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Name: Jake Williams


Date of Lesson: 02/28/2024 Class Time: 2:10 – 2:55

School Name and Grade: Hill City Elementary 3rd Grade Technology Use: None

Lesson Plan

Length of Lesson: 45 minutes Number of Students: 18-25

1 of 5

Central Focus: Introduction to Throwing and Catching

National Standards Addressed:

Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

Standard 2: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and


Standard 4: The physically educated student exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical
activity settings.

GPS Standards Assessed:

PE3.1.h. Throws underhand to partner/target with a mature form (facing target, stepping with opposition, transferring weight, and
following through).
PE3.2.e. Incorporates movement concepts (direction, levels, time, and force) with skills as directed by the teacher.

PE3.4.a. Demonstrates the ability to work successfully with a partner or with a small group.

Equipment/Supplies: Supplies used to include equipment, PPT, handouts, etc. Description of Facility: The Gym
(Attach all relevant handouts, activities, templates, ppt slides, etc. that are used in
the lesson)

6 fitness cones, 24 Hula Hoops, 6 empty paint cans and 12 cones for outlining
boundaries, 1 roll of painters tape.

Prior Academic Knowledge & Skill:

PE2.1.f. Demonstrates the underhand throw while using mature form (facing target, stepping with opposition, transferring weight, and
following through).

PE2.2.c. Demonstrates gradual increases and decreases in speed and force in dance and/or a variety of activities.

PE2.4.d. Interacts positively with others during partner and small group activities.

Safety Considerations: (Physical & Emotional) :

Different types of throwing objects will be in the air at different stations. Make sure we are throwing appropriately for the task at hand.

Teaching Style: [ Direct, Command. Task, Mastery, Individualized, Instructional Strategies: Demonstrations
Cooperative, Inquiry (Guided Discovery or Problem Solving)]

Cooperative Learning

Curriculum Approach:

Promote Skill Development

Objectives Assessment Tool

(Please note whether Formal or


Cognitive Objective (s): (Activity skill cues; ABCD format, indicate alignment w/standard & assessment) Small TOD slip that students will complete
during closure.
1. TSWBAT recall the 4 cues (face the target, swing arm back, step with opposite foot, throw and end with
fingers pointing at target) for proper underhand throwing form during closure.


Psychomotor Objective (s): (Demonstration skill related activities using skill cues; ABCD format, indicate Informal assessments when I move
alignment w/standard & assessment) around the gym providing congruent
1. TSWBAT underhand throw a beanbag or ball from 15 feet to a target 5 times in a row while using proper


Affective Objective (s): : (Development of personal beliefs & values and group norms necessary to Students will volunteer during closure to
promote active lifestyle and social responsibility; indicate alignment with standard & assessment) give one example of good sportsmanship
or a positive moment interacting with
1. TSWBAT identify a moment where their partner or teammate worked well with them and how it
impacted the game.

Lesson Plan Details: Write a detailed outline of your class session including your instructional strategies, learning tasks, key questions, key transitions,
student supports, assessment strategies, and conclusion. Your outline should be detailed enough that another teacher could understand them enough to
use them. Include what you will do as a teacher and what your students will be doing during each lesson phase. Note: the statements and scaffolding
questions in red below are meant to guide your thinking and planning. You do not need to answer them explicitly or address each one in your plan. Delete
them before typing your lesson outline.

Introductory or The purpose is to prepare the students for activity physically and Time Objectives Assessment:
Allocations: Addressed:
Instant Activity emotionally.

(Instant/ This should be 3-5 minutes and comprise 6-10% of your total lesson.
Activity; Warm-Up &
Review; Set Transition: Time Allocations:

Set Induction Time Objectives Assessment:
Good morning, everyone! Today we are going to start our unit on Allocations: Addressed:
throwing. There are different types of throwing that we will be working 2 minutes
on, but today is underhand. Can anyone tell me of a sport or game that
uses underhand throwing? (Softball, Cornhole, etc.) Great job! Let’s cover
the proper way to throw underhand and then we have 2 games lined up
for today… Cornhole and Battleship!

Time Allocations:
Transition: Students will be split into pairs of 2 and go to a cornhole

Fitness Activity 6 Fitness Cones with different activities that work on the different Time Objectives Assessment:
Allocations: Addressed:
components of fitness.
5 minutes

Transition: I will turn the music off, let the students get water, and then Time Allocations:

have them sit on the green line for instructions on Cornhole.

LESSON BODY Task 1: Demonstration/Essential Questions: Time Objectives Assessment

Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
I will pick up one beanbag and demonstrate the proper form while walking them 1 minute
through the cues.

Learning Task: Skill Cues: Modifications: Time Objectives Assessment

1. face Easier: Start students Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
Students throw beanbags to each other underhand target off closer together OR 5-8 minutes C1, A1 Providing
from 10 feet away. They will back up 2 big steps each 2. swing just get as many Congruent
arm back possible while Feedback
time they get 5 in a row. (1 beanbag per group)
standing in the same
3. step with
foot Harder: Have students
use their non-
4. throw
dominant hand to
and follow

Transition: Time Allocations:

Task #2 Demonstration/ Essential Questions: Time Objectives Assessment

Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:

Learning Task: Skill Cues: Modifications: Time Objectives Assessment

1. face Easier: Students can Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
2v2 or 1v1 Hula Hoop Cornhole. Hula hoops will be 15 target throw the bags from in 10 minutes C1,P1 Providing
feet apart. Students will stand behind the hula hoop 2. swing front of the hula Congruent
arm back hoops. Feedback
and proceed to throw one bag at a time. 1 point for
Harder: Students can
a bag on the hoop, 2 for a bag in the hoop, 3 for a 3. step with
opposite move farther away
bag in the blue square inside the hula hoop. from the hula hoops.
First team to 15 wins. 4. throw
and follow

Transition: Whistle for the kids to stop throwing and explain the next task. Split the Time Allocations:
teams up by saying all the kids on the left are a team and all the kids on the right are a 1 minute
Task #3 Demonstration/ Essential Questions: Time Objectives Assessment
Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:

Learning Task: Skill Cues: Modifications: Time Objectives Assessment

1. face Easier: Allow the kids Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
Battleship. Students will be split into 2 teams. The target to throw from the half P1, A1 Providing
10 minutes
half court will divide them. Each team will have 12 2. swing court so the targets Congruent
arm back are closer. Feedback
hula hoops and 1 beanbag per person. The students
Harder: Have some
can set up their hula hoops like battleships in any 3. step with
opposite hula hoops farther
configuration they want inside the boundary of the away that stand alone
basketball court. The students will stand behind for targets or have
4. throw
their sides’ green line to throw beanbags. If a students throw from
and follow
further away.
beanbag lands inside a hoop, bring up the hoop and through
put it on the stage.

Transition: Time Allocations:

Task #4 Demonstration/ Essential Questions: Time Objectives Assessment

Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:

Learning Task: Skill Cues: Modifications: Time Objectives Assessment

1. Easier: Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
3. Harder:

Transition: Time Allocations:

Time Objectives Assessment
CLOSURE Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
(Wrap Up, Review, Transition)

Restate teaching point, clarify key points, extend ideas, check for understanding 5 minutes C1, P1, A1

 How will students share or show what they have learned in this lesson?
 How will you engage students in reflection on how the strategies/skills learned today can be used as in future
lessons and/or the real world?
How will you provide opportunities to extend ideas and check for understanding?
TOD with these questions on it…
What are the 4 cues to underhand throwing? Face target, swing arm back, step with opposite foot, throw and follow
What do we do to throw the beanbag farther? Throw it harder/Use more force.
How do we throw the beanbag higher or lower? Release the beanbag higher in the air for height and below the waist
for it to go lower.
Describe one example of working well with teammates or good sportsmanship.
1 student volunteers for demonstration.

Differentiation Based on Student Characteristics

(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students)

English Language Learners: None Known

Students below Grade Level: Have students follow adaptations for each game listed above.

Students above Grade Level: Have students follow adaptations for each game listed above.

Student Exceptionalities
(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students)

Physical Conditions: None Known

Behavioral Conditions: None Known

Resources: If ideas in this lesson were based on work from others, acknowledge your sources here

Organization: Please draw the set-up for your gym/classroom with equipment.
3rd Link Above

Name: Jake Williams

PHYSICAL EDUCATION LESSON PLAN - Please delete red descriptions

Date of Lesson: 3/6/24 Class Time: 2:10 – 2:55

School Name and Grade: Hill City Elementary 3rd Grade Technology Use: (by students)

Lesson Plan None

Length of Lesson: 45 minutes Number of Students: ~20

2 of 5

Central Focus: (What is the big idea or focus question of the lesson/unit?)

Underhand Throw/Roll

National Standards Addressed: (write out standards and performance indicators from National SHAPE standards)

Standard 1: The physically educated student demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

Standard 2: The physically educated student applies the knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement

and performance.

Standard 5: The physically educated student recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression,
and/or social interaction.

GPS Standards Assessed: (write out elements based on grade level from Georgia Professional Standards)

PE3.1.h. Throws underhand to partner/target with a mature form (facing target, stepping with opposition, transferring weight, and
following through).

PE3.2.e. Incorporates movement concepts (direction, levels, time, and force) with skills as directed by the teacher.

PE3.5.c. Recognizes the connection between enjoyment and participation of physical activity.

Equipment/Supplies: Supplies used to include equipment, PPT, handouts, etc. Description of Facility: The Gym
(Attach all relevant handouts, activities, templates, ppt slides, etc. that are used in
the lesson)

6 cones, 1 6-sided die, 12 Gator Skin balls, 30 plastic bowling pins, and 20 scooters.

Prior Academic Knowledge & Skill:

PE2.1.f. Demonstrates the underhand throw while using mature form (facing target, stepping with opposition, transferring weight, and
following through).

PE2.2.c. Demonstrates gradual increases and decreases in speed and force in dance and/or a variety of activities.

PE2.5.a. Describes and identifies emotions before, during, and after participating in physical activity.

Safety Considerations: (Physical & Emotional) : (Describe what you need to do to ensure physical and emotional safety)

Teaching Style: [ Direct, Command. Task, Mastery, Individualized, Instructional Strategies:

Cooperative, Inquiry (Guided Discovery or Problem Solving)]

Cooperative Demonstration

Curriculum Approach:

Subject Centered Curriculum Design

Objectives Assessment Tool

(Please note whether Formal or


Cognitive Objective (s): (Activity skill cues; ABCD format, indicate alignment w/standard & assessment) Informal; Students will raise hand during
closure to tell me one of the four cues.
1. TSWBAT recall the 4 cues for proper underhand throwing form during closure.


Psychomotor Objective (s): (Demonstration skill related activities using skill cues; ABCD format, indicate Informal; Students can volunteer to
alignment w/standard & assessment) demonstrate. I will also be observing
during the game while refereeing.
1. TSWBAT underhand throw/roll a ball to a teammate 3 times during rollerball successfully.


Affective Objective (s): : (Development of personal beliefs & values and group norms necessary to Informal; Students will give describe their
promote active lifestyle and social responsibility; indicate alignment with standard & assessment) favorite part of the lesson was or what
the enjoyed the most.
1. TSWBAT identify one moment or part of the lesson that strengthens the connection between
participation and enjoyment.

Lesson Plan Details: Write a detailed outline of your class session including your instructional strategies, learning tasks, key questions, key transitions,
student supports, assessment strategies, and conclusion. Your outline should be detailed enough that another teacher could understand them enough to
use them. Include what you will do as a teacher and what your students will be doing during each lesson phase. Note: the statements and scaffolding
questions in red below are meant to guide your thinking and planning. You do not need to answer them explicitly or address each one in your plan. Delete
them before typing your lesson outline.

Introductory or The purpose is to prepare the students for activity physically and Time Objectives Assessment:
Allocations: Addressed:
Instant Activity emotionally.

(Instant/ This should be 3-5 minutes and comprise 6-10% of your total lesson.
Activity; Warm-Up &
Review; Set Transition: Time Allocations:

Set Induction Good Morning! Today we are continuing our unit on throwing and catching. Today we are
Time Objectives Assessment:
Allocations: Addressed:
going to be working on some underhand throwing from last week and moving towards
overhand throwing for next week. Today, our two games are going to be 6-pin bowling and 2 minutes
Rollerball. I will explain those later, but for now, let’s get warmed up!

Time Allocations:

Fitness Activity Fitness Cube Jogging Warmup: Time Objectives Assessment:

Allocations: Addressed:
I will have a notecard with ~10 different exercises on it. While I play music, the kids are
jogging around the gym. When I stop the music, the kids sprint to any of the 6 cones (with 8 minutes
numbers 1-6 on them) laid out in the gym (1 per corner and 1 at the middle of each side of the
court). Once everyone is at a cone, I will roll a 6-sided die. Whatever number is facing up on
the die is considered the safe cone where they get out of doing the exercise. The other 5
cones must do 5 of whatever the exercise on my notecard is. We will do 5-10 rounds and I
will do a different exercise each time.

Transition: Time Allocations:

LESSON BODY Task 1: Demonstration/Essential Questions: Time Objectives Assessment
Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:

Learning Task: Throwing and Catching with Partner. Skill Cues: Modifications: Time Objectives Assessment
1. Face Easier: Start off closer Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
Students will grab a partner and come get 1 Gator target to partner 5 minutes
Skin ball. They will alternate throwing underhand 2. Step with
and overhand to their partner from 15-20 feet away. opposite Harder: Take a step
foot away from partner
Challenge: Students will roll a ball to their partner 3. Transfer after each successful
who has to pick it up and overhand/underhand weight catch
throw it back. Switch after 5 successful rolls, throws, 4. Follow
and catches.

Transition: Time Allocations:

Task #2 Demonstration/ Essential Questions: Time Objectives Assessment

Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:

Learning Task: 6 Pin Bowling Skill Cues: Modifications: Time Objectives Assessment
1. Face Easier: Move closer to Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
Students will be split into groups of 3-4. Each group target the pins (past foul line) 10 minutes
will be given 6 bowling pins and a 5-frame 2. Step with
scoresheet for bowling. I will tape off the foul line opposite Harder: Take a step
about 20-25 feet away from where they will set the back from foul line or
3. Transfer have 1 throw per
pins up. They will have 2 students on pin duty and 2
weight frame to knock as
who alternate rolling. After one student rolls the many pins down as
4. Follow
ball, the 2 students on pin duty will pick up the through possible.
knocked over pins and give the ball back. 2 rolls per
frame (unless all pins are knocked down on first
attempt). Then the other student will roll and
repeat. After 5 frames, switch the students that
were on pin duty.
Transition: Time Allocations:

Task #3 Demonstration/ Essential Questions: Time Objectives Assessment
Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:

Learning Task: Rollerball! Skill Cues: Modifications: Time Objectives Assessment

1. Easier: Have some Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
This is like handball but played on scooters. The 2. students walking
10 minutes
black mats on the walls will serve as the goals. The around instead of
using scooters.
goalies will not be on scooters. I will use cones to
outline the arc as a shooting line. Students may use
Harder: Have students
3 pushes to move their scooter before they are
use their non-
frozen. 4 passes must be complete before a team dominant hand to
can shoot. (Passes must go to different people!) If throw the ball.
the ball is dropped or a pass is not caught,
possession switches. If students roll outside of the
basketball court with possession of the ball,
possession switches.

Transition: Time Allocations:

Task #4 Demonstration/ Essential Questions: Time Objectives Assessment

Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:

Learning Task: Skill Cues: Modifications: Time Objectives Assessment

1. Easier: Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
3. Harder:

Transition: Time Allocations:

Time Objectives Assessment
CLOSURE Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
(Wrap Up, Review, Transition)

Restate teaching point, clarify key points, extend ideas, check for understanding 5 minutes

 How will students share or show what they have learned in this lesson?
 How will you engage students in reflection on how the strategies/skills learned today can be used as in future
lessons and/or the real world?
How will you provide opportunities to extend ideas and check for understanding?
Name the four steps (cues) for underhand throwing.
How many moves can you make during rollerball before you have to stop? 3
Raise your hand and tell me what your favorite part of the lesson was.
One set of students will volunteer to demonstrate our challenge throwing activity.

Differentiation Based on Student Characteristics

(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students)

English Language Learners: None

Students below Grade Level: Follow modifications listed above.

Students above Grade Level: Follow modification listed above.

Student Exceptionalities
(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students)

Physical Conditions: None.

Behavioral Conditions: None.

Resources: If ideas in this lesson were based on work from others, acknowledge your sources here

Organization: Please draw the set-up for your gym/classroom with equipment.

Name: Jake Williams

PHYSICAL EDUCATION LESSON PLAN - Please delete red descriptions

Date of Lesson: 03/20/24 Class Time: 2:10 – 2:55

School Name and Grade: Hill City Elementary 3rd Grade Technology Use: (by students)

Lesson Plan Plickers for Assessment

Length of Lesson: 45 minutes Number of Students: 20-24

3 of 5

Central Focus:

Overhand Throwing

National Standards Addressed:

Standard 1: The physically educated student demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

Standard 2: The physically educated student applies the knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement

and performance.

Standard 4: The physically educated student exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical
activity settings.

GPS Standards Assessed:

PE3.1.i. Throws overhand for distance and/or force using critical cues (stepping with opposition and side to target, transferring weight,
and following through).

PE3.2.d. Recognizes the concept of open spaces in a movement setting.

PE3.4.d. Identifies equipment-specific safety rules and follows them.

Equipment/Supplies: Supplies used to include equipment, PPT, handouts, etc. Description of Facility: The Gym
(Attach all relevant handouts, activities, templates, ppt slides, etc. that are used in
the lesson)

16 cones, 12 gator skin balls, 24 pinnies, PowerPoint and Promethean Board

Prior Academic Knowledge & Skill:

PE2.1.g. Demonstrates overhand throwing techniques following teacher cues.

PE2.2.a. Maintains personal space in a movement setting.

PE2.4.c. Respects personal and group space (recognizes boundaries and keeps hands/feet to self).

Safety Considerations: (Physical & Emotional) :

Head on a swivel, watch fingers, no bodily contact when defending

Teaching Style: Instructional Strategies:

Guided Discovery

Curriculum Approach:

Objectives Assessment Tool

(Please note whether Formal or


Cognitive Objective (s): (Activity skill cues; ABCD format, indicate alignment w/standard & assessment) Formal Assessment: Plickers Quiz
regarding skill cues and simple strategies
1. TSWBAT recall the 4 cues for proper overhand throwing form during closure.
and tactics.

Psychomotor Objective (s): (Demonstration skill related activities using skill cues; ABCD format, indicate Informal: Tally how often students throw
alignment w/standard & assessment) and catch properly vs. improperly.

1. TSWBAT complete 5 successful overhand passes and shoot at least 1 time on goal during Handball.


Affective Objective (s): : (Development of personal beliefs & values and group norms necessary to Informal: Observe team dynamics and
promote active lifestyle and social responsibility; indicate alignment with standard & assessment) cooperation as far as passing and
communication. *Good Sportsmanship
1. Students will recall the rules stated for scooter safety during closure.
will be discussed!*
(Head on a swivel, watch fingers, no bodily contact when defending.)

Lesson Plan Details: Write a detailed outline of your class session including your instructional strategies, learning tasks, key questions, key transitions,
student supports, assessment strategies, and conclusion. Your outline should be detailed enough that another teacher could understand them enough to
use them. Include what you will do as a teacher and what your students will be doing during each lesson phase. Note: the statements and scaffolding

questions in red below are meant to guide your thinking and planning. You do not need to answer them explicitly or address each one in your plan. Delete
them before typing your lesson outline.

Introductory or Switch! Time Objectives Assessment:

Allocations: Addressed:
Instant Activity This game will be played in a cube with 4 cones at each corner about 10 feet away from each
other. Students will be split into groups of 5-6. I will start the first game, but after that, 6-8 minutes
(Instant/ students will start their own matches. There is one kid at each of the four cones and one in
the center of the square. The 6th person standing out of the square yells “Switch!” and all
the students in the square try to get to a new cone. 1 of them won’t get there (like musical
Activity; Warm-Up & chairs) and will hop in the back of line. Then the person who was our caller last round is in
Review; Set the center to start another match.
INTRODUCTION Transition: Whistle 3 times and have them bring in the cones and sit on Time Allocations:
the green line.
Set Induction Good morning! Let’s get class going. Today, we are continuing our unit on throwing. This
Time Objectives Assessment:
Allocations: Addressed:
week is Overhand Throwing. Let’s review some of the cues that are the same for
Underhand. Great! Today we are going to practice throwing and catching with a partner and 2 minutes
then we are going to play Bombardi. If we listen and get set up quickly, we have Handball to
paly afterwards. Let’s get moving!

Time Allocations:

Fitness Activity The focus is on developing fitness and/or introducing skills. Fitness related Time Objectives Assessment:
Allocations: Addressed:
skills are cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, muscular
endurance, flexibility, and body composition. An opening or introductory
game can involve parts of these components as well while introducing
students to the lesson focus (i.e. small sided games) OR can be more
fitness focused. These activities should be 5-10 minutes and comprise
about 10-25% of total lesson.

Transition: Time Allocations:

LESSON BODY Task 1: Demonstration/Essential Questions: Time Objectives Assessment
Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:

Learning Task: Overhand Throwing Pretest + Skill Cues: Modifications: Time Objectives Assessment
Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
Challenge 1. Side to Easier:
target 5 minutes
I will tape out 1x1 foot squares onto the wall. 2. Step with Harder:
Students will get into pairs of 2 or 3 and stand 20 opposite
feet away from the wall. They will take turns trying
3. Transfer
to hit the wall. Each will have a piece of paper and
mark an X if they missed or üif they hit the square. 4. Follow
After they fill out the document, they can compete through
against each other for 5 minutes to see who hit the
square the most. Students will give corrective
feedback to their peers about following the cues.

Transition: Time Allocations:

Task #2 Demonstration/ Essential Questions: Time Objectives Assessment

Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:

Learning Task: Two Team Pinball Skill Cues: Modifications: Time Objectives Assessment
1. Side to Easier: Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
This game is where you put 10 cones along each end target 10 minutes
of the gym under the basketball goal. In this 2. Step with Harder:
variation, there will also be three 5-gallon buckets opposite
with pins on top at each side as well. The point is to
3. Transfer
knock the cones of the other team over. No
defense, only offense. If a cone is knocked over,
4. Follow
leave it down. The pins on the floor count as 1 point through
each while the ones on top of the buckets count as 5
points. The team with the most points after 5
minutes wins.

Transition: Time Allocations:

Task #3 Demonstration/ Essential Questions: Time Objectives Assessment

Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:

Learning Task: Handball Skill Cues: Modifications: Time Objectives Assessment

1. Side to Easier: Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
Students will be split into 2 teams. They will start by target
15 minutes
playing Rock-Paper-Scissors to determine who gets 2. Step with Harder:
the ball first. Rules: Each team must pass a minimum opposite
of 4 times before shooting it. Of the four passes, 2
3. Transfer
girls and 2 guys must receive a pass before shooting.
Students may not enter the half circle arc that the
4. Follow
goalie is in. If the ball hits the black mat on the wall, through
a point is scored. We will restart in the center and
possession will automatically change. If a pass is
dropped or intercepted, possession changes.

Transition: Time Allocations:

Task #4 Demonstration/ Essential Questions: Time Objectives Assessment

Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:

Learning Task: Skill Cues: Modifications: Time Objectives Assessment

1. Easier: Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
3. Harder:

Transition: Time Allocations:

Time Objectives Assessment
CLOSURE Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
(Wrap Up, Review, Transition)

Restate teaching point, clarify key points, extend ideas, check for understanding 5 minutes

 How will students share or show what they have learned in this lesson?
 How will you engage students in reflection on how the strategies/skills learned today can be used as in future
lessons and/or the real world?
How will you provide opportunities to extend ideas and check for understanding?
What are the 4 cues for overhand throwing?
What cues are the same for underhand throwing?
What cues are different from underhand throwing?
Raise your hand if you were able to get at least 1 pass to a teammate or 1 shot on goal.
Name one situation where you were a good sport.
Demonstration of a pair of students overhand throwing.

Differentiation Based on Student Characteristics

(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students)

English Language Learners: None

Students below Grade Level:

Students above Grade Level:

Student Exceptionalities
(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students)

Physical Conditions: None

Behavioral Conditions:

Resources: If ideas in this lesson were based on work from others, acknowledge your sources here
Organization: Please draw the set-up for your gym/classroom with equipment.

Name: Jake Williams

PHYSICAL EDUCATION LESSON PLAN - Please delete red descriptions

Date of Lesson: 3/13/24 Class Time: 2:10 – 2:55

School Name and Grade: Hill City Elementary 3rd Grade Technology Use: (by students)

Lesson Plan None

Length of Lesson: 45 minutes Number of Students: 20

4 of 5

Central Focus:

Frisbee Throwing (Forehand)

National Standards Addressed:

Standard 1: The physically educated student demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

Standard 2: The physically educated student applies the knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement

and performance.

Standard 4: The physically educated student exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical
activity settings.

GPS Standards Assessed:

PE3.1.e. Transfers weight while traveling in a variety of directions, levels, and pathways.

PE3.2.d. Recognizes the concept of open spaces in a movement setting.

PE3.4.a. Demonstrates the ability to work successfully with a partner or with a small group.

Equipment/Supplies: Supplies used to include equipment, PPT, handouts, etc. Description of Facility: The Gym
(Attach all relevant handouts, activities, templates, ppt slides, etc. that are used in
the lesson)

4 5-gallon buckets,

Prior Academic Knowledge & Skill:

PE2.1.h. Catches an object at a medium level with the hands (not trapping against the body).

PE2.2.a. Maintains personal space in a movement setting.

PE2.4.d. Interacts positively with others during partner and small group activities.

Safety Considerations: (Physical & Emotional) : (Describe what you need to do to ensure physical and emotional safety)

Heads on a swivel

Teaching Style: [ Direct, Command. Task, Mastery, Individualized, Instructional Strategies:

Cooperative, Inquiry (Guided Discovery or Problem Solving)]

Cooperative Learning
Curriculum Approach:

Objectives Assessment Tool

(Please note whether Formal or


Cognitive Objective (s): (Activity skill cues; ABCD format, indicate alignment w/standard & assessment)

1. TSWBAT recall the 4 cues for forehand throwing a frisbee during closure.


Psychomotor Objective (s): (Demonstration skill related activities using skill cues; ABCD format, indicate
alignment w/standard & assessment)

1. TSWBAT throw and catch 5 passes consecutively (not trapping) during the frisbee relay.


Affective Objective (s): : (Development of personal beliefs & values and group norms necessary to
promote active lifestyle and social responsibility; indicate alignment with standard & assessment)

1. TSWBAT describe one benefit of playing with a partner or teammate during any of the activities today.

Lesson Plan Details: Write a detailed outline of your class session including your instructional strategies, learning tasks, key questions, key transitions,
student supports, assessment strategies, and conclusion. Your outline should be detailed enough that another teacher could understand them enough to
use them. Include what you will do as a teacher and what your students will be doing during each lesson phase. Note: the statements and scaffolding

questions in red below are meant to guide your thinking and planning. You do not need to answer them explicitly or address each one in your plan. Delete
them before typing your lesson outline.

Introductory or The purpose is to prepare the students for activity physically and Time Objectives Assessment:
Allocations: Addressed:
Instant Activity emotionally.

(Instant/ This should be 3-5 minutes and comprise 6-10% of your total lesson.
Activity; Warm-Up &
Review; Set Transition: Time Allocations:

Set Induction Time Objectives Assessment:
A brief portion of a lesson given at the very beginning to get students' Allocations: Addressed:
attention, activate prior knowledge, and prepare them for the day's
learning by introducing lesson focus, skills, cues, and providing

Time Allocations:

Fitness Activity Piston Cup Time Objectives Assessment:

Allocations: Addressed:
Use the 4 cones with a number on it in each corner to mark the area that will be the
racetrack. Divide the students into 4 equal groups and put one group at each cone.

Play the "Cars" theme song as the students run, skip, gallop etc. in a counterclockwise
direction. When the music is stopped after about 1 minute, students will take a "pit stop" at
a specific cone with their group and perform the required exercise. You select the exercises:
push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, jump rope, bicep curls, tricep dips, stretching, hula hoops or
step ups.

Start the music again and repeat until all the students have been to every "pit stop" and the
song is over.

Transition: Time Allocations:

LESSON BODY Task 1: Demonstration/Essential Questions: Time Objectives Assessment

Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
(Specific and
detailed plan to
facilitate student
learning and skill Learning Task: Frisbee Toss Relay Skill Cues: Modifications: Time Objectives Assessment
development) 1. Thumb on Easier: Kids can do a Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
Students will be split into pairs of 2. We will have all top series of smaller
10 teams lined up on one side of the basketball 2. Cross tosses.
court. On my whistle, one of the teammates will 3. Step
move 5-10 feet away and wait for a pass. After the 4. Flick wrist Harder: Make some
teams have to toss
other teammate throws the pass, they will run 5-10
forehand or do
feet past their teammate holding the disc. The backhand with
process repeats until they get back to the start line. nondominant hand.
If they drop a pass, they pick up the frisbee and try

Transition: Time Allocations:

Task #2 Demonstration/ Essential Questions: Time Objectives Assessment

Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:

Learning Task: Ultimate Kanjam Skill Cues: Modifications: Time Objectives Assessment
1. Thumb on Easier: Allow a Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
Split class into teams of 4-5 students. 2 teams on top teammate to go into
each side of half court. R-P-S to see who get the 2. Cross the arc for assistance
when aiming for the
frisbee first. If you have the frisbee, you can only 3. Step
pivot. You must pass the frisbee 3 times before you 4. Flick wrist
Harder: Make the arc
can shoot. There will be an arc around the bucket bigger so they have to
that is unguarded. 1 point- hit the bucket with shoot from further

assistance. 2 points- hit the bucket without away.
assistance. 3 points- get it into the bucket without
assistance. First to 11 wins.

Transition: Time Allocations:

Task #3 Demonstration/ Essential Questions: Time Objectives Assessment

Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:

Learning Task: Bocce Ball Combo Skill Cues: Modifications: Time Objectives Assessment
1. Easier: Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
Students will be split up into teams of 3-4. 2 teams 2.
on each side of half court. Each team will be given 1 3. Harder:
beanbag, 1 frisbee, and 1 gator ball. One team will
ROLL a Hula Hoop far away from themselves. The
first team to get all 3 objects to stay inside the hoop
wins. Teams will alternate throwing 1 item per team.
*Items resting on the side of the hoop count as in*

Transition: Time Allocations:

Task #4 Demonstration/ Essential Questions: Time Objectives Assessment

Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:

Learning Task: Skill Cues: Modifications: Time Objectives Assessment

1. Easier: Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
3. Harder:

Transition: Time Allocations:

Time Objectives Assessment
CLOSURE Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
(Wrap Up, Review, Transition)

Restate teaching point, clarify key points, extend ideas, check for understanding 5 minutes

 How will students share or show what they have learned in this lesson?
 How will you engage students in reflection on how the strategies/skills learned today can be used as in future
lessons and/or the real world?
How will you provide opportunities to extend ideas and check for understanding?
What are the 4 cues for forehand frisbee throwing?
What does hyzer mean?

What does anhyzer mean?

Can you name the 3 types of ways you can throw a frisbee? Forehand, Backhand, Hammer

Differentiation Based on Student Characteristics

(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students)

English Language Learners:

Students below Grade Level:

Students above Grade Level:

Student Exceptionalities
(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students)

Physical Conditions:

Behavioral Conditions:

Resources: If ideas in this lesson were based on work from others, acknowledge your sources here
Organization: Please draw the set-up for your gym/classroom with equipment.

Name: Jake Williams

PHYSICAL EDUCATION LESSON PLAN - Please delete red descriptions

Date of Lesson: Date of the Lesson Class Time: 2:10 – 2:55

School Name and Grade: Hill City Elementary 3rd Grade Technology Use: (by students)

Lesson Plan None

Length of Lesson: 45 minutes Number of Students: 20-25

5 of 5

Central Focus:

Frisbee Throwing (Forehand)

National Standards Addressed:

Standard 1: The physically educated student demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

Standard 2: The physically educated student applies the knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement

and performance.

Standard 5: The physically educated student recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression,
and/or social interaction.

GPS Standards Assessed:

PE3.1.j. Catches an object tossed from a partner.

PE3.2. e. Incorporates movement concepts (direction, levels, time, and force) with skills as directed by the teacher.

PE3.5.d. Recognizes that physical activity provides opportunity for social interaction.

Equipment/Supplies: Supplies used to include equipment, PPT, handouts, etc. Description of Facility: The Gym
(Attach all relevant handouts, activities, templates, ppt slides, etc. that are used in
the lesson)

12 bowling pins, 7 gator skin balls, 1 basket, 2 foam frisbees, 10 polyspots, 21 hula
hoops, 1 traffic cone, 1 football, 16 beanbags, and 10 plastic cones.

Prior Academic Knowledge & Skill:

PE2.1.h. Catches an object at a medium level with the hands (not trapping against the body).

PE2.2.c. Demonstrates gradual increases and decreases in speed and force in dance and/or a variety of activities.

PE2.5.e. Accepts and respects differences and similarities in physical abilities in self and others.

Safety Considerations: (Physical & Emotional) : (Describe what you need to do to ensure physical and emotional safety)

Head on a swivel. Be considerate of other people as there are several stations and skill levels.

Teaching Style: [ Direct, Command. Task, Mastery, Individualized, Instructional Strategies:

Cooperative, Inquiry (Guided Discovery or Problem Solving)]

Guided Discovery
Curriculum Approach:

Objectives Assessment Tool

(Please note whether Formal or


Cognitive Objective (s): (Activity skill cues; ABCD format, indicate alignment w/standard & assessment) Formal, the TOD assessment is more of a
confidence scale that shows if they think
1. TSWBAT recall the cues (Reach, Grab, Give) for catching an object away from the body during closure.
they have improved since the start of the
2. unit.

Psychomotor Objective (s): (Demonstration skill related activities using skill cues; ABCD format, indicate Informal, I will be walking around and
alignment w/standard & assessment) providing feedback on all topics
discussed in the unit.
1. TSWBAT demonstrate a proper catch during the Catch and Toss activity 3 times in a row.


Affective Objective (s): : (Development of personal beliefs & values and group norms necessary to Informal, students will raise their hand
promote active lifestyle and social responsibility; indicate alignment with standard & assessment) and share their opinion on this during
1. TSWBAT describe the benefit of social interaction on their lesson and whether it helped or hindered their
enjoyment of the activities.

Lesson Plan Details: Write a detailed outline of your class session including your instructional strategies, learning tasks, key questions, key transitions,
student supports, assessment strategies, and conclusion. Your outline should be detailed enough that another teacher could understand them enough to

use them. Include what you will do as a teacher and what your students will be doing during each lesson phase. Note: the statements and scaffolding
questions in red below are meant to guide your thinking and planning. You do not need to answer them explicitly or address each one in your plan. Delete
them before typing your lesson outline.

Introductory or Infection (Black Line Only) Time Objectives Assessment:

Allocations: Addressed:
Instant Activity I will pick 2 taggers. Everyone will only be allowed to move along the black lines on the
5 minutes
basketball court. If you get tagged, you become a tagger. If you want, you can switch lines
(Instant/ by jumping to a parallel line. You can only jump to one line at a time (not jump 3 lines). My
Motivational taggers cannot jump lines. Last person standing wins.
Activity; Warm-Up &
Review; Set Transition: Time Allocations:


Set Induction Time Objectives Assessment:

Good Morning! Today is our final day in our throwing and catching unit. Allocations: Addressed:
We are going to be doing stations that let you practice all the skills you 2 minutes
have been learning so far. My requirement is that you MUST visit at least 3
stations. I will blow my whistle every 5 minutes to signal a change of
station. After you visit 3 different stations, it is free choice. Remember to
pick up or reset all the equipment you use.

Time Allocations:

Fitness Activity The focus is on developing fitness and/or introducing skills. Fitness related Time Objectives Assessment:
Allocations: Addressed:
skills are cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, muscular
endurance, flexibility, and body composition. An opening or introductory
game can involve parts of these components as well while introducing
students to the lesson focus (i.e. small sided games) OR can be more
fitness focused. These activities should be 5-10 minutes and comprise
about 10-25% of total lesson.

Transition: Time Allocations:

LESSON BODY Task 1: Demonstration/Essential Questions: Time Objectives Assessment
Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:

Learning Task: Station 1: 6 Pin Bowling Skill Cues: Modifications: Time Objectives Assessment
1. Face Easier: Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
2 Separate Lanes (2 Groups can be at a station) target 5 minutes
2. Step with Harder:
I will tape off the throwing line (~20 feet away). opposite
Each group will be 4-5 students. Each group will
3. Straight
have 1 Gator Skin ball to roll and knock pins down. back and
Half of a group will remove the knocked over pins forward
and reset them. The other 2 students in that group
will take turns rolling the ball.

Transition: Time Allocations:

Task #2 Demonstration/ Essential Questions: Time Objectives Assessment

Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:

Learning Task: Hot Spot Shot Horse (Frisbee) Skill Cues: Modifications: Time Objectives Assessment
1. Grip like a Easier: Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
I will put a basket in the center of one section of the handshake 5 minutes
gym. I will have polyspots at random intervals 2. Side to Harder:
around the basket. 1 group here at a time. Students target
will attempt to throw the frisbee into the basket 3. Step and
from each polyspot. Use HORSE rules… If one
person makes it, they get to keep the polyspot. (I
will have tape marks under the polyspots for easy
setup once class is over.)

Transition: Time Allocations:

Task #3 Demonstration/ Essential Questions: Time Objectives Assessment
Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:

Learning Task: Football Target Practice Skill Cues: Modifications: Time Objectives Assessment
1. Face Easier: Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
Illustration below… target
5 minutes
There will be 5 tape lines at different intervals that 2. Step with Harder:
go from being 10 feet away from the hoops to half opposite
court. Students will earn 1 point for the bottom
3. Ball to ear
hoop, 2 for the middle, and 3 for the top. The
distance they throw from is a multiplier. The closest
tape line is 1x and the furthest is 5x. Each person
4. follow
competing has 5 throws. Highest score wins. through

Transition: Time Allocations:

Task #4 Demonstration/ Essential Questions: Time Objectives Assessment

Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:

Learning Task: Bean Bag Tic-Tac-Toe Skill Cues: Modifications: Time Objectives Assessment
1. Face Easier: Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
I will lay out 2 sets of 9 hula hoops forming a grid. 2 target
5 minutes
students per grid. They will each have 3-4 beanbags. 2. step with Harder:
They will alternate tossing the beanbags into the opposite
hoops playing Tic-Tac-Toe.
3. follow

Transition: Time Allocations:

Task #5 Demonstration/Essential Questions: Time Objectives Assessment
Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:

Learning Task: Catch and Toss Skill Cues: Modifications: Time Objectives Assessment
1. Easier: Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
Students participate in pairs of 2. Each student will 2. 5 minutes
have a cone in their hand that is upside down. One 3. Harder:
gator skin ball is shared between the pair. Students
will toss the ball underhand to their partner. You
have to catch the ball inside the cone. Once you
catch 5 in a row, back up one huge step. If you drop
one, take one step forward. I will put 10 cones out
so 2 groups can compete to see which one has all of
their partners get through the quickest.

Transition: Time Allocations:

Task #6 Demonstration/ Essential Questions: Time Objectives Assessment

Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:

Learning Task: Skill Cues: Modifications: Time Objectives Assessment

1. Easier: Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
3. Harder:

Time Objectives Assessment

CLOSURE Allocations: Addressed: & Feedback:
(Wrap Up, Review, Transition)

Restate teaching point, clarify key points, extend ideas, check for understanding 5 minutes

 How will students share or show what they have learned in this lesson?
 How will you engage students in reflection on how the strategies/skills learned today can be used as in future
lessons and/or the real world?
How will you provide opportunities to extend ideas and check for understanding?

Differentiation Based on Student Characteristics

(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students)

English Language Learners: None

Students below Grade Level: Move to an easier activity.

Students above Grade Level: Move to a more difficult activity.

Student Exceptionalities
(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students)

Physical Conditions: None

Behavioral Conditions: None

Resources: If ideas in this lesson were based on work from others, acknowledge your sources here
Organization: Please draw the set-up for your gym/classroom with equipment.


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