ASHRAE 100 Users Guide

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ASHRAE Standard 100 – 2018
Energy Efficiency in Existing
Users’ Guide

Users’ Guide for ASHRAE Standard 100 – 2018

Energy Efficiency in Existing Buildings

Authored by:

© RDH Building Science Inc.


ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide i

Guide Funders

Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance

BC Hydro

Province of British Columbia

University of British Columbia

Guide Supporters

WA State Dept of Commerce Energy Office

ii ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide

Introductory Support Letter
Welcome to the Users’ Guide for ASHRAE Std. 100 – 2018 Energy Efficiency in Existing Buildings
As the State of Washington and British Columbia move toward ambitious energy-focused regulations for existing buildings to
reduce the environmental impact of existing buildings, they identified a need to develop accessible tools to support building
owners, operators, and professionals. Although this Users’ Manual is not an ASHRAE published document, a few members
of the ASHRAE Std. 100 Standing Standard Project Committee (SSPC) were involved in providing input and comments
throughout this Guide’s development process.
We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, the Washington State Department
of Commerce, the Building and Safety Standard Branch of the Province of British Columbia, the University of British
Columbia, BC Hydro, and RDH Building Science for the development of this Guide. We hope you find it a valuable resource
toward improving the energy performance of our existing buildings.
– Wayne Stoppelmoor, CEM | chair of SSPC 100

ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide iii

Contributor Letters of Support
The Building and Safety Standards Branch has a mandate to support the Province’s CleanBC climate action plan and adopt
energy efficiency requirements for existing buildings. Through the B.C. Energy Step Code, the province has seen success with
the use of performance metrics for new construction, and ASHRAE 100 performance targets may inform a similar approach
for existing buildings. ASHRAE 100 also provides helpful tools for building owners and the building industry to work towards
improving the performance of individual buildings.
– Kylie Sandham, PMP, MCIP/RPP, MPA | Policy Analyst, Building and Safety Standards Branch, Office of Housing and
Construction Standards, Ministry of Attorney General & Minister Responsible for Housing, Province of British Columbia

The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) is a non-profit organization working to cost-effectively deliver energy
efficiency in buildings through market transformation. Funded by the regional utilities, NEEA is a collaboration of 140
utilities and efficiency organizations working together to advance energy efficiency in the Northwest on behalf of more than
13 million consumers. This unique partnership has helped make the Northwest region a national leader in energy efficiency.
We are thrilled to support the development of the ASHRAE Standard 100–2018 Users’ Guide. In 2019 Washington State passed
a law that requires existing commercial buildings to meet the energy performance standards. The law (HB 1257, 2019) also
authorizes Washington State Department of Commerce to develop and implement energy performance standards using
ASHRAE Standard 100 – 2018 as the model standard. As a first-of-its-kind regulation for existing building energy consumption
at the state level, both Washington’s rulemaking experience and detailed technical guidance from this Users’ Guide will play
a vital role for other states and cities to establish similar policy and assist them to develop their implementation plans.
Buildings contribute to 70% electricity demand in the United States. Working together to reduce energy consumption in
existing buildings in a cost-effective way will lead to a better built environment and clean building future.
– Bing Liu, P.E., FASHRAE | Sr Manager, Codes, Standards, New Construction, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance

Commerce works with local governments, tribes, businesses and civic leaders throughout the state to strengthen communities
so all residents may thrive and prosper. The State Energy Office provides a unique mix of energy policy development and
implementation programs to support energy technology research, implement grant and demonstration projects and apply
state laws that accelerate economic development and enhance environmental quality. Our buildings unit administers the
state energy performance standard for commercial buildings, based on ASHRAE Standard 100. https://www.commerce.
– Chuck Murray | Washington State Department of Commerce, State Energy Office
– Emily Salzber | Managing Director, Building Standards and Performance, Washington State Department of

BC Hydro is a member of the ASHRAE Std. 100 Technical Committee and we are pleased to be involved and support the
development of the ASHRAE Std. 100 – 2018 Users’ Guide. The Province of BC is planning to adopt new requirements for
alterations to existing buildings and energy efficiency is one of the priority areas being considered. ASHRAE Std. 100 and the
Users’ Guide will be important tools to support building owners and the building industry to enhance energy efficiency in
the built environment in the future.
– Toby Lau, M.Sc., P.Eng. | Codes & Standards Principal, Advanced DSM Strategies, Power Smart, BC Hydro

The University of British Columbia has brought performance-based BC Energy Step Code requirements to new residential
construction on UBC’s Point Grey campus. Performance-based targets are anticipated as part of a new alterations code
for existing buildings in BC and ASHRAE Standard 100 provides an excellent framework for applying performance targets
for existing buildings. I anticipate the Users’ Guide will be a valuable resource for Authorities Having Jurisdiction at the
local government level in BC, and for building owners for meeting future requirements, or applying the Standard on
a voluntary basis.
– Ralph Wells, M.R.M., M. Eng, Community Energy Manager, University of British Columbia

iv ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
RDH Building Science, Inc. is the principal author and editor of this material. Portions of this material are drawn from
ASHRAE 100 – 2018 Energy Efficiency in Existing Buildings. The material is intended to be used for reference and education
purposes only. The authors make no warranty of any kind, express or implied, with regard to the material. Furthermore,
applicable and current laws, codes, regulations, as well as on-site and project specific conditions, procedures, and
circumstances must be considered when applying the information, techniques, practices and procedures described
in this material.
The author[s] shall not be liable in the event of damage, injury, loss, or expense in connection with, or arising from, the use
of, or reliance on, any information provided in the material.
Within their capacity, RDH Building Science, Inc. and the funding partners supporting this guide do not purport to endorse
any specific material, agency, or technical matter within this document.
Photos not credited are assumed to be provided by RDH Building Science, Inc.

ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide v

vi ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide
ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide
Chapter 1 | Introduction and Overview
Scope of this Guide............................................................................................................... 3
What is ASHRAE Standard 100 and How Does it Work? ������������������������������������������������������������� 5
Core Concepts...................................................................................................................... 5

Chapter 2 | Roles and Compliance Process

Roles and Responsibilities................................................................................................... 11
Enforcing the Standard....................................................................................................... 13
Complying with the Standard.............................................................................................. 15
Compliance Process Examples............................................................................................. 20

Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis and Reporting

Energy Management Plan Requirements ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 29
Operations and Maintenance Requirements ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32
Energy Use Analysis and Target Requirements ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 33
Setting Energy Targets........................................................................................................ 45
Energy Audit Requirements................................................................................................. 47
Implementation and Verification Requirements ������������������������������������������������������������������� 50
Reporting.......................................................................................................................... 51
Summary.......................................................................................................................... 53

Appendix A | British Columbia EUI Targets ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 55
Appendix B | Washington State Energy Targets ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 57
Appendix C | Discussion of Integration of ASHRAE 100 with Related Policy 65
Appendix D | Task Checklist................................................................................................. 67
Appendix E | Operations and Maintenance Checklist �������������������������������������������������������������� 73
Appendix F | Primary Energy Conversion Factors ������������������������������������������������������������������ 85

ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide vii


1 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide

Chapter 1 | Introduction and Overview

Scope of this Guide�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3

What is ASHRAE Standard 100 and How Does it Work?������������������������������������������������������������� 5

Core Concepts��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5

ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 2

ASHRAE Standard 100-2018: Energy Efficiency in Existing How to Use this Guide
Buildings is an international building standard, developed
by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and This guide is intended to be used in conjunction with
Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), that provides ASHRAE Standard 100.
standardized procedures for improving the energy efficiency
of existing buildings. Each chapter of this guide is divided into topics that will
be relevant for specific roles. Each role has a unique icon
The purpose of this guide is to provide additional to identify its corresponding content as illlustrated by the
explanation, examples, and reference material to legend below. Figure 1-1 summarizes which chapters and
supplement ASHRAE Standard 1001. It is intended to provide topics of the guide are relevant to each role.
useful material for the primary parties named in ASHRAE
Standard 100, including those enforcing the Standard and Note: for clarity and brevity, elements of ASHRAE Standard
those required to comply with it (see Figure 1-1). 100 are referred to in this guide using the format ASHRAE
Std. 100 Table 5-2a, ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec., etc.,
This introductory section further describes the guide’s while elements of this users’ guide are referred to by title
scope, briefly outlines what ASHRAE Standard 100 is and and page number only.
how it works, and reviews the core concepts needed to
understand the Standard.

Scope of this Guide

This guide was developed with support from BC Hydro, the
Province of BC, and the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
(NEEA), and in partnership with the University of British
Columbia (UBC) and the State of Washington Department
of Commerce. It is generally applicable anywhere ASHRAE
Standard 100 may be implemented, although it provides
some supplemental material specific to the regions of
British Columbia and Washington State.
ASHRAE Standard 100 also references other standards and
industry guidelines, such as ASHRAE 211 - 2018 Standard for Legend
Commercial Building Energy Audits. Where those documents
provide comprehensive guidance on specific functions,
such as completing an energy audit, this guide refers the Authority Having Jurisdiction
reader to those standards. AHJ (AHJ)

ASHRAE Standard 100 is founded on the premise that Building Owner

reducing the energy use of buildings is the starting point OWN
for reducing overall environmental impact. As such, the
current version of Std. 100 – 2018 focuses on energy use Building Manager
intensity targets and does not include greenhouse gas BM

intensity (GHGI) targets. In general, reduced energy use

supports reduced GHGI; however, there is some nuance Building Operator
to this relationship. Changes in fuel type can reduce GHGI BO

without reducing overall energy use, and some energy-

saving interventions have minimal impact on GHGI. A full Energy Manager (EM)
discussion of these interactions and their policy significance
is beyond the scope of this guide; however, there is nothing
in ASHRAE Standard 100 that would prevent local or Qualified Energy Auditor
regional governments from applying GHGI requirements in
conjunction with Std. 100 – 2018.
Qualified Person
1 This guide was developed with the permission of ASHRAE; QP Determining Compliance
however, it is not an official ASHRAE users’ guide, and is intended to serve
as a companion document to the Standard.

3 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 1 | Introduction and Overview

Users’ Guide Chapter Associated Roles

Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview All Roles AHJ OWN BM BO EM EA QP

Chapter 2: Roles and Compliance Process

Roles and Responsibilities All Roles AHJ OWN BM BO EM EA QP

Enforcing the Standard Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) AHJ

Complying with the Standard Building Owner

Building Manager
Building Operator

Energy Manager
Qualified Energy Auditor
Qualified Person Determining Compliance

Compliance Process Examples All Roles AHJ OWN BM BO EM EA QP

Chapter 3: Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting

Energy Management Plan Requirements Energy Manager


Building Manager

Operations and Maintenance Requirements Energy Manager

Building Manager

Building Owner
Building Operator

Energy-Use Analysis and Target Requirements Qualified Person Determining Compliance


Energy Manager

Setting Energy Targets Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) AHJ

Energy Audit Requirements Qualified Energy Auditor EA

Implementation and Verification Requirements Building Owner

Energy Manager EM EA QP

Qualified Person Determining Compliance

Reporting Qualified Energy Auditor


Qualified Person Determining Compliance

Figure 1-1 Chart summarizing which sections of the guide are relevant to each role

Chapter 1 | Introduction and Overview ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 4

What is ASHRAE Standard 100 and for energy use and/or greenhouse gas emissions. For this
reason, some jurisdictions choose to use the ESPM platform
How Does it Work? to report energy use without using the ranking functionality.
ASHRAE Standard 100 is not currently used as widely but
ASHRAE Standard 100 is designed to improve the energy
is preferred by some policymakers because it provides
efficiency of existing buildings by setting absolute energy
absolute targets, and as such, its impact can be more readily
performance targets for a range of building types. At a
quantified. British Columbia and Washington State have
high level, ASHRAE 100 works by following these steps
taken the targets in ASHRAE Standard 100 a step further by
for each building:
developing their own region-specific targets to reflect their
→ Measure and document energy use of the existing unique circumstances, including a longer history of energy
building. conservation programs for existing buildings (these targets
are provided in Appendix A and B).
→ Compare measured energy use of the existing building
to the targeted energy use for that building type and
determine if energy efficiency improvements are Core Concepts
Before diving into the specifics of ASHRAE Standard 100,
→ Implement and verify energy efficiency improvements, it is useful to review several core concepts that underlie
if required. its procedures3. These concepts are commonly referenced
→ Continue to measure and document energy use and in the building industry when referring to building
compare to the building’s energy use target. energy and sustainability.

One way to understand ASHRAE Standard 100 is in the All the core concepts behind ASHRAE Standard 100 relate
context of ASHRAE Standard 90.1 Energy Standard for to how buildings use energy. The energy used by buildings
Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, which is is significant: they comprise 20% of secondary energy use4
another building energy standard developed by ASHRAE. in Canada. Improving the energy use of existing buildings
The following are some key differences: is a key part of the energy and greenhouse gas emissions
policies of local, regional, and national governments.
→ 90.1 does include some provisions for existing buildings
Buildings use energy to provide an indoor environment
but is typically used for new construction, whereas
that meets the functions and needs of their occupants;
ASHRAE Standard 100 was specifically developed
for example by heating or cooling the air to maintain an
for existing buildings.
acceptable space temperature. In addition to heating and
→ 90.1 is focused on theoretical component, equipment, cooling, typical building energy end uses include lighting,
and system-level performance, along with energy pumps, fans, domestic hot water, and plug loads. Plug
modelling procedures, whereas ASHRAE Standard 100 loads—or miscellaneous electrical loads (MELs)—include
is focused on measured whole-building energy use. electrical loads created by equipment and devices placed
within the spaces by the building occupants, such as
Another important point of comparison is ENERGY STAR® computers, printers, refrigerators, etc.
Portfolio Manager (ESPM)2. Many jurisdictions across North
America are using ESPM to support existing building energy
performance, including using it to rate performance and
track improvements. The rating function of ESPM is relative,
such that buildings are ranked against the performance of
similar buildings in a nationwide (U.S.) historical database
and adjusted for climate and usage patterns.
ESPM is used widely by many cities across North America.
It is free, well known, and provides a simple platform for 3 Note that concepts indicated with bolded text are also defined
people to report building energy use. A relative rating in ASHRAE Standard 100. The discussion in this section of the guide is
intended for general information; the definitions in the Standard should
approach can be challenging, however, for regions or also be carefully reviewed for implementation purposes.
jurisdictions that set policy toward achieving hard targets
4 Secondary energy use is the energy used by final consumers. It
is included in primary energy use, which also includes the energy system’s
2 For more information on ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager, see own use (for example, to bring energy supplies to the consumer) and the energy to feed industrial processes (Natural Resources Canada 2018, p. 35).

5 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 1 | Introduction and Overview

What are the Most Energy-Intensive End They can also provide humidification/dehumidification if
designed to do so. In larger buildings, HVAC systems are
Uses in Buildings? comprised of three types of components:

Energy-intensive end uses vary by a number of factors → Plant equipment can include boilers, furnaces, chillers,
including climate, building type, architectural design, centralized air handling and air conditioning units, and
mechanical design, electric design, etc. In Canada, centralized heat pumps.
heating is the largest average end use in both residential
→ Distribution components can include pipes, ductwork,
and commercial buildings5.
pumps, fans, grilles, diffusers, and valves.
Heating energy use is a function of both the heating load and
→ Zone/terminal equipment can include fan coil units,
the mechanical heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
radiators, convectors, and VAV reheat boxes, as well
(HVAC) systems that meet the load. The heating load is the
as self-contained systems that are placed within
amount of heat needed to maintain the desired interior
the space they serve, such as electric baseboards,
environmental conditions, given the building’s exterior
packaged terminal heat pumps (PTHPs), and air
climate, building enclosure (or envelope), and internal
conditioners (PTACs).
gains. Energy use can therefore be reduced by reducing the
load (e.g., through a better enclosure) or by using a more Energy use from HVAC systems can be reduced by improving
efficient HVAC system to handle the load. In practice, these the efficiency of the energy-consuming components (e.g.,
two strategies go together: a better enclosure will enable replacing the boiler with a new, higher-efficiency boiler)
different and/or downsized options for HVAC. or by improving the system efficiency—typically by making
changes to the system controls (e.g., changing the boiler
What is the Building Enclosure? supply temperature from constant to reset based on zone
demand or the outdoor air temperature).
From a functional perspective, the building enclosure
is an environmental separator: it separates the exterior What are Building Component Life
weather from the indoor environment. It is comprised of
the various assemblies that make up the exterior of the
building, including exterior walls, roofs, exposed floors,
windows, and doors. All building components, including the building itself,
have designed service lives. Designed service lives
In terms of energy, the enclosure affects both heating are the intended duration of use, as determined by the
and cooling loads, which in turn impact the heating and original designer, provided the component is operated and
cooling energy consumed by the mechanical HVAC systems. maintained as stipulated by the designer. For example, a
Building enclosure properties that affect energy use include roof membrane may be designed to last 30 years before it
the level of insulation, thermal bridging, amount of solar needs to be replaced.
heat gain, and airtightness.
The life cycle of building components refers to the timeline
Energy use associated with the building enclosure can be from original production/assembly, through the service life
reduced by increasing the insulation value (for example, of the equipment, followed by decommissioning, disposal,
replacing old non-thermally broken windows with insulated and replacement.
glazing units that have non-conductive frames), reducing
thermal bridging (for example, by installing continuous In the context of ASHRAE Standard 100, maintenance is
insulation on the exterior of stud walls), and improving performed in order to ensure the designed service lives
airtightness (for example, by identifying and sealing leaks). of the components are achieved. Within the energy audit
requirements, improvement measures must address
impacts over the expected service life of the component.
What are Mechanical HVAC Systems in
Mechanical HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning)
systems provide space heating, conditioning of ventilation
air, supply and exhaust of ventilation air, and space cooling.

5 Natural Resources Canada (2018, p. 35).

Chapter 1 | Introduction and Overview ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 6

What is Energy-Use Intensity? What are Energy Targets?
Energy-use intensity (EUI) is typically measured in kWh/m2 Energy targets define EUI limits for buildings. In the case of
(kBTU/ft2) or MJ/m2 and defines the total annual building ASHRAE Standard 100, EUI targets are provided by climate
energy use per unit of gross floor area (GFA) for a given zone and building type.
building. It is a way to compare energy use independent of
building size, and as a result is used in many performance- ASHRAE Standard 100 lists two levels of EUI targets: ASHRAE
based building metrics, such as the British Columbia Energy Std. 100 Sec. 7 (at the 25th percentile of performance) and
Step Code, as well as in building benchmarking and reporting Normative Annex A (at the 40th percentile of performance).
programs such as ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager. Some AHJs may also choose to define their own targets.

What is the Difference between Site and What are Energy Efficiency Measures?
Source Energy? Energy efficiency measures (EEMs) are individual
upgrades/modifications to an existing building that reduce
Site energy is the amount of energy consumed by the the annual energy use of the building. For example, an EEM
building within the boundary of the building perimeter, might be replacing the existing 80% efficiency boiler with a
as measured by the utility meters located at the building. new condensing boiler or heat pump.
This energy (sometimes referred to as secondary energy)
represents the energy that building owners and operators
have the most direct control over. Source energy (sometimes What are Energy Audits?
called primary energy) is the amount of energy consumed
by the building when taking into account upstream energy Energy audits are studies, carried out by qualified
use associated with the utility grid that supplies energy energy auditors, that review the energy-consuming
to the building. Upstream energy use can include energy components of the existing building—including the
associated with primary resource extraction, energy losses building enclosure, lighting, and mechanical systems—and
at the power plant due to inefficiencies in energy conversion, identify potential EEMs.
electricity transmission losses, and transportation energy.
Energy audits are required by ASHRAE Standard 100 for
Figure 1-2 illustrates the main distinctions between site
buildings that do not have an energy target and for buildings
and source energy.
that have an energy target but do not initially meet it.
Source energy is typically calculated by multiplying site
energy use by a primary energy conversion factor, also
referred to as a source-to-site ratio. These factors are energy
type and region specific, depending on the local utility grid.

Site Energy VS Source Energy

• Represents energy consumed at the building only • Represents energy consumed at the building, as well as energy
• Useful for comparing similar buildings in similar climates consumed by the primary energy grid
• Ignores broader energy grid implications • Can make it difficult or even impossible to compare building
performance between different regions, even within the same
• Favours more specific energy/GHG emission reduction goals
building type and climate
(building level, municipal)
• Favours broader energy/GHG emission reduction goals (global,
• Can penalize individual building performance for inefficiencies
in their local power grid which are beyond the owner’s control.
i.e. an inefficient building with a cleaner energy grid may
meet a source target, while a building with the same climate
and building type that is efficient but has a dirtier grid may
not meet the target.

Figure 1-2 Comparison of site vs. source energy

7 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 1 | Introduction and Overview

What is the Difference between Weather
and Climate?
Weather describes local exterior environmental conditions
and varies from moment to moment. Climate describes
overall trends or patterns in weather.
Within ASHRAE Standard 100, energy targets are defined
by climate zones, which are a system for categorizing
climate based on historical average weather conditions.
Each climate zone has a number ranging from 1 (hottest)
to 8 (coldest), as well as a subtype of either A (humid), B
(dry), or C (marine). A list of major Canadian, American, and
international cities and their associated climate zone can be
found in ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2016 Annex 1. Figure 1-3
and Figure 1-4 illustrate the ASHRAE climate zones for British
Columbia and North America respectively.

Figure 1-3 ASHRAE Climate Zones British Columbia

Figure 1-4 ASHRAE Climate Zones North America

Chapter 1 | Introduction and Overview ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 8


9 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide

Chapter 2 | Roles and Compliance Process

Roles and Responsibilities�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11

Enforcing the Standard������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 13

Complying with the Standard��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15

Compliance Process Examples�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20

ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 10

ASHRAE Standard 100 is intended to be used by a range of can include building owners and staff (building managers,
people with differing roles and responsibilities. This chapter operators, and energy managers) as well as external
breaks down each role and explains how it fits into the consultants (energy auditors and contractors/engineers
overall process of complying with the Standard. who meet criteria as qualified individuals determining
compliance. Figure 2-1 summarizes these roles and
illustrates how they connect and overlap. For a checklist of
Roles and Responsibilities activities by role, see Appendix D.

Although different stakeholders may be involved in Within these broad roles and responsibilities, stakeholders
implementing ASHRAE Standard 100 in varying situations, have assigned tasks to move the overall project through
roles can be broken down into two main categories: those ASHRAE Standard 100 implementation. In some cases, tasks
responsible for enforcing the Standard (e.g., the Authority must be completed by a specific person; in other cases,
Having Jurisdiction [AHJ]) and those responsible for there is flexibility to accommodate different circumstances.
complying with it. In the compliance category, specific roles For example, calculation of a building’s energy-use intensity


Adopts ASHRAE Standard 100 into policy


Authority Having Jurisdiction SUBMITS FORMS TO

Enforces ASHRAE Standard 100 to applicable existing buildings THE AHJ

Building Seeking Compliance

Required to comply with ASHRAE Standard 100

Building Personnel

Building Owner HIRED ON BEHALF Consultants

Holds ultimate responsibility to ensure their OF THE BUILDING
building complies with ASHRAE Standard 100 PERSONNEL

Building Manager Qualified Energy Auditor

Responsible for overseeing the maintenance Responsible for completing the building
of the building, including the building energy audit

enclosure and mechanical systems

Qualified Person Determining
Building Operator Compliance
Responsible for the day-to-day inspections, operations Individual responsible for evaluating
and maintenance of the building systems and whether or not the requirements of
components which fall under the Standard ASHRAE Standard 100 have been met

Energy Manager
Responsible for minimizing the building’s
energy consumption while still maintaining its
functionality and indoor environmental quality

Figure 2-1 Roles and broadly defined responsibilities of those involved in adopting, enforcing and complying with ASHRAE Standard 100

11 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 2 | Roles and Compliance Process

Seek Standard Implement Operations & Implement Energy Calculate
100 Compliance Maintenance Procedures Management Plan Measured EUI

Prioritize, Implement &

Verify Energy Commision EEMs Set Conduct Is there a target for
Savings Savings Goals Energy Audit Building Type?


Prioritize, Conduct
Meet Energy Meet Energy
NO Try Again? Implement & Energy NO
Savings Goal? Target?
Commission EEMs Audit

YES NO Verify Energy YES


ASHRAE Standard 100 Meet Energy

Non-Compliance Target?


NO Try Again?
Complete Compliance

ASHRAE Standard 100

Conditional Compliance

Figure 2-2 Summary of process and specific tasks involved in enforcing and complying with ASHRAE Standard 100

(EUI) may be performed by the energy manager (who may In the following sections, tasks are broken down according
be the building owner, building manager, or building to the roles associated with them. This “zoomed in”
operator) or the qualified person determining compliance. perspective provides a picture of what the implementation
Furthermore, there are additional roles that are not directly process looks like for each stakeholder.
addressed by the Standard but are connected to project
implementation, such as qualified commissioning agents.
Figure 2-2 illustrates the overall process and key steps for
complying with the Standard, from start to finish.

Chapter 2 | Roles and Compliance Process ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 12

Enforcing the Standard own region-specific targets to be applicable within their
jurisdiction such as those in ASHRAE Std. 100 Normative
Annex A. British Columbia (BC Hydro) and Washington
Authorities Having Jurisdiction are responsible for enforcing
State have developed their own EUI targets, provided in
the Standard. As shown in Figure 2-3, this role has four main
Appendix A and Appendix B respectively.
tasks: setting requirements, communicating requirements,
reviewing and evaluating documentation, and taking action When determining requirements, AHJs may need to
based on that review/evaluation. consider other energy policies and tools already in place.
For example, mandatory disclosure of energy use (energy
benchmarking) may already be in place using services such
Setting Requirements as ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager (see Appendix C).
ASHRAE Standard 100 provides criteria and general
procedures to support jurisdictions that want to reduce Communicating Requirements
energy use through improved energy performance in
existing buildings. Legislators determine many aspects of Once the AHJ has set the requirements for its jurisdiction,
this regulatory framework, but AHJs will likely establish these requirements must be clearly communicated to
certain requirements within their jurisdictions, which can industry stakeholders. There are no specific provisions within
range from small municipalities to federal governments. the Standard regarding this, but this step is nevertheless
These decisions are a first step in implementation and vital to successful implementation of the Standard.
may be periodically revisited. Table 2-1 summarizes
requirements that must be determined by the AHJ as well Important details that must be communicated to industry
as those that the AHJ can optionally determine. stakeholders include identifying which buildings are
required to comply with the Standard, how the compliance
As ASHRAE Standard 100 is a relatively new standard and is just (and conditional compliance) process will work,
beginning to be adopted, it will be useful to learn from early timelines and frequency of reporting, and consequences
adopters and develop case examples of specific requirements. for non-conformance.
Of the optional choices that AHJs can make, one of the
most significant is the choice of targets: the core of the
Standard revolves around the energy targets buildings must
achieve. As noted in Table 2-1, the AHJ may choose source-
or site-based targets and/or may choose to specify their

Qualified person



Building owners
to comply with

Figure 2-3 Summary of process and specific tasks related to enforcement

13 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 2 | Roles and Compliance Process

Table 2-1 Requirements set by AHJ


Which of the 53 building types listed in ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 7 will Whether buildings will be required to meet source or site energy targets.
have to comply with the Standard and by when.

Which building types or scenarios will be exempt from the Standard. Region-specific targets and building-type-specific implementation

Administrative requirements, including any additional permitting or → Energy-use intensity (EUI) targets for both site and source energy
reporting beyond the Standard (ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 4.4.1). are specified within ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 7 of the Standard.
However, the AHJ may choose to specify their own region-specific
Reporting protocols, including the format and content of the targets to be applicable within their jurisdiction such as those in
documentation; who the documentation will be sent to specifically, the Normative Annex A.
timeframe within which the documentation must be submitted, and
→ Phased implementation of different building types may also be
the frequency at which reporting must be completed.

Protocols for achieving conditional compliance if building EUI targets

Alternate criteria for defining roles
are not achieved.
→ The Standard includes typical definitions for what constitutes a
Consequences for failure to comply with the Standard. “qualified energy auditor” and a “qualified person” in ASHRAE
Std. 100 Sec. 3.1, but the AHJ may set alternative criteria for
defining these roles. The definitions provided are:
Protocols for scenarios not defined within the Standard, such as
establishing an acceptable methodology for estimating exported → A professional architect or engineer licensed within the
energy when it cannot be measured (ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 5.2.2). jurisdiction

→ An energy auditor/assessor/analyst certified by ASHRAE/AEE

(all buildings) or BPI/RESnet (residential buildings)

Any alternate paths to conditional compliance.

Chapter 2 | Roles and Compliance Process ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 14

Reviewing Documentation responsibility of the AHJ to enforce the established
consequences for failing to comply with the Standard.
In addition to setting specific requirements, AHJs receive As with any policy, it is the AHJ’s responsibility to evaluate
and review all of the documentation demonstrating that claims of exemption to the policy, along with addressing
buildings comply with the Standard. This documentation rights of appeal. The specifics of these processes will vary
includes the following: by jurisdiction.
→ Forms completed by the qualified person determining
compliance Complying with the Standard
→ Form A – Compliance with Standard 100
Complying with ASHRAE Standard 100 involves multiple
→ Form B – Building Activity and Energy Target
tasks, which are organized below according to the roles of
→ Form C – Energy Use Intensity Calculations those completing them. These roles can be divided into two
→ If an energy audit is required, energy audit
documentation completed by the qualified energy 1. Those connected with the building (i.e., the building
auditor owner, building manager, building operator, and energy
→ Energy audit reports (ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec.

→ Form D – End Use Analysis Requirements Level 1 or 2. External consultants (the qualified energy auditor and
the qualified person determining compliance).
→ Form E – End Use Analysis Requirements Level 2
Each role is further detailed below. Note that these roles
Enforcing the Standard are flexible: one person could fulfill all of them, but larger
buildings may have a team of individuals working together.
A building owner is ultimately accountable to the AHJ
Following review of the provided documentation, it is the
for fulfilling the requirements of the Standard, and must
responsibility of the AHJ to take action regarding each
therefore understand the elements that must be completed
building seeking compliance with the Standard. Possible
and either take on or assign accountabilities accordingly.
actions include:
Note that those seeking to comply with the Standard
→ AHJs can award compliance to those buildings that can do so as an entire building, or as individual tenants/
have submitted all necessary documentation and have suites. In practice, however, complying with the Standard
demonstrated compliance with the Standard. as individual tenants/suites may create additional
→ AHJs can award conditional compliance (ASHRAE Std. challenges, since many energy-related building systems
100 Sec to buildings that have implemented and components, such as centralized mechanical systems,
the necessary energy efficiency measures (EEMs) as are not within the control of an individual tenant. As such,
identified in their energy audit but have not yet been this guide focuses on those seeking compliance as an entire
able to measure energy use for the duration required to building; it is at the discretion of the AHJ to decide how to
confirm compliance. handle individual tenants within a building who seek to
comply with the Standard separately.
→ Conditional compliance, as defined within the Standard, lasts
for 15 months following the completion of implementation.

→ If, following the conditional compliance period, buildings

Building Owner
fail to meet their corresponding energy target, the AHJ can
decide whether the building can attempt to implement more The building owner is the legal holder of the property title
EEMs (thereby renewing the 15-month conditional compliance for the building(s) and/or the land on which the building(s)
period) or if they are noncompliant.
are located. Building owners have a responsibility to ensure
→ In practice, conditional compliance may take on many forms their building(s) conform to the legislation within their
and it is largely up to the AHJ to determine how to approach it. jurisdiction and may also voluntarily choose to have their
Additional information can be found in Chapter 3.
building(s) comply with the Standard. Building owners may
→ AHJs can deem a building non-compliant if required authorize other designated parties, such as property or real
paperwork is not submitted within the established estate management companies, to fulfill legal obligations
timeframe or if, following a period of conditional on the owner’s behalf.
compliance, conditions are not met. It is then the

15 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 2 | Roles and Compliance Process


OR FULFILL Energy Manager Auditor




OWNER energy target is not met
on first try)



Building Qualified Person

Manager or Determining
Operator Compliance

Figure 2-4 Summary of process and specific tasks related to compliance requirements of the building owner

As shown in Figure 2-4, building owner responsibilities Operations and maintenance requirements are as follows:
primarily relate to the energy management plan, operations
and maintenance requirements, implementation of EEMs, → Develop an operations and maintenance program
and reporting. conforming to ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 6 and ASHRAE Std.
100 Normative Annex L, which outline requirements
for planning, implementing, and documenting
Energy Management Plan inspections, maintenance, and replacements.

Building owners are responsible for several aspects of the → When replacing mechanical equipment, including
energy management plan: HVAC, domestic hot water, or refrigeration equipment,
the new equipment must comply with the most
→ Identifying the energy manager. Note that building stringent of the following:
owners themselves may fulfill this role.
1. The national (federal) equipment requirements.
→ Reviewing and signing the energy management plan on
2. The applicable building code requirements within the
an annual basis. jurisdiction.

3. ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013.

Operations and Maintenance Requirements
4. ASHRAE Standard 90.2-2007.

→ The building owner is responsible for ensuring that → When replacing lighting equipment, including related
the operations and maintenance requirements of the controls, the new equipment must comply with the
Standard are met (ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. L1). However, most stringent of the following:
the owner may designate internal staff or an external
party to fulfill this responsibility. Examples are not 1. The national (federal) equipment requirements.
provided in the Standard but might reasonably include 2. The applicable building code requirements within the
personnel such as a building manager or building jurisdiction.
operator (sometimes called a building engineer).

Chapter 2 | Roles and Compliance Process ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 16

Implementation of EEMs planning and expenditure. The building manager may be
the building owner or may be an individual or company
In the event that the building does not meet the required hired by the owner.
energy target, building owners are responsible for selecting The building manager’s responsibilities as they pertain
and implementing EEMs, as identified by an energy audit, that to ASHRAE Standard 100 are associated with the energy
will achieve the energy target (ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 8.2.4). management plan and with operations and maintenance
If the building does not have an energy target, building owners requirements.
are responsible for selecting and implementing all EEMs
identified in the energy audit that comprise the “optimized” Energy Management Plan
EEM bundle (refer to Chapter 3 for more information).
The building manager must comply with the energy
Reporting management requirements of ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 5. This
primarily means complying with the energy management
Building owners are required to report EUI and energy target plan, as developed by the building’s energy manager. No
information on Form A (ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 10.2.1), and other action is explicitly required of the building manager,
as calculated on Forms B and C. In many cases, this will be but the energy manager or others may rely upon them for
completed on behalf of the owner by the qualified person information such as:
determining compliance.
→ Number of building occupants and any changes to
Building owners are required to submit updated EUI building occupancy.
information within 15 months of implementation of EEMs if
→ Typical operating schedules or working hours and any
they are found to be under conditional compliance (ASHRAE
changes to typical schedules.
Std. 100 Sec. This task may also be completed by
the energy manager.
Operations and Maintenance Requirements
Building Manager As with the energy management plan, the building manager
is required to comply with the operations and maintenance
The building manager is the individual responsible for requirements stated in ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 6, but no
overseeing administrative tasks on behalf of the building explicit actions are required of the building manager under
owner, and may also be involved in decisions around capital the Standard.

WITH Manager






Building Manager Building Manager

or Operator or Operator

Figure 2-5 Summary of process and specific tasks related to Figure 2-6 Summary of process and specific tasks related to
compliance requirements of the building manager compliance requirements of the building operator

17 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 2 | Roles and Compliance Process

Building Operator (or Building Engineer) Energy Manager
Building operators (sometimes referred to as building Energy managers are the individuals responsible for
engineers) are the individuals responsible for day-to-day minimizing the building’s energy use while maintaining
technical tasks, i.e., inspections, operations, and maintenance its functionality and indoor environmental quality. Energy
of the building systems and components that are subject to managers are identified by building owners and may be
the Standard, including building enclosure components, and the owner, any member of the building staff (e.g., building
electrical and mechanical systems. The building operator may manager, building operator), a tenant in the building, or a
be the building owner, the building manager, or an individual contractor hired by the building owner.
or company hired to complete tasks on behalf of the owner.
The energy manager is an important role associated with
The building operator’s responsibilities as they pertain to the energy management plan, operations and maintenance
ASHRAE Standard 100 relate specifically to following the requirements, reporting, and implementation of EEMs.
operations and maintenance program.
Energy Management Plan
Operations and Maintenance Requirements
The energy manager is the primary party responsible
The building operator is required to commit to the for developing, maintaining and updating the energy
performance goals described in the operations and management plan. A complete explanation of requirements
maintenance program (ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 6.2). In terms for the energy management plan can be found in Chapter 3.
of specific tasks and duties, the operator must: At a high level, tasks include compiling all documentation,
communicating with occupants, policy-related planning, and
→ Schedule, verify and record operations and maintenance public relations (ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.3).
inspections, taking corrective action when required
(ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. D3.2.7). In some cases, this may The energy manager is also responsible for establishing formal
be completed by the energy manager. procedures to ensure that any tenant improvements involving
changes to space use or partition location do not increase the
→ Schedule and perform inspections of the control building energy use beyond the energy target (ASHRAE Std.
systems twice per year (ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec D6.2.3), 100 Sec. 6.5). Examples of tenant improvements that may
or as frequently as stated in the operations and impact energy use include reallocating space types, moving
maintenance plan to meet the needs of the building. This or altering interior partition walls, making changes to the
responsibility may be shared with the energy manager. building enclosure, and installing new interior lighting.






Qualified Person
Determing Compliance

Figure 2-7 Summary of process and specific tasks related to compliance requirements of the energy manager

Chapter 2 | Roles and Compliance Process ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 18

Operations and Maintenance Requirements Energy Audit

The energy manager has multiple operations and The energy auditor is responsible for completing the energy
maintenance responsibilities but may share some with the audit requirements, as specified in ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 8.
building owner and operator. These responsibilities relate
to creating inventories of building systems and equipment
and communicating proper operating procedures for Building
energy-related aspects of the building such as building Owner
equipment schedules of operation.

The energy manager may establish the energy target (EUI)

according to ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 7.2.2 for single-type/ ENERGY COMPLETE ENERGY
activity buildings and ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 7.2.3 for mixed- AUDITOR AUDIT
use buildings, and complete Form B. (ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec.
7.2.1), if they have been designated as the qualified person
determining compliance (see next section). Figure 2-8 Summary of process and specific tasks related to
If the building has multiple activity types and falls into compliance requirements of the qualified energy auditor
Exception 2 in ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 7.2.3, in which spaces
with less than 10% of the gross floor area have a unique
activity type, the energy manager may determine whether Qualified Person Determining
these spaces can be combined with other similar activity
types. Note that this responsibility is shared with the qualified Compliance
person determining compliance.
The qualified person determining compliance is the
individual responsible for evaluating whether the
Implementation of EEMs requirements of ASHRAE Standard 100 have been met. They
are identified by the building owner and may be a member
If EEMs are required, per ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. of the building staff or a third party hired to act on behalf of
the energy manager is responsible for verification of compliance the building owner.
within 15 months of implementation as determined by the
AHJ. This responsibility is shared with the building owner. As defined under the Standard, the qualified person
determining compliance must be one or more of the following:
Qualified Energy Auditor → A professional architect or engineer licensed within the
jurisdiction where the building is located.
The qualified energy auditor is the individual tasked with
completing the building energy audit, if required. The energy → A licensed contractor recognized within the jurisdiction
auditor must have established expertise in building energy where the project is located.
auditing. As defined under ASHRAE Standard 100, a qualified → An energy auditor/assessor/analyst certified by
energy auditor must be one or more of the following: ASHRAE/AEE (all buildings) or BPI/RESnet (residential
→ A professional architect or engineer licensed within the
jurisdiction where the building is located. → An individual otherwise qualified by the AHJ.
→ An energy auditor/assessor/analyst certified by ASHRAE The responsibilities of the qualified person determining
the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), the Building compliance, per ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec., primarily
Performance Institute Inc. (BPI) or Residential Energy relate to completing reviews and documentation associated
Services Network (RESnet) (for residential buildings with compliance reporting, confirming if compliance has
specifically). been achieved, and implementing EEMs if required.
→ An individual otherwise qualified by the AHJ.

19 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 2 | Roles and Compliance Process

Reporting and Documentation Implementation of EEMs

The qualified person determining compliance is the primary If the energy target is exceeded, or there is no energy target
person responsible for reporting and documentation, as for the building, implementation of EEMs is required and
required by ASHRAE Standard 100. They must complete the the qualified person determining compliance may be relied
following checks and calculations: upon for the following tasks.

→ Determining whether the building seeking compliance If the building has an energy target:
falls into the established activity types listed in ASHRAE
Std. 100 Sec. 7 and therefore has an energy target. → Submitting energy use on behalf of the building owner
within 15 months of implementation of the EEMs while
→ Determining the energy target for the building in under conditional compliance (ASHRAE Std. 100
accordance with ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 7. Sec.
→ Determining the measured EUI of the building according → Determining and demonstrating to the AHJ whether
to ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 5.2. the energy targets have been met after implementation
of EEMs.
→ If the building has multiple activity types and falls into
the exception in ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 7.2.3 in which If the building does not have an energy target:
spaces with less than 10% of the gross floor area have a
unique activity type, the qualified person determining → Submitting energy use on behalf of the building owner
compliance may determine if these spaces can be within 15 months of implementation of the EEMs while
combined with other similar activity types. Note that under conditional compliance (ASHRAE Std. 100
this responsibility is shared with the energy manager. Sec.

In addition, the qualified person determining compliance → Determining whether or not the requirements of ASHRAE
is responsible for completing the following forms, found Std. 100 Sec. 4.3.3 have been met after implementation
in ASHRAE Std. 100 Normative Annex C, and submitting of EEMs. This may include the following:
them to the AHJ: → Reviewing commissioning reports and certifying that the EEMs
are functioning as intended (ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec.
→ Form A – Compliance with Standard 100
→ Reviewing the results of EEM energy monitoring and certifying
→ Form B – Building Activity and Energy Target (EUIt) that the energy savings of the package of EEMs meets or
exceeds 75% of the energy savings projected in the energy audit
→ Form C – Energy-Use Intensity Calculations (ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 9.2.2).

Compliance Process Examples

The examples on the following pages illustrate how a
theoretical implementation of ASHRAE Standard 100
might look for two common building types. In practice,
details related to the AHJ’s local requirements and the
Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) circumstances of the building, owner, staff, and consultants
will impact the specifics of the implementation process.


Figure 2-9 Summary of process and specific tasks related to

compliance requirements of the qualified person determining

Chapter 2 | Roles and Compliance Process ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 20

Case 1: Office Building (Single-Use)
That Complies Immediately
A 10-storey Canadian office building (gross floor area
of 50,000 ft2), owned and operated by a commercial
property management company (Company X), is
required to comply with ASHRAE Standard 100 by its
provincial government. The government has elected
to require their own regional EUI targets. In this case,

→ The provincial government is the AHJ:

→ Company X is the building owner. They have
a building manager on staff who takes care of
administrative logistics, along with a building
operator, also on staff, who is responsible for the
operation of the systems and equipment.


1. The provincial government, as the AHJ,

→ Adopts ASHRAE Standard 100, establishes

local requirements and timelines, and informs
building owners within their jurisdiction.
→ Hires Enclosure Consulting Inc., a building
2. Company X, as the building owner:
enclosure consulting firm, to perform a building
→ Informs the building staff (building manager, enclosure condition assessment as required by
building operator) that they need to comply with ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. D1.2.
the Standard → Reviews the report and coordinates with building
→ The building has multiple tenants, but the building owner to hire contractors to address the building
owner elects to comply as an entire building rather than enclosure deficiencies, including fixing broken
submitting for individual tenants. windows and replacing missing air barrier
→ Identifies the building manager as the designated
energy manager. → Performs an inventory of lighting systems per
ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. D5.
→ Hires ABC Energy Consulting, a local consulting
firm, to be the designated person determining 4. ABC Energy, as the qualified person
compliance. determining compliance:
→ Delegates their operations and maintenance → Determines the energy target for the building,
obligations to the building operator. based on the regional targets specified by the
3. The building/energy manager: province.
→ Calculates the EUI of the building.
→ Develops and implements an energy
management plan, including establishing → The EUI is less than the energy target for the building,
policies and communication to the building and so the building therefore complies with the energy
tenants surrounding energy-efficient operation requirements of the Standard.
of the building.

21 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 2 | Roles and Compliance Process

5. Company X, as the building owner:

→ Reviews and signs the energy management plan.

6. The building operator, as the designated

party responsible for ensuring operations and
maintenance requirements are met:

→ Reviews the existing operations and maintenance

program and ensures it meets the requirements
of the Standard.
→ Conducts all inspections and performs required
maintenance and documentation on all required
building components and systems, including
the building enclosure, domestic hot water
system, heating system, ventilation system, air
conditioning system, refrigeration equipment,
lighting systems, controls, electric power
distribution, and on-site power generation.

7. ABC Energy, as the qualified person

determining compliance:

→ Verifies/re-calculates the measured EUI,

compares it to the target EUI, and determines
that the energy target is achieved.
→ Confirms that the energy management plan and
operational and maintenance requirements of
ASHRAE Standard 100 have been met.
→ Completes Forms A, B, and C and submits them to
the provincial government before the legislated

8. The provincial government, as the AHJ:

→ Receives, reviews, and validates Forms A, B, and

→ Confirms that the requirements of the Standard
have been achieved.

9. Compliance is achieved.

Chapter 2 | Roles and Compliance Process ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 22

Case 2: Residential/Commercial
Building (Mixed-Use) That Does Not
Comply Immediately
A 20-storey multi-unit condominium building, with
two levels of at-grade commercial retail space (gross
floor area of 100,000 ft2), is required to comply with
ASHRAE Standard 100 by the local city government,
which has adopted the Standard for all existing
buildings over 50,000 ft2. The at-grade commercial
retail space is owned by Company Y. In this case:

→ The city government is the AHJ.

→ The collection of individual unit owners,
represented through a formal structure (i.e., a
condo board or strata council), is the building
owner for the residential portion of the building.
→ Company Y is the owner of the commercial
portion of the building.
→ The residential and commercial owners have an
ownership agreement surrounding operations
and maintenance of the building.
→ The mechanical systems are distinct between the
residential and commercial portions of the building.
→ Identify one of the residential unit owners as the
designated energy manager.
→ Hire DEF Consulting, a local engineering firm, to
1. The city government, as the AHJ: be the qualified person determining compliance,
and qualified energy auditor if required.
→ Adopts ASHRAE Std. 100, establishes local
requirements and timelines, and informs → Hire Type A Maintenance, a maintenance
building owners within their jurisdiction. contractor, to fulfill the owners’ obligations
surrounding operations and maintenance.
2. Company Y and the condo board, as the
building owners, jointly: 3. The residential unit owner, acting as the
energy manager:
→ Inform the unit owners, commercial tenants,
residential building manager, building operator) → Develops and implements an energy management
that they need to comply with the Standard. plan, including establishing policies and
communication to the other owners and tenants
→ Elect to comply as a whole building surrounding energy-efficient operation of the
→ Note that the Standard would allow compliance on building.
an individual tenant/unit basis, but this would not be
practical except where all energy-consuming systems → Reviews the recent building enclosure condition
and services are distinct and separately metered. assessment from BE Architects Inc., to ensure all
energy-related building enclosure deficiencies
have been corrected.

23 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 2 | Roles and Compliance Process

→ Delegates the lighting and systems inventory 8. DEF Consulting, as the qualified energy
obligations to DEF Consulting, the qualified auditor:
energy auditor.
→ Determines that a Level 2 energy audit is
4. Company Y and the condo board, as the necessary to identify the scope of EEMs required
building owners: to meet the energy target.

→ Review and sign the energy management plan. → Performs a Level 2 energy audit in accordance
with ASHRAE 211 - 2018 Standard for Commercial
5. Type A Maintenance, as the designated party Building Energy Audits.
responsible for operations and maintenance
requirements: → Produces an energy audit report containing the
following information:
→ Develops an operations and maintenance
→ A survey of existing building elements, including (but
program, delivers it to the building owners, and not limited to) building enclosure assemblies, lighting
receives approval to implement (along with systems, and mechanical equipment.
approval of related budget).
→ Estimate of energy use breakdown, highlighting most
→ Conducts all inspections and performs required energy-consuming end uses and associated systems.
maintenance and documentation on building → A list of recommended EEMs that, if implemented, are
mechanical and lighting systems, including an expected to meet the energy target.
inspection of the control systems twice per year. → A calculation of the estimated measured EUI that will
be achieved if the bundle of recommended EEMs are
6. DEF Consulting, as the qualified person implemented.
determining compliance:
→ Estimates for EEM implementation cost, energy cost
savings, maintenance cost savings, simple payback, and
→ Determines the energy target for the building measure life.
by area weighting the targets for the residential
spaces (Activity Type 53) with the commercial 9. The residential unit owner, acting as the
retail spaces (Activity Type 40) (ASHRAE Std. 100 energy manager:
Sec. 7.2.3).
→ Reviews the energy audit report
→ Calculates the overall EUI of the building from
utility bill data. → Makes a recommendation to the building owners
to approve the EEM bundle put forward in the
→ Determines that the measured EUI of the building energy audit report by DEF.
exceeds the energy target, requiring an energy
audit. 10. Company Y and the condo board, as the
building owners:
→ Recommends that the building owners complete
an energy audit in order to comply with the → Approves DEF’s energy audit report and
Standard. recommended EEM bundle.
7. Company Y and the condo board, as the → Retains DEF to carry out needed design work
building owners, jointly: and subsequent contract administration for the
recommended EEM bundle, including the budget
→ Approve an energy audit based on DEF’s to do so.
recommendation, and retain DEF to carry it out,
along with related budget for the audit itself. → When bids are received, select contractor(s) and
award contract to implement EEMs.

Chapter 2 | Roles and Compliance Process ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 24

11. The residential unit owner, acting as the
energy manager:

→ Continues to document ongoing energy use

12. DEF Consulting, as the qualified person

determining compliance:

→ Submits Forms A, B, and C to the city government,

which include measured energy use and EUI
calculation, indicating that compliance has not
been achieved but EEMs have been implemented.
→ Submits Form E, which summarizes the estimated
energy savings that are expected from the bundle
of EEMs that have been implemented.

13. The city government, as the AHJ:

→ Provides confirmation of conditional compliance,

including clarification of the date when
conditional compliance expires.

14. DEF Consulting, as the qualified person

determining compliance:

→ At least one year but not more than 15 months

after implementation of the EEM bundle,
recalculates the measured EUI of the building
using the 12 months of post-implementation
utility data.
→ Determines that the new measured EUI achieves
the energy target.
→ Resubmits Forms A, B, and C to the city
government, indicating that compliance has
been achieved.

15. The city government, as the AHJ:

→ Receives, reviews, and validates Forms A, B,

and C.
→ Confirms that the building complies with the

16. Compliance is achieved.

25 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 2 | Roles and Compliance Process

Chapter 2 | Roles and Compliance Process ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 26

27 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide

Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis and Reporting

Energy Management Plan Requirements������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 29

Operations and Maintenance Requirements������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32

Energy Use Analysis and Target Requirements��������������������������������������������������������������������� 33

Setting Energy Targets������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 45

Energy Audit Requirements������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 47

Implementation and Verification Requirements������������������������������������������������������������������� 50

Reporting������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 51

Summary������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 53

ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 28

Calculations, analysis, and reporting procedures comprise Building Energy Metering and EUI
the bulk of the compliance work involved in implementing
ASHRAE Standard 100. This section of the guide outlines Reporting
how to complete necessary calculations and satisfy
the requirements of the standard. Each subsection is As part of the energy management plan, the historical
relevant to different roles, which are indicated below the building energy use from energy meters must be collected
subsection heading. and reported in the form of a building energy-use intensity
(EUI) (on Form C, ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec 5.2), along with
the building’s energy target if available. See “Energy Use
Energy Management Plan Analysis and Target Requirements” (p. 33).
Energy Efficiency Measure (EEM)
Energy audits are only required when the qualified person
Energy manager role, responsible for developing determining compliance finds that the energy target EUI
and implementing the energy management plan. has not been met, or when the building does not have a
Building manager role, responsible for complying target. For more information on energy audit requirements,
with the energy management plan. see “Setting Energy Targets” (p. 45). When audits are
conducted, the report(s) from the energy auditor must then
be included in the energy management plan, along with any
Every building that is required to comply with ASHRAE chosen EEM bundles to achieve the energy target.
Standard 100 must develop an energy management
plan, with the exception of buildings under 5000 ft2
(which are not required to have an energy manager or an TIP: LIGHTING
energy management plan). The energy management
plan is a living document that describes the building’s There is a specific requirement for a list of lighting
energy performance. It typically consists of the following power densities and schedules throughout the
5 subsections, which are further explained in this section: building, the lighting satisfaction survey and
lighting checklist, along with any lighting-related
1. Building energy metering and reporting EEMs and their associated savings (ASHRAE Std.
100 Sec. and However, these
2. Energy-Use Intensity (EUI) reporting items would likely be completed and included
3. Energy Efficiency Measure (EEM) implementation within the scope of the energy audit report.

4. Operations and maintenance considerations for Energy

When EEMs are implemented by the building owner, this
5. Communication responsibilities must be documented in the energy management plan,
including the following information:
The components of the energy management plan have
interrelated requirements and are connected to other → List of implemented EEMs, along with the dates of
aspects of ASHRAE Standard 100 implementation, as implementation
shown in Figure 3-1.
→ Operation and maintenance program updates for each
Detailed energy management plan requirements are EEM (see “Operations and Maintenance Requirements”
described in ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 5, with specific p. 32), including but not limited to:
compliance requirements stated in ASHRAE Std. 100 → Ongoing commissioning plans for each EEM
Sec. 4.2.2.
→ Staff training plan for each EEM

29 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting

Building Energy Metering and




Energy Use Intensity (EUI) CONDUCT AN ENERGY
Energy Efficiency Measure (EEM)
Reporting AUDIT + SELECT EEMS Implementation


Operations and



Figure 3-1 Energy management plan requirements

Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 30

Operations and Maintenance Capital Planning
Considerations for Energy Managers Capital planning and asset management
carried out by building owners is generally
The energy management plan is developed alongside the
outside the scope of ASHRAE Standard 100.
operations and maintenance plan. Some portions of the
However, with respect to replacement in the
operations and maintenance plan pertain specifically to
event of equipment failure or end-of-life
energy use and are developed by the energy manager.
conditions, the energy management plan must include a
Specifically, the energy manager should be aware
capital management plan.
of the following:
The capital management plan consists of a list of energy-
Energy-Related Operations and Maintenance consuming equipment to be replaced with new, energy-
efficient equipment either at failure or end-of-life. The
new equipment must be ENERGY STAR® certified, where
applicable, and conform to the most stringent of federal
The energy management plan has several equipment standards, applicable building codes, ASHRAE
specific requirements for the operation and Standard 90.1, and/or ASHRAE Standard 90.2.
maintenance of building systems and
components related to energy use:
Contact List
→ A building enclosure inspection must be performed
at least every 3 years, with corrective action taken as A contact list is required within the energy
needed (ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. D1.2). management plan, including the energy
manager, building owner, and qualified energy
→ An inventory of lighting controls and luminaires must
auditors, as well as suppliers and local
be compiled and included in the energy management
representatives of energy-efficient equipment
plan (ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. D5.2). Note that this task
relevant to the given building.
is often completed by the energy auditor as part of the
energy audit.
→ If applicable, the energy management plan must
Communication Responsibilities
address proper loading practices for display
As part of the energy management plan, there are specific
refrigerators (ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. D4.4.2).
requirements around communication with occupants. The
→ Documentation of typical operating schedules for plan must state how occupants will be informed about the
building equipment and systems. benefits of energy-efficient building operation, and how they
will be given instructions for efficiently operating windows,
Operations Staff Training HVAC system controls, and lighting system components
and controls. The Standard does not specify any particular
communication method, but states that it can be electronic
An energy-related training plan is required for
or in print form.
operations and maintenance staff, including
the building operator and maintenance As an example, communication could take the form of a
personnel. The training plan focuses on how to memo or short guide, distributed to building occupants
operate building systems to optimize energy and then appended to the energy management plan. The
efficiency without compromising indoor environmental energy management plan itself must also be distributed
quality or system functionality. by the energy manager to the building occupants and
stakeholders on an annual basis.
This training plan is the responsibility of the energy
manager, although it is integrated into the operations and
maintenance plan.
Training must also include developing, documenting, and
distributing procedures to building personnel for energy-
efficient operation of exterior doors and windows (ASHRAE
Std. 100 Sec. D1.8).

31 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting

Operations and Maintenance → Performance objectives are the functions that the building
and associated building systems are designed to perform.
Requirements They should be specific to the given building; in general, the
first objective of any building is to provide a suitable indoor
environment based on its function (i.e., an office space vs.

→ Thermal comfort objectives can relate to indoor temperature,

RELATED ROLES: humidity, and air velocity, and may be based on maintaining
acceptable agreement with a building standard stipulating
Energy manager role, responsible for developing thermal comfort criteria such as ASHRAE Standard 55 Thermal
and implementing the energy management plan, Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy.
some of which overlaps with operations and → Indoor air quality objectives can relate to the amount of
maintenance requirements. outdoor airflow, air filtration, and airborne contaminant
concentrations, and may be based on maintaining acceptable
Building manager role, responsible for complying agreement to a standard stipulating indoor air quality criteria
with the energy management plan and the such as ASHRAE Standard 62.1 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor
Air Quality or ASHRAE Standard 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable
operations and maintenance requirements. Indoor Air Quality in Residential Buildings.
Building owner role, responsible for ensuring → Energy efficiency objectives can relate to mechanical and
operations and maintenance requirements are electrical energy efficiency, and may be based on maintaining
met. acceptable agreement to a standard which stipulates energy
performance criteria such as ASHRAE Standard 90.1 Energy
Building operator role, required to execute the Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
or ASHRAE Standard 90.2 Energy-Efficient Design of Low-Rise
operations and maintenance plan and commit to Residential Buildings.
its goals.
→ Inventory of items to be inspected and maintained
(ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. L2.1). This generally pertains
Operations and maintenance requirements and procedures to building assemblies, systems, and equipment that
are stated in ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 6, Informative Annex D, must be maintained in order to ensure energy-efficient
and Normative Annex L. Aside from providing some specific operation of the building.
responsibilities for individual roles as discussed earlier,
→ Statement of condition indicators (ASHRAE Std.
ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 6 generally references Annex D
100 Sec. L2.2.2). The inventory of items identifies
regarding operations and maintenance requirements and
what needs to be inspected and maintained, while the
Annex L regarding implementation of the operations and
condition indicators are what maintenance personnel
maintenance plan.
are checking for. In other words, they set criteria to signal
The operations and maintenance requirements are intended unsatisfactory or out-of-specification performance.
to standardize energy-related operation and maintenance Condition indicators may be measurements or
practices for buildings seeking compliance with ASHRAE observations. If they signal unsatisfactory performance
Standard 100. The intent is to ensure energy-efficient at two successive inspections, the building owner and/
operation of building systems and components throughout or their designated representative are required to
their service lives. further investigate the problem.

Generally speaking, the requirements set responsibilities → List of inspection and maintenance tasks (ASHRAE
for individuals, outline the operation and maintenance Std. 100 Sec. L2.2.3). Common inspection and
plan that must be created for each building, and list the maintenance tasks for major building systems and
inspection and maintenance requirements for specific equipment are listed in ASHRAE Std. 100 Informative
systems and equipment. Annex D. For convenience, you can also find a checklist
in this guide (Appendix E, p. 73) that can be adapted
Like the energy management plan, the operations and into the operations and maintenance plan as applicable.
maintenance plan is a living document. If an operations
and maintenance plan has already been developed for a → Statement of inspection and maintenance frequency
given building, it can be reviewed and/or updated to meet (ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. L2.2.4). Note that although a
the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 100. It is expected to schedule specifying the frequency of inspection and
contain the following information: maintenance activities must be established and adhered
to, there is no ASHRAE Standard 100 requirement for
→ Statement of performance objectives (ASHRAE Std. how frequent they must be.
100 Sec. L2.2.1), including:

Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 32

→ A log or record documenting completion of inspection
and maintenance activities (ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec.
L2.2.5). Equation 3-1

→ Energy-related content developed as part of the

energy management plan, as described above.
Energy Use Analysis and Target = Gross floor area of the entire building, m2 (ft2)
= Gross floor area with a unique activity type i,
m2 (ft2)

RELATED ROLES: = number of unique activity types

Qualified person determining compliance = Gross floor area of the largest unique
role, responsible for calculating the building EUI, activity type, m2 (ft2)
determining the energy target, and determining
compliance to the Standard. b. If there are multiple activity types, but some
activity types have a gross floor area of less than
Energy manager role, responsible for gathering 10% of the total building gross floor area, then
the energy data as requested by the qualified these areas can be combined with other areas that
person, and may perform part of the energy have a similar activity type at the discretion of the
analysis and energy target determination as part qualified person determining compliance or the
of preparing the energy management plan. energy manager.

Energy use analysis and target requirements are described

in ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 7. The information provided below
describes how to calculate a given building’s EUI, how to
determine the building’s energy target, and how to evaluate 2. Review ASHRAE Std. 100 Table 7-1 and Informative
compliance. Example calculations are also provided. Annex M, which list 53 different activity types and
corresponding sub-types, and cross reference this list
Determining a Building’s Energy Target against the list of unique activity types for the applicant
The first step is to determine if the applicant building has an
a. If all unique activity types listed in Step 1 are found
energy target.
in ASHRAE Std. 100 Table 7-1, the building has an
1. Make a list of all the unique activity types or uses within energy target.
the given building, along with their corresponding gross b. If one or more unique activity types listed in Step
floor area. A given building may have more than one 1 are not found in ASHRAE Std. 100 Table 7-1,
activity type1. but the total gross floor area without an energy
a. If there are multiple activity types, but the largest target is less than 10% of the total building gross
area with a unique activity type represents more than floor area, and the area without an energy target
75% of the total gross floor area, then the applicant is metered separately from the rest of the building,
building has the option of being considered a single then this area and its corresponding activities
activity building; if applying as a single activity can be excluded from energy target and analysis
building, the entire gross floor area can be considered calculations and the building has an energy target.
as applying to the largest unique activity type.

1 See Energy Star Portfolio Manager for additional guidance Equation 3-2
on identifying property types and associated activity types: https://

33 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting

where If it is determined that the building has an energy target, then
the next step is to confirm local requirements as stated by the
= Gross floor area with unique AHJ for the jurisdiction in which the building is located.
activity type i which does not have an energy target
listed in ASHRAE Std. 100 Table 7-1, m2 (ft2) 1. Did the AHJ set its own energy targets? Or are they using
the energy targets listed in ASHRAE Std. 100 Tables
= Number of unique activity types without energy 7-2a/b or in ASHRAE Std. 100 Annex A Tables A1/2?
targets listed in ASHRAE Std. 100 Table 7-1
2. Is the AHJ requiring buildings to comply based on
site or source energy, or are they using the Standard
100 methodology which allows the qualified person
determining compliance to choose site or source EUI?
c. A building has no energy target if it cannot 3. If source energy is being used, confirm whether the AHJ
satisfy either of the above conditions. A building has specified its own primary energy conversion factors,
without an energy target is always required to or if it is relying upon the values stated in ASHRAE Std.
complete an energy audit and implement EEMs. 100 Table 5-2b.
See “Energy Audit Requirements” (p. 47) and
“Implementation and Verification Requirements If needed, calculate building energy targets.
(Conditional Compliance)” (p. 50) for more
Building energy targets are calculated as follows:

3. If all or part of the building is vacant, then the vacant

spaces are subject to the following conditions:
Equation 3-3
a. If the vacant portion of the building represents
100% of the total building gross floor area, the where
target shall be set based on the occupancy prior to = Energy-use intensity target for the entire
becoming vacant. building, MJ/m2 (kBTU/ft2)
b. If the vacant portion of the building represents less = Building operating shift normalization factor from
than 30% of the total building gross floor area, and ASHRAE Std. 100 Table 7-3
the vacant area isn’t heated, cooled, or illuminated,
the vacant area can be excluded from energy target = Energy-use intensity target for activity type i,
and energy analysis calculations. MJ/m2 (kBTU/ft2)
c. If neither a nor b apply, but there is a recent Building operating shift normalization factors are
12-month period for which energy data is available numeric values ranging from 0.4 to 2.1 (and listed in ASHRAE
during which the building was occupied, the Std. 100 Table 7-3) that correct the EUI targets based on
energy use analysis and targets shall be based on the hours of operation during a typical week for the given
this period and corresponding occupancy. activity type. For example, 168 weekly hours represents
24/7 operation.
d. If neither a nor b apply, and no recent energy
data is available during which the building EUI targets for activity types are as specified by the AHJ and
was occupied, the energy analysis and target will be in the form of either site or source energy targets.
calculations – and corresponding compliance
Note that for buildings with a single activity type, the
determination to the Standard – shall be
number of unique activity types i=1, and
put on hold until relevant data is available.

The qualified person determining compliance or

energy manager must review AHJ requirements Equation 3-4
for how to notify the AHJ if an exemption or delay
applies to the applicant building. The EUI target is calculated on ASHRAE Std. 100 Form B –
Building Activity and Energy Target (EUI) and reported
on ASHRAE Std. 100 Form A – Compliance with Standard
100 by the qualified person determining compliance. See
“Reporting” (p. 51) for more information.

Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 34

Building Energy Metering and Reporting to the building. Additional sub-meters may need to be
installed, by the building owner or by the utility, in order to
record the quantity of energy exported. In the rare event that
exported energy can’t be quantified through sub-metering,
TIP: MULTIPLE BUILDINGS the AHJ must determine an acceptable alternative method.
Figure 3-3 illustrates the concept of net energy and the
For campuses and/or multiple buildings on a single building boundary.
meter (ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec.
Note that if all of the building’s energy is both generated
→ The requirements of the Standard can be and consumed on-site, it decreases the amount of energy
achieved for multiple buildings on a single purchased from utilities, but it will not be included in this
utility meter. net annual energy consumption calculation because it
never crosses the building boundary.
→ All calculations are to be performed by
combining the group of buildings to form a The annual net energy consumption reported to the AHJ must
single large building. be measured over a consecutive 12-month period occurring
not more than 2 years prior to the energy audit. If no energy
→ If energy efficiency measures (EEMs) need audit is required, the AHJ should establish an acceptable
to be implemented, a multiple-building timeframe for the 12-month metering period prior to the
plan must be drafted that outlines how EEM submission deadline for compliance documentation.
implementation will be coordinated across
the group of buildings. Annual net energy consumption is reported on ASHRAE
Std. 100 Form C – Energy-Use Intensity Calculations. See
“Implementation and Verification Requirements” (p. 50)
for more information on documentation procedures.
Building energy monitoring and reporting requirements
are outlined in ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 5.2 and referenced If energy consumption, as reported by utilities or energy
in ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. Buildings are required to meters, is not in units of MJ (kBTU) required for submission,
measure and report their net annual energy consumption. ASHRAE Std. 100 Table 5-2a can be referenced for energy
Net energy consumption is the amount of energy supplied conversion calculations.
to the building, less the amount of energy generated at the
building site that is exported to other buildings or fed back
into the utility grid.1

Equation 3-5

= Net energy used by the building, MJ/year (kBTU/year)

= Energy supplied to the building by utility service

providers, MJ/year (kBTU/year)
= Energy generated at the building, which is not
used at the building site, and is exported to another building
or back into the utility grid, MJ/year (kBTU/year)
The calculation boundary for is defined as the building
or group of buildings connected to the utility meter. Energy
supplied to the building is determined from utility meters,
as measured and billed by the utilities providing services
1 Equations in this chapter are derived from the equations
and descriptions of calculations provided in the Standard. They are
mathematically equivalent but may use a different notation to better fit Figure 3-2 Meter set
with the explanations provided in this guide. © Adobe Stock / Robert Keenan

35 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting

If your building uses oil, biomass, or another energy source that is supplied in bulk and consumed over a long
period of time, use the following to calculate energy imported:

Equation 3-6


= The amount of bulk energy stored on-site at the beginning of the metering period (month 0 of 12),

= The amount of bulk energy which is supplied to the building during the metering period, MJ (kBTU)

= The amount of bulk energy stored on-site at the end of the metering period (end of month 12 of
12), MJ (kBTU)

2. Building Renewable Energy Production 1. Energy Delivered to Building

(Does not need to be metered if used within the building) +
a) b) 2. Building Renewable Energy Production
3. Energy Exported from Building for
Electrical Thermal Beneficial Use
= Net Energy Used

1. Energy Delivered to Building

a) b) c)

3. Energy Exported from Building for Beneficial Use

Electricity Gas Steam/HW/CW
a) b) c) d) e)

Excess Solar or Excess Solar Recovered Excess Co-Gen Excess Co-Gen

Bulk Fuel (Coal/Bio-Mass/Propane/Oil) Wind Electrical Thermal Thermal Energy Electrical Thermal

Figure 3-3 Net energy and the building boundary

Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 36

Example Calculation:
A 6-storey apartment building (50,000 ft2) is located
in a rural area. The building is connected to the
electrical grid, but also uses a combination of roof-
mounted photovoltaic (PV) panels and a fuel oil tank
for supplemental energy.
At the beginning of the measurement period (March),
the fuel oil tank contains 500 litres (132 U.S. gal) of
fuel oil #2 and has a capacity of 1000 litres (264 U.S.
gal). A local oil supply company comes to the building
site to fill the oil tank every September, with this
year’s fill totalling 600 litres (158.4 U.S. gal). At the
end of the measurement period, the tank contains
400 litres (105.6 U.S. gal).
The annual PV generated is 90,000 kWh, as measured
by the PV controller, all of which is consumed on-site.
The electrical utility bills show that 465,000 kWh
of electricity was supplied to the building by the
electrical utility provider.

The net energy consumption in metric (SI) base units for the building during this period is calculated as
follows, based on Equation 3-5 and Equation 3-6:


While there is on-site PV, the energy generated is consumed on-site and is therefore not exported.

The exported energy, , is therefore zero.

37 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting

The net energy consumption in imperial (IP) base units for the building during this period is calculated as
follows, based on Equation 3-5 and Equation 3-6:


While there is on-site PV, the energy generated is consumed on-site and is therefore not exported.

The exported energy, , is therefore zero.

Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 38

Energy-Use Intensity (EUI) Reporting
Annual net energy consumption must be converted and
reported as an annual energy-use intensity (EUI). Energy-
use intensity is the annual net energy consumption,
normalized by building gross floor area. It can be reported
in site or source energy and is calculated as follows.

Equation 3-7


= Annual site energy-use intensity, MJ/m2/year

= Net energy used by the building, MJ/year (kBTU/year) → Porches and similar spaces
= Total building gross floor area, m2 (ft2) → Exterior terraces or exterior steps
→ Pipe trenches

Equation 3-8
EUIs are calculated and submitted in the initial year of
seeking compliance and are then, if required, updated
where with any changes, such as if EEMs are implemented. EUIs
must also be compared to the energy target. EUIs can be
= Annual source energy-use intensity, MJ/m2/year calculated on a site or source energy basis, depending on
(kBTU/ft2/year) which method the qualified person determining compliance
uses to demonstrate compliance, and/or depending on
= Primary energy conversion factor for energy source i, as
the targets set by the AHJ. The building EUI is reported on
defined by the AHJ or as listed in ASHRAE Std. 100 Table 5-2b.
ASHRAE Std. 100 Form A – Compliance with Standard 100,
Gross floor area (GFA, or ) is calculated using exterior based on the energy consumption calculated on ASHRAE
dimensions and is measured from the outer surface of the Std. 100 Form C – Energy-Use Intensity Calculations.
exterior walls of a building2.1For partition walls between
adjacent buildings, GFA is measured from the centre of the Evaluating Compliance
partition wall. Note that GFA includes all voids, shafts, and
other floor penetrations. For atriums or multi-storey zones,
Once the building EUI has been calculated and the energy
the floor area is only counted once.
target has been determined (where possible), the qualified
Other exclusions not included in the GFA calculations for person determining compliance and/or the energy manager
energy analysis, as identified in ASHRAE Standard 100, can evaluate whether ASHRAE Standard 100 energy
include: performance criteria have been met.

→ Unconditioned parking garages (conditioned parking For buildings with an energy target, this is relatively
garages are included) straightforward:

→ Surface parking
→ Crawl spaces Equation 3-9

→ Covered walkways Note that care must be taken to ensure that the building
EUI and the energy target are both representing either site
→ Open roofed-over areas energy or source energy.
→ Roof overhangs For buildings without a target, compliance is evaluated
based on the amount of savings achieved by the energy
2 Exterior walls separate conditioned interior space from the
efficiency measures (EEMs). Buildings without a target are

39 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting

required to complete an energy audit and implement the
entire optimized bundle of EEMs identified in the energy
audit report. Compliance is achieved if the amount of
measured energy savings is greater than or equal to 75%
of the estimated energy savings, as reported in the energy
audit report. As with buildings that have an energy target,
evaluation of compliance can be simplified and represented
as an equation:

Equation 3-10


= Annual net energy consumption of the building, as

measured prior to EEM implementation, MJ (kBTU)

= Annual net energy consumption of the building,

as measured over 12 months following implementation of

= Annual energy savings, as estimated and reported

for the optimized bundle of EEMs in the energy audit report,
If the energy compliance criteria are not achieved, the
building can be classified as conditionally compliant or
noncompliant depending on a variety of factors at the
discretion of the AHJ. See “Implementation and Verification
Requirements” (p. 50) for further detail.

Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 40

Example Calculations

Example 1:

A 12 storey multi-unit residential building located in Seattle, Washington (Climate Zone 4C) has a grocery store
on the ground floor (15,000 ft2) and 11 storeys of residential space above (50,000 ft2). The grocery store is open
from 8am–10pm, 7 days a week. The building uses natural gas for heating and domestic hot water and uses
electricity for all other end uses. From utility bills, the entire building consumed 550,000 kWh of electricity and
60,000 m3 (2,119,000 ft3) of natural gas in the past 12 months. The AHJ has opted to use the site energy targets
found within ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec 7. Does the building comply with the energy requirements of the Standard?

Determine if the building has an energy target:

Two activity types from ASHRAE Std. 100 Table 7-1:

1. Activity Type 53 - Apartment building (5+ units)

2. Activity Type 12 – Grocery/food market

This can be considered a single activity type building, with Activity Type 53 – Apartment building (5+ units), as
this activity represents greater than 75% of the total building GFA. However, it may be more beneficial to apply
as a multi-use building given the large discrepancy in activity types.

Determine whether the energy target would be easier to meet if applying as a single-use building or a
mixed-use building:

From ASHRAE Std. 100 Table 7-2a, Climate Zone 4C, the site energy targets are:

1. Activity Type 53 is 492 MJ/m2/yr (43 kBTU/ft2/yr)

2. Activity Type 12 is 1486 MJ/m2/yr (131 kBTU/ft2/yr)

From ASHRAE Std. 100 Table 7-3, Climate Zone 4C, the building operating shifts normalization factors are:

1. Activity Type 53, S = 1.0 regardless of weekly hours.

2. Activity Type 12, at 7 × 14 = 98 weekly hours, S = 1.0.

(example continued on following spread)

41 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting

If applying as a single-use building with Activity Type 53


If applying as a mixed-use building,


In this case, it would be easier for this building to comply with the energy requirements as a mixed-use building,
even though it has the option of applying as a single-use building.

(example continued on following spread)

Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 42

Determine the building’s EUI:


Determine if the building complies with the energy requirements:


RESULT: Yes, the building does comply with the energy

requirements of the Standard.
Note, however, that if this building had chosen to apply as a
single-use building with Activity Type 53 – Apartment building
(5+ units), the energy target of 492 MJ/m2/year (43 kBtu/ft2/
year) would not have been achieved, and the building would
be required to complete an energy audit and implement EEMs.

43 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting

Example 2:

A data centre (20,000 ft2) located in Kelowna, BC (Climate Zone 5A) operates 24/7. The centre uses electricity
for all end uses and consumed 9,300 MWh of electricity in a recent 12-month period. In an effort to save energy
(and prior to ASHRAE 100 being required), the building owner hired a qualified energy auditor to complete
an energy audit. The energy audit report identified an optimized EEM bundle to upgrade the cooling system
and controls with an estimated annual energy savings of 1,500 MWh/year. The building owner proceeded with
implementing the entire optimized EEM bundle, and the building consumed 8,100 MWh of electricity in the
most recent 12-month period. Does the building comply with the energy requirements of the Standard?

Determine if the building has an energy target:

From ASHRAE Std. 100 Table 7-1, no activity type or comparable activity type is listed for data centres.
From ASHRAE Std. 100 Informative Annex M, no comparable activity subtype is listed for data centres
The building does not have an energy target.

Determine the amount of savings achieved by the implemented EEMs:

RESULT: Yes, the building does comply with the energy

requirements of the Standard.

Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 44

Setting Energy Targets performing 25th (low energy) percentile of buildings
within each category.
These targets represent buildings that use less energy
than 75% of the buildings surveyed in each category.
2. ASHRAE Std. 100 Table A1 (site) and ASHRAE Std.
Authority Having Jurisdiction role, responsible 100 Table A2 (source), which are based on the top-
for establishing energy targets for their jurisdiction. performing 40th (low energy) percentile of buildings
within each category.
These targets represent buildings that use less energy
While ASHRAE Standard 100 includes energy targets, it is
than 60% of the buildings surveyed in each category. They
the responsibility of the AHJ and legislator to determine
represent “better-than-average” performance but are less
how the Standard will be implemented in their jurisdiction.
stringent than those listed in ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 7.
Energy targets can be set a few different ways:
AHJs can choose either set of targets from within the
→ Energy targets can be set based on ASHRAE Std. 100 Standard, depending on how stringent they wish the
Table 7-2a/b (which is based on the top-performing requirements to be.
25th percentile of existing buildings), or alternatively
ASHRAE Std. 100 Annex A Tables A1/2 (which is based
on the top-performing 40th percentile). Site vs. Source Energy Targets
→ Energy targets can be calculated by the AHJ based on
Energy targets can be based on site or source energy. The
the fuel-specific EUIs listed in ASHRAE Std. 100 Annex
AHJ has the option of setting energy targets on a site energy
A Tables A3/4, with regionally specific primary energy
or source energy basis. Alternately, the AHJ could choose to
conversion factors.
leave it up to the qualified person determining compliance
→ Energy targets can be set based on regionally specific and/or the energy manager to decide whether source or
data, at the discretion of the AHJ. For example, see site energy targets are used. However, depending on the
Appendix A and B for the Province of British Columbia regional primary energy conversion factors, this may lead
and Washington State targets respectively. to a wide range in the stringency of the targets chosen.
AHJs may also wish to coordinate ASHRAE 100 targets Primary energy conversion factors, or source-to-site
with greenhouse gas emission intensity (GHGI) targets ratios, are used to convert site energy into source energy and
and associated policy, to align with climate change goals represent the amount of upstream energy use associated
within their jurisdiction. While this is not within the scope with providing a given fuel source at a building level.
of ASHRAE Standard 100, this guide provides additional Primary energy conversion factors are provided in ASHRAE
guidance in Appendix C. Std. 100 Table 5-2b, based on U.S. national averages.
Primary energy conversion factors can vary widely across
Using Energy Targets in ASHRAE countries, or even within states/provinces. It is therefore
Standard 100 important, if using source-based energy targets, that the AHJ
carefully consider which factors to use. The AHJ can use the
values from ASHRAE Std. 100 Table 5-2b or specify regionally
The most straightforward option for AHJs is to implement
specific primary energy conversion factors that have been
energy targets based on the data already provided within
determined in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 105
ASHRAE Standard 100. The energy use targets presented in the
Standard Methods of Determining, Expressing, and Comparing
Standard were derived by the Oakridge National Laboratory
Building Energy Performance and Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
(ORNL) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Data was
collected by the Energy Information Administration (EIS) as
part of two surveys of existing buildings: the Commercial Calculating New Source Energy Targets
Building Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) in 2003, and the
Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) in 2005.
Using ASHRAE Standard 100
There are two sets of site and source energy targets listed ASHRAE Standard 100 provides AHJs the option of calculating
within the Standard: their own source energy targets. AHJs may wish to consider
1. ASHRAE Std. 100 Table 7-2a (site) and ASHRAE Std. this approach if:
100 Table 7-2b (source), which are based on the top- → They are choosing to use source energy targets, and

45 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting

→ They are choosing to use their own primary energy 2. ASHRAE Std. 100 Table A3 (electricity) and ASHRAE
conversion factors rather than using the U.S. national Std. 100 Table A4 (fossil fuel), which are based on
average factors listed in ASHRAE Std. 100 Table 5-2b the top-performing 40th (low energy) percentile of
of the Standard. buildings within each category.

The Standard provides two sets of electricity and fossil fuel These targets represent buildings that use less energy
energy use targets, from which AHJs can calculate their than 60% of the buildings surveyed in each category.
own source energy targets. These electricity and fossil fuel- They represent “better-than-average” performance,
specific targets are site-based but differ from the site energy but are less stringent than the targets listed in ASHRAE
targets in that they are for specific energy types rather than Std. 100 Sec. 7.
whole-building energy use. The general idea is for AHJs to New energy targets are calculated as follows (ASHRAE Std.
take the targets for each energy type and apply the region- 100 Annex A1.1):
specific primary energy conversion factors in order to
determine new region-specific source energy targets.
The electricity and fossil fuel energy use targets presented Equation 3-11
in the Standard are as follows:
= Electricity use intensity target, from ASHRAE Std.
1. ASHRAE Std. 100 Table 7-2c (electricity) and ASHRAE 100 Table 7-2c or Table A3.
Std. 100 Table 7-2d (fossil fuel), which are based on
= Local primary energy conversion factor for
the top-performing 25th (low energy) percentile of
electricity, as defined by the AHJ within their jurisdiction.
buildings within each category.
= Fossil fuel use intensity target, from ASHRAE Std.
These targets represent buildings that use less energy 100 Table 7-2d or Table A4.
than 75% of the buildings surveyed in each category.
They are more stringent than the targets listed in = Local primary energy conversion factor for fossil
ASHRAE Std. 100 Annex A. fuels, as defined by the AHJ within their jurisdiction.

Example Calculation

A city government in British Columbia (Climate Zone 4C) is adopting ASHRAE Standard 100 for professional office
buildings. They are opting to implement source energy targets using the 40th percentile fuel-specific targets listed
in ASHRAE Std. 100 Normative Annex A. The local electricity primary energy conversion factor is 1.11, and the local
fossil fuel primary energy conversion factor is 1.03. Calculate the energy target for offices.
Look up energy targets in Table A3 and Table A4 of ASHRAE Std. 100 Normative Annex A:
Professional office buildings are Activity Type 1 from Table 7-1.

From Table A3, Climate Zone 4C, = 494 MJ/m2/yr (44 kBTU/ft2/yr)

From Table A4, Climate Zone 4C, = 62 MJ/m2/yr (5 kBTU/ft2/yr)


Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 46

Energy Audit Requirements Energy Audit Process
Under ASHRAE Standard 100, energy audits must comply
with ASHRAE’s existing documentation requirements
RELATED ROLES: in ASHRAE Standard 211 - 2018 Standard for Commercial
Building Energy Audits. The level of detail of the energy
Qualified energy auditor role, responsible for audits is to be either Level 1 or Level 2, depending on the
completing the energy audit. following criteria:

→ For buildings with energy targets, the level of detail

is selected at the discretion of the energy auditor. The
An energy audit is a detailed study that reviews a given
energy audit must provide sufficient detail to fulfill
building’s systems, equipment, and assemblies that impact
the specific requirements of the Standard discussed in
energy use, and identifies potential energy efficiency
ASHRAE Std. 100 Section 4.5.2.
measures (EEMs) to reduce energy use. An energy audit
must be performed for an applicant building under ASHRAE → For buildings without energy targets, the level of
Standard 100 if the qualified person determining compliance detail varies depending on the size of the building:
and/or the energy manager determine that:
→ For buildings with gross floor area greater than 1,000 m2
(10,000 ft2), a Level 2 Audit is to be performed.
→ The applicant building has an energy target, and the
measured energy use during the recent 12-month → For buildings with gross floor area less than or equal to 1,000 m2
measurement period exceeds the energy target, or (10,000 ft2), a Level 1 or Level 2 Audit is to be performed.

→ The applicant building does not have an energy target.

If an energy audit is required, it must be completed by a

qualified energy auditor retained by the building owner or
a person designated on behalf of the owner (such as the
energy manager).

Does the building have

an energy target?


Energy audit level is set at the discretion of the Energy audit level depends on the
Qualified Energy Auditor, and must provide GFA of the building
enough detail to satisfy the Standard

GFA ≤ 1,000 M2 GFA ≤ 1,000 M2

(10,000 FT2) (10,000 FT2)

Level 1 or Level 2 Audit, at

Level 2 Audit
discretion of Energy Auditor

Figure 3-4 Flow chart demonstrating selection of appropriate audit level

47 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting

Specific Audit Requirements for
Energy Audit Scope
ASHRAE Standard 100
In addition to the requirements for Level 1 and Level 2
Audits outlined in ASHRAE Standard 211 - 2018 Standard Building Enclosure
for Commercial Building Energy Audits, ASHRAE Standard
100 lists several additional specific requirements to be Lighting Systems
completed as part of the energy audit process. In many
cases, following the basic Level 1 and Level 2 procedures HVAC Systems
will result in also satisfying specific ASHRAE Standard 100
requirements. However, this may not always be the case.
ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec. 8.2.2 dictates that the scope of the Cooling
energy audit address all of the items in Figure 3-5. Other Ventilation and Exhaust
requirements specific to the Standard are listed in Table 3-1.
Water Systems

Domestic Hot Water

Refrigeration Systems

Power Systems

Power Generation Equipment

Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Power Distribution Units

People Moving Systems


Figure 3-5 Diagram illustrating items included in the scope of the

energy audit

Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 48

Table 3-1 Requirements for Energy Audits Specific to ASHRAE Standard 100

A list of recommended
EEMs with their estimated A list of EEMs, complete with their estimated service lives, is required of all energy audits.
service lives.

The optimized EEM bundle consists of EEMs with a simple payback of less than 5 years, excluding EEMs with a simple
A selected bundle of payback greater than their service life.
EEMs that will achieve the
As an alternative to simple payback, the optimized bundle can be based on life-cycle costs using the Building Life-Cycle
energy target
Cost (BLCC) program BLCC5, a free market tool created by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
→ Use an internal rate of return of greater than or equal to 20%
An optimized bundle → Use BLCC5 defaults for all other parameters.
of EEMs for buildings
without an energy target. For U.S. federal buildings specifically, the optimized bundle is to be based on life-cycle costing using BLCC5 and consist of
all EEMs that have a savings-to-investment ratio (SIR) that meets federal requirements.

The level of precision required for the end use analysis varies depending on the level of the energy audit.

For Level 1 Audits:

→ End uses must be separated into major groups including lighting, plug loads, heating, cooling, and DHW.

An energy end use → The audit must demonstrate that the sum of end uses is a reasonable representation of the baseline energy use.
breakdown, required There are no specific requirements on how to achieve this. End use breakdowns may therefore be based on previous
for both the baseline experience with other similar buildings or based on typical performance of reference buildings.
building and the bundle
of all selected EEMs as For Level 2 Audits:
recommended by the
→ End uses must be separately broken out for all end uses that represent more than 5% of the historical energy use.
energy auditor.
→ The sum of end uses forms the baseline energy use. The baseline must equal between 90% and 100% of the
historical energy use measured during the 12-month period in the energy target calculations.
→ If the baseline differs from the historical energy use, then all savings estimates must be based on the baseline. For
example, if the sum of end uses for the baseline building totals 92% of the historical energy use (from the initial
target calculation), this is acceptable; however, all savings estimates are to be based on this baseline energy use.

Note that energy savings must be presented both in the units used on the building owner’s utility bills and the units
necessary for comparison to the energy target (MJ or kBTU).
Energy savings analysis—
estimated energy and For the optimized bundle, savings estimates must account for interactive effects starting with load reduction EEMs (for
peak demand savings for example, window upgrades), followed by distribution system EEMs (for example, fan or pump upgrades), and lastly plant
each EEM, as well as the efficiency EEMs (for example, boiler replacements).
optimized EEM bundle
(ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec.

Estimated annual operational cost savings, implementation capital cost, and simple payback.

Financial analysis
(ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec.
Operational cost savings must account for maintenance costs in addition to operational energy costs.

Operational energy costs are calculated based on current utility rates at the building location.

Operational energy costs must be calculated based on the billing structure of the local utility provider and must account
for time-of-use or peak demand charges in addition to energy use charges as applicable.

49 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting

Implementation and Verification → Initial adoption deadline, including timeframe for
buildings to complete an initial submission of Forms A,
Requirements B, and C to the AHJ indicating if they either a) achieve
the ASHRAE Standard 100 energy targets, or b) do not
achieve the energy targets and/or do not have energy
targets and will be completing an energy audit.
→ Timeframe for completion of the energy audit, if
Authority Having Jurisdiction role, responsible required, including submission of Forms D and/or E.
for establishing the implementation and verification
process. → Timeframe for implementation of EEMs, if required,
following the completion of the energy audit. ASHRAE
Building owner role, ultimately responsible for Std. 100 Sec states this timeframe is 4 years
implementing EEMs and ensuring the building from the application of compliance for buildings
complies with the Standard. without targets, but no timeframe is specified for
buildings with targets.
Energy manager role, responsible for developing
and implementing the energy management plan, → Timeframe, criteria, and process for awarding
which includes implementing EEMs as required. conditional compliance. This process will likely
include some formal documentation, to be submitted
Qualified person determining compliance role,
to the AHJ, which proves the EEMs identified in the
responsible for determining whether the energy
energy audit have been implemented.
requirements of the Standard have been achieved
and submitting documentation to the AHJ. → Deadline for submission of 12 consecutive months of
new energy use data following EEM implementation
(and receiving conditional compliance). The timeframe
Implementation and verification, in the context of ASHRAE specified in ASHRAE Std. 100 Sec is 15 months,
Standard 100, refers to implementation of an energy but this could be modified at the discretion of the AHJ.
management plan and verification that EEMs have been → Procedures surrounding non-compliance. ASHRAE
put in place and their associated energy savings have been Standard 100 leaves it to the AHJ to decide what
observed or measured. Of course, verification of EEMs is happens if, upon second submission, a given building
only applicable to buildings that are required to conduct an still does not achieve their energy target or required
energy audit and implement EEMs. As discussed elsewhere amount of energy savings. Options include:
in this guide, buildings in this category are those that don’t
have an energy target or don’t meet their target (in the → Requiring the process be repeated, implementing EEMs
and resubmitting updated energy use data until the energy
judgement of the qualified person determining compliance).
requirements are achieved.
Within ASHRAE Standard 100, the implementation → Revoking conditional compliance and determining that the
and verification procedures are relatively brief, and building is noncompliant.
focus on the perspective of those complying with the
Standard. In practice, much of this process needs to be → Consequences for non-compliance, such as financial
established by the AHJ, particularly decisions surrounding penalties or restrictions on building operation.
conditional compliance.
As much of the implementation and verification process is
ASHRAE Standard 100 describes conditional compliance as dependant on AHJ-specific decision making, compliance
lasting for 15 months following the implementation of EEMs. requirements are jurisdiction-specific. However, the general
However, the Standard does not specify several aspects of process for those complying with the Standard is as follows:
conditional compliance, including how long buildings have
to complete an energy audit, how long after the audit they → All buildings over 5000 ft2 are required to develop
have to implement EEMs, and what happens if the second and implement an energy management plan and an
submission still does not achieve the energy target. operations and maintenance program.

The AHJ must therefore resolve several issues regarding → At the same time, the qualified person determining
how the implementation and verification process will work compliance and/or the energy manager will perform
within their jurisdiction. Some of the issues that are left an energy use analysis, determine whether the building
open within the Standard to be decided by the AHJ include: has an energy target, and determine whether the
target is achieved.

Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 50

→ The qualified person determining compliance must Compliance Forms
complete Forms A, B, and C, and submit them to the AHJ.
→ If the target is achieved, then compliance will be achieved. Compliance forms are to be completed by the qualified
person determining compliance. The following forms fall
→ If the target is not achieved, or if there is no target, then an
energy audit must be completed by a qualified energy auditor,
into this category:
along with Form D and/or E.
→ ASHRAE Std. 100 Form A – Compliance with Standard
→ If applicable, EEMs identified in the energy audit must 100
be implemented.
→ ASHRAE Std. 100 Form B – Building Activity and
→ Following EEM implementation and AHJ-specific Energy Target (EUI)
reporting procedures, the building achieves conditional
→ ASHRAE Std. 100 Form C – Energy-Use Intensity
→ Within 15 months, or another duration specified by the
These forms are related in that each has fields or calculations
AHJ, 12 consecutive months of post-implementation
that require information from the others (see Figure 3-6).
energy data must be submitted to the AHJ.
→ Buildings with targets are required to resubmit Form A.
Energy Audit Forms
→ Buildings without targets are required to verify that at least 75%
of the savings identified in the energy audit for the optimized
bundle have been achieved. Energy audit forms are completed and submitted directly
to the AHJ by the qualified energy auditor (ASHRAE Std.
→ The AHJ can then award compliance if the energy 100 Sec. 8.1). However, they require the signature of the
requirements are met, require the building to implement qualified person determining compliance. Energy audit
more EEMs, or revoke conditional compliance. forms summarize the end use analysis of the building and
consist of the following:

Reporting → ASHRAE Std. 100 Form D – End Use Analysis

Requirements Level 1
→ ASHRAE Std. 100 Form E – End Use Analysis
RELATED ROLES: Requirements Level 2

Qualified person determining compliance The qualified energy auditor can fill out either Form D or
role, responsible for determining if the applicant Form E, depending on the level of audit performed.
building has achieved compliance with the
Standard, and submitting Forms A, B, and C. Note that the qualified energy auditor may alternatively
attach a separate report that provides the same summary
Qualified energy auditor role, responsible for of end use breakdown rather than completing the tables in
completing the energy audit and submitting Forms Forms D and E. This may be the case if using hourly energy
D and/or E. modeling software, such as DOE-2, to estimate the energy
use breakdown.

Complying with ASHRAE Standard 100 requires reporting

of information to the AHJ acting as the regulator. Although
some aspects of the Standard can vary by jurisdiction,
reporting procedures require people in specific roles to
complete several standardized forms.

51 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting

Form A provides information about the project. It requires the qualified person
determining compliance to indicate that the requirements in each individual section have
been achieved, and that the building complies with the Standard. Specifically, Form A
Section 8 refers to energy audit requirements surrounding EEM implementation, and
Form A Section 9 refers to implementation and verification of EEMs.

Form B provides information about the building energy target, EUI. It provides fields for
the qualified person determining compliance to fill in which correspond to the energy
target calculations discussed above under “Determining a Building’s Energy Target.” The
resulting energy target calculated on Form B is to be entered in Form A.

Form C provides information about the building’s historical energy consumption during the
12-month period used for compliance calculations. It provides fields for the qualified
person determining compliance to fill in which correspond to the energy use analysis
calculations discussed above under "Determining a Building’s Energy Target.” The gross
floor area must match the value entered on Form A, and the resulting energy-use intensity
(EUI) is to be entered on Form A.

Figure 3-6 Diagram summarizing Forms A, B, and C

Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 52

Summary References

As the building sector moves to reduce energy consumption ASHRAE. 2018. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 100-2018, ASHRAE
and greenhouse gas emissions in the built environment, Standard 100-2018: Energy Efficiency in Existing Buildings
ASHRAE Standard 100 offers a framework within which Atlanta: ASHRAE.
existing building energy consumption can be evaluated and Natural Resources Canada. 2018. Energy Fact Book 2018-
reduced through well-defined, measurable steps. At a high 2019. Ottawa: Natural Resources Canada, 35.
level, these steps can be summarized as:

→ Measure and document energy use of the existing

→ Compare measured energy use of the existing building
to the targeted energy use for that building type and
determine if energy efficiency improvements are required.
→ Implement and verify energy efficiency improvements,
if required.
→ Continue to measure and document energy use and
compare to the building’s energy use target.

This guide is intended to be used in conjunction with ASHRAE

Standard 100, to provide context through discussion of
core concepts and assist various stakeholder groups in
understanding their specific roles and responsibilities.
Example calculations and case studies are provided to
help readers picture the Standard “in action.” As real-
world applications continue to lead to further learning, it is
expected that this new standard, and the ways in which it is
implemented, will continue to evolve.
Further information and tools to support implementation
are provided in the appendices that follow. Appendices
A and B describe the targets used in BC and Washington
State. Appendix C discusses integration of ASHRAE 100 with
related policy, using Washington State and New York City as
examples of jurisdictions that have implemented related
measures. Appendices D and E provide sample checklists
that can be used to track compliance with requirements.
Finally, Appendix F summarizes the primary energy
conversion factors found in ASHRAE Std. 100 Table 5-2b,
along with US and Canadian national averages developed
for ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager, to support appropriate
use of source energy targets across different regions.

53 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting

Chapter 3 | Calculations, Analysis, and Reporting ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 54
Appendix A | British Columbia EUI Targets

The Province of British Columbia, in partnership with the Table A-1 Site-Energy-Based Building Total Energy Use Intensity by
provincial utilities BC Hydro and FortisBC, have developed Climate Zone in British Columbia, MJ/M²
region specific EUI targets to reflect the building stock within
the province. The targets are available for voluntary use by Primary Building Climate Climate Climate
building owners and property managers to enhance building Type Zone 4C Zone 5 Zone 6
energy performance. In general, the targets are comparable Accommodation 1061 1086 1230
to ASHRAE Std. 100’s U.S.-derived values, although there is Colleges/Universities 1180 1216 1670
some variation in the building categories used. Food Services 2759 2739 3532
Hospitals 2102 2390 3434
Commercial Buildings Logistics/Warehouses 553 594 835
Long Term Care 1031 1072 1479
The average energy use intensity (EUI) for each Primary
Commercial Building Type in each of the 3 most populous Offices 798 847 1017
climate zones in British Columbia is shown in Table A-1. Other Commercial 700 751 863
These data were determined from the 2016 BC Conservation Retail - Food 1864 1829 2219
Potential Review (CPR)1 prepared for BC Hydro (electricity)
Retail - Non Food 747 789 856
and FortisBC (natural gas). The results for Climate Zone 4C
are an average of the EUI for buildings in the Lower Mainland Schools 651 680 982
and those on Vancouver Island as both regions contain
buildings primarily in Climate Zone 4C. These values were Table A-2 ASHRAE Standard 100 Target Multipliers Selected for Use
compared to ASHRAE Standard 100 EUI data and the Survey
of Commercial and Institutional Enegy Use (SCIEU)2 2014 ASHRAE Standard 100
Primary Building
EUI data, with results showing generally good alignment in Building Building
Type 40th 25th
most instances. Category Type
All in
Analogous to the Standard proper, targets are determined Accommodation Lodging 0.85 0.70
by multiplying the EUI (Table A-1) by specified multipliers
(Table A-2 and Table A-3). College/
Colleges/Universities Education 0.85 0.70
The ASHRAE Std. 100 target multipliers selected for use All in
Food Services Food Service 0.85 0.70
in BC and are shown in Table A-2. Multipliers were also category
developed based on BC Hydro and ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Inpatient Hospital/
Hospitals 0.85 0.70
Manager from the ratio of EUI in a specified percentile to Health Care Inpatient
the average EUI for each building type; however, there were All in
Logistics/Warehouses Warehouse 0.85 0.70
significant inconsistencies between the three datasets, and category
therefore the ASHRAE Std. 100 values were selected for use. Nursing
The building area energy target, EUIt, can be calculated by Long Term Care Nursing home/ 0.86 0.71
multiplying the site energy use intensity from Table A-1 by assisted
the target multiplier from Table A-2. All in
Offices Offices 0.85 0.70
Other Commercial N/A N/A 0.85 0.70
All in
Retail - Food Food Sales 0.85 0.70
1 BC Hydro (Electricity): Navigant. British Columbia Conservation
Potential Review. Prepared for BC Hydro. January 18, 2017. FortisBC Retail (excl.
Retail - Non Food Retail 0.85 0.70
(Natural Gas): Navigant. British Columbia Conservation Potential Review. malls)
Prepared for FortisBC. January 23, 2017.
All except
2 Survey of Commercial and Institutional Energy Use (SCIEU)
Schools Education college/ 0.85 0.70
2009. Available online:

55 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Appendices

Residential Buildings
Table A-4 shows the EUI values by climate zone for low rise
What is the 25th percentile target for a Hospital in
and high rise residential building types derived from RDH
Climate Zone 5?
study data for low rise and high rise buildings. These values
→ From Table A-1, a hospital in Climate Zone 5 has a were compared to existing ASHRAE Std. 100 EUI data and
site energy use intensity of 2390 MJ/m2. various secondary data sources; despite some variation
between ASHRAE, 2011 Survey of Household Energy Use
→ From Table A-2, a hospital has a 25th percentile (SHEU)3, and other secondary data sources, the final
multiplier of 0.70. values selected are expected to be more representative of
buildings in BC than the ASHRAE and SHEU data. Single
family attached and detached targets have been omitted as
it is recommended that additional data sources be analyzed
prior to setting targets for these building types.

The schedule multipliers derived for the BC-specific EUI The target multipliers selected for use in BC are shown in
targets are shown in Table A-3. These were developed Table A-5. Multipliers were developed from the ratio of EUI
for each Primary Building Type from data provided in the in a specified percentile to the average EUI for each building
summary tables of SCIEU and represent national level data type. These ratios include buildings from all climate zones
in Canada. Schedule multipliers were also developed based and therefore the same multipliers are applied to all climate
on the BC Hydro data; however, the resulting values showed zones. Target multipliers were developed based on various
poor alignment with the ASHRAE Standard 100 data, with years of data from both BC Housing and BC Hydro. Generally
several values that appeared unreasonable. As a result, the good alignment was found between these datasets and the
values based on SCIEU were used. ASHRAE Standard 100 values. As such, the most recent BC
Hydro dataset was used for the final target multipliers as it
Table A-3 Schedule Multipliers
had better alignment with the ASHRAE Standard 100 values.
Note that unlike commercial buildings, residential
Primary Building 50 hrs or 51 to 167
168 hrs building types all have a schedule multiplier of 1.0, and
Type less hrs
therefore schedule multipliers are not used in the energy
Accommodation 1.0 1.0 1.0 target calculations.
Colleges/Universities 1.0 1.0 1.2
Food Services 0.8 1.0 1.2 Table A-4 Site-Energy-Based Mean Total Building Energy Use
Intensity by Climate Zone in British Columbia, MJ/M2
Hospitals 1.0 1.0 1.0
Logistics/Warehouses 1.2 1.3 1.3 Primary Building Climate Climate Climate
Long Term Care 1.0 1.0 1.0
Type Zone 4C Zone 5 Zone 6
Low Rise Residential 616 591 805
Offices 0.9 0.9 1.2
High Rise Residential 767 783 1002
Other Commercial 0.8 1.0 1.2
Retail - Food 1.0 1.0 1.4
Table A-5 Target Multipliers Selected for Use
Retail - Non Food 0.7 1.1 1.5
Schools 1.0 1.0 1.2 Primary Building
40th 25th
Low Rise Residential 0.93 0.75
High Rise Residential 0.84 0.60

Appendices ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 56

Appendix B | Washington State Energy Targets
The Washington State Department of Commerce has To ensure the most current targets are being referenced,
developed its own energy targets to reflect the building please visit the Washington State Department of Commerce
stock within Washington State (WA). website at:
The site-energy-based building energy targets
for Climate Zones 4C and 5B are listed below in energy/buildings/
Table B-1 as certified November 24, 2020.

Table B-1 Building Activity Site Energy Targets (EUIt 1) (kBtu/sf/yr)

Building Activity Type1,2 Zone
Zone 5B
No. Notes 4C
Portfolio Manager Types Portfolio Manager Sub-Types EUIt EUIt
1 Banking/financial services Bank Branch 69 71
2 Banking/financial services Financial Office 69 71
3 Education Adult Education 49 51
4 Education College/University 102 102
5 Education K-12 School 49 50
6 Education K-12 School High school 48 49
7 Education Preschool/Daycare 59 59
8 Education Vocational School 49 51
9 Education Other - Education 49 51
10 Entertainment/public assembly Aquarium 55 59
11 Entertainment/public assembly Bar/Nightclub 55 59
12 Entertainment/public assembly Bowling Alley 73 78
13 Entertainment/public assembly Casino 55 59
14 Entertainment/public assembly Convention Center 50 52
15 Entertainment/public assembly Fitness Center/Health Club/Gym 73 78
16 Entertainment/public assembly Ice/Curling Rink 73 78
17 Entertainment/public assembly Indoor Arena 67 70
18 Entertainment/public assembly Movie Theater 67 70
19 Entertainment/public assembly Museum 67 70
20 Entertainment/public assembly Performing Arts 55 59
21 Entertainment/public assembly Race Track 67 70
22 Entertainment/public assembly Roller Rink 73 78

57 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Appendices

Building Activity Type1,2 Zone
Zone 5B
No. Notes 4C
Portfolio Manager Types Portfolio Manager Sub-Types EUIt EUIt
23 Entertainment/public assembly Social/Meeting Hall 50 52
24 Entertainment/public assembly Stadium (Closed) 67 70
25 Entertainment/public assembly Stadium (Open) 67 70
26 Entertainment/public assembly Swimming Pool 73 78
27 Entertainment/public assembly Zoo 55 59
28 Entertainment/public assembly Other - Entertainment/ Public Assembly 67 70
29 Entertainment/public assembly Other - Entertainment/ Public Assembly Library 56 59
30 Entertainment/public assembly Other - Entertainment/ Public Assembly Other public assembly 55 59
31 Entertainment/public assembly Other - Entertainment/ Public Assembly Recreation 73 78
32 Entertainment/public assembly Other - Entertainment/ Public Assembly Social/meeting 50 52
33 Entertainment/public assembly Other - Recreation 73 78
34 Entertainment/public assembly Other - Stadium 67 70
35 Food sales and service Bar/Nightclub 361 378
36 Food sales and service Convenience Store with Gas Station 244 253
37 Food sales and service Convenience Store without Gas Station 260 269
38 Food sales and service Fast Food Restaurant 427 454
39 Food sales and service Food Sales Grocery/food market 191 198
Convenience store
40 Food sales and service Food Sales 260 269
with gas
41 Food sales and service Food Sales Convenience store 244 253
42 Food sales and service Food Sales Other food sales 184 189
43 Food sales and service Food Service Fast food 427 454
44 Food sales and service Food Service Restaurant/cafeteria 361 378
45 Food sales and service Food Service Other food service 293 308
46 Food sales and service Restaurant 361 378
47 Food sales and service Supermarket/Grocery Store 191 198
48 Food sales and service Wholesale Club/ Supercenter 68 75
49 Food sales and service Other - Restaurant/Bar 361 378
50 Healthcare Ambulatory Surgical Center 90 96
51 Healthcare Hospital (General Medical & Surgical)* 215 215
52 Healthcare Medical Office 3
Outpatient Rehabilitation/Physical
53 Healthcare 90 96
54 Healthcare Residential Care Facility 78 82
55 Healthcare Senior Care Community 78 82
56 Healthcare Urgent Care/Clinic/ Other Outpatient 90 96

Appendices ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 58

Building Activity Type1,2 Zone
Zone 5B
No. Notes 4C
Portfolio Manager Types Portfolio Manager Sub-Types EUIt EUIt
57 Healthcare Other - Specialty Hospital 196 196
58 Lodging/residential Barracks 88 90
59 Lodging/residential Hotel Hotel 68 72
60 Lodging/residential Hotel Motel or inn 74 77
61 Lodging/residential Multifamily Housing 32 33
62 Lodging/residential Prison/Incarceration 101 106
63 Lodging/residential Residence Hall/ Dormitory 88 90
64 Lodging/residential Residential Care Facility 78 82
65 Lodging/residential Senior Care Community 78 82
66 Lodging/residential Other - Lodging/ Residential 71 74
67 Mixed use Mixed Use Property 4
68 Office Medical Office 3 60 65
69 Office Office 63 66
70 Office Office Bank/other financial 69 71
71 Office Office Government office 66 69
Medical office
72 Office Office 3 60 65
73 Office Office Other office 66 68
74 Office Veterinary Office 90 96
75 Office Other - Office 66 68
76 Public services Courthouse 101 106
77 Public services Fire Station 65 68
78 Public services Library 56 59
79 Public services Mailing Center/Post Office 51 54
80 Public services Police Station 65 68
81 Public services Prison/Incarceration 101 106
82 Public services Social/Meeting Hall 50 52
83 Public services Transportation Terminal/ Station 55 59
84 Public services Other - Public Service 66 69
85 Religious worship Worship Facility 39 42
86 Retail Automobile Dealership 59 66
87 Retail Convenience Store with Gas Station 260 269
88 Retail Convenience Store without Gas Station 244 253
89 Retail Enclosed Mall 5 58 64
90 Retail Lifestyle Center Enclosed mall 5 58 64
91 Retail Lifestyle Center Other retail 55 62
92 Retail Lifestyle Center Retail store 68 75
93 Retail Lifestyle Center 4

59 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Appendices

Building Activity Type1,2 Zone
Zone 5B
No. Notes 4C
Portfolio Manager Types Portfolio Manager Sub-Types EUIt EUIt
94 Retail Retail Store 68 75
95 Retail Strip Mall 4
96 Retail Supermarket/Grocery Store 191 198
97 Retail Wholesale Club/ Supercenter 68 75
98 Retail Other - Retail/Mall Enclosed mall 5 58 64
99 Retail Other - Retail/Mall 4
100 Technology/science Data Center 6
101 Technology/science Laboratory 237 249
102 Technology/science Other - Technology/ Science Other service 66 69
Personal Services (Health/Beauty, Dry
103 Services 66 69
Cleaning, etc.)
Repair Services (Vehicle, Shoe,
104 Services Repair shop 36 39
Locksmith, etc.)
Repair Services (Vehicle, Shoe, Vehicle service/repair
105 Services 60 64
Locksmith, etc.) shop
Repair Services (Vehicle, Shoe, Vehicle storage/
106 Services 41 44
Locksmith, etc.) maintenance
107 Services Other - Services 66 69
108 Utility Energy/Power Station 7
109 Utility Other - Utility 7
110 Warehouse/storage Self-Storage Facility 36 44
111 Warehouse/storage Distribution Center 36 44
112 Warehouse/storage Nonrefrigerated Warehouse 36 44
113 Warehouse/storage Refrigerated Warehouse 121 126

1. Select the most specific building activity type that applies.
2. For building type definitions see Energy Star portfolio manager definitions except as follows:
Data center: Is an activity space designed and equipped to meet the needs of high density computing equipment, such as server racks, used
for data storage and processing, including dedicated uninterruptible power supplies and cooling systems and require a constant power load of
75 kW or more. Gross floor area shall only include space within the building including raised floor computing space, server rack aisles, storage
silos, control console areas, battery rooms and mechanical rooms for dedicated cooling equipment. Gross floor area shall not include a server
closet, telecommunications equipment closet, computer training area, office, elevator, corridors, or other auxiliary space.
Urgent care center/clinic/other outpatient office means the buildings used to diagnose and treat patients, usually on an unscheduled, walk-in
basis, who have an injury or illness that requires immediate care but is not serious enough to warrant a visit to an emergency department.
Includes facilities that provide same-day surgical, diagnostic and preventive care.
3. All medical offices considered to be diagnostic type.
4. Must use of Section 7.2.3 method for mixed use buildings.
5. Suggest considering use of Section 7.2.3 method for mixed use buildings.
6. This is a building or activity without an energy target. Included to provide definition only.
7. This is a building or activity without an energy target. This may be exempt from the standard, see Section Z4.1 2, d.

Appendices ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 60

Washington State also developed their own set of schedule
multipliers to replace Table 7-3 within ASHRAE Standard
100, which are presented below in Table B-2.

Table B-2 Building Operating Shifts Normalization Factor

Building Activity Type1,2 Weekly Hours1,2

No. Portfolio Manager Sub-Types: Notes 50 or 51 to
Portfolio Manager Types 168
Sub-Types Detailed less 167
1 Banking/financial services Bank Branch 3 0.8 1.0 1.5
2 Banking/financial services Financial Office 3 0.8 1.0 1.5
3 Education Adult Education 4 0.9 1.1 1.9
4 Education College/University 4 0.9 1.1 1.9
5 Education K-12 School 4 0.9 1.1 1.9
6 Education K-12 School High school 4 0.9 1.1 1.9
7 Education Preschool/Daycare 4 0.9 1.1 1.9
8 Education Vocational School 4 0.9 1.1 1.9
9 Education Other - Education 4 0.9 1.1 1.9
10 Entertainment/public assembly Aquarium 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
11 Entertainment/public assembly Bar/Nightclub 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
12 Entertainment/public assembly Bowling Alley 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
13 Entertainment/public assembly Casino 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
14 Entertainment/public assembly Convention Center 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
15 Entertainment/public assembly Fitness Center/Health Club/Gym 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
16 Entertainment/public assembly Ice/Curling Rink 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
17 Entertainment/public assembly Indoor Arena 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
18 Entertainment/public assembly Movie Theater 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
19 Entertainment/public assembly Museum 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
20 Entertainment/public assembly Performing Arts 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
21 Entertainment/public assembly Race Track 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
22 Entertainment/public assembly Roller Rink 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
23 Entertainment/public assembly Social/Meeting Hall 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
24 Entertainment/public assembly Stadium (Closed) 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
25 Entertainment/public assembly Stadium (Open) 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
26 Entertainment/public assembly Swimming Pool 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
27 Entertainment/public assembly Zoo 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
Other - Entertainment/ Public Entertainment/
28 Entertainment/public assembly 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
Assembly culture
Other - Entertainment/ Public
29 Entertainment/public assembly Library 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
Other - Entertainment/ Public Other public
30 Entertainment/public assembly 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
Assembly assembly
Other - Entertainment/ Public
31 Entertainment/public assembly Recreation 4 0.6 1.1 1.6

61 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Appendices

Building Activity Type1,2 Weekly Hours1,2
No. Portfolio Manager Sub-Types: Notes 50 or 51 to
Portfolio Manager Types 168
Sub-Types Detailed less 167
Other - Entertainment/ Public
32 Entertainment/public assembly Social/meeting 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
33 Entertainment/public assembly Other - Recreation 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
34 Entertainment/public assembly Other - Stadium 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
35 Food sales and service Bar/Nightclub 4 0.6 1.1 1.5
Convenience Store with Gas
36 Food sales and service 4 0.5 0.9 1.3
Convenience Store without Gas
37 Food sales and service 4 0.5 0.9 1.3
38 Food sales and service Fast Food Restaurant 4 0.6 1.1 1.5
39 Food sales and service Food Sales 4 0.5 0.9 1.3
Convenience store
40 Food sales and service Food Sales 4 0.5 0.9 1.3
with gas
41 Food sales and service Food Sales Convenience store 4 0.5 0.9 1.3
42 Food sales and service Food Sales Other food sales 4 0.5 0.9 1.3
43 Food sales and service Food Service Fast food 4 0.6 1.1 1.5
44 Food sales and service Food Service 4 0.6 1.1 1.5
45 Food sales and service Food Service Other food service 4 0.6 1.1 1.5
46 Food sales and service Restaurant 4 0.6 1.1 1.5
47 Food sales and service Supermarket/Grocery Store 4 0.5 0.9 1.3
48 Food sales and service Wholesale Club/ Supercenter 4 0.6 1.0 1.5
49 Food sales and service Other - Restaurant/Bar 4 0.6 1.1 1.5
50 Healthcare Ambulatory Surgical Center 4,7 0.8 1.1 1.3
Hospital (General Medical &
51 Healthcare 1.0 1.0 1.0
52 Healthcare Medical Office 4,7 0.8 1.0 1.5
Outpatient Rehabilitation/
53 Healthcare 4,7 0.8 1.1 1.3
Physical Therapy
54 Healthcare Residential Care Facility 1.0 1.0 1.0
55 Healthcare Senior Care Community 1.0 1.0 1.0
Urgent Care/Clinic/ Other
56 Healthcare 4,7 0.8 1.1 1.3
57 Healthcare Other - Specialty Hospital 1.0 1.0 1.0
58 Lodging/residential Barracks 1.0 1.0 1.0
59 Lodging/residential Hotel Hotel 1.0 1.0 1.0
60 Lodging/residential Hotel Motel or inn 1.0 1.0 1.0
61 Lodging/residential Multifamily Housing 1.0 1.0 1.0
62 Lodging/residential Prison/Incarceration 1.0 1.0 1.0
63 Lodging/residential Residence Hall/ Dormitory 1.0 1.0 1.0
64 Lodging/residential Residential Care Facility 1.0 1.0 1.0
65 Lodging/residential Senior Care Community 1.0 1.0 1.0

Appendices ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 62

Building Activity Type1,2 Weekly Hours1,2
No. Portfolio Manager Sub-Types: Notes 50 or 51 to
Portfolio Manager Types 168
Sub-Types Detailed less 167
66 Lodging/residential Other - Lodging/ Residential 1.0 1.0 1.0
67 Mixed use Mixed Use Property 6
68 Office Medical Office 4,7 0.8 1.1 1.3
69 Office Office 3 0.8 1.0 1.5
70 Office Office 3 0.8 1.0 1.5
71 Office Office Government office 3 0.8 1.0 1.5
Medical office
72 Office Office 4 0.8 1.1 1.3
73 Office Office Other office 3 0.8 1.0 1.5
74 Office Veterinary Office 3 0.8 1.1 1.3
75 Office Other - Office 3 0.8 1.0 1.5
76 Public services Courthouse 4 0.8 0.8 1.1
77 Public services Fire Station 3 0.8 0.8 1.1
78 Public services Library 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
79 Public services Mailing Center/Post Office 3 0.8 1.2 1.3
80 Public services Police Station 3 0.8 0.8 1.1
81 Public services Prison/Incarceration 1.0 1.0 1.0
82 Public services Social/Meeting Hall 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
83 Public services Transportation Terminal/Station 4 0.6 1.1 1.6
84 Public services Other - Public Service 4 0.8 1.2 1.3
85 Religious worship Worship Facility 5 0.9 1.7 1.7
86 Retail Automobile Dealership 4 0.6 1.0 1.5
Convenience Store with Gas
87 Retail 4 0.5 0.9 1.3
Convenience Store without Gas
88 Retail 4 0.5 0.9 1.3
89 Retail Enclosed Mall 4 0.6 1.0 1.5
90 Retail Lifestyle Center Enclosed mall 4 0.6 1.0 1.5
91 Retail Lifestyle Center Other retail 4 0.6 1.0 1.5
92 Retail Lifestyle Center Retail store 4 0.6 1.0 1.5
93 Retail Lifestyle Center
94 Retail Retail Store 4 0.6 1.0 1.5
95 Retail Strip Mall
96 Retail Supermarket/Grocery Store 4 0.5 0.9 1.3
97 Retail Wholesale Club/ Supercenter 4 0.6 1.0 1.5
98 Retail Other - Retail/Mall Enclosed mall 4 0.6 1.0 1.5
99 Retail Other - Retail/Mall

63 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Appendices

Building Activity Type1,2 Weekly Hours1,2
No. Portfolio Manager Sub-Types: Notes 50 or 51 to
Portfolio Manager Types 168
Sub-Types Detailed less 167
100 Technology/science Data Center
101 Technology/science Laboratory 3 1.0 1.0 1.0
102 Technology/science Other - Technology/ Science Other service 3 0.8 1.2 1.3
Personal Services (Health/
103 Services 4 0.8 1.2 1.3
Beauty, Dry Cleaning, etc.)
Repair Services (Vehicle, Shoe,
104 Services Repair shop 4 0.8 1.2 1.3
Locksmith, etc.)
Repair Services (Vehicle, Shoe, Vehicle service/
105 Services 4 0.8 1.2 1.3
Locksmith, etc.) repair shop
Repair Services (Vehicle, Shoe, Vehicle storage/
106 Services 4 0.8 1.2 1.3
Locksmith, etc.) maintenance
107 Services Other - Services 4 0.8 1.2 1.3
108 Utility Energy/Power Station
109 Utility Other - Utility
110 Warehouse/storage Self-Storage Facility 4 0.8 1.0 1.4
111 Warehouse/storage Distribution Center 3 0.8 1.0 1.4
112 Warehouse/storage Nonrefrigerated Warehouse 3 0.8 1.0 1.4
113 Warehouse/storage Refrigerated Warehouse 3,8 1.0 1.0 1.4

Do not count the hours when the property is occupied only by maintenance, security, the cleaning crew, or other support personnel. Do not
count the hours when the property is occupied only by maintenance staff.
2. Working hours are based on the average use over the twelve month period selected to document energy use in form C.
The weekly hours are the total number of hours per week where the majority of workers are present. If there are two or more shifts of workers,
3. add the hours. When developing targets using Section 7.2.3 for mixed use buildings, use the hours each separate activity, the hours per week
the majority of workers are present.
The weekly hours are the hours that be majority of the building is open to serve the public. When developing targets using Section 7.2.3 for
mixed use buildings, the hours each separate activity is open to the public.
The weekly hours the facility is open for operation, which may include worship services, choir practice, administrative use, committee
meetings, classes, or other activities.
6. Must use of Section 7.2.3 method for mixed use buildings.
Health care buildings may use other weekly hours if they are required to operate building systems additional hours to protect patient and staff
safety. Provide documentation of the requirement in the energy management plan.
8. Refrigerated warehouse greater than 167 hours assumes the workers on shift are loading and/or unloading vehicles.

Appendices ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 64

Appendix C | Discussion of Integration of ASHRAE 100
with Related Policy
Several jurisdictions in North America are considering implement, as opposed to the traditional compliance pathway,
or have implemented policy and programs to achieve which focuses solely on energy savings.
energy and greenhouse gas emission reductions in existing → Normative Annex Z provides implementation procedures
building. Two examples are included here to provide insight specific to Washington State. These include timelines for the
into how ASHRAE Std. 100 can be either directly referenced AHJ to establish requirements and inform building owners,
as well as timelines and reporting requirements for building
or support existing building policy. owners required to comply with the Standard. Annex Z also
outlines penalties and procedures for buildings that fail to
comply with the Standard.
1.1 Washington State
Please reference
In Washington State, rule WAC 194-50 was filed in October the-economy/energy/buildings/clean-buildings-standards/
2020. The new Commercial Clean Buildings Performance for full details of the regulation and implementation
Standard directly references ASHRAE Standard 100, timeline.
with amendments, to regulate and improve the energy
performance of existing buildings over time.
1.2 New York City
Prior to adopting ASHRAE Standard 100, Washington State
already had building energy benchmarking requirements In 2009, New York City (NYC) released their Greener Greater
in place for select building types using ENERGY STAR® Building Plan (GGBP), which set ambitious sustainability
Portfolio Manager. Implementing ASHRAE Standard 100 is goals for new construction and existing buildings. Part of
considered the next step in improving the energy efficiency the GGBP was energy and water benchmarking for large
of the existing building stock. buildings. New York now uses ENERGY STAR® Portfolio
Manager (ESPM) to gather annual benchmarking data, and
While much of the rule language is derived from ASHRAE
a Department of Energy (DOE) Audit Template customized
Standard 100, the following are key additions and
by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to
modifications implemented by the Washington State
document completion of ASHRAE Level 2-type audits every 10
Department of Commerce to suit the context of their specific
years (with some modifications to data fields from the Level
jurisdiction, and align with policy already in place:
2 audits outlined in ASHRAE’s Procedures for Commercial
→ ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager serves as the Building Energy Audits). Energy and GHG emission reporting,
reporting and benchmarking tool for calculation of carried out through ESPM, along with completion of ASHRAE
building energy use intensities, as well as calculating Level 2-type audits, are both analogous to the first steps of
the building energy rating as compared to other compliance with ASHRAE Standard 100.
comparable buildings. NYC has elected to set their own building emission limits,
→ State-specific energy targets were developed to reflect which is a similar concept to ASHRAE Standard 100, but
the building stock within Washington State (See with a focus on GHG emissions instead of building energy
Appendix B). consumption. ASHRAE Std. 100 EUI averages and targets
were reportedly used to inform the development of
→ Energy targets for more recently built buildings, with GHG targets.
construction permit application dates of July 1, 2016 or
later, are 15% lower than the targets otherwise set for The 2009 version of the GGBP required that buildings larger
the given building type. than 50,000 ft² report energy and water usage1. Gradually,
additional building types were required to benchmark;
→ Two new Annexes were added to supplement the auditing was introduced, and retro-commissioning was
Standard: Normative Annex X and Normative Annex Z. added to the plan. The implementation timeline is shown
in Figure C-1.
→ Normative Annex X provides an alternative compliance pathway
based on financial investment criteria, mainly focused on Life
Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA). This serves as an alternative way 1 Local Law No. 84; available at
to determine which Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) to buildings/local_laws/ll84of2009.pdf

65 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Appendices



1 2 3 4 5

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Legistlation Passed Into Law: Building Owner Compliance Date:

A December 2009: Annual benchmarking for buildings 1 May 2011: First benchmarking deadline for buildings
≥ 50,000 ft2 over ≥ 50,000 ft2
December 2009: Audits every 10 years for buildings December 2013: Audits submission deadline for
B 2
≥ 50,000 ft2 buildings ≥ 50,000 ft2
October 2016: Annual benchmarking for buildings May 2017: First benchmarking deadline for buildings
C 3
≥ 25,000 ft2 ≥ 25,000 ft2
January 2018: Annual energy labeling for buildings October 2020: Building owners must post labels
D 4
≥ 25,000 ft2 within 30 days of receiving them from the city
May 2019: Annual building emission limits for January 2024: Building owners must meet the
E 5
buildings ≥ 25,000 ft2 emission limits for their building type

Figure C-1 Timeline showing stepped implementation of New York City’s Greener Greater Building Plan.

Appendices ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 66

Appendix D | Task Checklist
The following checklist accompanies Chapter 2 – Roles and
Compliance Process (pg 10) and includes each task that
must be completed either by or on behalf of the building
owner to comply with ASHRAE Std. 100. Each major task is
listed by category. Yellow blocks indicate which roles may
complete each task.
The building owner – or party designated on behalf of the
building owner – can review this list and assign the member
of their team who will be responsible for completing each
task, within the limitations described in Chapter 2 of
this guide. Note that the titles used here to identify roles
(building manager, building operator, etc.) are as laid out
in ASHRAE Standard 100, and may not align with day-to-
day job titles. Ultimately it is up to the building owner to
ensure the building complies and to assign responsibilities
to appropriate individuals.
References to ASHRAE Standard 100 sections are identified
wherever relevant. Tasks designated to be completed by
the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) are not presented in
this checklist, as they are outside the scope of responsibility
of the building owner and their team.

67 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Appendices

Task Checklist

Team Member Identified

OWN BM BO EM EA QP (Name and Contact Info) COMPLETE

Identify roles for each team member,
including the Energy Manager (EM) (ASHRAE
Std.100 p.3 + Sec 5.1.1).

If required, arrange to have sub-meters
installed (ASHRAE Std.100 Sec 5.2.2). This
may be necessary if:

→ Complying with the standard as

individual suites/tenants

→ Site utility meters include adjacent ☐

buildings/facilities that are not within
the scope

→ Energy auditor requires more

resolution of data to determine
building end-uses
Determine the building’s energy target
Determine whether the building seeking
compliance has an energy target according
to ASHRAE Std.100 Sec 7 and establish the
energy target (EUIt) if possible.

Targets are determined in accordance with

ASHRAE Std.100 Sec 7.2.2 for single-type/
activity buildings and ASHRAE Std.100 Sec
7.2.3 for mixed-use buildings.
Determine if spaces with unique activity
types that make up less than 10% of the
gross floor area are similar enough to be
combined with other spaces (ASHRAE

Std.100 Sec 7.2.3).
Calculate energy-use intensity (EUI)
Calculate the building’s measured EUI by
completing Form C (ASHRAE Std.100 Sec
5.2., 4.3.1).

Demonstrate to the AHJ that the building
has met the required energy targets per the
AHJ’s definition (site or source energy, using
the set of targets specified by the AHJ) in
accordance with ASHRAE Std.100 Sec 7, ☐
or have met the requirements in ASHRAE
Std.100 Sec 4.3.3 for buildings without
energy targets.

Building Owner Building Operator Qualified Energy Auditor


Building Manager Energy Manager (EM) Qualified Person

BM EM QP Determining Compliance

Appendices ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 68

Task Checklist

Team Member Identified

OWN BM BO EM EA QP (Name and Contact Info)

Develop an energy management plan

Develop and maintain an energy
management plan for the building in
accordance with ASHRAE Std.100 Sec 5.

Put in place a formal process to ensure that
any tenant improvements involving a change
in space use or the relocation of partitions
(including partial height partitions) do not
change the annual net energy consumption
except to the extent that the change

(increase or decrease) is consistent with
any change in the building’s energy target.
(ASHRAE Std.100 Sec 6.5).
Provide a copy of the energy management
plan to all building occupants and other
stakeholders annually (ASHRAE Std.100 Sec ☐
Comply with the energy management
requirements of ASHRAE Std.100 Sec 5
(ASHRAE Std.100 Sec 4.2.2).

Review and sign the energy management
plan annually. (ASHRAE Std.100 Sec 5.1.4). ☐
Establish operations and maintenance
Schedule, verify, and record O&M
evaluations of the HVAC systems, taking
corrective action where indicated (to be
recorded in the Energy Management Plan)

(ASHRAE Std.100 Annex D3.2.7).
For refrigeration systems, work with users
so that refrigerant products are located
to permit air circulation, particularly near
walls and ceilings (ASHRAE Std.100 Annex

Inventory and verify correct operation,
programming, and placement of all lighting
controls. (ASHRAE Std.100 Annex D5.2).

Complete a survey of all existing luminaires
and create an as-built lighting schedule,
complete with calculation of the lighting
power density. Any changes to lighting must
be documented and compared to previous
lighting schedules, and the lighting power

density must decrease over time unless
there is a change to the space activity type
(ASHRAE Std.100 Annex D5.3).

Building Owner Building Operator Qualified Energy Auditor


Building Manager Energy Manager (EM) Qualified Person

BM EM QP Determining Compliance

69 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Appendices

Task Checklist

Team Member Identified

OWN BM BO EM EA QP (Name and Contact Info)

Schedule and perform evaluations of the

control systems twice per year (ASHRAE
Std.100 D6.2.3).

Comply with the operations and
maintenance requirements of ASHRAE
Std.100 Sec 6 (ASHRAE Std.100 Sec 4.2.1).

Complete energy audit
If required, complete an energy audit of
the building in accordance with ASHRAE
Std.100 Sec 8.

Implementation and verification
Select and implement EEMs per the
requirements of ASHRAE Std.100 Sec 9
following completion of the energy audit ☐
(ASHRAE Std.100 Sec 8.2.4).
If EEMs are implemented that require
commissioning, review commissioning
report and certify that the EEMs are
functioning as intended (ASHRAE Std.100

For buildings with energy targets, within 15
months of EEM implementation, recalculate
the building EUI and resubmit Form A in
order to demonstrate that the energy target, ☐
EUIt, has been met (ASHRAE Std.100 Sec
For buildings without energy targets, review
the results of the EEM energy monitoring
and certify that the energy savings of the
package of EEMs meets or exceeds 75% of ☐
the energy savings projected in the energy
audit (ASHRAE Std.100 Sec 9.2.2).
Submit verification of measured post-
implementation energy savings for buildings
without energy targets (ASHRAE Std.100 ☐
Indicate on Form A if this compliance is for
the whole building or for individual tenant
spaces /dwelling units in a multi-tenant
building/multi-unit residential building

(ASHRAE Std.100 Sec
Complete energy target calculations on
Form B (ASHRAE Std.100 Annex C) ☐

Building Owner Building Operator Qualified Energy Auditor


Building Manager Energy Manager (EM) Qualified Person

BM EM QP Determining Compliance

Appendices ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 70

Task Checklist

Team Member Identified

OWN BM BO EM EA QP (Name and Contact Info)

Complete energy use intensity (EUI)

calculations on Form C (ASHRAE Std.100
Annex C).

Complete Form A, including reporting the
building energy target and EUI from Forms B
and C respectively (ASHRAE Std.100 Annex ☐
C, 10.2.1).
Submit ASHRAE Std.100 Forms A, B, and C
to the AHJ. ☐
If an energy audit is required, complete
Forms D and/or E documenting the building
end-use analysis (ASHRAE Std.100 Sec ☐
8.5.5, Annex C).
If an energy audit is required, submit Forms
D and/or E to the AHJ (ASHRAE Std.100 Sec

A copy of the energy audit summary results
must be included in this submission.

Building Owner Building Operator Qualified Energy Auditor


Building Manager Energy Manager (EM) Qualified Person

BM EM QP Determining Compliance

71 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Appendices

Appendices ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 72
Appendix E | Operations and Maintenance Checklist
The following generally contains the Operations and
Maintenance requirements listed in ASHRAE Standard 100
Informative Annex D, organized as a trackable checklist.
For this checklist, items fall into three categories:

→ General: general requirements that cover a variety of

different actions, including replacing parts, repairing
broken components, analyzing data, etc.
→ Maintain: requirements related to keeping equipment
and components operating or functioning in accordance
with manufacturers’ recommendations and industry
standards over their service lives.
→ Inspect: requirements related to performing a visual
review to assess the condition of a given system or

73 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Appendices

Operations and Maintenance Checklist Date


Sec 6 General Requirements

6.2 Establish and implement a formal operations and maintenance (O&M) program ☐
6.3 Implement the O&M program in accordance with ASHRAE Std. 100 Normative Annex L. ☐
Maintain all equipment, components, and systems in accordance with applicable manufacturers’ requirements, and include tasks
that minimize failures and maintain energy consumption efficiency. ☐
6.4.2 Provide safe and reasonable access to all equipment covered by the O&M program. ☐
Re-evaluate the O&M requirements when building use changes or renovations/alterations are made that affect the facility’s
operations. ☐
Ensure that any tenant improvements involving a change in space use or the relocation of partitions do not change the annual net
6.5 energy consumption except to the extent that the annual net energy use change is consistent with any change in the building’s ☐
energy target.
Ensure that when HVAC, domestic hot-water heating, or refrigeration equipment or appliances are replaced, the replacement
equipment meets the most stringent energy efficiency requirements in the federal equipment standards, in the applicable
6.6.1 building code, in ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1, or in ASHRAE Standard 90.2. ☐
Exception: Equipment intended for standby or emergency use only.
Ensure that when lighting equipment is replaced, the replacement equipment meets the most stringent energy efficiency
requirements in both the federal equipment standards and in the applicable building code. ☐
Ensure that the replacement of any lighting equipment does not increase the existing installed lighting power demand. Exception: The existing installed lighting power may proportionally increase when the current light levels are below those ☐
recommended in the IES Lighting Handbook.

D1 Building Envelope

(Sec 6)
Ensure the operations and maintenance (O&M) requirements for the building envelope include all applicable items in Section 6. ☐
D1.2 Verify that a building envelope inspection is performed at least once every three years. ☐
D1.3 Seal all exterior joints in the building envelope, and all around penetrations of the building envelope by utility services. ☐
D1.4 Replace broken or missing windows. ☐
D1.5 Repair or replace exterior door weather stripping, threshold, and door sweeps as needed. ☐
D1.6 Seal or cap obsolete shafts, chimneys, and other air chases. ☐
D1.7 Repair or replace existing door closers on exterior doors. ☐
Develop, document, and distribute procedures to building personnel for energy-efficient operation of exterior doors, loading
docks, and operable windows. ☐
D2 Domestic Hot-Water Systems

D2.1 General Requirements

(Sec 6)
Ensure the O&M requirements for domestic hot-water (DHW) systems include all applicable items in Section 6. ☐
D2.1.2 Securely and visibly locate a list of operating parameters. ☐

Appendices ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 74

Operations and Maintenance Checklist Date

# Task

D2.2 Hot-Water Heaters

Maintain proper combustion efficiency—carry out a combustion analysis and carbon monoxide testing at least annually.
Exception: The input capacity of the heater is less than 100,000 Btu/h (29,310 W).

Deenergize booster heaters when the serviced equipment is not in use or is in standby mode. Make allowance for warmup time in
heater schedule ☐
Control the domestic hot water (DHW) heater so that DHW temperature is maintained between 120°F (49°C) and 125°F (52°C).

1. Systems dedicated to serving equipment requiring higher water temperatures.

2. Systems that use a water heater to meet both domestic hot water needs and space heating load.

D3 Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) Systems

D3.2 General Requirements

(Sec 6)
Ensure O&M requirements for HVAC systems include all applicable items in Section 6. ☐
Ensure that each O&M task is performed in a safe and professional manner by qualified personnel. Tasks that require specialized
expertise should be performed by personnel with the requisite expertise who are certified where required by code or regulation. ☐
Perform O&M tasks twice per year
Exception: If otherwise noted elsewhere in the Standard.

D3.2.4 Securely and visibly display a list of operating parameters. ☐
D3.2.5 For systems using refrigerant, maintain the refrigerant charge per the manufacturer’s requirements. ☐
D3.2.6 Display and maintain a service log on each piece of equipment. ☐
Schedule, verify, and record O&M evaluations of the HVAC systems, taking corrective action where indicated. Such evaluations
should include the following: ☐
.1 Poll occupants and users of the HVAC systems for any observations or operational issues that have occurred. ☐
.2 Physically inspect the maintained systems and components. ☐
.3 Analyze occupant complaints and how these relate to system operation. ☐
Maintain indoor environmental quality parameters that have been established for the building, including temperature, humidity,
and ventilation. ☐
Maintain HVAC system rooms and spaces for proper and safe service access. Relocate any material or debris impeding access to
the HVAC equipment. Maintain service lighting. ☐
Maintain HVAC system schedules to meet current requirements, including the following:

a. Occupied mode
b. Unoccupied mode

c. Start mode

.7 Maintain HVAC system electrical connections. ☐

.8 Maintain equipment to avoid excessive mechanical noise and vibration. ☐
.9 Maintain HVAC heat exchange surfaces for effective heat transfer. ☐

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# Task

.10 Maintain serviceable points of lubrication. ☐

.11 Replace or clean filters in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended schedule or design pressure drop. ☐
.12 Maintain HVAC system piping and duct systems against leakage. ☐
.13 Maintain insulation on HVAC system piping and duct systems. ☐
Maintain the steam water heating, hot-water heating, and chilled-water cooling control valves against leakage a minimum of once
every three years. ☐
D3.2.8 Document periodic maintenance work and service work on service logs. ☐
D3.3 Boiler Systems

(Sec 6)
O&M requirements for boiler systems include all applicable items in Section 6. ☐
.1 Boiler Burners

Maintain proper combustion efficiency—carry out a combustion analysis and carbon monoxide testing at least annually and make
necessary corrections to achieve rated efficiency and safety. ☐
For boilers ≥400,000 Btu/h (117,240 W), design input, perform combustion analysis, and make adjustments to optimize boiler
efficiency at least once annually. ☐
For boilers <400,000 Btu/h (117,240 W), design input, perform combustion analysis, and make adjustments to optimize boiler
efficiency at least once every three years. ☐
d. Maintain burners. ☐
e. Maintain combustion chamber to avoid incomplete combustion. ☐
f. Inspect combustion chamber against cracks or deterioration. ☐
g. Maintain pilot and flame controls, flues, combustion air openings, and safeties. ☐
h. Maintain boiler blowdown to ensure it is functional and not excessive. ☐
D3.3.2 Boiler Controls

.1 Adjust controls to cycle the boiler system through an entire heating cycle and maintain proper operation. ☐
.2 Maintain reset controls. ☐
.3 Maintain heating operations so they do not result in short or rapid cycling of the burners. ☐
D3.3.3 Venting

.1 Maintain combustion and ventilation air openings. ☐

.2 Maintain boiler vent discharge and intakes. ☐
D3.3.4 Steam and Condensate Return Loop

.1 Maintain condensate return systems. ☐

.2 Maintain feed water systems. ☐
.3 Maintain pressure relief and venting. ☐

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# Task

.4 Maintain steam traps. ☐

.5 Maintain water treatment. ☐
D3.3.5 Hot-Water Hydronic Loop

.1 Maintain pump operation and sequencing. ☐

.2 Maintain water systems makeup and relief. ☐
.3 Maintain system water pressure. ☐
.4 Maintain system free of leaks and entrained air. ☐
.5 Maintain water treatment and antifreeze additives. ☐
D3.4 Chilled-Water Systems

D3.4.1 Chillers

.1 Maintain refrigeration system for proper temperatures and pressures. ☐

D3.4.2 Chilled-Water System Controls

.1 Maintain controls to cycle the chilled-water system through an entire cooling cycle and verify proper operation. ☐
.2 Maintain flow controls, operating controls, and safeties for proper operation. ☐
.3 Maintain reset and head pressure controls for proper operation. ☐
Where cooling is provided by multiple units, maintain proper sequencing to achieve maximum efficiency while meeting required
load. ☐
D3.4.3 Chilled-Water Hydronic Loop

.1 Maintain proper water temperatures during operation. ☐

.2 Maintain proper pump operation and sequencing. ☐
.3 Maintain proper system water pressure. ☐
.4 Maintain the entire system and ensure the distribution system is free of leaks and entrained air. ☐
.5 Maintain water treatment. ☐
D3.4.4 Cooling Towers and Condenser Water Loop

.1 Maintain proper water temperatures during operation. ☐

.2 Maintain proper pump operation and sequencing. ☐
.3 Maintain the entire system and ensure the distribution system is free of leaks and entrained air. ☐
.4 Maintain water treatment, bleed control, and cycles of concentration. ☐
.5 Maintain corrosion coupon consumption. ☐
.6 Maintain cooling tower sump. ☐
.7 Maintain proper fan operation. ☐

77 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Appendices

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# Task

D3.5 Air-Side Heating, Cooling, and Ventilating Systems

D3.5.1 Air-Handling Systems

Maintain all airflow components, including motors, fans, variable-frequency drives, inlet vanes, drain pans, piping, ductwork,
dampers, louvres, coils, energy recovery devices, and cabinets. ☐
.2 Maintain controls, including sensors and actuators, and proper sequence of operation. ☐
.3 Maintain heat exchange devices, including coils. ☐
.4 Maintain damper systems. ☐
D3.5.2 Heat Recovery Systems Including Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV) and Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV)

See items listed above under D3.5.1 as applicable. ☐
.2 Maintain correct physical operation. ☐
D3.5.3 Humidification

.1 Maintain fill and drain systems. ☐

.2 Maintain water compartment for proper operation. ☐
.3 Maintain sprayers and nozzles. ☐
.4 Maintain sumps. ☐
.5 Maintain control valve and steam traps. ☐
D3.6 Heat Exchanger Testing

Perform heat exchanger testing on furnace heat exchangers at a minimum of once every three years per AHRI Guideline X, Induced
Draft Furnace Heat Exchanger Inspection. ☐
D3.7 Review Complaints and Observations

Review occupant hot/cold complaints and operator hot/cold observations.

If the complaint is validated, do the following:

.1 Check the HVAC system equipment operation. ☐
.2 Review draft problems. ☐
.3 Review zoning conflicts. ☐
.4 Test the zone for good and stable temperature control. ☐
.5 Measure the humidity level to verify it is below the ASHRAE Standard 55 upper dew-point limit of 62.2°F (16.8°C). ☐
Adjust diffusers and other parts of heating and cooling distribution systems to minimize overheating and over-cooling of rooms
and zones. ☐
D3.8 Maintain Economizer Systems

.1 Check that dampers move freely through their entire operating range. Clean, lubricate, adjust, and repair as necessary. ☐
.2 Maintain damper blades and side seals. ☐

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# Task

.3 Maintain wiring. ☐
Maintain controls, including sensors, wiring, pneumatic tubing and their connections, damper actuators, damper linkages, and
damper sequencing for proper operation. ☐
D3.9 Unitary Systems and Air-Handling Systems

See items listed above under D3.5.1 as applicable. ☐
.2 Maintain system heating and cooling operation. ☐
.3 Maintain controls for proper sequence of operations. ☐
.4 Maintain condensate drain pan and piping. ☐
.5 Maintain direct-expansion cooling or heating. ☐
.6 Refer to Section D4 below for direct-expansion refrigerant-based systems. ☐
D3.10 Evaporative Cooling Systems

See items listed above under D3.5.1 as applicable. ☐
.2 Maintain proper fill and drain operation. ☐
.3 Maintain water compartment moisture and air containment. ☐
.4 Maintain sprayers, nozzles, evaporative media, and water distribution components for proper operation. ☐
.5 Maintain drains and clean sumps. ☐
.6 Maintain proper system heating, heat recovery, and cooling operation. ☐
.7 Maintain controls for proper sequence of operations. ☐
D3.11 Geothermal Systems

(D3.5.1) See items listed above under D3.5.1 and D3.9 as applicable. ☐

.2 Maintain system heating and cooling operation. ☐

D3.12 Terminal Systems

See items listed above under D3.5.1 as applicable. ☐
.2 Maintain system heating and cooling operation. ☐
D3.13 Thermal Energy Storage Systems

.1 Maintain all equipment in accordance with requirements for each type of equipment elsewhere in this section. ☐
Operate the thermal energy storage system through its entire cooling and/or heating cycle and verify proper operation of all
controls. Perform adjustments and repairs as necessary. ☐
D4 Refrigeration Systems

D4.2 Operations and Maintenance

79 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Appendices

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# Task

Monitor refrigerating systems at regular intervals, determined by the type of system and historic leakage rates, to ensure that
systems are well sealed, have the correct refrigerant charge, and are operating properly. ☐
.2 Securely and visibly locate a list of operating parameters. ☐
.3 Check for refrigerant leaks using industry standard procedures. ☐
.4 Monitor and record all additions of refrigerant to, or removals from, the system, along with the reason for the action. ☐
.5 Maintain the refrigerant charge within the manufacturer’s specified range. ☐
D4.3 Maintain Evaporator Defrost System for Proper Operation

D4.4 Retail Store Product Display Refrigeration Systems

.1 Maintain refrigeration systems. ☐

The EM should work with staff to ensure they know correct product loading practices for display refrigerators. Avoid uneven
loading, overloading, blocked air curtains, or blocked return air paths. ☐
In stores that are not open 24 hours a day, maintain the use of night covers for display cases and refrigerators to minimize
ambient air infiltration. ☐
D4.5 Walk-In Coolers and Freezers

.1 Maintain refrigeration system. ☐

.2 Maintain doors, including hinges, gaskets, and closures. ☐
.3 Maintain evaporator and condenser coils. ☐
Maintain evaporator drains lines. In freezers, maintain the drain line heat tape to operate properly, and maintain the drain line
insulation in good condition. ☐
.5 Maintain the defrost operation, including frequency. Schedule defrost to avoid activation during peak demand periods. ☐
Maintain the interior of refrigerated enclosures for punctured or broken panels and breaches around pipe or wiring penetrations;
maintain vapour barrier integrity. ☐
.7 Encourage users to turn lights off when the room is vacant. ☐
D4.6 Ice-Making Machines

.1 Maintain refrigeration systems. ☐

.2 Maintain water system, reservoir, and evaporator coil for scale or mineral buildup and proper operation. ☐
.3 Maintain strainer, inlet water valve screen, and float valve for proper operation. ☐
.4 Maintain air filter, condenser coil, and condenser fan. ☐
.5 Maintain the bin ice control for proper operation, including drain and water overflow. ☐
D4.7 Refrigerated Warehouses

.1 Maintain refrigeration systems. ☐

.2 The EM should work with users so that product is located to permit air circulation, particularly near walls and ceiling. ☐
.3 Examine walls and ceiling monthly for evidence of frost buildup. Locate the source and make corrective repairs. ☐

Appendices ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 80

Operations and Maintenance Checklist Date

# Task

.4 Maintain doors, rollers, door travel, and threshold as needed to minimize door leakage. ☐
Maintain the interior of refrigerated enclosures for punctured or broken panels and breaches around ducts, pipe, or wiring
penetrations; maintain vapour barrier integrity. ☐
D Lighting Systems

(Sec 6)
O&M requirements for lighting systems include all applicable items in Section 6.6.2. ☐
D5.2 Lighting Controls

D5.2 Inventory and verify correct operation, programming, and placement of all lighting controls. ☐
D5.2 Repair and make functional all lighting controls that have been disabled. ☐
Perform functional testing on dimmers, multiscene controls, occupancy sensors, time switches, or photosensors, if present, in
accordance with the requirements of Section 9.4.4 of ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1. ☐
D5.3 Luminaire Integrity

Survey all existing luminaires and create an as-built lighting schedule.

This lighting schedule may be developed using a lighting survey tool.

Calculate and document the lighting power density and compare with any previous lighting power density calculation, such as
D5.3 those from original design documents or from previous lighting schedules. Continued compliance with this section requires that ☐
the lighting power density does not increase with time unless there is a corresponding, documented change in use of the space.

D5.4 Lighting Schedule

Evaluate the current lighting schedule for opportunities for energy savings through implementation of energy efficiency measures
(EEMs), such as those listed in ASHRAE Std. 100 Informative Annex E, Sec. 6 (nonresidential), or ASHRAE Std. 100 Informative
Annex E, Sec. 7 (residential), and prepare an estimate of the energy savings. Include this estimate in the energy management ☐
plan (see ASHRAE Std. 100 Informative Annex E, Sec. if an energy management plan is required).

D5.6 Lighting Maintenance

a. Replacement of failed lamps and ballasts. ☐

b. Replacement of failed luminaires. ☐
Periodic cleaning of all optical surfaces, including lenses, reflectors, louvres, and shielding mechanisms, as well as lamps.
c. Individual luminaires should be cleaned whenever lamps or ballasts are replaced, and all luminaires as a group should be cleaned ☐
at least once every three years. All such cleaning should be performed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions if available.
Any lamp or ballast replacement within the existing luminaires in a space should not increase the installed interior lighting power
density of the space unless the previous light levels were less than the IES recommended levels as specified in the IES Lighting
Handbook 4 or in the IES Recommended Practices title for that space type. If the exact space type cannot be found, then the space ☐
type with the closest functional activities should be used.
For exterior residential lighting, all replacement lamps should be high-efficacy lamps unless controlled to automatically limit
power use to less than 2200 total hours of full-power operation per year. ☐
For nonresidential exterior lighting, turn off all exterior lighting during daylight hours.

Exceptions to D5.6(f):

f. 1. Signage. ☐
2. Lighting needed for safety.

3. Lighting needed for operational necessity.

D5.7 Interior Lighting in Nonresidential Buildings

81 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Appendices

Operations and Maintenance Checklist Date

# Task

D5.7 Conduct a lighting satisfaction survey at least every three years ☐

D5.7 Identify and correct key issues as necessary. ☐
D6 Control Systems

D6.2 Maintain all equipment according to the manufacturer’s instructions. ☐

Perform each O&M task safely and in accordance with good trade practice by qualified personnel. Tasks that require specialized
D6.2.1 expertise should be performed by personnel with the requisite expertise and who are appropriately certified where required by ☐
code or regulation.

D6.2.2 Perform O&M tasks twice per year, unless otherwise noted in this standard, or as recommended by the manufacturer. ☐
D6.2.3 Schedule and perform evaluations of the control systems twice per year. System evaluations shall include the following: ☐
a. Review recorded trouble calls and occupant complaints and analyzing how these relate to control operation. ☐
b. Physically inspect maintained systems and components. ☐
c. Check that all set points are correct per efficiency requirements, design, or the owner’s needs. ☐
d. Check to ensure seasonal control changes are adjusted. ☐
e. Check that time of day and holiday schedules are optimized to meet current occupied hours. ☐
Make calibration checks of all system-level sensors, including hot-water, chilled-water, and multiple-zone air-handling units, at
least every three years. ☐
g. Make calibration checks of all space sensors showing small drift or offset over time at least once every five years. ☐
h. Check whether controls are overridden or in manual operation and making corrections as necessary. ☐
Check the control of minimum outdoor air ventilation and make adjustments where necessary to avoid either excessive or
inadequate minimum outdoor airflows. ☐
D6.2.4 Correct all issues found during the control system evaluations. ☐
D6.3 Pneumatic Controls (including Pneumatic Sensors and Actuators)

D6.3.1 Check for properly operating receivers, controllers, and transducers and calibrate as required. ☐
D6.3.2 Check for oil in the air lines. Clean lines and any affected components as required. ☐
D6.3.3 Check filters on air dryer and clean or replace as necessary. ☐
D6.3.4 Check condenser coil on the air dryer and clean as necessary. ☐
D6.3.5 Check pressure-reducing valves (PRV or regulator) operation and calibrate as required. ☐
D6.3.6 Check for leaks in air storage tank. ☐
D6.3.7 Check tank condensate drain operation. ☐
D6.3.8 Check thermostat for proper operation and calibrate as required. ☐
D6.3.9 Check system for leaks in the high pressure lines. ☐
Check compressor run time; it should run less than 50% of the time. If runtime is excessive, check for leaks or other causes of high
demand for control air and take corrective action as needed. ☐

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Operations and Maintenance Checklist Date

# Task

D6.3.11 Correct all issues found during the pneumatic control system evaluations. ☐
D6.4 Analog Controls

D6.4.1 Check differential pressure gauges operation. ☐

D6.4.2 Check differential pressure switches operation. ☐
D6.4.3 Check air pressure switches operations. ☐
D6.4.4 Check thermostat operation. ☐
D6.4.5 Check transformer input and output voltages. ☐
D6.4.6 Check system’s back-up batteries. ☐
D6.4.7 Correct all issues found during the analog control system evaluations. ☐
D6.5 Direct Digital Controls (DDC) (including Electronic Sensors and Actuators)

D6.5.1 Review DDC system applications programs and verify the system is working in accordance with the design sequence of operation. ☐
D6.5.2 Confirm component readings are in range through audits, calibration, or comparison to performance standards. ☐
D6.5.3 If the DDC system has back-up batteries, check system’s back-up batteries. ☐
D6.5.4 Inspect, clean, and maintain all sensors and meters in conformance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. ☐
D6.5.5 Verify the most recent calibration report of CO2 sensors and recalibrate as recommended by the manufacturer. ☐
D6.5.6 Check whether outdoor devices have adequate enclosures and whether the enclosures are in good conditions. ☐
D6.5.7 Verify input and output transformer voltages. ☐
D6.5.8 Verify control actuation, linkage attachment, stroke timing, and torque required for motor actuators. ☐
D6.5.9 Correct all issues found during the DDC system evaluations. ☐
D7 Electric Power Distribution and On-Site Generation Systems

D7.2 Ensure all applicable items in Section D6.1 pertaining to O&M requirements for electric power distribution and on-site generation
(D6.1) systems are met. ☐
Maintain each piece of on-site electrical generation equipment or built-up systemin accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions. ☐
D7.4 Metering and Submetering

D7.4 Calibrate meters and submeters owned by the facility at least once every five years per the manufacturer’s instructions. ☐
D7.5 On-Site Electricity Generation

D7.5.1 Fuel-Fired Cogeneration.

Maintain and report a monthly record of cogeneration operating hours and heat recovery annually. Annual energy generated and
useful heat recovered should be compared to the design estimates for these values. ☐
D7.5.2 Photovoltaic (PV) Systems.

Report PV system performance on an annual basis. The annual output should be compared to the system’s designed output or
output during previous operating periods. ☐

83 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Appendices

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# Task

D7.5.2 Analyze shortfalls in annual system performance for cause and possible system defects. ☐
D7.5.2 Troubleshoot and perform corrective work as necessary. ☐
D7.5.3 Fuel Cells ☐
D7.5.3 Report fuel cell performance on a monthly basis. ☐
D7.5.3 Analyse shortfalls in monthly system performance for cause and possible system defects. ☐
D7.5.3 Troubleshoot and perform corrective work as necessary. ☐

Appendices ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide 84

Appendix F | Primary Energy Conversion Factors
Primary energy conversion factors, or source-to-site
ratios, are multipliers that can be applied to site energy
consumption in order to calculate source/primary energy
consumption, including generation losses (e.g., related
to material extraction or power plant inefficiencies) and
transmission losses (e.g., transformer inefficiencies).
Within ASHRAE Standard 100, primary energy conversion
factors are used when calculating source energy use
intensities and source energy targets.
A table of conversion factors is provided in ASHRAE Std.
100 Sec. 5, Table 5-2b. However, these values are based on
US national averages and may not be applicable for a given
geographic region, including regions within the US that
have more efficient energy grids, such as Washington State,
or less efficient energy grids, such as Hawaii. For this reason,
if AHJs permit applicants to use source energy targets for
compliance, it is recommended that consideration be given
to selecting appropriate primary energy conversion factors
for their region.
Table F-1 below summarizes the primary energy conversion
factors found in ASHRAE Std. 100 Table 5-2b, along with
US and Canadian national averages developed for ENERGY
STAR® Portfolio Manager1.

Table F-1 Primary Energy Conversion Factors

PortfolioManager U.S. PortfolioManager

Energy Type ASHRAE Std. 100
Average Canadian Average
Electricity (Grid Purchase) 3.15 2.8 1.96
Electricity (On-site Generation) (Assumed 1.0) 1.0 1.0
Natural Gas 1.09 1.05 1.01
Fuel Oil (No 1,2,4,5,6, Diesel,
1.19 1.01 1.01
Propane & Liquid Propane 1.15 1.01 1.04
Steam 1.45 1.20 1.33
Hot Water 1.35 1.20 1.33
Chilled Water 1.04 0.91 0.57
Wood 1.1 1.0 1.0
Coal/Coke 1.1 1.0 1.0
Other 1.1 1.0 1.0

1 For more information on ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager,


85 ASHRAE 100 Users’ Guide Appendices

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