Age and Education Factors To Choice Contraceptive With Attitudes Acceptors About Side Effects of Implants
Age and Education Factors To Choice Contraceptive With Attitudes Acceptors About Side Effects of Implants
Age and Education Factors To Choice Contraceptive With Attitudes Acceptors About Side Effects of Implants
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Background The family planning is one of the government efforts to control the population,
quantity and improvement of the population through the manifestation of a small and quality family.
Acceptors attitudes about side effects were related to factors consisting of age, education and parity.
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between contraceptive selection factors
and attitudes of family planning acceptors at the Sifa Husada Nganjuk Clinic. Method The research
design used is Correlational Analysis with a Cross-Sectional approach. The population in this study
were all family planning acceptors at Sifa Husada Nganjuk Clinic with a sample of 54 respondents
taken using the Cluster Random Sampling technique collate data with cheklist for age and education
factors then side effect of implant collate with questionnaire . Analysis using Chi Square and
Spearman Rho with error rate (α = 0.05). Result The results showed that factor Age value p = 0.808.
and Education p = 0.403. p value < 0,05 is age and education to influences attitude of family
planning acceptors about the side effects of implants at Sifa Husada Nganjuk Clinic Conclusion of
this study is that there is a relationship between age and education factors with the attitude of family
planning acceptors about the side effects of implants at Sifa Husada Nganjuk Clinic.
The family planning is one of the government efforts to control the
population, quantity and improvement of the population through the manifestation
of a small and quality family (Trianziani, 2018). The family planning program is a
series of steps or an activity effort drawn up by family planning organizations and
Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal
support from their husband or family.Causing external factors that affect such a
neighbor environment negative to the implant. To participate or not to participate
in Family planing with implant method is influenced by three factors:
predisposition factors such as knowledge, The attitude, The value of trust, cultural;
supporting factors such as the availability of health facilities; and stimulating
factors such as attitude, the behavior, and expertise (Rahmi and Hadi, 2020). Efforts
are made to increase the percentage of use of contraceptives, especially implants,
by means of effective communication. Then The purpose of this study was to
determine the relationship between contraceptive selection factors and attitudes of
family planning acceptors at the Sifa Husada Nganjuk Clinic.
This study uses a quantitative research method with a correlational analytic
research design with a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study were
all family planning acceptors at the Sifa Husada Nganjuk Clinic with a sample of
54 respondents taken using the Cluster Random Sampling technique. Inclusion
criteria is acceptor who is willing to be an respondent and sign informed consent,
the kb acceptor who was at home during collect data. The independent variable is
the factor that influences the choice of implant contraception, while the dependent
variable is the attitude of the family planning acceptor in dealing with the side
effects of the implant Analysis using Chi Square and Spearman Rho with error rate
(α = 0.05). If p value < 0,05 is age and education to influence attitude of family
planning acceptors about the side effects of implants at Sifa Husada Nganjuk Clinic.
In this section, the results of the study about Relationship between Age and
Education Factors on the Selection of Contraceptives with the Attitudes of Family
Planning Acceptors About the Side Effects of Implants at the Sifa Husada Nganjuk
Clinic, are explained as follows.
a. Analyzing the Relationship Between Age of Family Planning Acceptors and
Attitudes of Family Planning Acceptors About Side Effects of Implants at Sifa
Husada Nganjuk Clinic in 2022.
Azizah et al. : Age and Education Factor
Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal, 2023, 7 (3), 226-232
Tabel 1
Cross tab -Age Distribution of Family Planning Acceptors and Attitudes of
Family Planning Acceptors About Side Effects of Implants at Sifa Husada
Nganjuk Clinic 2022.
Age Attitude Total
Accept (+) Reject (-) ∑ %
n % n %
< 20 Year 0 0 4 7,4 4 7,4
20-30 Year 16 29,6 15 27,7 31 57,4
30 Year 10 18,5 9 16,6 19 35,1
Amount 26 48,1 28 51,8 54 100
Table is interpreted that most of the family planning acceptors at the Sifa
Husada Nganjuk Clinic are 20-30 years old as many as 31 people (57.4%) with an
attitude of accepting 16 people (29.6%) and an attitude of rejecting as many as 15
(27 ,7%) people. Theory from the results of the hypothesis test using Spearman Rho
results in p value = 0.808> α = 0.05 which means that there is a relationship between
the age of family planning acceptors and the attitude of family planning acceptors
about side effects of implants at the Sifa Husada Nganjuk Clinic with a closeness
of 0.44 which means means enough.
Age is known to have an influence on a performance, generally the more
mature a person is, or the older a person is, the higher the knowledge and experience
one has. The results of this study indicate that age has a relationship with
contraceptive use which acts as an internal factor . A person's age affects the type
of contraception chosen, over the age of 20 years is a period of spacing pregnancies
or preventing pregnancies so that their choices are more likely to choose to use
contraception. (Setyaningrum, 2015)
b. Analyzing the Relationship Between Education and Family Planning
Acceptors' Attitudes About Side Effects of Implants at Sifa Husada
Nganjuk Clinic in 2022.
Tabel 2
Cross Distribution of Education with Attitudes of Family Planning Acceptors
About Side Effects of Implants at Sifa Husada Nganjuk Clinic 2022
Education Attitude Total
Accept (+) Reject (-) ∑ %
n % n %
Elementary school 1 1,85 4 7,4 5 9,2
Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal
Azizah et al. : Age and Education Factor
Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal, 2023, 7 (3), 226-232
Based on the results of research on the relationship between contraceptive selection
factors and attitudes family planing acceptors about side effects to Implants at Sifa
Husada Nganjuk Clinic in 2020 then the research with correlation age and education
factors to choice contraceptive with attitudes acceptors about side effects of
implants at Sifa Husada Nganjuk Clinic. In determining the contraceptive acceptor
not always influenced by age and education, but many factors influence it.
Including personality, knowledge, and facilities and care provider roles. So, need
research be advance.
Author Declare there is no conflict of interest in this research.
Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal