter and Saturn once again at the © 2020 Julene Louis – all rights reserved
end of September. On the 24th, the Moon will be below and
to the right of Jupiter. On the 25th, the Moon will be below
Julene Louis, ISAR-CAP, Jyotish Visharada-CVA, is a co-founder of
and to the left of Saturn. the Sky Astrology Conference ( and a
At the end of September, Jupiter and Saturn become vis- full-time consulting and teaching astrologer. She lectures at conferences and
ible in the south at sunset; Jupiter sets around 12:15 a.m., local groups throughout North America. Julene is available for consultation,
followed by Saturn around 12:45 a.m. Mars rises around group lectures, and tutoring toward CVA Jyotish Visharada certification.
She can be reached via her website or e-mail:
10:00 p.m. and is visible in the west at dawn.
A 7 6:05 AM 9 T 25 a 6
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25 233802 27 46 17 25 25 24
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C17 021224 6:46 19 58 14 24 27 29 Stations
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19 25
58 18
10 12 0719
21 25D2054 22 02112432
8:2314AM19 34 14 27PM32 17
13 0412:04 T 27 d 25 Solar Eclipses
25 10 13 1
46 42 07 H 45 09
27 Day 15 D08 59 24 03 21 18 15 32 27 21 17 20 Su 292725 Day
2924 10Time
03 11 1319
H 24 10 H1850 22
39 2432 05 20 15 27 17 25 Day Time11 1
Time 14 4:36 PM Day 36 Time
R 30f 25 23 10 09 19 17 22 E 13 31 3:33 PM 55 12 23 S d 29 24
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56 PM
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09 I 45 2215 2331
05 6:3756PM23 32 17 17 2811:41
27AM04 17 S 32 f 25 22 10 08 1
00 G 42 48 20 45 50 27 F 35 371923 1:21
55AM25 10 18 57 26 50 17
20 8:37 PM SWy 34f0025G1325Lunar
23 21 12:40
40 16 10 AM44
06 0819 23G1337 22 17 2331
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01 41 33 04 J 19 49 J
10 G 23 55 26 24 20 05 26 38 17 f y 36f0125292421255:1100Eclipses
10AM 24
04 4119 Eclipses
58 45
21 2:15 AM 24
J 07H1206 22
J 39 2330 55 y 26
19 6:32 PM 03 19 45 26 42 17 V ` 36 25 21 10 04 1
02 40 20 17 32 49 24 02 22 23 55 27 37 2122 149:19 26PM26 17 25 F 380225 2320 Day
11 13 10Time02 3119
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21 6:13 PM
16 20 54 26 30 17 38 25 Day 21 10 Time03 1
03 39 08 00 K 27 48
06 49 302323 3:16
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04 37 59 13 07 50 19 I 23 092523 5:49
47AM29 58 23 32 25 59 17 SSu44d0425 202049 09
27 09 K 27
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15 0744 22 11:16
49 PM29 38 2326 123:3626
L H 27 5:00 AM AM 03 17 T 43 b 25 20 09 59 1
05 36 51 25 35 43 01 J 2723 10:36 01 05 24 41 25 44 17
TM 46d0525 192040y 21 09 58 57 4219 28K0610 22
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28 H
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51 25 30 25 34 17 48 25 20 09 55 1
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08 33 38 02 A 06 36 08 A 05 56 23 03 04 14 28 10 24 58 171 Th560825 1620 26 28 09 36 51 2119 04 A 0136 22
29 2329 07 03 27 49 25 MEAN
56GREENWICH 02 17TIME 55 25 20 09 51 1
ary Data Lunar Ingresses & Void Moons Phases & Eclipses
Planetary Data Lunar Ingresses & Void Moons Phases & Ecli
es Ingresses Void Times Ingresses Lunar Phases Ingresses Void Times Lunar Phases
Day Time Day Time Last Aspect DayDay Time
Time Day Time Last Aspect Day Time
K 29 5:36 PM 31 9:56 PM V d z L 12
G 5 12:45 PM b G 5 17:4510:22 PM
PM K 1030 12:36 AM 1 4:56 AM V d 2 5:22 AM
E L 1 2:34 AM 3 7:34 AM S c 10 2:26 AM a
L 18 C1079:34 AM
3 S c 10
6 12:21 AM c E 6 7:21 AM 2:34 PM 9:26 AM
A 3 5 Q d ~
A 25 F3 008:22 PM
G 22 6:30 AM
1:22 PM 9:45 PM ` G 22 171:304:00 AM 6 4:45 AM Q d 17 11:00 AM
H 6 1:44 AM 8 5:47 AM S f 23 6:55 PM a
B 01 J6 298:44 AM 8 S f 24
27 12:40 AM b H 12:47 PM 1:55 AM
C 8 2:28 PM 10 9:48 PM V d 27 7:40 AM C 8 9:28 PM 11 4:48 AM V d
NW=New CR=Crescent FQ=First Quarter GB=Gibbous FL=Full DS=Disseminating LQ=Last Quarter BL=Balsamic
Forecast Calendar
August and September 2020
by Pam Younghans
All times given are in Pacific Daylight Time.
For Eastern Time, add 3 hours; Central Time, add 2 hours; Mountain Time, add 1 hour;
Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.
Overview for August and September Jupiter completes its four-month retrograde phase when it sta-
No matter our hemisphere of residence — whether we’re enjoy- tions direct at 17°24' Capricorn on September 12. Conscious use of
ing the warmth of the summer sun on bare skin or are bundled up to this retrograde time has strengthened our faith and brought us deeper
protect ourselves from a cold winter’s wind — the heat is on high in insights into what we truly believe, so our faith is more capable of
August. Throughout the month, Pluto hovers within one degree of the sustaining us in challenging times. Idealistic visions can become even
Jupiter/Saturn midpoint, intensifying current social, economic, and stronger in mid September when the Giant Planet stations within
political unrest. While some are determined to maintain order, the one degree of the fixed star Rukbat, which is known for enhancing
upheaval cannot be contained. Pluto was also at the Jupiter/Saturn “strength of mind, the width and depth of the powers of perception,
midpoint in late February/early March of this year, when the COVID-19 and the ability to communicate all this.” (Kidston, The Magic of the
crisis began to peak; we will no doubt see a clear link between issues Stars, pp. 420–421)
that arose then and developments in August. The last week of September may be particularly pivotal, due to
As the curtain rises on the month, the Moon is in heavy-handed Saturn’s station direct on September 28, less than 24 hours before the
Capricorn, setting up emotionally complex conjunctions with Jupiter second Mars–Saturn square perfects on September 29. Throughout
and Pluto on August 1 and with Saturn on August 2. Although an ob- August and September, Saturn has been like the lid on the Martian
jective perspective would be helpful now, we’re not adept at dealing pressure cooker, trying to contain the steam being created inside.
with problems without becoming defensive; Mercury is in sensitive That pressure is extreme with Saturn stationing within only a few
Cancer and forming oppositions to dominating Pluto on August 1 arc minutes of being exactly square Mars.
and oppressive Saturn on August 3. Concurrently, three potentially Also of note is that Saturn is within one degree of the fiery
seismic planetary events occur: The Leo Sun exactly squares revolu- fixed star Terebellum at the time of its station at 25°20' Capricorn.
tionary Uranus in Taurus on August 2; the progressive Aquarius Full This alignment brings that star’s qualities of passion, drama, and
Moon on August 3 (11°45' Aquarius–Leo) is also tightly square Uranus; determination into focus. Terebellum’s intensity can be channeled
and feisty Mars is precisely square Jupiter (19°44' Aries–Capricorn) productively through devotion to a cause, as it did in the dedicated
on August 4. Whatever occurs, we’ll likely be dealing with the after- lives of humanitarian Albert Schweitzer and civil rights activist Martin
effects for several weeks, since Mars is already in its pre-retrograde Luther King, Jr., both of whom have natal Sun conjunct Terebellum.
shadow phase, anticipating its biennial retrograde period beginning With Terebellum acting as the midwife for Saturn’s return to forward
on September 9. motion, and with the Mars–Saturn square tension soon easing, we
Adding to the unpredictability of the first half of August, all of are encouraged to rise above oppressive circumstances and renew
this planetary activity is staged against the backdrop of concentrated our dedication to achieving our higher aspirations.
Uranian energies, as the sideways-spinning planet stations retrograde
on August 15 (10°41' Taurus). At the time of its station, Uranus is con- Saturday, August 1 – Sunday, August 2: If we are not careful, words
junct the fixed star Achird, which Roderick Kidston calls “one of the true could cut like a knife on Saturday. The first day of August is book-
power stars, ablaze with the shakti of the Divine Mother.” (Kidston, ended by challenging aspects to communicator Mercury, currently
The Magic of the Stars: How the Stars of Astrology Enrich Your Life, in sensitive Cancer: An early-morning opposition (180°) between the
2017, p. 87) This star adds another level of power, drama, and pas- Messenger Planet and Pluto in authoritative Capricorn (3:52 a.m.)
sion to the potential upheaval for which Uranus is already famous. puts everyone on the defensive, and Mercury’s square (90°) to dis-
Volatility throughout the third week of August is also heightened due gruntled Eris at 8:39 p.m. (24°32' Cancer–Aries) fans any sparks of
to the conjunction between warrior Mars and vengeful dwarf planet discord into full flame. Further tension is provided in the afternoon as
Eris (24°29' Aries) on August 17, when both are tightly square the the Capricorn Moon previews the effects of Tuesday’s Mars–Jupiter
Saturn/Pluto midpoint (24°51' Capricorn). square: When individuals express frustration or anger (Moon–Mars
But there are consequences to any overtly defiant actions. Mars square, 2:23 p.m.), authority figures respond by tightening controls
has its performance review when it squares disciplinarian Saturn the (Moon–Jupiter conjunction, 4:57 p.m.). Those in power seem even
following week, on August 24. This is not a short-term reprimand; more dictatorial later tonight when Luna conjoins Pluto (10:57 p.m.).
Mars continues to be frustrated by Saturn’s authoritative stance for Rebellion against restraint follows quickly, with the Sun square
several weeks, since the two planets remain within three degrees of Uranus at 4:18 a.m. on Sunday (10°37' Leo–Taurus). A cautious
being exactly square until early October. Moon–Saturn conjunction at 7:00 a.m. slows the pace momentarily
Tensions at the end of August are further elevated by retrograde but may simply indicate a short withdrawal to re-strategize. Alliances
Pluto’s return to the exact degree of January’s Saturn–Pluto conjunc- are far from stable with a Venus–Uranus semi-square (45°) also in
tion (22°46' Capricorn) on August 29. The seeds of structural decay effect, leading some to take action based on the belief that it’s “ev-
that were planted on January 12 experience a growth spurt, creat- eryone for themselves.” That stance is further supported when Luna
ing more cracks and crevices in political and societal infrastructures enters individualistic Aquarius at 11:11 a.m. Tonight’s meeting of
worldwide. Pluto activates this sensitive degree one more time on Mercury and dedicated Vesta in Cancer may help us to strengthen
November 7, just four days after Election Day in the United States. our bonds with our loved ones.
Monday, August 3 – Wednesday, August 5: Unexpected and Sunday, August 9 – Tuesday, August 11: We might stumble if we try to get
potentially stressful twists and turns are possible on Monday, as the out of bed too quickly on Sunday morning, with an abrasive Moon–Pluto
Sun and Moon form a tight t-square with Uranus at the time of the square (4:38 a.m.) in effect. There’s another crisis of confidence awaiting,
Full Moon (8:58 a.m.). And yet, with a pessimistic Mercury–Saturn as Luna then moves on to square Saturn at 12:50 p.m. But the medics are
opposition (27°37' Cancer–Capricorn) also in effect, we may feel nearby, ready to apply salve to wounded egos with Mercury trine healer
anxious about moving beyond old boundaries, or fearful of reper- Chiron, exact at 11:02 a.m. (9°05' Leo–Aries). Unfortunately, some may
cussions if we verbalize our feelings. Frustrations are on the rise prefer to play the victim rather than focus on creative solutions, as Mer-
this evening, since tomorrow’s Mars–Jupiter square is building in cury is also quincunx sacrificial Ceres in Pisces (4:16 p.m.). The Moon enters
strength. The desire for self-determination is magnified by this as- Taurus at 6:28 p.m., encouraging us to spend the evening quietly, allowing
pect, but since Jupiter is in authoritative Capricorn, those who hold our senses to relax and our pulses to slow down.
higher-level positions are calling all the shots.
Tuesday starts off with a resounding thud as the Mars–Jupiter
square (19°44' Aries–Capricorn) perfects at 6:06 a.m. The harder
we push for what we want, the bigger the obstacles seem to grow
in response. We may feel some temporary easing of tension this Geocentric Aspects,
afternoon, thanks to a supportive trine (120°) between the Aquarius Ingresses, and Stations
Moon and Venus in Gemini (2:46 p.m.), but we can’t shake the un- Pacific Daylight
derlying suspicion that our expectations are not going to be fully
satisfied, since Venus is exactly quincunx (150°) demanding Saturn
just 20 minutes later. This evening sees two planetary shifts, helping
us to leave behind the tension of the day: Luna enters soothing Pisces
at 7:28 p.m., and fleet-footed Mercury begins its short two-week
passage through playful Leo an hour later.
Relationships seem to be on a more positive track on
Wednesday with Venus conjunct the (True) North Node at 9:05
a.m. (28°13' Gemini). We realize that communication is key and
are willing to listen as well as share. But conversations may be cut
short; Saturn’s opposition to dedicated Vesta at 10:47 a.m. (27°29'
Capricorn–Cancer) suggests that we’ll feel a push–pull between the
call of career and the commitment to home and family. The Pisces
Moon begs us to reconsider our priorities this afternoon, opening
our hearts through a conjunction with caring Ceres (3:13 p.m.) and
inspiring more authentic choices through a sextile (60°) to rebel-
lious Uranus (4:01 p.m.).
Aquarius Full Moon — August 3
by Diana McMahon Collis
The lunations charts in this issue are all set on the is desperately at stake. Such groups have been urgently try-
natural wheel with 0° Aries rising. ing to awaken less concerned segments of the public, and
may now deliver fresh lightning bolts that disrupt everyday
Whatever is set in motion around a New Moon de- activities. In terms of how we personally experience Uranus
velops and comes under the spotlight with the following in Taurus, this could range from being the person calling
Full Moon. The Moon has passed through several phases out the message from the top of a commuter train, to be-
of a cycle from 0° to 180° where it has now reached a ing the recipient of the journalist’s story about it, which
crisis point, with the original New Moon issue somehow re- perhaps disrupts a cosy mealtime with the dramatic scene
flected back at us. This Full Moon in Aquarius conveys both fleeting by on the news.
a sense of social responsibility and the need for a breather, We ought not ignore Saturn’s involvement, though.
according to its co-dispositing planets, Saturn and Uranus. With Saturn retrograde, clear boundaries may not be
The former is duty bound and keen on establishing rules strong enough, or so stringent as to be suffocating, since
and borders, with the latter more inclined towards breaking there is often no happy medium with a retrograde planet
rules and making a bid for freedom. acting “out of sorts.” Saturn in Capricorn forms an apply-
This lunation also forms a t-square to Uranus in Tau- ing conjunction with Pluto, which is conjunct separating
rus, giving Uranus the edge, if not the upper hand. The Jupiter. Far from being merely grouped together, these
apex planet in a t-square tends to add a compulsive energy, retrogradations show haphazard “comings and goings,”
which can work to drive a situation forward — for better indicating how affiliations and developments may be
or worse. Like it or not, Uranus is playing a big, disruptive changing. A project that had expansion or distance asso-
role, which may seem slightly ironic given that the planet ciated with it could need reining in. Many relationships are
is in Taurus, with its associations of being peaceful until subject to U-turns.
pushed too far. We now have the potential transition from Notably, all three of these planets — Saturn, Jupiter,
placid grazer to raging bull, where the animal has been Aquac-FM 820-1 and Pluto — are retrograde. So, although a review and ad-
Natal Chart
tively provoked. Depending on which side of this scenarioAug 3 2020, Monjustment may be necessary by all involved, an overall plan
8:58 am PDT +7:00
we sit — metaphorically speaking — it could be thatFresno, we CA need not be lost forever. However, some characters may
36°N44'52'' 119°W46'17''
suddenly experience some sort of imminent backlash; or
Geocentric disappear and changes may merit a serious rethink based
that we act out ourselves, turning to face an aggressor Tropical
0° Aries
on new values.
preparing to charge. True Node
With outer planets, we are not always so directly in- 00° ‰ 00'
volved, but we see some fallout around us. So, alternatively, Š
ˆ 00'
¾Á 19°15° 28°
there may just be a bit of weird energy around, with ran- 00°
dom events that unsettle us. We are encouraged to 27°
23° ‰ ˆ
¶ ‰ ‰
embrace the unexpected, because there’s nothing else ‰
17'50' 44' 28'
00' 11° 38' ŒŒ Œ 00°
we can really do. Whatever happens, this t-square Š ŒŒ
‹ 45' ‡
occurs in fixed signs, which makes a particular fate 00°
10 9
feel fixed, or at least gives it a “long-term” quality. 11 8
That said, note that Uranus will turn to apparent Æ 10°‹ ‘
’ á 15° Å
retrograde motion on August 15, so whatever this 57' †
weird force may be, and however it presents, it very
À 20° ‹ 31'
12 ‘‘ 7
00° 00°
well could turn out to be simply “of the moment” Ü ‘
–– à
à –
— something temporary, with a peculiar appropri- 00' 12' Œ ’ 00'
ateness about it. With Taurus emphasised, it will  09° ÜÜ 22' 1 6
almost certainly be related to security issues, and may ¼ 19° 12'
21°Ü 32'Œ
tie in with concerns about money, possessions, and Ù 24°Ü 2
employment. The Aquarian focus also underlines fair- 00° ò 38' 00'
Ý 3 4 45'
ness. From a societal perspective, this could indicate a Ý 10° „ …
move towards equalization between socioeconomic
00' ¿ Œ 35'
14' 11° 00°
26' 28' ƒ
classes, with ordinary people securing more rights ‚ ‚
27° ¸
ú 00'
typically reserved for the privileged. 00°
The strong Uranus/Aquarius signature in the t-square ‚ 00' »É 00°
signals a concern with global and environmental issues, 00° ƒ 00'
such as climate change — and the activities of related
groups, such as “Extinction Rebellion,” who have felt a August 3, 2020 — 8:58 a.m. PDT
need to point out how the ongoing security of planet Earth August 3, 2020 — 3:58 p.m. GMT
Aug 4 2020 8:31p º ß „ 00°„00' Þ 00°„00' Þ
Aug 4 2020 9:48p Å ˜ Æ 16°†21' Þ 10°‹21' Œ
Aug 4 2020 10:56p ¸ “ É 13°„16' Þ 28°‚16' Œ
Aug 5 2020 9:05a » ß É 28°‚13' Þ 28°‚13' Œ
TMA FORECAST CALENDAR Aug 5 2020 10:47a ¾ à à 27°‰29' Œ 27°ƒ29' Þ
Aug 6 2020 0:30a ¼ • À 20°Ü28' Þ 20°‹28' Œ
An impatient Mercury–Uranus square (10°40' Leo–Taurus) Aug 6 2020fluctuates
Our mood 3:03aon Sunday.
à §The ÆCancer +21°14' -21°14' at
Moon trines Neptune
Aug 6 2020
at 5:51 a.m. on Monday kicks us into high gear before we even daybreak (5:30 a.m.) 4:42a
to ease us ¸ ˜ À
into the day, but14°„27'
it’s hardÞ 20°‹27' Œ
to hear the dulcet
Aug 6 2020 4:42p à • É 28°ƒ02' Þ 28°‚02' Œ
know what direction to take. Surprises and perhaps some “Aha!” tonesAug
of an6 oboe
2020 above the
7:32p clash of
¸ – Äcymbals and a trumpet
15°„03' Þ blare; a nervous
15°‰03' Œ
moments continue throughout the day, reaching another high point Mercury–Pluto
Aug 6 2020 quincunx at 6:38ºa.m.˜(23°01'
10:22p Æ Leo–Capricorn)
04°„01' Þ fills our minds
10°‹01' Œ
late afternoon, when the Moon reactivates the day’s themes by with Aug
7 2020 fears,
8:21a and an » impulsive
ß ƒ Sun–Mars
00°ƒ00' trineÞ at 7:01 a.m.
00°ƒ00' Þ
conjoining Uranus (4:06 p.m.) and squaring Mercury (6:13 p.m.). (24°09'
7 2020 sends us charging
10:29a º —outÅthe door 05°„01'to slay
Þ the 17°†01'
dragon, tooÞ
Emotions flip-flop throughout the evening, with an overly dramatic keyedAug
up to stop for breakfast.
7 2020 3:30p Luna
º soon ” À climbs05°„26'
on boardÞthe overreaction
20°‹26' Œ
Sun–Jupiter quincunx also in effect, exact at 11:34 p.m. (19°03' train,Aug 8 2020
as she opposes2:52a
passionate º Pluto¦ (10:24
» +19°49'
a.m.), +19°49'
squares touchy Mars
Aug 9 2020 9:44a ¸ ’ Å 17°„32' Þ 17°†32' Þ
Leo–Capricorn). (12:33 p.m.), and then opposes demanding Saturn (4:59 p.m.). Meanwhile,
Aug 9 2020 11:02a º á  09°„05' Þ 09°Ü05' Œ
The Taurus Moon finds a few moments of longed-for seren- Mercury has more challenges
Aug 9 2020 3:10p
being sesquiquadrate
02°ƒ06' Þ
Chiron in
10°Ý40' Þ
ity early Tuesday morning, feeling stabilized by a trine to Jupiter Aug 9 2020 4:16p º – Æ 09°„31' Þ 09°‹31' Œ
in Capricorn at 8:53 a.m. But the Last Quarter phase of the Moon Aug 9 2020 5:03p Æ “ ò 09°‹31' Œ 24°Ü31' Œ
begins at 9:44 a.m., challenging us to be more spontaneous. There’s Aug 9 2020 8:07p ¼ § À +04°49' -04°49'
a subtle relaxation of tension as the morning unfolds, thanks to Aug 9 2020 Geocentric
11:02p ¾ § Ã Aspects-20°58', +20°58'
Luna’s sextile to soothing Neptune at 11:33 a.m. By late afternoon, Aug 10 2020 5:51a º ‘ ¿ 10°„40' Þ 10°Ý40' Þ
I ngresses
Aug 10 2020 11:34p ¸ – ½
, and S tations
19°„03' Þ 19°‰03' Œ
an empowering Moon–Pluto trine (5:04 p.m.) enables us to feel a
Aug Daylight
11 2020 1:53a ¸ › É 19°„08' Þ 27°‚43' Œ
stronger sense of purpose. Aug 11 2020 4:14a Ã ß „ 00°„00' Þ 00°„00' Þ
Aug 11 2020 5:44a º “ É 12°„42' Þ 27°‚42' Œ
Wednesday, August 12 – Friday, August 14: The Moon steps into Aug 11 2020 9:52a É SÞ 27°‚42' Þ
sociable Gemini at 6:46 a.m. on Wednesday morning, in search Aug 11 2020 10:41p º – Ä 14°„09' Þ 14°‰09' Œ
of interesting conversation — but with no lunar aspects on the Aug 12 2020 0:43a º ˜ À 14°„20' Þ 20°‹20' Œ
agenda, Luna must find company in a good book today. Our atten- Aug 12 2020 2:41a ¸ ˜ Ä 20°„08' Þ 14°‰08' Œ
tion span is not primed for heavy reading, however, since a dreamy Jan
Aug23 122019
2020 7:32a ¸ – À 20°„19' Þ Solar
Aug 12 2020 9:46a  • Æ 09°Ü00' Œ 09°‹00' Œ
Sun–Neptune quincunx is also in effect at 7:32 a.m. As the day Sco
Aug FM 419-4 -3:42p
12 2020 Natal Chart » — ¼ 04°ƒ57' Þ 22°Ü57' Þ
progresses, the influence of a volatile square between Mars and Aug 12 2020 4:49p ¸ ¦ ¿ +14°35' +14°35'
Pluto (23°05' Aries–Capricorn) gains momentum. Perfecting just Date
Aug 12 2020 Time 8:47p P1
¾ Asp — P2
26°‰59' Œ Pos2
08°Ü59' Œ
after midnight tonight (12:13 a.m. on Thursday), this aspect peels Aug 12 2020 10:22p ½ ¦ Á -22°29' -22°29'
Geocentric Aspects ,
back another layer of the power struggle between individual rights Aug 13 2020 0:13a ¼ ‘ Á 23°Ü05' Þ 23°‰05' Œ
and the force of authority. Aug 13 2020 I11:13pngresses ½ ,‘and Å S tations
18°‰46' Œ 18°†46' Þ
It’s a quiet day astrologically on Thursday, but we could be far Aug 14 2020 4:28a º – ½ 18°„45' Þ 18°‰45' Œ
Pacific Daylight
Aug 14 2020 5:32a º ’ Å 18°„51' Þ 18°†51' Þ
from relaxed, since last night’s clash between Mars and Pluto is still
Aug 14 2020 6:14a » — ò 06°ƒ30' Þ 24°Ü30' Œ
resounding in our ears. We may finally feel a bit more interactive Aug 14 2020 8:41a º ¦ Ä +16°42' +16°42'
around dinnertime, when the Moon sextiles Mercury (5:34 p.m.). Aug 14 2020 9:25a º › É 19°„10' Þ 27°‚45' Þ
Later, though, the square between Jupiter and wifely Juno (18°46' Aug 14 2020 12:26p É SŒ 27°‚45' Œ
Capricorn–Libra) aggravates discord between partners, and a con- Aug 14 2020 12:40p ¼ “ Æ 23°Ü35' Þ 08°‹35' Œ
fusing square between the Gemini Moon and Neptune (10:17 p.m.) Aug 14 2020 4:09p º ˜ Ä 19°„45' Þ 13°‰45' Œ
might send us to bed without having cleared the air. Aug 14 2020 10:13p º – À 20°„16' Þ 20°‹16' Œ
Aug 15 2020 3:12a ¸ – Á 23°„02' Þ 23°‰02' Œ
Mercury sits at the apex of a yod configuration with Jupiter
Aug 15 2020 7:26a ¿ SŒ 10°Ý41' Œ
and Neptune on Friday, inspiring us to seek the higher meanings Aug 16 2020 1:00a ¸ ”  23°„54' Þ 08°Ü54' Œ
of events, but not providing the focus needed to actually arrange Aug 16 2020 1:53a » á Æ 08°ƒ16' Þ 08°‹16' Œ
the puzzle pieces into a recognizable image. A semi-square be- Aug 16 2020 6:38a º – Á 23°„01' Þ 23°‰01' Œ
tween assertive Mars and compassionate Ceres (12:40 p.m.) adds Aug 16 2020 7:01a ¸ á ¼ 24°„09' Þ 24°Ü09' Þ
to our discomfort, since we’re not sure how to best navigate the Aug 16 2020 7:03a à ˜ Æ 02°„13' Þ 08°‹13' Œ
conflict between personal needs and family obligations. Perhaps Aug 16 2020 3:31p ¸ á ò 24°„29' Þ 24°Ü29' Œ
Aug 16 2020 4:48p ¸ ˜ ½ 24°„32' Þ 18°‰32' Œ
the Moon’s ingress into sensitive Cancer at 4:36 p.m. can help us
Aug 16 2020 4:58p » ‘  08°ƒ53' Þ 08°Ü53' Œ
start to empathize with the emotional concerns of others. However, Aug 16 2020 5:02p º ”  23°„53' Þ 08°Ü53' Œ
a Sun–Pluto quincunx that perfects early tomorrow morning (3:12 Aug 16 2020 5:05p º “ » 23°„53' Þ 08°ƒ53' Þ
a.m. on Saturday) leaves us feeling unappreciated tonight, in spite Aug 16 2020 10:28p º á ¼ 24°„21' Þ 24°Ü21' Þ
of a loved one’s best intentions. Aug 17 2020 0:10a º á ò 24°„29' Þ 24°Ü29' Œ
Aug 17 2020 0:29a º ˜ ½ 24°„31' Þ 18°‰31' Œ
Saturday, August 15 – Sunday, August 16: The planet Uranus stations Aug 17 2020 0:58a Á ¦ Æ -22°30' -22°30'
retrograde (10°41' Taurus) at 7:26 a.m. on Saturday, its unpredict- Aug 17 2020 8:07a ¸ ß º 25°„09' Þ 25°„09' Þ
Aug 17 2020 9:21a ½ ¦ Æ -22°32' -22°32'
able energies running through our lives like a crack streaking across Aug 17 2020 9:39a ¼ ß ò 24°Ü29' Þ 24°Ü29' Œ
a plate glass window. The Cancer Moon does its best to help us Aug 17 2020 10:29a Á “ Æ 22°‰59' Œ 07°‹59' Œ
feel comforted and safe through its conjunction with loving Venus Aug 17 2020 3:19p º ¦ ¿ +14°35' +14°35'
(6:28 a.m.) and its trine to sympathetic Ceres (8:11 a.m.). Even the Aug 18 2020 2:16a º – ¾ 26°„40' Þ 26°‰40' Œ
Moon–Chiron square at 9:06 a.m. has our emotional healing in its Aug 18 2020 12:01p º ’ É 27°„29' Þ 27°‚29' Œ
sights, although usually it must first expose the wound to the air. Aug 18 2020 12:27p » ’ ¿ 10°ƒ41' Þ 10°Ý41' Œ
The last aspect of the day, Luna’s sextile to Uranus at 12:19 p.m., Aug 18 2020 8:48p ¸ – ¾ 26°„37' Þ 26°‰37' Œ
Aug 18 2020 8:50p º ” Ä 28°„13' Þ 13°‰13' Œ
encourages us to trust the process of change that is under way.
Aug 18 2020 10:57p À – Å 20°‹10' Œ 20°†10' Þ
80 Aug 19 2020 3:57a º › Å 28°„48' Þ 20°†13' Þ
Aug 19 2020 5:50a º ˜ Á 28°„57' Þ 22°‰57' Œ
Aug 19 2020 2:08p ¸ ’ É 27°„19' Þ 27°‚19' Œ
Aug 19 2020 6:29p º ß … 00°…00' Þ 00°…00' Þ
Aug 15 2020 7:26a ¿ SŒ 10°Ý41' Œ
Aug 16 2020 1:00a ¸ ”  23°„54' Þ 08°Ü54' Œ
Aug 16 2020 1:53a » á Æ 08°ƒ16' Þ 08°‹16' Œ
Aug 16 2020 6:38a º – Á 23°„01' Þ 23°‰01' Œ
Aug 16 2020 7:01a ¸ á ¼ 24°„09' Þ 24°Ü09' Þ
Aug 16 2020 7:03a à ˜ Æ 02°„13' Þ 08°‹13' Œ
Aug 16 2020 3:31p ¸ á ò 24°„29' Þ 24°Ü29' Œ
Aries at 5:02 p.m. and semi-square Venus in Cancer a few minutes later. Mother Ceres in Pisces, some or all of the forces gathered today
Aug 16 2020 4:48p ¸ ˜ ½ 24°„32' Þ 18°‰32' Œ
This means, of
Aug 16 2020 4:58pcourse, that Venus
» ‘ Â is square Chiron
08°ƒ53' Þ(8°53' Cancer–Aries),
08°Ü53' Œ so may be protesting in support of the environment or against the lack
everyone is feeling
Aug 16 2020 somewhat
5:02p º insecure
” Â and23°„53'
Þ Luna enters
08°Ü53' Œ Leo of sustainable food supplies. An unsettling Moon–Uranus square at
at 10:38
Aug p.m., taking
16 2020 5:05poff her
º apron
“ and» donning
23°„53'a clown’s
Þ nose to lighten
08°ƒ53' Þ 5:02 p.m. adds yet another layer of restlessness to a very compli-
Augmood before10:28p
16 2020 bedtime.º á ¼ 24°„21' Þ 24°Ü21' Þ cated day. We could also be experiencing a sense of futility, given
Aug 17 2020 0:10a º á ò 24°„29' Þ 24°Ü29' Œ the effects of a Mercury–Saturn quincunx building throughout the
Monday, August0:29a
Aug 17 2020 17 – Wednesday,
º ˜ ½ August 19: There’s
24°„31' Þ no 18°‰31'
holdingŒback evening (exact at 2:16 a.m. on Tuesday).
Aug 17 2020 0:58a Á ¦ Æ -22°30' -22°30'
the tide on Monday morning; a Sun–Mercury conjunction in Leo at 8:07
Aug 17 2020 8:07a ¸ ß º 25°„09' Þ 25°„09' Þ
A Venus–Uranus sextile (10°41' Cancer–Taurus) perfects at
a.m. inspires passionate speech,
Aug 17 2020 9:21a ½ ¦ Æ
and a Mars–Eris
conjunction at 9:39 a.m.
-22°32' 12:27 p.m. on Tuesday, opening the door to support from unex-
(24°29' Aries) could
Aug 17 2020 9:39a spark a full-blown
¼ ß ò riot. With Pluto
24°Ü29' Þ semi-square
24°Ü29' ŒEarth pected sources. The Leo Moon is also energized through a trine to
Aug 17 2020 10:29a Á “ Æ 22°‰59' Œ 07°‹59' Œ Mars (4:52 p.m.) that encourages creative action, in preparation for
Aug 17 2020 3:19p º ¦ ¿ +14°35' +14°35' the New Moon that peaks at 7:41 p.m. (26°35' Leo). Still, despite our
Aug 18 2020 2:16a º – ¾ 26°„40' Þ 26°‰40' Œ hopes for a carefree new beginning, the Sun, Moon, and Mercury
Aug 18 2020 12:01p Geocentricº ’ É Aspects
27°„29' , Þ 27°‚29' Œ are all tightly quincunx Saturn at the lunation, suggesting that this
Aug 18 2020 I12:27p
ngresses » ,’ and ¿ S tations
10°ƒ41' Þ 10°Ý41' Œ
new lunar cycle will call us to be mature adults and to rethink our
Aug 18 2020 8:48p ¸ – ¾ 26°„37' Þ 26°‰37' Œ
Aug Daylight
18 2020 8:50p º ” Ä 28°„13' Þ 13°‰13' Œ childish ways. Conversations about current events carry on late into
Aug 18 2020 10:57p À – Å 20°‹10' Œ 20°†10' Þ the evening, due to a Moon–Mercury conjunction at 10:39 p.m.
Aug 19 2020 3:57a º › Å 28°„48' Þ 20°†13' Þ Eager to make a difference, Luna dons practical orthopedic
Aug 19 2020 5:50a º ˜ Á 28°„57' Þ 22°‰57' Œ shoes on Wednesday, having entered serviceable Virgo overnight
Aug 19 2020 2:08p ¸ ’ É 27°„19' Þ 27°‚19' Œ (1:21 a.m.). As a Moon–Ceres opposition nears perfection at 1:45
Aug 19 2020 6:29p º ß … 00°…00' Þ 00°…00' Þ p.m., we struggle with the urge to rescue those who are in need,
Aug 20 2020 8:18a ¸ ” Ä 28°„03' Þ 13°‰03' Œ
while knowing that each person can only save themselves. Early
Aug 20 2020 7:56p » à Ä 13°ƒ00' Þ 13°‰00' Œ
Aug 21 2020 1:14a º ˜ ¾ 02°…30' Þ 26°‰30' Œ
this evening, Mercury helps us to further analyze the situation with
Aug 21 2020 4:21a º ˜  02°…45' Þ 08°Ü45' Œ its ingress into Virgo (6:29 p.m.), and practical solutions suddenly
Aug 21 2020 5:54a ¸ ˜ Á 28°„55' Þ 22°‰55' Œ appear as Luna trines Uranus (6:53 p.m.). Later on, an emotionally
Aug 21 2020 9:44a º ” ½ 03°…11' Þ 18°‰11' Œ stabilizing Moon–Venus sextile (9:05 p.m.) offers us a soothing cup
Aug 21 2020 4:20p ¸ ¦ º +11°42' +11°42' of chamomile tea to prepare us for sleep.
Aug 21 2020 10:49p ¸ › Å 29°„36' Þ 21°†01' Þ
Aug 22 2020 0:01a ¼ ¦ Â +06°02' +06°02' Thursday, August 20 – Saturday, August 22: We’re inspired to do
Aug 22 2020 6:03a º • Ã 04°…49' Þ 04°„49' Þ
Aug 22 2020 6:36a » ¦ Ã +20°02' +20°02'
necessary tasks Thursday morning with a practical but hopeful
Aug 22 2020 8:44a ¸ ß … 00°…00' Þ 00°…00' Þ Moon–Jupiter trine in effect at 7:14 a.m. But the Virgo Moon soon
Aug 22 2020 8:04p À ” à 20°‹04' Œ 05°„04' Þ opposes Neptune (10:16 a.m.), leaving us wondering if our humble
Aug 23 2020 1:15a º “ Å 06°…20' Þ 21°†20' Þ efforts will really make a difference. We may feel more empowered
Aug 23 2020 6:12a º à Æ 06°…44' Þ 06°‹44' Œ this afternoon when the Moon–Pluto trine is in effect (2:48 p.m.) and
Jan 232019
2020 10:36a º › » 07°…05' Þ 15°ƒ39'
Solar FireÞv8.1.2 again this evening when Luna trines Saturn (8:37 p.m.).
Page 25 Underlying
Aug 23 2020 8:36p º ” Á 07°…52' Þ 22°‰52' Œ all of our efforts today, an opposition between sensitive Venus in
Aug FM
Sco 23 2020
419-4 -9:49p Å ” Æ
Natal Chart 21°†35' Þ 06°‹35' Œ
Aug 24 2020 6:35a º –  08°…39' Þ 08°Ü39' Œ
Cancer and strategic Pallas Athene in Capricorn requires us to find
Date24 2020 8:30a Time º Asp
P1 — P2 É 08°…48' Þ
Pos1 26°‚48' Œ
Pos2 a better balance between taking care of business and attending to
Aug 24 2020 11:19a ¼ ‘ ¾ 26°Ü19' Þ 26°‰19' Œ our personal needs.
Aug 24 2020 4:49p º ” ò 09°…27' Þ 24°Ü27' Œ Speeches go overlong and orators are reluctant to relinquish
Aug 24 2020 6:06p ¸ ˜ ¾ 02°…18' Þ 26°‰18' Œ the spotlight on Friday, with Mercury in theatrical Leo sesquiquad-
Aug 25 2020 2:09a ¸ ˜  02°…37' Þ 08°Ü37' Œ rate Jupiter (9:44 a.m.). The only other aspect of note today is an
Aug 25 2020 5:52a Æ § É -23°23' +23°23' opposition between the Libra Moon and Chiron in Aries (4:28 p.m.)
Aug 25 2020 6:12a ¿ ¦ Ä +14°34' +14°34'
that threatens to expose fragile egos.
Aug 25 2020 8:17a º á ¿ 10°…38' Þ 10°Ý38' Œ
Aug 25 2020 9:53a ¸ ” ½ 02°…56' Þ 17°‰56' Œ The need for harmony works to our detriment when Luna
Aug 25 2020 10:44a É SÞ 26°‚47' Þ squares Jupiter on Saturday morning (7:46 a.m.); decisions we
Aug 25 2020 12:36p à – Æ 06°„14' Þ 06°‹14' Œ make under this influence may come back to haunt us. Once
Aug 25 2020 3:25p » à ½ 17°ƒ55' Þ 17°‰55' Œ the Sun enters analytical Virgo an hour later, we find it easier to
Aug 25 2020 4:11p º ” ¾ 11°…15' Þ 26°‰15' Œ see situations realistically, but we’ll need to be wary of fatalism.
Aug 25 2020 8:48p º ” ¼ 11°…36' Þ 26°Ü36' Þ Our efforts to maintain emotional balance may prove futile this
Aug 26 2020 8:59a º á Ä 12°…32' Þ 12°‰32' Œ
afternoon and evening, as the Libra Moon squares demanding
Aug 26 2020 7:55p ¼ ’ É 26°Ü47' Þ 26°‚47' Þ
Aug 27 2020 4:56a É SŒ 26°‚47' Œ
Pluto at 3:34 p.m., opposes forceful Mars at 8:36 p.m., and squares
Aug 27 2020 2:12p » á À 19°ƒ57' Þ 19°‹57' Œ oppressive Saturn at 9:19 p.m.
Aug 27 2020 3:33p Å ¦ ò -01°25' -01°25'
Aug 28 2020 0:15a Á ‘ Å 22°‰48' Œ 22°†48' Þ Sunday, August 23 – Monday, August 24: Objective Mercury in Virgo
Aug 28 2020 5:07a ¸ à Æ 05°…38' Þ 05°‹38' Œ has problems picking up on subtle messages from loved ones when
Aug 28 2020 5:53a » ” Æ 20°ƒ38' Þ 05°‹38' Œ the Messenger Planet opposes intuitive Ceres (6°44' Virgo–Pisces)
Aug 28 2020 6:34a ¼ › Æ 27°Ü03' Þ 05°‹37' Œ on Sunday morning at 6:12 a.m. However, with the Moon now in
Aug 28 2020 12:33p º ¦ ¼ +06°28' +06°28'
Aug 28 2020 4:46p ¸ “ » 06°…06' Þ 21°ƒ06' Þ
truth-seeking Scorpio, there is support for greater intimacy in our
Aug 29 2020 4:56a º ¦ Â +05°57' +05°57' relationships, especially this afternoon when Luna trines Ceres (2:20
Aug 29 2020 6:27a º á ½ 17°…44' Þ 17°‰44' Œ 81
Aug 29 2020 3:45p º ˜ ò 18°…25' Þ 24°Ü25' Œ
Aug 30 2020 2:42a » — ¿ 22°ƒ36' Þ 10°Ý36' Œ
Aug 30 2020 6:30a » à Á 22°ƒ46' Þ 22°‰46' Œ
p.m.) and sextiles Mercury (3:42 p.m.). Verbal debates intensify during Luna is given clear orders for the day when she meets with Pluto before
the evening hours, however, with a Mercury–Pluto sesquiquadrate dawn (4:12 a.m.) on Saturday. The Moon’s rendezvous with Saturn (10:19
in effect (perfecting at 8:36 p.m.), and emotions become erratic due a.m.) is also on the agenda, keeping us on task throughout the morning.
to Luna’s opposition to Uranus at exactly 9:00 p.m. But a cautiously optimistic Mercury–Jupiter trine (17°44' Virgo–Capricorn)
We are easily frustrated on Monday, the day that Mars and isJan
2019 influence of the day, advancing our hopesSolar that solutions
Fire v8.1.2
Saturn are precisely square (26°19' Aries–Capricorn) at 11:19 a.m. to our problems will be found and that reason will ultimately prevail. Tem-
An early-morning Mercury–Chiron quincunx further complicates pers
Scocould flare briefly
FM 419-4 - Natalduring
Chartthe noon hour, due to a Moon–Mars square
any attempts to find a meeting of the minds. From Luna’s vantage at 12:30 p.m. But by the time of Luna’s ingress into Aquarius (5:36 p.m.),
point in Scorpio, she does her best to provide a cushion for any Datemore than ready
we’re Time to takeP1 a break
Asp P2fromPos1
the burdens ofPos2
falls; a Moon–Venus trine (6:52 a.m.) helps us to trust that friends Aug 24 2020 11:19a ¼ ‘ ¾ 26°Ü19' Þ 26°‰19' Œ
Aug 24 2020 4:49p º ” ò 09°…27' Þ 24°Ü27' Œ
will be there to support us, and a Moon–Jupiter sextile (9:21 a.m.) Sunday,
Aug 24August
2020 30 – Monday,
6:06p ¸ August
˜ ¾31: Relationships
02°…18' Þ and finances
26°‰18' Œ are
offers faint hope that all will be well. The trail of harmonious lunar under pressure
Aug 25 2020 during
2:09athe last
¸ two˜ days of August.
02°…37'The Þ heat is already
08°Ü37' Œ on
aspects continues after lunch, with a trine to Neptune (12:47 p.m.) high
25 2020morning,
5:52a when Venus
Æ §in protective
É Cancer opposes
-23°23' Pluto (6:30
that helps us to let go of lingering resentments, a sextile to Pluto a.m.),
Aug raising
25 2020 walls6:12a
of defensiveness
¿ ¦ and Ä sparking resentment+14°34'
+14°34' and distrust.
(5:36 p.m.) that increases our capacity for emotional honesty, and The
AugVirgo Sun is also
25 2020 8:17ain hardºaspect
á to¿Pluto10°…38'
today; aÞsesquiquadrate
10°Ý38' Œthat
a sextile to Saturn (11:27 p.m.) that provides some much-needed Aug 25at2020
perfects 9:53a
9:52 a.m. ¸ ante
raises the ” on ½any power
02°…56' Þ
struggles17°‰56' Œ
that are under
emotional stability. Aug 25 2020 10:44a É SÞ 26°‚47' Þ
way. With a Mercury–Neptune opposition also in effect (exact at 11:43 a.m.),
Aug 25 2020 12:36p à – Æ 06°„14' Þ 06°‹14' Œ
may25feel confused about»
2020 3:25p
whatàroad ½
to take, unsure which
17°ƒ55' Þ
one will lead
17°‰55' Œ
Tuesday, August 25 – Thursday, August 27: The skies seem a bit toAug
the 25
solution. But
4:11p the Aquarius
º ” ¾ Moon, already
11°…15' Þ naturally primed
26°‰15' Œ for
brighter on Tuesday morning, now that the Moon is in optimistic change,
Aug 25inspires
2020 us to take aºleap”of faith
8:48p ¼ when it squares
11°…36' Þ Uranus atÞ1:32
Sagittarius. New ideas may help us to resolve current problems, with p.m.
26 2020 the influence
8:59a ofºa Sun–Chiron
á Ä quincunx 12°…32' (exact
Þ at 1:54 a.m.
12°‰32' Œ on
Mercury in practical Virgo trine inventive Uranus in Taurus (8:17 a.m.), Monday)
Aug 26 weighs
2020 heavily,
7:55p reviving
¼ ’ old insecurities
É thatÞ
26°Ü47' remain to be healed.
26°‚47' Þ
but a Sun–Jupiter sesquiquadrate at 9:53 a.m. and a Venus–Jupiter Aug 27 2020 4:56a É SŒ 26°‚47' Œ
opposition at 3:25 p.m. (17°55' Cancer–Capricorn) could cause us Aug 27 2020 2:12p » á À 19°ƒ57' Þ 19°‹57' Œ
Aug 27 2020 3:33p Å ¦ ò -01°25' -01°25'
to overestimate our abilities. A big “Caution” sign in the road slows
Aug 28 2020 0:15a Á ‘ Å 22°‰48' Œ 22°†48' Þ
us down this afternoon, with a pessimistic Mercury–Saturn sesqui- Aug 28 2020 5:07a ¸ à Æ 05°…38' Þ 05°‹38' Œ
quadrate in effect (exact at 4:11 p.m.). We’ll need to guard against a Aug 28 2020 5:53aG eocentric » ” Æ A20°ƒ38' spects Þ, 05°‹38' Œ
tendency to project our disappointments onto others this evening, Aug 28 2020 6:34a Ingresses¼ › , and Æ Stations
27°Ü03' Þ 05°‹37' Œ
as Mercury also sesquiquadrates Mars at 8:48 p.m. Aug 28 2020Daylight
Pacific 12:33p º ¦ ¼ +06°28' +06°28'
Our thoughts are pragmatic but also inspired on Wednesday. Aug 28 2020 4:46p ¸ “ » 06°…06' Þ 21°ƒ06' Þ
Mercury trines wise Pallas Athene at 8:59 a.m. (12°32' Aug 29 2020 4:56a º ¦ Â +05°57' +05°57'
Aug 29 2020 6:27a º á ½ 17°…44' Þ 17°‰44' Œ
Virgo–Capricorn), a liaison that encourages clear communication
Aug 29 2020 3:45p º ˜ ò 18°…25' Þ 24°Ü25' Œ
and solution-oriented thinking. With Pallas currently retrograde, Aug 30 2020 2:42a » — ¿ 22°ƒ36' Þ 10°Ý36' Œ
the ideas that come forward now may have their seeds in the past. Aug 30 2020 6:30a » à Á 22°ƒ46' Þ 22°‰46' Œ
An idealistic Moon–Neptune square at 4:43 p.m. sets us adrift this Aug 30 2020 9:25a º § À +05°01' -05°01'
afternoon, since we are more than ready to forget the problems Aug 30 2020 9:52a ¸ ” Á 07°…46' Þ 22°‰46' Œ
we’ve been toiling over lately. Aug 30 2020 11:43a º à À 19°…52' Þ 19°‹52' Œ
We’re ready for new adventures on Thursday morning, with the Aug 30 2020 2:25p  á à 08°Ü25' Œ 08°„25' Þ
Aug 31 2020 1:54a ¸ –  08°…24' Þ 08°Ü24' Œ
Sagittarius Moon trine Mars at 5:00 a.m. Even though Luna enters
Aug 31 2020 4:33a ¸ — É 08°…31' Þ 26°‚31' Œ
businesslike Capricorn at 10:36 a.m., we’re more likely to daydream Aug 31 2020 4:58a » ‘ Å 23°ƒ45' Þ 23°†45' Þ
than focus on tangible goals today; a romantic Venus–Neptune trine Aug 31 2020 10:47a º ˜ ¼ 21°…32' Þ 27°Ü32' Þ
(19°57' Cancer–Pisces) is the main planetary event, inspiring us to Aug 31 2020 11:54a ¸ • Ã 08°…48' Þ 08°„48' Þ
follow our hearts wherever they might lead us. Tonight’s earthy Aug 31 2020 1:03p ¸ “ Å 08°…51' Þ 23°†51' Þ
Sun–Moon trine (8:09 p.m.) connects us with the “real world” once Aug 31 2020 7:35p » ‘ ò 24°ƒ24' Þ 24°Ü24' Œ
again, but with the feeling that it just might be possible to have our
cake and eat it, too. Sep 1 2020 2:33a ¸ ” ò 09°…24' Þ 24°Ü24' Œ
Sep 1 2020 3:41a º á Á 22°…44' Þ 22°‰44' Œ
Sep 2 2020 2:14a º • Å 24°…19' Þ 24°†19' Þ
Friday, August 28 – Saturday, August 29: We’re concerned about Sep 2 2020 3:12a º – ò 24°…23' Þ 24°Ü23' Œ
how to balance work duties with the needs of home and family on Sep 2 2020 5:17a » à ¾ 25°ƒ54' Þ 25°‰54' Œ
Friday morning, with the Sun in opposition to domestic Ceres at 5:07 Sep 2 2020 5:30a º “ Ã 24°…33' Þ 09°„33' Þ
a.m. (5°38' Virgo–Pisces). Making things even more complicated, Ve- Sep 2 2020 7:08a ¸ á ¿ 10°…33' Þ 10°Ý33' Œ
nus is also in sesquiquadrate aspect to Ceres, so loved ones outside Sep 2 2020 7:31a Å à ò 24°†23' Þ 24°Ü23' Œ
the family circle are calling for our attention, too. The semi-square Sep 2 2020 9:25a » • É 26°ƒ05' Þ 26°‚05' Œ
Sep 2 2020 3:21p ¸ ” ¾ 10°…53' Þ 25°‰53' Œ
between the Sun and Venus perfects at 4:46 p.m., reinforcing this
Sep 2 2020 7:42p º ” ¿ 25°…33' Þ 10°Ý33' Œ
dilemma of being pulled in several different directions. We begin to Sep 3 2020 0:22a º á ¾ 25°…52' Þ 25°‰52' Œ
feel more centered as day turns to night, with the Capricorn Moon Sep 3 2020 1:23a º ‘ É 25°…56' Þ 25°‚56' Œ
trine sensible Mercury (5:05 p.m.) and conjunct tolerant Jupiter (6:56 Sep 3 2020 3:41a º § Å +02°08' -02°08'
p.m.). A relaxing late-night Moon–Neptune sextile (10:55 p.m.) helps Sep 3 2020 11:12a ¾ – É 25°‰51' Œ 25°‚51' Œ
to ease us into dreamtime. Sep 4 2020 0:14a ¸ á Ä 12°…13' Þ 12°‰13' Œ
Sep 4 2020 1:26a º § ò +01°26' -01°26'
Sep 4 2020 2:12a » ‘ ¼ 27°ƒ55' Þ 27°Ü55' Þ
82 Sep 4 2020 6:05a » ˜ Æ 28°ƒ05' Þ 04°‹05' Œ
Sep 4 2020 6:15a º – ¼ 27°…55' Þ 27°Ü55' Þ
Sep 4 2020 11:30a ¿ ‘ à 10°Ý31' Œ 10°„31' Þ
Leo New Moon — August 18–19
by Diana McMahon Collis
Uranus’s move to retrograde motion (appearing to Venus is in a separating sextile and Jupiter a wide sep-
travel backwards against other planets in “direct” motion) on arating trine from Uranus (a jot beyond the typical 6° orb).
August 15 may have put any rebellious, revolutionary spirit Social and also career moves seem to be towards wider
that some people had started to embrace on the backburner. horizons and broader affiliations. With Venus in Cancer,
To be fair, there are mixed opinions amongst astrologers as some of our stronger family connections may be somewhat
to how planets in retrograde operate. Personally, I find it weakened, difficult, or even lost. But Jupiter, the planet of
helpful to clarify the precise quality of any particular retro- hope, represents a stronger link with the world at large,
grade with a tarot consultation — and have found a parallel perhaps getting involved in a global mission, digging deeper
with the Hanged Man (card XII of the Major Arcana — or into a spiritual practice, or finding a greater sense of mean-
“major secrets” of the tarot). This tends to signify backing ing to life.
off from a situation, pausing and reflecting, usually because The Leo Moon also trines Mars in Aries, providing the
it simply doesn’t make sense to try to plough on ahead. The impetus to get things going. The two signs linked together
task at hand probably requires more thought, or someone can bring out a bossy side, yet maybe that is what is needed
has acted in a way that makes us feel unsafe to proceed. — clear leadership and vision. With planets in fire signs,
With strong, outer-planet representations, we often face sit- someone is lighting a fire, is “on fire” with a passion or
uations that are out of our hands, where external control is project, or is in a relationship with sparky momentum!
the greater force. All of this and more may apply under the The Moon, disposited by the Sun in Leo, still retains
current lunation. It could even be that something previously some creative power, providing opportunities for improve-
offered is now retracted, due to unexpected developments. ments or embellishments. This favourable context may
With all the outermost planets retrograde (i.e., Ura- relate to knowing someone special, or to realising more of
nus, Neptune, and Pluto), along with Jupiter and Saturn,
Leo NM 820-2 one’s own, personal talents. Perhaps we simply become
Natal Chart
we may face decidedly personal issues that require reflec-
Aug 18 2020, Tue more comfy in our own skin and more in tune with our
7:41:20 pm PDT +7:00
tion and regrouping more than ever before. With Uranus Fresno, CA own tastes — especially if we have forgotten how to fully
36°N44'52'' 119°W46'17''
in Taurus, our sense of security has likely been rocked and
Geocentric consider our own needs and desires.
we are feeling destabilized at all levels. In our interactions
0° Aries
with others, there could be quick, strong reactionsTrue which
we (and even they) subsequently wonder about. There could 00° ‰ 00'
Aug 27 2020 3:33p Å ¦ ò -01°25' -01°25'
Aug 28 2020 0:15a Á ‘ Å 22°‰48' Œ 22°†48' Þ
Aug 28 2020 5:07a ¸ à Æ 05°…38' Þ 05°‹38' Œ
Aug 28 2020 5:53a » ” Æ 20°ƒ38' Þ 05°‹38' Œ
Aug 28 2020 12:33p º ¦ ¼
¼ › Æ 27°Ü03' Þ
05°‹37' Œ
Aug 28 2020 4:46p ¸ “ » 06°…06' Þ 21°ƒ06' Þ
Still feeling off-balance from yesterday’s opposition to Pluto, ifyingAug
2020for autonomy.
4:56a ºWith¦Mercury
+05°57' Mars at 6:15 a.m.
Venus in Cancer is again in the hot seat on Monday, sitting at the (27°55'
29 2020 6:27a it’s difficult
º toáexpress
½ ourselves
17°…44' Þ without resorting
17°‰44' Œ
apex of a cardinal t-square with fair-minded Juno in Libra and Aug 29 2020
to criticism, but the 3:45p
Mercury–Venusº ˜sextileò at18°…25'
1:31 p.m.Þshould24°Ü25'
help usŒto
Aug 30 2020 2:42a » — ¿ 22°ƒ36' Þ 10°Ý36' Œ
discontented Eris in Aries. The action starts early, since the exact untangle the lines of communication. We’re not entirely out of the woods,
Aug 30 2020 6:30a » à Á 22°ƒ46' Þ 22°‰46' Œ
Venus–Juno square at 4:58 a.m. (23°45' Cancer–Libra) reveals however;
Aug 30the2020
Sun is 9:25a
º §Mars Àtonight (6:54 p.m.), -05°01'
+05°01' reviving the
how well our emotional and mental needs are being met in close irritation we2020
Aug 30 were feeling
9:52a earlier¸ in ”the day.
Á 07°…46' Þ 22°‰46' Œ
partnerships. The Venus–Eris square perfects at the other end Reactions
Aug 30 2020 are extreme
11:43a onº Saturday
à Àmorning due toÞthe Aries
19°…52' Moon’s
19°‹52' Œ
of the day (7:35 p.m.), activating our inner warrior in response squareAugto30
2020at 10:55
2:25pa.m. We  haveá aÃbetter08°Ü25'
chance ofŒseeing both sides
08°„25' Þ
to perceived slights. Taken as a whole, this t-square shows us of the issue
Aug once Mercury
31 2020 1:54a makes ¸ ingress
– Âinto08°…24'
Libra at 12:46
Þ p.m. Dinner-
08°Ü24' Œ
where we may go to extremes in our relationships — whether we timeAug 31be
could 2020 4:33a
uncomfortable, ¸ — É
if a Moon–Saturn 08°…31'
squareÞ (5:10 26°‚31' Œ
p.m.) makes
Aug 31 2020 4:58a » ‘ Å 23°ƒ45' Þ 23°†45' Þ
over-accommodate, or are too self-focused, or are afraid to be us feel like a child who has been told to sit quietly and not interrupt the
Aug 31 2020 10:47a º ˜ ¼ 21°…32' Þ 27°Ü32' Þ
vulnerable. A slight shift of mood is possible this evening, around adults.
31 by the time
2020 of Luna’s
11:54a ¸ rendezvous
• Ã with MarsÞat 9:45
08°…48' p.m., the
08°„48' Þ
the time of an energizing Moon–Mars sextile (9:56 p.m.) that helps restraints have eased,
Aug 31 2020 1:03p and we are
¸ “ Åmore free to express
08°…51' Þ ourselves openly.
23°†51' Þ
us to know and express our true needs. Aug 31 2020 7:35p » ‘ ò 24°ƒ24' Þ 24°Ü24' Œ
Sunday, September 6 – Tuesday, September 8: The sunrise seems more
Tuesday, September 1 – Wednesday, September 2: We feel more cer- precious Sunday,2:33a
Sep 1on2020 as the Moon
¸ has
” entered
ò nature-loving
09°…24' Þ Taurus over-
24°Ü24' Œ
tain of our plans when we awaken on Tuesday, thanks to the lingering nightSep 1 2020
— and 3:41a
yet, with º ináimpatient
Venus now Á 22°…44' Þ reflection
Leo, quiet 22°‰44' Œ
is not
Sep 2 2020
effects of a pragmatic Mercury–Pluto trine (22°44' Virgo–Capricorn) enough to fully satisfy2:14a
us. A playº
date• Å
in the park24°…19' Þ
with friends 24°†19' Þ
might be a good
Sep 2 2020 3:12a º – ò 24°…23' Þ 24°Ü23' Œ
that perfected at 3:41 a.m. The Moon, now in selfless Pisces, finds activity
Septhis morning,5:17a
2 2020 but Saturn’s
» square
à ¾to fair-minded
25°ƒ54' ÞJuno25°‰54'
at 4:24 p.m.
an ally in sympathetic Ceres when the two meet for tea at 11:40 (25°44'
2 2020 5:30amakesºit hard
“ for Ãpartners to find
24°…33' Þ agreement
a.m. This friendly support bolsters Luna’s radiance, enabling her to in the day.
Sep The evening
2 2020 7:08ahours bring
¸ á surprises,
¿ since Luna
10°…33' Þhas 10°Ý33'
her monthly
shine all the more brightly tonight; the lunar cycle reaches its Full rendezvous with eccentric
Sep 2 2020 7:31a UranusÅ atà11:01ò p.m. 24°†23' Þ 24°Ü23' Œ
Moon climax at 10:21 p.m. Sep 2 2020 9:25a » • É 26°ƒ05' Þ 26°‚05' Œ
Our outlook on Wednesday morning depends on which door Sep 2 2020 3:21p ¸ ” ¾ 10°…53' Þ 25°‰53' Œ
we choose to open. Behind door number one is a responsible Sep 2 2020 7:42p º ” ¿ 25°…33' Þ 10°Ý33' Œ
Sep 3 2020 0:22a º á ¾ 25°…52' Þ 25°‰52' Œ
Venus–Saturn opposition at 5:17 a.m. (25°54' Cancer–Capricorn)
that tests our ability to be both sensitive and strong. If we open
Sep 3 2020 Geocentric
1:23a º ‘ É A spects
25°…56' ,Þ 25°‚56' Œ
Sep 3 2020 3:41a º § Å +02°08' -02°08'
door number two, we are greeted by the enlivening energies of a Sep 3 2020
I ngresses
11:12a ¾ – É
, and S tations
25°‰51' Œ 25°‚51' Œ
Sun–Uranus trine at 7:08 a.m. (10°33' Virgo–Taurus) that inspires SepP4 2020Daylight
acific 0:14a ¸ á Ä 12°…13' Þ 12°‰13' Œ
us to leave behind anything that feels too limiting. But later in the Sep 4 2020 1:26a º § ò +01°26' -01°26'
day, a Sun–Saturn sesquiquadrate (3:21 p.m.) dampens our en- Sep23
Jan 4 2020
2019 2:12a » ‘ ¼ 27°ƒ55' Þ 27°Ü55'
Solar FireÞv8.1.2
thusiasm, sapping our energy. As a welcome break from reality, Sep 4 2020 6:05a » ˜ Æ 28°ƒ05' Þ 04°‹05' Œ
Sep FM
Sco 4 2020
419-4 -6:15a º – ¼
Natal Chart 27°…55' Þ 27°Ü55' Þ
the Moon–Neptune alignment in Pisces at 5:10 p.m. encourages a
Sep 4 2020 11:30a ¿ ‘ à 10°Ý31' Œ 10°„31' Þ
fantasy or two — or perhaps a moment of divine inspiration. Our Sep 4 2020
Date 1:31p
Time º Asp
P1 ’ P2
» 28°…25' Þ
Pos1 28°ƒ25' Þ
thoughts are unsettled tonight with a Mercury–Uranus sesquiquad- Sep 4 2020 1:55p ¸ ¦ ¼ +06°45' +06°45'
rate in effect at 7:42 p.m. We feel ready to step into a new world, Sep 4 2020 4:12p à “ É 10°„36' Þ 25°‚36' Œ
and yet we’re uncertain how that reinvented reality will function. Sep 4 2020 6:54p ¸ ” ¼ 12°…58' Þ 27°Ü58' Þ
A reassuring Mercury–Saturn trine (25°52' Virgo–Capricorn), which Sep 5 2020 3:00a » ¦ Ã +18°48' +18°48'
perfects just after midnight (12:22 a.m. on Thursday), helps us begin Sep 5 2020 4:53a ¿ “ É 10°Ý30' Œ 25°‚30' Œ
Sep 5 2020 12:46p º ß † 00°†00' Þ 00°†00' Þ
to put the pieces together.
Sep 5 2020 4:48p Å á É 25°†26' Þ 25°‚26' Œ
Sep 5 2020 6:06p Ä SÞ 12°‰12' Þ
Thursday, September 3 – Saturday, September 5: An early- Sep 6 2020 0:21a » ß „ 00°„00' Þ 00°„00' Þ
morning sextile between the Pisces Moon and Saturn in Capricorn Sep 6 2020 9:05a Ä › Æ 12°‰12' Þ 03°‹38' Œ
on Thursday (5:11 a.m.) establishes a creative link between the Sep 6 2020 12:22p À ˜ Å 19°‹41' Œ 25°†41' Þ
imagination and the will to manifest. However, with Luna also in Sep 6 2020 4:24p ¾ ‘ Å 25°‰44' Œ 25°†44' Þ
opposition to Mercury in Virgo (5:58 a.m.), we’re unsure how to Sep 7 2020 3:08a ¸ ¦ Â +05°48' +05°48'
turn our mystical visions into tangible reality. A Moon–Venus trine Sep 7 2020 2:14p º › Ã 03°†17' Þ 11°„51' Þ
Sep 7 2020 3:32p º – Æ 03°†22' Þ 03°‹22' Œ
is next on the docket (7:34 a.m.), indicating that a loved one can Sep 7 2020 10:31p º ¦ ò -01°27' -01°27'
provide the caring support we need to ease us into the day. Luna, Sep 8 2020 8:11a º ˜ ¿ 04°†27' Þ 10°Ý27' Œ
wandering void of course for the next six hours, finally moves into Sep 8 2020 11:15a à – Ä 12°„13' Þ 12°‰13' Þ
forthright Aries at 1:22 p.m., inspiring us to take action toward ful- Sep 8 2020 8:51p » – Æ 03°„06' Þ 03°‹06' Œ
filling our dreams. A trine between the Virgo Sun and strategic Pallas Sep 8 2020 10:25p ¸ § À +05°08' -05°08'
Athene in Capricorn, which perfects just after midnight (12:14 a.m. Sep 9 2020 9:03a ¸ á ½ 17°…25' Þ 17°‰25' Œ
on Friday), is our strongest influence tonight, providing a practical Sep 9 2020 3:22p ¼ SŒ 28°Ü08' Œ
Sep 9 2020 8:37p Æ › ò 02°‹54' Œ 24°Ü20' Œ
approach to current dilemmas.
Sep 9 2020 9:02p º ¦ Å -02°52' -02°52'
It’s a battle of archetypes on Friday morning, when Venus in Sep 10 2020 4:52a » ” À 04°„35' Þ 19°‹35' Œ
feminine Cancer squares Mars in masculine Aries (2:12 a.m.). We Sep 10 2020 7:37a ¸ ˜ ò 18°…20' Þ 24°Ü20' Œ
may find ourselves in conflict with a loved one, or we may struggle Sep 10 2020 3:23p º à  07°†59' Þ 07°Ü59' Œ
internally with how to satisfy our nurturing instinct while still grat- Sep 11 2020 2:05a º ˜ Æ 08°†39' Þ 02°‹39' Œ
Sep 11 2020 1:25p ¸ à À 19°…32' Þ 19°‹32' Œ
84 Sep 11 2020 1:30p À ˜ à 19°‹32' Œ 13°„32' Þ
Sep 11 2020 2:44p ¸ § º +04°07' -04°07'
Sep 12 2020 5:34a º – ¿ 10°†22' Þ 10°Ý22' Œ
Sep 12 2020 9:30a ½ “ Æ 17°‰24' Þ 02°‹24' Œ
Pisces Full Moon — September 1–2
by Diana McMahon Collis
The Full Moon in Pisces spotlights issues of belief, personal differences from those around us by acknowledg-
faith, trust, and confidence. Pisces isn’t always sure if what ing the value of holding alternative views or expressing
is sensed is real or lasting, yet it often taps into important varying levels of feeling. The positive edge of the sextile to
information, as witnessed in the emotional nature of the Uranus makes any sudden inspiration significant, particu-
sign. Water can move fast, creating sudden turbulence, pro- larly if we capture it and take action. We might suddenly
ducing rapid, or very high waves that present real dangers have our best or most profound ideas in unexpected places
in the moment, but which may be prone to change fairly and moments, such as in the shower or doing something
quickly. Suddenly, a problematic situation and apparent mundane like the ironing or washing up; or in being cre-
danger no longer exist. In a gentler setting, it takes both ative with cooking, handiwork, or crafts. Ideally, we should
rain and the Sun for a rainbow to appear; yet, if we try to then make note of our thoughts or otherwise move into
take a photograph of that beautiful stream of colour, we specific activity that supports these insights.
may find it faded or almost completely missing in the cap- Uranus retrograde means that reflection continues
tured image. The rainbow nonetheless has a strong place to be important, with a view to take tangible action later.
in the human psyche as a positive symbol. Spiritually, it has Meanwhile, we can still act to anchor reflections — mak-
been linked with the union and balance of the chakras — ing notes in a journal, or having a conversation to help
the body’s energy centres — connecting mind, body, and ideas and plans develop into something with lasting po-
spirit in a system that defines health. From this framework, tential. We can further draw on the meaningful quality of
we can notice any difficult feelings or symptoms in a par- these reflections with self-inquiry. With Uranus in Taurus,
ticular area of the body and begin to understand it at other it is a beneficial time to assess whether our plans will en-
levels and work on a healing process. dure and maintain their value. Where will our efforts be
Even in everyday life, we could say that water has Pisces
mag- FM 820-3
most worthwhile? We may have answers straight away or
Natal Chart
ical qualities; in feeding plants, it turns what was onceSepthe later — consider that “when” is perhaps less important
1 2020, Tue
10:21:30 pm PDT +7:00
tiny matter of a seed into something vital and sustaining.
Fresno, CA than the knowing that we will eventually do something
36°N44'52'' 119°W46'17''
Yet, if the general conditions for growth do not support Geocentric certain to back up our convictions.
it, or when our plant has very specific characteristics that
0° Aries
True Node
make it sensitive to too much or too little water, it may
00° ‰ 00'
not thrive. We need to pay a lot of attention to the precise
00' 00°
state and conditions of that plant! The fluctuating energy
Á ½Ä Ê ˆ 00'
around water can sometimes be baffling and frustrating, ¾ 17°12° 26°
and we may struggle to control how it works in our lives — 25°
‰ ‰
‰ ˆ
‰ 35'15' 11'
which extends into the further, astrological connection of 00' 43' Œ 00°
55' ŒŒ
the water element with the realm of human emotions. ŒŒ
‹ 10 9 ‡
The Full Moon is a notoriously more emotional time, 00° 00'
so we have a double whammy effect in play during Æ 04° 11 8 Å
this lunation. ¶ 10° ‹ 35'Œ ’ ‘ ’
‘ 16'
‹ 12'
On the plus side, with Moon in Pisces, we are á ‘
À 19° ‹ 48'Œ 12 ‘‘ á á
á 7
more in touch with our intuitive abilities; with fewer 00° á 00°
boundaries in place, we can cross the bridge further Ü – à à †
’ 03' … 24°
into the spiritual world. However, Pisces is also the 00'
Â Ü 24'Œ
08° Ü 20'Œ 1 – –
á ‘ 6 º 00'
Virgo New Moon — September 17
by Diana McMahon Collis
The New Moon in Virgo opens the curtain on a quietly beginnings, not endings. Neptune is retrograde, so we
entertaining, versatile drama. The over-emotionality of the may need to accept limitations around a dream, rein in a
Pisces Full Moon has given way to a cool-headed, if rather bigger plan, and focus on one or two smaller projects or
fidgety, and nervy Virgoan need for both variety and order. steps. Yet Saturn’s structure helps us, ensuring we avoid
We may be more grateful for bookshelves filled with a mix Neptunian traps like being too scattered and ethereal (os-
of useful nonfiction, fascinating and amusing novels, and cillating through many impressions but initiating nothing
inspiring poetry. We’re inclined to appreciate the order definite). The flitting, butterfly aspect of the mind alights
and variety of pharmacy shelves holding a plethora of rem- long enough to grasp sufficient, sustaining nectar to feed
edies with promises of improved health. Within the healing a more definitive course of action.
realms, we may reach for more of the adaptogenic medicines The New Moon, in tight trine to Saturn–Pluto, means
that have the ability to adjust to our state and needs. With there is every chance of concrete answers arising, provid-
the Moon disposited by Mercury, we have a touch of magic, ing us with the clarity to take definitive action that feels
along with learning and cleverness. important.
Despite all this — and despite an attention to detail and
intricate knowledge — Virgo is, nonetheless, a sign marked © 2020 Diana Collis – all rights reserved
by self-doubt. Will the story satisfy the reader? Will all the
learned systems really support the great work to be done? British writer Diana McMahon Collis studied traditional and
Will the medicine cure the problem? Will people be pleased modern astrology at the Company of Astrologers in Blooms-
with the results? bury, London, practicing professionally since 1990. In 2001, she
Anxious, nervous energy may abound during this luna- co-founded Tarot Association of the British Isles. She has a BA
Honours degree in Film, Drama, and English from Reading Uni-
tion. At an individual level, the Moon trining Saturn means
versity and has written many columns and features. She works as
that firm resolve and structure help us find the confidence to
Virgo NM 820-4
an editor and mentor in mind, body, and spirit nonfiction with
Natal Chart
try to launch plans and attempt new things. Goals benefit
Sep 17from
2020, ThuOxford-based; see also http://mindbliss.
4:00 am PDT +7:00
being broken down into small segments, so we merely need
Fresno, CA and
36°N44'52'' 119°W46'17''
to take the next step to make progress. We truly canGeocentric
life and ourselves, even if we can tend to be cynical! Mercury
0° Aries
True Node
reminds us that we all possess skills. Meditating on the image
00° ‰ 00'
of the Mercury-ruled Magician from the tarot can be useful to
00' 00°
the psyche — we can see him with all the tools on his table Ê
Á ½Ä ˆ 00'
at his disposal, knowing that he (and we) can use them. ¾ 17°12° 24°
This lunation finds Mercury in Libra, suggesting 22° ‰ ˆ
‰ ‰
a fine, alchemical balance. We benefit from a lit- ‰
33'26'35' 31'
00' 27' 00°
tle pinch of this and that; by trusting our senses ‹ ŒŒ
10 9
to find the right tastes, flavours, fragrance notes, 00° 00'
blends, and shades. Careful balance applies in
Æ 01° 11 8 29°
‹ †
30' 01'
the physical world, but also in both personal and 17° º
Œ ’ ‘
professional relationships. Does our situation
á ‘ 27' †
À 19° ‹ 23'Œ 12 á
fling us out of control, causing us to scream 00° ‘ á – 00°
“stop!” and hold on tighter, or do we swing in Ü –– à †
harmony? We can identify where to go further, 00' Ü 42' Œ
00' … 25°
¸ 00'
 07° 16'Œ 1 – 6
00' … 25°
or when to realise we are overdoing things, or Ü
haven’t thought a plan through well enough yet. ò 24° 12'
26°Ü 43'Œ
Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software
05° „ 13'
33' 03°
… ƒ 33'
03° »Ã
„ „ É
07'03' 23°
‚ 01°
† ¸ 10 9
56' ‚
01° 00° 52'
00' 11 8
Libra Equinox
September 22, 2020
Œ07' Ý
10° ¿
Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software
00° º 24° † 15' Copyright ©2009 Matrix Software
‡ 9:31 a.m. EDT Ý
Å 00° ‡ 40' Washington, D.C.
Œ58' Ü 26°
Œ14' Ü
¼ 12'
Porphyry houses,
True Node Œ29'
2 5
01° ˆ Œ 15' 52'
10° 3 4 ‹
ˆ 56' Œ Ü
52' ¶ ˆ
59'33' Œ Œ
‰ ‰
31' 22' ‹ À
Ê 12°
‰ ‰ 00°
03° Ľ Æ 33'
‰ 33' Á¾ 03°
05° Š 13'
Letters to Editor Seltzer’s description of Eris as “female
warrior energy.” Warriors are trained to
Viruses and bacteria associated
with plagues and epidemics like Ebola,
continued from p. 8 fight, which means hurting opponents. AIDS, and the Black Death seem to ap-
Is this where Seltzer is going with his pear suddenly but have, in fact, existed
one, would love to see them available formulation? Perhaps “activist” is a for centuries in animals and insects.
to subscribers. I am so enjoying all the more appropriate word than “warrior”? Environmental devastation, combined
available digital back issues and am Or does Seltzer really see violence as with increased population density
hoping for eventual access to those fundamental to the Eris archetype? If and mobility, has created new path-
first ten years. Thank you for all your so, I will have to disagree. ways and opportunities for pathogens
amazing work! I was born with Eris conjunct my to travel to humans and spread. Bats,
— Steven Sprung Sun and square my Moon. I will suggest symbolic agents of the Dark Mother, a
that the Eris archetype relates to acting feminine aspect of Pluto, are believed
Editors’ Response: against injustice, which often stirs up by some scientists to have been the or-
Thanks so much for reaching out that tired stereotype, “discord.” igin not only of coronavirus, but also of
to us here at TMA! In fact, we do have — John Schmeeckle the related SARS virus.
the first ten years of back issues in our Saturn (the structure of civiliza-
California office, and we are already Dear TMA: tion) and Pluto (transformation and
underway scanning them for digital I was a loyal Dell customer for regeneration) transiting through Capri-
sales. We’re so happy to hear that we years, but I have to admit, I love your corn have portended the death of old
have readers interested in purchasing magazine layout better! I've already read ways of thinking and being. In March
them! It is a laborious process and we my entire issue and the articles; sections of 2020, Mars and Jupiter aligned
expect it to take quite a few months, and information were easier to see, and in a close conjunction with Pluto and
but we hope to have them for sale it was easier to go back to previous sec- Saturn, triggering and magnifying their
about the time that Saturn ingresses tions to recheck information and make influence. Saturn forces us to give up
into Aquarius for its long haul — near comparisons! I’ve been a professional our illusions and can bring deprivation,
the close of 2020. astrologer for many moons … and I be- restriction, and a loss of security. Mars,
lieve one always should be open to new together with Saturn, can increase frus-
Dear TMA: ideas, new methods, and new avenues, tration as millions of people worldwide
Heart greetings to you all, with while maintaining respect for the tried were forced into quarantine and isola-
both congratulations and condolences and true. You did it all, and that was tion. The meeting of Jupiter and Pluto
for your many changes. I’m a long-time only one issue! can be viewed as a silver lining encour-
subscriber to both Dell Horoscope and I truly am impressed with your aging us to transcend outmoded belief
The Mountain Astrologer. The depth publication and look forward to many systems, potentially planting seeds for a
of content keeps me engaged with issues to come. Be well! new phase in human evolution.
TMA, and I enjoy your consistent pos- — Alison Cuff The advent of the coronavirus has
itivity. Your writers are thoughtful with compelled us to grasp a stark reality,
wisdom and vision, have excellent vo- Dear TMA: not only of the fragility of the Earth’s
cabulary skills, and the selection of Pluto entered Capricorn in late Jan- environment under the influence of hu-
subjects is entertaining and complex. uary of 2008, ushering in an era marked man agency, but also the instability and
Mostly, I appreciate the integrity by a rise in totalitarianism, increased fragility of the complex and contrived
and love that goes into publishing power and greed at the expense of the construct of our entire civilization. De-
TMA. Please keep your strong women environment, and the dredging up and spite our insistence on the superiority
presence, current news, and interna- exposure of corruption from the shadow and supremacy of a human-centered
tional articles. And please continue realms. When Saturn entered Capricorn world, nature reminds us that we are
to enjoy what you’re doing in the best in December of 2017, the dark side of not separate from our environment.
of health and humor. May the incon- the patriarchy (Capricorn) and its myr- The Capricorn planetary alignment
spicuous rewards of your intent fill iad of dysfunctional beliefs predicated on may be a fulcrum, a turning point that
you with immense joy as you stay safe dominator values began to be further allows us to grasp the extreme contrast
and protected. unveiled as the effects of climate change of this moment in time, presenting an
— Sue Zipp became increasingly evident. Pluto rules opportunity to shape a new path ahead
forces that appear to erupt with sudden for the human journey, one that allows
Dear TMA: force but have, in actuality, been smol- us to evolve a lifeway in balance and
I am writing in response to Henry dering for some time below the surface. harmony with nature and to restore a
Seltzer’s article, “New Planetary Ar- In what may have been the grand finale deeper, more sustainable relationship
chetypes in Western Astrology: Eris, of Pluto’s transit through Capricorn, with the Earth.
Haumea and Makemake,” in your recent the novel coronavirus erupted suddenly — Risa Campbell
April/May 2020 issue of The Mountain and spread like wildfire throughout
Astrologer. I have reservations about the planet.