The Impact of Social Media On Mental Health
The Impact of Social Media On Mental Health
The Impact of Social Media On Mental Health
Is it true that using social apps could negatively affect your mental health? Many youth of
today’s world rely on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, and many more. Social
media is a powerful communication tool that has changed how individuals interact with one another. It
speeds up how people exchange and share information, thoughts, and ideas across virtual networks.
Therefore, its crucially important to understand the potential positive and negative impacts of social
media on youth’s mental health and well-being.
National surveys and population-based studies show that the world of social media can
have devastating effects on users’ mental health. In the U.S. alone, survey findings show a 25% increase
in suicide attempts among teenagers between 2009 and 2017. Concerns have been raised that social
media may lead to body image dissatisfaction, increase the risk of addiction, users at risk of social media
addiction often report depressive symptoms and lower self-esteem and cyberbullying involvement,
about 10 percent of teens report being bullied on social media and many other users are subjected to
offensive comments. Excessive use has increased loneliness, fear of missing out, and decreased
subjective well-being and life satisfaction. In a 2018 study, 14- to 17-year-olds who used social media
seven hours per day were more than twice as likely to have been diagnosed with depression, treated by
a mental health professional, or taken medication for a psychological or behavioral issue during the last
year. This was compared to those who used screens only about an hour a day.
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2. Naslund JA, Bondre A, Torous J, Aschbrenner KA. Social media and mental health: benefits, risks,
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4. Nesi, J. (2020). The impact of social media on youth mental health: challenges and
opportunities. North Carolina medical journal, 81(2), 116-121.