CE3034E - Disaster Management - Syllabus New

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Pre-requisites: NIL
3 0 0 6 3
Total Lecture Sessions: 38

Course Outcomes: After the completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Comprehend the fundamental concepts and principles of disaster management, such as risk
assessment, disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.
CO2: Create effective disaster management strategies, considering the requirements and vulnerabilities of
various communities and the available resources for disaster response and recovery.
CO3: Identify and analyze the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders involved in disaster
management, and understand the importance of science and technology.
CO4: Communicate their learning from different disasters and DRR measures, contributing to developing
more resilient and sustainable communities.

Understanding Disasters
Understanding the Concepts and definitions of Disaster, Hazard, Vulnerability, Risk, Capacity – Disaster
and Development, and disaster management – Types, Trends, Causes, Consequences, and Control of
Disasters: Geological Disasters – Hydro-Meteorological Disasters, Biological Disasters, Technological
Disasters, Manmade Disasters; Global Disaster Trends – Emerging Risks of Disasters – Climate Change
and Urban Disasters.

Disaster Management Cycle and Framework

Disaster management cycle, the paradigm shift in disaster management; pre-disaster risk assessment and
analysis, risk mapping, zonation, and microzonation – prevention and mitigation of disasters, early warning
system – preparedness, capacity development; awareness during disasters, evacuation, disaster
communication, search and rescue, emergency operation center, incident command system, relief, and
rehabilitation – post-disaster damage and needs assessment, restoration of critical infrastructure, early
recovery, reconstruction, and redevelopment – IDNDR, Yokohama strategy, Hyogo framework for action

Applications of Science and Technology and Disaster Management in India

Geo-informatics in disaster management (RS, GIS, GPS) – disaster communication system (early warning
and its dissemination), land use planning and development regulations – disaster proof designs and
constructions, structural and non-structural mitigation of disasters, S&T institutions for disaster
management in India.
Disaster Management in India: Disaster profile of India, mega disasters of India and lessons learned;
Disaster Management Act 2005; NDMA, SDMA, DDMA; institutional and financial mechanism, national
policy on disaster management, national guidelines and plans on disaster management; the role of
Panchayati raj institutions/ urban local bodies, states, center, and other stakeholders including NGOs. Study
of recent disasters and preparation of disaster risk management plan of an area or sector; Role of engineers
in disaster management.

1. Sharma S. R., Disaster Management, A P H Publishers, 2011.
2. Nair S. S., Training Manual on Geoinformatics Applications in Disaster Management, NIDM, 2012.
3. Rao K. V., Geoinformatics for Disaster Management, Manglam Publishers and Distributors, 2010.
4. Matthews, J. A., Natural Hazards and Environmental Change, Bill McGuire, Ian Mason, 2002.
5. Sulphey, M. M., Disaster Management, PHI Learning, 2016.
6. Bhandani R. K., An overview on natural & manmade disasters and their reduction, CSIR, New Delhi
7. Disaster Management Act 2005, Publisher by Govt. of India Publications of National Disaster
Management Authority (NDMA) on Various Templates and Guidelines for Disaster Management.

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