Eng8 Wk4

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School: San Vicente National High School Grade Level: 8

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Mercury Shane D. Sinatao Learning Area: English
Teaching Dates & Time: Week 5 Quarter: 1st Quarter


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates
communicative competence communicative competence communicative competence communicative competence
through his/ her through his/ her through his/ her understanding through his/ her understanding
understanding of Afro-Asian understanding of Afro-Asian of Afro-Asian Literature and of Afro-Asian Literature and
Literature and other texts Literature and other texts other texts types for a deeper other texts types for a deeper
types for a deeper types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine appreciation of Philippine
appreciation of Philippine appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other Culture and those of other
Culture and those of other Culture and those of other countries. countries.
countries. countries.
B. Performance
Standards The learner transfers learning The learner transfers The learner transfers learning The learner transfers learning
by composing and delivering learning by composing and by composing and delivering an by composing and delivering
an informative speech based delivering an informative informative speech based on a an informative speech based
on a specific topic of interest speech based on a specific specific topic of interest keeping on a specific topic of interest
keeping in mind the proper topic of interest keeping in in mind the proper and effective keeping in mind the proper
and effective use of parallel mind the proper and use of parallel structures and and effective use of parallel
structures and cohesive effective use of parallel cohesive devices and structures and cohesive
devices and appropriate structures and cohesive appropriate prosodic features, devices and appropriate
prosodic features, stance, devices and appropriate stance, and behavior. prosodic features, stance, and
and behavior. prosodic features, stance, behavior.
and behavior.
C. Learning A. Identify and use signals A. scan texts rapidly A. Identify and use A. connect ideas and show
Competencies/ that indicate coherence signals that indicate the relationships
for connecting
B. identify transition words or coherence between sentences and
( Write the Lode for
each) signals used in B. Emphasize how paragraphs.
expressions that
sentences and coherence enhances B. analyze each other's
signal sequence;
the overall quality of writing to identify
paragraphs; B. construct sentences
the text. coherence signals and
C. classify the types of using transition C. write a paragraph provide feedback on
transition signals signals; using transition how to improve
used in sentences coherence.
signals to achieve
and paragraphs; C. write short paragraphs
using the coherence
signals they have
II.CONTENT Definition and examples of Definition and purpose of Coherence signals such as Definition and examples of
( Subject Matter) coherence signals (additive, coherence signals in additive, causative, coherence signals: additive,
causative, communication. conditional/concessional, causative,
conditional/concessional, Types of coherence signals: sequential, and clarifying words conditional/concessional,
sequential, clarifying). additive, causative, and phrases. sequential, and clarifying
Functions and meanings of conditional, concessional, words and phrases.
different coherence signals. sequential, and clarifying.
Using coherence signals to Examples and usage of
improve the organization and coherence signals in
flow of texts. different contexts.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Teacher's Guide page on Teacher's Guide page on
pages coherence signals coherence signals
2. Learner’s Material Learner's Materials page on Learner's Materials page on
pages coherence signals coherence signals
3. Textbook pages Textbooks with sample texts Textbooks with sample texts
4. Additional Materials Additional materials with texts Additional materials with texts
from Learning for analysis for analysis
Resource LR portal
B. Other Learning Whiteboard or chalkboard and Whiteboard or chalkboard and
Resources markers/chalk markers/chalk
A. Reviewing previous Begin the lesson by briefly Begin the lesson by briefly Recap the previous lesson on Begin by reviewing the
Lesson or presenting reviewing the importance of reviewing the importance of the importance of coherence in concept of coherence and its
new lesson coherence and how it coherence and cohesion in writing and speaking. Ask importance in writing and
contributes to effective writing and speaking. Recap students to share their speaking. Recap the key
communication. Recap the the concept of using understanding of coherence points from the previous
concept of organizing ideas transition words and phrases and its significance. lesson.
and connecting them logically to signal connections
within a text. between ideas.
B. Establishing a purpose Explain to the students that Explain to the students that Explain to students that Explain to students that
for the lesson the objective of the lesson is the objective of the lesson is coherence signals are words coherence signals are words
to introduce and explore to introduce and practice and phrases used to connect and phrases used to connect
coherence signals that help using coherence signals to ideas and show the ideas and show the
indicate the relationships indicate different types of relationships between relationships between
between ideas in a text. relationships between sentences and paragraphs. sentences and paragraphs.
Emphasize the role of ideas. Discuss how coherence signals Discuss how coherence
coherence signals in improve the flow and signals improve the flow and
enhancing understanding and understanding of texts. understanding of texts.
guiding readers through the
C. Presenting examples/ Provide examples of texts or Provide examples of Present examples of different Present examples of different
instances of the new paragraphs that lack paragraphs or texts where coherence signals to the class coherence signals (additive,
lesson. coherence and ask students coherence signals are used (e.g., "in addition," "therefore," causative,
to identify the areas where to indicate additive, "otherwise," "firstly," "for conditional/concessional,
coherence signals could be causative, conditional, instance"). Explain the function sequential, and clarifying) to
used. Discuss how the concessional, sequential, of each signal and the the class. Provide sentences
absence of coherence signals and clarifying relationships. relationships it indicates or short paragraphs that
affects the overall clarity and Discuss the role of between ideas. contain these signals, and ask
comprehension of the text. coherence signals in guiding students to identify their
the reader or listener functions.
through the flow of
D. Discussing new Introduce the concept of Introduce the concept of Divide students into small Divide students into small
concepts and additive coherence signals additive coherence signals groups. Provide each group groups and give each group a
practicing new skills. (e.g., also, moreover, (e.g., also, moreover) and with a different text and ask different set of coherence
furthermore). Explain how their role in indicating them to identify coherence signals (e.g., one group gets
these signals indicate the additional information or signals present in the text. After additive signals, another gets
addition of related information ideas. Discuss the usage analyzing the texts, have each causative signals, etc.). Ask
or ideas. Model examples and placement of these group share their findings with each group to create
and encourage students to signals in sentences and the class. sentences using the assigned
identify and use additive paragraphs. Model coherence signals. Then, have
coherence signals in examples and encourage groups share their sentences
sentences or short students to identify and use with the class.
paragraphs. additive coherence signals in
E. Discussing new Introduce causative Introduce other types of Individually, have students write Individually, have students
concepts and coherence signals (e.g., as a coherence signals, such as short paragraphs or essays on write short paragraphs using
practicing new skills result, consequently, causative (e.g., as a result, a given topic and ask them to the coherence signals they
#2. therefore). Explain their consequently), conditional incorporate appropriate have learned. Encourage
function in indicating cause- (e.g., otherwise, in that coherence signals into their them to vary the signals and
and-effect relationships. case), concessional (e.g., writing. Encourage students to use them appropriately to
Provide examples and however), sequential (e.g., use a variety of coherence connect ideas and create
engage students in activities to begin with, in conclusion), signals to demonstrate their coherence in their writing.
where they can identify and and clarifying (e.g., for understanding.
use causative coherence instance, in fact, in addition).
signals appropriately. Discuss their meanings,
usage, and the relationships
they convey. Provide
examples for students to
analyze and practice using
these coherence signals
F. Developing Mastery Provide exercises or activities Engage students in activities Provide students with more Provide students with more
(Lead to Formative where students practice that involve identifying complex texts and have them complex texts and ask them to
Assessment 3) identifying and using coherence signals in given identify coherence signals. identify coherence signals in
conditional/concessional texts or sentences. This can Discuss the impact of the passages. Discuss how
coherence signals (e.g., include matching exercises, coherence signals on the the signals contribute to the
otherwise, in that case, rewriting sentences to overall clarity and overall coherence of the texts.
however) to indicate include appropriate comprehension of the texts.
conditions, concessions, or coherence signals, or
contrasting ideas. Guide analyzing texts to determine
students in constructing the effectiveness of the
sentences or paragraphs that coherence signals used.
demonstrate the correct
usage of these signals.
G. Finding practical Engage students in a Discuss real-life situations In pairs, students will exchange In pairs or small groups,
application of discussion on the practical where the use of coherence their written paragraphs or students will exchange their
concepts and skills in applications of coherence signals is important for essays from Day 1. They will written paragraphs from Day
daily living signals in different types of effective communication. analyze each other's writing to 1. They will analyze each
writing (e.g., narratives, Explore examples from identify coherence signals and other's writing to identify
essays, reports). Encourage different domains, such as provide feedback on how to coherence signals and provide
them to share examples from academic writing, business improve coherence. feedback on how to improve
texts they have read or communication, and public coherence.
written where coherence speaking. Encourage
signals played a crucial role students to share instances
in guiding readers through the where coherence signals
ideas presented. could have been used to
enhance clarity and

H. Making Summarize the key concepts Summarize the key concepts Lead a class discussion on the Lead a class discussion on the
Generalizations and discussed during the lesson discussed during the lesson importance of using coherence importance of using
Abstraction about the and facilitate a class and facilitate a class signals in various types of coherence signals in various
Lesson. discussion on the general discussion on the general writing, such as essays, types of writing, such as
rules and patterns of using rules and strategies for using narratives, and reports. essays, reports, and
coherence signals. Guide coherence signals Emphasize how coherence narratives. Emphasize how
students in generalizing the effectively. Encourage enhances the overall quality of coherence enhances the
functions and meanings of students to reflect on how the text. overall quality of the text.
different coherence signals coherence signals contribute
based on the examples and to the overall coherence and
activities they have organization of their own
encountered. writing and speaking.
I. Evaluating Learning 1. Identify the coherence Section 1: Multiple Choice Section 1: Multiple Choice Section 1: Multiple Choice
signal in the following
sentence: "The weather was 1. Identify the coherence 1. Identify the coherence signal 1. Identify the coherence
hot; __________, the pool signal in the following in the following sentence: "She signal in the following
was crowded with swimmers." sentence: "She loves to sing, loves to dance; __________, sentence: "He loves playing
a) also __________ she dreams of she takes ballet and hip-hop soccer; __________, he
b) as a result becoming a professional classes." joined the school team."
c) to begin with singer." a) in conclusion a) consequently
d) in conclusion a) consequently b) consequently b) moreover
b) in conclusion c) moreover c) in conclusion
2. Choose the correct c) also d) in addition d) otherwise
coherence signal to complete d) in addition
the sentence: "She loves to 2. Choose the correct 2. Choose the correct
dance; __________, she 2. Choose the correct coherence signal to complete coherence signal to complete
takes ballet and hip-hop coherence signal to the sentence: "He forgot his the sentence: "She didn't
classes." complete the sentence: "He umbrella; __________, he got study for the test;
a) moreover studied hard for the exam; soaked in the rain." __________, she failed to
b) consequently __________, he scored the a) otherwise pass."
c) in addition highest marks in the class." b) as a result a) however
d) otherwise a) otherwise c) in fact b) consequently
b) moreover d) however c) otherwise
3. In the sentence, "He forgot c) as a result d) in fact
his umbrella; __________, he d) for instance 3. In the sentence, "If you study
got drenched in the rain." hard, __________ you will pass 3. In the sentence, "If it rains,
a) however 3. In the sentence, "He didn't the exam." __________ we will have to
b) to begin with study for the test; a) consequently cancel the picnic."
c) as a result __________, he failed to b) in addition a) also
d) for instance pass." c) otherwise b) as a result
a) however d) for instance c) in addition
4. Identify the coherence b) consequently d) otherwise
signal in the following c) in fact 4. Identify the coherence signal
sentence: "The team d) to begin with in the following sentence: "She 4. Identify the coherence
practiced diligently; wanted to buy the book; signal in the following
__________, they won the 4. Identify the coherence __________, she didn't have sentence: "The weather was
championship." signal in the following enough money." hot; __________, we decided
a) otherwise sentence: "The weather was a) moreover to go for a swim."
b) to begin with hot; __________, the ice b) in conclusion a) consequently
c) consequently cream shop was crowded c) however b) in conclusion
d) for instance with customers." d) consequently c) moreover
a) consequently d) in fact
5. Choose the correct b) moreover 5. Choose the correct
coherence signal to complete c) in conclusion coherence signal to complete 5. Choose the correct
the sentence: "You need to d) also the sentence: "The team coherence signal to complete
study hard; __________, you practiced diligently; the sentence: "He practiced
won't pass the exam." 5. Choose the correct __________, they won the the piano daily; __________,
a) also coherence signal to championship." he improved his skills
b) consequently complete the sentence: "She a) in conclusion significantly."
c) in conclusion loves reading books; b) consequently a) consequently
d) otherwise __________, she spends c) otherwise b) for instance
hours in the library every d) for instance c) otherwise
6. In the sentence, "The car week." d) however
broke down; __________, a) consequently Section 2: Fill in the Blanks
they had to call for a tow b) for instance Section 2: Fill in the Blanks
truck." c) in addition 6. The movie was sold out;
a) also d) however __________, we decided to 6. The concert tickets were
b) in conclusion watch another one. sold out; __________, we
c) as a result Section 2: Fill in the Blanks He missed the bus; couldn't attend the show.
d) for instance __________, he arrived late at He forgot to bring his lunch;
6. The concert tickets were school. __________, he had to buy
7. Identify the coherence sold out; __________, we The weather was hot; food from the cafeteria.
signal in the following couldn't attend the show. __________, they decided to __________, the team lost the
sentence: "I enjoy hiking; 7. He forgot to set the alarm; go to the beach. match and was eliminated
__________, I love exploring __________, he woke up 7. She is an excellent writer; from the tournament.
new trails." late for school. __________, she has won 7. She is a talented singer;
a) to begin with __________, the team won many awards. __________, she has
b) moreover the championship and The car broke down; performed in various concerts.
c) consequently celebrated their victory. __________, they had to call
d) in fact She is an excellent for a tow truck. 8. The traffic was heavy;
musician; __________, she __________, they arrived late
8. Choose the correct can play multiple Section 3: True or False to the party.
coherence signal to complete instruments. Section 3: True or False
the sentence: "She was 8. The rain poured heavily; 8. Coherence signals help in
feeling unwell; __________, __________, we decided to connecting ideas within a text. 9. Coherence signals are
she decided to stay home stay indoors. (True/False) words or phrases used to
and rest." Section 3: True or False connect ideas within a text.
a) consequently 9. "Consequently" and "in (True/False)
b) moreover 9. Coherence signals help conclusion" are examples of
c) in addition connect ideas and make a coherence signals used to 10. "Moreover" and "in
d) for instance text more organized and introduce contrasting ideas. conclusion" are examples of
understandable. (True/False) coherence signals used to add
9. In the sentence, "If you (True/False) information and provide
don't finish your homework, 10. Coherence signals are used examples, respectively.
__________ you might get a 10. "Furthermore" and "in to show cause and effect (True/False)
lower grade." conclusion" are examples of relationships between ideas.
a) also coherence signals used to (True/False) 11. Coherence signals
b) consequently show cause and effect. indicate cause-and-effect
c) otherwise (True/False) 11. Coherence signals are only relationships between ideas.
d) in fact used in academic writing and (True/False)
11. "Otherwise" and not in everyday language.
10. Identify the coherence "however" are coherence (True/False) 12. Coherence signals are
signal in the following signals used to introduce a only used in academic writing
sentence: "Firstly, we went to contrasting idea. 12. "For instance" and "in fact" and not in everyday language.
the museum; __________, (True/False) are examples of coherence (True/False)
we had lunch at a nearby signals used to provide
café." 12. Coherence signals are examples and additional 13. "For instance" and "in
a) as a result only used in written texts information. (True/False) addition" are examples of
b) moreover and not in spoken language. coherence signals used to
c) consequently (True/False) introduce contrasting ideas.
d) in conclusion (True/False)
13. "For example" and "in
11. Choose the correct fact" are examples of
coherence signal to complete coherence signals used to
the sentence: "He needs to provide further clarification.
improve his writing skills; (True/False)
__________, he should
practice more often."
a) consequently
b) in addition
c) otherwise
d) for instance

12. In the sentence, "She

enjoys swimming;
__________, she goes to the
pool every weekend."
a) in fact
b) otherwise
c) consequently
d) also

13. Identify the coherence

signal in the following
sentence: "They forgot to buy
tickets; __________, they
were not allowed to enter the
a) in fact
b) moreover
c) as a result
d) for instance

14. Choose the correct

coherence signal to complete
the sentence: "He needs to
pass the exam; __________,
he must study diligently."
a) also
b) consequently
c) otherwise
d) in conclusion

15. In the sentence, "She

loves to travel; __________,
she plans to visit Europe next
a) in conclusion
b) in fact
c) consequently
d) moreover
J. Additional Activities For students who may need For students who may need
for Application or extra support, provide extra support, provide
Remediation additional practice exercises on additional practice exercises
identifying coherence signals on identifying coherence
and using them effectively in signals and using them
writing. effectively in writing.
A. No. of learners
earned 80%in the
B. No. of learners who
required additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other

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Checked by:
School Principal II

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