English 8 Q3 WK2

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1. Define propaganda.

2. Identify the different propaganda


3. Analyze the intention of words and

expression used in propaganda
Quick review
A February 27 2017 poll from News indicates
that 68% of Americans think the press has
been tougher on Trump than Obama. In
that same month. Trump tweeted. “The
FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @
NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my
enemy. It is the enemy of the American
1.What form of bias is reflected
in the text?
2. What textual elements
exposed such a bias
The text reflected a selection bias
because the data is selected
subjectively. President trump
believes that media possesses a
terrible bias against him, with
unfavorable coverage. He’s not the
only leader to feel like the media is
biased one way or the other.
The textual elements exposed the bias are:
 Stereotypes- President Trump believes that
the media possesses a terrible bias against
him, based on unjustifiable prejudice.
 Name-calling-Trump tweeted, “The FAKE
NEWS media ( failing @nytimes, @NBCNews,
@ABC, @CBS, @CNN)is not my enemy, it is the
enemy of the American People!.
Complete the term that refers to its type
by supplying the missing letters. Be
guided by the given clues.

P_ _ _O _ _ _ A _ _ _A _ _ _ D _ _ _
• a form of communication that aims to influence the
attitude of a community and further an agenda.
•may not be objective and may be selectively
presenting facts to be encourage a particular synthesis
or perception.
• may use loaded language to produce an emotional
rather than a rational response to the information that
is being presented intends to make us accept or
approve something without looking closely at the
• Mostly utilizes emotion and avoids critical thinking.
The Propaganda
Banwagon It is the act of persuading Marie notices that many
the reader/ viewer by of her friends have
suggesting that since the started eating a low-
majority agrees, the carb diet and drinking
readers/viewers should protein shakes. Marie
too. decided that this must
be the healthy way to
eat, so she joins them.
Card Stacking It distorts, omits facts, or Katy Perry states, “I use
tells half truth to it at night, I’ll go to sleep
manipulate readers/ and wake up and it will
viewers perceptions literally be gone,” and “
in three weeks, all my
bumpy, sticking out zits
have gone flat.”
Glittering Generalities It refers to using Thing go better with
”good” labels, such as coke
democratic, patriotic, Creamy. Dreamy. Icy.
amazing, beautiful, Chocolatey
and exciting, without
providing proofs such
as facts to attract
general approval or
Name- Calling It is used to make “More than a beauty
people rejectt and box”. Were here to
condemn a person or help you find joy in
idea without beauty and in taking
examining what the care of your self.
label means.
1. Propaganda is ___________________.
2. The techniques used in propaganda
3. Such techniques are useful in
1. Propaganda is a form of communication that aims to
influence the attitude of a community and further an
2. The techniques used in propaganda includes:
Bandwagon, Card stacking, Name- calling, Glittering
3. Such techniques are useful in propaganda because it
helps the readers or viewers to understand the
intentions of words and expressions of the
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Uses the testimony of a famous person to get you to
do something.
a. testimonial c. bandwagon
b. transfer d. snob appeal

2. It urges you to do something because everyone else

a. snob appeal c. bandwagon
b. name calling d. transfer
3. Radio advertisement: Drink super sport beverages, the
only drink of NBA.
a. transfer c. emotional appeal
b. glittering generalities d. plain folks
4. A famous (person/celebrity) endorses a new product.
a plain folks c. transfer
b. bandwagon d. testimonial
5. What type of propaganda uses negative words or
feelings against an idea, product, or person?
a. bandwagon c. glittering generalities
b. snob appeal d. name calling
Answer key:
1. a
2. c
3. b
4. a
5. d

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