FNP Transes
FNP Transes
FNP Transes
● Influences
● Understanding the needs and goals that
1. CAREGIVER motivate people
● Assists/Care the client physically and ● Knowledge to apply the skills
psychologically ● Interpersonal skills
● Nursing process →framework
● The nursing process provides nurses 8. MANAGER
with a framework for providing care. ● Delegates, supervises, evaluates
● A nurse may provide care directly or ● Requires knowledge, organizational
delegate it to other caregivers. structure among others
● Nurse Practitioner
● Clinical Nurse Specialist
● Nurse Anesthetist
● Nurse Midwife
● Nurse Researcher
● Nurse Administrator
● Nurse Educator
● Nurse Entrepreneur
● Forensic Nurse
- An individual, a group of people, or a
community that uses a service or
ANA (1995)
● Science of caring
accidents and injury in the home and accelerate recovery after a stroke
car, and prevention of sexually people of all ages who are dying
● Focuses on the ill client, and it and stress of a serious illness (e.g
disease through helping the client 3. The goal is to improve the quality of
during the recovery period life for both the client and the family
4. The goal is to help people who are
dying to have peace, comfort and
Note: Dr Benner has published nine books, 5 Dimensions of the body (Merle au, Ponty &
including From Novice to Expert, Nursing Dreyfus)
Pathways for Patient Safety, and The Primacy
of Caring. She has also published many 1. The unborn complex
articles. In 1995, she was awarded the 15th 2. The habitual skilled body
Helen Nahm Research Lecture Award from the 3. The projected body
University of California at San Francisco 4. The actual projected body
School of Nursing. 5. The phenomenal body
1. Expertise in Nursing Practice: Caring,
o Focused “on the lived experience of being
Clinical judgment, and Ethics
healthy and ill.”
2. Clinical Wisdom in Critical Care: A
o Defined health as what can be assessed,
Thinking-in-Action Approach
while well-being is the human experience of
health or wholeness.
o Well-being and being ill are recognized as
different ways of being in the world.
o Health is described as not just the absence
o Described as an “enabling condition of of disease and illness. Also, a person may
connection and concern” which shows a have a disease and not experience illness
high level of emotional involvement in the because illness is the human experience of
nurse-client relationship. loss or dysfunction, whereas disease is
o Viewed nursing practice as the care and what can be assessed at the physical level.
study of the lived experience of health,
illness, and disease and the relationships ENVIRONMENT
among these three elements. o Used the term “situation” instead, because
it suggests a social environment with social
PERSON definition and meaning.
o Used the phenomenological terms of being o They have difficulty grasping the current
situated and situated meaning, which are patient situation in terms of the larger
defined by the person’s engaged perspective.
interaction, interpretation and o However, clinical situations are viewed by
understanding of the situation. nurses at this level as a stage of their
5 LEVELS OF SKILL ACQUISITION & SKILL o They feel highly responsible for managing
DEVELOPMENT patient care, yet they still rely on the help of
those more experienced.
NOVICE o Most newly graduated nurses are placed in
this level.
o the person has no background experience
− 1 year experience
of the situation in which he or she is
involved. − Has some experience
o Context-free rules and objective attributes − Past experience guides actions
must be given to guide performance.
o There is difficulty discerning between
relevant and irrelevant aspects of a o Through learning from actual practice
situation. situations and by following the actions of
o Generally, this level applies to nursing others, advance beginner moves to this
students, but Benner suggested that a level.
nurse at higher levels of skill in one area of o Typified by considerable conscious and
practice could be classified at the novice deliberate planning that determines which
level if placed in an unfamiliar area or aspects of the current and future situations
situation. are important and which can be ignored.
o A beginner with no experience. They are o Consistency, predictability and time
taught general rules to help perform tasks, management are important, and gaining a
and their rule-governed behavior is limited sense of mastery through planning and
and inflexible. In other words, they are told predictability is the accomplishment.
what to do and simply follow instruction. o Generally, has two- or three-years’
− No experience experience on the job in the same field. For
− Tasks/skills focus example, two or three years in intensive
− Rule follower care. The experience may also be similar
− Inflexible day-to-day situations. These nurses are
more aware of long-term goals, and they
ADVANCED BEGINNER gain perspective from planning their own
actions, which helps them achieve greater
o The person can demonstrate marginally
efficiency and organization.
acceptable performance having coped with
o There is an increased level of efficiency but
enough real situations to note, or to have
the focus is on time management and the
pointed out by a mentor, the recurring
nurse’s organization of the task world.
meaningful components of a situation.
o The competent nurse may display hyper-
o The person has enough experience to
responsibility for the patient, often more
grasp aspects of the situation.
than is realistic, and may exhibit an ever-
o Nurses functioning at this level are guided
present and critical view of the self.
by rules and are oriented by task
o This stage is most pivotal in clinical
learning because the learner must begin to
o Shows acceptable performance, and has
recognize patterns and determine which
gained prior experience in actual nursing
elements of the situation warrant attention
situations. This helps the nurse recognize
and which can be ignored.
recurring meaningful components so that
o They devise new rules and reasoning
principles, based on those experiences,
procedures for a plan while applying
begin to formulate in order to guide actions.
learned rules for action on the basis of the proficient. Benner’s writings explain that
relevant facts of the situation. nursing skills through experience are a
prerequisite for becoming an expert nurse.
PROFICIENT o Key aspects of the expert nurse’s practice
o The performer recognizes the most salient
1. a clinical grasp and resource-based
aspects and has an intuitive grasp of the
situation based on background
2. embodied know-how
3. seeing the big picture
o Nurses at this level demonstrate a new
4. seeing the unexpected
ability to see changing relevance in a
o The expert nurse has the ability of pattern
situation including the recognition and the
recognition on the basis of deep
implementation of skilled responses to the
experiential background.
situation as it evolves.
o Meeting the patient’s actual concerns and
o Perceives and understands situations as
needs is of utmost important, even if it
whole parts. He or she has a more holistic
means planning and negotiating for a
understanding of nursing, which improves
change in the plan of care.
decision-making. These nurses learn from
o There is almost a transparent view of self.
experiences what to expect in certain
situations, as well as how to modify plans − Flexible
as needed. − Intuitive
o They no longer rely on present goals for − Lots experience
organization and they demonstrate an − Just comes naturally
increased confidence in their knowledge These different levels of skills show changes in the
and abilities. three aspects of skilled performance: movement
o There is much more involvement with the from relying on abstract principles to using past
patient and family. experiences to guide actions; change in the
o This stage is a transition into expertise. learner’s perception of situations as whole parts
− More than 3 years of experience rather than separate pieces; and passage from a
− Holistic understanding detached observer to an involved performer,
− Uses experiences to anticipate engaged in the situation rather than simply outside
needs of it.
o It is “an interpretively defined area of skilled
performance identified and described by its
intent, functions, and meanings.”
o An area of practice having a number of
competencies with similar intents,
functions, and meanings.
o An example of a clinical situation that
conveys one or more intents, meanings,
functions, or outcomes easily translated to
another clinical situation.
o An active process of refining and changing
preconceived theories, notions, and ideas
when confronted with actual situations;
implies there is a dialogue between what is
found in practice and what is expected.
o cryptic description of skilled performance
that requires a certain level of experience
to recognize the implications of the
o A clinical experience that stands out and
alters the way the nurse perceives and
understands future clinical situations.
o Paradigm cases create new clinical
understanding and open new clinical
perspectives and alternatives.
o A perceptual stance or embodied
knowledge whereby aspects of a situation
stand out as more or less important.
HISTORY OF NURSING IN THE WORLD o Emphasis on personal hygiene, cleanliness
within & outside the body
o Sanitation measures
o Experiments with herbs & plants o Mummification
o Illness attribute to evil spirits o recognized 250 different diseases
o Nurses as a Domestic Servants o developed drugs and procedures
o 480 B.C. (neurosurgery)
HERODOTUS – of Halicarnassus, was a Greek
Historian and regarded as the “Father of History”
HEBREWS (C.A. 1400 BC)
Men uses black & white magic o Founders of public hygiene
o Mosaic Health Code pertained to every
o Was practiced since prehistoric times aspect of individual, family & community
among primitive tribes. hygiene
o And lasted until the Christian Era a. Principles of personal hygiene (rest, sleep,
o Nursing is untaught and instinctive hours of work, cleanliness)
b. Environmental sanitation
o Nursing was a function that belonged to a 2. Methods of dispose
woman. 3. Detecting and reporting diseases
o He believed that illness was caused by the 4. Practice of isolation, quarantine,
invasion of the victims and evil spirit. fumigation and disinfection
o He believed in “Shaman” or medicine man 5. Detailed instructions on the correct
or witch doctor that uses white magic. way of hand washing
o He also practiced “Trephening” – drilling a
hole on the skull with a rock or stone ANCIENT GREEKS
without the benefit of anesthesia as a last ASCLEPIUS God of medicine and healing in
resort to drive evil spirits from the body of ancient Greek mythology.
the afflicted)
Asclepius represents the healing
THE EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION (CA 3000 BC) aspect of the medical arts.
HYGIEIA Daughter of Asclepius.
HAMMURABI a first king of Babylonian
Empire Goddess of health, cleanliness
HAMMURABI’S one of the first written and sanitation and afterwards,
CODE codes of law in recorded the moon.
She was associated with the
XENODOCHIUM house for the sick prevention of sickness and the
IMHOTEP God of healing and continuation of good health.
medicine, the second king PANACEA Daughter of Asclepius &
of Egypt’s third dynasty, granddaughter of Apollo
who was later worshipped
as the god of medicine in Said to have potion which she
Egypt and in Greece, where healed sick
he was identified with the
Greek god of medicine, The panacea was supposed to be
Asclepius. remedy that would cure all
disease and prolong life
Architect of the step indefinitely.
pyramid built at the
necropolis of Ṣaqqārah in HIPPOCRATES
the city of Memphis.
o “Father of Medicine” exponent of the
o Practice of prophylaxis by the medicine science of preventive medicine
man and high priest
o Introduced the philosophy of the She erected a fine hospital at Rome
interrelationship between physical and & she gave large sums to the
mental health. churches and religious communities
o “A healthy mind dwells in a healthy body” at Rome, and at other places in Italy.
o Treat patient as a whole All her interests were centered on
o Changed change magic medicine into the needs of the Church and the
science of medicine care of the poor and suffering.
o Taught physicians to use eyes and ears
o The Hippocratic Oath is an oath traditionally HOTEL DIEU OF BEAUNE
taken by physicians pertaining to the
o One of the most charming old hospitals in
ethical practice of medicine.
France, and one quite typical of hospitals
3 KINDS OF REFUGE FOR SICK established in medieval times.
o Reputed to be the oldest existing hospital
o Secular – directed by physicians – spas and which has continuously occupied its
resorts. original building.
o Religious – sanctuaries of gods o This hospital has a history as colorful as its
o Attendants – were basket bearers who steep, gabled roofs.
looked after the sick.
MIDDLE AGES (1100 – 1300)
o Charitable institutions or sanctuaries
o Contributed to the field of sanitation intended for the aged, poor and sick
(building of Aqueducts, purification of water people.
supply) o Nursing during this era was either done by
o Appointing of public health medical officers charitable institutions or poor people who
o Establishment of hospitals which worked for the rich.
emphasized both preventive and curative o Nuns and sisters work as a staff nurse in
aspects of care the hospitals
o Caregiver are not required to have a formal
o Christian church expressed succor to o Nurses went to the community and
orphans, poor, travelers and the sick. hospitals were built also medical school’s
o Deaconesses (given to women with good increase.
social standing) visited the sick. o Europe men risked their lives to provide
o Order of Deaconesses – organized visiting nursing care
of the sick called visiting nurses o A group of men, the Parabolani, in 300 AD
o forerunner of CHN started a hospital and provided nursing
o endeavored to practice the corporal works care during the Black Plague epidemic.
of mercy (feeding the hungry, caring for the
sick, burying the dead)
o Crusades – Christian military expeditions to
PHOEBE a friend of St Paul and the first
recapture the Holy Land from Muslims
Deaconess and first visiting nurse.
o In 1244 there are approximately 19,000
FABIOLA A Roman matron of rank. She was hospitals in Western Europe.
one of the companies of noble
Roman women who. o There is a spread of leprosy
o after a thousand years there was no
Influence of St. Jerome attempt to organized nursing.
o Women are not considered equal to men. 20TH CENTURY – MACHINE AGE
o No right to vote or be educated.
o Increased poverty
o Women’s rights convention in Seneca
o Workers are exploited
Falls, NY signaling the beginning of social
o Development of other nursing services
aside from hospital service: private duty,
o With suffrage, rights of women were
public health, school, government,
advocated & nursing profession advanced.
o 1900’s women were accepted to colleges
A. Age of Specialization
and universities
− College & Post graduate nursing
education programs
B. Standards are Set
o This was a time of free thought, − 1913-1937
individualism, and the beginning of − standard curriculum
capitalism and democratic forms of − textbooks
government. C. World War I
o Gradually brought forth a more equitable − Nurse was assisted by the National
living style for the people. Red Cross
o Capitalists were protected by law in his D. The Great Depression
exploitation of workers. There were child − October 29, 1929 (Black Friday)
labor and sweatshops where disease and − Financial crisis – unemployed
accidents were the norm. nurses
o Hospitals remained places where the poor
− Military Nurses
went to die.
MOTHER MARY founded the sisters of Mercy, o This period includes scientific and
CATHERINE religious order emphasizing technological developments and many of
MCAULEY in nursing the poor and sick. the social changes occurring since 1945.
Emancipation of women-fight o World Health Organization – established
for human rights a step in by the United Nations\to assist in fighting
developing nursing disease by providing health information
profession and improving the nutrition, living standard
and environmental conditions of all people.
o Trends: Cross in LeMans,
− scientific and technological France in 1841.
research FATHER SORIN brought four sisters to
− use atomic energy for medical Notre Dame in South
diagnosis and treatment Bend Indiana in 1841.
− use sophisticated equipment for
diagnosis and therapy. WAR PERIOD
− The advent of space medicine also AMERICAN CIVIL Women played a major
brought about the development of WAR (1861 – role in nursing and
aerospace nursing. 1865) sanitation efforts during
COLONEL developed a comprehensive one- the Civil War, paving the
PEARL E. year course to prepare nurses for way for their entry into the
TUCKER aerospace nursing at Cape nursing profession in
Kennedy greater numbers after the
war, as well as paving the
Nursing involvement in community
way for further
health is greatly emphasized to
support Primary Health Care. professionalization of the
nursing field.
Technologic efficiency has relieved WORLD WAR I The duty of an army
nurses from a numerous tedious (1914 – 1916) nurses much more varied
task. than in civilian nursing
The nurse of the modern times is
constantly assuming They needed to be
responsibilities of patient care that decisive and quick-
were formerly the sole prerogative thinking when determining
of the physician treatment, cleaning
wounds and attending to
“The sum total of rules and regulations by • Laws enacted by any legislative
which society is governed. As such, law is body.
created by people and exists to regulate all • When federal and state laws
persons.” (Guido, 2014) conflict, federal law supersedes,
LITIGATION – action of lawsuit and state law supersede local laws
• It regulates the function of nursing
LITIGATORS – lawyers who participate in
practice acts
• Law which has been promulgated
LAWSUIT – a case in a court of law involving (or "enacted") by a legislature or
a claim, complaint, etc., by one party other governing body or the
against another; suit at law
process of making it. Whether a
given bill will be proposed and is
generally a matter of
the legislative priorities of
• Legislation is defined as laws and
rules made by the government.
An example of legislation is a new
state rule that changes textbook
• Rules and regulation created by the
• Foundation of the justice system administrative agency when the
and created legal rights and state legislature passes a statute.
responsibilities. • The body of law that regulates the
• It establishes the general operation and procedures of
organization of the federal government agencies.
government grants certain powers Administrative law is a branch of
to the government and places limits public law that is concerned with
on what federal and state the procedures, rules, and
government may do. regulations of a number of
• The body of rules, doctrines, and governmental agencies.
practices that govern the operation An example of administrative law is
of political the regulation and operation of the
communities. Constitutional law is Social Security Administration, and
the channel, or vehicle, for the administration of benefits to the
our constitutional rights. That people.
means there are over
10,000 republic acts. Add a few COMMON LAW
more for other documents such • Law evolving from court decisions
as the constitution, • In deciding specific controversies,
the court generally adhere to the
2nd Semester | S.Y. 2023 – 2024 | BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING
KINDS OF LEGAL ACTIONS • Refers to the body of the law that
deals with relationships between
individuals and the government and
governmental agencies
• Law comprises of constitutional law,
administrative law, tax law, criminal
law, and procedural law.
• Deals with actions against the
safety and welfare of the public.
Examples of civil actions include, among (homicide, theft, arson, active
others: euthanasia, sexual assault)
o Personal injury claims based on the
negligent acts of others that cause
FUNCTIONS OF LAW IN NURSING October 21, 2002, Republic Act No. 9173
otherwise known as “The Philippine
• provides a framework for
Nursing Act of 2002” replaced R.A. 7164
establishing what nursing actions in
the care of patients are legal
• delineates the nurse’s
responsibilities from those of other
• helps to establish the boundaries of
independent nursing actions
2nd Semester | S.Y. 2023 – 2024 | BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING
This Act shall be known as the “Philippine time of their appointment, possess
Nursing Act of 2002.” the following qualifications:
(a) Be a natural born citizen and
• Declaration of Policy. — It is hereby
resident of the Philippines;
declared the policy of the State to
(b) Be a member of good standing
assume responsibility for the
of the accredited professional
protection and improvement of the
organization of nurses;
nursing profession by instituting
(c) Be a registered nurse and
measures that will result in relevant
holder of a master’s degree in
nursing education, humane working
nursing, education or other
conditions, better career prospects
allied medical profession
and a dignified existence for our
conferred by a college or
university duly recognized by
• The State hereby guarantees the the Government: Provided,
delivery of quality basic health That the majority of the
services through an adequate Members of the Board shall be
nursing personnel system holders of a master’s degree in
throughout the country. nursing: Provided, further, That
the Chairperson shall be a
ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD OF NURSING holder of a master’s degree in
• SEC. 3. Creation and Composition nursing;
of the Board. — There shall be (d) Have at least ten (10) years of
created a Professional Regulatory continuous practice of the
Board of Nursing, hereinafter profession prior to
referred to as the Board, to be appointment: Provided,
composed of a Chairperson and six however, That the last five (5)
(6) members. years of which shall be in the
• They shall be appointed by the Philippines; and
President of the Republic of the (e) Not have been convicted of any
Philippines from among two (2) offense involving moral
recommenders, per vacancy, of the turpitude;
Professional Regulation • Provided, That the membership to
Commission, hereinafter referred to the Board shall represent the three
as the Commission, chosen and (3) areas of nursing, namely:
ranked from a list of three (3) nursing education, nursing service
nominees, per vacancy, of the and community health nursing.
accredited professional • SEC. 5. Requirements Upon
organization of nurses in the Qualification as Member of the
Philippines who possess the Board of Nursing. — Any person
qualifications prescribed in Section appointed as Chairperson or
4 of this Act. Member of the Board shall
• SEC. 4. Qualifications of the immediately resign from any
Chairperson and Members of the teaching position in any school,
Board. — The Chairperson and college, university or institution
Members of the Board shall, at the offering Bachelor of Science in
Nursing and/or review program for
open nursing courses to ensure that • SEC. 10. Annual Report. — The
standards of nursing education are Board shall at the close of its
properly complied with and calendar year submit an annual
maintained at all times. The report to the President of the
authority to open and close colleges Philippines through the
of nursing and/or nursing education Commission giving a detailed
programs shall be vested on the account of its proceedings and the
Commission on Higher Education accomplishments during the year
upon the written recommendation and making recommendations for
of the Board; the adoption of measures that will
(e) Conduct hearings and upgrade and improve the conditions
investigations to resolve complaints affecting the practice of the nursing
against nurse practitioners for profession.
unethical and unprofessional • SEC. 11. Removal or Suspension
conduct and violations of this Act, or of Board Members. — The
its rules and regulations and in President may remove or suspend
connection therewith, any member of the Board after
issue subpoena ad having been given the opportunity
testificandum and subpoena duces to defend himself/herself in a proper
tecum to secure the appearance of administrative investigation, on the
respondents, and witnesses and following grounds:
the production of documents and (a) Continued neglect of duty or
punish with contempt persons incompetence;
obstructing, impeding and/or (b) Commission or toleration of
otherwise interfering with the irregularities in the licensure
conduct of such proceedings, upon examination; and
application with the court; (c) Unprofessional, immoral or
(f) Promulgate a Code of Ethics in dishonorable conduct.
coordination and consultation with • Scope of Nursing. — A person shall
the accredited professional be deemed to be practicing nursing
organization of nurses within one within the meaning of this Act when
(1) year from the effectivity of this he/she singly or in collaboration
Act; with another, initiates and performs
(g) Recognize nursing specialty nursing services to individuals,
organizations in coordination with families and communities in any
the accredited professional health care setting.
organization; and • It includes, but not limited to,
(h) Prescribe, adopt, issue and nursing care during conception,
promulgate guidelines, regulations, labor, delivery, infancy, childhood,
measures and decisions as may be toddler, pre-school, school age,
necessary for the improvement of adolescence, adulthood and old
the nursing practice, advancement age.
of the profession and for the proper • As independent practitioners,
and full enforcement of this Act nurses are primarily responsible for
subject to the review and approval the promotion of health and
by the Commission. prevention of illness.
o The skills and learning commonly
possessed by members of a
profession (Guido, 2014).
o Nursing standards of care can be
classified into two categories:
internal and external standards.
o Internal standards of care include
“the nurses job description,
education. and expertise as well as
individual institutional policies and
procedures” (Guido. 2014, p.55)
o External standards consist of the
a. Nurse practice acts
b. Professional organization
c. Nursing specialty – practice
d. Federal organizations and
federal guidelines.