Dll-Catch-Up-Friday-Week 6
Dll-Catch-Up-Friday-Week 6
Dll-Catch-Up-Friday-Week 6
Catch-up National Reading Program
Values Education Health Education Peace Education Guidance Pr
Subject: (NRP)
The learners should The learners The learners should be The learners should The learners should The learners s
be able to critically should be able to able to explain the be able to appreciate be able to explain the be able to ide
evaluate the identify areas for positive effects of the importance of meaning of the different situa
character's choices reading expressing love on our expressing love in proverb "No act of that may lead
II. Objectives and explore alternative
improvement relationships and well- their daily lives kindness, no matter harm
through self- being how small, is ever
reflection wasted.
III. Learning Short Story: Si Short Story: The Short Story: Miles to Zumba Dance: Short Story: The HGIPS-III
Resources/ Musa na walang Country Maid and Fly Dove and the Ant
pagkukusa Her Milk Pail
References Youtube Link: www.youtube.com/ Youtube Link:
(PDF) (PDF) https://www.youtube.co watch?v=v7zTVdJn-
m/watch? gc
v=1oYvVDX8eN8&t=48s v=TpLhLBhFTag
IV. Activities and Begin with Begin with Begin with classroom Begin with Begin with Begin with
Procedures classroom routine: classroom routine: classroom routine: classroom routine: classroom ro
a. Prayer a. Prayer a. Prayer a. Prayer
a. Prayer a. Prayer
b. Checking of b. Checking of b. Checking of b. Checking of
Attendance b. Checking of Attendance Attendance Attendance b. Checkin
Attendance Attenda
c. Quick c. Quick c. Quick c. Quick
Kamustahan c. Quick Kamustahan Kamustahan Kamustahan c. Quick
n Kamusta
A. Let’s Try Th
1. Think of yo
DRILL: Short favorite pet o
Vowel Sound
A. Friday Routine A. Preparation plant you wa
Exercise and Settling take care of
A. In
A. Introduction 2. Draw your
Girl in the Mirror | favorite pet o
Zumba® | Dance Review: Briefly
plant at the
Preparation and Fitness | Live Love review the previous
Settling In Party lesson on the Hope of your clean
Principle. You can of paper.
ask students what
they remember 3. Write dow
Greet students This routine helps
warmly and students focus and about hope and the different
A. Pre-Reading Activity: Watch the
create a positive prepares them for how it can help us to keep it saf
first few minutes of
learning learning. in our lives.
"Miles to Fly" around your
environment. together. Discuss the
Brainstorming: Ask
students to share challenges Mika faces drawing.
what they know and his dream of
Briefly review B. Current Health Introduction: Let’s Explore
about laziness and becoming a pilot.
the classroom News Sharing Introduce the topic
its potential Introduce the concept
expectations for of peace by asking Stay Safe
consequences. List of hope and how it can
reading time. students what
their ideas on chart help people overcome
Invite students to peace means to
paper. difficulties.
share any interesting them. You can write
Ask students to health news articles their answers on Directions:
share any or stories they came the board or chart
Vocabulary Reflection: Ask
paper. With the give
personal across. You can also
Preview: Introduce students to share a example bel
connections they share a relevant
any unfamiliar words time when they felt
from the story, such
have to farms or
similar to Mika, facing
short news clipping how can a G
dairy products about ways to 5 learner like
as "pagkukusa" a challenge or a
express love or the
(initiative) or dream that seemed protect ones
positive effects of
"katamaran" out of reach. Discuss
expressing affection. from harm or
(laziness), using how they handled the
visuals or context B. Dedicated situation and what danger. Writ
clues. Reading Time helped them feel more answers in yo
hopeful. C. Health
Sessions paper.
Setting the Stage: Explain that today's
Briefly introduce the reading focus is B. Reflective
story's title and main Thinking Introduce the theme Keep in Mind
"The Country Maid
character, Musa. of "Ways of
and Her Milk Pail."
Ask students to Expressing Love" by
predict what the asking students to
Activity: Present the
story might be about "Hope Principle": Have a
brainstorm ways they Children hav
Distribute copies of show love to family,
based on the title goal, Optimism, equal rights.
the story and allow friends, and pets.
and their prior Perseverance, Effort. should be pr
students quiet time Discuss that love can
knowledge. B. Peace
to read Reflection: Have be expressed with proper c
independently. students individually through words, safety
reflect on each letter and actions, and even our Session
B. During Reading and guidanc
write down examples of thoughts.
how they can embody from adults a
each aspect in their own become ma
Encourage Storytelling: Read
Character students to use lives, referencing Divide students into the short story "The individuals.
Analysis: After silent reading characters and scenes small groups and Dove and the Ant"
each section or at strategies like from "Miles to Fly" for provide them with by Aesop. This fable
the end of the story, chunking, finger- inspiration. different scenarios tells the tale of a
use graphic pointing, and (e.g., a friend is thirsty dove who is You Can Do
C. Structured
organizers or rereading difficult feeling down, a saved by an ant who Directions:
discussion prompts sections. parent is stressed, a guides her to a water
Activities Put a (/) mar
to help students sibling is feeling left source. The story
analyze Musa's out). Ask them to emphasizes the the statemen
character: After about 10 brainstorm ways to importance of which are
Role-Playing: Have express love and helping others and
minutes, consider
students role-play support in each working together,
having students necessary fo
scenes from "Miles to situation. even when
Traits: What are turn to a partner personal safe
Fly" where characters individuals might
some words that and read aloud to
demonstrate the Hope Have each group
seem different. and privacy.
describe Musa's each other for 5-7
Principle values. share their ideas
behavior and minutes, practicing ___ 1. Post on
Encourage them to with the class and
personality? (e.g., fluency and
discuss the importance discuss the different media that t
lazy, irresponsible, expression.
of these values in their ways love can be no one at ho
classroom community, expressed in Discussion: After
various situations. because you
relating it back to their reading the story,
own experiences and facilitate a discussion whole family
C. Progress goals. with the students
is on vacatio
Motivations: Why do Monitoring about the following
D. Group Sharing
you think Musa acts through questions: ___ 2. Give y
and Reflection D. Reflection and
the way they do? Reflection
Sharing home addre
What might be their and Sharing
reasons or excuses? What happened to name of you
Sharing: Each student school to a n
the dove in the
shares their chosen goal, Ask students to
Individual story? Facebook fri
a challenge they faced reflect on their own
Consequences: Reflection:
(inspired by "Miles to Fly" ways of expressing ___ 3. Meet t
What are the
Provide students or their own lives), and love. Do they
consequences of
how they used the Hope express love in
How did the ant help person alone
with sticky notes
Musa's actions for the dove? have just me
(optional) or ask Principle to overcome it. ways that match
themselves and
them to reflect their loved ones' online.
others? Discussion: Facilitate a
mentally. preferred love
class discussion about Why is it important to ___ 4. Share
languages? Are
the importance of hope, there areas where help others, even personal det
perseverance, and they can improve? when they seem all unknown
Ask them to write
positive thinking, drawing different from us?
down one
connections to the individuals or
C. Post Reading
"strength" they strangers you
themes and characters in E. Wrap UP
demonstrated while
"Miles to Fly." Encourage How can we show accepted
reading (e.g., good
Discussion: students to support and kindness and
pace, as friends on
Facilitate a class motivate each other like Leave students with a cooperation in our
discussion about the the characters in the challenge: to choose own lives?
vocabulary) and ___ 5. Share
story's themes, animation. one action to express
one "area for
using open-ended love to someone they valuable
improvement" E. Feedback and
questions like: (e.g., stumbling Reinforcement care about within the C. Progress possessions li
over words, next week. Monitoring expensive je
difficulty through cash, gadge
What is the comprehending a Reflection
Appreciation: online to
message or lesson part). and Sharing
Acknowledge and
of the story? appreciate students' show that yo
efforts and their use of have it
Students can stick the Hope Principle Reflection: Provide
Do you think Musa their notes on the throughout the lesson students with time to
changes throughout chart under the reflect on the story
the story? Why or appropriate and its message. What I Have
why not? columns or share They can write or
their reflections draw in their journals,
verbally. or you can provide
What would you do them with sentence
differently if you starters such as Write a
were in Musa's "Helping others commitment
Briefly discuss
shoes? means..." or "I can
common strengths how you can
show cooperation
and areas for protect your
improvement as a
class. and others. T
How can we avoid
being lazy and take show your
initiative in our own D. Wrap Up
lives? commitment
D. Wrap Up
your right or
Action: Challenge hand on a c
students to take sheet of pap
Briefly summarize
action to show
the key points of
kindness and Write your
the story and the
cooperation in their
reading strategies commitment
own lives. This could
involve something statement in
simple like helping a your drawing
classmate in need or
Ask students to participating in a Share Your
share their overall group activity that Thoughts
experience with the requires teamwork.
reading activity. and Feelings
Put a check
(/) on the
statements th
can be help
protecting yo
from harm.
___ 1. Becom
cautious by
informing pa
you see a
suspicious str
watching ov
___ 2. Learn b
first aid proce
to know wha
do if you
encounter m
accidents lik
insect bites, s
wounds or
___ 3. Avoid
cellular phon
___ 4. Give y
personal det
you have jus
in social med
in the marke
___ 5. Ask
assistance w
using electric
or any
appliances y
wish to use.
A..No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B..No. of learners
who require
activities for
remediation who
scored below
C…Did the
remedial lessons
work? No. of
learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D..No. of learners
who continue to
E..Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
difficulties did I
encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other