Las Esp 7 Mod1 Q3
Las Esp 7 Mod1 Q3
Las Esp 7 Mod1 Q3
1. Identify the different readily available multimedia resources;
Choose the letter of your answer.
14. In the absence of an expensive camera to record, which of the following could be a better replacement?
a. Radio b. digital camera c. personal smartphone d. none of these
Key Concepts
What is a Multimedia Resource?
The word multimedia comes from two Latin roots, multi and media: multi-, meaning
several or many, and media-, meaning in the middle.
This multimedia definition tells us that materials on the internet, or in your class
presentations, involve several forms of communication to connect (that is, to be in the middle of)
the sender and receiver. Moreover, multimedia is a broad term for combining multiple media
Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video and interactivity are combined
together, the result is multimedia. Slides, for example, are multimedia as they combine text and
images, and sometimes video and other types.
2. PowerPoint Slide
It is a presentation program developed by Microsoft. PowerPoint is often used to create
business presentations, but can also be used for educational or informal purposes. The
presentations are comprised of slides, which may contain text, images, and other media, such as
audio clips and movies. This resource is best to use in giving information, instructions, making
explanations and in narrating events.
5. Video Presentations
Video presents moving pictures and typically combines images and sound for a compelling multimedia
experience. Of course, videos can include text as well, which often appears as captioning for spoken words or
as text in an image, as in the case of a slide
presentation. Video files are some of the most
memoryintensive multimedia applications, but clever
streaming methods make their daily practical use. With
your camera phone, simply record a video as you orally
give information, instructions, explanation or narration.
You can also make a vlog (short for video and blog)
and make contents of different subjects.
6. GIFs and Other Forms of Animation
Animated files occupy a middle ground between still
images and video. GIFs, which is an abbreviation for graphic image files, are small files that present a single
image or rapidly display a sequence of a few images to give the appearance of motion. This group of
resources is best to use when you explain and/or narrate events that are just short. There are certain mobile
apps that help you create a GIF or any animation such as GIF Maker and Editor, Giphy Cam, GroupMe, and
many others.
A file format is a standard way that information is encoded for storage in a computer file. It specifies
how bits are used to encode information in a digital storage medium. File formats may be
either proprietary or free and may be either unpublished or open. Below is a table of the common file types of
the multimedia resources. (
Let us try to deepen your understanding of the lesson with the next activities. Are you ready?
Directions: Give two (2) names of cellphone applications and computer software or programs installed in your
smart phone and computer that are helpful in your study.
Note: If you do not have a smart phone or computer, ask from someone who has them and knows these useful
apps and computer programs.
Directions: Applying what you learned, let us find out what multimedia resource would you pick given the
tasks in the first column. In the second column, write the multimedia resources that is appropriate to use.
Lastly in the third column, write a very short reason why you’re picking such multimedia resource. Copy and
Post Test
Directions: Read the questions and choose the letter of the correct answer. (Write your answers on a separate
1. Which of the following describes correctly what multimedia is?
A. Multimedia is the use of just a single medium. C. Multimedia employs one input from only one
B. Multimedia is the limited applications of source.
multimedia elements. D. Multimedia combines the use of all other
multimedia elements.
5. If an audio file is stored in a computer and is used as a background to an image. What do you call this type
of audio?
A. digital audio C. animated sound
B. analog audio D. analog sound
10. Which statement is untrue about text as one of the multimedia elements?
A. least common element C. most frequently combined medium
B. gives detailed description D. contains several fonts and sizes
13. If you were asked to record a song, what would be the file type after saving it?
14. What are the types of media can be combined in PowerPoint Presentation?
A. Video and Picture C. Audio and Animation
B. Text and Images D. All of these
Sisco, Lester (2020). English – Grade 7 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 – Module 1: Using Correct and
Appropriate Multimedia Resouces. Department of Education – Region 10
Villafuerte, Randy B. & Mangumpit, Helen A., et. Al (Eds) . (2020). English – Grade 7 Alternative Delivery
Mode Quarter 3 – Module 1: Multimedia Resources. Department of Education – Region IX-
Zamboanga Peninsula
Teacher 1
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