Rayzon MF Datasheet-2024
Rayzon MF Datasheet-2024
Rayzon MF Datasheet-2024
Solar Modules
L’LIOS 540 - 555 Wp
100% High Voltage Testing to
Ensure Safety Linear Performance warranty*
MBB Half-Cell Technology
provides Better Performance Product warranty on materials
under Partial Shading and workmanship
Model Number RS540WC RS545WC RS550WC RS555WC
Nominal Maximum Power (Pmax) 540 W 545 W 550 W 555 W
Power Tolerance 0 to +4.99 W 0 to +4.99 W 0 to +4.99 W 0 to +4.99 W
Optimum Operating Voltage (Vmp) 41.86 V 42.01 V 42.14 V 42.28 V
Optimum Operating Current (Imp) 12.91 A 12.98 A 13.07 A 13.13 A
Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 49.78 V 49.91 V 50.06 V 50.20 V
Short Ciruit Current (Isc) 13.53 A 13.59 A 13.65 A 13.71 A
Module Efficiency 20.94 % 21.13 % 21.32 % 21.52 %
Fill Factor 80.24 % 80.39 % 80.54 % 80.69 %
Note: Power Measurement uncertainty: < ±3%
1095 mm
Cau on: Please read safety and installa on instruc ons before using the product. *Warranty: Linear performance warranty for 30 years, with degrada on up to 2%
in 1st year and 0.6 %/year from year 2 to year 30. Please read Rayzon warranty documents thoroughly. Disclaimer: Specifica ons included in the datasheet are
subject to change without prior no ce owing to con nuous innova on in the Product Development and R&D Ac vi es. RAYZON SOLAR reserves the right to
make any adjustment to the informa on described here. Dataset contained in this specifica on do not form a representa ve of a single module data. @T&C Apply.