816-Article Text-1991-1-10-20230925
816-Article Text-1991-1-10-20230925
816-Article Text-1991-1-10-20230925
There are 51.4% of 1,928 people in their reproductive age in DKI Jakarta who do not know the need
to conduct premarital health counseling for the bride, this shows the low essence of the
implementation of counseling for prospective brides in preparing for a healthy pregnancy. The
purpose of this study was to determine the effect of providing premarital health counseling on the
bride-to-be, in preparing for a healthy pregnancy. This research method uses a pre-experiment
method with one group pretest-posttest design. The subjects in this study were the bride aged 19 -
45 years who would do a health check at Puskesmas Tanjung Priok, with a total of 42 respondents.
The sampling technique is purposive sampling. This research using dependent t-test for data
analysis. The result is there is effectiveness in health counseling with p-value = 0,0001 (<0,005) that
show significant difference on prospective bride’s attitude in preparing healthy pregnancy.
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Unpreparedness during the preconception period can have long-term impacts
such as complications during pregnancy and childbirth, depression, and even death
in the mother and child. According to WHO (World Health Organization), global
maternal deaths reached 295,000 people by 2017, this is still far from the target of
reducing maternal mortality in the SDGs which targets 70 out of 100,000 live births on
a global scale (World Health Organization, 2019). On a national scale, in 2021, maternal
deaths in Indonesia will reach 7,389 cases with one of the causes of death being
bleeding (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, 2021).
The DKI Jakarta region also contributes to the maternal mortality rate in
Indonesia. In 2020, the maternal mortality rate reached 117 people, with causes of
death such as bleeding and hypertension in pregnancy (DKI Jakarta Health Office,
2021). Psychological impacts can also arise, such as anxiety during pregnancy, or even
symptoms of depression during pregnancy. This can occur due to ignorance in
responding to changes during pregnancy or the impact of the mother's
unpreparedness to experience pregnancy (Mardiana, Musa & Lestari, 2022).
The bride and groom play an important role in preparing themselves to face the
pregnancy period. Pregnancy planning, including early detection of problems the
prospective bride and groom have, can prevent risky pregnancies from being carried
out as early as possible. One of the government's interventions in this problem is to
IJSOC © 2023
International Journal of Science and Society, Volume 5, Issue 4, 2023
This research is quantitative research, using a pre-experimental method with a
one-group pretest-posttest design. This research was carried out at Catin Poly,
Tanjung Priok Community Health Center, which took place from March 2023 – April
2023. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling, with the sample
being prospective brides who met the predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria.
IJSOC © 2023
International Journal of Science and Society, Volume 5, Issue 4, 2023
The inclusion criteria in this study were prospective brides and grooms aged 19
– 45 years, who were undergoing a premarital examination when the research took
place, and were willing to be respondents in this study. The exclusion criteria are
prospective brides with mental disabilities and prospective brides with limited time.
The number of samples from this research was 42 people. The independent variable
in this research is health counseling, and the dependent variable is the attitude of the
prospective bride in preparing for a healthy pregnancy. The data collection tool uses
a questionnaire about the prospective bride's attitude in preparing for a healthy
pregnancy which has been tested for validity and reliability.
This research was carried out in 3 stages. In the first stage, respondents will be
asked to fill out a pretest questionnaire. In the next stage, respondents will be given
premarital health counseling which discusses preparing for a healthy pregnancy
assisted with the help of the Procatin application belonging to the Tanjung Priok
District Health Center. After 1 week post-intervention, respondents will be asked to
complete a posttest questionnaire to determine changes in attitudes of the prospective
bride. Data analysis in this study used parametric tests, paired t-test to assess the
effectiveness of premarital health counseling through the average difference in
attitudes of prospective brides before and after the intervention was given. This
analysis test is used because the existing data is normally distributed.
The characteristics of the respondents were that 85.7% were of non-risk age (20
- 35 years), 88.1% of respondents were in higher education, namely in the high school
to university range, and 81% of prospective brides worked.
IJSOC © 2023
International Journal of Science and Society, Volume 5, Issue 4, 2023
The frequency distribution of motivation for prospective brides and grooms here
is 85.7% of respondents taking part in Premarital Health Counseling activities of their
own accord.
Table 3. Women's Catin Knowledge Before and After Being Given Premarital
Health Counseling at the Tanjung Priok Community Health Center in 2023
Average Minimal Maximum
7.86 1.907 3 10
9.17 0.881 7 10
It can be seen that the average knowledge value before the intervention was
given was 7.86 and after it was 9.17 with a difference in the average knowledge value
of 1.31.
Table 4. Women's Catin Knowledge Level before and After being given Premarital
Health Counseling at the Tanjung Priok Community Health Center in 2023
Knowledge level Before Counseling After Counseling
N % N %
Good 24 57.1% 26 61.9%
Not enough 18 42.9% 16 38.1%
Total 42 100% 42 100%
From the results of the table above, it appears that the level of knowledge before
being given good counseling was 57.1% and after being given counseling, the
dominant knowledge was in the good category with a total of 61.9%.
IJSOC © 2023
International Journal of Science and Society, Volume 5, Issue 4, 2023
Based on the table above, it is known that 33 prospective brides were not exposed
to information regarding premarital health counseling (78.6%).
Table 6. Description of Female Catin's Attitude before and after being given
Premarital Health Counseling at the Tanjung Priok Community Health Center in
Attitude Standard
Average Minimal Maximum
52.71 4.474 41 59
55.36 3.406 48 60
The average value of the prospective bride's attitude regarding preparation for a
healthy pregnancy before being given intervention in the form of counseling was 52.71
and after being given the intervention it was 55.36. It appears that there is a difference
in the average attitude value before and after the intervention is 2.12.
Table 7. Attitude Level of Prospective Brides before and After being given
Premarital Health Counseling at the Tanjung Priok District Health Center in 2023
Attitude Level Before Counseling After Counseling
N % N %
Positive 29 69% 25 59.5%
Negative 13 31% 17 40.5%
Total 42 100% 42% 100%
The attitude level before counseling was given was 69% positive. After being
given counseling, it appeared that 59.5% of people were still at a positive attitude level.
Although there was a decrease in attitude in 4 people.
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Table 8. Changes in Catin Women's Attitudes Before and After Premarital
Counseling at Tanjung Priok Community Health Center in 2023
Attitude Variables P-Value
Mean SD
Before Intervention 52.71 4.474 0.0001
After Intervention 55.36 3.406
Difference in attitude 2.65
Analysis of the data above used bivariate analysis with a paired t-test which
showed a p-value of 0.0001 (P<0.05), so it can be seen that there is significant
effectiveness in premarital health counseling on the prospective bride's attitude in
preparing for a healthy pregnancy. The effectiveness of providing premarital health
counseling can be influenced by factors within the client such as characteristics,
motivation to attend counseling, knowledge possessed, and sources of information
obtained. Utilizing the characteristics of the client can maximize the effectiveness of
counseling to change the client's attitude.
In this study, the majority of prospective brides and grooms were at a non-risk
age, which shows that there is readiness in terms of age to prepare for a healthy
pregnancy. Apart from that, research by Dewi et al. (2023) adds that age can influence
a person's level of maturity, because the older they are, the more knowledge they gain
compared to younger age groups (Wayan Erviana Puspita Dewi et al., 2023). Knowing
the work background will help counselors to know risk factors that might influence
negative behavior in preparing for a healthy pregnancy, such as commercial sex
workers. Apart from that, Oktavynany in Kusumawati, et al. (2022), added that work
will influence a person's understanding, comprehension and knowledge, which will
later change a person's attitude (Kusumawati et al., 2022).
In this research, it appears that the majority of prospective brides and grooms
work, so this can influence the attitudes of prospective brides and grooms. The
researcher's assumption is that changes in attitude can occur, because while working
the prospective bride and groom can discuss pregnancy with their colleagues and the
preparations needed. This makes delivery during counseling more effective.
Education also influences the effectiveness of providing premarital health counseling.
Susanti (2018) explains that the attitude of a prospective bride is influenced by her
level of education, the higher a person's level of education, the better the knowledge
they have, so the more positive their attitude will be in preparing for a healthy
pregnancy (Susanti et al., 2018).
Significant changes in this research can occur due to the high level of education
of the respondents which makes communication in counseling take place well due to
active interaction, and the counselor's delivery is more easily absorbed by the
prospective bride. Researchers themselves see that the majority of prospective brides
and grooms participate in premarital health counseling of their own accord, this
IJSOC © 2023
shows the high awareness and interest of women in participating in counseling
activities to create a healthy pregnancy.
Research conducted by Meda et al. (2020) also supports this statement by stating
that the effectiveness of providing counseling will help prospective brides and grooms
be able to prepare well for their pregnancy (Yuliani, Mulyati & Maesaroh, 2020). The
dominance of respondents who are at a good level of knowledge shows that they have
a good foundation, which will influence them in taking the right attitude in preparing
for a healthy pregnancy. Research conducted by Fifit (2022) strengthens this idea by
saying that counseling can influence women's knowledge. Women who have changes
in knowledge after being given health counseling show that the individual cares about
their health (Fifit et al., 2022).
In this study, it was very dominant that prospective brides and grooms did not
have exposure to information regarding premarital health counseling or preparation
for a healthy pregnancy. In fact, exposure to information is one of the enabling factors
that can shape a person to take a positive attitude. Apriliana (2022) said that with the
many sources of education or information obtained by a person, it will influence his
lifestyle to become healthy, considering that education can increase knowledge to
grow a person's self-confidence as well as attitudes and behavior to form a positive
attitude (Tri Apriliana, 2022).
In this research, it appears that there is the effectiveness of providing premarital
health counseling on the prospective bride's attitude in preparing for a healthy
pregnancy. The change in attitude that occurred was because respondents began to
understand the essence of the implementation of counseling itself, and respondents
understood how to plan a pregnancy for themselves according to their conditions. The
results of this research are in line with research by Simatupang (2018) which explains
that premarital counseling will have a significant influence on respondents before and
after health counseling is given, so that counseling can change the respondents'
attitudes (Simatupang, 2018).
Yuliani (2020) explains that giving KIE to prospective brides is effective in
helping prospective brides to prepare for married life, and be able to prepare for their
pregnancy well (Yuliani, Mulyati & Maesaroh, 2020). Balebu, et al. (2019) said that
preconception counseling aims to increase women's knowledge in preparing
themselves for pregnancy, including establishing an appropriate and balanced diet to
prepare for adequate nutrition during pregnancy (Balebu et al., 2019). Premarital
health counseling is carried out to explore problems and discuss solutions to overcome
these problems (Mundakir, 2016). This method will increase a person's chances of
experiencing a change in attitude considering that the preparations made are in
accordance with the individual's needs and desires.
IJSOC © 2023
In this study it can be concluded that there is effectiveness of premarital health
counseling on the prospective bride's attitude in preparing for a healthy pregnancy,
with a p-value <0.05. The change in attitude that occurred in this research occurred
because of factors within the client that could help maximize the process of delivering
premarital health counseling. However, it is hoped that there will be other researchers
who will be able to examine in more depth the factors that most influence the
effectiveness of providing premarital health counseling on the attitude of prospective
brides in preparing for a healthy pregnancy.
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