FDP Moocs2.0
FDP Moocs2.0
FDP Moocs2.0
The TLCs will assist the faculty in capacity building for curriculum designing,
scientific assessment and evaluation and the development of innovative
academic programs to strengthen the inclusive nature of higher education.
The TLCs are also encouraged to reach out to teachers teaching in regionally
disadvantaged locations.
The Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission emphasizes the need to
change the role and workings of a teacher from a mere disseminator of
information and knowledge to the one who helps students to develop critical,
analytical skills, capabilities to generate information, the ability to reason and
to empower themselves through open sources and globally oriented
digitalized self-learning processes. The focus is not only on 'what is taught' but
also importantly, to 'the way it is taught,’ in an effort to develop and enhance
individual education, that will eventually go on to define the manner in which
the future generations will work and live.
The Teaching Learning Centers offer Faculty Induction Programs (FIPs) for
newly recruited faculty and Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) for
teachers with experience who wish to update their field of knowledge,
expertise and skill with the latest available research, resources and
technology. In the FDPs, special emphasis is given to inter and cross-
disciplinary methodologies of study.
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are rapidly gaining popularity not only
amongst students but also among faculty members because it helps them in
their professional development and also gives them the flexibility to study as
per their own convenience and time. Online courses serve as a bridge between
the teachers and the learners and fill the gap for the off-site learners. It is a
great initiative to provide blended learning for millions of students and
teachers across the globe. MOOCs create the opportunity for sharing the ideas
and knowledge and also helps improve lifelong learning skills by providing
easy access to global resources.
After successful completion of the online program, the participants will be able
❖ Create e-content for their discipline using open source software tools.
❖ Integrate OERs in their e-resources
❖ Design MOOCs pertaining to the specifications of the four Quadrant Model
with the facility to share resources and also provision for assessment
❖ Design the framework for effective implementation of these online
First step: Participants will fill up the online application form with all
required details & payment within the final date of submission. Late
applications will not be entertained. The final date of submission is 16th May,
Second Step: After successful registration & payment, the participants will
receive a final confirmation and invitation letter on this 17th May, 2020.
You are at this stage also requested to download and install Telegram App
either from playstore or app store.And thereafter join this group, the link for
the group is : https://t.me/joinchat/EPAD2BzLMykTAt5V8Zqahw
❖ The FDP begins on 18th May, 2020. Details of programme will be sent to
the participants later.
❖ As the FDP is being organized under the prestigious PMMMNMTT scheme
of MHRD, we at TLC, Ramanujan College give prime importance to willing
and serious participants who are eager to learn. In this context, it should
be noted that certificates will be awarded to only those participants who
will be present online and engaged during each session of the FDP.
Therefore, it is compulsory for participants to attend all the online sessions
in order to receive certificate of participation.
❖ All participants have to send in online feedback for each session.
❖ At the end of FDP, all the participants must be able to develop a full-fledged
MOOC course & the selected ones will be launched on our college website.
DR. SUMIT NAGPAL, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
DR. NIKHIL RAJPUT, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science
DR. VIBHASH KUMAR, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce and
Management Studies