M.Tech - CAD - CAM - Syllabus Updated

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Course Detail & Evaluation Scheme

M. Tech. CAD/CAM
[Effective from Session 2014-15]

Course SUBJECT PERIODS Evaluation Scheme
Code L T P SESSIONAL EXAM ESE Subject Credits
CT TA Total Total

1 MAS-101 Mathematics & 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
2 MME-102 Materials 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
3 MME-103 Graphics & 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
4 MME-104 Mechanics of 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
MME-153 - - 4 20 30 50 2
5 Laboratory
MME-154 - - 4 20 30 50 2
6 Laboratory
Total 12 4 8 240 460 700 20
L=Lecture T=Tutorial P=Practical CT= Cumulative Test TA= Teacher’s Assessement ESE= End
Semester Exam.

Internal Expert
Signature: 1…………………....... 2………………....... 3……………………
Name: Mr. Ravendra Singh

External Expert
Signature: 1…………………....... 2……………….......

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 1

MAS-101 L T P C
3 1 0 4

Objective: The aim of this course is to find solutions of differential equations by using the
principles of calculus of variations along with Eigen Value problems and iteration methods
and to introduce the concepts of solving Partial Differential equations by reducing to normal

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, a student will be able to-
 Solve systems of linear equations by use of the matrices.
 Compute and use of Eigen-values and eigenvectors in scientific applications.
 Demonstrate their ability to write coherent mathematical proofs and scientific
arguments needed to communicate the results obtained from differential equation
 Demonstrate their understanding of how physical phenomena are modeled by
differential equations and dynamical systems,

Course Content:
UNIT-I: Numerical solution of Partial Differential Equation (PDE): Numerical solution of
PDE of hyper bolic, parabolic and elliptic types by finite difference method. 8 Hours

UNIT-II: Integral transforms: general definition, introduction to Mellin, Hankel and Fourier
transforms and Fast Fourier transforms, Application of transforms to boundary value
problems in engineering. 8 Hours

UNIT-III: Integral equations: Conversion of Linear Differential equation (LDE) to an

integral equation (IE), Conversion of boundary value problems to integral equations using
Green’s function, solution of Integral equation, IE of convolution type, Abel’s IE, Integral
differential equations, IE with separable variable, solution of Fredholm Equation with
separable kernels, solution of Fredholm and Volterra equations by Method of successive
approximations. 8 Hours

UNIT-IV: Calculus of Variation: Functional and their Variation, Euler’s equation for
function of one and two independent variables, application to engineering problems.
8 Hours
UNIT-V: FEM: Variational functionals, Euler Lagrange’s equation, Variational forms, Ritz
methods, Galerkin’s method, descretization, finite elements method for one dimensional
problem. 8 Hours

Text Books-
1. CF Froberg, Introduction to numerical analysis.
2. SS Sastry, Introductory methods of numerical analysis.

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 2

3. Krasnove, Kiselevanded Makarenho, Integral equations.

Reference Books-
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.V. Ramana, Tata Mc Hill.
2. Advance Engineering Mathematics by Ervin Kreszig, Wiley Easten Edd.
3. Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB by Steven C Chapra, TMH

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 3

MME-102 L T P C
3 1 0 4

Objective: To impart the knowledge on mechanical behavior of materials. To acquire

knowledge in various class of materials and their applications. To impart knowledge on
various surface modification techniques.

Course Outcomes:
 Describe the mechanical behavior of metallic systems and its importance.
 Knowledge on engineering alloys and nonmetallic materials and their selection.
 Gain knowledge on different types of surface modifications of materials.

Course Content:

UNIT-I: Classification of Materials: Metals, polymers, ceramics and composites, Macro

and micro analysis of materials, Ferrous and non-ferrous materials, Classification of steels
and cast irons, Copper, aluminium and magnesium alloys, Magnetic alloys, Bearing
materials, Tool materials. 8 Hours

UNIT-II: Mechanical Properties: Determination of mechanical properties, Dynamic tests –

Tensile test, compression, torsion and impact tests, Fracture, fatigue and creep tests,
Hardenability, Jominy test. 8 Hours

UNIT-III: Processing of Materials: Plastic working of materials, Strain hardening,

Recovery, re-crystallization and grain growth, mechanical working – formability, forgibility
and drawability of materials, Heat treatments for manipulating material properties,
Strengthening mechanisms – grain size control, strain hardening, precipitation hardening,
cold working. 8 Hours

UNIT-IV: Modern Materials and Alloys: Polymers, Structure, properties and applications
of polymers, Advanced ceramics, Power metallurgy technique, Powder processing of
materials, Composites, reinforcing fibres, metal-matrix, polymer-matrix and ceramic-matrix
composites, Carbon-carbon composites, Major applications, Superalloys, Materials for
specific needs, Ti and Ni based alloys for gas turbines, materials for automobiles, aerospace
and nuclear applications. 8 Hours

UNIT-V: Smart and Intelligent Materials: Basic concepts of smart and intelligent materials,
Classification of Smart materials, Application in sensing, actuation, noise and vibration
control, Nano-materials and their engineering applications. 8 Hours

Text Books-
1. Engineering Materials and Applications, P. Flinn and P.K. Trojan, MIR Publications
2. Engineering Materials: Polymers, Ceramics and Composites, A.K Bhargava, Prentice Hall of India

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 4

3. Manufacturing processes for Engineering Materials, Serope Kalpakjian, Wesley Publishing Co.

Reference Books-
1. An introduction to Physical Metallurgy, S.H. Avner, McGraw Hill
2. Advances in Materials and Their Applications, P. Rama Rao, Wiley Eastern
3. Mechanical Metallurgy, Dieter, McGraw Hill

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 5


MME-103 L T P C
3 1 0 4
Objective: This course provides comprehensive introduction to computer applications
including geometric modeling and computer graphics.

Course Outcomes: On completion of this course the students will be able-

 To acquire knowledge of the applications of computers in design and
manufacturing activity

Course Content:

UNIT-1: Computer Graphics : Introduction, Developments and Present stage of computer

graphics based design and modeling approaches. Basic graphic standards, GKS, IGES, VDI,
VDM etc. Principles of raster scan and vector graphics, Fundamental requirements, Plotting
of points, Line drawing, DDA and Bresenham’s algorithm, Circle generation algorithms,
Ellipse generation algorithm, Scan conversions: Real time conversions, Run length encoding
and cell encoding, character display, Polygon filling. 3D geometric transformations, inverse
geometric transformations, Viewing in 3D, Representation of 3D shapes, rendering of
surfaces and solids, hidden lines, edges and surface removals, Shading models, shadows,
Representation scheme for colors, selection and mixing of colors. 8 Hours

UNIT-II: Geometric Modeling: Introduction, wire frame models and entities. 8 Hours

UNIT-III: Curves: Curve representations, parametric representation of analytical curves,

synthetic curves, Bezier curves, B-spline curves, rational curves, curve manipulations,
design and engineering applications. 8 Hours

UNIT-IV: Surface: Introduction, Surface models and entities, surface representation,

Parametric representation of analytic and synthetic surfaces, Non-uniform rational B-splines
(NURBS), Coon’s and Bezier surface patches, ruled, lofted, revolved and swept surfaces.
8 Hours
UNIT –V: Solids : Wire frame models, Solid models and entities, Half spaces-basic
elements, building operations, B representation- basic elements and building operations,
Constructive Solid geometry-basic elements & basic operations, Sweep representation,
Analytical solid modeling, 8 Hours

Text Books-
1. Computer Graphics D Hearn & M P Baker Prentice Hall.
2. CAD/CAM Theory and Practice I Ibrahim Zeid & R Sivasubramanian Tata McGraw-Hill
3. Computer Aided Engineering Design A Saxena and B Sahay Anamya Publications.

Reference Books-

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 6

1. Mathematical Elements for Comp. Graphics D F Rogers and J A Adams McGraw-Hill International
2. CAD/CAM H P Grover and E W Zimmers Prentice Hall
3. Computer Aided Engineering Design A Saxena and B Sahay Anamya Publications.

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 7

MME-104 L T P C
3 1 0 4

Objective: The course is designed to introduce the students to the behavior of structural and
mechanical systems subjected to various types of loading. They will evaluate the resulting
stresses, strains and deflections as well as failure criteria of these systems.

Course Outcomes:
 Develop a physical understanding of how mechanical and structural systems
respond to a wide variety of loading.
 Analyze and compute the stresses and deflections, and failure criteria of a variety
of mechanical and structural systems.
 Judge the computed results and use these results towards designing mechanical
and structural systems

Course Content:

UNIT-I: Compound stress and strains: Introduction, state of plane stress, Principal stress
and strain, Analysis of stress and strain, three dimensional state of stress & strain,
equilibrium equations. Generalized Hook’s Law. Theories of Failure. 8 Hours

UNIT –II: Torsion: Review of Torsion, combined bending & torsion of solid & hollow
shafts. Stresses in Beams: Direct and shear stresses in beams dueto transverse and axial
loads, composite beams. 8 Hours

UNIT –III: Review of fatigue analysis, Introduction to fracture mechanics, Inelastic

behavior, Viscoelasticity, Structure and behavior of polymers, Behavior of unidirectional
composites and Orthotropic lamina, Failure theories for fibre composites, development of
various structures in composites. 8 Hours

UNIT –IV: Helical and Leaf Springs: deflection of springs by energy method, helical
springs under axial load and under axial twist (respectively for circular and square cross
sections) axial load and twisting. 8 Hours

UNIT –V: Thin cylinders & spheres: Hoop and axial stresses and strain. Volumetric
strain. Thick cylinders: Radial, axial and circumferential stresses in thick cylinders
subjected to internal or external pressures, Computer based analysis and solutions to
problems in mechanics of solids. 8 Hours

Text Books-
1. Timoshenko, S.P., Theory of Elasticity
2. Timoshenko, S.P., Theory of Elastic Stability

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 8

3. Iyenger N.G.R., Structural Stability of Columns & Plate

Reference Books-
1. Timoshenko, S.P., Theory of Elastic Stability
2. Srinath,L.S; Advanced Mechanics of Solids
3. Bhavikatti S.S; Mechanics of solids

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 9

MME-153 L T P C
0 0 4 2

Objective: To review and train in CAD modeling. To train on various areas of finite
element analysis of mechanical components.

Course Outcomes:
 Students will be able to review and train in CAD modeling.
 Students will be get trained on various areas of finite element analysis of
mechanical components.

Course Content:

Exercises using AutoCAD commands, script files, Auto LISP. Customization of Auto CAD,
Exercises on Modeling, Assembly and manufacturing using Pro-E, Exercises on Computer
Graphics using Open GL.

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 10

MME-154 L T P C
0 0 4 2

Objective: To impart fundamental knowledge to students in the latest technological topics

on Computer Aided Design, Computer Aided Manufacturing and Computer Aided
Engineering Analysis and to prepare them for taking up further research in the areas.

Course Outcomes:
 Apply/develop solutions or to do research in the areas of Design and simulation in
Mechanical Engineering.
 Have abilities and capabilities in developing and applying computer software and
hardware to mechanical design and manufacturing fields.
 Formulate relevant research problems; conduct experimental and/or analytical
study and analyzing results with modern mathematical / scientific methods and
use of software tools.

Course Content:

CNC programming for turned and milled components using Denford, Sinutrain and Master
CAM, Training on CNC machines.

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 11

Course Detail and Evaluation Scheme
M. Tech. CAD/CAM
[Effective from Session 2014-15]

Evaluation Scheme
S. No. DS SESSIONAL Subject Credits
Code ESE
EXAM. Total
L T P CT TA Total
Optimization for
1. MME-201
Engineering Design
3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4

MME-202 Manufacturing Systems 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4


Computer Aided Design of

3. MME-203
Thermal Systems
3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4

4. MME-024
Departmental Elective-I 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4


Introduction to
5 MME-251 - - 4 - - 20 30 50 2
Mat Lab
6 MME-252 Engineering - - 4 - - 20 30 50 2
Total 12 4 8 240 460 700 20

L=Lecture T=Tutorial P=Practical CT= Cumulative Test TA= Teacher’s Assessement ESE= End
Semester Exam.

Internal Expert
Signature: 1…………………....... 2………………....... 3……………………
Name: Mr. Ravendra Singh
External Expert
Signature: 1…………………....... 2……………….......

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 12

MME-201 L T P C
3 1 0 4

Objective: To introduce the different optimization algorithm in linear programming and

non-linear programming. To introduce the non-traditional optimization algorithm in non-
linear problem. To understand the role of optimization in engineering design and its

Course Outcome: Upon completion of this course, the student shall be able to-
 Formulate the design problem in mathematical form which can be solved by
suitable optimization algorithm.
 Solve the design problem which involves non-linear constraints.
 Compare the efficiency of different algorithms.

Course Content:

UNIT-I: Introduction: Historical Developments, Engineering applications of Optimization.

Classical Optimization Techniques: Introduction, Review of single and multivariable
optimization methods with and without constraints, Non-linear one-dimensional
minimization problems, Examples. 8 Hours

UNIT-II: Constrained Optimization Techniques: Introduction, Direct methods - Cutting

plane method and Method of Feasible directions, Indirect methods - Convex programming
problems, Exterior penalty function method, Example and problems. 8 Hours

UNIT-III: Unconstrained Optimization Techniques: Introduction, Direct search method -

Random, Univariate and Pattern search methods, Rosenbrock’s method of rotating co-
ordinates, Descent methods - Steepest Decent methods-Quasi-Newton’s and Variable metric
method, Examples. 8 Hours

UNIT-IV: Geometric Programming: Introduction, Unconstrained minimization problems,

solution of unconstrained problem from arithmetic-geometric inequality point of view,
Constrained minimization problems, Generalized polynomial optimization, Applications of
geometric problems, Introduction to stochastic optimization. 8 Hours

UNIT-V: Novel methods for Optimization: Introduction to simulated annealing, selection

of simulated annealing parameters, simulated annealing algorithm; Genetic Algorithm (GA),
Design of GA, Key concepts of GA, Neural Networks, A frame work for Neural Network
models, Construction of Neural Network algorithm, Examples of simulated algorithm,
genetic annealing and Neural Network method. 8 Hours

Text Books-
1. Engineering Optimization S.S. Rao New Age International

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 13

2. Applied Optimal Design E.J. Haug and J.S. Arora Wiley, New York
3. Optimization for Engineering Design Kalyanmoy Deb Prentice Hall of India

Reference Books-
1. Optimization G.V. Reklaites, A. Ravindran and K.M. Wiley, New York Rogsdeth
2. Engineering Optimization S.S. Rao New Age International
3. Optimization for Engineering Design Kalyanmoy Deb Prentice Hall of India

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 14

MME-202 L T P C
3 1 0 4

Objective: The course provides in-depth coverage of Integrated Manufacturing and its
systems. It contains a high proportion of hands-on study, particularly in the areas of
computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing. Apart from the key area of

Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the student shall be able to-
 The student shall be able to be comfortable with using CAD/CAM systems and
with programming and operating of CNC machine Tools.

Course Content:

UNIT-I: Fundamentals of manufacturing: Introduction to manufacturing system's

concepts, Principles of manufacturing, resource and outputs of production, production
organization Fundamentals of system- basic concept, definition, system design. Decision
making procedures. Fundamentals of manufacturing systems, structural and
transformational aspects of manufacturing system, manufacturing system engineering.
8 Hours
UNIT-II: Integrated Manufacturing and Management systems: Basic functions and
structure of management system. Basic framework of integrated manufacturing management
system. 8 Hours

UNIT-III: Process system of manufacturing: Material and technological information flow

in manufacturing system, product planning and design, process planning and design, layout
planning and design, logistics planning and design, manufacturing optimization. 8 Hours

UNIT-IV: Management system for manufacturing: Managerial information flow in

manufacturing system, Aggregate production planning: short term and long term planning
lot size analysis, MRP and machine loading, forecasting, Production scheduling, inventory
management, production control: JIT production., Quality Engg.: Quality control, Quality
function deployment, Quality engg.
Value system for manufacturing: Value and cost flow in manufacturing, manufacturing
cost and production cost structure., production planning and break even analysis, capital
investment in manufacturing. 8 Hours

UNIT-V: Automation system in manufacturing: Industrial automation, Flow lines and

assembly systems. , CAD/CAM; NC, CNC and DNC, adaptive control, Automated
storage/retrieval systems; materials handling system including AGV; robot applications in
manufacturing. Process planning, CAPP, scheduling and sequencing, GT and its benefits.
Information system of manufacturing: Fundamentals of information technology, part
oriented production information system, computerized production scheduling, online
production control system. 8 Hours

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 15

Text Books-
1. Manufacturing system engineering by Katsundo Hitomi, Viva Books Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
2. Manufacturing Engineering, principles for optimisation- Denial T. Koenig Hemisphere Publishing
Springer Verlag

Reference Books-
1. Optimization G.V. Reklaites, A. Ravindran and K.M. Wiley, New York Rogsdeth
2. Manufacturing system engineering by Katsundo Hitomi, Viva Books Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 16

MME-203 L T P C
3 1 0 4

Objective: This course is structured to provide an introduction to computer-aided design of

thermal systems, including cost and performance factors, such that cost-optimized
configurations can be found. Emphases are on equipment selection, costing, and system
analysis and synthesis.

Course Outcomes: After completing the course students will be able to-
 Synthesize the knowledge and skills acquired in their previous curriculum, in the
context of realistic design project.
 Reduce their problem in mathematical modeling and solve the problem using
numerical simulation by choosing the design variables which affects the problem.
 Understand and solve the optimization problem for single variable and
multivariable using the classical optimization technique.

Course Content:

UNIT-I: Study of the design aspects, fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics and
material requirements of heat exchange equipments. 8 Hours

UNIT –III: Liquid-to-liquid and Liquid –to-gas heat exchange systems. 8 Hours

UNIT –II: Familiarity with use of design related International/National and other codes.
8 Hours

UNIT –III: Design of any of the subsystems using compressor, condenser, evaporator and
optimization for minimum cost and maximum performance etc. 8 Hours

UNIT –V: Development of computer programs for designing the systems. Environmental
considerations in design of thermal systems. 8 Hours

Text Books-
1. CAD/CAM , Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing M P Groover & E W Zimmers Jr Prentice-Hall
of India
2. Computer Aided Design- Software And Analytical Tools C S Krishnamoorthy Narosa Publishing House
3. Developments In The Design Of Thermal Systems Robert F Boehm Cambridge University

Reference Books-
1. Design Analysis Of Thermal Systems R F Boehm John Wiley

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 17

2. CAD/CAM , Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing M P Groover & E W Zimmers Jr Prentice-Hall
of India

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 18


1. Computer Aided Design of Mechanical Systems - MME-021

2. Computer Aided Process Planning & Control - MME-022
3. Machine Tool Design - MME-023
4. Product Design and Development - MME-024


MME-021 L T P C
3 1 0 4
Objective: To impart in depth knowledge of Computer Numerical Machines and various
programming modules involved in Computer Aided Manufacturing system.

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course the students are able-
 To be knowledgeable in CAD/CAM integration, CNC Structure and its drives and
control system details.
 CNC machine tool and work holding devices
 CNC programming for various operating systems used in CNC machine, various
module of Part programming using manual method and generation of CNC codes
and maintenance of CNC machines.

Course Content:

UNIT–I: Design of static and Dynamic Components-Use of computer for Eigen value
problems, Method of solutions. 8 Hours

UNIT–III: Shaft design, calculation of critical speeds and vibration modes at different
speeds, Effect of bearing flexibility. 8 Hours

UNIT-III: Detailed design of mechanical systems viz, Gear box, Conveyer systems, Pumps.
8 Hours
UNIT-IV: Machine tools such as Lathe, Drilling, Shaper machines etc. 8 Hours

UNIT-V: Application of CAD software. 8 Hours

Text Books-
1. Computer Algorithms-Introduction to Design and Analysis Baase Pearson Education India
2. Principles of Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing Amirouche Farid M L Prentice Hall
3. Computer Aided Mechanical Assembly Planning Homem De Mello Luiz Kluwer

Reference Books-
1. Principles of Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing Amirouche Farid M L Prentice Hall
2. Computer Aided Mechanical Assembly Planning Homem De Mello Luiz

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 19


MME-022 L T P C
3 1 0 4

Objective: To provide the student with an understanding of the importance of process

planning role in manufacturing and the application of Computer Aided Process Planning
tool in the present manufacturing scenario

COURSE OUTCOME: Upon completion of this course, the student shall be able to-
 Have a sound knowledge in process planning.
 Handle computer aided process planning tool.

Course Content:

UNIT–I: Introduction to Process Planning: Principles and scope, Manual process

planning, Experienced based process planning, Decision table and decision trees, process
capability analysis, Tolerance analysis, Variant process planning, Generative approach,
Forward and Backward planning. 8 Hours

UNIT–II: Computer Aided Process Planning: Logical design of process planning

systems, Implementation considerations, Computer based process monitoring and control,
Computer and process interfacing, Totally integrated process planning systems, Process
planning for rotational and prismatic parts, Machining of curves and surfaces, Five axis
machining, Process planning of freedom surfaces. 8 Hours

UNIT–III: Development of NC codes, Computer aided design of fixtures, Inspection

policies and inspection planning, Expert systems and their use in developing process
planning systems. 8 Hours

UNIT–IV: Process Control: Process control concepts; On, Off, Proportional, Integral
derivatives; control action and their selection; Pneumatic and electronic controllers, discrete
process control using programmable logic controllers (PLCs); Logic control ladders and
logic diagrams; Time line diagrams; use of counters and timers etc. 8 Hours

UNIT–V: Microcontrollers, microprocessors and digital signal processors, Role of

instrumentation buses, DMA and timing interrupts etc., Real time operating systems,
scheduling and priority, embedded systems and their requirement. 8 Hours

Text Books-
1. Computer Control of Processes M Chidambaram, Narosa Publishing House
2. Computer Aided Process Control SK Singh Prentice Hall of India
3. Computer Processing of Remotely Sensed Images: Mather Paul M John Wiley

Reference Books-

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 20

1. Computer Processing of Remotely Sensed Images: Mather Paul M John Wiley
2. Computer Aided Process Control SK Singh Prentice Hall of India

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 21

MME-023 L T P C
3 1 0 4

Objective: To study the basic concepts of tool design. To design various tooling such as
cutting tools, Jigs and fixtures, press tools and CNC machine tools.

Course Outcomes: Students will be able:

 Design of new concepts of manufacturing methods.
 Use of various forming methods for making heavy duty products.
 Automation of various elements for industries applications.
 Methods designed for mass production.

Course Content:

UNIT-I: Machine Tool Drive: working and auxiliary motion in machine, Machine tool
drives, Hydraulic transmission, Mechanical transmission, General requirements of machine
tool design, Layout of machine tools. 8 Hours

UNIT-II: Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates: Aim of speed feed regulation, stepped
regulation of speed, design of speed box, Design of feed box, Special cases of gear box
design, Set stopped regulation of speed and feed rates. 8 Hours

UNIT-III: Design of Machine Tool Structure: Fundamentals of machine tool structures

and their requirements, Design criteria of machine tool structure, Static and dynamic
stiffness, Design of beds and columns, Design of housing models, Techniques in design of
machine tool structure. 8 Hours

UNIT-IV: Design of Guide-ways and power Screws: Function and type of guide-ways,
design of slide-ways, protecting devices for slide-ways, Design of power screws.
Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports: Materials for spindles, Design of spindles,
Antifriction bearings, Sliding bearings. 8 Hours

UNIT –V: Dynamics of Machines Tools: General procedure of assessing dynamic stability
of EES, Cutting processing, closed loop system, Dynamic characteristics of cutting process,
Stability analysis. 8 Hours

Text Books-
1. Machine Tool Design N.K. Mehta Tata McGraw Hill
2. Machine Tool design Handbook - CMTI Bangalore

Reference Books-
1. Machine Tool Design N.K. Mehta Tata McGraw Hill

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 22

MME-024 L T P C
3 1 0 4

Objective: To make the student to be familiar with the new product management process,
Product lifecycle management stages. Applying analytic methods for all stages of product
planning, development, launch, and control

Course Outcomes: Upon completion the course, student will be familiar with:
 The new product management process • Product lifecycle management stages.
 Development and implementation of a product development and management
strategy within a simulated environment, including product platform, branding,
pricing, distribution, and promotion decisions.

Course Content:

UNIT–I: Introduction, Sources of new ideas, Development processes, Product planning,

Identification for Customer needs and technology potentials, Innovation and intellectual
property rights, Product and process Patents, Patents and patenting processes. 8 Hours

UNIT-II: Product specifications, Tolerance specifications, Taguchi loss factor concepts,

Quality function deployment, Functional specifications of products, Form and function,
Development of alternatives. 8 Hours

UNIT–III: Design for manufacture, Design for Assembly and design for economy,
Prototyping and analytical prototyping, Stage-gate process of product development.
8 Hours
UNIT–IV: Holistic product development approaches-Form product concept to
decommissioning, Environment requirements, Life cycle design, Product data management
and Product life cycle management systems, 8 Hours

UNIT-V: Dependency and concurrent engineering in development of products. Internet

based approach to product development involving users. Democratization of innovation,
Connecting products to services, Experience innovation, Robust design, Patents and
Intellectual properties, product Developments. 8 Hours

Text Books-
1. Production Management K K Ahuja CBS Publishers.
2. Production Design and Manufacturing A.K. Chitale & A.K. Gupta Prentice Hall of India.
3. Management Development Alan Mumford Jaico Publishing House.

Reference Books-

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 23

1. Production Design and Manufacturing A.K. Chitale & A.K. Gupta Prentice Hall of India.
2. Management Development Alan Mumford Jaico Publishing House.

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 24

MME-251 L T P C
0 0 4 2

Objective: Understanding the MATLAB environment, being able to do simple calculations

using MATLAB, Being able to carry out simple numerical computations and analyses using

Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able-
 Understand the main features of the MATLAB development environment
 Use the MATLAB GUI effectively
 Design simple algorithms to solve problems
 Write simple programs in MATLAB to solve scientific and mathematical
 Know where to find help.

Course Content:

Basic plotting, Creating simple plots, Specifying line styles and colors, Matrix generation,
Entering a vector, Entering a matrix, Array operations and Linear equations, Introduction to
programming in MATLAB

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MME-252 L T P C
0 0 4 2

Objective: The students will achieve sufficient knowledge & studies to understand and
analyze basic machining operation, understand the theory of metal cutting & apply it to
various operations. Learn different non conventional machining processes, their features &
controlling parameters.

Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students will be able to:

 Explain mechanics of cutting.
 Classify and explain working of basic machine tools with kinematics.
 Observe and conclude the effect of varying tool materials, cutting parameters and
work piece materials.
 Interpret and select tool and tool holder designation system.
 Identify the machine tool and select cutting parameters for given job.

Course Content:

Measurement of chip thickness ratio, shear angle, cutting forces, Cutting temperature, Effect
of cutting parameters on surface roughness, Study of EDM and ECM processes.

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 26

Course Detail and Evaluation Scheme
M. Tech. CAD/CAM
[Effective from Session 2014-15]

scheme Subject
S. Course Periods Credits
Subject Total
No. code Sessional exam. ESE
L T P CT AT Total
MME-031- Departmental
1 3 1 - 30 20 50 100 150 4
MME-035 Elective-II

MME- Departmental
2 3 1 - 30 20 50 100 150 4
036-039 Elective-III
3 MME-351 16 200 300 500 12
Dissertation I
4 Total 6 2 16 60 40 300 500 800 20

L=Lecture T=Tutorial P=Practical CT= Cumulative Test TA= Teacher’s Assessement ESE= End
Semester Exam.

Internal Expert

Signature: 1…………………....... 2………………....... 3……………………

Name: Mr. Ravendra Singh

External Expert

Signature: 1…………………....... 2……………….......


[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 27


1. Interactive Computer Graphics & Design MME-031

2. Advanced Machine Design MME-032
3. Industrial Tribology MME-033
4. Computer Integrated Manufacturing MME-034
5. Artificial Intelligence in Engineering MME-035



MME-031 L T P C
3 1 0 4

Objective: This course will introduce students to all aspects of computer graphics and
design including hardware, software and applications. Students will gain experience using a
graphics application programming interface (OpenGL) by completing several programming

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course students should:

 Have a basic understanding of the core concepts of computer graphics.
 Be capable of using OpenGL to create interactive computer graphics.
 Understand a typical graphics pipeline.
 Have made pictures with their computer.

Course Content:

UNIT–I: Introduction, Developments and Present stage of computer graphics based design
and modeling approaches. 8 Hours

UNIT-II: Basic graphic standards, GKS, IGES, VDI, VDM etc. Principles of raster scan
and vector graphics, Fundamental requirements, Plotting of points, Line drawing, DDA and
Bresenham’s algorithm, Circle generation algorithms. 8 Hours

UNIT–III: Ellipse generation algorithm, Scan conversions: Real time conversions, Run
length encoding and cell encoding, character display, Polygon filling. 8 Hours

UNIT-IV: 3D geometric transformations, inverse geometric transformations, Viewing in

3D, Representation of 3D shapes, rendering of surfaces and solids, hidden lines, edges and
surface removals, Shading models, shadows, Representation scheme for colors, selection
and mixing of colors. 8 Hours

UNIT-V: Principle of developing animation, morphing etc. 3D industrial imaging and

inspection systems, Human computer interaction tools and techniques, development of

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 28

Virtual reality based environments, Development of industrial, medical and gamming
applications. 8 Hours
Text Books-
1. Computer Graphics D Hearn & M P Baker Prentice Hall.
2. CAD/CAM Theory and Practice Ibrahim Zeid & R Sivasubramanian Tata McGraw-Hill.
3. Computer Aided Engineering Design A Saxena and B Sahay Anamya Publications.

Reference Books-
1. Mathematical Elements for Comp. Graphics D F Rogers and J A Adams McGraw-Hill International.
2. CAD/CAM H P Groover and E W Zimmers Prentice Hall.

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 29

MME-032 L T P C
3 1 0 4
Objective: To design machine components which are subjected to fluctuating load. To
distinguish different design criterions and their procedure to carry out the required design
steps for designing mechanical components. To design machine components/parts based on
creep criterions.

Course Outcomes: After learning the course the students should be able to-
 Students will be able to design mechanical components subjected to static
 Students will be able to design and analyse mechanical components subjected to
dynamic loading.
 For the design and analysis of components students will be able to incorporate
effect of crack and creep.

Course Content:

UNIT–I: Design considerations for machine elements, Product design & development.
Concept of stress and strain, constitutive law, factor of safety and reliability. 8 Hours

UNIT-II: Design for bending and torsional rigidity, Stress concentration, notch sensitivity.
8 Hours
UNIT–III: Design for fatigue, fatigue strength, factors causing fatigue and its mitigation,
statistical analysis, Miner’s rule, Paris Law. Design for creep, static and temperature
induced creep, creep testing; its mitigation. Design for impact; Contact stresses-Hertz’s
theory and its application to gears and ball bearings. 8 Hours

UNIT-IV: Degradation of materials; design for corrosion; stress-corrosion cracking

Thermal stresses, stresses under cryogenic conditions, brittle cracking. 8 Hours

UNIT-V: Material selection in design, performance index, effect of shape, size and loading.
Importance of non-metallic materials like plastics, ceramics, composite materials for design
applications. Case studies. 8 Hours
Text Books-
1. Machine Design by Shigley
2. Machine Design by Juvinall
3. Advanced Machine Design by Sadhu Singh

Reference Books-
1. Machine Design by MF Spot
2. Advanced Machine Design by Sadhu Singh

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 30

MME-033 L T P C
3 1 0 4
Objective: To familiarize engineering students with the basic concepts of tribology which
would be useful in choosing and designing various tribological machine elements like
bearings, gears, cams and constant velocity joints.

Course Outcomes: After learning the course the students should be able to-
 Have a comprehensive, systematic and integrated knowledge of the principles of
friction, wear and lubrication.
 Have the ability to identify, analyse and address industrial friction and wear
related problems.
 Understand the differences between proactive & predictive maintenance and their
applications in industry.

Course Content:

UNIT-I: Introduction: Definition and Scope of tribology, Contact of solids, Surface

topology, Surface interaction. 8 Hours

UNIT-II: Friction: Definitions, Types, Friction laws, Modern theory of dry solid friction,
Temperature of sliding surface, Mechanism of rolling friction, Friction instability, Friction
of elastomers. 8 Hours

UNIT-III: Wear: Definition, Classification, Theories of adhesives, Abrasives, Surface

fatigue and corrosive wear, Miscellaneous wear theory such as Erosive, cavitation and
Fretting wear, Wear of miscellaneous machine components such as gears, Plane bearings
and rolling elements. 8 Hours

UNIT-IV: Lubrication: Lubrication of bearing, Lubricant, Mineral Oil, Grease, Solid

lubricant, Lubrication regime, Viscous flow, Reynolds equation and its limitations,
Hydrodynamic lubrication, Hydrostatic lubrication, Elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication,
Boundary lubrication, Squeeze films. 8 Hours

UNIT-V: Applications: Application of tribology in manufacturing processes, Metal

machining, Metal cutting, Tool wear, Action of lubricants, Friction welding, Extrusion
process. 8 Hours
Text Books-
1. Engineering Tribology P Sahoo Prentice Hall of India
2. Principles and Applications of Tribology D.F. Moore Pergamon Press
3. Fundamentals of Tribology Basu, Sengupta & Ahuja Prentice Hall of India

Reference Books-

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 31

1. Tribology Handbook M.J. Neele
MME-034 L T P C
3 1 0 4

Objective: To impart knowledge about the integration of interdisciplinary fields of

computer aided design, computer aided manufacturing, automatic identification system,
automatic storage & retrieval system as a whole.

Course Outcomes: The students will be able to:

 Solve the design problems of different type of transfer mechanism.
 Perform design and analysis of automatic storage and retrieval system.
 Evaluate the space requirements of different storage system.
 Design the workstation requirement for unattended operations and automated
production system.
 Optimize the number of machines required for machine cell in a given production

Course Outcomes:

UNIT-1: Introduction to CNC Machine Tools: Development of CNC Technology-

Principles and classification of CNC machines, Advantages & economic benefits, Types of
control, CNC controllers, Characteristics, Interpolators, Applications, DNC concept.
8 Hours
UNIT-II: CNC Programming: Co-ordinate System, Fundamentals of APT programming,
Manual part programming-structure of part programme, G & M Codes, developing simple
part programmes, Parametric programming, CAM packages for CNC machines-IDEAS,
Unigraphics, Pro Engineer, CATIA, ESPIRIT, Master CAM etc., and use of standard
controllers- FANUC, Heidenhain and Sinumeric control system.
Tooling for CNC Machines: Cutting tool materials, Carbide inserts classification;
Qualified, semi-qualified and preset tooling, Cooling fed tooling system, Quick change
tooling system, Tooling system for machining centre and turning center, tool holders, Tool
assemblies, Tool magazines, ATC mechanisms, Tool management. 8 Hours

UNIT-III: Robotics and Material Handling Systems: Introduction to robotic technology,

and applications, Robot anatomy, material handling function, Types of material handling
equipment, Conveyer systems, Automated guided vehicle systems, Automated
storage/retrieval systems, Work-in-process storage, interfacing handling and storage with
manufacturing. 8 Hours

UNIT-IV: Group Technology and Flexible Manufacturing System: group Technology-

part families, Parts classification and coding, Production flow analysis, Machine Cell
Design, Benefits of Group Technology, Flexible manufacturing systems- Introduction, FMS
workstations, Computer control system, planning for FMS, Applications and benefits.
8 Hours

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 32

UNIT-V: Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Introduction, Evaluation of CIM, CIM
hardware and software, Requirements of Computer to be used in CIM system, Database
requirements, Concurrent engineering-Principles, design and development Environment,
advance modeling techniques. 8 Hours

Text Books-
1. Computer Numerical Control Machines, P. Radhakrishnan, New Central Book Agency
2. CNC Machines, M.S. Sehrawat and J.S. Narang, Dhanpat Rai and Co.
3. CNC Programming Handbook, Smid Peter, Industrial Press Inc.

Reference Books-
1. Automation, Production systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, M.P. Groover, PHI
2. Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Paul Ranky, Prentice Hall of India

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 33

MME-035 L T P C
3 1 0 4

Objective: To learn about the fundamentals of artificial intelligence and application tools.
To know about the implementation of artificial intelligence in Industry and the suspected

Course Outcomes: The students will be able to:

 Learn about the fundamentals of artificial intelligence and application tools.
 Know about the implementation of artificial intelligence in Industry and the
suspected problems.

Course Content:

UNIT-I: Introduction: Concept and understanding AI; Representation of facts; predicate

and predicate expressions and types; Semantics with and without multiple arguments.
Variables and queries; Single and multidirectional queries; matching alternatives; Multi
condition queries; Negative predicate expressions, back tracking. 8 Hours

UNIT-II: Definition and Inferences: Rules and fact orders; Rules as programmes; Rules in
natural language; Rules without right side; Back tracking with rules; Transitive
inheritance/inferences 8 Hours

UNIT-III: Control Structure for Rule based systems: Backward and forward chaining;
Hybrid control structures; Meta rules decision lattices; Concurrency in control structures;
AND-OR NOT lattices; Randomness in control structures; Grammars for interpreting
languages; Rule based system implementation-backward chaining; Virtual facts and
catching; Implementation, Input/output coding, Intermediate predicates, Probability in rules,
Independence assumption and/or combination, search-state operators, search as graphical
traversal search strategies; Depth first and breadth first heuristics, cost and evaluation
functions, Optimal path search. 8 Hours

UNIT-IV: Abstraction of Facts: Partitioning of facts; Frames and slots; Frames with
components; Frames as forms; Slot inheritance, Past kind inheritances, Extension vs
intentions; Procedural attachment; Frames in Prolog; Frames for natural language
understanding. 8 Hours

UNIT-V: Expert system: Architecture of expert systems, rule based system, Knowledge
acquisition, Neural networks, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm applications 8 Hours

Text Books-

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 34

1. Neural Networks-A Comprehensive Foundation Siman Haykin Mc Millan
2. Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks J.M. Jureda Jaico
3. Fuzzy sets, uncertainty and Information J.K. George & Tina A Plogar

Reference Books-
1. Neural Networks and Fuzzy systems Baert Kosko -
2. Introduction to artificial Intelligence and Expert System Peterson Prentice Hall of India
3. Introduction to AI Robotics RR Murphy Prentice Hall of India

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 35


1. Rapid Prototyping and Tooling MME-036

2. Computer Aided Manufacturing MME-037
3. Metrology & Computer Aided Inspection MME-038
4. Finite Element Method MME-039


MME-036 L T P C
3 1 0 4

Objective: To provide knowledge on different types of Rapid Prototyping systems and its
applications in various fields.

Course Outcomes: The students will be able to:

 The course exposes the students to different types of Rapid prototyping processes,
materials used in RP systems and reverse engineering.

Course Content:

UNIT-I: Introduction: Historical developments, Fundamentals of RP Systems and its

Classification, Rapid prototyping Process chains, 3D modeling and mesh generation, Data
conversion and transmission. 8 Hours

UNIT-II: RP Systems: Liquid polymer based rapid prototyping systems, Teijin Seikis’
solid form and other similar commercial RP systems, Solid input materials based rapid
prototyping systems, laminated object manufacturing (LOM) and fused deposition
modelling systems etc. 8 Hours

UNIT-III: Power based rapid prototyping systems, selective Laser sintering, Soligen
Diren’s shell production casting (DSPC), Fraunhofer’s multiphase jet solidification (MJS)
and MIT’s 3D printing(3DP)etc. 8 Hours

UNIT-IV: RP Database: Rapid prototyping data formats, STL format, STL file problems,
STL file repair, Network based operations, Digital inspection, Data warehousing and
learning from process data. 8 Hours

UNIT-V: RP Applications: Development of dies for moulding, RP applications in

developing prototypes of products, application in medical fields, Development of bone
replacements and tissues, etc., RP materials and their biological acceptability. 8 Hours

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 36

Text Books-
1. Rapid Prototyping Of Digital Systems: A Tutorial Approach Hamblen James O Kluwer Aca
2. Rapid Prototyping: Principles And Applications Kai Chua Chee World Science
3. Rapid System Prototyping With Fpgas: Accelerating The Design Process R C Cofer Newnes

Reference Books-
1. Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems James O Hamblen Springer
2. Rapid Prototyping: Principles And Applications Kai Chua Chee World Science

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 37

MME-037 L T P C
3 1 0 4

Objective: To Introduce the students to the standard terminologies, conventions, processes,

operations, design and operational characteristics of key hardware components,
programming techniques, applications, merits and demerits of Computer Numerical
Controlled (CNC) machines.

Course Outcomes: The students will be able to:

 Apply the concepts of machining for the purpose of selection of appropriate
machining centers, machining parameters, select appropriate cutting tools for
CNC milling and turning equipment, set-up, program, and operate CNC milling
and turning equipment.
 Create and validate NC part program data using manual data input (MDI) and
automatically using standard commercial CAM package for manufacturing of
required component using CNC milling or turning applications.
 Produce an industrial component by interpreting 3D part model/ part drawings
using Computer Aided Manufacturing technology through programming, setup,
and ensuring safe operation of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine

Course Content:

UNIT-I: Introduction: Introduction to Automation, Need and future of NC Systems and

CAM, Advantages and Disadvantages, Open and Closed loop systems, Historical
developments and future trends. Future of NC Machines, Difference between ordinary and
NC Machine tools, Methods for improving accuracy and productivity. 8 Hours

UNIT-II: Control of NC Systems: Types of CNC Machine Tools systems devices, e.g.
encoders and interpolators, Features of CNC Systems, Direct Numerical Control (DNC),
Standard Controllers and General Programming features available in CNC Systems,
Computer Process monitoring and Control. Adaptive control systems. 8 Hours

UNIT-III: NC Part Programming: Manual Programming for simple parts, e.g., turning,
milling, drilling, etc.Computer aided NC Programming in APT language, use of canned
cycles, Generation of NC Programmes through CAD/CAM systems, Design and
implementation of post processors. 8 Hours

UNIT-IV: Computer Aided Process Planning: Introduction, Manual process planning vs.
Computer aided process planning, Basics of variant and generative process planning
methods, Examples of automated process planning systems. 8 Hours

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 38

UNIT-V: Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing: Introduction, Elements of Expert
Systems, Introduction to Neural Networks, Expert Systems application in manufacturing,
Case studies. 8 Hours

Text Books-
1. Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems Koren
2. CAD/CAM Groovers Prentice Hall
3. NC Machine Tools S.J. Martin

Reference Books-
1. CAD/CAM P.N. Rao
2. CAD/CAM P Radhakrishnan, S Subramanyam, V
3. Computer Aided Manufacturing Chang, Wysk, Wang

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 39

MME-038 L T P C
3 1 0 4

Objective: The objective of this course is to learn various concepts of instrumentation,

metrology & computer assisted inspection. To have practical view of various measuring,
gauging instruments.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the students will:

 Gain an experience in the implementation of measuring & gauging techniques.

Course Content:

UNIT-I: Metrology and Techniques: Standards in metrology-definition, Traceability,

Characteristics Length & Angular measurements-Review of standard instruments, GD and
tolerance procedure-Review of dimension & form tolerance and methods of measurement,
Tolerance analysis, Surface metrology-Instruments, Methods and new approaches. 8 Hours

UNIT-II: Laser Applications in Metrology: LASER light source, LASER interferometer,

LASER alignment telescope, LASER micrometer, On-line and in-process measurements of
diameter, Roundness and surface roughness using LASER, Micro holes and topography
measurements, straightness and flatness measurement. 8 Hours

UNIT-III: Special Measuring Instruments and Techniques: Optoelectronic devices,

contact and non-contact types, Applications in on-line and in-process monitoring systems,
Tool wear measurement, Surface measurement, Machine vision, shape identification, Edge
detection techniques, Normalisation, gray scale correlation, Template Techniques, Surface
roughness using vision system, Interfacing robot and image processing system. 8 Hours

UNIT-IV: Co-ordinate Measuring Machine: Types of CMM, Probes used, Applications,

Non-contact CMM using electro optical sensors for dimensional metrology, Non-contact
sensors for surface finish measurements, statistical evaluation of data using computer, Data
integration of CMM and data logging in computers. 8 Hours

UNIT-V: Sensors in Inspection: Manufacturing applications of photo detectors, deflection

methods-beam detection, Reflex detection, & Proximity detection, Applications of Inductive
and Capacitive proximity sensors, Understanding microwave sensing applications laser
sensors and limit switches. Advanced sensor technology-Bar code systems, Principles and
applications of Colour sensors, electro-magnetic identifier, Tactile sensors, Ultrasonic
sensors, Odour sensors 8 Hours

Text Books-
1. Optoelectronics J. Watson Van Nostrand Rein Hold (UK) Company

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 40

2. Fundamentals of dimensional Metrology T. Busch and R. Harlow Delmar, 3e
3. Engineering Metrology G. Thomas and G. Butter Worth PUB

Reference Books-
1. Sensors and Control systems in Manufacturing Sabne Soloman McGraw Hill Book
2. Measurement systems: Applications & Design Doebelin International Student Edition
3. Optoelectronics for Technology and Engineering Robert G. Seippel Prentice Hall India

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 41

MME-039 L T P C
3 1 0 4

Objective: To enable the students understand the mathematical and physical principles
underlying the Finite Element Method (FEM) as applied to solid mechanics and thermal
analysis To teach students the characteristics of various elements in structural and thermal
analysis and selection of suitable elements for the problems being solved

Course Outcomes: Student will be able to

 Apply the knowledge of mathematics and engineering to solve problems in
structural and thermal engineering by approximate and numerical methods
 Design a new component or improve the existing components using FEA
 Solve the problems in solid mechanics and heat transfer using FEM

Course Content:

UNIT-I: Introduction to Finite Difference Method and Finite Element Method, Advantages
and disadvantages. 8 Hours

UNIT-II: Mathematical formulation of FEM, Variational and Weighted residual

approaches, Shape functions, Natural coordinate system, Element and global stiffness
matrix, Boundary conditions, Errors, Convergence and patch test, Higher order elements.
8 Hours
UNIT-III: Application to plane stress and plane strain problems, Axi-symmetric and 3D
bodies, Plate bending problems with isotropic and anisotropic materials, Structural stability,
Other applications e.g., Heat conduction and fluid flow problems. 8 Hours

UNIT-IV: Idealisation of stiffness of beam elements in beam-slab problems, Applications

of the method to materially non-linear problems, Organisation of the Finite Element
programmes, Data preparation and mesh generation through computer graphics, Numerical
techniques, 3D problems. 8 Hours

UNIT-V: FEM an essential component of CAD, Use of commercial FEM packages, Finite
element solution of existing complete designs, Comparison with conventional analysis.
8 Hours

Text Books-
1. The Finite Element Method O.C. Zienkiewicz and R.L. Taylor McGraw Hill
2. An Introduction to Finite Element Method J.N. Reddy McGraw Hill
3. Finite Element Procedure in Engineering Analysis K.J. Bathe McGraw Hill

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 42

Reference Books-
1. Finite Element Analysis C.S. Krishnamoorthy TMH
2. Introduction of Finite Elements in Engineering T.R. Chandragupta and A.D. PHI Belegundu
3. Finite Element and Approximation O.C. Zenkiewicy & Morgan

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 43


Students have to perform a mini project work related to their respective stream in M.Tech. The
project may be software or hardware based/it may be extendable to major project.

Internal Expert

Signature: 1…………………....... 2………………....... 3……………………

Name: Mr. Ravendra Singh
External Expert

Signature: 1…………………....... 2……………….......


[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 44

Course Detail and Evaluation Scheme
M. Tech. CAD/CAM
[Effective from Session 2014-15]

scheme Subject
Periods Credits
Course Total
S. No. Subject Sessional exam. ESE
L T P CT AT Total

1 MME-451 Dissertation II 24 200 600 800 20
Grand Total 24 200 600 800 20

L=Lecture T=Tutorial P=Practical CT= Cumulative Test TA= Teacher’s Assessement ESE= End
Semester Exam.

Internal Expert

Signature: 1…………………....... 2………………....... 3……………………

Name: Mr. Ravendra Singh

External Expert

Signature: 1…………………....... 2………………....... 3……………………


[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 45

MME-451 - Dessertation-II

A student has to make a latest technology based project in their respective stream. It may be hardware or
software based.

Internal Expert
Signature: 1…………………....... 2………………....... 3……………………
Name: Mr. Ravendra Singh

External Expert
Signature: 1…………………....... 2……………….......

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 46

[M. Tech (CAD/CAM) Syllabus Applicable w. e. f. Academic Session 2014-2015] Page 47

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