Cut Paste 1

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Read the properties. Cut and glue the appropriate quadrilaterals.

* All sides are congruent. * Opposite sides are congruent. * All sides are congruent.

* Diagonals are congruent. * Diagonals are congruent. * Opposite sides are parallel.

* It has 4 right angles.

* It has 4 right angles. * Diagonals are not congruent.

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* Opposite sides are congruent. log *in Two disjoint pairs of adjacent * One pair of opposite sides
this g a in
ad are congruent. complete
downlo sides are parallel.
* Opposite sides are parallel.
worksh eet. access.
* Diagonals are perpendicular.
* Diagonals are not congruent.

Trapezium(UK) Square Kite

Parallelogram Rhombus Rectangle

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Answer key

Read the properties. Cut and glue the appropriate quadrilaterals.

Square Rectangle Rhombus

* All sides are congruent. * Opposite sides are congruent. * All sides are congruent.

* Diagonals are congruent. * Diagonals are congruent. * Opposite sides are parallel.

* It has 4 right angles.

* It has 4 right angles. * Diagonals are not congruent.

Gain complete access to the largest

collection of worksheets in all subjects!
Parallelogram Kite Trapezium(UK)
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* Opposite sides are congruent. log *in Two disjoint pairs of adjacent * One pair of opposite sides
this g a in
ad are congruent. complete
downlo sides are parallel.
* Opposite sides are parallel.
worksh eet. access.
* Diagonals are perpendicular.
* Diagonals are not congruent.

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