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Quaternary International xxx (2013) 1e7

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New remains of Sinomastodon yangziensis (Proboscidea, Gomphotheriidae) from

Sanhe karst Cave, with discussion on the evolution of Pleistocene Sinomastodon in
South China
Yuan Wang a, b, c, *, Chang-zhu Jin a, Jim I. Mead b, c
Key Laboratory of Vertebrate Evolution and Human Origin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing 100044, China
Department of Geosciences, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN 37614, USA
Don Sundquist Center of Excellence in Paleontology, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN 37614, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: As a valid genus belonging to the family Gomphotheriidae, Sinomastodon is the unique brevirostrine
Available online xxx trilophodont gomphotheriid known from the Old World and was primarily indigenous to China from the
Early Pliocene to the Pleistocene. The new bunodont molars from the Sanhe karst Cave in Chongzuo,
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (ZAR), South China have been described as Sinomastodon yanziensis
of the middle Early Pleistocene, with associated reliable paleomagnetic dating of 1.2e1.6 Ma. This rep-
resents the southernmost distribution of Sinomastodon remains found in China. The diagnosis of
S. yanziensis is revised here, the evolution of Pleistocene Sinomastodon in China is divided into three
temporal stages, and the evolutionary trends on Early Pleistocene Sinomastodon molars are also sum-
marized. Sinomastodon was once prevalent during the Early Pleistocene in South China and possibly
became extinct at the end of the Early Pleistocene. Consequently, the Early Pleistocene fauna from South
China is suggested to be named the Gigantopithecus-Sinomastodon fauna, to distinguish it from the
typical Middle Pleistocene Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna (s. s.).
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and terminology [type species] and Sinomastodon hanjiangensis) have been found in
the Shanxi and Shaanxi Province, North China (Tobien et al., 1986;
Gomphotheriidae is considered to be one of the most successful Zong et al., 1989), in addition to sporadic occurrence in the Heng-
groups of Proboscidea. The progressive short-jawed gomphotheres duan Mountains, Southwest China (Zong et al., 1996). Recently, a
that occur in the New World are represented by subfamily new Sinomastodon skull and molars from the early Early Pleistocene
Cuvieroniinae, including four known genera: Cuvieronius, Steg- (2.14 Ma) Renzidong Cave in Anhui Province, East China have been
omastodon, Notiomastodon, and Haplomastodon (Shoshani and described as S. jiangnanensis (Wang et al., 2012). Additionally, other
Tassy, 2005). Correspondingly, Sinomastodontinae, including the isolated Sinomastodon teeth discovered in Pleistocene karst cave
single genus Sinomastodon with an elephant-like cranium and and fissure deposits in South China have been identified as Sino-
bunodont molars, is the unique brevirostrine trilophodont gom- mastodon yangziensis (Chen, 1999), coexisting with the large hom-
photheriid known from the Old World (Wang et al., 2012). inoid, Gigantopithecus blacki.
Sinomastodon was erected by Tobien et al. (1986) on the basis of In 2008, a research team co-organized by Chinese Academy of
the Early Pliocene species Mastodon intermedius, discovered by Sciences and Peking University carried out paleontological in-
Teilhard de Chardin and Trassaert (1937) in the Yushe Basin, Shanxi vestigations in Chongzuo, Guangxi ZAR, South China and discov-
Province, China. To date, Sinomastodon was primarily restricted to ered the new strata with G. blacki in Sanhe karst Cave on Wuming
China from the Early Pliocene to the Pleistocene (Chen, 1999). The Mountain (Fig. 1A). After systematic excavation, more than 30 large
Pliocene Sinomastodon remains (e.g., Sinomastodon intermedius mammalian species were recovered, including G. blacki, Pongo sp.,
Procynocephalus sp., Ailuropoda wulingshanensis, Dicoryphochoerus
ultimus, Cervavitus fenqii, and Stegodon preorientalias (Jin et al.,
* Corresponding author. Key Laboratory of Vertebrate Evolution and Human
Origin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and
2009a). In addition, more than 50 small mammalian species were
Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100044, China. collected by screen-washing, including Nesolagus sinensis, Hystrix
E-mail address: (Y. Wang). magna, Typhlomys cinereus, Niviventer preconfucianus, Leopoldamys

1040-6182/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Y., et al., New remains of Sinomastodon yangziensis (Proboscidea, Gomphotheriidae) from Sanhe karst
Cave, with discussion on the evolution of Pleistocene Sinomastodon in South China, Quaternary International (2013),
2 Y. Wang et al. / Quaternary International xxx (2013) 1e7

Fig. 1. Maps showing geomorphological landscape (A), geographical location (B) and stratigraphic sequence (C) of Sanhe karst Cave.

edwardsioides, and Hapalomys gracilis (Jin et al., 2008a, 2010; Wang used here for occlusal structures of the Sinomastodon m3 is modified
et al., 2009). Two complete Sinomastodon molars were recovered in from Tassy (1996) (Fig. 2).
the limestone karst cave.
Sanhe Cave (2216.4930 N, 107 30.6630 E) is located in Chongzuo 2. Institutional abbreviations
Ecological Park, about 16 km northeast of Chongzuo urban district
(Figs. 1B and 4, Locality 6). The landscape of Chongzuo Ecological AMNH: American Museum of Natural History, New York;
Park and its adjacent areas are characterized by a spectacular CV: Chongqing Natural Museum, Chongqing;
morphology of karst peaks developed under a northern tropical F: Museum of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning;
climate. Sanhe Cave, which penetrates to the Permian limestone, is HUM: Heritage Management Committee of Hubei Province,
the largest tubular karst cave in this area. With the entrance Wuhan;
203 m asl, Sanhe Cave lies in the fifth horizon of the Chongzuo karst IVPP, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthro-
cave system, which corresponds with the Gigantopithecus-bearing pology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing;
Early Pleistocene sediments (Jin et al., 2009a, 2009b). PUM, Paleontological Museum, Uppsala.
The deposits in Sanhe Cave can be divided into seven layers from
the top to bottom with a thickness of approximately 12 m (Jin et al.,
2009a). The Sinomastodon molars were recovered from the 4th 3. Systematic paleontology
layer composed of brown-yellow sand with tiny calcareous breccia
(Fig. 1C). Class Mammalia Linnaeus, 1758
Based on the faunal and paleomagnetic correlation, the geolog- Order Proboscidea Illiger, 1811
ical age of Sanhe Cave is estimated to be middle Early Pleistocene, Family Gomphotheriidae Hay, 1922
corresponding to approximately 1.2e1.6 Ma (Jin et al., 2008a, Genus Sinomastodon Tobien et al., 1986
2009a). In this paper, the Plio-Pleistocene boundary is determined S. yangziensis (Chow, 1959)
at ca. 2.58 Ma (Gibbard et al., 2010). The discovery of the Sanhe Cave Synonyms
Sinomastodon is significant for understanding the systematic and 1959. Trilophodon yangziensis Chow, p. 257, pl. 1
evolutionary history of the genus in East Asia from the Quaternary 1959. Trilophodon guangxiensis Chow, p. 257, pl. 2
because they represent the southernmost Sinomastodon remains 1965. Trilophodon wufengensis Pei, p. 213, pl. 1
with advanced molar features found so far in China. The terminology 1974. Trilophodon serridenstoides (Pei) e Xu et al., p. 301, pl. 2

Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Y., et al., New remains of Sinomastodon yangziensis (Proboscidea, Gomphotheriidae) from Sanhe karst
Cave, with discussion on the evolution of Pleistocene Sinomastodon in South China, Quaternary International (2013),
Y. Wang et al. / Quaternary International xxx (2013) 1e7 3

Fig. 2. The schematic representation of m3 occlusal morphology of Sinomastodon (S. jiangnanensis, IVPP 14011.03). Abbreviations: 1e5, pretrite halves of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and
5th lophids; 10 -50 , posttrite halves of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th lophids; ccpoa, anterior posttrite central conule of each lophid; ccpop, posterior posttrite central conule of each
lophid; ccpra, anterior pretrite central conule of each lophid; ccprp, posterior pretrite central conule of each lophid; cga, anterior cingulum; ectf, ectoflexus of each interlophids;
meso, mesoconelet of each half-lophid; po, main cusp of posttrite of each lophid; po1 (med), metaconid; po2 (end), entoconid; pr, main cusp of pretrite of each lophis; pr1 (prd),
protoconid; pr2 (hyd), hypoconid; sm, median sulcus.

1975. Trilophodon serridenstoides (Pei) e Han et al., p. 251, pl. 1 gradually from anterior to posterior. The median sulcus, running
1980. Tetralophodon wumingensis Zhao, p. 299, pl. 1, Fig. 1 along the entire length of the crown, is well defined and slightly
1982. Trilophodon serridenstoides (Pei) e Wang et al., p. 356, curved to the labial side. The enamel rings of the pretrite and
pl. 3 posttrite of the first and second lophids connect with each other
1987. Trilophodon serridenstoides Pei, pp. 69e73, pl. 7e9 due to heavy wear by mastication. A trace of the anterior
1987. Trilophodon liuchengensis Pei, pp. 67e69, pl. 7 cingulum is observed on the anterior wall of the first pretrite
2004. Sinomastodon sp. e Zheng, p. 181, Fig. 5.39 half-lophid. The dentineeenamel junction on the worn surfaces
2009. Sinomastodon sp. e Wang et al., p.232, Fig. 3 is smooth. The pretrite half-lophids are slightly more posteriorly
placed than the posttrite ones. The pretrite and posttrite are
nearly parallel and intersect almost orthogonally with the me-
3.1. Holotype dian sulcus. The trefoil pattern is developed on the first five
pretrite half-lophids while the secondary trefoil is present on the
One left M3 from Wushan, Chongqing, South China (IVPP 2399). first three posttrite half-lophids. On the first three lophids, the
mesoconelet of the pretrite is well developed and almost the
3.2. New fossil materials same size as the main cusp. Both of the anterior/posterior pretrite
central conules become isolated cusps and develop into the
Two well-preserved right m3 (IVPP, 18220.01, 02, Fig. 3, Table 1) trefoil pattern together with the main cusp and mesoconelet
and four molar fragments (IVPP, 18220.03-06). after wear. Additionally, the posterior pretrite central conule of
the anterior lophid and the anterior pretrite central conule of the
Table 1 posterior lophid are connected in transverse valleys. The meso-
Measurements of m3 of S. yangziensis from Sanhe Cave (in mm).
conelet of the posttrite is nearly equal in size to the main cusp.
No. La Wb Hc W1d W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 Both of the anterior/posterior posttrite central conules are ridge-
IVPP 18220.01 m3 185 65.6 50.4 58.1 65.6 63.8 61.3 54.5 45.3 shaped. The secondary trefoil is formed after wear. On the fourth
IVPP 18220.02 m3 189 62.3 57.2 61.8 62.3 61.5 58.8 54.7 41.1 and fifth lophids, the mesoconelets of the pretrite/posttrite
L, length of the crown. become reduced compared to those of the first three lophids.
W, width of the crown. Both of the anterior/posterior pretrite central conules are still
H, height of the crown. well developed while the anterior/posterior posttrite central
W1, width of the 1st lophid.
conules are very weak. The narrower sixth lophid has a simple
structure composed of the large main cusps on both pretrite and
3.3. Locality posttrite side and the small anterior/posterior pretrite central
conules. There is a small cone attached to the posterior wall of
Sanhe karst Cave from Chongzuo, Guangxi ZAR, South China. the sixth posttrite half-lophid. The talonid is composed of a single
cusp and is inclined to the labial side. Some cement appears in
3.4. Geological age the transverse valleys, while the posterior and lateral cingula are
absent. The ectoflexi are present among the interlophids. No
Middle Early Pleistocene (1.2e1.6 Ma). roots are preserved.
IVPP 18220.02 is a complete m3 whose basic characteristics are
3.5. Descriptions consistent with those of IVPP 18220.01 while the unique differ-
ences are as follows. The crown is slightly worn and the median
IVPP 18220.01 is a bunodont m3 with a brachydont crown sulcus curves strongly to the labial side instead of a slight curve. The
composed of six lophids and a talonid. The narrow crown tapers serrated anterior cingulum extends through the anterior wall of the

Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Y., et al., New remains of Sinomastodon yangziensis (Proboscidea, Gomphotheriidae) from Sanhe karst
Cave, with discussion on the evolution of Pleistocene Sinomastodon in South China, Quaternary International (2013),
4 Y. Wang et al. / Quaternary International xxx (2013) 1e7

Fig. 3. The m3s of Sinomastodon yangziensis of the Sanhe Cave (A, IVPP, 18220.01; B, IVPP, 18220.02). A1-B1, occlusal view, A2-B2, lingual view.

first lophid. The mesoconelet of posttrite is separated into several lophids, and the especially obvious secondary trefoil. Thus, the
small cones on the first three lophids. The talonid is relatively Sanhe Cave bunodont m3s should be assigned to the genus
weaker than that of V18220.01 and attaches the posterior wall of Sinomastodon.
the sixth lophid. The m3s of the Pliocene species S. intermedius (type species,
IVPP 2878) and S. hanjiangensis (IVPP 4687) are evidently more
3.6. Comparisons primitive than those of the Sanhe Cave because of their relatively
smaller size, broader crown (Fig. 6 in Wang et al., 2012), 5 lophids,
With six lophids, the trefoil pattern on the pretrite side and the ridge-shaped posterior pretrite central conule, smaller meso-
secondary trefoil on the posttrite side, and the missing lateral and conelets of the posttrite, the absence of the posterior posttrite
posterior cingula, the Sanhe Cave bunodont m3s are clearly more central conule and cement in the transverse valleys, and developed
progressive than the typical Chinese Neogene gomphotheres, such posterior and lateral cingula.
as Gomphotherium (PMU 3054), Platybelodon (IVPP 5573) and The early Early Pleistocene S. jiangnanensis (IVPP 14011.03) from
Choerolophodon (IVPP 17658). Anancus (IVPP 5836) is distinguish- Renzidong Cave (Figs. 4 and 5, Table 3, Locality 1) differs from the
able from the Sanhe Cave m3s by bearing more lophids and the Sanhe Cave remains by the following characteristics on m3 (Wang
opposite lophid structures (i.e., chevroning). The m3s of the North et al., 2012): noticeably larger size, broader crowns (Fig. 6 in Wang
American short-jawed Cuvieroniinae, such as Stegomastodon pla- et al., 2012), 5 lophids, no secondary trefoil on the posttrite, the
tensis (AMNH 11190), Cuvieronius hyodon (AMNH 29780), and
Haplomastodon chimborazi (AMNH 45976) are distinct from the
Sanhe Cave m3s by having distinct plicate enamel (i.e., ptycho-
donty) and more complicated structure on the posttrite half-

Fig. 4. Map showing the Pleistocene Sinomastodon localities in South China. The
earliest Pleistocene - (S. jiangnanensis); Early Pleistocene : (S. yangziensis); Locality Fig. 5. The temporal evolutionary stages of Early Pleistocene Sinomastodon in South
numbers correspond to those in Table 3. China. Locality numbers correspond to those in Table 3.

Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Y., et al., New remains of Sinomastodon yangziensis (Proboscidea, Gomphotheriidae) from Sanhe karst
Cave, with discussion on the evolution of Pleistocene Sinomastodon in South China, Quaternary International (2013),
Y. Wang et al. / Quaternary International xxx (2013) 1e7 5

posterior pretrite central conule clearly inflating to the posttrite central conule of the pretrite, the mesoconelet of posttrite sepa-
side, no cement in the transverse valleys, and weak lateral cingula rating into several small cones, the presence of the posterior
(Table 2). posttrite central conule on the first three lophids, no lateral and
posterior cingula, a little cement in the transverse valleys, and the
median sulcus occasionally strongly curving to the labial side
Table 2
Distinctions among Quaternary Sinomastodon remains in South China based on m3 instead of a slight curve. Additionally, the faunal analysis indicates
morphology. that the geological ages of Jiaoshan and Bijiashan are middle/late
Early Pleistocene (Jin et al., 2008b), which corresponds with the
Characters Taxa
paleomagnetic correlation for Sanhe Cave of 1.2e1.6 Ma (Jin et al.,
S. jiangnanensis S. yangziensis 2009a).
Early Late
Number of lophid 5 lophids with a 5 lophids with a 6 lophids with 3.7. Amended diagnosis of S. yangziensis (Chow, 1959)
talonid talonid of 2 pillars a talonid
Size Relatively large Relatively small Relatively small As the advanced species of Sinomastodon, S. yangziensis is
Shape of crown Relatively broad Relatively slender Relatively
(L/W)a (2.52)b (2.65)c slender (2.88)d
smaller in size than the earlier species: S. intermedius, S. hanjian-
Cement in valleys Absent Present Present gensis, and S. jiangnanensis. Compared with the above-mentioned
Secondary trefoil Absent Present Present species, M3/m3 exhibit narrow crowns, 5 or 6 lophs/lophids and
Anterior cingulum Developed Weak Weak a talon/talonid, and relatively more complicated crown structure,
Lateral cingulum Weak Absent Absent
viz. the relatively larger mesoconelet and posterior central conule
Posterior cingulum Weak Absent Absent
of the pretrite, and the development of the secondary trefoil on the
L/W, length/width.
first three lophs/lophids of posttrite due to the presence of the
Average of calculation based on the data from Wang et al. (2012).
Average of calculation based on the data from Huang and Fang (1991) and Pei
posterior posttrite central conule. The lateral and posterior cingula
(1987). are basically absent while the anterior cingulum is highly reduced.
Average of calculation based on the data from Zhao (1980) and this paper. Cement is present in the transverse valleys. The median sulcus of
m3 tends to be curved to the labial side on the derived specimen.

Table 3 4. Discussion
Pleistocene Sinomastodon localities in South China and their geological age.

No. Locality Region Geological age Chow (1959) erected T. yangziensis based on a bunodont M3
1 Renzidong Cave Fanchang County Earliest Pleistocene from the Pleistocene of Wushan, Chongqing City, South China (IVPP
Anhui Province (2.14 Ma) 2399). Tobien et al. (1986) created the new genus Sinomastodon and
2 Longgupo Cave Wushan County Early Early Pleistocene included T. yangziensis in S. intermedius. Huang and Fang (1991)
Chongqing City
considered that it was inappropriate to place all the brevirostrine
3 Juyuandong Cave Liucheng County Early Early Pleistocene
Guangxi ZAR trilophodont proboscideans from the Plio-Pleistocene of North and
4 Chuifeng Cave Tiandong County Early Early Pleistocene South China into a single species S. intermedius, and therefore
Guangxi ZAR restored S. yangziensis. Chen (1999) agreed that S. yangziensis is a
5 Inexplicit site Wufeng County Early Early Pleistocene (?) valid species.
Hubei Province
6 Sanhe Cave Chongzuo City Middle Early Pleistocene
To date, the found Pliocene Sinomastodon remains are distrib-
Guangxi ZAR (1.2e1.6 Ma) uted across North China and sporadically in the Hengduan Moun-
7 Longgudong Cave Jianshi County Middle Early Pleistocene tains. Quaternary remains of Sinomastodon in China include two
Hubei Province species, S. jiangnanensis (Wang et al., 2012) and S. yangziensis,
8 Dongpaoshan Cave Baojing County Late Early Pleistocene
which are found only south of the Yangtze River.
Hunan Province
9 Bijiashan Cave Liuzhou City Middle Early Pleistocene The early Early Pleistocene S. jiangnanensis from Renzidong Cave
Guangxi ZAR (Figs. 4 and 5, Table 3, Locality 1), situated in the transitional zone
10 Jiaoshan Cave Wuming County Late Early Pleistocene between the Palaearctic and Oriental zoogeographical regions of
Guangxi ZAR eastern China, reflects the morphological transition of the genus
11 Fengmenshan Cave Liucheng County Late Early Pleistocene (?)
Guangxi ZAR
from Neogene to Quaternary (Wang et al., 2012). Based on the
faunal analysis, Renzidong fauna, with many typical northern
forms, indicates a warm semi-arid and semi-humid forest-grass-
Based on the above comparison, the Sinomastodon m3s from land environment (Jin and Liu, 2009) and implies a cooling event at
Sanhe Cave are evidently more progressive in molar morphology the beginning of the Quaternary (2.58e2.14 Ma) (Wang et al.,
than the earlier species of Sinomastodon, and should be assigned 2010a), resulting in a southward migration of Sinomastodon and
into the early Pleistocene S. yangziensis. Compared with the Sanhe the speciation of S. jiangnanensis.
Cave remains, the m3s of S. yangziensis from the Longgupo Cave (CV There have been ten S. yangziensis localities (Pei, 1965; Xu et al.,
760), Liucheng Juyuandong Cave (originally Trilophodon serriden- 1974; Han et al., 1975; Zhao, 1980; Wang et al., 1982; Pei, 1987;
stoides, IVPP 1723), and Wufeng site (originally Trilophodon Huang and Fang, 1991; Zheng, 2004; Wang, 2009; Jin et al., 2009a)
wufengensis, HUM 587) share a majority of basic crown characters, reported from the Pleistocene karst cave and fissure deposits of
except for the following differences: 5 lophids, relatively smaller South China (Figs. 4 and 5, Locality 2e11). Mainly based on the
mesoconelet of the pretrite, the nearly straight median sulcus and biostratigraphical analysis of associated mammalian fauna, their
occasional presence of lateral cingula. Considering the more geological ages are estimated as Early Pleistocene.
derived specimens of S. yangziensis, the Sanhe Cave m3s are most The present fossil records indicate that S. yangziensis was
similar to those of S. yangziensis from Jiaoshan (originally Tetralo- distributed widely during the Early Pleistocene, not only in the
phodon wumingensis, F 0132) and Bijiashan (originally Trilophodon Guangxi ZAR of South China (such as Juyuandong Cave and Feng-
serridenstoides, IVPP 5184.01) in its relatively smaller size, elon- menshan Cave in Liucheng, Chuifeng Cave in Tiandong, Sanhe Cave
gated crown, 6 lophids, relatively larger mesoconelet and posterior in Chongzuo and Jiaoshan Cave in Wuming), but also north to the

Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Y., et al., New remains of Sinomastodon yangziensis (Proboscidea, Gomphotheriidae) from Sanhe karst
Cave, with discussion on the evolution of Pleistocene Sinomastodon in South China, Quaternary International (2013),
6 Y. Wang et al. / Quaternary International xxx (2013) 1e7

Three Gorges Area of the Yangtze River (such as Longgupo Cave in molars: size decreases; the number of M3/m3 lophs/lophids in-
Wushan and Longgudong Cave in Jianshi). Consequently, creases from five to six; the crown becomes narrower; the median
S. yangziensis is considered as the typical element of the Oriental sulcus gradually curves to the labial side on m3; the anterior,
zoogeographical realm (Fig. 4), which reveals the geographical posterior and lateral cingula become gradually reduced or absent
separation with S. jiangnanensis. The faunal analyses of Sanhe Cave altogether; cement in the transverse valleys varies from absent to
and Longgupo Cave (Huang and Fang, 1991; Jin et al., 2009a) present; the crown structure becomes more complicated, espe-
demonstrate S. yangziensis lived in an environment with a lush cially the secondary trefoil on the posttrite which changes from
tropical-subtropical forest and a warm and humid climate, which is absent to present.
distinct from that utilized by S. jiangnanensis. No reliable fossil re-
cord of Middle or Late Pleistocene Sinomastodon has been discov- 5. Conclusions
ered in China.
The evolution and extinction of terrestrial mega-mammals The Pleistocene Sinomastodon remains are mainly found in
(such as Sinomastodon) correlate to the changes of climate and South China, while the Pliocene Sinomastodon finds are distributed
environment. Analysis of Pleistocene sporopollen in China has across North China and sporadically in the Hengduan Mountains.
shown that there was a significant transformation of vegetation nAs the southernmost Sinomastodon remains found so far in China
between 1.6 and 0.8 Ma. The climate became cold and dry during with advanced molar features, the discovery of S. yangziensis from
this period (Tong et al., 1999). The severe climatic and environ- Sanhe karst Cave provides new data to revise the diagnosis of this
mental changes during the late Early Pleistocene (1.0e0.8 Ma) species, to divide the temporal evolution stages of Pleistocene
made the forest habitat fragmented and deteriorated, which might Sinomastodon in South China, and to summarize the evolutionary
have a strong effect on the habitat of Sinomastodon, possibly trends on Early Pleistocene Sinomastodon molars.
causing extinction and complete replacement by Stegodon orientalis S. yangziensis is one of the typical members of the Gigan-
in South China. Besides the extinction of Sinomastodon, there have topithecus fauna. Thus, the Early Pleistocene fauna from South
been other related paleontological events during the late Early China is suggested to be named the Gigantopithecus-Sinomastodon
Pleistocene in South China. Ailuropod wulingshanensis was replaced fauna, to distinguish it from the typical Middle Pleistocene Ailur-
by Ailuropoda baconi (Jin et al., 2007), Niviventer preconfucianus was opoda-Stegodon fauna (s. s.) and the Late Pleistocene Asian elephant
replaced by N. confucianus, Hapalomys gracilis was replaced by H. fauna (Jin et al., 2009b).
delacouri, and Leopoldamys edwardsioides was replaced by L.
edwardsi (Wang et al., 2009, 2010b).
Based on the faunal and chronological succession (Jin et al., Acknowledgements
2008b), the evolution of Sinomastodon of the Early Pleistocene in
South China can be divided into three temporal stages (Fig. 5, We greatly appreciate the discussions or field assistance from
Table 3). The Sinomastodon jiangensis stage (between the Gauss- Guan-fang Chen, Guang-biao Wei, Wei Dong, Xi-jun Ni, Jia-jian
Matuyama boundary and the Reunion normal subchron, 2.58e Zheng, Terry Harrison, William J. Sanders, Haruo Saegusa, Wen-
2.14 Ma), represented by remains from Renzidong Cave, is charac- shi Pan, Da-gong Qin and Yi-hong Liu. We are grateful to Jin
terized by the relatively broad crowns, 5 lophs/lophids on M3/m3, Meng who provided us the opportunity to observe American
no cement in the transverse valleys, and a weak lateral cingula. The Cuvieroniinae in AMNH for comparisons. Many thanks go to the
fauna includes many Neogene relic species, such as Villanyia fan- guest editor Silviu Constantin and the anonymous reviewers for
changensis (Zhang et al., 2008) and Beremendia jiangnanensis (Jin their comments and instructions to improve the manuscript. This
et al., 2009c), and several most primitive species from the Quater- work was supported by the Program of Chinese Academy of Sci-
nary, such as Ailuropoda microta (Jin et al., 2007), Tapirus sanyua- ences (KZZD-EW-03), National Natural Science Foundation of China
nensis (Jin and Liu, 2009), and Diplothrix yangziensis (Wang et al., (41202017 and 41072013), the Program of China Geological Survey
2010a). It is a transitional stage from Pliocene to Pleistocene, (1212011220519), and the Program of Key Laboratory of Evolu-
based both on Sinomastodon morphology and faunal characteristics. tionary Systematics of Vertebrates, CAS (2011LESV007).
The early stage of Sinomastodon yangziensis (between the
Reunion and Olduvai normal subchrons, 2.14e1.77 Ma), repre- References
sented by the remains from the Longgupo, Juyuandong, and Chui-
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Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Y., et al., New remains of Sinomastodon yangziensis (Proboscidea, Gomphotheriidae) from Sanhe karst
Cave, with discussion on the evolution of Pleistocene Sinomastodon in South China, Quaternary International (2013),
Y. Wang et al. / Quaternary International xxx (2013) 1e7 7

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Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Y., et al., New remains of Sinomastodon yangziensis (Proboscidea, Gomphotheriidae) from Sanhe karst
Cave, with discussion on the evolution of Pleistocene Sinomastodon in South China, Quaternary International (2013),

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