Thesis On Microfinance in Pakistan
Thesis On Microfinance in Pakistan
Thesis On Microfinance in Pakistan
Writing a thesis on microfinance in Pakistan comes with its own set of challenges. Not only does it
require a deep understanding of microfinance principles and practices, but also a nuanced
comprehension of Pakistan's economic landscape, cultural dynamics, and regulatory frameworks.
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a comprehensive thesis requires dedication and meticulous attention to detail. Moreover, ensuring that
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The empirical findings also revealed that microfinance policy uplifted the living standard of poor
people and helped them to develop their business. Similar studies that have successfully used this
research design are; Norizan (2005) and Gakuo (2003). Subsequently, sample villages were chosen
from sample townships. In the case of developing nations, the absolute poverty line is more useful
and relevant than relative poverty line because most people there are living below the poverty line (
World Bank 2011 ). By 2001, more than 7,000 microfinance institutions had served 120 million
borrowers around the world. MFBs funding structure suggests lack of own-resource base through
deposits mobilization. Social Posts Create on-brand social posts and Articles in minutes. Great Irish
Famine on Irish loan funds, indigenization within support groups for chronically ill Haitian. It has
helped people to start and grow their own businesses, increase their income, and build assets. In
addition to loans and savings products, microfinance institutions may also offer other financial
services, such as insurance, remittances, and financial education. Table 5 shows the distribution of
the respondents by their gender. Joint Liability Group JLG Joint Liability Group can be explained as
the informal group consists of 4-10 individuals who try to avail loans against mutual guarantee from
banks for the purpose of agricultural and allied activities. Both correlation and multiple regression
analysis were used to analyze the data collected. Moreover, the existence of schools in the locality
has a negative and significant impact on poverty. Saboor et al. ( 2009 ) observed the nexus between
microfinance and poverty reduction in Pakistan. Bengal. The empowerment depends on the choice
of investment of project. Has examined that Management decision making in MFIs is becoming
increasingly tied to collecting. Coupled with technical assistance, such services do not only promote
self-sustainability but equally plays a great role in achieving the social missions of this institution.
Journal of Development Studies is itself an important milestone. The odds ratio is higher than 1,
implying that if family size increases by one unit, the odds of being poor will also rise by 1.37 times.
This finding is the same as ( Asghar 2012; Waheed 2009 ). This study empirically analyses all this
effects from different kinds of MFIs in Kenya through assessment of their (MFIs) impact on
economic empowerment of women Entrepreneurs in developing economies by undertaking an
insight analysis of Nairobi County’s Nairobi town CBD. Setting up a rural microfinance requires that
we take into consideration the supply side and the demand side of microfinance services respectively
The supply side refers to the interest of the banking institution and the demand side, the needs of the
rural population. They should understand the problems that the industry faces while trying to make
positive improvements. We also try to investigate the relation between poverty, family size, existence
of schools in the locality and duration of microfinance. The value of odds ratio is less than 1,
meaning that if a locality has a school, the probability of being poor among the residents of that area
would be less as compared to a locality that does not have a school. This finding indicates that when
people have access to education, their likelihood of being poor decreases because with the help of
education they can unleash their potential and earn their livelihood easily. Adjusted diference
difference (DD) estimation of the impact of program participation. All these studies and their results
will help us to compare our research. Download Free PDF View PDF Kampala International
University Interdisciplinary Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Microfinance bank and
growth of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in Bida metropolis of Niger state, Nigeria Paul
Oyibo This study focused on effect of microfinance banks on the growth and survival of SMEs. The
prime objective was to explore the economic and social effects of micro financing on the life of
formers and to point out the factors that compel farmers in debt.
On the basis of empirical evaluation, it is very easy to determine that microfinance has a vital and
noteworthy contribution to the lessening of poverty. The questionnaire consisted of both closed and
open-ended questions and had three sections. Evaluation of the identified opportunity is another
stage in the entrepreneurial process, and appropriate decision at this stage leads to the decision to
exploit the opportunity (Shane, 2003). This study empirically analyses all this effects from different
kinds of MFIs in Kenya through assessment of their (MFIs) impact on economic empowerment of
women Entrepreneurs in developing economies by undertaking an insight analysis of Nairobi
County’s Nairobi town CBD. Ninety-five percent of the borrowers replied that microfinance has
played a key role in uplifting their economic status. INTRODUCTION This research paper is to
analyze those factors that are affecting the financial sustainability of Microfinance Institutions
(MFIs) in Pakistan. This reality suggests that there might be a problem with either the MFIs or their
clients. Therefore, the objective of this study is to show how microfinance works, by. From these
scores, means and percentage proportions were used to rank the various microfinance services’
effects (negative and positive) to the women economic empowerment. First, these are dependent on
the programmatic and institutional. Microfinance assists the poor by raising income, providing access
to education and self-empowerment. Our research explores the characteristics of beneficiaries of a
microfinance program and makes a comparison between the program household (PHH) and
comparison household (CHH) to analyze the effectiveness of microfinance in poverty eradication
with the help of descriptive analysis. Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves
several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for. The results show that microfinance
institutions operate primarily. Microfinance allows them to take the fullest advantage of chances that
are available to them, limited as they may be. Has examined that collective strategies beyond micro-
credit to increase the endowments of the. The results suggest that higher income increases the
women's ability to contribute more to the household expenditure, eventually improving their
empowerment and life satisfaction. Some financial institutions are devoted entirely to microfinance,
while others are part of larger companies, such as global investment banks. Financial sustainability of
microfinance institutions is probably the key dimension of microfinance sustainability. Journal of
Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (JTAER). Furthermore, the fixed effect
technique is used to control unmeasured household and village factors, as could be seen from studies
by 56 and 46. The study used questionnaire to elicit information from a sample of 109 staff of both
Microfinance Banks and small and medium scale enterprises in the study area. However, they also
discovered that just because women are clients of MFIs does not mean they will automatically
become economically empowered. The obstacles or challenges to building a sound commercial
microfinance industry include. Bhatt and Tang ( 2001 ) explained that the need of micro credit was
increasing in poor nations due to the rise in the poverty level. In the present scenario, poverty works
as a breeding ground for clashes among the people. Bengal. The empowerment depends on the
choice of investment of project. Employment Programme (NREP), Rural Labour Employment
Guarantee Programme (RLEGP) etc. The findings will be used to make policy proposals that will see
MFIs meet the economic empowerment needs of women Entrepreneurs to make developing
countries progress as Kenya prepares to achieve vision 2030. Some studies take a different line in that
the fruit of microfinance are spoiled by high rates of interest, low levels of infrastructure and small
scale businesses.
But the program benefit may have been underestimated due to nonrandom program-bias, in other
words the program benefits could have also been reached to control group as well (non-borrowers).
The poor people can unleash their potential with the help of micro financing and can get rid of
poverty. Although neither of the terms microcredit or microfinance were used in the academic
literature nor by. Thus, microfinance has an effective contribution to poverty alleviation in district
Sargodha. Gujarati and Porter ( 2009 ) explain that goodness of fit of the model is not very important
in BLR, whereas the signs of the estimated coefficient and their practical and statistical significance
matter a lot. 4.2. Limitations of the Research This empirical study has two limitations. Can mutual
microinsurance improve the living standard of the marginalized gro. International Journal of
Translational Medicine (IJTM). Profitability refers to a new surplus of revenue over cost while
experiencing initial public offer refers to the sale of stock to the public (Shane, 2003). The Grameen
Model which was pioneered by Prof MuhammedYunus of Grameen Bank is perhaps the. Find
support for a specific problem in the support section of our website. Microfinance has experienced
fast and successful growth in developing countries in recent decades. The services include Credit,
Savings, and Insurance etc. After careful evaluation of literature, it has been found out that the issue
of selection bias must be carefully addressed to make the results more reliable and accurate; the
question of selection bias arises when microfinance participants are exposed to unmeasured
dynamics, these unobserved factors or dynamics affect the outcome of impact. The findings reveal
that a big percentage of the respondents, i.e., 71.30%, are not satisfied with the rate of interest
charged by KMBL. This phase includes nationalization of private commercial banks, expansion of
rural branch networks. In some countries, microfinance in general can be seen as a political tool,
where the politicians often intervene in favor of individuals who are struggling to repay their loans
during times of economic stress. Remittances: These are transfer of funds from people in one place
to people in another, usually across. Fullscreen Sharing Deliver a distraction-free reading experience
with a simple link. This means the study studied ten MFIs of different nature in the country found in
Kakamega CBD. M jt is an interaction term of the product of d2 t and P j and takes the following
values 1 for program participants and 0 for non-borrowing. Cronbach’s alpha was computed and was
higher than 0.7, thus the instrument was considered as reliable. MFBs funding structure suggests lack
of own-resource base through deposits mobilization. A common characteristic of the groups is that
they meet regularly. The findings reveal that microfinance imparts a vital role in poverty eradication
where the poverty level has decreased from 42.67% in comparison household (CHH) to 29.33% in
the program household (PHH). Duration of microfinance of the borrower (percentage). To establish
the relationship between Microfinance and women economic empowerment in developing
economies, frequency and percentage proportions of the statement describing the relationship was
used. By subtracting average differences in group of borrowing in Equation (5), two types of DD
estimation bias are created and needs to be removed. The primary purpose of the loan was for non-
agriculture purposes, including but not limited to a beauty parlour, handicraft making, tailoress
livestock raising, and poultry farming, etc. The below table ( Table 10 ) presents the estimated
parameters (log odds) of the binary logistic regression. The aim is to bring about the main features of
the data and to guide in choosing the appropriate statistical techniques.
Through their contribution to women?s ability to earn an income, micro-finance programmes can.
The empirical findings of the study were that micro credit had played its role in eradicating income
poverty and vulnerability. Environmental damage of development, if unchecked, may undermine the
achievement of development and even collapse of essential ecosystem. Studies conducted in
Bangladesh, Sudan and Indonesia show that Islamic microfinance is growing at much faster rate
than conventional microfinance. The majority of borrowers preferred to repay loans monthly (55%).
This means the study studied ten MFIs of different nature in the country found in Kakamega CBD.
Micro-Finance is emerging as a powerful instrument for poverty alleviation in the new economy. In.
For example, income level of the entrepreneur, capital availability, political stability, laws concerning
private enterprise and property rights, and desire for enhanced social status by the entrepreneur could
affect discovery of entrepreneurial opportunity. A variety of private banking institutions has also
joined this group in recent years. Respondents were made aware of the purpose of survey and a
verbal consent was obtained, prior to start of data collection. 4. Methodology to Impact Assessment
This study aims to analyze the role and contribution of MFI’s in women economic empowerment
using income and consumption as welfare indicators. It was generated to test how well the regression
equation fits the data. We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience. Out of
these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential
for the working of basic functionalities of the website. However, if the respondent’s answers were
biased towards more socially desirable answers, the findings will also indicate bias. 5. Conclusions
and Policy Recommendations The current study investigates the role of micro financing in poverty
elimination. The Service Company Model has the potential to take. It was concluded that (KMBL)
Rahim Yar Khan was efficiently working to serve the poor and assisting them to come out of
poverty. Therefore, different studies have been designed to investigate the impact of microfinance
on poverty eradication over time. A logit model defines the conditional probability of a dependent
variable. Some principles that summarize a century and a half of development practice were
encapsulated in. A link socio-political condition and MFI’s financial reports has been built. As
households can get microfinance loans and enhance their consumption and income and leave the
poverty line, henceforth poverty status of households in 2009 i.e., the post-program period is also
examined, and the results are shown in the lower panel in Table 6. Setting up a rural microfinance
requires that we take into consideration the supply side and the demand side of microfinance services
respectively The supply side refers to the interest of the banking institution and the demand side, the
needs of the rural population. Adobe InDesign Design pixel-perfect content like flyers, magazines
and more with Adobe InDesign. Micro lenders focus on start-up businesses and small
microenterprises, those with five or fewer employees. Keeping in view the above research, the
current study also used per capita income as a proxy for poverty. More so, poor households require
these financial services to be able to smoothen their consumption; invest in projects and big events
and equally hope with risk and uncertainty. Poverty is caused by our inadequate understanding of.
The relationship between microfinance and poverty is not so simple, which is why microfinance
should be used very consciously. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF
Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Thus, the study suggests reconsidering the
interest rate charged by MFIs as this is one of the major barrier for client's loan repayment.
The concentration of industries in a particular location could also influence discovery of
entrepreneurial opportunity by those in that location (Shane, 2003). Poverty is still a characteristic of
women entrepreneurs who depend on MFIs in developing countries (Copestake, 2007). The
interpretation of the estimated coefficient in logistic regression is very similar to the linear regression.
Although results show that the effect of microfinance on welfare as substantial statistically, but it is
not evident in the economic sense. The relationship between microfinance and poverty is still in
question and this paper provides some new empirical evidence on the poverty-reducing effects of
microfinance. After careful evaluation of literature, it has been found out that the issue of selection
bias must be carefully addressed to make the results more reliable and accurate; the question of
selection bias arises when microfinance participants are exposed to unmeasured dynamics, these
unobserved factors or dynamics affect the outcome of impact. First, I present the characteristics of
informal finance. Besides providing storage facilities, each centre rents out farm. The author shows
that the model is fitted well and predictors have a statistically significant impact on the outcome
variable. It also boosted the living standard of women in the community. Therefore an increase in
their income translates into an increase in family welfare. Park and Ren ( 2001 ) found that there is a
positive link between credit and income of the household in China. Both primary and secondary data
was collected through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Feature papers are submitted
upon individual invitation or recommendation by the scientific editors and must receive.
Microfinance Facility for Rural Women Entrepreneurs in Pakistan: An Empirical Analysis. The table
shows that program households of Khushhali Microfinance Bank Limited divest from poverty as
duration of microfinance increases. Previous Article in Special Issue Trade Balance Effects on
Economic Growth: Evidence from European Union Countries. The rules and regulations of SHGs
vary according to the preferences of the members and those. By subtracting average differences in
group of borrowing in Equation (5), two types of DD estimation bias are created and needs to be
removed. Adil and Badar ( 2003 ) observed a relationship between micro credit and agri production
in the area of district Dera Ghazi Khan. Provision of microfinance could lead to a reduction in
poverty while a lack of access to credit triggers poverty. Has examined that about microfinance and
to investigate the impact of microfinance on the poor. As per depiction, without participating in the
microfinance program, 42.67% comparison households are poor. The general and operational
Managers of each Microfinance Institutions were approached to provide a list of active women
entrepreneurs in a given MFIs. The earliest year in which the program was implemented was 2011;
therefore, we exclude the year 2010, which is soon after and instead use the year 2009 for empirical
data collection, and the year 2016 is chosen as program post period. CBN has the following
advantages. 1. It is very transparent. 2. It is often used in developing countries. 3. This covers non-
food expenditure as well. Our study focusses on the economic empowerment of women in Pakistan.
We employed financial ratio analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, and the econometric technique,
considered the various performance indicators that have been standardized by the Consultative
Group to Assist the Poor to measure the financial performance or the profitability of MFIs. Adobe
InDesign Design pixel-perfect content like flyers, magazines and more with Adobe InDesign. The
pilot test also helped the researcher in clearing any ambiguities and in ensuring that the questions
posed measured what it was intended to measure.
Multiple regression was used to determine whether the specific variables together could predict a
given research gap. Available online: (accessed on 30 October 2019). World Bank. Women in
Pakistan: An Economic and Social Strategy (English). Adjusted diference difference (DD) estimation
of the impact of program participation. Despite this, microloans have improved countless economies
in impoverished areas; most notably, in Africa and Southeastern Asia. The study focused on the
impact of the microfinance scheme started by the National Rural Support Program (NRSP) in this
area. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads.
At the same time the few women empowered do not have sufficient knowledge about how to go
about after achieving economic empowerment (WEFP, 2008). Banks in India are regulated and
supervised by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) under the RBI Act of. Gujarati and Porter ( 2009 )
explain that goodness of fit of the model is not very important in BLR, whereas the signs of the
estimated coefficient and their practical and statistical significance matter a lot. 4.2. Limitations of
the Research This empirical study has two limitations. The theory consists of opportunity discovery,
evaluation of the opportunity and the decision to exploit the opportunity. Has examined that the
relationship between the success of microfinance institutions and the degree of. Summarizing all the
above, the current study is trying to investigate the role of microfinance in poverty elimination.
Henceforth, the true impact of microfinance program may be much stronger than as shown by our
findings. Microfinance is provided through Microfinance Institutions MFIs. One other important
finding is that a large number of respondents, i.e., 71.30%, are not satisfied with the rate of interest
charged by KMBL. The anticipation was rise in sector growth once it enters the growth stage from
the introductory stage but this has failed to happen. Has examined that collective strategies beyond
micro-credit to increase the endowments of the. According to Gujarati and Porter ( 2009 ), the logit
model is more reliable, normal and efficient. Has examined that it will need to do three things
simultaneously. Has examined that informal businesses represent a very large cross-section of
economic enterprises. In response, Compartamos and other for-profit MFIs counter that
commercialization allows them to operate more efficiently, and to attract more capital by appealing to
profit-seeking investors. Available online: (accessed on 6 July 2019). Reed, L.R. Vulnerability: The
State of The Microcredit Summit Campaign Report 2013. Furthermore, R 2 does not represent the
same sense in BLR as in linear regression. Weiss et al. ( 2003 ) argued that the revolution of
microfinance had changed the mindset of people for helping the poor all over the world. The
outcomes of the current study are also consistent with the other studies like ( Ahmad et al. 2004;
Ayuub 2013; Jegede et al. 2011; Chaudhry 2009; Fareed et al. 2004; Ghalib et al. 2015 ). According
to Menard ( 1995 ), overall robustness of the model is tested through likelihood ratio statistics, which
is based on chi square. Microfinance has had a significant impact on the lives of millions of people
around the world, particularly in developing countries. This simply means that, when advisory
services, insurance services, micro-credit services and savings services are jointly applied, women
entrepreneurs’ economic empowerment would be achieved at 64.5%. ISPRS International Journal of
Geo-Information (IJGI). With the availability of micro financing facilities to the poor, the poverty
rate has come down from 42.67 percent to 29.33 percent. Hence, almost 14 percent of the borrower
households have got rid of poverty by availing micro financing. Upload Read for free FAQ and
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