The Trouble With Pyrite2
The Trouble With Pyrite2
The Trouble With Pyrite2
By Fred Clouter
On Wednesday the 26th April 1882 the Queenborough Chemical and Copperas Works were
auctioned off, heralding the demise of the copperas industry on the Isle of Sheppey. Green
copperas was used to make sulphuric acid or vitriol, chemical manures and dye stuffs.
(If you could setle a correspondent in the Isle of Shepey to save us all the Crampstones the
copras-women pick up for a month or two, I would now fall about a Lithologia Britannica: and so
contrive it that the first tome shall consist of onely teeth and bones of fish.)
(Shark teeth were called cramp stones as they were ground up and used as a remedy for
stomach complaints)
Copperas as you will no doubt have gathered is just another word for pyrite (iron disulphide,
FeS2). The form found on Sheppey is marcasite (iron disulphide, FeS2) and is dull green in
colour when fresh, quickly deteriorating to a rusty brown when exposed on the beach for some
time. Chemically identical, pyrite and marcasite are very different in behaviour. The normal gold
coloured pyrite has dense molecules and tends to be more stable than the more open molecules
of the marcasite stones. Fossils preserved either as pyrite casts, or containing pyrite within bone
are prone to pyrite decay. Many different methods have been tried by collectors to preserve pyrite
specimens over the years, all with very little long term success.
There is nothing more depressing to the fossil collector, or the museum curator who, when
inspecting prized or unique specimens finds a little heap of whitish dust, an eroded data label
and a discoloured box; even wooden cabinets can be severely damaged. It may be a few
months, or a few years of exposure to the air, but the inevitable decomposition will take place.
The chief oxidisation products are sulphuric acid and various hydrated sulphates, mainly iron.
The acid will also destroy associated shell and bone material. It is now generally accepted that
the decaying process is caused by a form of oxidisation and is triggered by exposure to humidity
in the atmosphere. It seems that the fossils absorb moisture from the air which reacts with the
pyrite and the air. In tests under humid conditions the reactions can be catastrophic. However if
the water vapour is removed the reactions are slowed down and can eventually stop. The more
compact forms of pyrite do not absorb moisture so readily and may only evidence decay by
surface tarnishing. Various methods have been tried over the years, both by museums and
individuals to stop the decay. Most have been unsuccessful. I do not believe that there is a
method that can guarantee complete success but I do think that with effort the process can be
slowed down. In the following paragraphs I shall attempt to describe some of the methods that I
have tried with varying degrees of success.
Before treatment it is important to thoroughly wash all contaminants such as clay and salts from
the specimen. Salt is taken up by the specimen if it has been washed over by the tide. Wash the
specimen with clean water, some wash their specimens with boiled or distilled water, but this is
purely personal choice. Change the water every day. The specimen should then be dried, but do
not dry the specimen artificially as this can damage fragile specimens. Have a plentiful supply of
self seal plastic wallets, or plastic jewellery boxes of various sizes. It is very important that
specimens are kept separate. One decaying specimen will infect others if in contact. Store your
specimens in a dry atmosphere, damp outbuildings or sheds are totally unsuitable.
The chemicals used by museums are not discussed here because I don't know how to use them.
If interested it is claimed that the use of Ethanolamine Thioglycollate has had some success
treating decaying pyritised fossils. It is also claimed to be effective as a reagent for the removal
of pyrite oxidisation products. I have not had access to this chemical so cannot comment.
Pyrite accumulations on the beach near to Barrows Brook, Isle of Sheppey, North Kent
When I first began collecting on Sheppey I avoided pyrite fossils, only collecting the larger
phosphatic and calcareous ones. I then discovered Folkestone and the beautifully preserved but
pyretic ammonites to be found there. Preservation became a real issue as some of the older
beach collected specimens had been washed over by the sea. Because the pyrite is porous,
salts had been deposited at a molecular level within the specimen. This is why washing
thoroughly is so important. If the nacreous shell of the specimen is still present, the problem is,
how to A, preserve the shell, and B, treat the pyrite.
Method 2.
This method is more generally useful and can be used for fossils from Sheppey or Folkestone
and I would expect fossils from other locations. This is my 'Heath Robinson' method, which I
have been using since 1995 with mixed success. It has proved very useful for most types of
pyrite fossils, but not the little seeds and carbonaceous fossils from Sheppey. (I will explain why a
little further on.) My reasoning was very simple, keep the moisture away from the fossils and try
to treat it at a molecular level. I searched around for a substance which could do this. I came
across 'Ronseal wet rot wood hardener', a gooey resinous liquid which was thinned with acetone.
Very simply, after washing, the specimens were immersed in a 20% solution which soaked
through the fossil. If possible a vacuum environment will drive the liquid further in to the
specimen however I didn't have one so they just stayed soaking for about a week. If the
specimen came out of the solution and appeared shiny the solution was to strong so the whole
process was repeated with a weaker solution. Hit and miss you might think, but not one of my
little bivalves or gastropods from Sheppey have decayed in more than ten years. If used on
Folkestone ammonites the shell is hardened, but the colour stays a more natural tone than the
preceding method.
Method 3
This method is essentially the same in principle as method 2 except that Paraloid is used in place
of the Ronseal. Paraloid comes in the form of little plastic granules which are soluble in acetone.
It can be mixed as a thin solution or as thick glue. It is clear when dry. Fossils can be immersed
in the same way as with the Ronseal and it will coat the fossils at a molecular level if thin
enough. It will take a little trial and error to get the consistency right. I am told that the NHM uses
Paraloid in their conservation department. It is useful for many conservation purposes beside the
treatment of pyrite.
(Both the above treatments are reversible by soaking in neat acetone. PVA is not suitable for use
in the treatment of pyrite. Commercial products may contain other chemicals which may be
harmful to the fossil.)
Brychetus meulleri successfully treated for pyrite decay using the Ammonia vapour technique
If you catch it early enough it may be possible to arrest the deterioration. The white powdery
substance is very acidic and will need to be neutralised. Some rather odd techniques have been
recommended in the past which involved using various disinfectants reputedly destroying the
'bacteria' and so preventing decay. I have never tested these methods so cannot say how
effective they are. The method that I use involves using a strong solution of Ammonia, a very
dangerous liquid so it is only recommended if you are experienced using chemicals of this kind.
The idea is not a new one and I am sure that more modern techniques are less dangerous and
probably more effective but I don't have access to these more scientific methods. Simply put, the
ammonia converts Ferrous Sulphides to Ferrous Oxides (rust) which is much less harmful to the
specimen. It does not help if the specimen is too far gone; it will most likely end up as a small
heap in the jar. The specimen must be exposed to an atmosphere of 80% ammonia for several
days. Do not under any circumstances immerse the specimen in the ammonia solution. The
specimen must be exposed only to the fumes. The specimen will eventually turn a warm rust
colour. This is not ideal, but is much better than losing the specimen. Then treat the specimen in
one of the methods outlined in the previous paragraphs. Remember to isolate your pyrite fossils
in either sealable plastic wallets or in individual plastic boxes.
It is of the utmost importance that the ammonia chamber is sealed; otherwise the ammonia
atmosphere will dilute in the air and be ineffective. For very small specimens I use a coffee jar
with a glass lid which has a plastic seal, easily acquired from any supermarket and is ideal for
the job. A small glass phial containing the Ammonia is placed with the specimen and left for a few
days. For larger specimens like fish skulls with pyrite within the bone structure I have used a bell
jar sealed with petroleum jelly and for very large specimens a square plastic storage bin placed
on glass and again sealed with petroleum jelly. The latter, a very large fish skull
(Brychetus meulleri) 30cm by 35cm needed to be exposed to the ammonia for over two months
but has remained stable since the treatment was completed five years ago.
I am not a conservator or a scientist so the more technical papers that I have read to do with
Pyrite conservation have only been partially understood by me. However I have had some
measure of success, fingers crossed, not losing any of my specimens except for some of the
more woody and seed material to the dreaded disease since I began collecting in 1995. If you
are advised by the well meaning to embed your specimen in clear casting resin, or to brush your
specimens with hot clear candle wax or paraffin wax as has been suggested to me in the past,
don't pay any attention to them, they won't work. The only sure ways to record for posterity your
unique or important specimen is to either make a cast of it or to photograph it so that if the worst
does happen as it is more than probable that it will, evidence of the specimen will not be lost for
future generations.
Some tips on preserving pyritised fossils, Jim Craig 1978
Pyrite conservation part 1 historical aspects F. M. P. Howie, Newsletter of the Geological curators
group No9 April 1977
Pyrite conservation part 2 F. M. P. Howie, Newsletter of the Geological curators group No10 Sept.
Museum climatology and conservation of Palaeontological material, F. M. P. Howie,
Special papers in palaeontology 22 1979
Use of Ethanolamine Thioglycollate in the conservation of pyritised fossils,
Lorraine Cornish and Adrian Doyle, Palaeontology Vol 27 pt 2 1984
Conservation of your geological collection
Seminar notes AMSSEE travelling geology curator, Simon Timberlake 1988
An experimental Ammonia gas treatment method for oxidised pyretic mineral specimens,
ICOM committee for conservation 1987 working group 15, Robert Waller
Ronseal technical safety data sheet for Ronseal wet rot wood hardener 2002
A Museum of the Early seventeenth Century' By Cyril Edward Nowill Bromhead, BA, FGS,
FRGS. (Read 18Th. June, 1947)
Early Science in Oxford by R. T. Gunther vol XIV
Pyrite conservation -
Fossil preparation and conservation -
Paraloid supplies -
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