Dnit - 4.5 MLD 25 - 01 - 2022 Final
Dnit - 4.5 MLD 25 - 01 - 2022 Final
Dnit - 4.5 MLD 25 - 01 - 2022 Final
1 e-Tender Notice 4
2 Detailed Notice Inviting Tender 7
3 Eligibility criteria 9
4 Conditions of E-Tendering 19
1 General Rules and Directions for of contractor 26
2 General Conditions of Contract 30
3 Additional and Special Conditions of Contract 50
4 Fair Wages Clauses 65
5 Contractor Labour Regulations 67
6 Instruction to Bidders 73
7 Payment Schedule 89
1 Description of Project & Scope of Work 91
Major Units Proposed to be upgraded 97
Existing and Proposed Block Diagram of STP 104
Brief Description & Important Specification for 109
Upgradation work
Financial Bid Document 209
Payment Schedule 211
Conceptual Drawings for Upgradation 213
The abbreviations used in the tender documents or any other correspondence will stand for
the full forms given as under
SS Stainless Steel
MPS Main Pumping Station
TOR Terms of Reference
T&P Tools and plant
STP Sewage Treatment Plant
TSS Total Suspended Solids
BOD5 Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand of 5 Days
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
TOC Total Organic Carbon
MLSS Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids
MBBR Moving Bed Bio-film Reactor
Div. No. 2, SONIPAT
The bid forms and other details can be downloaded from the website
Executive Engineer,
P.H. Engg. Division
D&P, Sonipat.
Instructions to bidder on Electronic Tendering System
Instructions about Online Payment of Tender Document Fee/ e-Service Fee/ Earnest Money:-
Bidders have to pay Earnest Money Deposit (EMD). Tender Document Fees & e-Service Fees online only
as applicable. For detailed instructions refer to FAQ for Online Payment available at Home page of NIC e-
Procurement portal i.e. https://etenders.hry.nic.in
e-mail ID eproc.nichry@yahoo.com
Telephone No. 0172-2700275
1. Online bids are hereby invited on behalf of Governor of Haryana for the work
mentioned below:-
Name of work: Design, Upgradation and renovation of existing 4.5 MLD capacity STP
based on MBBR technology as per revised sewage/effluent discharge standard with all
interconnection piping works, Mechanical, electrical online monitoring system and its link
with HSPCB and CPCB server including Operation & Maintenance for 5 years Including
Defect Liability period after 3 months of trial run at Kharkhoda Matindu road, District
Sonipat, Haryana on TRUNKEY (lumpsum) basis.
The sealed tenders are invited on lump sum rate basis on the prescribed form available from the
office of Executive Engineer PHE Division D&P, SONIPAT, as per particulars mentioned below
from the firm/agency/contractor enlisted/registered with any State/Central Govt. department or
Public Sector undertaking on the date of calling of tender upto DNIT cost as per the eligibility
Sr. Estimated Amount of Time of Successful
Name of Work Cost Earnest Money
No. (Rs. in lacs) completion
1. Design, Upgradation and renovation 9 months for completion
of existing 4.5 MLD capacity STP 478.00 3,72,000 and 3 months for trial,&
based on MBBR technology as per testing which can be
revised sewage/effluent discharge extended till prescribed
standard with all interconnection parameters are attained
piping works, Mechanical, electrical (whichever is later) &
online monitoring system and its link further operation &
with HSPCB and CPCB server maintenance for 12 Months
including Operation & Maintenance Including Defect Liability
for 5 years Including Defect Liability period and operation and
period after 3 months of trial run at maintenance for 4years
Kharkhoda Matindu Road, District thereafter.
Sonipat, Haryana on TRUNKEY
(lumpsum) basis
1) The Bids from the joint ventures are acceptable as per the guideline attached.
a) Average Annual financial turnover during the last 3 years, ending 31 st March of
the previous financial year, should be at least 30% of the DNIT cost.
years ending last day of month previous to the one in which applications are
invited should be either of the following:-
i) Three similar completed works coasting not less than the amount equal
to 40% of the DNIT cost or 40% of the capacity of the Plant.
ii) Two similar completed works coasting not less than the amount equal to
50% of the DNIT cost or 50% of the capacity of the Plant.
iii) One similar completed works coasting not less than the amount equal to
80% of the DNIT cost or 80% of the capacity of the Plant.
For computing the cost of the completed work to the base year, the following multiplying factor
will be used for the cost of completed works so as to bring the financial figures to common base.
Financial year of work completed Multiplying factor
One year old 1.10
Two years old 1.21
Three years old 1.33
Four years old 1.46
Five years old 1.60
Six years old 1.76
Seven years old 1.94
3) The applicants performance for each completed work should be certified by an officer not
below the rank of an Executive Engineer or equivalent on the prescribed proforma enclosed and
should be obtained in sealed cover.
4) The agency/contractor will have to get him enlisted in the department within 30 days
from the date of award of work to the contractor/agency, if not enlisted earlier.
5) Firms/Contractor who have been black listed by Govt. Semi Govt./Board/ Corporation
shall not be eligible to bid for this work.
6) The tender shall be opened on……………………at 3.00 p.m as per e-tendering process.
7) The Department reserves the right to verify the particulars furnished by the applicant
independently. If any information furnished by the applicant is found to be incorrect at a later
stage, the firm/contractors shall be liable to be debarred from future tendering in Department and
legal action will also be initiated and allotment is liable to be cancelled besides black listing the
8) All disputes concerning this work shall within the jurisdiction of SONIPAT.
10) The contractor is required to verify the water table, bearing capacity and other Geo
Physical condition before tendering and no subsequent payments of design, dewatering, pile
foundation etc. will be made on this account.
11) Department reserves the right to reject any/all the applications without assigning any
12) For further details, terms & conditions please contact the office of the Executive Engineer
Public Health Engineering Division D&P, SONIPAT.
14) In case of any variation in nomenclature /typing error in the online bid documents and
approved DNIT, the provision of approved DNIT will prevail in cases and bidder shall have no
claim. What so ever, on this account. In addition the work is to be carried out as per least BIS
code provisions and the tenderer has to submit his rates accordingly. Any variation in DNIT not
consistent with BIS code provisions or water supply manual the provision of BIS code with latest
amendments and the relevant sections of water manual will prevail.
Executive Engineer
Public Health Engineering
Department D&P,
1. Following stipulations shall be applicable for joint venture (JV) of firms (here after called
JV) Separate Identity/Name should be given to the Joint Venture Firm.
Number of members in a JV firm shall not be more than three.
One of the members of the JV firm shall be the lead member of the JV firm who shall have a
majority (at least 51%) share of interest in the JV firm. The other members shall have a share of
not less than 20% each in case of JV firms with upto three members. In case of JV with foreign
members (s), the lead members has to be an Indian firm with a minimum share of 51% as a
whole in JV Firm.
A member of JV firm shall not be permitted to participate either in individual capacity or as a
member of another JV firm in the same tender.
The tender form shall be purchased and submitted only in the name of the JV firm and not in the
name of any constituent member. Normally EMD shall be submitted only in the name of JV and
not in the name of constituent member. However, in exceptional cases EMD in the case of lead
partner can be excepted subject to submission of specific request letter from lead partner stating
with reasons for not submitting the EMD in the name of JV and giving written confirmation from
the JV Partners to the effect that the EMD submitted by the lead partner may be deemed as EMD
submitted by JV firm.
i) A Copy of the MoU as per prescribed format shall be submitted along with tender. No JV
will be accepted after submission of the tender bid. Failure to do so will be treated as breach
of contract with consequent liability and damages. The complete details of the members of
the JV firm, their share and responsibility in the JV firm etc. particularly with reference to
financial, technical and other obligations shall be furnished in the MoU.
ii) Once the tender is submitted the MoU shall not be modified/altered/terminated during the
validity of the tender. In case the tenderer fails to observe/comply with the above stipulation,
the full Earnest Money amount shall stand forfeited in favour of the PHED. In case of
successful tenders, the validity of this MoU shall be extended till all the contractual
obligations as per the contract agreement are fulfilled.
iii) Approval for change of constitution of JV firm shall be at the sole discretion of the Engineer-
In- Charge after approval of the competent authority. The constitution of the JV firm shall be
allowed to be modified after submission of the tender bid by the JV firm except when
modification becomes inevitable due to succession laws etc. and in any case the minimum
eligibility criteria should not get vitiated. In any case the lead member should continue to be
the Lead master of the JV firm. Failure to observe this requirement would render the offer
invalid. Similarly, after the contract is awarded to the JV firm, the constitution of JV shall not
be allowed to be altered during the currency of contract except when modification become
inevitable due succession laws etc. and in any case the minimum eligibility criteria should
not get vitiated. Failure to observe this stipulation shall be deemed to be breach of contract
with all consequential penal action as per contract conditions.
iv) In case of award of tender to JV, a single performance Guarantee will be required to be
submitted by JV firm as per tender conditions.
v) It shall be noted that for all the guarantees related to the contract like performance Guarantee,
Bank Guarantee for Mobilization Advance, Machinery Advance etc. shall be accepted only
in the name of JV firm and no spitting of guarantees amongst the members of the JV firms
shall be permitted.
(a) Joint & Several Liability:-The Members of the JV firm to which the contract is
awarded shall be jointly and severally liable to the Engineer-In-Charge for execution of
the project in accordance with the general and special conditions of the contract. The JV
members shall also be liable jointly and severally for the loss, damages caused to the
Govt. or private property during the course of execution of the contract or due to non-
execution of the contract or part thereof.
(b) Duration of the Joint Venture Agreement:- It shall be valid till all contractual
obligation as per contract agreement are fulfilled.
(c) Notices are Correspondences:- All notices/correspondences with respect to the contract
would be sent to this authorized member of the JV firm.
(d) Governing Laws:-The joint venture Agreement shall be in all respect be governed by
and interpreted in accordance with Indian Laws.
(e) All the members of the JV shall certify that they have not been blacklisted or debarred
by PHED or any other Ministry/Department of the Government of India/State
Government from participation in tenders/contract on the date of opening of bids either
in their individual capacity or the JV firm or partnership firm in which they were
(f) Assignability:-No member of the joint venture firm shall have the right to assign or
transfer the interest, right or liability in the contract without the written consent of the
other party and that of the Engineer-In- Charge in respect of the said tender/contract.
(g) Execution on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper:-The Joint Venture Agreement must be on
Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 100/- or as per Stamp Act of the concerned State where
agreement has been executed.
i) The attested copies of documents in support of the Joint Venture should be
ii) In case of one or more parties to the Joint Venture Agreement are partnership firms/
the following documents should been closed.
(a) Notary certified copy of partnership Deed.
(b) Consent of all the partners of the partnership firm authorizing one of the
partners to enter into the joint venture agreement on a Stamp Paper of
appropriate value (in original).
(c) Power of Attorney for authorized signatory of JV Partners.
(d) Power of Attorney in favour of one of the partners to act as lead partner of
Joint Ventures.
(iii) In case of one more members is/are proprietary firm to HUF; Affidavit
on Stamp paper of appropriate value declaring that his concern is a
proprietary concern and he is sole proprietor of the concern or he is in
position of “KARTA” of Hindu Undivided Family and he has authority,
power and consent given by the Co-Partner to act on behalf of HUF.
(iv) In case one or more members is/are limited companies, the following
documents shall be submitted:- Notary certified copy of the Resolution
of the Directors of the company, permitting the company.
a) of entering into the Joint Venture Agreement.
b) Of authorizing Managing Director/one of the Director/Manager of the company
to sign the Joint Venture Agreement.
Technical and financial capacity of the JV shall be adjudged based on satisfactory
fulfillment of the below mentioned clauses.
“ Average Annual financial turnover during the last three years, ending 31st march of the
previous financial year, should be at least 30% of the DNIT cost.
Experience of having successfully completed similar works during last 7 years ending
last day of month previous to the one in which applications are invited should be either of the
i) Threesimilarcompletedworkscostingnotlessthantheamountequalto40%oftheDNITcostor40
%ofthe capacity of the plant.
ii) Two similar completed works coasting not less than the amount equal to 50% of the
DNIT cost or 50% of the capacity of the Plant.
iii) One similar completed works coasting not less than the amount equal to 80% of the
DNIT cost or 80% of the capacity of the Plant.
For computing the cost of the completed work to the base year, the following multiplying factor
will be used for the cost of completed works so as to bring the financial figures to common base.
Financial year of work completed Multiplying factor
One year old 1.10
Two years old 1.21
Three years old 1.33
Four years old 1.46
Five years old 1.60
Six years old 1.76
Seven years old 1.94
ii) The joint venture shall have qualification in all items of Essential Qualifying
Criteria to get short-listed.
1. The Bidders can download the tender documents from the Portal :
http://haryanaphed.etenders.in. Tender Documents Fees has to be paid online through
payment gateway during the “Downloading of Tender Document & Payment of Tender
Document fees” stage and Earnest Money Deposit has to be deposited through RTGS
(Real Time Gross Settlement) / NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer) in the name
of Executive Engineer, Public Health Engineering Division SONIPAT in bank in
bank names .Following particulars are to be given online at
the e-tendering web portal of the department.
a) Name of a/c holder from whose a/c payment for earnest money has been
made by the agency
b) A/C No.
c) Name of the Bank
d) Transaction ID
e) Date & time of transaction
f) Amount of Payment
Willing Contractors shall have to pay the Tender Document Fees through
payment gateway during the “Downloading of Tender Document & Payment of Tender
Document fees” stage. However, the details of the EMD are required to be filled at the
time of Bid Preparation and Hash Submission stage, the Bidders are required to keep the
EMD details ready before hand.
2. The tender shall be submitted by the bidder in the following two separate
envelops online:
1. Earnest Money and all the documentsin support of eligibility criteria -
Envelope‘ ED
2. Price Bid -Envelope ‘CI’
Note: Online Bidders shall submit the EMD through RTGS/ NEFT. EMD will not be
accepted in parts i.e. whole amount of EMD should be deposited in one instance.
Documents in support of eligibility criteria shall also be submitted in Envelope ‘ED’.
Price Bids are to be submitted mandatory online and shall not be accepted in any
physical form.
Earnest Money and documents supporting eligibility criteria shall be opened online as
well as physically. If the Earnest Money and eligibility of bidder is found proper, the
Envelop ‘C1’ containing financial bids shall be opened online in the presence of such
bidders who either themselves or through their representatives choose to be present. The
financial bid shall be opened only if the bidders meet the eligibility criteria as per the Bid
1) NIT, if required, can be seen on any working day during office hours in office
of the undersigned.
2) The undersigned reserves the right to reject any tender or all the tenders
without assigning any reason.
1) The societies shall upload & produce a copy of the resolution of the Co-
Operative department fore-tendering.
3) The tender with out earnest money payment will not be opened.
5) The tender of the bidder who does not satisfy the eligibility criteria in the bid
documents will be rejected summarily without assigning any reason and no
claim whatsoever on this account will be considered.
6) Bids would require to be valid for 3 months from the date of expiry of online
“Bid preparation, Hash submission stage & Earnest Money Deposit” stage.
The bid for the work shall remain open for acceptance during the bid validity
period to be reckoned from the expiry date of “Online Bid preparation, Hash
submission & Earnest Money Deposit” stage. If any bidder withdraws his bid
during bid validity period, any modifications in the terms and conditions of the
bid, the said earnest money shall stand forfeited.
Executive Engineer
PHE Division D&P,
A copy of above is forwarded to the following for information and wide publicity:
Delhi-110003. Website – www.mtnltrustline.com
4. iTrust CA(IDRBT)
CastleHills,RoadNo.1,MasabTank,Hyderabad, Andhra Pardesh -
500057. Website –idrbtca.org.in
5. (n)Codesolutions
301, GNFC Tower, Bodak Dev, Ahmedabad-380054, Gujarat.
Website www.ncodesolutions.com
6. National Informatics Centre Ministry of Communication and
Information Technology
A-Block CGO Complex, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi-110003. Website https://nicca.nic.in
7. e-MudhraCA
3i Infotech Consumer Serivces Ltd
3rdFloor, Sai Arcade, Outer Ring Road, Devarabeesanahalli,
Bangalore-560036, Karnataka Website – http://www.e-
Contractors may also obtain information and application format and documents required
for issue of digital certificate from the following:-
3.4 Bid for a particular tender may be submitted only using the digital certificate,
which is used to encrypt the data and sign the hash during the stage of bid
preparation and hash submission. In case, during the process of a particular
tender, the user looses his digital certificate (i.e. due to virus attack,
hardware problem, operating system problem), he may not be able to
submit the bid online. Hence, the users are advised to keep their Digital
Signature Certificates in safe custody.
3.5 In case of online tendering, if the digital certificate issued to the authorized user
of a firm is used for signing and submitting a bid, it will be considered equivalent
to a no- objection certificate/power of attorney to that User. The firm has to
authorize a specific individual via an authorization certificate signed by all
partners to use the digital certificate as per Indian Information Technology Act
2000. Unless the certificates are revoked, it will be assumed to represent
adequate authority of the user to bid on behalf of the firm for Public Health
Engineering Division Department, Haryana tenders as per Information
Technology Act 2000. The digital signature of this authorized user will be
binding on the firm. It shall be the responsibility of management / partners of the
registered firms to inform the certifying authority or Sub Certifying Authority, in
case of change of authorized user and that a fresh digital certificate is procured
and issued an ‘authorization certificate’ for the new user. The procedure for
application of a digital certificate will remain the same for the new user.
3.6 The same procedure holds true for the authorized users in a private/Public limited
company. In this case, the authorization certificate will have to be signed by the
directors of the company.
4. Set up of machine
In order to operate on the electronic tender management system, a user’s machine
is required to be set up. A help file on setting up of the system can be obtained
from NexTenders (India) Pvt. Ltd. or downloaded from the home page of the
website - http://haryanaphed.etenders.in.>> “Information for new users”.
5. Online Viewing of Notice InvitingTenders:
The contractors can view the N.I.T and the time schedule (Key Dates) for all the
packages floated using the electronic tendering system on the Haryana PHED
website http://haryanaphed.etenders.in. Contractor may refer to NIT in the office
of Executive Engineer.
6. Opening of an Electronic PaymentAccount:
6.1 For purchasing the tender documents online, contractors are required to pay
the tender documents fees online using the electronic payments gateway
service as mentioned at S.No.8.
6.2 For the list of payments using which the online payments can be made, please
refer to the Home page of the Portalhttp://haryanaphed.etenders.in
7. Submission of Earnest MoneyDeposit:
7.1 Contractors have to deposit EMD into the account of the concerned Executive
Engineer through RTGS/NEFT. Earnest Money in parts either through
different banks or on different dates will not be accepted. EMD should be
deposited through RTGS / NEFT as consolidated amount in single transaction
so that there is no difficulty in accounting and also that there is no ambiguity
for relating a transaction to a particular tender.
7.2Refund of Earnest Money Deposit to the unsuccessful bidders will be
made through cheque issued in the name of contractor /agency.
7.3 Payment of EMD may be made upto specified time of “Online bid
preparation, Hash submission & Earnest Money Deposit” as per key dates
schedule of tender. Scanned copy of the proof i.e receipt of transaction of
EMD should be uploaded while submitting the tender. A photocopy of
document of transaction made should also be physically submitted in envelop
7.4 If any agency withdraws its bid after re-encryption stage, then the Earnest
Money Deposit of such agency shall be forfeited.
8. Submission of Tender DocumentFees:
The Payment can be made by eligible contractors online directly via Credit
Card / Internet Banking Account / Cash Card / Debit card. The contractors
have to pay for the tender documents online by making online payment of
tender document fees using the service of the secure electronic payment
gateway. The secure electronic payments gateway is an online interface
between contractors and credit card / online payment authorization
If the tenders are cancelled or recalled on any grounds, the tender
document fees will not be refunded to the agency.
9. Purchase of TenderDocuments:
Download of Tender Documents: The tender documents can only be
downloaded from the Electronic Tendering System on the Portal
10. Submission of Bid Seal (Hash) of online Bids:
Submission of bids will be preceded by submission of the digitally signed
bid seal (Hash) as stated in the tender time schedule (Key Dates) of the
Tender. Bidders should take note of any corrigendum being issued on the
web portal on a regular basis. They should view and note down the tender
Hash and ensure that it matches with their previous noted Hash before
confirming the rates.
11. Generation of Super Hash:
After the time of submission of Bid Seal (Hash) by the bidders has lapsed,
the bid round will be closed and a digitally signed tender Super Hash will
be generated by authorized Haryana PHED official. This is equivalent to
sealing the tender box.
12. Submission (Re-encryption) of actual onlinebids:
Bidders have to submit their encrypted bids online and upload the relevant
documents for which they generated the hash at the stage of hash generation
and submission after the generation of Super Hash within the date and time
as stated in the Notice Inviting Tenders (Key Dates). The electronic bids of
only those contactors who have submitted their bid seals (Hashes) within
the stipulated time, as per the tender time schedule (Key Dates), will be
accepted by the System. A bidder who does not submit his bid seal (Hash)
within the stipulated time will not be allowed to submit his bid after the
permitted time as per key dates.
13. Key Dates:
The bidders are strictly advised to follow dates and time as indicated in the
Notice Inviting Tender. The date and time will be binding on all the
bidders. The bidders are required to complete the stage within the stipulated
time as per the schedule to continue their participation in the tender. All
online activities are time tracked and the system enforces time locks that
ensure that no activity or transaction can take place outside the start and end
dates and time of the stage as defined in the Notice Inviting Tender. The
bidder should check the status of a particular stage by following the below
mentioned procedure:-
a. Click on “Main” after login into the portal.
b. Select “Tender Search” and click on “Go”
c. Next screen will appear on the screen and click on “Search” button to
view the list of various tenders.
d. Select the tender whose status is to be viewed by clicking on the
tender no.
e. Click on “Action page” button. The status of all the stages i.e. whether
“Pending” or “Completed” can be viewed.
The bidder should ensure that the status of a particular stage
should be shown as “Completed” before the expiry date and time of that
particular stage and he should possess a copy of receipt of completion of
each stage to be performed from his end. It will be the sole responsibility of
the bidder if the status of a particular stage is “Pending” till the expiry date
and time of that stage and he is not able to proceed further in the e-
tendering process.
Other Information:
1. The intending bidders shall fill the lumpsum rate / item rate / Percentage
rate in the online templates of the online tender. The Price Bid has to be
submitted mandatory online. In case the bidder does not submit the rates of
Non-schedule items, intentionally or unintentionally, then the rates of such
items will be considered as Free of Cost. If the bidder does not agree to
execute such N.S. Items for which he has not quoted rates, free of cost, then
his EMD will be forfeited.
2. The photocopy of the receipt of transaction made for payment of Earnest
Money Deposit should be put ‘ED’ sealed envelopes and these sealed
envelope and delivered to this office before the date and time mentioned in
the Tender Notice along with documents listed below:
i. A list of all documents accompanying the sealed envelope containing
the tender documents.
ii. Duly accepted power of Attorney in original along with its two certified
copies in the name of bidder or authorized representative to act on
behalf of the agency.
3. Tenderer must strictly abide by the stipulations set forth in notice inviting
tender & while tendering for the work, the bidder shall adopt only the two
envelope system.
4. The ‘CI’ envelope – Price Bid envelope has to be submitted mandatory online
and shall not be accepted physically under any circumstances. In case any
bidder does not comply with procedure given above, it will be presumed
that he is not interested in the work and the work shallnot be let out to
him. Further he may be de-listed without further notice to him for failing to
abide by the strictly approved terms of notice inviting tender for thiswork.
5. The tenders which are not accompanied by the earnest money or proof of
earnest money or do not strictly follow the technical requirement, are liable
to be rejected summarily.
6. Tenders / quotations which are dependent upon the quotations of another
bidder shall be summarily rejected.
Note: - Bidders participating in e-tendering shall check his/her validity of Digital Signature
Certificate before bidding in the specific work floated online at e-tendering portal of Public
Health Engineering Department, Haryana on the website http://haryanaphed.etenders.in.
Also, the bidder will be held liable solely, in case, while bidding in particular stage - Date &
Time expired as per the key dates available on the tender document. Key dates are subject
to change in case of any amendment in schedule due to any reason stated by concerned
Executive Engineer of the Department.
Rule No.1: Brief information about the works proposed for execution by General
contract have been notified in a shape of “NOTICE” pasted on the Notice Board hung
up in the office, duly signed by the Executive Engineer. Further, the detailed
document called “NOTICE INVITING TENDERS” can be seen in the office of
Executive Engineer on any working day. This form states the work to be carried out,
as well as the date & time for submitting and opening of tenders and the time allowed
for carrying out the work, the earnest money required to accompany the tenders, also
the amount of security to be deposited by the contractor whose tender is accepted, the
conditions of contract on which contract agreement would be concluded, copies of
the specifications, design & drawings, Contract Schedule of Rates and also a
Schedule of Ceiling Premia” by which the rates of various items of the Contract
Schedule of Rates shall be increased so as to be called the “Ceiling Rates”. Further
any other documents required in connection with the works duly signed by the
e office of the Executive Engineer as mentioned in the “NOTICE”
Rule No.2: Any contractor who submits tenders may sign an affidavit to the
effect that he has no connection or relation with the firm/ contractor black-listed by
Haryana Government/ Govt. of India from time to time. The form of affidavit can be
seen in the office of the “Executive Engineer”.
Rule No.3: The tender shall not be burdened or loaded with any conditions. Conditional
Only rate shall be quoted. A conditional tender is liable to be rejected outright at the Tenders
discretion of the accepting authority. In the alternative, the accepting authority may
treat the conditions as null and void and make a counter offer to the tenderer to do the
work at the rate quoted by him without the conditions. If the contractor who
submitted the tender refuses to accept the said counter offer to do the work at the rates
quoted by him without the conditions within one week of the said offer having been
made by the accepting authority, the earnest money which accompanied the tender
shall stand forfeited and the contractor shall have no claim to the same whatsoever.
Rule No.4: The tender shall be signed by the person or persons authorized Contractor’s
to do so in a manner by the authority granting the certificate of enlistment. Any Signature
tender not signed in the manner so authorized shall be deemed to be an invalid tender
and shall be rejected and the earnest money shall be forfeited without prejudice to
any other rights & remedies available to the Executive Engineer.
In the event of tender being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately
by each member thereof, or in the event of the absence of any partner, it must be
signed on his behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorising to do so.
For the purpose of identification, the contractor shall supply to the Executive
Engineer specimen signatures duly attested by a Gazetted Officer known to the
Executive Engineer. The specimen signature must be supplied well before the date of
submission of tenders.
The contractor(s) shall sign, on all pages of tender form to be submitted by
him in addition, he shall also sign at the places, where he is to sign which are marked
‘X’ on pages.
All corrections shall be made in a manner so that the original is legible. There
shall be no over-writings. The corrections shall be authenticated by the signatures of
the authorized person as described above.
Any tender not so signed may be rejected and the earnest money forfeited.
Rule No. 5: (a) For Schedule Items- Any person who submits a tender Single Rate
shall fill up the usual printed form stating the percentage above or below the “Ceiling
rates” as defined in Rule 1 at which he is willing to undertake the work. Only one
single rate of percentage above or below an all items of the contract Schedule & for
all purposes shall be mentioned in the space provided in the Tender Form. For the
purpose of this single rate Explanatory Memo, below may be seen, which explains
the manner in which the admissible payment shall be worked out after taking into
consideration the sanctioned Ceiling Premia as enumerated in the “Schedule of
Ceiling Premia” mentioned in Rule (1) together with the single rate quoted by the
contractor. Any rate entered outside this space may render the tender invalid. If a
contractor quotes more than one rate in that case only lower or lowest of the rates so
quoted shall be considered and a counter offer shall be made to him accordingly at
the lowest of the rates quoted by him and in the event of his not accepting the same
the earnest money that accompanied the tender shall stand forfeited and the
contractor shall have no claim to the same whatsoever.
(b) For Non Schedule Items- The contractor will also fill up the schedule of
N.S. Items annexed in the tender form both in figure as well as in words. The
premium or rebate tendered in the tender form will not be applicable on the schedule
of N.S. Items.
A single tender form shall be used, for one specific work-only viz. the From
work for which the same has been issued by the specific contractor to whom the same specific
has been issued by the Executive Engineer. The tender form preferably be put in the work
cover and the cover may be sealed by the contractor. If the cover is not sealed by the
contractor, Executive Engineer not is responsible for any consequences thereof.
6. (a) The Executive Engineer or any other officer duly authorized by him will open
tenders. Any contractor(s) (who may have submitted tenders) or their authorized agents
may be allowed to be present at the time of opening of tenders.
(b) The officer opening the tender will first make a list of those tenders which are
on the prescribed form. All other documents purporting to be tenders shall be
separated and sealed separately without even announcing the identity of the
Out of the list of tenders received on prescribed form the officer opening the tenders
will then separate out those which are not accompanied by requisite amount of earnest
money or in the required form. Infirmities shall be notified and such tenders shall be
resealed without announcing the rates.
(c) He will then announce the rates quoted by all other contractors whose tenders
do not suffer from any infirmities. Incase where the tenders have any or many short
comings the rates may not be announced and such tenders may be put in a cover
and sealed. This fact shall be announced. The tender so sealed shall be dealt with
according to rules and regulations on the subject/situation.
(d) The Executive Engineer shall have the right of rejecting all or any of the tenders
without assigning any reason.
In the event of a tender being accepted, an acknowledgement of the Deposit at call
receipt, forwarded there with shall thereupon be given to the contractor who shall
thereupon for the purpose of identification, sign copies of specifications and other
documents mentioned in Rule 1. In the event of a tender not being accepted, the earnest
money forwarded with such tender unless the same has been forfeited will thereupon be
returned to concerned tenderer.
7. The receipt of an accountant or Clerk for any money paid by the contractor will not be
considered as acknowledgement of payment to the Executive Engineer and the
contractor shall be responsible for seeing that he procures a receipt signed by the
Executive Engineer.
8. The memorandum of work tender for and memorandum of materials supplied by the
public health engineering deptt. and their issue rates shall be filled in and completed in
the office of the Executive Engineer before tender form is issued. If a form is issued to a
contractor who intends to tender without having been so filled in and completed, he
shall request the office to have this done before he completes and delivers his tender.
9. The department may refuse or suspend payments on account of a work when executed
by a firm or by contractors described in the their tender as a firm, unless receipts are
signed by all the partners, or one of the partners or some other person produces written
authority enabling him to give effectual receipts on behalf of the firm.
Name of work: Design, Upgradation and renovation of existing 4.5 MLD capacity STP based
on MBBR technology as per revised sewage/effluent discharge standard. with all
interconnection piping works, Mechanical, electrical online monitoring system and its link
with HSPCB and CPCB server including Operation & Maintenance for 5 years Including
Defect Liability period after 3 months of trial runat Kharkhoda Matindu road, District Sonipat,
Haryana on TRUNKEY (lumpsum) basis.
Rs.478.00 Lacs
In case this tender is accepted I/We hereby agree to abide by and fulfill all terms and (d). this will be 5%
of the estimated
provisions of the said conditions of contract annexed hereto so far as applicable, or cost of the work.
in default thereof forfeit to and pay to the Haryana, Public Health Engineering (e). this Percentage
will be 5% of the
Department. or its successor in office the sums of money mentioned in the said total amount of
conditions. running bills, see
note to clause I of
The sum of Rs. 372000/-*Deposited vide Deposit at Call in the name of Executive conditions of
Engineer PHED, D&P, SONIPAT dated. .as earnest money, the full value of which contract.
*Give particular
is to be absolutely forfeited to the Haryana Public Health Engineering Department or and number.
its successor in office without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of the said Strike out (a).if no
cash security
Haryana Public Health Engineering Department or its successor in office Should deposit to betaken.
I/We fail to commence the Work specified in the above memorandum the said sum
*Strike out (b) if
of Rs………….shall be retained by the Haryana Public Health Engineering any cash security
Department on account of the security deposit specified in clause I of the said deposited is taken.
conditions of contract. Should 1/we withdraw or modify the tender within three *Signature of
calendar months from the date of opening of tender, my/our earnest money will contractor before
submission of
stand forfeited to Haryana Public Health Engineering deptt. and in both the cases tender
any expenses which may be incurred in excess of the sum which would have been
paid to the original contractor if the whole work had been executed by him( of Signature of witness
amount of which excess the certificate in writing the Executive Engineer shall be contractor’s
final and conclusive) shall be borne and paid by the original contractor and may be
deducted from any money due to him by Government under the contract or
Signature of officer by
otherwise or from the proceeds of sale of his property or a sufficient part thereof. whom accepted.
The above tender is hereby accepted by me for and on behalf of the Governor of
Haryana. Dated……………. The Day of 2021
Executive Engineer
Public Health Engineering Division, D&P
Conditions of Contract
Security deposit This will be Clause 1: The person/persons whose tender may be accepted
the same percentage as that (hereinafter called the contractor), shall permit the Executive Engineer
in the tender at(C).
Public Health Engineering Department, Haryana Division, D&P
SONIPAT, hereinafter called the Engineer in charge at the time of making
any payment to him for work done under the contract to deduct such sum
as 5% of all money so payable in addition to 5% of the estimated cost of
work already deposited as security before commencement of the work
including earnest money. Such deductions to be held by Government by
way of security deposits.
Compensation of delay Clause 2 :The time allowed for carrying out of work as entered in the
tender shall be strictly observed by the contractor, and shall be reckoned
from the date on which the order to commence work is given to the
contractor. The work shall throughout the stipulated period of the contract
be proceeded with all due diligence (time being deemed to be the essence
of the contract on the part of the contractor) and the contractor shall pay as
compensation an amount equal to one percent which the Executive
Engineer may levy on the amount of the estimated cost of the whole work
as shown by the tender for every day that the work remains uncommenced
or unfinished, after proper dates. And further, to ensure good progress
during the execution of work the contractor shall be bound, in all uses in
which the time allowed for any work exceeds one month to complete one-
fourth of the whole of the work before one-fourth of the whole time
allowed under the Contract has elapsed, one half of the work before one-
half of such time has elapsed and three fourth of the work before three-
fourth of such time has elapsed. In the event of the contractor failing to
comply with this condition he shall be liable to pay as compensation an
amount equal to one percent which the Executive Engineer, may levy on
the said estimated cost of the whole work for every day that due quantity
of work remains incomplete provided always that the amount of
compensation to be paid under the provisions of this clause shall not
exceed ten percent of the estimated cost of the work as shown in the
tender. 'The Superintending Engineer on representation in writing from the
contractor may reduce the amount of compensation and his decision in
writing shall be final.
Action when whole security Clause 3:In any case in which under any clause or clauses of this
deposit is forfeited.
contract the contractor shall have rendered himself liable to pay
compensation amounting to the whole of his security deposit (whether paid
in one sum or deducted by instalments) the Executive Engineer on behalf
of the Government shall have power to adopt any of the following courses,
as he may deem best suited to the interests of Government :-
(a) To rescind the contract (of which rescission notice in written to the
contractor under the hand of the Executive Engineer shall be conclusive
evidence) and in which case the security of the contractor shall stand
forfeited, and be absolutely at the disposal of Government and any
expenses which may be incurred in excess of the sum which would have
been paid to the original contractor if the whole work had been executed by
him (of amount of which excess the certificate in writing the Executive
Engineer shall be final and conclusive) shall be borne and paid by the
original contractor and may be deducted from any money due to him by
Government under the contract or otherwise or from the proceeds of sale of
his property or a sufficient part thereof.
(b) To employ labour paid by the Public Works Deptt. and to supply
materials to carry out the work, or any part of the work debiting the
contractor with the cost of the labour and the price of the materials
(of the amount of which cost and price a certificate of the Executive
Engineer shall be final and conclusive against the contractor) and
crediting him with the value of the work done, in all respects in the
same manner and at the same rates as if it had been carried out by
the contractor under the terms of his contract; the certificate of the
Executive Engineer as to the value of the work done shall be final.
(c) To measure up the work of the contractor and to take such part
thereof as shall be unexecuted out of his hands, and to give it to
another contractor to complete, in which case any expenses which
may be incurred in excess of the sum which would have been paid to
the original contractor if the whole work had been executed by him
(of amount of which excess the certificate in writing the Executive
Engineer shall be final and conclusive) shall be borne and paid by
the original contractor and may be deducted from any money due to
him by Government under the contract or otherwise or from the
proceeds of sale of his property or a sufficient part thereof.
In the event of any of the above courses being adopted by Executive
Engineer, the contractor shall have no claim to compensation for any loss
sustained by him by reason of his having purchased or procured any
materials, or entered into any engagement or made any advances on
account of or with a view to the execution of the work or the performance
of the contract. And in case the contract shall be rescinded under the
provision aforesaid the contractor shall not be entitled to recover or be paid
any sum for any work therefore actually performed under this contract,
unless and until the Executive Engineer will have certified in writing the
performance of such work and the value payable in respect thereof, and he
shall only be entitled to be paid the value so certified.
Clause 4: In any case in which any of the powers conferred upon the
Executive Engineer by clause-3 hereof, shall become exercisable and the
same are not exercised, the non-exercise thereof shall not constitute a
waiver of any of the conditions hereof and such powers shall not
withstanding be exercisable in the event of any future case of default by the
contractor for which by any clause or clauses unaffected. In the event of
the Executive Engineer putting in force either of the powers (a) or (c)
vested in him under the preceding clause he may, if he so desires take
possession of all or any tools, plant material and stores in or upon the
works or the site thereof or belonging to the contractor, or procured by him
and intended to be used for the execution of the work on any part thereof in
in the event of any future case of default by the contractor for which by any
clause or clauses hereof he is declared liable to pay compensation
amounting to the whole of his security deposit and the liability of the
contractor of past and future case of compensation shall remain unaffected.
In the event of the Executive Engineer putting in force either of the powers
(a) or (c) vested in him under the preceding clause he may, if he so desires
take possession of all or any tools, plant material and stores in or upon the
works or the site thereof or belonging to the contractor, or procured by him
and intended to be used for the execution of the work on any part thereof
paying or allowing for the same in account at the contract rates, or in case
of these not being applicable at current market rates to be certified by the
Executive Engineer whose certificate hereof shall be final otherwise the
Executive Engineer may by notice in writing to the contractor or his clerk
of the works, foreman or other authorized agent require him to remove
such tools plant materials, or stores from the premises (within a time to be
specified in such notice) and in the event of the contractor failing to
comply with any such requisition, the Executive Engineer may remove
them at the contractor's expenses or sell themby auction or private sale on
account of the contractor and at his risk in all respects and the certificate of
the Executive Engineer as to the expense of any such removal, and the
amount of the proceeds and expense of any such sale shall be final and
conclusive against the contractor.
Clause 5:If the contractor shall desire an extension of the time for
completion of the work on the grounds of his having been unavoidably
hindered in its execution or any other ground, he shall apply in writing to
the Superintending Engineer Public Health Engineering Circle, Palwal
through-the Executive Engineer Public Health Engineering SONIPAT,
within 30days of the date of the hindrance on account of which he desires
such extension as afore said but before the expiry of contract period and the
Executive Engineer/Superintending Engineer shall, if in his opinion (which
shall be final) reasonable grounds have been shown, thereof authorise, such
extension of time, if any, as may i:i his opinion be necessary or proper.
Contractor to submit a return Clause 5-A: The contractor shall deliver in the office of the Executive
every month for any work
Claimed as extra. Engineer, on or before the 10th day of every month during the continuance
District rates means the of the work covered by this contract, a return showing details of any work
Haryana Public Health
Engineering Department claimed for as extra, and such return shall also contain the value of such
Building & Roads Branch work as claimed by contractor value of which shall be based upon the rates
rates for that District
Final Certificate and prices mentioned in the contract or in. the schedule of rates in force at
that time. The contractor shall include in such monthly return particulars of
all claims of whatever kind and however arising, which at the date thereof
he has or may claim to have against the Executive Engineer under or in
respect, of in any manner arising out of the execution of work and the
contractor shall be deemed to have waived all claims not included in such
return and will have no right to enforce any such claims not so Included,
whatsoever be the circumstances.
connection there with.
Payment on intermediate
certificate to be regarded as Clause 7: No payment shall be made for work estimated to cost
less than rupees one thousand till after the whole of the works shall have
been completed and a certificate of completion given. But in case of works
estimate to cost more than rupees one thousand, the contractor shall be
submitting the bill thereof, be entitled to receive a monthly payment
chargewhoseCertificate of such approval and passing of the sum so payable
shall be final and conclusiveagainst the contractor. But all such
intermediate payments shall be regarded as payments by ways of advance
against the final payments only and not as payments for work actually done
and completed and shall not preclude the requiring of bad, unsounded and
imperfect or unskillful work to be removed and taken away and
reconstructed or re-erected, or be considered as an admission of the due
performance of the contract or any part thereof in any respect or the
accruing of any claim, nor shall it conclude, determine or affecting any
way the powers of the Engineer-in-charge, under these conditions or any of
them as to the final settlement and adjustment of the accounts or otherwise,
or in any other way vary or affect the contract. The final bill shall be
submitted by the contractor within one month of the date fixed for
completion of the work otherwise the Engineer-in-charge's certificate of
the measurement and of the total amount payable for the work accordingly
shall be final and binding on all parties.
Bills to be submitted
Monthly Clause 8: A bill shall be submitted by the contractor each month
on or before the date fixed by the Engineer-in-charge for all work executed
in the previous month and the Engineer-in-charge shall take or cause to be
taken the requisite measurement for the purpose of having the same
verified, and the claim, as far as admissible, adjusted if possible, before the
expiry of ten days from the presentation of the bill. If the contractor does
not submit the bill within the time fixed as aforesaid, the Engineer-in-
charge may depute a subordinate to measure up the said work in the
presence of the contractor whose counter signature to the measurement list
will be sufficient warrant and Engineer-in-charge may prepare a bill from
such list which shall be binding on the contractor in all respects.
Bills to be on printed Clause 9: The contractor shall submit all bills in triplicate on the
printed forms to be had from the office of the Engineer-in-charge, and the
charges in the bills shall always be entered at the rates specified in tender
on in the case of any extra work ordered in persuance of these conditions,
and not mentioned or provided for in the tender at the rates hereinafter
provided for such work.
Stores supplied by
Government Clause 10 : If the specification of estimate of the work provides
for the use of any special description of materials to be supplied from the
Engineer-in-charge's store or if it is required that the contractor shall use
certain stores to be provided by the Engineer-in-charge (such materials and
stores and the price to be charged therefore as hereinafter mentioned being
so far as practicable for the convenience of the contractor, but not so as in
any way to control the meaning of effect of this contract, specified in the
schedule or memorandum, here to annexed), the contractor shall be
supplied with such materials and stores as required from time to time to be
used by him for the purposes of the contract only and the value of the full
quantity of materials and stores so supplied at the rates specified in the said
schedule or memorandum may be set off or deducted from any sums then
due, or thereafter to become due to the contractor under the contract or
otherwise, against or from the security deposit, or the proceeds of sale
thereof, if the same is held in Government securities, the same or a
sufficient portion thereof being in this case sold for the purpose. All
materials supplied to the contractor shall remain the property of the
contractor, but shall not on any account be removed from the site of the
work without the written permission of the Engineer-in-charge and shall at
all times be open to inspection by him. Any such materials unused and in
perfectly good condition at the time of completion or determination of the
contract shall be returned to the Engineer-in- charge's store and shall have
no claims for compensation on account of any such materials so supplied to
him as aforesaid being unused by him or for any wastage in or damage to
any such materials.
Works to be executed in Clause 11: The contractor shall also conform exactly, fully to the
accordance with
specification drawings designs, contract drawings and instructions in writing relating to the work
orders etc. signed by the Engineer-in-charge and lodged in his office, and to which the
contractor shall be entitled to have access at such office, or at the site of the
work for the purpose of inspection during office hours, and the contractor
shall, if he so requires, be entitled at his own expense to make or cause to
be made copies of the specifications, and of all such designs, drawings and
instructions as aforesaid.
Removal of Employees Clause 11(a): The Engineer-in-charge shall have full powers at all
workman times to object to the employment of any workman, foreman or other
employees on the works by the contractor, and if the contractor shall
receive notice in writing from the Engineer-in-charge requesting the
removal of any such man or men from the work, the contractor shall
comply with the request forthwith.
No such workman, foreman or other employee after his removal from the
works by request of the Engineer-in-charge shall be re-employed or re-
instated on the work by the contractor at any time except with the prior
approval in writing of the Engineer-in-charge.
The contractor shall not be entitled to demand the reason from the
Engineer-in-charge for requiring the removal of any such workman, or
foreman or other employees.
Clause 12: The Engineer-in-charge shall have power to make any
alterations in or omissions from or additions to or substitutions for the
original specifications, drawings, designs and instructions that may
appear to him to be necessary or advisable during the progress of the
Alteration in
work and the contractor shall be bound to carry out the work in
Specifications and accordance with any instructions which may be given to him in writing
signed by the Engineer-in-charge and such alterations, omissions,
additions or substitutions shall not invalidate the contract; and any
altered, additional or substituted work which the contractor may be
Do not invalidate contract
directed to do in the manner above specified as part of the work shall be
carried out by the contractor on the same conditions in all respects on
which he agreed to do the main work and at the same rates as are
Extension of Time of
consequence of Alteration.
specified in the tender for the main work. The time for the completion of
the work shall be extended in the proportion that the altered, additional or
substituted work bears to the original contract work and the certificate of
the Engineer-in-charge shall be conclusive as to such proportion. And if
Rates of work not in
estimates or schedule of the altered, additional or substituted work includes any class of work, for
rates of the Distt. which no rate is specified in this contract, then such class of work shall be
carried out at the rates entered in the Haryana schedule of rates subject to
the same percentage above or below, as for the items included in the
contract, and if such class of work is not entered in the Haryana schedule
of rates, the contractor shall within seven days of the date of his receipt of
the order to carry out of work, inform the Engineer-in-charge of the rate
he intends to charge for such a class of work, and if the Engineering-in-
charge does not agree to this rate he shall by notice in writing, be at
liberty to cancel his order to carry out such class of work and arrange to
carry it out in such manner as he may consider advisable, provided
always that if the contractor shall commence work or incur any
expenditure in regard thereto before the rates shall have been determined
as lastly hereinbefore mentioned then and in such case he shall only be
entitled to be paid in respect of the work carried out or expenditure
incurred by him prior to the date of determination of the rates as aforesaid
according to such rates as shall be communicated by the Engineer-in-
charge, after getting the same decided by the competent authority.
No compensation for
alteration in or restriction of Clause 13 : If at any time after the commencement of the work, if
work to be carried out.
the Government shall for any reason, whatsoever not requires the whole
work thereof as specified in the tender to be carried out, the Engineer-in-
charge shall give notice in writing of the fact to the contractor who shall
have no claim to have any payment or compensation, whatsoever on
account of any profit or advantage, which he might have derived from the
execution of the work in full, but which he did not derive in consequence
of the full amount of the work not having been carried out, neither shall he
have any claim compensation by reason of any alterations having been
made in the original specification, drawings, designs and instructions
which shall involve any curtailment of the works as originally
Action & compensation Clause 14: If it shall appear to the Engineer-in-charge or his
payable in case of bad subordinate in charge of the work, that any work has been executed with
unsounded, imperfect or unskillful workmanship or with materials of any
inferior description or that any materials or articles provided by him for
the execution of the work are unsound, or of a quality inferior to that
contracted for, or otherwise not in accordance with the contract, the
contractor shall on demand in writing from the Engineer-in-charge
specifying the work materials or articles complained of notwithstanding
that the same may have been inadvertently passed, certified and paid for,
forthwith rectify or remove and reconstruct the work so specified in
whole or in part as the case may require or as the case may be, remove the
materials or articles so specified and provide other proper and suitable
materials or articles at his own charge and cost and in the event of his
failing to do so within a period to be specified by the Engineer-in- charge
in his demand aforesaid, the contractor shall be liable to pay
compensation at the rate of one percent on the amount of the estimated
cost of the work covered by this contract for everyday not exceeding ten
days, while his failure to do so shall continue and in the case of any such
failure, the Engineer-in-charge may certify or remove and re-execute the
work or remove and replace with other materials or articles complained
of, as the case may be at the risk and expense in all respects of the
Work to be open to Clause 15 : All work under or in course of execution or executed
Inspection Contractor or
responsible agent to be in persuance of the contract shall at all times be open to the inspection
present. and supervision of the Engineer-in-charge and his subordinates and the
contractors shall at all times during the usual working hours and at all
other times at which reasonable notice of the intention of the Engineer-in-
charge or his subordinate to visit the works shall have been given to the
contractor, either himself be present to receive orders and instructions, or
have a responsible agent duly accredited in writing, present for that
purpose. Orders given to the contractor's agent shall be considered to
have the same force as if they had been given to the contractor himself.
Notice to be given Clause 16 : The contractor shall give not less than five days notice
before work is covered
up. in writing to the Engineer in Charge or his subordinate-in charge of the
work before covering up or otherwise placing beyond the reach of the
measurement any work that the same may be measured and correct
dimensions thereof be taken before the same is so covered up or placed
beyond the reach of measurement and shall not cover up or place beyond
the reach of measurement any work, without the consent in writing of the
Engineer in Charge or his subordinate-in charge of the work. If any work
shall be covered up or placed beyond the reach of the measurement
without such notice having been given or consent obtained the same shall
be uncovered at the contractor's expense, or in default thereof, no
payment shall be made for such work materials with which-the same was
Contractor liable for Clause 17: If the contractor and his work people or his servant
damage done & for
imperfections for 3 shall break, deface injury or destroy any part of building, in which they
months after certificate. may be working or any building, road fence, enclosure or grass and or
cultivated ground contiguous to premises on which the work or any part
of it is being executed or if any damage shall happen to work, while in
progress from any cause whatever or any imperfections become apparent
in it within three months after a certificate final or other of its completion
shall have been given by the Engineer-In-charge as aforesaid, the
contractor shall make the same good at his own expense or in default, the
Engineer-In-Charge may cause the same to be made good by other
workmen, and deduct the expense of which the certificate of the
Engineer-in-charge shall be final, from any sums that may be then or any
time thereafter may become due to the contractor or from his security
deposit or the proceeds or sale thereof or of a sufficient portion thereof.
Contractor to supply Clause 18: The contractor shall supply at his own cost all
ladders, plant,
scaffolding etc. materials (except such special materials if any, as may in accordance with
the contract be supplied from the Engineer- in-charge' s store), plants,
tools, appliances, implements, ladders etc., scaffolding and temporary
works requisite or proper for the execution of the work whether original,
altered or substituted and whether Included in the Specification or other
documents forming part of the contract or referred to in these conditions
or not, which may be necessary for the purpose of satisfying or
complying with the requirements of the Engineer-in-charge as to any
matter as to which under these condition he is entitled to be satisfied or
which he is entitled to require together with carriage thereof to and from
the work. The contractor shall also supply without charge the requisite
number of persons with the means and materials necessary for the
purpose of setting out works and counting, weighing and assigning in the
measurement or examination at any time and from time to time of the
work or materials. Failing his so doing the same may be provided by the
Engineer-in-charge at the expenses of the contractor and the expenses
may be deducted from any money due to the contractor under the contract
or from his security deposit or the proceeds of sale of his property or a
sufficient portion thereof.
The contractor shall also provide all necessary fencing and lights
And be liable for damages required to protect the public from accident and shall be bound to bear the
arising from non- expenses of defence of every suit, action or other proceedings at law that
provision of lights
fencings etc may be brought by any person for injury sustained owing to neglect of the
above precaution, and to pay any damage, and costs which may be
awarded in any such suit, action, or proceedings to any 1 such persons or
which may with the consent of the contractor be paid to compromise any
claim by any such person.
Clause 18 (a): The final bill of the contractor shall not be paid
unless or until he furnishes to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge a
proof of the price of the earth used for the works having been fully paid to
the owners of the land from which the earth was removed or of the matter
having been amicably settled with them. The contractor shall also be
liable to indemnify the Government against all claims made proceedings
and actions taken by any person in respect of the price of the earth
removed by the contractor from his land for the work against all losses,
damages, cost and expenses which the Government may suffer or incur as
a result of such claims.
Labor Clause 19 (a): No laborer below the age of 12 years shall be
employed on the work.
Clause 19(b): the contractor shall pay his labourers not less than
the wages paid for similar work in neigh borhood.
Work on Clause 20: No work shall be done-on Sunday without the sanction
in writing of the Engineer in Charge.
Contractor liable for Clause20(a):In every case in which by virtue of the provisions of
payment of
compensationto injured
section12, sub-section(1) of the Workman's Compensation Act,1923,
workmen or in case of Government is obliged to pay compensation to a workman employed by
death to his relations.
the contractor, in execution of the works, Government will recover from
the contractor the amount of the compensation so paid and without the
prejudice to the rights of Government Under section 12, sub-section (2)
of the Act, Government shall be at liberty to recover such amount or any
part thereof by deducting it from the security deposit or from any sum due
by Government to contractor whether under this contract or otherwise.
Government shall not be bound to contest any claim made against
it under section 12, sub- section (1) of the said Act except on the written
request of the contractor and upon his giving to Government full security
for all costs for which, Government might become liable in consequence
of contesting such claim.
Clause 21: The contract shall not be assigned or sublet without the
Works not to be sublet.
written approval of the Engineer-in-charge. And if the contractor shall
assign or sublet his contract or attempt to do so or become insolvent or
commence any insolvency proceedings or make any composition with his
creditors or attempt to do so or if any bribe, gratuity, gift, loan, requisite
reward of advantage, pecuniary or otherwise; shall either directly or
indirectly be given, promised or offered by the contractor or any of his
Contract may be rescind&
security deposit forfeited servant or agents to any public officer or person in the employment of
for subletting bribing or if Government, in any relating to his office or employment, or any such
contractor becomes
insolvent. officer, or person shall become, in any way directly or indirectly
interested in the contract, the Engineer-in-charge may thereupon by
notice in writing rescind the contract and the security deposit of the
contractor shall there upon stand forfeited and be absolutely at the
disposal of Government and the same consequence shall ensure, as if the
contract had been rescinded under clause 3 hereof, and in addition the
contractor shall not be entitled to recover or be paid for any work
therefore actually performed under the contract.
Sum payable by way of Clause 22: All sums payable by way of compensation under any
compensation to be
considered as reasonable of these conditions shall be considered as reasonable compensation to be
compensation without applied to the use of Government without reference to the actual loss or
reference to actual loss.
damage sustained, and whether or not any damage shall have been
Deductions of amounts due Clause 22 (a): Any excess payment made to the contractor
to The Government on any
account whatsoever to be inadvertently or otherwise under this contract on any account whatever
permissible from sums and any other sum bound to be due to Government by the contractor in
payable to a contractor
respect of this contract or any other contract or work order or on any
account whatever, may be deducted from sum whatever, payable by
Government to the contractor either in respect of this contract or any
work order or contract or any other account by any other department of
the Government.
Changes in constitution Clause 23: In the case of tender by partners, any change in the
of firm
constitution of the firm shall be forthwith notified by the contractor to the
Engineer-in-charge for his information.
Work to be under
direction of
Clause 24: All works to be executed under the contract shall be
Superintending Engineer. executed under the direction and subject to the approval in all respects of
the Superintending Engineer of the circle for the time being, who shall be
entitled to direct at what point or points and in what manner they are to be
commenced and from time to time carried on.
Claims for payment of an
extra ordinary nature to be Clause 25: No claims for payment of an extraordinary nature, such
referred to Government as claims for a bonus for extra employed in completing the work before
for decisions
the expiry of the contractual period at the request of the Engineer-in-
charge or claims for compensation where work has been temporarily
brought to a stand-still though no fault of the contractor, shall be allowed
unless and to the extent that the same shall have been expressly
sanctioned by the HaryanaGovernment under the signature of its
Arbitration Clause
Clause 25 (a) : If any dispute or difference of any kind whatsoever
shall arise between the Governor of Haryana/ his authorised agent and the
contractor in connection with or arising out of the contract or the
execution of the work that is (i) whether before its commencement or
during the progress of the work or after its completion (ii) and whether
before or after the termination, abandonment or breach of the contract, it
shall in the first instance be referred to for being settled by the Executive
Engineer-in-charge of the work at the time and he shall within a period of
sixty days after being requested in writing by the contractor to do so,
convey his decision to the contractor and subject to arbitration as
hereinafter provided such decision in respect of every matter so referred
shall be final and binding upon the contractor. In case the work is already
in progress, the contractor will proceed with the execution of the work on
receipt of the decision by the Executive Engineer-in-charge as aforesaid,
with all due diligence whether he or the Governor of Haryana/his
authorised agent requires arbitration as hereinafter provided or not. If the
Executive Engineer in charge of the work has conveyed his decision to
the contractor and no claim to arbitration has been filed with him by the
contractor within a period of sixty days from the receipt of letter
communicating the decision, the said decision shall be final and binding
upon the contractor and will not be a subject matter of arbitration at all. If
the Executive Engineer-in-charge of the work fails to convey his decision
within a period of sixty days after being requested as aforesaid, the
contractor may within further sixty days of the expiry of first sixty days
from the date on which request has been made to the Executive Engineer
in charge request the Engineer -in-Chief, that the matters in dispute be
relevant to arbitration, as hereinafter provided.
1. All disputes or differences in respect of which the decision is not final
and conclusive shall at the request in writing of either party made in a
communication sent through Registered A.D. Post, be referred to the sole
arbitration of any serving Superintending Engineer or Chief Engineer of
Haryana P.H.E.D. to be nominated by designation by the Engineer-in-
Chief, Haryana, P.H.E.D. at the relevant time. It will be no objection to
any such appointment that the arbitrator so appointed is a Government
servant or that he had to deal with the matters to which the contract
relates and that in the course of his duties as a Government servant, he
had expressed in his visit on all or any of the matters in dispute. The
arbitrator to whom the matter is originally referred being transferred or
vacating his office, his successor-in-office, as such shall be entitled to
proceed with the reference from the stage at which it was left by his
In case the arbitrator nominated by the Engineer-in-Chief is unable or
unwilling to act as such for any reason, whatsoever, the Engineer-in-
Chief shall be competent to appoint and nominate any other
Superintending Engineer or Chief Engineer, as the case may be, as
arbitrator in his place and the arbitrator so appointed shall be entitled to
proceed with the reference.
2. It is-also a term of this arbitration agreement that no person other
than a person appointed by the Engineer-in-Chief, Haryana P.H.E.D. shall
act as arbitrator and if for any reason that is not possible, the matter shall
not be referred to arbitration at all. In all cases where the aggregate
amount awarded exceeds Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty five thousand
only) the arbitrator must invariably give reasons for his award in respect
of each claim and counter- claimseparately.
3. The arbitrator shall award separately giving his award against each
claim and dispute raised by either party including any counter-claims
individually and that any lump-sum award shall not be legally
The following matters shall not lie within the purview of arbitration :-
(a) A
ny dispute relating to the levy of compensation as liquidated
damages which has already been referred to the
Superintending Engineer and is being heard or/and has been
finally decided by the Superintending Engineer in charge of
(b) A
ny dispute in respect of substituted, altered, additional
work/committed work/defective work referred by the
Contractor for the decision of the Superintending Engineer in
charge of the Work if it is being heard or has already been
decided by the said SuperintendingEngineer.
(c) A
ny dispute regarding the scope of the work or its execution or
suspension or abandonment that has been referred by the
contractor for the decision of the Government of Haryana and
has been so decided finally by the HaryanaGovernment.
6. The independent claims of the party other than the
one getting the arbitrator appointed, as also counter-claims of
any party will be entertained by the arbitrator notwithstanding
that the arbitrator had been appointed at the instance of the
7. It is also a term of this arbitration agreement that
where the party invoking arbitration is the contractor, no
reference for arbitration shall be maintainable unless the
contractor furnishes to the satisfaction of the Executive
Engineer in charge of the work, a security deposit of a sum
determined according to details given below and the sum so
deposited shall, on the termination of the arbitration
proceedings, be adjusted against the cost if any, awarded by
the arbitrator against the claimant party and the balance
remaining after such adjustment in the absence of any such
cost being awarded, the whole of the sum will be refunded to
him within one month from the date of the award:-
appointment of such arbitrator has not been applied within 6 months:-
(a) of the date of completion of the work as certified by Executive
Engineer in charge, or
(b) of the date of abandonment of the work, or
(c) of its non-commencement within 6 months from the date of
abandonment or written orders to commence the work as applicable or
(d) of the completion of the work through any alternative agency or
means after withdrawal of the work from the contractor in whole or in
part and/or its recession, or of receiving an intimation from the Executive
Engineer in charge of the work that final payment due to or recovery from
the contractor had been determined which he may acknowledge and/or
Whichever of (a) to (e) above is the latest.
If the matter is not referred to arbitration within the period
prescribed above all the rights and claims of any party under the contract
shall be deemed to have been forfeited and absolutely barred by time
even for civil litigationnotwithstandings.
10. It is also a term of this arbitration agreement that no question
relating to this contract shall be brought before any Civil Court without
first involving and completing the arbitration proceedings as above if the
scope of the arbitration specified herein covers issues that can be brought
before the arbitrator i.e. any matter that can be referred to arbitration shall
not be brought before a Civil Court. The pendency of arbitration
proceedings shall not disentitle the Government to terminate the contract
and make alternative arrangements for the completion of the work.
11. The arbitrator shall be deemed to have entered on the
reference on the day he issues notices to the parties fixing the
first date of hearing. The arbitrator may from time to time
with the consent of the parties enlarge the initial time for
making and publishing theaward.
12. It is also a term of this arbitration agreement that
subject to the stipulation herein mentioned, the arbitration
proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the
provisions of the arbitration Act, or any other latest law in
force for the time being, Indian Arbitration and
Reconciliation Act of 1996 shall be applicable on this
State of European Clause 26- : The contractor shall obtain from the stores of the Engineer-
American manufacture to
be obtained from Govt. in-charge all stores and articles of European or American manufacture
which may be required there of or in connection therewith unless he has
obtained permission in writing from the Engineer-in- charge to obtain
such stores and articles elsewhere. The value of such stores and articles as
may be supplied to the contractor by the Engineer-in-charge will be
debited to the contractor in his account at the rate shown in the schedule
attached to the contract, and if they are not entered in the schedule they
will be debited at cost price which for the purposes of this contract shall
include the cost of carriage and all other expenses whatsoever which shall
have been incurred in obtaining delivery of the same at the stores
Fluctuation Railway Clause 26 (a) : Any fluctuations in Railway rates which may
occur during the subsistence of and affecting freights of any material to
be supplied under this contract shall be brought to the notice of the
Engineer-in-charge by the contractor within fifteen days from such date
without prejudice to the rights of Government, should the contractor fail
to comply with the above requirement any excess or short charge on
account of such increase or decrease shall be credited to or recovered
from the contractor. No alteration in contract rates shall be admissible in
consequence of fluctuation in railway freight when such railway freight is
on account of material which is required by a contractor in the
manufacture of an article to be supplied under this contract e.g.
fluctuation of railway freight on coal required for burning bricks will not
be taken into consideration or for an article which forms part of a finished
work for purpose of this clause. Similarly no alteration in rates will be
allowed when a manufactured article is transported by rail from place A
to place B to form part of a finished work.
Clause 27: The contractor shall be responsible for making his own
arrangements for securing priorities and license for material and
transportation required for the works and Engineer-in-charge shall not be
held responsible in any way for making such arrangements for any of
Action where no Clause 28: In the case of any clause of work for which there is no
such specification as is mentioned in rule 1, such work shall be carried
out in accordance with the P.H.E.D. specifications and in the event of
there being no P.H.E.D. specification, then in such case the work shall be
carried out in all respects in accordance with the instructions and
requirements of the Engineer-in-charge.
Definition of work
Clause 29: The Expression '"work" or "works" where used in
these conditions shall unless there be something either in the subject or
context repugnant to such constructions be constructed and taken to mean
the work by or by virtue of the contract, contracted to be executed
whether temporary or permanent and whether original, altered,
substituted or additional.
Clause 30: The percentage referred to at page (3) of the tender
will be calculated on the gross amount (value of finished work including
cost of materials whether purchased from Government or direct of (I) the
items of works to which the rates in the tender apply and also the items of
work to which rates exist in the Schedule of rates of the district.
Clause 31: The terms and conditions of the agreement have been
explained to me/us and 1/we clearly understand them.
Clause 32: The contractor states that he is not related to any of the officers employed by
the Haryana P.H.E.D.
Clause 33: No pit shall be dug by the contractor near the site of the work for taking out
earth for use on the work. In case of default the pit so dug will be filled in by the Department at
the cost of the contractor.
Clause 34: Fair wage clause (Detail clause is given below).
Clause 35: The contractor shall have to pay sales tax to Excise and Taxation Depth in
accordance with the rules in force from time to time.
Clause 36: All payments for work done under this contract shall be made by cheque to
the contractor. The work covered by this contract as shown on plans which have been signed by
the contractor are annexed herewith.
Clause37: Should the tenderer withdraw or modify his tender within three months
from the date of opening of tender he is liable to be blacklisted and earnest money forfeited.
Clause 38: All royalty and compensation for building stone, bajri and stone metal etc.
should be included in the rates to be quoted and is payable by the contractor.
Clause 39: The rates given are for the finished work inclusive of Excise, duty, Octroi
charges, sales taxes, service tax etc.
Clause 40: It will be the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the trees at the
site of work and in the vicinity or their fruit etc are not damaged by his labour or agent. The
cost of such damage, if any will be at the discretion of the Engineer-in-charge and shall be
deducted from the bill of the contractor
Clause 41: The contractor shall provide at his own cost separate latrine, bathing
enclosures and platform for use of the men and women labour and keep them clean to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. He should also arrange, at his own expenses for clean
drinking water, housing, medical facilities necessary for the welfare of the labour employed at
his work, in case of his failure the same shall be provided by Government at contractor's cost.
Any dispute regarding this will be settled by the Engineer-in-charge whose decision will be
Clause 42: Any material left on the site of work after one month from the date of
completion of the work shall become the property of the Government and no payment shall be
made for it.
Clause43:The amount of the work can be increased or decreased according to the
requirement of the department and no claim whatsoever on this account will be entertained.
Clause 44: The department reserve option to take away any items of the work or part
thereof any time during the currency of the contract and re-allot it to another agency with due
notice to the contractor without liability or compensation.
Clause 45: It is not obligatory to the contractor to employ labour through Employment
Exchange but he may avail of the facilities offered by the Employment Exchange in case he
wishes to do so.
Clause 46: No claim on account of fluctuation in prices due to war or any other cause
will be entertained.
Clause 47: The contractor shall be liable to make good all damages caused by breakage
from the moment the stores, pipes and fittings etc., are handed over to his charge.
Clause 48: No compensation whatever will be payable on account of any delay or
default in the supply of material mentioned in the "List of material to be issued to the
contractor", by the department and consequent delay in the execution of work.
Clause 49: The contractor will inform the C.M.O. about the employment of laborer on
the work for carrying out Malaria surveillance.
Clause 50: No premium shall be payable on Non-schedule items, whether depicted in
enclosed schedule of rates or not. Contractor will quote his separate rates as depicted on page
No. 6 of the tender form.
Clause 51: Sales Tax/ Income Tax will be deducted from gross payment as per Govt.
Clause 52: Labour Cess Charges @ 1% will be deducted from gross payment.
All conditions of standard form of agreement shall form part of this agreement. In
addition to that following additional conditions shall be applicable.
Site Facilities
The contractor shall construct a site office at its own cost and store shed for materials. He
shall provide in the premises of the site office place for the engineer and his
representatives/ visitors for joint discussions and meetings. He shall also dismantle the
same after the works are completed and arrange for site cleaning operations by removal
of soil and debris. If the contractor fails to dismantle the temporary structure after the
works are completed it shall be treated as unauthorised occupation of the owner's land
and necessary action as deemed fit under such circumstances shall be initiated for the
vacation of the land.
Time for Full Completion of Contract
Time for full completion of work under this contract is 09 months, which will be
comprise of three parts submission of design for approval within one month i.e. full
physical completion of work inclusive of commissioning and trial run for 3 months and
operation and maintenance period including six year i.e Including Defect Liability period
of 12 months & 60 months thereafter for operation and maintenance.
Operation & Defects Liability Period
The contractor shall operate & be responsible for satisfactory performance &
maintenance of the work under all design & operation conditions for the duration of the
defects liability period of 12 months after 3 months trial run period & 60 months
thereafter, except for damages due to unprecedented natural calamities. The contractor
has to provide for the additional training of the staff.
Any constructional defect such as defects to premature use of materials, works not
executed in accordance with the contract, hidden faults in material & equipment not
discovered during inspection & testing, fault in design, manufacturing, erection & in
construction shall be pointed out by the Engineer in Charge & shall have to be rectified
by the contractor during this period. The cost for repair of material, spare parts, transport,
tests & repairing staff has to be borne by the contractor. If the contractor fails to rectify
the defect with in a period of one month after aforesaid notice the Engineer in Charge
may forfeit the security deposit or an amount thereof required for the rectification
through a third party without prejudice to any other right of Public Health Engineering
Department may have against the contractor in respect of his failure to remedy such
Final certificate
The Engineer in Charge shall issue a final certificate not later than 30 days after the
expiry of the defects liability period of 12 months after 3 month trial run period & 60
months of operation & maintenance period thereafter. With the issue of this certificate
the contractor ceases to be under any obligation to Public Health Engineering
Force Majeur
Neither party shall be liable to the other for any loss or damage occasioned by or arising
out of acts of God and in particular unprecedented flood, volcanic eruption, earthquake or
other convulsion of nature and other acts such as but not restricted to invasion, the act of
foreign countries, hostilities or warlike operation before or after declaration of war,
rebellion, military or usurped power which prevent performance of the contract and
which could not have been foreseen or avoided by a prudent person.
Contractor's Liability
The contractor will obtain all the permissions such as mining department, power lines,
sub stations and license etc. from appropriate authority and any other, if required by law
and all the royalties for excavation and allotted items will be borne by the contractor at
his own level.
Compensation to workmen
The contractor on occurrence of accident arising out of the work, which results in serious
injuries to the person or property, shall within 24 hours of such occurrence report to the
engineer stating clearly and in sufficient details the facts and circumstances of the
accident and the action taken by the contractor. In all cases the contractor shall
indemnify the Engineer against all losses or damages including penalties or fine
sustained by Government resulting directly or indirectly from contractor's failure to give
notice under the Workman's Compensation Act or otherwise.
Contractor dying, becoming insolvent, Insane or imprisoned.
(a) Liquidation, the contract may be terminated by notice in writing posted at the site of the
works and advertised in one issue of the local newspaper and all acceptable works shall
be paid for after recovering all the contractors dues to Public Health Engineering
Department, there from at appropriate rates to the person or persons entitled to receive
and give a discharge for the payment.
(b) If the contractor becomes bankrupt or has received order made against him or compound
with the creditor or being a corporation commence to be wound up not being a voluntary
winding up for the purpose only of amalgamation or reconstruction or carry on its
business under a receiver for the benefit of the creditors or any of them, the Government
shall be at liberty.
(c) To give such liquidator, receiver, or other person the option of carrying out the contract
subject to his providing a guarantee for the faithful performance of the contract up to an
amount to be determined by the Government.
(d) To terminate the contract forthwith by notice in writing to the contractor or to the
liquidator orto any person in whom the contract become vested and to act in the
manner as provided in the clause "Breach of contract".
Contractor to supply labour, plant, ladders and scaffolding:
The contractor shall supply at his own cost all labour, skilled and unskilled and all things
necessary (except such special things if any as in accordance with the specification that
may be supplied from the Engineer's stores) such as plants, tools, appliances, implements,
ladders, cordage, tackles, scaffolding, shoring, strutting, pumps, fuel oil, packing
derricks, boring tools, winches and power as well as other apparatus and temporary works
requisite for the proper execution of the work whether original, altered or substituted and
whether included in the specifications or other document forming part of the contract or
referred to in these conditions or not which may be necessary for the purpose of
satisfying or complying with the requirement of Engineer as to any matter as to which
under these conditions he is entitled to be satisfied or which he is entitled to require,
together with carriage hereto for and from the work. The contractor shall also supply
without charge the requisite number of persons with the means and things necessary for
the purpose of setting out the works, counting, weighing and assisting in the
measurement and examination at any time and from time to time of the works done or
materials supplied by him. The Engineer at the expense and risk of the contractor may
provide failing his so doing the same and the expenses (of which the certification of the
engineer shall be final) may be deducted from any money due to the contractor under this
contract or from his earnest money Deposit. The contractor shall also provide at his own
expense all necessary fencing and lights required to protect the public from accident and
shall assume all the liability for and indemnify the Engineer against all actions or suits
arising out of or in connection with neighbouring owners or workmen employed on the
works. With the carrying of the works, whether such actions are brought by members of
the public, the contractor shall carry out the works conforming to the statutory and other
legal enactments applicable to them and give all notices and pay all fees payable to local
authorities and others in respect of them. The contractor shall be responsible for the
adequacy, strength and safety of all shoring, strutting, curbing, bonding, brickwork,
masonry, concrete, permanent or temporary appliances, matters and things furnished by
him for the purpose of this contract.
In addition to this other technical staff shall have to be employed from time to time as
directed by the Engineer: Changes in staff will be upon the approval of engineer.
Contractor to employ competent agents and foreman
During the execution of the works and until the work is taken over by the order of the
Engineer, the contractors shall employ competent agents and such foremen as may be
necessary for the proper execution of the works (and when work is carried on day and
night there shall be a foremen in charge of each shift) who shall be engaged constantly on
the work to ensure proper management and efficient control.
Experience of Labour Force
The contractor shall employ in his payroll only such workers who are well experienced in
the trade of job for which they have been employed. The engineer shall have full power
to direct the contractor to remove and engage on work persons who do not possess any
experience in the trade and whose work is not satisfactory. If in the opinion of the
engineer a person is found to be incompetent an experienced person to the satisfaction of
the Engineer shall replace such person.
Working on Sundays and holidays and Night Work
Prior permission in writing should be taken from the Engineer-in-Charge to work on
Sundays, Holidays, during Nights and to work Overtime. No women labour should be
engaged on works during night work.
Conduct of Labour
The contractor is solely responsible for the peaceful and orderly conduct of labour in the
neighborhood of work site. The Engineer-in-charge shall have full powers to order the
contractor to prevent undesirable labour force from entering the work site.
Further the Engineer has full powers to ask the contractor to remove from the site of the
work any person who misconduct's himself and is undesirable at site.
Labour Welfare
All facilities to the welfare of the labour shall be provided by the contractor at his own
cost as per the existing labour laws and as described in the tender documents.
The contractor shall make all arrangement for supply of safe drinking, bathing and
washing water to the labour at his own expenses.
Adequate first aid and medical facilities shall be provided.
Proper separate toilet facilities for Men and Women shall be provided.
Protective accessories like gumboots, gloves, goggles etc. as found necessary shall be
provided to the labourers.
Caution lights
The contractor shall provide caution signs/lights near excavations, trenches, fencing etc.
and employ watchmen during nights and off working days and hours.
Safety of Workers
The contractor shall ensure that all precautions are taken to avoid accidents by
providing scaffoldings, platform, etc. of adequate strength which can be safely take the
loads of labour and materials and shock loads by properly bracing, tying and anchoring as
necessary. No extra cost shall be claimed for all the above safety works.
The contractor shall provide at his own cost all safely requirements to the labourers like
fencing barricades, temporary crossings, bringing etc. to prevent accidental slips, falls,
injuries etc.
The contractor shall make his own arrangements for conveyance of materials and labour
to the work site by making if necessary any temporary paths, roads, accesses etc at his
own cost.
Stud is to be purchased by the contractor for use on the works.
shall carry out part of the work. The time of the completion of the work shall be extended
if applied for by the contractor in writing in the proportion that the additional works bears
to the original contact work. The certificate of the Engineer shall be conclusive as to such
extension and of the additional or altered works include any class of work for which no
rate is provided in this contract then such class of work shall be carried out at rates to be
agreed upon in writing between the engineer and the contractor prior to the work being
taken in hand.
The basis for fixing such rates shall ordinarily be the current schedule of rates,
PROVIDED ALWAYS that if the contractor shall commence work or incur any
expenditure in regard there to before the rates shall have been determined as before
mentioned, he shall only be entitled to be paid in respect of the work carried out or
expenditure incurred by him prior to the date of the determination of the rates as aforesaid
according to such rate or rates as shall be fixed by the Engineer. In the event of a dispute
the decision of the Superintending Engineer shall be final.
If the additional or altered work for which no rate is entered in the contract or in the PWD
Haryana schedule of the rates is ordered to be carried out before the rates are agreed
upon, then the contractor shall within seven days of the date of receipt by of the order to
carry out such works and if the engineer does not agree to this rate, he by notice in
writing be at liberty to cancel this order to carry out such work and he carry out such
works as he may consider advisable. Where however the work is to be carried out
according to designs, drawings and specifications provided to the contractor by Public
Health Engineering Department, the alteration above referred to shall be within the scope
of such designs, drawings and specifications appended to the tender.
Action where no specifications are provided
In the case of any class of work of which there is not mention in the specification, such
work shall be carried out in accordance with the instructions and requirements of the
Deviations from drawings and specifications
No deviations or changes shall be made by the contractor himself without the express
approval of the Engineer, from the dimensions, sizes, material or workmanship
specifications of works etc. shown in the drawings, specifications, instructions issued on
the same by the Engineer or his authorised representative. All the works shall be executed
strictly according to the drawings and specifications using best quality of raw and
finished materials and best workmanship to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer.
Copies of supply orders and other literature of articles procured from the trade.
Copies of supply order and other literature of articles procured from the trade shall be
furnished to the Engineer. The technical literature, dimensional and material
specifications, guarantee of materials procured from the trade along with operation,
maintenance and installation manuals also should be submitted to the Engineer in
Shop drawings and schedules
Drawings showing workshop fabrications etc shall be submitted in advance and approvals
shall be obtained before commencement of works from the Engineer or his authorised
representative. However the approvals shall not absolve the contractor from the
responsibility of the performance of the plant.
All civil, electrical, and mechanical works included in the tender shall be properly
coordinated so as not to wait for each other and shall be completed in time in a complete
manner and handed over in a perfect workmanship manner, in good working condition
after testing to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer.
Engineer's rights in case of use of inferior materials, workmanship and plant.
The Engineer during the course of execution of the works shall have absolute powers here
under to order the following in writting from time to time regarding the quality of the
• The discontinuance of the use of inferior quality of materials, which do not conform to
the specifications and removal of the rejected material from the site of works forthwith.
• Stoppage of improper inferior and unsuitable plant used for construction, stoppage of
inferior workmanship, improper construction methods etc.
• The re-execution of dismantled/rejected work(s) using fresh materials, labour, plant
according to the specifications laid down in the contract in case the contractor fails to
execute the orders. The Engineer shall have powers to get the defective work rectified/
re-constructed/ replaced by another agency and all the expenses on account of same shall
be charged to the contractor and are recovered from payments due to him or from
payments due to him or from payments to become due to him.
Not withstanding the detailed drawings supplied and specifications given in the tender,
the contractor can not claim any relief from his responsibility towards the performance of
mechanical and electrical equipment and the whole functioning of the works for which it
is intended. The contractor is deemed to possess the above knowledge absolutely before
tendering without any ambiguities or doubts which if any may be got clarified from the
Engineer and then only submit this tender.
Power and water required for construction/testing
Contractors shall make their own arrangements for power and water required for
execution and testing of works at their own cost and the rates quoted shall be deemed to
include all such expenditure. The above required for testing shall also be the contractors
Dewatering and extra work in foundations
Dewatering of foundation, trenchies pile foundation work etc. shall not be paid extra
over and above the rates quoted and the rates quoted shall be deemed to be inclusive of
the above items of work. Shoring and strutting work required for excavation, excavation
in difficult conditions of soil shall not be paid extra.
Existing utility Services
The contractor at his own cost shall protect the existing electric, telephone, water supply
and sewerage utilities if met with during excavations by properly supporting the same by
shifting or otherwise as required at site without allowing for any disruption of services. If
any damage is caused to the above said public utility services or any other property, t he
contractor shall be responsible to make good the damages at his own cost to the entire
satisfaction of the concerned owner of such public utility service or private property.
As-built drawings
On completion of the works before issuing of the completion certificate by the Engineer,
the contractor shall submit 3 (three) sets of as built drawings. One will be on tracing cloth
and remaining on reproduction paper.
Site Clearance
No extra money will be payable to the contractor for removal of shrubs, debris, rubbish
mounds of earth or any such unevenness in the ground levels before commencement of
the works. Similarly he will remove from site above said materials, spoil and surplus
materials as directed by the Engineer and leave the site in a condition that is acceptable to
the engineer as far as the cleanliness of work site is concerned without any additional
payment. His rates shall be deemed to include all expenditures.
Except with prior permission in writing of the Engineer, the contractor shall
not divert his plant labour, materials to any other work. In granting such permission the
Engineer may impose any conditions as may be found necessary to ensure that no delays
or interruptions are caused in execution of the works under the contract. The contractor
shall not be entitled to any compensation resulting from such delays. Granting such
permission shall not absolve the contractor from the responsibility of completing the
works as per time schedule specified in the contract.
The Engineer may reject at any stage, any work which he considers being defective in
quality of materials or workmanship and he shall not be debarred from rejecting defective
materials by reason of this having previously passed them in an unworked condition.
Any portion of the work or materials rejected shall be removed from the work site at the
contractor's expense after written instructions to that effect by the Engineer for
replacement of such work.
contractor's premises, the materials and workmanship of all equipment to be supplied
under the contract and if part of the said equipment is being manufactured on other
premises. The contractor shall obtain for the Engineer, permission to inspect, examine
and test as if the said equipment were being manufactured on the contractor's premises.
Such inspection, examination or testing if made shall not relieve the contractor from any
obligations under the contract.
The contractor shall give the Engineer thirty (30) days notice in writing of the date and
the place at which a plant will be ready for testing as provided in the contract, unless the
Engineer shall attend to the place so named within ten (10) days of the date which the
contractor has stated in his notice, the contractor may proceed with the test which shall be
deemed to have been made in the Engineer's presence and shall forth with forward to the
Engineer duly certified copies of the results. The Engineer shall give the contractor 24
hours notice in writing of his intention to the tests.
The inspection and testing will be carried out generally as per Indian Standards for
domestic supplies and as per the relevant equivalent Standards prevailing in the country
of manufacture’s for imported supplies.
As and when any plant shall have passed the tests referred to in this article. The Engineer
shall furnish the contractor a certificate in writing to that effect. The contractor shall
provide all facilities (labour, material, apparatus, instruments etc.) for inspection and tests
and such inspection and tests will be free of charge to the owner.
Programme of Works
As soon as the letter of intent is issued to the contractor, he will submit to the Engineer
his programme to complete the works by the time indicated in the contract, in the form of
a bar chart for review of the Engineer and make suggested modifications before his
approval of the same. The approved bar chart shall be diligently and strictly followed
with a view to complete the works as per schedule. The Engineer shall review the
programme of works from time to time and he may modify the same depending upon the
exigencies of the work and stage of the works.
All royalties and other similar payments which may have to be paid for the use of any
such machine, plant work, material thing, system or method as aforesaid (whether
payable in one sum or by installments or otherwise) shall be covered by the contract
price and payable by the contractor.
In the event of any claim or demand being made or action or suit brought against the
purchaser in respect of any such matter or matters as aforesaid the contractor shall be
duly notified thereof and he shall conduct all negotiations for the settlement of such
claims or demand and such action of suit shall also be conducted by him subject, if and as
far as the owner shall think proper to the supervision and control of the owner through the
officer duly authorised on his behalf.
Other Contractors
When four or more contractors are engaged on work in the same vicinity they shall work
together in a spirit of cooperation and accommodation. The contractor shall not take or
cause to be taken any steps or actions that may cause disruptions, discontent or
disturbance to the works, labour and other arrangements of other contract in neighboring
and the project localities. In case of any difficulties amongst the contractors, the Engineer
shall direct the manner in which each contractor shall conduct his work so far as it affects
There are varying or conflicting provisions made in any document forming part of the
contract, the accepting officer, i.e. the Executive Engineer, Public Health Engineering,
SONIPAT shall be the sole deciding authority with regard to the intention of the
document and his decision in this respect shall be final and binding.
Any error in description in the bid of quantities or any omission there from shall not
vitiate the contract or release the contractor from the execution of the whole or any parts
of the works comprised therein according to the drawings and specifications or from any
of obligations under the contract.
If there are any discrepancies found in the tender documents and the same have not been
clarified before submission of the tender, the interpretation or clarification given by the
Engineer is final and conclusive.
Contractor is advised to read carefully all chapters and give complete information
regarding his proposals, substantiating the same with calculations, drawings, literature
with clear reference to any standards adopted (which are not mentioned in the tender), in
such manner that there is no ambiguity or nothing is left to chance. All relevant
information, so as to make the proposal understandable shall be given in remarks like
“will be given later" are not acceptable. If in the opinion of the engineer in charge the
proposal is grossly incomplete, this will form sufficient reason for complete rejection of
the tender on technical grounds.
Contractor shall note that this is a lump sump rate tender on turn-key-basis. The bidder
shall give rate for complete work however his proposal is subject to scrutiny and approval
for unit wise/subunit wise progressive payments by the competent authority. He shall
therefore take at most precaution to offer very Standard equipment manufactured by only
reputed manufacturers (wherever the makes are specified the same shall be offered).
However the bidder should note that after the tenders are opened, all modifications,
corrections, changes shall be carried out entirely to the satisfaction of the Engineer in
contractor shall not be allowed to change the price quoted.
Equipment Guarantee
The contractor is fully responsible for the repair & replacement of all equipment at MPS
& STP upto the O&M period of six years including defect liability period & 3months
trial run period & during the period no extra cost of the same shall be paid by the
All the equipment installed shall be thoroughly tested at the time of commissioning of the
plant and all initial defects shall be rectified to the entire satisfaction of the engineer.
Damaged or non- working parts shall be replaced at no extra cost to Public Health
Engineering Department.
Training of the Public Health Engineering Division, D&P, SONIPAT Haryana, staff
before handing over the Equipment/Instruments. As there is fair amount of automation
specified, there will be very large number of small components which form units of
equipment. In order that the Public Health Engineering Department, staff engaged on
operations and maintenance becomes proficient in understanding and handling the
equipment correctly, the contractor will have to organize training programmes in the
manufacturer’s shops as well as on site during actual operation of the plant. For this
purpose he will have to employ suitably qualified, trained personnel to carry out this
training. The training period is for 7 days after commissioning of the plant or for such
extra period before commissioning in the workshops. A mutually agreed programmes
shall be formulated during the execution, which will be binding on the contractor.
Complete operation & maintenance files will be built up, preferably as additions to data
files prepared at the time of tendering. 6 (six) sets of such completed files shall be handed
over to Public Health Engineering D&P, Division, SONIPAT.
The contractors/ agencies shall fill up the component-wise rates in figures and in words
for Non- schedule items in the space given on page 35 to 39 under the heading (B) Non-
schedule items. The tender of the contractor/ agency who does not fill up the component
wise rates shall be out rightly rejected as an ‘irresponsive in tender’ and earnest money of
the concerned contractor/ agency shall be forfeited for not observing the required
1. The cement will be arranged by the Contractor/ Society/ Agency/ Firm at his own level.
Contractor/ Agency/ Firm may quote his rates accordingly.
2. The cement shall be OPC-43 grades duly ISI marked & confirming to IS-8112 with latest
amendments. The cement manufactured by mini cement Plant shall not be used.
3. The cement and Steel shall be purchased from authorized Distributor or Manufacturer or
Authorized Dealer.
4. The cement arranged by the Contractor/ Agency will be brought at site and shall be kept in
the store maintained at site, provided with dual locking system i.e. 1 st Key of lock with
representative of the Deptt. and 2nd key of lock with authorised representative of agency.
5. The contractor/ Agency will inform the Executive Engineer/ Sub Divisional Engineer for
the quantity of the cement brought at site with bill/ challan in the name of that agency
before using the same and Executive Engineer in charge or his authorised representative
may check the actual receipt of cement at site.
6. The Engineer in Charge or his authorised representative may, If need be, also send the
cement for testing to any Govt. Lab/ reputed Lab. The sample of the cement will be
collected as per BIS specifications in the presence of the Contractor/ Agency or his
authorised representatives. Incase the cement is found as per ISI specifications then the
cost of testing will be borne by the Deptt, but in case the cement sample fails to meet the
BIS requirements, then., appropriate action as per Contractor agreement will be taken. The
cost on the testing of cement along with any loss caused to Govt. shall also be recovered
from the Contractor/Agency and no claim in this respect will be entertained.
7. The stock of cement at site shall not be more than one month consumption and only
sufficient quantities shall be kept to ensure continuity of the work.
8. The cement consumption register showing date of cement brought at site by the
Contractor/ Agency and its day-to-day utilisation will be maintained. The said register
shall be open to inspection by representatives of the Engineer-in-Charge during his visit at
site. The consumption and receipt of cement in the register shall be initiated jointly by the
authorised representative of the Contractor/ Agency and representative of Engineer-in-
Charge. The said register will be issued by office of concerned Sub Divisional Engineer
under his dated signature for each agreement separately. The register will also contain the
columns for work executive against the cement issued.
9. Quality check register will be maintained at site and regular sampling of work executive
every month shall be recorded in the same.
10. The Public Health Engineering Department Haryana reserves the right of negotiations as
per policy approved by the State Government with the tenderers in case the prices quoted
are felt to be on higher side or otherwise. The negotiations will be carried out with 1st, 2nd
& 3rd lowest contractors. The highest amongst them will be called first and lowest
tenderer in the last. If during negotiation tenderer other than lowest reduces his prices/
amount below then those of lowest then lowest tenders will be counter offered this price/
amount and in eventuality of him not accepting the counter offered the same shall be
offer to second lowest and so forth. Tenderer who refuses the counter offer will not have
any right to the bid later on.
11. The Engineer-in-Charge will opt for 3rd party inspection other than Department. In
addition to Inspection by Departmental staff. The 3rd party would inspect the work during
its execution to ensure execution of work as per specifications/ agreement and also quality
control i.e. drawl of samples, testing & other items etc. The report of the same would be
submitted to Engineer in Charge by the 3rd party inspection and shall take remedial
measures for execution of work as per specifications in agreement. The inspection and
sample testing charge will be borne by the Department.
12. The labourcess @ 1% of the work done by contactor shall be deducted from each bill.
13. All royalties including the amount payable to Mining Department, if any, on account of
excavation etc. shall be payable by the contractor/agency.
a) The contractor shall pay not less than fair wage to labour engaged by him on the work.
Explanation: Fair Wage means wage whether for time or piece work notified at the time
or inviting tenders of the work and where such wages have not been so notified, the wages
prescribed by the Public Works Department, Building and Roads Branch, Haryana for the
district in which the work is done.
b) The contractor shall not withstanding the provisions of any agreement to the contrary caused
to be paid fair wages to laborers indirectly engaged on the work including any labour
engaged by his sub-contractors in connection with the said work, as if the labourers had been
directly employed by him.
c) In respect of labour directly employed on the works for the performances of the contractor's
part of this agreement the contract shall comply with or cause to be complied with the
Haryana Public Works Department Contractor's Labour’s Regulations made by Government
from time to time in regard to payment of wages, period deductions from wages, recovery of
wages not paid and deductions unauthorisedly made maintenance of wage book, wage slip,
publication of wages and other terms of employment inspection and submission of periodical
returns and all other matters of alike nature.
d) The Executive Engineer or Sub-divisional Engineer concerned shall have the right to deduct
from the money due to the contractor, any sum required or estimated to be required for
making good the loss suffered by a worker or workers by reason of non-fulfillment of the
conditions of the contract for benefit of the workers, nonpayment of wages or deductions
made from his or their wages, which are not justified by the terms of the contract for non
observance of the regulations referred to in clause (‘c' above)
e) Vis-a-vis the Haryana Government, the contractor shall be primarily liable for all payments
to be made under and for the observance of the regulations aforesaid without prejudice to his
right to claim indemnity from his sub- contractors.
f) The regulations aforesaid shall be deemed to be a part of this contract.
g) Attendance card should invariably be issued by the contractors to their workers, which
should be returned to the contractors concerned at the time of receiving payment of their
h) Before making payment to the contractors the authorities concerned should obtain a
certificate from the contractors that he has made payment to all the workers connected with
the execution of the work for which the payment is being made.
i) Contractors employing 50 or more workers on the site of a particular work should provide
facilities of housing, latrines, water and light to their workers at their own expense.
j) The normal working hours of workers employed by contractors for the execution of work
allotted to them should be 8 hours per day with a break of 2 hours during summer, one hour
during winter after continuous work of 4 hours at the latest. The spread over should in no
case exceed 10 hours, workers working beyond these hours, should be paid overtime wages
at the double the ordinary rate of their wages calculated by the hour.
(IV) When the employment of any worker is terminated by or on behalf of the contractor,
the wages earned by him shall be paid before the expiry of succeeding the one on
which his employment is terminated.
(V) All payment of wages shall be made on a working day except the work is completed
before the expiry of the wages period in which case final payment shall be made
within 48 hours of the last working day.
Notes — the terms working day means a day on which the work on which the labour is
employed is in progress.
6. Wages Book and Wages Slip etc.
(i) The contractor shall maintain a wage book of each worker in such a form as may be
convenient but the same shall include the following particulars:-
(a) Rate of daily or monthly wages.
(b) Nature of work for which employed.
(c) Total number of days worked during each wage period.
(d) Total amount payable for the work during each wage period.
(e) All deductions made from the wages with an indication in each case of the ground for
which the deduction is made from the wage.
(f) Wages actually paid for each wage period.
(ii) The contractor shall also maintain a wage slip for each worker employed on the work.
The wage slip shall contain all the particulars given in the wage book.
(iii) The Executive Engineer may grant exemption from the maintenance of Wage Book
and Wage Slips to a contractor who in his opinion may not directly or indirectly
employ more than 50 persons on the work.
7. Fine and deductions which may be made from wages
1. The wages of workers shall be paid to him without any deduction of any kind except the
(a) Fines.
(b) Deductions for absence from duty viz., from the place or places where by the terms
of his employment is required to work.
The amount of deduction shall be in proportion to the period for which he was absent.
(c) Deductions for damage to or loss of goods expressly entrusted to the employed
person for custody, or for loss of money for which he is required to account, where
such damage or loss is directly attributable to his neglect or default.
(d) Any other deductions which the Government may from time to time allow.
2. No fine shall be imposed on a worker and no deduction for damage or loss be made
until the worker has been given an opportunity of showing cause against such fines or
3. The total amount of fine which may be imposed in any one wage period on a worker
shall not exceed an amount equal to half an anna in a rupee of the wage payable to
him in respect of that wage period.
4. No fine imposed on any worker shall be recovered from him by installments, or after
the expiry of 60 days from the date in which it was imposed.
8. Register of Fine etc.
The contractor shall maintain a Register of fine and of all deductions for damage or
loss. Such Register shall maintain the reason for which fine was imposed or deduction
for damage or loss was made.
The contractor shall maintain both in English and local Indian Language, a list
approved by the Chief Labour Commissioner clearly stating the acts and commissions
for which penalty or fine may be imposed on workmen and display it in a good
condition at a conspicuous place on the work.
9. Preservation of Registers
The wage book, the wage slips and the Register of fines, deductions required to be
maintained under these regulations shall be preserved for 12 months after the date of
last entry made in them.
10. Power of Labour Welfare Officer to make Investigation Enquiry
The Labour Welfare Officer or any person authorised by the Government on their
behalf shall have to make enquiries with a view to ascertaining and enforcing due and
proper observance of the fair wage clause and provisions of these Regulations. He
shall be investigating into any complaint regarding the default made by the contractor
or sub-contractor in regard to such provision.
11. Report of Labour Welfare Officer
The Labour Welfare Officer or any other person authorised as aforesaid shall submit a
report of the result of his investigation or enquiry to the Executive Engineer
concerned, indicating the extent if any to which the default has been committed and
the amount of fine recoverable in respect of the acts of omission and commission of
the labourer with a note that necessary deduction from the contractor's bill be made
and the wages and other dues be paid to the labourers concerned.
12. Appeal against the decision of Labour Welfare Officer
Any person aggrieved to the decision and recommendation of the Labour Welfare
Officer or other person so authorised may appeal against such decision to the
Regional Labour Commissioner within 30 days from the date of decision forwarding
simultaneously a copy of his appeal to Executive Engineer concerned but subject to
such appeal the decision of the Labour Welfare Officer shall be final and binding
upon the contractor.
13. Representation of Parties
(1) A workman shall he entitled to be represented in any investigation or inquiry under
these regulations by:
(a) An officer of a registered Trade Union to which he is a member.
(b) An officer of Federation of Trade Unions to which the trade union referred it in clause
(a) is affiliated.
(c) Where the worker is not a member of any registered union, an officer of registered
trade union connected with, or by any other workman employed in the industry in
which the worker is employed.
(2) An employer shall be entitled to be represented in any investigation or inquiry under
these regulations by:
(a) An officer of an association of employers of which he is a member.
(b) An officer of an association of employees to which the association referred to in clause
(a) is affiliated.
(c) Where the employer is not a member of any association of employees by an officer of
an association of employers connected with or by any other employer is engaged.
14. Inspection of Books
The contractor shall allow inspection of Wage Book, the Wage Slips and Register of
Fines and deduction to any of his workers or his agent at a convenient time and place
after notice is received or to the Labour Welfare Officer or any other person authorized
by the Government on his behalf.
15. Submission of returns
The contractor will follow the contract labour (Regulation and Abolition Act 1970) and
the contract labour (Regulations and Abolition Central Rule 1971) enforced by Haryana
Labour and Employment Department Memo No. 12 (26-78-4- Labour dated 10-6-79).
The contractor shall submit periodical returns as specified from time to time.
16. Licensing of Contractor
Every contractor who employs or who employed on any day of the proceeding 12
calendar months 20 or more workmen is covered by the Act and is required to obtain a
license. The contractor should obtain the necessary license as required under section 12
of contract labour (Regulation and Abolition Act 1970) before commencing the work.
17. Amendments
The Haryana Government may from time to time amend these regulations on any
question as to application, interpretation or effect of these regulations; the decision of
the Labour Commissioner to Haryana Government in that behalf shall be final.
A. Appointment of Arbitrator.
(i) In so far as the Engg. Deptts. are concerned, the Engineer-in-Chief, Chief Engineer will
make the appointment of Arbitrator at their own level, in the cases, where the cost of the
work including interest does not exceed Rs. 5.00 Lacs in each individual cases. The
case involving more than Rs. 5.00 Lacs shall be submitted to the Administrative Deptt.
For final approval for such cases (involving more than Rs.5.00 Lacs), the department
shall, prepare a panel of Arbitrators and submit to the Administrative Deptt. for final
(ii) In other Govt. department, the appointment of Arbitrators will be appointed by the
Heads of Departments concerned and submit to administrative department for final
approval. While doing so, the point regarding appointment of an IAS officer as an
Arbitrator shall be kept in view.
(iii) In order to avoid unjustified benefit to the contractor/ agency two or three Arbitrators
may be appointed for cases involving financial implication of more than Rs. 5.00Lacs.
The possibility of appointment of Arbitrator other than the office of Deptt. concerned
should not be ignored, especially in case of world Bank Project Works. The
appointment of out-sided arbitrator in respect of the world Bank Project cases, keeping
in view the merit and circumstances of the case may also be kept in view.
B. Agreement
The agreement which is entered into with the contractor at the time of allotment of the
work should be clear and specified. For claim exceeding Rs.5.0 Lacs it should be clearly
indicated in the agreement that the State Govt. can appoint one more arbitrators. The
arbitrator may be asked to give a speaking award within a reasonable time as per the
provisions in the Arbitration and conciliation Act 1996. A format of such agreement
should be prepared by the Deptt. concerned in consultation with the law Deptt.
D. Delay in Arbitration Cases
It has also been noticed that in most of the cases unnecessary delay occur, As result of
which the State Govt. have to pay the interest. The responsibility of the concerned
Officer/ Official may be fixed by the department/ administrative Deptt. in each
individual cases, for such lapses.
In order to avoid any litigation and interest liability, payment will be made by the Head
of Deptt. out of their existing provision, and if needed, proposal for making provisions
in the respective Heads of account shall be sent to Finance Deptt. at appropriate time.
Budgetary procedure will be followed strictly.
The above decision may please be brought to the notice of all concerned and the receipt
of the letter may also is acknowledged.
Name of work: Design, Upgradation and renovation of existing 4.5 MLD capacity
STP based on MBBR technology as per revised sewage/effluent discharge standard
with all interconnection piping works, Mechanical, electrical online monitoring
system and its link with HSPCB and CPCB server including Operation &
Maintenance for 5 years Including Defect Liability period after 3 months of trial
run at Kharkhoda, Matindu Road, District Sonipat, Haryana on TRUNKEY
(lumpsum) basis.
In this contract as here in after defined, the following words and expressions shall have the
meanings hereby assigned to them (except where the context requires otherwise).
1.1 'Owner' means Haryana Public Health Engineering Department.
1.2 'Employer' means the party named in Section 2.1.1 that will employ the
Contractor and the legal successors in title to the employer, but not except
with consent to the Contractor, any assignee of the employer.
1.3 'Contractor' means the person(s), firm or company whose tender has been
accepted by the Employer and who has concluded a contract with the
employer to execute the works included in the tender and contract
agreement. This includes the contractor(s) personal representatives,
successors and assignees.
1.4 'Tender' means the bid.
1.5 'Bidder' means the contractor/ agency who submits the bid against the
invitation for bid.
1.6 Award means the written acceptance of bid by the Haryana Public Health
Engineering Department, to the successful bidder.
1.7 Engineer/Engineer-in-Charge' means the Executive Engineer, who is in-
charge of execution of the works and administration of the contract on behalf
of the employer. The Engineer-in-Charge may assign his duties to his sub-
ordinates who assist him in execution of works and administration of the
contract. His subordinates shall be termed as Assistant Engineer, Junior
Engineer as the case may be. These subordinates shall be Engineer-in-
Charge's representatives at the site of works. The Engineers representatives
will carry out such duties of the Engineer's like issuing of instructions,
certificates and orders as are required in the execution of the works.
Engineer's representative will watch and supervise the works, test and
examine the materials, equipment, plant, machinery and workmanship
employed in connection with the works under the contract and to order any
extra work involving delay in completion of the works and also requiring
any extra payment to the contract.
1.8 'DEPARTMENT' means the Haryana Public Health Engineering
Department. The words Department and Superintending Engineer and his
representatives have been used interchangeably at places and mean the same
i.e. the engineer or his representatives.
1.9 Consultants mean the consultant appointed by the Government for the
purpose of preparation of Design, DPR, Drawings, Tender Documents,
construction, supervision at appropriate level, advice in commissioning and
carrying out start-up and monitoring of the entire contract at Sonipat.
1.10 'Works' means all items of Work i.e. Designing, Construction, Supply,
erection, testing and commissioning by the contractor under the contract,
testing and handing over the same in complete manner in compliance to
provisions of the contract.
1.11 'Contract' means promise to execute the Works' in accordance with the
conditions of contract, specifications drawings, schedules, tender, the letter
of acceptance and the contract agreement.
1.12 Entire Works means design, construction, supply, erection, Testing &
commissioning of Sewage Treatment Plant, operation & maintenance
Including Defect Liability period after 3 month trial run & five years
thereafter covered under this tender document.
1.13 Site' means the land and other places where the permanent works or
temporary works desired by the engineer are to be executed and any other
lands and places provided by the employer for working space or any other
purpose as may be specifically designated in the contract as forming part of
the site.
1.14 PHED means Public Health Engineering Department.
1.15 Drawings' means the drawings referred to in the list of drawings attached to
the tender and any modification of such drawings approved/ issued in writing
by the Engineer and such other drawings as may from time to time be
furnished or approved in writing by the Engineer.
1.16 The 'contract sum' means the sum identified in the contract for the
completion of works as per contract.
1.17 'Contract price' means a portion of the contract sum adjusted to give effect to
such additions or deductions as are provided for in the contract which is
properly apportion able to the work or plant in question having regard to the
site conditions and location of the plant, the amount of work done and all
other relevant circumstances in the cost of executing the works.
1.18 Contractor's equipment' means all appliances or things of whatsoever nature
required for the purpose of completing the works but does not include plant,
material or other things intended to form or forming part of the works.
1.19 Portion of the work means a part of the work or section of the work.
1.20 Sections of the works mean the sections into which the works are divided for
the purposes described and set out in the specifications.
1.21 Specifications and particular specifications mean the regulating guidelines
contained in the Haryana Public Health Engineering Department
Specifications, Manual on Sewerage & Sewage Treatment published by the
Central Pubic Health and Environmental Engineering Organization
(CPHEEO) under the Ministry of Urban Development. Indian Standard
specifications and codes all of latest editions and those contained in the
tender documents and also those based on good engineering practices.
1.22 Month means 30 days.
1.23 ‘Day' means calendar day.
1.24 'Week' means seven consecutive days.
1.25 'Time for completion' means the time as stipulated for completion of the
works or any section or portion there-of as stated in the contract or as
extended under clause and shall be calculated from the date specified in the
contract. It will be the date when the contract enters into force for fulfilment
of any obligation as per necessary legal, financial or administrative
1.26 'Defect liability period':- Defect liability period for the work is 12 months. It
shall be counted after the successful trial run for a period of 3 months or till
prescribed parameters are not attained & whichever is later of the two.
During the defect liability period the contractor shall be responsible for
repair and replacement of any defective material used on the entire work &
he will carry the full liability to make good to the complete satisfaction of
the engineer, any defects in the completed work or any bad work visible or
detected afterwards.
1.27 'Cost means the amount which shall be deemed to include all overhead costs
whether incurred on or off the site, all taxes, excise duties, royalties etc. as
applicable on the materials, labour or any other item which is required to
complete the works.
1.28 Headings or Notes: - The headings and marginal notes in these conditions of
contract shall not be deemed to be taken into consideration in the
interpretation or construction thereof or of the contract.
1.29 Temporary Works mean temporary works of every kind required in or about
the execution of works.
1.30 Permanent Works means the permanent works to be executed and
maintained in accordance with the Contract.
1.31 Trial run: - Trial run period for the work is 3 months of the entire scheme
including achievement of prescribed performance parameters. In the event of
non-achievement of prescribed parameters within a period of 3 months,
specified above the trail run period could be extendable to a period till the
prescribed parameters are achieved. During the trail run period the contractor
shall be responsible for the maintenance of the entire scheme including all
staff, Labour, material etc., repair of any defects/ replacement of the
defective material used at the work at his own cost excluding energy &
diesel charges which will be borne by the Department.
The tenders will be uploaded on the website by the eligible contractor as per
Cost of Bidding
The Bidder shall bear all expenses associated with the preparation and submission of his
Bid and the Government shall in no case be responsible or liable for reimbursement of
such expenses, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Bidding process.
Site Visits
The Bidder is advised to visit and examine the site of works and its surroundings and
obtain for himself on his own expenses all information that may be necessary for
preparing the Bid and entering into contract. The costs of any such visits shall be entirely
at the Bidder's own expense.
The Bidder and any of his personals or agents will be granted permission by the
Engineer-in- charge to enter upon their premises, lands for the purposes of such
inspection, but only upon the express condition that the Bidder, his personnel and agents
will release and indemnify all liabilities in respect thereof and will be responsible
for personals injury (whether fatal or otherwise), loss of or damage to property and
any other loss, damage, costs and expenses however caused which, but for the
exercise of such permission, would not have arisen.
Brand Names
Specific reference in the specification to any material by trade name or catalogue number
shall be construed as establishing a standard of quality and the performance. Bidders may
prepare any other product if the specified brand names are not available subject to
approval of Employer.
The set of the bid document can be downloaded from the web site.
Price Schedule
The Bidder is expected to examine carefully all instructions, conditions, forms, appendix
to Bid terms, specifications, annexure, schedules and specifications, plans in the bid
Documents annexure of specifications and plans shall be inspected in the office of
Executive Engineer and failure to comply with the requirements of bid submission will
be at the bidder's own risk. Pursuant to this, which are not substantially responsive to
the requirements of the bid documents will be rejected.
The bidder shall be deemed to have inspected and examined the site and its surroundings
and to have satisfied himself before submitting his bid as to the nature of site conditions,
having taken into account any information in connection therewith which may have been
provided by or on behalf of Executive Engineer, the extent and nature of work, the
means of communication with and access to the site, the accommodation he may
require and in general shall be deemed to have obtained for himself, all necessary
information as to the risks, contingencies and all other circumstances influencing or
affecting his bid.
The cost of each additional copy of the DNIT will be 3000 Indian Rupees.
By Mail: The Executive Engineer, Haryana Public Health Engineering Division, Div
The Executive Engineer will entertain and offer clarification to any such queries only if
these are received prior 48 hours before opening the tender. Written copies of the
Executive Engineer's response (including a description of enquires but without
identifying its source) will be sent to all prospective bidders who have received the
bidding documents as an addendum. Verbal information and/ or clarification given by
any representative of the Executive Engineer shall not be binding on the Executive
In order to afford prospective bidder's reasonable time in which to take such addenda into
account in preparing their bids, the Executive Engineer may at their discretion extend the
deadline for the submission of bids in accordance with Clause 3.4.2
Language of bid
The bid prepared by the bidder and all correspondence and documents relating to the bid
exchanged by the bidder and the Executive Engineer shall be written in English
Language. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the bidder with his
bid may be in another language provided they are accompanied by an appropriate
translation of pertinent passages into English language. Failure to comply with the
condition may disqualify a bid. For the purpose of interpretation of the bid, the text in the
English language shall prevail.
Documents Comprising the Bid on Website
The Bid prepared by the Bidder shall comprise the following components.
Bid security furnished in the form of Earnest money in accordance with Clause 3. 3 5.
Standard Form of Agreement.
Schedules of guarantees.
Schedules of prices (Part III)
Schedules of supplementary Information, if any.
Performance guarantee (as per clause).
Documentary evidence established that the goods and services to be supplied by the
bidder are eligible goods and services and conform to the bidding documents.
Annexure, if any.
A covering letter stating any other matter in relation to his bid, which the bidder
considers, should be drawn to the particular notice of the Executive Engineer or the
Engineer-in- Charge.
Technical Specifications & drawings as here under: -
Details for all major plant components &equipments etc. including supporting documents
such as leaflets of manufacturer's specification, general arrangement drawings,
performance charts / curves.
List of recommended spare parts proposed for a period of five years of operation.
General program for execution of the works.
Failure to furnish any of the above information may lead to the rejection of the
Bid Prices
Unless stated otherwise in the bidding documents the contract shall be for the whole
works as described in vol. II. Technical specification based on the schedule of unit rate
and prices submitted by the bidder.
The bidder shall fill in rate and prices for all items of works described in the schedule of
Prices. Items against which no rate or price is entered by the bidder will not be paid for
by the Haryana PHE Department and will be treated as free of cost when executed and
shall be deemed to be covered by the other rates and/ or prices quoted in the schedule of
All duties, taxes and other levies payable by the contractor under the contract or for any
other cause shall be included in the rates and prices and total contract price submitted by
the bidder and the evaluation and comparison of bid by Executive Engineer shall be made
Currencies of Bid and Payment
The bidder shall quote the unit rates and prices entirely in Indian currency. All payment
to the successful bidder under the proposed contract shall be made entirely in Indian
Bid Validity
Bids shall remain valid and open for acceptance for a period of Ninety (90) calendar days
after date of opening of price bid.
In exceptional circumstance prior to expiry of the original bid validity period, the
Executive Engineer may request the bidder for a specified extension in the period of
validity. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing or by cable or
telex. A bidder may refuse the request without the forfeiting of his bid security. A bidder
agreeing to the request will not be required nor be permitted to modify his bid but will be
required to extend the validity of his bid security correspondingly. The provisions of
Clause 3.3.5 herein before regarding discharge and forfeiture of bid security shall
continuously apply during the extended period of bid validity.
Failure to sign the bid will result in rejection of the bid.
Modification and Withdrawal of Bids
The bidder may modify or withdraw his bid after submission provided that the
modification or notice withdrawal is received in writing by Executive Engineer prior to
the prescribed deadline for submission of bids.
Subject to Clause 3.5.3 no bid may be modified subsequent to the deadline for
submission of bids.
Withdrawal of bid during the interval between the deadline for submission of bids
and the expiration of the period of bid validity specified by the bidder in the bid form
may result in forfeiture of the bid security earnest money pursuant to Clause 3.3.5.
At the bid opening, the Executive Engineer will announce the bidder's names and
salient features, written notifications of bid modifications, if any or such other details as
the Executive Engineer may consider appropriate.
The Executive Engineer shall prepare for his own records minutes of the bid
Process to be confidential
After the public opening of bids information relating to the examination,
clarification, evaluation and comparison of bids and recommendations concerning the
award of contract shall not be disclosed to bidders or other persons not officially
concerned with such process until the award of the contract to the successful bidder has
been announced.
Any effort to influence the Executive Engineer's personnel or representatives on
matters relating to bids under study in the process of examination, clarification,
evaluation and comparison of bids and in decisions concerning award of contract, may
result in the rejection of the bidder's bid.
Clarification of Bids
To assist him in the examination, evaluation, and comparison of bids, the
Executive Engineer may ask bidders individually for clarification of their bids including
breakdown of unit rates/ prices. The request for clarification and the response shall be in
the writing or cable or telex/fax, but no change in the prices or substance shall be sought,
offered or permitted except as required to confirm the correction of arithmetical errors
discovered by the Executive Engineer during the evaluation of bids in accordance with
Clause 3.5.5.
Determination of Responsiveness
Prior to the detailed evaluation of bids, the Executive Engineer will determine
whether each bid is substantially responsive to the requirements of bidding documents.
For the purpose of this Clause, a substantially responsive bid is one which conforms to all
the terms, conditions and specifications of the bidding documents or reservation is one
which affects in any substantial way the scope, quality and performance of the works or
which limits in any substantial way inconsistent with the bidding documents the
Executive Engineer's rights or the bidder's obligation under the contract and rectification
of which deviation or reservation would affect unfairly the competitive position of other
bidders presenting substantially responsive bids.
If a bid is not substantially responsive to the requirement of the bidding documents it will
be rejected by the Executive Engineer and may not subsequently be made responsive by the
bidder having corrected or withdrawn the non-confirming deviation or reservation.
Correction of Error
The Executive Engineer for any arithmetical errors in computation and summation will check
bids determined to be substantially responsive. Error will be corrected by the Executive
Engineer as follows:
(a) Where there was a discrepancy between amount in figures and in words, the amount
in words will govern; and
(b) Where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the total amount derived from
the multiplication of unit rate and the quantity, the unit rate as quoted will govern and
the total amount will be corrected.
The total bid price stated will be adjusted by the Executive Engineer in accordance with
the above procedure for the correction of errors and with the concurrence of the bidder
shall be considered as binding upon the bidder. If the bidder does not accept the corrected
price of his bid, his bid will be rejected and the bid security will be forfeited.
In evaluating bids the Executive Engineer will determine for each bid the evaluated bid
price by adjusting the total bid price as follows:
If the bid of the successful bidder is unbalanced in relation to the Engineer's estimate of
the real cost of work to be performed under the Contract. The Executive Engineer may
require that the amount of the bid security set forth in Clause 3.3.5 be increased at the
expense of the successful bidder to a level sufficient to protect the Executive Engineer
against financial loss in the event of subsequent default of the successful bidder under the
Subject to clause 6.2 the Executive Engineer will award the contact to tenderer
whose bid had been determined substantial respective to the bidding documents
& who has offered the lowest evaluated bid price bid as per clause 3.5.6.
Award Criteria
The Public Health Engineering DEPARTMENT reserves the right of negotiations
as per policy approved by the State Government with the tenderers in case the prices
quoted are felt to be on higher side or otherwise. The negotiations will be carried out with
1 lowest contractor.
Executive Engineer's right to accept any bid and to reject any or all the bids not
withstanding Clause, the Executive Engineer reserves the right to accept or reject
any bid and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to award of
contract without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders or any
obligation to inform the affected bidder or bidders of the grounds for the Executive
Engineer's action.
Notification of Award
Prior to the expiration of the period of Bid validity prescribed by Executive Engineer.
The Executive Engineer will notify the successful bidder by cable or telex/fax to be
confirmed in writing by registered letter that his bid has been accepted. This letter
(hereinafter and in the condition of the contract called 'Letter of Acceptance') shall name
the sum which the Executive Engineer will pay to the completion, operation &
maintenance and guarantee of the works by the contractor as prescribed by the contract
(hereinafter and in the condition of the contract called The ‘Contract Price'). No further
correspondence will be entertained by the Executive Engineer from the unsuccessful
Signing of Agreement
Within 30 days of the letter of Acceptance the successful Bidder shall sign the contract
agreement with the Executive Engineer, Public Health Engineering Division, D&P,
SONIPAT. Failing to execute the contract agreement within the said period may result
in forfeiture of bid security and disqualification pursuant to substantially Clause
The person to sign the contract agreement shall be present in the office of Executive
Engineer, Public Health Engineering Division, Div No. 2, SONIPAT.
Checking of Design and Drawing: -
PHED reserve the right to appoint any organization for checking of design and drawing
during currency of the contract including operation and maintenance period & no
additional cost shall be payable by PHED on the account.
The contractor is required to verify the water table, bearing capacity and other geo
physical conditions before tendering and no subsequent payments of design, dewatering,
pile foundation, price escalation etc. will be made on this account
12 I/we have based our bid rates having the full knowledge of the statements and facts.
13 I will obtain all the permission such as Mining department, Power line, sub station license
etc. from appropriate authority and any other if required by law.
Date.......................... Name.............................
That I, …………………….(Name & address of the contractor) as principal here-in-after called
contractor, guarantee to the following:
1. That the contractor agrees to
Design, Upgradation and renovation of existing 4.5 MLD capacity STP based on MBBR
technology as per revised sewage/effluent discharge standard with all interconnection
piping works, Mechanical, electrical online monitoring system and its link with HSPCB
and CPCB server including Operation & Maintenance for 5 years Including Defect
Liability period after 3 months of trial run at Kharkhoda, Matindu Road, District Sonipat,
Haryana on TRUNKEY (lumpsum) basis.
5. That the contractor guarantees against any construction or manufacturing defect due to
faulty workmanship for a period of 75 months from the date of commissioning of the
plant & during five year operation & maintenance period thereafter. During this period
the contractor will replace & repair the faulty equipment to the satisfaction of the
Engineer in Charge at no extra cost to the department.
6. The contractor agrees that all electrical erections are to be got approved from Chief
Electrical Inspector, Haryana at the cost of contractor, as per rule.
7. The contractor agrees that import license if required by the contractor shall be arranged at
his own cost.
8. The contractor agrees to deposit the security and deduction of contract value to the Public
Health Engineering Department & the same will be deposited & returned as on next page.
Date at.........................................................................
Security deposit and deduction will be 5% of the total agreement cost including 2%
earnest money, 1% security to be deposited within one week of allotment or otherwise to
be deducted from the first running bill and 2% performance guarantee to be deducted
from each running bill.
a) 50% of the total retention money (i.e. earnest money, security and performance
guarantee) shall be released after 3 months of final payment of the work excluding
Operation and Maintenance part and remaining 50% will be released against Bank
Guarantee (BG) of equivalent amount on completion of defect liability period of one
year. This Bank Guarantee shall be submitted in five parts which will be released in the
following manner:-
i) 1st Bank Guarantee of 10% will be released after one year of satisfactory completion of
O&M period after defect liability period.
ii) 2nd Bank Guarantee of 10% will be released after two years of satisfactory completion of
O&M period after defect liability period.
iii) 3rd Bank Guarantee of 10% will be released after three years of satisfactory completion of
O&M period after defect liability period.
iv) 4th Bank Guarantee of 10% will be released after four years of satisfactory completion of
O&M period after defect liability period.
v) 5th Bank Guarantee of 10% will be released after five years of satisfactory completion of
O&M period after defect liability period.
S. No Item Payment
Breakup The Cost For Supply Of Electrical, Mechanical, Interconnecting Piping,
Instrumentation Equipment, lab instruments Solar Panels etc(67% of Capex Cost):-
1 Supply of equipment at site 70%
2 Installation at desired place 15%
3 Testing of equipment 15%
Schedule of Payment for civil works (32% of Capex Cost)
S. No. Description %The cost of respective
E.O. Sub Break up: -
1.0. Reactors & Sump:-
1.1. Excavation 10%
PCC 15%
RCC Raft 35%
RCC Walls
- 1/3 10%
- 2/3 10%
- Full 10%
RCC Slabs/ Walkways/Stairs 5%
Coal Tar Epoxy on inner surface 5%
Schedule of Payment for Operation and Maintenance (45% of Total Cost ie Capex
Cost +Opex Cost)
S. No. Description
1 Quarterly (at three month interval) in 20 equal 5 % of Total Capex Cost
The further stage wise price break up shall be submitted by the successful bidder for approval
from Engineer in Charge, based on work done & prevailing market rates.
5% amount of all running bills shall be recovered and kept in deposit till the successful
completion of Defect Liability Period. The same shall be released against Equivalent Bank
Guarantee.Executive Engineer,
P.H. Engg. Div No. 2,
As per the HSPCB norms for disposal of sewage generated from domestic process, STP plant is
to be upgraded to achieve the BOD<10 mg/l; and COD<50 mg/l at the site of Ganaur, Sonipat,
Haryana. The STP plant shall be modified/upgraded on lump sum basis and contractor will be
also responsible for one year operation and maintenance after 3 months trial run of STP from the
date of completion of the successful trial run of minimum one month of the STP. The contractor
would be solely responsible for quality of treated wastewater and should meet all the norms
prescribed by HSPCB from time to time.
The capacity of the sewage plant for the present work shall be 4.5 MLD and all the units should
be design accordingly. Discharge requirements for treated sewage discharge are stipulated by the
pollution control board. The treated water shall be dispose off into the drain
The scope of the work of the bidder under this project includes.
Design, Upgradation and renovation of existing 4.5 MLD capacity STP based on MBBR
technology as per revised sewage/effluent discharge standard. with all interconnection
piping works, Mechanical, electrical online monitoring system and its link with HPCB and
CPCB server including Operation & Maintenance for 5 years Including Defect Liability
period after 3 months of trial run at Kharkhoda Matindu road, District Sonipat, Haryana
on TRUNKEY (lumpsum) basis.
Location: Kharkhoda, Town is situated in Sonpat District on Delhi-Sonipat Road.
Sewage Flow:
The capacity of the existing STP is 4.5 MLD with a peaking factor of 2.25 times of the
average flow. i.e. 10.125 MLD.
6. NH4-N, mg/l 20-30 30
For the purpose of design for the proposed renovation and upgradation of existing STP following
parameters have been adopted.
Above norms for discharge of treated sewage water are to be attained. The treated sewage shall
S. No Parameters Revised HSPCB Norms for Discharge
1. pH 5.5 - 9
2. T.S.S., mg / lit. : ≤ 20
3. B.O.D., mg / lit. : ≤ 10
4. C.O.D., mg / lit. : ≤50
5. Oil & Grease, mg/lit : ≤ 10
6 Phosphorus, mg/l ≤1
7 TKN, mg/l ≤10
8. Total Coliform MPN/ ≤ 100
utilized for broad irrigation purposes through existing irrigation network adjacent to the proposed
Climatic Conditions
The climate in the area is marked by the tropical conditions:
-Temperatures close to the 4 to 6 degree-centigrade in winter & up to 40 to 44 degree-centigrade
in summer.
-Low Humidity
-Rainfall of about 650 mm per year.
-High winds with dust storm in summer.
Client’s Inputs
During Construction & Installation:
The Employer shall make available the following inputs during construction and erection
of the Plant:
Site on which the Plant is to be constructed, free of all
encumbrances/encroachments. Approval from any regulatory authority to
construct the Plant at the said location.
Assistance in availing Essentiality Certificate to claim due Excise Duty, Sales
Tax and other rebates as that may be applicable to this Contract.
Nothing shall be paid extra for O&M of existing STPs during construction
The bidder shall make his own provisions for Water, electricity and other
resources required for construction, erection and hydraulic testing of the Plant
up to the testing stage.
During Trial Run & Commissioning:
During Trial Run and Commissioning of the Plant, the Employer shall make sewage
available at MPS.
The cost of all utilities including, Chemicals and others consumables (but excluding
Electricity charges and cost of Diesel for operation of DG sets, in case of power failure)
shall be arranged by the Contractor. Only Electricity charges and cost of diesel to operate
the DG sets for O&M of STP/ TTP will be borne by Employer. In case working of STP is
not stabilized to achieve standard parameters of effluent sewage from STP, then trial run
period can be extended and no O&M charges will be paid during these extended period of
trial. Nothing shall be paid extra for O&M of existing STPs during construction period.
During Operation & Maintenance
The Employer shall make available the following inputs during Operation &
Maintenance of the Plant:
Sewage is already available at MPS.
Electricity & Water - The employer will pay for electricity & Water used
during Operation &Maintenance period directly to the Utility (Energy &
Water Provider) and cost of the same shall not be included in the
Tender’s Operation and Maintenance Price as specified in Part – III
Reimbursement for cost of Diesel for DG Set, in case of power failure, at
actual against submission of authenticated Bills and log book of DG
sets/Hour meter of DG set.
Approval to dispose Plant Residuals. However, cost of treatment and
disposal to be borne by bidder.
Incoming Power Supply:
11 KV HT Power shall be made available by the Employer at the 2-Pole Structure.
The Contractor’s scope shall start from this 2-Pole Structure including providing
HT Cable from this 2-Pole Structure up to the HT Substation. Cable from existing
electric substation to panels for Tertiary Treatment Plant of suitable size will be in
the scope of work and to be provided by the successful bidder.
Incoming Drinking Water Line:
The employer will provide water supply line within boundary wall of proposed
STP at one point for drinking purpose only & not for construction purpose.
Disposal of Treated Effluent:
The disposal of the treated effluent from Chlorine Contact Tank into the existing
drain shall be in scope of Contractor. The hydraulics of the Plant shall be
maintained in such a way that treated effluent from Chlorine Contact Tank can be
discharged at the above HFL of the existing Effluent Channel and there shall not
be any backflow of water into the Chlorine Contact Tank in any condition.
Disposal of Plant Residues:
The disposal of the Plant Residues e.g. Screening, Grit and Dewatered Sludge generated in the
Plant after due treatment at a suitable place as directed by the Engineer-in-charge up to a lead of
5.0 km shall be carried out by the Contractor
based on MBBR:-
The biological treatment will be upgraded to include Nitrification and De-nitrification. This will
be carried out using the Kaldnes HYBAS process as explain below, in order to make optimal use
of the existing reactor volumes. The HYBAS process combines both attached and suspended
biomass. A new Anoxic reactor (R 1) will be added to operate in series with the two existing
reactors (R 2 & R 3). Nitrified waste water from the last stage will be re-circulated to the Anoxic
reactor for De-nitrification. Sludge will be recirculated to maintain a MLSS of 3000 ppm in the
Treatment Objectives: -
Considering the raw Effluent quality and the required treated effluent quality, the contractor shall
furnish a process train to achieve the following objectives: -
1) To achieve guaranteed treated effluent quality or even better.
2) To ensure that the offered treatment process is the most appropriate and state of the art in
terms of both efficiency of treatment, performance and operating cost.
3) To ensure that the process is cost effective from both capital and running costs
4) To ensure that the sludge produced is dewatered to a “spade able” by open body truck
able consistency so that it can be easily disposable off.
5) The process toxicity test report for sludge from any government recognized laboratory
shall be obtained at cost of bidders before disposal.
6) Power/Chemical etc. to be used shall be defined by bidder in the price bid only.
7) The final treated effluent is to be disinfected through chlorination before is
Scope of Work for Contractor
The tender is for turn-key job where the responsibility of the contractor will include all
preparatory work, topographical and soil surveys, leveling and dressing of site, detailed design,
manufacturing, procurement, excavation works including dewatering & lowering of sub soil
water if required, disposal of all surplus earth at suitable site, civil works, installation of
mechanical & electrical equipments, testing, commissioning and operating during defect
liability period of the plant including 3 months trial run period and thereafter & Operation and
maintenance for four years.
The scope of work of the turn-key contract for the Firm/ Contractor agency shall include all
preparation, execution and testing works within the defined limits of the contract as per details
given herein after and will also includes: -
a) Submission of all documents required according to the contract parameters
b) Submission of a guarantee that the treated water will correspond to the table given
c) The bidder shall conduct detailed soil survey at the site with a view to analyses
the safe bearing capacity, swelling properties, angle of friction, cohesion, the lateral
resistance of the soil and the general soil conditions, grain size, attire's limits
specific gravity etc or any other test for his satisfaction.
d) Suggestive layout of the /STP is attached.
e) Process & hydraulic design of the complete Sewage treatment plant, location and
arrangement of all treatment plant units taking into account the interfaces must be
submitted. This design is subject to approval by the Engineer-in-charge after opening of
the price bid.
f) Preparation of detailed designs, drawings of all civil works, mechanical, electrical and
electromechanical equipment on the basis of the approved process design, layout and
arrangement The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the technical suitability of the
design based on the specifications, sound engineering practices, the relevant standard
designs and B IS. provisions. The designs and drawings too have to be vetted by
IIT/NIT/JMI and approved by the S.E. PHE Circle Sonipat.
g) Preparation of the structural design and drawings (including reinforcement detailing) for
all the work. The contractor shall be fully responsible for the structural safety of the
buildings. These designs and drawings too if required by department have to be verified
by a proof consultant or an institution approved by the S.E. PHE. Circle Sonipat.
h) The successful bidder shall follow the following procedure for submission of design&
drawings for approval by competent authority-
i) -Detailed sizing calculations for all units, technical specifications, G.A. drawings of all
mechanical, electrical & instrumentation equipments at first stage.
j) -P & I drawings, detailed plant layout with all mechanical & electrical equipments
installed at various/ different levels at second stage.
k) -Detailed hydraulic calculations by the successful bidder with all sections showing
therein head loss at all inlets & outlet in accordance with fixed level for effluent
discharge & invert level of influent sewer. Dead & Live loads shall also be furnished for
structural design.
l) -Detailed structural design with drawings.
m) -Detailed working drawings showing there in all mechanical, electrical, instrumentation,
civil dimensions etc.
n) -These drawings shall be submitted initially in triplicate & after approval shall be
submitted in six sets with CD.
o) - The entire duration for above design & drawing process is included in the completion
period, for this process total 30 days have been earmarked.
p) Final site clearance after leveling, excavation of the working spaces for all structures,
trench excavation for pipes and other ancillary works in all sorts of soil, refilling and
disposal of surplus earth at suitable site as directed by the engineer incharge.
q) Erection of all buildings, water retaining structures, channels and other civil engineering
r) Manufacturing, shop testing, inspection, transportation to site, installation and testing of
all the hydraulic, mechanical, electrical and Electro-mechanical equipment.
s) Trial runs and testing of the complete plant and commissioning.
t) Submission of As Built drawings and preparation of O&M Manuals.
u) Operation, preventive maintenance and repairs of the plant up to the end of the defects
liability period including three months trial run period and five years thereafter.
v) Training of the operational staff for the plant for 6 months during trial period.
w) The successful bidder shall also assist technically the employer in obtaining N.O.C.
from Haryana State Pollution Control Board for discharging treated sewage water after
achieving prescribed parameters as mentioned above
No separate payments will be made for the reconnaissance, survey, laboratory tests, design,
drawings, factory and performance tests, inspections etc. unless they are specifically
provided and quantified. They shall be included in the rates and prices of the physical
works itemized. The payments are to be made for all supplies and physical works as per
prorate payments as approved.
According to the Public Health Engineering Department, Haryana, the turn-key job will
include the entire scope of work between:-
- Design and Execution of Upgradation, Renovation and repairfrom Collection Sump to
Chlorination Tank including all electromechanical and civil work with 25 KW-h Solar
Electricity Pannel with net metering all electrical, mechanical, piping, instrumentation
work including DG Set & Transformer with necessary cabling from transformer to
main Panel & all necessary works contingent thereto.
The Plants capacity is as follows
Normal Operation period : 24 hours
Daily discharge : 4.50 MLD(STP)
Peak Factor : 2.25
Peak Flow : 10.125 MLD(STP)
The plan of existing treatment scheme and proposed treatment scheme and existing schematic
diagram and proposed schematic diagram are given at page no. 103 & 104.
Major but not all work for modification and upgradation of 4.5 MLD STP, Ganaur
All RCC Civil Work are to be at least in M 30 RCC with as uncracked structure. All units must
be design as per C.P.H.E.E.O. manual/Metcalf & Eddy or relevant Indian Code
Contractor Witness Executive Engineer
Sewage Treatment Plant Existing Status
The bridge drive shall be
controlled from an outdoor
panel installed in the central
part of the bridge.
10. Sludge blending sump Exist Maintenance, if required
11. Sludge Thickener Exist Replacement of complete
scrapping system including
The bridge drive shall be
controlled from an outdoor
panel installed in the central
part of the bridge.
12. Clarified water collection Not exist Proposed to be constructed
cum Filter Feed Tank after secondary clarifier.
13. TERTIARY SYSTEM Not exist Proposed to install Dual media
(Pressure Filter) Pressure Filter with all its
accessories and arrangement
including Backwash system
14. TERTIARY SYSTEM Not exist It is proposed to use sodium
(Chlorination) hypochloritChlorine gas e for
chlorination of filtered water.
(Accordingly upgradation
requires chlorination chamber
with a chlorination units
complete in all respect)
15. Industrial Shed (10m X15 Not exist To house the DM pressure
m) filter and for stock of
chemicals for chlorination a
shed need to be constructed at
appropriate location.
16. Treated water tank Not exist Proposed to be constructed.
17. Sludge Drying Beds (SDB) Exist Need its maintenance
18. Office and other building Exist In office room, HT/LT panel
Board Room, Staff Quarter,
Toilet Room, Porch and
Laboratory Room minor repair
and painting required.
19. Laboratory Equipments Exist Mayneedrepair of Equipments
and Instruments
20. Platform for Blowers, DG Exist Need its maintenance
Set, Transformer and Dry
Sludge Storage Platform
Existing Units at 4.5 MLD STP,
S. No. Name Size/Capacity Qty
SWD (m) Dia (m) L (m) B (m)
1 Inlet Chamber XXX 1.1 1.4 1
2 Coarse Screen Chamber XXX 0.61 0.61 2
3 Raw Sewage Sump 3.8 5 1
4 Receiving Chamber 3.5 1.4 1.6 1
5 Fine Screen Chamber XXX 0.61 0.61 2
6 Grit Chamber 0.7 11 1.2 2
7 Collection Chamber 0.33 2.6 3.4 1
8 MBBR 5 12.4 2
9 Collection Sump XXX 2.4 1
10 Secondary Clarifier 3.5 24.2 1
11 Sludge Blending Tank 2.5 4.2 1
12 Sludge Thickener 4 6.7 1
13 Thickened Sludge Sump 2 3.6 1.2 1
Thickened Sludge Pump
14 Shed XXX 3.6 3 1
15 Sludge Drying Beds XXX 16.7 8.35 6
16 Raw Sewage Pumps 150 M3/Hr @ 16 MWC 4
17 Sludge Blending Pumps 17.6 M /Hr @ 10 MWC 2
18 Thickened Sludge Pump 6.22 M /Hr @ 15 MWC 2
19 Air Blowers XXX
20 Air Diffusers XXX
Proposed Electro Mechanical units at 4.5 MLD STP,
Name Size NOS ber
Diamet Length Breadt Dept
er (m) (m) h (m) h (m)
Coarse Screen 40 mm spacing SS316 3.25 0.4 0.6 (1W+1S) 2
2 (1W
Fine Screen 5 mm spacing Mechanical 0.61 0.403 0.4 Mec+1 S 2
(Auto Clean) SS316 M)
Complete scrapping system with 24.2 3.5 1 1
walkway for Secondary Clarifier
Complete scrapping system with 6.7 4 1 1
walkway for Sludge Thickener
3 2
Dual Media Pressure Filter 2.4 15 m /m /hr (4W+1S) 5
Raw Sewage Lifting Pumps 100 m3/hr@15 MWC (5W+1S) 6
IR Pumps (Anoxic Tank) 180 m3/hr@8 MWC (2W+1S) 3
RAS Pumps (Sludge Transfer) 37.5 m3/hr@8 MWC (2W+1S) 3
Thickened Sludge Pumps 15 m3/hr@10 MWC (2W+1S) 3
Pressure Filter Backwash Pump 80 m3/hr@15 MWC (4W+1S) 5
Air Blower 1000 m3/hr@0.6 Kgf/cm2g (2W+1S) 3
5 HP at 30 rpm unit with 84"
Mixer at Anoxic Tank CNP Mark diameter RL-3 down-pumping 2 2
Complete chlorination system based on Lump sum
Chlorine Gas treating 4.5 MLD flow on charges
average 1
Repairing/replacing of sluice valves Lump sum
and other valves charges 1
Sludge recirculation pipe and Anoxic Lump sum
recirculation pipe charges 1
Repairing/replacing electrical tray and Lump sum
electrical panels and lighting system on charges
the site. 1
Repairing/Replacement of
miscellaneous items such as wall/pipes Lump sum
etc. as and where required. charges
Lab Equipment’s, Chemicals and Furniture
Furniture for Office and Lab
Chemicals for Labs
Equipments for Lab Lumpsu
AC for office
(as per the list provided)
Solar panel with complete system at existing building and proposed
25 1
shed. KWpA
Scope of Work of Upgradation of 4.5 MLD Capacity, Sewage
Treatment Plant at, Kharkhoda Matindu Road, District
Sonipat, Haryana
Sr.No Description Qty Unit
1 Provision of Influent from anoxic tank to be fed at the 10 meters
bottom of MBBR reactors with SS-304 pipe perforated
around 300mm at the bottom and all related civil works.
2 Diffuser membranes in MBBR Aeration tanks to LS Nos
be replaced new with silicon/ EPDM membranes
3 Media retaining Sieves must be redesigned to
LS Nos
accommodate internal recirculation as well as
Return activated Sludge and Installed with all civil
associated as per manufacturer design
NOTE: MBBR Media in Both MBBR tank should be 30% of its volume. MBBR media is already there
in existing STP. It need to be washed and cleaned and reuse. For any make up MBBR media following
specification should be followed The Executive Engg . of the project will assure that 30 % of the
volume of MBBR is filled with Media of prescribed specification. (IF REQUIRED)
4 Supplying Testing Commissioning of Bio media in the
1 Job
existing MBBR tanks for achieving the targeted treated
effluent parameters. The new media shall provided of
PVC/Poly Propylane/Polyethylene with 0.96 gm/cm2
specific gravity non degradable & UV stabilized. The
material of media should be virgin. The media quantity shall
be adequate to provide sufficient surface area for
maintaining the microbial strength. The surface area of
media to be used for designing purpose shall be considered
not more than 500 m2/m3 of approved make and certificate
of the manufacturer shall be submitted. The quantity of
media in the MBBR tanks will be 30% of the volume of
MBBR tanks.The sample of media shall be drawn by
concerned Superintending Engineer PHED Circle, &
Executive Engineer, PHED or his authorized representative
& samples shall draw so be got verified from OEM.Note:
The bio media shall be guaranteed against manufacturing
defects for a period of minimum 10 years.
180m3/hr@8MWC capacity along with
arrangements & maintenance of pumps along with
delivery pipe special valves at the proposed anoxic
1 The Existing Sludge Blending Tank 4.2 m diameter x 2.5 m LS
Platform for lowering and maintenance of IR pumps, along
with 1.2 m wide all along periphery The walkway shall be
Installed with SS-304 Handrails on both sides must be
installed. The excess sludge from MBBR tanks and
Secondary clarifier is collected here
2 Providing and Installation of 3 No (2W+1S) return 3 Nos
activated sludge (RAS) pumps of 37.5
m3/hr@8MWC capacity along with arrangements &
maintenance of pumps along with delivery pipe
special valves to recirculate biomass to anoxic Tank
3 Providing and Installation of 150 mm DI pipe for RAS from 90 meters
Sludge Blending Tank to Anoxic Tank
1 Complete Bottom Scrapping system with Bridge rail to be Installed for Secondary LS
Clarifier of Dia 24.2 m
(I) Chlorination
1 Construction of Chlorine Contact tank of size 9m Lx 2 1 No
mWx 3m SWD +0.5 m FB with glazed blue colour tiles as
per specification in DNIT
2 Installation of Chlorine dosing pumps of capacity 3Kg/H 2 Nos
3 6 Nos
Chlorine toners with rail arrangement 900 Kg
7 Online Instrumentation, PLC with modem for data transfer Reinstallation at new 1 LOT
on website pH, TSS, BOD/TOC, COD, NH4-n meters with outlet of TTP
local PLC
8 1 Job
Providing and Installation of 5 CCTV at various location
of STP and connecting of Camera and flow meter to
HSPCB and Head office with dedicated Internet
connection, transfer of data through modem
including all accessories :JOB 1
8 Ultrasonic/ electromagnetic flow meter at outlet No 1
(J) Industrial Shed for Chlorination System
and DM pressure Filter and other
Miscellaneous work
1 Designing Constructing Commissioning A Shed of size 1 Job
(minimum area) 15m(L) X 10m(W) its central height is
5m with plinth level of 0.55m from GL near the clear
water tank as per proposed location shown in tentative
6 Repairing/Replacement of miscellenous items such as
wall/pipes etc. as and where required.
7 Repairing/replacing of sluice valves and other valves 1
8 Repairing/replacing electrical tray and electrical panels and
lighting system on the site.
9 Construction of PCC Path 3 mtr. Width , 150 mtr. Length 1 Job
including excavation, PCC 1:4:8, PCC 1:2:4 including
construction and expansion joints complete in all respect
(K) Other Electo Mechanical Works
1 Supplying Installing Testing and Commissioning of 6
(5W+1S) NOS raw sewage lifting submersible pumps of
100m3/hr@15MWC capacity along with arrangements & 5 Job
maintenance of pumps along with delivery pipe special valves
at the pumping station.
2 Supplying Installing Testing and Commissioning of 3
(2W+1S) NOS thickened sludge pumps of 15
m3/hr@10MWC capacity along with arrangements & 3 Job
maintenance of pumps along with delivery pipe special valves
at the sludge thickener.
3 Supplying Installing Testing and Commissioning of 3
(2W+1S) NOS air blowers of 1000m3/hr@0.6Kgf/cm2g
3 Job
capacity along with arrangements & maintenance of blowers
along with delivery pipe special valves for MBBR tanks.
Electrical and Instrumentation
1 Level Sensors/ controllers. 0 to 7.5 M 4
2 Electrical Panels
3 HT/LT Panel Main HT/ LT 1
4 Cables 1 Lot 1
5 Transformer 200KVA( Proposed) 1
6 D.G Set 150KVA( Proposed) 1
7 High Mast Lights, 9m H 9M 2
(as per the list provided)
Furniture List
Laboratory Executive Table 1.No
Revolving Chair 2 No.
Visitors Chair 1 No.
Steel Almirah Side Racks 2 No.
Main Control Room Executive Table 1 No.
Revolving Chair 1 1No.
Visitors Chair 2 No.
Steel Almirah Side Racks 1 No.
Contractor Witness Executive Engineer
Drum Shaft Assembly
The drum shall be solid cold rolled steel of sufficient size to transmit the power required.
The drum shaft shall turn in grease lubricated, pillow block roller bearings and shall
support two sets of two grooved rope/ hoist drums with one drum of each set keyed to the
shaft while the other is free from limited rotation controlled by the fixed drum. The two
inside drum shall be provided with friction band brakes to assist in opening of rake
Cables shall be provided for raising and lowering the rake assembly.
Driving Mechanism
The drive unit for each screen shall be of the motorized type securely mounted on the
machinery platform. The drive unit shall consist of an electric motor with in-built AC/DC
brakes and of crane (S-4 duty) coupled to a gear reducer. The gear reducer shall be
further coupled to the hoist shaft by means of pinion and spur gear.
Local Electrical Panel
A local electrical panel with motor starter and On-Off push buttons for manual operation
shall be provided. The panel shall be provided with control schematics with interlocks
with the limit switches provided for safe and smooth operation of the screen.
The screen shall be operated manually and shall run continuously until stopped manually.
The panel shall be located on / near the screen for operating of the screen.
Rotary Limit Switch for limiting Upper & Lower Travel.
Slack Cable Limit Switch.
Upper Over-travel Cut-off Limit Switch which shuts off the motor and sounds an
alarm if the rotary limit switch fails to operate.
Power to open motor brakes to prevent the rake carriage from free falling into the
screen channel when power is cut-off to the motor.
The mild steel parts if used shall be provided with epoxy primer and paint to a total DFT
shall be not less than 120 microns.
All anchor bolts, inserts etc.
All electrical including cabling, Local Electrical Panel etc.
Belt Conveyor, if any.
Level control system, if any.
Material of Construction
Roller chain for power transmission Standard Steel
Screen Chain SS – 304
Sprockets for power transmission Cast Steel
Head Shaft & Foot shaft sprockets SS-304
Wire rope / screen chain SS – 304
Material of Construction
Roller chain for power Standard Steel
Screen Chain SS – 304
Sprockets for power transmission Cast Steel
Head Shaft & Foot shaft sprockets SS-304
Frame Work.
Bar Rack.
Dead Plate.
Cleaning Rake.
Guide Blocks.
Lower Channel Guides.
Upper Channel Guides.
Discharge Chute.
Hoist Drum & Shaft Assembly.
Drive Unit with Motor.
Local Electrical Panel.
Frame Work: -
The frame work of the screen shall be of robust construction and shall consist of welded
angles / channels. The frame work shall support the drive machinery platform.
Grit Removal Channel:-
Existing to be used with proportionate weir in order to raise level for anoxic chamber: -
Anoxic Tank: -
ARCC (M-30) Anoxic tank (Reactor-1) before the existing MBBR reactors-2 & 3 shall
be constructed with submersible mechanical mixer with SS-316MOC as per location
shown in the tentative layout.
Minimum Anoxic SRT : 12 Days
Mixing Power Requirement : Min 15 Watts/m3
Total Recirculation for Denitrification & aeration: 3 x Q avg
Sludge recirculation : 0.5 x Q avg
Internal recirculation : 2.0 x Q avg
The anoxic shall be designed from first principle as per procedure given in Metcalf &
Moving Bed Biological Reactor (Aerobic Attached Growth Biological reactor).
The bioreactor (R 2 & R 3) already exists to treat the sewage with aerobic attached
growth moving bed process.
The total upgrade of STP for achieving the targeted treated effluent parameter will
require the following modification in the existing reactors R2 & R3:-
- Modifications to the existing tanks for mounting sieves, Inlet Outlet connections.
- Media sieves in Reactor 1 to 2.
- Media sieves in Reactor 2 to 3
Kaldnes Bio Media
Mixing in Reactor No. 2, 3 :- Fine Bubble Aeration Grid, Construction in SS-304. Media
Retention Sieves: - Suitable nos. of Perforated Cylindrical Horizontal Sieves
There are two number circular reactors (MBBRs) existing shall be made operational in
parellel already constructed of suitable size to take the organic & suspended solid load in
the raw sewage & to deliver consistently the outlet sewage quality as per treated waste
water quality mentioned. The reactors of MBBR are designed at 1 KGs BOD 5/M^3
reactor volume / day.
The new media shall be provided of PVC/Polypropylene/Polyethylene 0.96 gm/cm 2
specific gravity non degradable & UV stabilized. The material of media should be virgin.
The media quantity shall be adequate to provide sufficient surface area for maintaining
the microbial strength as required achieving the quality. The BOD 5 loading on media
shall not be taken more than 3.0 kg/104 M^2 of surface area of MBBR media/ day. All
the reactors in these proposed one stream of MBBR & biological reactor shall be of
100% capacity & having total quantity of media in first tank.
The surface area of media to be used for designing purpose shall be considered not more
than 500M^2/M^3 of approved make and certificate of the manufacturer shall be
submitted. The quantity of media in the reactors will be as per design of PHEEO
MANUAL not Less than 25 % reactor volume.
The air quality required shall be sufficient for maintaining minimum necessary dissolved
oxygen of 30o C liquid temperatures and mixing condition at 8000 MLLSS whichever is
more. The air shall be supplied using positive placement route type air blower minimum
3 No blower out of which one of 500% capacity. Blower should be fitted with DO
concentration actuator to monitor the DO level in MBBR Reactor and auto matically
control the operation of Air Blower.
The oxygen requirement for BOD5 removal shall be considered not less than 1.0 Kg O 2 /
Kgs of BOD5 removed.
Provision to maintain bio film carrier in reactor by providing media retention cylindrical
sieves of SS 304 suitable designed at peak flow plus internal recirculation & return
activated sludge through sieves. These sieves may be wedge wire of mesh with
supporting structures. The configuration to be used shall be horizontally cylindrical
sieves inserted in reactor walls at 30 to 50% submergence under the side water depth
form Anoxic Reactor to MBBR reactor 2 & 3 shall overflow into a common launder with
weir to sump through channel suitably sized designed at peak flow plus internal
recirculation & return activated sludge at a velocity not less than 0.9 MPS leading to
collection sump of minimum 10 minutes HRT at peak flow plus internal recirculation &
return activated sludge & peak flow plus return activated sludge shall flow to two
numbers existing secondary clarifiers.
The aeration system with diffuses shall be so arranged to provide a mixing pattern that
causes the media to be thoroughly mixed through the whole depth, width & length of
Oxic volume & shall prevent media from floating at the tank surface or at the corners of
the basins. This shall be achieved by spacing the diffuses with gaps between groups of
diffusers in order to create rolling action.
Note: the Bio Media Aeration system & media retention sieves shall be guaranteed
against manufacturing defects for a period of minimum 10 years.
Secondary Clarifier (already exists)
In order to improve settle ability of TSS to improve quality of treated effluent in respect
of TSS it is proposed to provide S.S. 304 V-notch weir fabricated form 2mm thick plate
all around the existing launder in the existing Secondary clarifier.
a) Aerobic Sump
The effluent from Reactor 2 & 3 (Parallel) shall be taken in to Aerobic sump of minimum
30 minutes HRT in RCC, M30. This sump shall be equipped with 3 (2W+1SB) nos.
internal recirculation submersible pumps in accordingly 1MT HOT arrangements for
lowering & maintenance of pumps shall be provided.
b) Biological Sludge Sump
The sludge from clarifier shall be taken in to Biological sludge sump of minimum 10
minutes HRT in RCC M30. This sump shall be equipped with 3 (2W+1SB) Nos. Return
activated sludge submersible pumps in accordingly. 1.0 MT HOT arrangements for
lowering & maintenance of pumps shall be provided.
Detection the LDO sensor is coated with a luminescent material. Blue light from an LED
is transmitted to the sensor surface. The blue light excites the luminescent material. As
the material relaxes it emits red light. The time for the red light to be emitted is
measured. Between the flashes of blue light, a red LED is flashed on the sensor and used
as an internal reference. Increase do xygen in the sample decreases the time it takes for
the red light to be emitted. The time measurements correlate to the oxygen concentration.
Accuracy and Speed.
The sensor is unaffected by pH swings, hydrogen sulfide, wastewater chemicals,
heavy metals, or organic build-up on the sensor. Warm-up time is unnecessary so the
analyzer can start measuring within 30 seconds of when it’s turned on.
Aeration Tanks—Adequate dissolved oxygen levels in aeration basins are required
for microorganisms to remain viable. The LDO probe can be used with a variable
frequency drive or PLC control system to control the amount of oxygen being injected
into the tank.
• Nitrification & Denitrification Tanks
• Anaerobic Digesters
• Aerobic Digesters
• NPDES Permit Monitoring—Up and downstream from plant effluent and plant
outfall. Full Featured “Plug and Play”
Communications—Multiple alarm/control schemes are available using three relays
and two PID control outputs. Communications use analog 4-20 mA and digital
MODBUS®/RS485, MODBUS®/RS232 protocols.
Data logger—A built-in data logger collects measurement data, calibration,
verification points, and alarm history for up to 6 months.
The dissolved oxygen probe shall be a continuous-reading probe that utilizes
luminescent sensor technology.
The probe material shall be foamed Noryl® and 316stainless steel. All parts of the
probe shall be corrosion resistant and fully-immersible.
The sensor material shall be polybutylmethoacrolate.
The measurement range shall be 0.00 to 20.00 mg/L dissolved oxygen.
The operation of the analyzer shall not be affected by H 2S,pH, K+1, Na+1, Mg+2, Ca+2,
,PO4+3,Cl-1,anion active sides, crude oils, or Cl2.
The probe shall provide electrolyte-free operation without the requirements of sample
conditioning. The probe shall be furnished with choice of pole or ballfloat mount kit.
The sensor cap shall be warranted for one full year against defects in material and
workmanship. The probe shall be warranted for five full years against defects in material
and workmanship.
The Probe / Sensor should be of detachable type and should be supplied along with
dual input digital controller.
Measuring Range:0 to 20.0 ppm,0 to 20.0 mg/L,0 to 200% saturation
Sensitivity:±0.5% of span Accuracy:
Measurement: Below 1 ppm: ±0.1 ppm
Above 1 ppm: ±0.2 ppm
Temperature:±0.2°C Repeatability:±0.5% of span
Response Time at 20ºC:To 90% in less than 40 seconds To 95% in less than 60 seconds
Resolution:Below 10 ppm:±0.01 ppm or mg/L, ±0.1% saturation Above 10 ppm:±0.1
ppm or mg/L, ±0.1% saturation
Operating Temperature:0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F) Flow Rate:None required
Probe Immersion Depth and Pressure Limits : 107 m (350 ft.), 1050 kPa (150 psi),
maximum Transmission Distance:100 m (328 ft.) maximum1000 m (3280 ft.) maximum
when used with a termination box
Sensor Cable (integral):10 m (33 ft.) terminated with quick-disconnect plug Wetted
Materials: Probe: Foamed Noryl® and 316 stainless steel
Sensor: Polybutylmethacrolate
Warranties:Probe: 3 Years Sensor Cap: 1 Year
Brick masonry Effluent Channel which shall be sufficient for carring capacity of 12.5
MLD. The length of purposed channel shall be 300 mtr.
b) The controller should be capable to display the Value of Dissolved oxygen parameter as
well as also be capable to control the Rotation per Minute (RPM) through Variable
Frequency Drive (VFD) for Aeration Process.
c) The controller should provide 4-20 mA output which would send a variable signal
according to the Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Value toVFD.
d) The controller shall have the option for MODBUS or PROFIBUS DPcommunication.
e) The controller shall have up to four potential free relays, four analog outputs and four
analog inputs per probe module (all expandable via the controllers internal network). The
controller should have the capability to extend the Analog Outputs up to 12Nos.
Pumping Machinery
The pump shall conform to the specifications as mentioned under mechanical items. Each pump
will have separate suction pipe with sluice valve & reflux Valve, a separate delivery pipeline
with sluice valve, Non Return Valve, Expansion/detaching joint up to common delivery &
rising main ofsize300 mm up to STP). The velocity in the suction pipe shall not be more than
1.8 M/sec & in the delivery it shall not be more than 2.4 M/see.
(a) Sludge BlendingPumps
For lifting of blended sludge to thickener 2 no (1W + 1SB) non clog submersible pumps of
suitable capacity shall be provided in the sludge blending sump complete in all respects. The
pump shall conform to the specifications as mentioned-under mechanical items. Each
pumpwill have valves & specials asmentioned.
(b) Screw Pumps
For lifting of thickened sludge to sludge drying beds 3 no. (1W+ISB) screw pumps of suitable
capacity shall be provided in the thickened sludge pump house complete in allrespects.
The pump shall conform to the specifications as mentioned under mechanical items. Each
pump will have valves & specials asmentioned.
Filtrate Cum Scouring
For lifting of Filtrate to Receiving Chamber 2 No (1W + 1 SB) Non Clog Submersible Pumps of
50 M3/Hr at 10 MWC capacity shall be provided at the Filtrate cum Scouring Sump complete in
all respects.
The pump shall conform to the specification as mentioned under mechanical items. Each pump
will have valves & specials asmentioned.
Scrapping System
Tank RCC
Feed Well SS-304
Bridge MSEP
Rake Arm SS-304
Vertical shaft / Center Cage SS-304
Blades SS-304
V-notch weir SS 304
Squeegees Neoprene
Platform Aluminium Chequered Plate / Grating
Handrail 40 NB MSPVC Coated.
Vertical Post CI
Scum skimmer SS-304
Scum Box SS-304
Scum Baffle SS-304
Anchor Bolt
Fasteners – Under Water SS-304
Fasteners – Above Water SS- 304
Scum Box SS-304
Scum Baffle SS-304
Anchor Bolt
Fasteners – Under Water SS-304
Fasteners – Above Water SS- 304
The Electrical works would cover the power distribution from the metering panel in the
substation to the H.T panel & from HT panel to outdoor substation and from there to main LT
electrical panel and from there to respective local control panel of each pump house & from there
to each prime mover. The bidder should design the scheme & prepare his general arrangement &
SLD showing cable sizes & submit along with technical part of his offer on the basis of the
schematic and technical specifications for the various units and components given in E & M part.
The supply distribution company shall provide the electric supply at the MPS at 11 KV upto
boundary wall of plan. The scope of work shall cover but not restricted to the following:
(i) Supplying, Laying, Fixing & Jointing of suitable size Aluminium Conductor XLPE
Cables from the Metering Panel to 11 KV VCB panel & from there to primary of suitable
capacity step down transformer.
(ii) Supplying & Installation of one Suitable capacity 11 KV VCB Panel suitable for fault level
of 350 MVA at 11 KV with necessary controls & protections.
(iii) Supplying & Installation of one Suitable capacity transformer of 11 KV/433 V step down
power transformer of suitable rated capacity for running all prime movers including
standby electrical & lightning load both as MPS & STP.
(iv) Supply & Installation of D. G. Set of suitable capacity for running following prime movers
at MPS & STP.
(v) PVC Insulated PVC sheathed aluminum conductor 1.1 KV grade armoured cables of
suitable cross section for connection between secondary of transformer & the incomer of
main electrical panel & from starter feeders in main panel to the respective local control
panels for various Pump houses & primemovers.
(vi) Main electrical panel receiving supply from secondary of the transformer, this shall
also incorporate the starter feeders for various pump houses & prime movers & out
going feeders for auxiliaries & for connection to APFC.
(vii) Automatic power factor correction panel with suitable relays & capacitors banks with
cable connections with the main electricalpanel.
(viii) Batteries &Battery Charger.
(ix) Earthling of all electrical equipments as per Indian Electricity Rules & Standards.
Tests and Commissioning:-
The equipment’s for STP shall be tested in the factory and under operating conditions.
The furniture as given below shall also be provided conforming to specifications given therein.
RevolvingChair 1No.
Visitors Chair 4No.
Steel Amirah 3 No.
Side Racks 4 No.
Computer table 1No.
4.0 Printer Table 1No.
Revolving Chair 1No.
Computer P4 with 30 minutes UPS, Colored Printer, 1 Lot.
LCD Monitor, with all necessary software including
windows XP, Auto CAD. M.S.Office etc.
Window AC of 2 ton capacity 2 No.
buildings and tanks/reservoirs. The top most bar conductor shall be of gun metal.
Lighting and Electrical Fittings
Outdoors floodlights on poles or suitable fixed on walls shall be provided for adequate lighting
at allS.T.P units. The minimum illumination level shall be 15 lux. At each unit there shall be a
15A waterproof outdoor socket for maintenance purpose.Along Reactors, walkways and
channels outdoor lights shall be provided at a spacing of 15m on poles or walls. Indoor lighting
shall be provided for all rooms of the plant according to the detailed electrical specifications.
The minimum illumination level shall be as per the electrical equipment section. As far as
possible, all bulbs and lights shall be of the long life and energy saving type. Lamps shall also be
provided at each entrance of the buildings.
2 sockets of 5A and 1 of 15A shall be provided in all rooms of the control building according to
the instruction of the Engineer in Charge. Two three phase sockets shall be provided in each
pump house and sub distribution & circuit breaker panels shall also be provided at suitable
places in and outdoor. One ceiling fan each shall be provided in the laboratory, control room,
each panel rooms, lobby & the office room. The sweep area shall be at least 1.5 m in diameter.
Except as specifically approved by the Engineer in charge installation for conduits and lighting
fixtures shall be commenced only after all major services in that particular areas have been
completed. 5A, 3 pin receptacles with switches shall be provided on the light control
switchboards. Whereas 15A, 6 pin receptacles with switches shall be provided at skirtinglevel.
Lighting panels shall be provided with labels indicating LPP number and O/G circuit feeder
numbers. All lighting fittings, accessories and lamps should conform to relevant IS
specifications and fire insurance regulations and designed for 230V ±10%, 50 Hz single-phase
system. The fitting shall also conform to IS: 1913, General& safety requirements for electric
lighting fittings.
All fittings shall be supplied complete with lamp. Fixtures to be wired with 2 Nos. of 2.5 mm 2
single core wires shall have suitable terminals and conduit entry.
Fixtures to be wired with 2 core 2.5 mm 2, 1.1 KV grade PVC insulate armoured cable shall be
provided with suitable cable glands. Each lighting fixture shall be provided with an earthing
terminal for connection of the earthing GI wire of 14 SWG.
Wiring: Wiring with 2.5 Sqm copper-conductor cable (IS: 694) of category II and approved
make in 16 SWG steel conduit pipe including laying the earthing bare aluminium conductor of
size 2.24 mm dia conduit fittings switch, ceiling rose/bakelite holder, round tile. 20 SWG metal
box with 3 mm sun-mica sheet with bakelite base making connections etc.
Boxes: MS powder quoted underground boxes of 12.5 mm thick of up to 50 mm depth inside the
wall making recess of required size and making good the same with cement plaster including
anti termite paint. Sheet to use should be bakelite sheet 6 mm thick, holes to be made for
switches etc. with brass washers.
3.27.1 Submersible SewagePumps General
The submersible pumps will be of single stage mono-block type with non clog design and will be
suitable for pumping all kinds of sewage/ sludge storm water containing long fibber. Plastic
cigarette, solid admixes etc. The pump will be able to pass through soft solids of minimum
100mmφ and capable of dealing with the sewage /sludge with specific gravity of 1.03. For main
pumping units speed shallbe1450 RPM nominal. Impellers of four vanes with solid handling
capacity of 100 mm are suitable for selected duty parameter.
Maintenance free anti friction deep grove, permanently grease filled ball bearings should be
provided and this should take care of all the axial and radial forces at any point of operation. The
pump installation design should be such as to facilitate automatic installation and removal of
pumps without having to enter into the sewage pit. Profile gasket should be provided in
automatic coupling system so as to avoid metal- to-metal contact between the pump and duck
foot bent to ensure leak proof joint.
The motor should be dry, squirrel cage type suitable for 3 phase 415 V supply, continuous duty
with class ‘EX’ insulation. Winding of the motor should be impregnated by resin in order to
achieve required thermal withstanding capacity. Motor should have integral cable and cable
entry should be sealed. The cable must be leak-tight in respect of liquids and firmly attached to
the terminal block. The motor should be designed for non-overloading characteristic. There
should be thermal protection against overheating of motor winding. Motor should be sealed
against entry of liquid being pumped by using four mechanical seals. The longer seal provided
should have silicon carbide Vs silicon carbide face combination. Pump design should ensure that
seal does not come directly in contact with liquid being pumped as well as cooling/ lubrication
oil. Moisture sensor of the pumping unit should be located inside the oil chamber.
The casting of pump set should be of 2 to 2.5% Ni-Cast Iron constructions and the impeller
should be made up of stainless steel (SS) CF8M. The pump set shall be supplied along with the
guide rail, duck food bend lifting chain with shackles enough guide wire/ pipe, SS foundation
bolts and nuts complete.
The pump will have reputed make mechanical seal &in built safeties of moisture sensor.
Thermostat for tripping off pumps in case of any leakages or high temp. It will be provided with
the electronic control unit for such protection. The pump MEP will be provided in a panel room
adjacent to the drainage pit. The pump can be started manually from its panel room as well as by
level switches as soon as water reaches a certain height in the pit. It will also trip automatically
by means of a level switch provided in the sump. The level switch will be of electrode type,
which will be wired in the motor control circuit. The starter control panels shall have the control
safeties mentioned above and suitable for starting as mentioned below:-
Up to and including 50 HP pump Star delta
Above 50HP Auto transformer
For easy installation and removal of the pump, a single guide rail system is used in the
permanent installation of the pump. The pump can also be installed on a stool and connected
with the flexible hose on the delivery side in case of portable or temporaryinstallations.
For permanent installation a pedestal and bracket should be provided. This enables the pump to
be removed from sump without the necessity of removing any nuts and bolts. Alternatively a
supporting stool (SkirtBase) can be provided as an accessory in case of temporary installation.
The pumps should be provided with a reverse rotation trip feature which stops the unit instantly
if connected to start in the wrong direction.
Starter control panels for the pumps shall be integral with the Main Electrical Panel & should be
manufactured to meet the basic requirements of motor protection such as no-volt and under
voltage protection and thermal overload protection. Besides this normal feature provision should
be made in the control panel to utilize safety features incorporated in the pump such as the
misters in the windings, the seal monitor and the reverse rotation trip device and the automatic
start/stop device according to the levels in the sump. The control panels should be provided
normal indicating lamps but can further be provided with audio-visual signals or circuits for
internal application. The specification of selected pumps, capacity, size and other details are
given in the table below.
2. Liquid Sewage
3. Discharge for pump
4. Totalhead,MWC 15.0
5. SpecificGravity 1.03
6. Liquid Temp°Cmax 40
7. Pump motor HP/RPM HP to be provided by the
bidder considering 1000 RPM (Sync.)or
1450 RPM(Nom.)
8. Rated temp.0C 40
9. Electricsupply 3ph, 50 Hz 415 V±10%.
10. Solid handling cap.inmm 100 mm
11. Efficiencyofpump 65% or better
Performance curve shall besubmitted.
Material of Construction
3 Motor body CI
4 Sealcover C.I.
5 Shaft(ChromePlated) EN8
6 Fasteners /Foundationbolt SS-316
7 Lower seals. SI Cr /SICr.
Scope of Supply
Pump motor with cable for each pumping set as required.
Guide Rail system (for fixed type for installation): 3 Nos. SS (CF8M). Guide pipe 3 sets as
Chain with shackles 3 No’s in Stainless Steel, length as required.
Electrical panels including starter (Combined incorporating suitable starters for all pump Sets).
Reverse Rotation
The pump shall be designed to run safely in the reverse direction of rotation due to waste
returning through the pump. The pumps should be provided with reverse rotation trip feature for
instant stoppage on long electrical connection. The mechanical seals shall be suitable for running
in both directions without damage. The pumps should be provided with reverse rotation trip
feature for preventing running in opposite direction in case of wrong electrical connection.
Shop Testing
Pump shall be shop tested, witnessed by the Engineer-in-Charge or representative according to
the requirements specified in paragraph herein after.
Pump Balance
All rotating parts shall be accurately machined and shall be in rotational balance. Excessive
vibration shall be sufficient cause for rejection of the equipment. The mass of the unit and its
distribution shall
measured at any point on the pumping unit shall not exceed the limits mentionedin the
latestedition of Indian Standard, at the operating speed, the ratio of relative speed to the critical
speed of the unit or components there of shall be less than 0.8 ormore.
Lifting Chain
The pump shall be provided with stainless steel lifting chain of suitable size. One end of the
chain shall be attached to the pump and the other end fixed near the upper bracket for guideline
suitably by means of SS 304 shackle. The chain shall have SS-304 rings fixed at an interval of 1
meter for engaging the hook of the chain pulleyblock.
Submersible Cable
The pump shall be provided with submersible cables of equal length for power and control so
that the pump position can be interchanged with each other. This cable shall be terminated in a
cable junction box & thereafter can be non-submersible type.
Moisture Sensor
The moisture sensor shall be provided in the oil chamber to detect the leakage of liquid in case of
failure of the mechanical seal.
Spare Parts
The installed pump should be supplied with one impeller duly machined, one set of Mechanical
seals one set of wear rings (if applicable) and one set of O-rings and gasket, bearing set, set of
Submersible Motor General
The motor shall be integral part of the pump. The enclosure for motor shall be IP-68. Each phase
of the motors shall be provided with thermostat or by metallic electromechanical temperature
detector. The motor winding shall be suitable for star-delta/ auto-transformer starter. The motor
shall be designed for minimum 10 starts per hour, irrespective whether it is star-delta start
This specification covers the design and manufacture of squirrel cage induction motors required
for sewage pumping station. Contents of this specification are integral part of the contract
documents. For other details refer specifications for motors (wherever applicable). The motor
shall operate satisfactorily at all operating levels in wet well.
Submersible motors shall be suitable for operating satisfactorily in humid and corrosive
atmospheres found in sewage treatment plants, if not specifically mentioned therein, a maximum
ambient temperature of 50°C, maximum liquid temperature of 40 °C and an altitude not
exceeding 1000m above mean sea level shall be taken into consideration.
Unless they are at variance with the cusses of this specification, the squirrel cage induction
motors and their components shall comply with the applicable Indian Standards listed below.
Where Indian Standards do not exist, the relevant British or German (VDE) Standards
IS 325 Three phase induction motors.
IS 1231 Dimensions of three phase foot mounted induction motors.
IS2223 Dimensions of flange mounted AC inductionmotors.
IS 2253 Types of construction of mounting arrangement of Rotating Electrical Machine.
IS 4691 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for Rotating Electrical Machinery.
IS 4889 Methods of determination of efficiency of electrical Machinery.
IS4722 Rotating electrical machines.
IS4029 Guide for testing 3 phase induction motors.
IS4729 Rotating electrical machine vibration of measurement and evaluation of.
Operating Conditions
Ambient Conditions
Motor shall be suitable for operating satisfactorily in humid and corrosive atmosphere found in
sewage treatment plants. It is not scientifically mentioned therein a maximum ambient
temperature of 50 degree centigrade and an altitude no exceeding 1000 meters above mean level
shall be taken into consideration.
Frequency and Voltage vibrations
Motor will be required for continuous satisfactory operation at rated output under the following
At rated frequency with voltage variations of +/ - 10% of nominal value. At rated voltage with
frequency variations of +/ - 3% of nominal value.
With a simultaneous and combined variation in frequency and voltage of +/ -10% from the
nominal values but with frequency variation not exceeding +/ - 3%.
The submersible pump motors shall be designed for minimum 10 starts per hour and up to &
including 50 HP Star/ Delta starters shall be provided & for higher rating Auto Transformer
starters shall beincorporated.
Direction of Rotation
The motor shall be suitable for operating in both directions of rotation. The direction of rotation
is defined as that looking towards the motor from the non-driving end.
The noise level shall be within the permissible limit as specified in the Indian Standards.
Performance Starting Current
For squirrel cage motors working in the voltage range of 415 (+/ -) 10%V. The starting current
shall be limited to 6 times the full load current.
For motors working in the voltage range of 415 (+ / -10%)V the minimum starting torque shall
be 140% for full load toque with minimum torque during running up 100% FLT and minimum
starting torque 200% FLT.
The safe start time shall be greater than starting and normal overload relay operating time.
Motor Casing
Submersible motor
The motor enclosure shall be IP -68. The housing shall be of C.I. air filled and watertight. The
housing shall be coated with epoxy after applying primer coating.
Bearing and Lubrication
Motors shall have grease-lubricated ball or roller bearings. In all cases the bearing shall be
chosen to provide a minimum operating life of 40000 hours, bearing shall be adequate to absorb
axial thrust. The bearing shall be maintenance free with grease fill for life.
places in and outdoor. One ceiling fan each shall be provided in the laboratory, control room,
each panel rooms, lobby & the office room. The sweep area shall be at least 1.5 m in diameter.
Except as specifically approved by the Engineer in charge installation for conduits and lighting
fixtures shall be commenced only after all major services in that particular areas have been
completed. 5A, 3 pin receptacles with switches shall be provided on the light control
switchboards. Whereas 15A, 6 pin receptacles with switches shall be proceeded at skirtinglevel.
Lighting panels shall be provided with labels indicating LPP number and O/G circuit feeder
numbers. All lighting fittings, accessories and lamps should conform to relevant IS specifications
and fire insurance regulations and designed for 230V ±10%, 50 Hz single-phase system. The
fitting shall also conform to IS: 1913, General& safety requirements for electric lighting fittings.
All fittings shall be supplied complete with lamp. Fixtures to be wired with 2 Nos. of 2.5 mm 2
single core wires shall have suitable terminals and conduit entry.
Fixtures to be wired with 2 core 2.5 mm 2, 1.1 KV grade PVC insulate armoured cable shall be
provided with suitable cable glands. Each lighting fixture shall be provided with an earthing
terminal for connection of the earthing GI wire of 14 SWG.
Wiring: Wiring with 2.5 Sqm copper-conductor cable (IS: 694) of category II and approved
make in 16 SWG steel conduit pipe including laying the earthing bare aluminum conductor of
size 2.24 mm dia conduit fittings switch, ceiling rose/bakelite holder, round tile. 20 SWG metal
box with 3 mm sun-mica sheet with bakelite base making connections etc.
Boxes: MS powder quoted underground boxes of 12.5 mm thick of up to 50 mm depth inside the
wall making recess of required size and making good the same with cement plaster including anti
termite paint. Sheet to use should be bakelite sheet 6 mm thick, holes to be made for switches
etc. with brass washers.
Girders, Monorail Trolley and Chain Pulley Block System for lifting Pumps & Screening
The monorail trolley and the chain pulley block are provided for lifting pumping sets and
screening container. The trolley and chain pulley block are hand driven.
The capacity of the trolley and chain pulley block shall be for the maximum weight to be lifted
during erection and maintenance of the equipment but should not be less than 2 tones for pumps
& 1 tone for screening material.
The Monorail trolley & chain pulley system is resting on projected cantilever girder. The main
girders are supported on RCC columns. Another girder resting on main girder at which the
movement of monorail trolley to take place is provided throughout the entire length of the sump
with some projection double angle shall be provided for bracing of main girders.
The monorail trolley & chain pulley system with similar support system for lifting screening
material from screens up to a suitable height so it may be directly dumped into tractor trolleys by
horizontal movement after lifting screening material in complete has to be provided over two
numbers screening chambers by the bidders. (The general arrangement drawing showing the
above arrangement shall be submitted along with the technical bid).
The trolleys shall be gearless. The traveling trolleys shall run on the lower flange of the rolled
steel joist. The trolleys shall have four wheels on both side of the joist web. The trolleys wheels
shall be single flanged with treads machined to match the flange of the beam. The wheels shall
be of carbon steel casting conforming to IS 1030. The trolleys shall have an arrangement for
fixing chain pulley block and sling. Pushing of the load shall move the trolleys. Suitable
arrangement shall be provided on the joist to prevent over traveling. The chain pulleys shall have
frame hosing gears, load sheave, brake unit, hand chain wheel & load chain wheel and shall have
hooks on both sides, one for fixing with trolley and other for the load. The frame shall be of
welded construction.
The gears shall be of spur type incorporating high-grade cast & hardened carbon steel pinion and
heat-treated carbon steel wheels. The width of the gear shall be of adequate size for long life. The
driving pinion shall be integral with the driving shaft. The hooks shall be manufactured from
forged steel and shall conform to IS 1875. Both the hook shall have 360-degree rotation. The
load hook (bottom hook) shall rotate on ball bearing. The chains shall be electrically welded
accurately calibrated pitched and polished. The load chain shall be manufactured from alloy steel
conforming to IS 3109. The length of the load chain shall be sufficient for taking out the pumps
from the pit. The hand chain shall be from alloy steel conforming to IS 2429. The hand chain
wheel shall be provided with roller type guarding to prevent slip of the chain. The hand chain
wheel shall hang to clear of the hook. The braking shall be automatic screw and function disc
type and shall offer no resistance. The load should be sustained in any position of lift when effort
for hoisting or lowering is removed. Each chain pulley block shall be supplied with one set of 1-
tone slings with galvanized D-Shackle and clamps. The slings shall be about 3 meter long. The
monorail shall be of one section and shall be either (i) Supported on a frame structure at four or
three places or (ii) fixed on slab at number of places or (iii) Supported on a trolley at each end.
The trolley-supported monorail shall move on a rail of square section. The rail shall be fixed to
the beam which is supported on columns. The trolley shall be gearless having at least four
wheels of carbon steel casting as per IS 1030. The wheels shall have flanges on both the sides.
The trolley shall have arrangement for moving the complete assembly on the rail.
The containers shall be suitable of storing 0.5 M 3 for storing & lifting screened material shall be
of SS- 304 with lifting & tipping arrangements.
The electrical works would cover the power distribution form the main LT electrical panel and
from there to local control panel to local on & off panels located near the each drive of MPS &
STP. The bidder should design the scheme & prepare his general arrangement & SLD showing
cable sizes & submit along with technical part of his offer on the basis of the schematic and
technical specifications for the various units and components given below.
General Electrical Requirements
Other applicable sections including the general and special conditions of these specifications
become a part of the electrical requirements as if repeated in this section.
Work Included
The contractor shall provide all the required labour, project equipment and material tools,
construction equipment, safety equipment, transportation, test equipment and satisfactorily
complete all the electrical work shown on the schematic drawings and included in these
specifications provided and install wiring for the equipment that will be furnished and installed
as per the sections of these specifications.
Quality Assurance
All the electrical equipment and materials including their installations shall conform to the
following applicable latest codes, standard & revisions.
1. Indian Electrical Rules 1956.
2. The Electrical Supply Act of 1948.
3. Fire Insurance Regulations.
4. Regulations laid down by the Chief Electrical Inspector of State
5. Regulations laid down by Factory Inspector of State
6. Indian Standards Institution
7. Factory Act
8. Any other Regulation lay down by the other local authority.
In instances where four codes are at variances the more restrictive requirements shall apply.
The contractor shall obtain and pay for the required bonds, insurances, licenses, permits and
inspections and pay all taxes, fees and utility charges that shall be required for the electrical
construction work. The contractor shall obtain at his own expenses the necessary certificate for
the approval of the total work carried out from the Chief Electrical Inspector Haryana
Chandigarh and DHBVN/Electricity Distribution Company.
Contractor Responsible for Supply of Equipment and Materials
If during the period of erection the contractor or his workmen damage any part of the building
structure or materials the contractor shall be completely responsible for the damages and he will
have to make rectification/ replacement at his own cost.
Project Drawings
construction except where special details are used to illustrate the method of installation of a
particular piece of type of equipment or material. The requirements or description in these
specifications shall take precedence in the event of conflict.
Location of equipment inserts anchors, motors panels, pull boxes manholes, conduits stub ups
fittings, lighting fixtures, power and convenience outlets, exterior lighting units and ground wells
are approximate and the contractor shall be responsible for field verification of scale dimensions
of drawings. No extra charges will be allowed for field adjustments, wiring changes, conduit
rerouting or additions needed to complete the installation and produce satisfactory operation of
all equipment. The contractor shall review the drawings and specifications of other trades and
shall include the electrical work that shall be required for the installation.
Should there be a need to deviate from the schematic and specifications the contractor shall
submit written details and reasons for all changes to the Engineer-in-Charge.
Shop Drawings
After the award of the contract the contractor shall submit for the Engineer-in-Charge's approval,
3 Copies of the required manufacturer's shops drawings including complete schematic wiring
diagrams for the electrical equipment as indicated in this section and the drawings a complete
descriptive materials list that includes all other products required for the installation detailed
installation drawings for all material and equipments.
Job Conditions:
Site Investigations
The contractor can visit the project site prior to submitting his bid carefully inspect all areas and
become acquainted with the existing conditions.
Contract Bid
The contractor shall evaluate all job conditions that affect the construction work for the project.
The base bid shall include the total cost for all the electrical work required by the tender
documents, site investigations and all other contract expenses.
Construction Power
The contractor shall make at his own cost the required arrangements with the DHBVN for the
required construction power.
When required the contractor shall provide all equipment materials and wiring in accordance
with the applicable codes and regulations.
Upon completion of the project all temporary constructions power equipment material and
wiring shall become salvage and shall become the property of the contractor and be removed
with prior permission of Engineer incharge.
Service Manuals
Seven copies of all service manuals shall be furnished with the respective equipments& shall
contain all necessary data for operation and maintenance of the equipment. A recommended
spare parts list shall also be furnished with the manual. A complete set of relevant drawings shall
be folded and inserted in each manual.
Equipment and Materials
Contractor shall provide the equipment and materials that are required to complete all the
electrical works outlined in this section and/ or as may be required for satisfactory operation.
Incidental items not included in the tender specifications that can legitimately and reasonably be
inferred to belong to the electrical works shall be provided by the contractor at no additional cost
to the PHED, Haryana. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge in this matter shall befinal.
All equipment and material shall be new latest design and standard products of established
manufacturers. For uniformity only one manufacturer shall be accepted for each type of product.
Contractor shall provide adequate and protective storage for all equipment and materials during
the construction work. The contractor is responsible for its safe custody for his materials at site.
Standard of Quality
Products that are specified by manufacturer trade name or catalogue number establish a standard
of quality and do not prohibit the use of other equal manufacturers when they are approved by
the Engineer-in-Charge in case of force major condition.
Damaged Products
The contractor shall notify the Engineer In charge in writing in the event that any equipment or
material is damaged.
Repairs to damaged products shall not be made without prior approval by the Engineer in
Engineer shall inspect the material in charge or has representative before dispatch to site of
The Engineer-in-Charge shall inspect the fabricated equipment at the factory before shipment to
job site. The contractor shall notify the Engineer-in-Charge sufficient in advance so that
inspection can be arranged at the factory.
Inspection of the equipment at the factory by the Engineer will be made after the manufacturer
has performed satisfactory checks, adjustments, tests and operations.
The equipment approval at the factory only allows the manufacturer to ship the equipment to the
project site. The contractor shall be responsible for the proper installation and satisfactory start-
up operation of the equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's requirement and to the
satisfaction of the Engineer in charge.
All electrical installations shall conform to the codes and standards outlined in this section.
Contractor shall assign a competent representative (Licensed Supervisor) who shall supervise the
electrical construction work from beginning to completion and final acceptance.
Qualified craftsmen who have had experience on similar projects good workmanship shall be
provided for all installations shall perform all labour.
The contractor shall ensure that all equipment and materials shall fit properly in their
installations. Any required work to correct properly fitted installations or defective material shall
be rectified or replaced by the contractor at no additional expense to the PHED, Haryana.
The Engineer or his representative will have the power to omit, add, modify or adjust during
stages of erection of any items of work as may be necessary or expedient for the work. No claim
for compensation or damage will be entertained on the account of such changes.
The contractor shall be absolutely and solely responsible for damages due to accidents injuries
orlosses occurring to any person and property by his sub contractors agents or employees in the
execution of the work.
Excavation and Backfill
Provide the excavations for electrical equipment foundations and trenches for conduits as
specified. Exercise caution during all excavation work and avoid damage to existing
underground pipes/ cables.
Where shown on the drawings provide the required concrete installations or conduit encasement
and equipment foundations.
Securing Equipment
The contractor shall provide the required insets bolts and anchors and shall securely attach all
equipment and materials to their supports.
Cutting, Drilling and Welding
The contractor shall provide the required cutting, drilling and welding etc. that shall be
required for the electrical construction work.
Cutting and drilling of structural members shall not be permitted except when approved by the
Engineer-in Charge. A core drill shall be used wherever it is necessary to drill through concrete
or masonry.
The contractor shall provide the required welding for equipment supports conduits and fittings
shall not be welded to structural steel.
Card holders and cards shall be provided for circuit identification in planet boards. Card holders
shall consist of a metal frame retaining a clear plastic cover permanently attached to the inside of
panel door and list of circuits shall be type written on card circuits. Description shall include
name or number of circuit area and connected load.
Junction and pull boxes and hand holes shall have covers stenciled with box number when
shown on the drawings. Data shall be lettered in a conspicuous manner with a colour contrasting
to finish. Tags shall be attached to all conductors passing through junction, pull boxes and/ or
manholes and hand holes circuits phase and voltage shall be indicated. Tags shall be pressure
sensitive plastic or embossed self attached stainless steel or brass ribbon covers for pull boxes
and hand holes used in high voltage systems shall be labeled "High Voltage".
Switch plates in designed areas shall be suitably engraved with a legend showing function or
areas when required by codes or shown on the drawings.
Upon completion of the electrical work the contractor shall remove all surplus materials rubbish
and debris that accumulated during the construction work. The entire area shall be left neat and
acceptable to the Engineer-in-charge.
Contractor shall provide guards, gang planks, railing barriers, lights caution signs and
otherequipment of materials that are required for the safety of people who are in the project area.
Equipment and Raceway Identification
All main items of electrical equipment such as substations high voltage switch gear and motor
controllers motor control centers panels' transformers, starters etc shall have an etched metal or
laminated bake light name plate identifying these pieces of equipment and securely mounted
on the equipment by screws. All switched and circuit breakers in high voltage and distribution
boards shall be identified as to the specific load being fed. Provide 50 cm x 70 cm “Danger High
Voltage" signs at all high voltage installations in accordance with IS requirements.
All the equipment’s materials and workmanship shall be guaranteed as outlined in division.
Standard Design Drawing
The standard drawings forming a part of the contract documents are attached.
Technical Specifications for Electrical Works
With reference to the scope of work for electrical items given above & technical specifications
are given below for the electrical works to be carried out with reference to the power distribution
system and components details provided in single line diagram. The bidder should prepare his
technical bid and prepare his estimate for electrical works strictly with scope of work &
specifications & ensure performance of all the components & system as a whole to meet with the
PHED, Haryana, shall provide the electric supply upto boundary wall of plant. The-scope of
work shall cover but not restricted to the following: - Supplying, laying. fixing & jointing of
cables from the main panel bus bar to individual switch gear & drives respectively for operation.
The VCB Panel shall meet the following requirements: -
Tap Changer : Off Load
Standards : IS0 2062
Tap Changer Range. : - 10% to +2.5%
No. Of Steps. :5
Variation per step. : 2.5%
Cooling : ONAN
No. Of Phases. :3
Frequency. : 50 HZ.
Connection : Delta/ Star
Vector Group. : DY n 11
Ambient Temperature. : 50 0C
Temperature Rise (Oil) : 45 0C
Temperature rise winding : 55 0C
Windings : Copper, Double
Fittings : The Transformer shall be complete with all
standard accessories including following: -
: Oil Temperature Indicator.
: Windings Temperature Indicator.
: Off Load Tap Changer.
: Cable Boxes for HT/ LT connections.
: Radiator.
: Marshaling Box.
Maximum Flow Density. : 1.8 w b/ m 2
The supply from secondary of the Transformer shall be connected to the Main Electrical
Panel; which shall be provided in accordance with following specifications: -
One minute power frequency voltage. : 2.5 KV (Power Circuit) & 1.5 KV
Reference Ambient Temperature. : 50 0C
Maximum Temperature of Bus Bars : 85 0C
Short Circuit withstand (One second) : 50 KA
Thickness CRCA Sheets
a) Doors. : 2.0 mm
b) Cover. : 2.0 mm
c) Frame. : 2.0 mm
Earthing Bus :Copper 40 x5mm.
Minimum Clearances.
a) Phase to Phase. : 25.4 mm.
b) Phase to earth. : 25.4 mm.
1 set 800 A draw out type 4 Pole ACB with over load, short circuit, earth fault protection &
metering with Voltmeter, Ammeter, CTs, KW/ HR meter & PF meter.
800 A 415 V 3 Phase 50 KA 50 HZ Copper Bus Bars.
1 set of suitable Ampere rating Draw OUT Type 4 Pole ACB with over load, short circuit,
earth fault protection & metering with Voltmeter, Ammeter, CTs, KW/ Hr. Meter &
Frequency meter.
- Adequate numbers of sets of outgoing feeders for motors each equipped with TP MCCB of
adequate rating to suit the motor capacity, DOL, Star/ Delta or Automatic Auto Transformer
Starter module with required AC Contactors, Timers,Relays.
- 1 Set of out going feeder for APFC Panel equipped with suitable ATPMCCB.
- 2 Set of outgoing feeder for Auxiliaries & Lighting Loads each with suitable 32 ATPNMCB.
The Automatic Power Factor Control of suitable KVAR rating suitable for automatic
operation and control of Power Factor with in the set limits, free standing floor mounting
type made out of 14 G CRCA Sheet steel powder coated with channel iron base frame
suitable for operation on 3-phase, 4 wire, 50 Hz equipped with the following: -
Incomer: -
1 set equipped with 250 A MCCB, PF meter, APFC Relay suitable for sequential operation
of 8 capacitor banks.
Outgoing: -
Adequate sets of 32A 415V power contactors with fuses.
Cubical Panel Box of minimum size 700mm x700mm x1500mm free standing, floor
mounting type made out of 14 SWG CRCA sheet steel powder coated with epoxy coated
channel iron baseframe.
3 Nos 11 KV CTs 30/5 Amp, 5 VA Burden, 0.5 accuracy, suitable for indoor installation.
1 No. 11KV PT 11000/110 V 10 KV burden, 0.5 accuracy, oil filled suitable for indoor
3 phase – 4 wire, 0.5 accuracy digital electronic KWH Meter of suitable capacity as approved
byDHBVN Ltd.
Speedometer with time totalizer.
Lube oil pressure gauge.
Lube oil temperature gauge.
a) Set running b. set fails to start c. Load on- DG set/ mains supply d. engine overheating
e. Engine over speed f. engine low lube oil pressure. g. 2 – spare windows in enunciator
Suitable KVA, 3 phase, 415 V, 50 Hz, 0.8 pf , 1500 RPM , self excited , self regulated, screen
protected alternator manufactured as per IS 4722 and BS 2613/1970 with all standard accessories
as supplied by the manufacturer.
Generator Control Panel
Floor mounting type, totally enclosed, 14 SWG sheet steel powder coated cubical type suitable
for generator provided with the required instruments including: -
1. Voltmeter with selector switch 2. Ammeter with selector switch 3. Frequency meter solid state
with led display. 4. KW Meter 5. KWH Meter. 6. Running Hour meter. 7. PF meter 8. Battery
Charging VM/AM 9. Phase Indication Lamps.
Electrical Panel:
A separate panel (bay) should be provided for individual pump house. The control panel shall be
made up of 14 SWG sheet steel with powder coating for long life. The control panel should
contain MCCB of suitable rating contacts relays of reputed make.
The following protections should be provided in the panel:
Overload protection
Over temperature protection for motors, single phasing prevents or Seal monitoring relay
Automatic level controller, Ammeter of suitable range voltmeter selector switch auto manual
switch pump running indication lamp pump fault indicating lamps phase indicating lamps
indication of low level should also be provided.
The automatic liquid level controller should control the pump while the pumps run in auto mode.
The electrodes should be fixed in the wet well and the connections from electrodes. Should be
made to theindividual control panel through the cable duct necessary control wiring should be
made so that the pump starts/ stops on auto.
Type of starter should be as under:
The panels will be made dust and vermin proof by providing proper neoprene gaskets. Each
panel will have compartmental design, where in the incoming and outgoing feeders bus bars etc
will be mounted in separate compartments having its own front door. The main switch of each
feeder will be interlocked with its front door so that the door cannot be opened in the CLOSED
position of the switch.
The two incomers of the electrical panel as described above will have mechanical Castle Key
interlocking facility having two locks and one Key so that only one of the two incomers can be
closed with the help of the key. After closing the selected incomer the key inserted in the Castle
lock gets trapped and remains there so long as the incomer is ON. The other incomers cannot be
closed due to non-availability of the trapped Key. This would serve a fool proof interlocking for
avoiding paralleling of the grid supply and generator supply. All panels will be completely wired
internally with terminals brought out to terminal blocks for external wiring due to the heavy
corrosive atmosphere in the MPS &STP, the sheet work of the panels will be painted with 3
coats epoxy based primer after giving through red oxide paint treatment and then will be finished
with 3 coats of epoxy paint of approved shade. The component details of each panel
would be as per the specifications.
Cabinet General: -
Cabinets for same type of use shall be the product of a single manufacturer.
Do not install surface-mounted cabinets in finished areas unless so indicated. Where conflicting
data is indicated verify mounting requirements prior to ordering cabinets.
Products: -
Construction of cold-rolled steel with metal gauges and construction methods shall conform to
Indian Standards.
Finish doors, trims and back boxes for surface mounted cabinets in finished area by applying a
rust-resistant treatment prime coat and a final coat of manufacturer’s standard enamel or lacquer
finish and give heat treatment. Galvanize all other sheet metal components of cabinets including
back boxes for flush cabinets, excepting non-ferrous metal parts or steel parts provided with
cadmium plating or equivalent protective plating.
Equip doors with concealed or semi-concealed hinges and with flush or semi-flush spring catch
type flush cylinder locks.
Set cabinet doors flush into cabinet trim. Equip trim with adjustable clamps or other approved
means to fasten trim to cabinets. Fastening method shall permit adjustment for aligning the trim
for surface cabinets shall be even with the perimeter of the back box.
Do not use factory furnished knockouts with surface back boxes punch or drill required openings
during installation.
Alarm Annunciation Panels (AAP)
The AAP will get 240 V AC supply from the respective Pump Houses local panel. The AAP will
be of wall mounting type fabricated from 14SWG CRCA sheet steel it will have front cover door
of which the alarm windows will be fixed. The alarm windows will be of solid-state fascia type
having small rated flashing lamps. Total 4 such fascia windows will be provided on each AAP in
addition to the windows the AAP shall have alarm Acknowledge PB Alarm Reset each PB and
Alarm Test PB and an electronic heater. This will have On& Off indicating lamp for each pump
for knowing the status of pumps. This should be dust and vermin proof with enclosure protection
IP – 54.
In case of faults such as Low-Low level in LPS etc. the fascia window will start flashing till it is
acknowledged by pressing the ACK PB After pressing the ACK PB the window will stop
flashing and will glow steadily until the fault is cleared and Reset PB is pressed.
The AAP shall have the following fault indicating windows:
Alarm Annunciation Panel for each Local Pump Stations (LPS):
2- LPS Pump Trip
1- LPS level LL
1- LPS level HL
The Electrical works would cover the power distribution form the Main LT electrical panel and
from there to respective Local Control Panel in all Pump Houses & from LT local electric Panel
to Local on & off panels located near the each prime mover of MPS & STP. The bidder should
design the scheme & prepare his General arrangement & SLD showing cable sizes & submit
along with technical part of his offer on the basis of the schematic and technical specifications
for the various units.
Exhaust fans
The total number of fans installed shall create a required ventilation system, which shall limit the
temperature rise to a maximum 5 degrees centigrade above the ambient temperature. The
ambient temperature for the area is taken as 42 degree centigrade.
Technical particulars
Operating Conditions
1. Fan designation Exhaust duty
2. Design capacity To be decided during detaileddesign
3. Type Wall mounted, centrifugal
Features of Construction
1. Impeller Mild steel or Cast aluminum
2. Hub Cast Iron / Die cast Aluminum
3. Casing Mild Steel
4. Wallcowl Galvanized iron sheet — 22 gauge
5. Birdscreen 14 gauge galvanized iron with 12 mm
Bird screen
6. Motor TEFC IP 54, 750 rpm synchronous
Manual driven, short headroom, wire rope hoists with hand driven traveling trolley and I- beams
for suspension shall be required in
Location Vertical Lift Capacity Manual
Raw Sewage From FFL to Ground Level. 2MT Manual
Blower Room From FFL to truck height. 1 MT Manual
Blending sump For lifting of pumps up to truck 1 MT Manual
The construction of the hoists, its components, design, testing and commissioning shall conform
IS 3938, class II duty. All parts needing inspection and/ or replacement shall be easily accessible
with the minimum need to dismantle other equipment, accessories or structures. All lubrication
points shall also be easily accessible without the need for any dismantling of other equipment of
accessories. The beam, on which the hoist shall travel, shall be designed, supplied, installed and
tested in conforming to the relevant Indian Standards.
Loadwheel Fully machined from one piece and case hardened, mounted on two ball
Gears Gears are cut from special alloy steel and case hardened having full depth
of addendum conforming AGMA standards.
Load chain As per IS 6216 grade 80 alloysteel.
Hook Conform to IS 8610 grade P Steel, forged to withstand shock loads. The
lifting hook shall be supported on a bearing for 120° swivel under load.
Brake Positively self acting at any load position, screw and friction disk type
Chain block Low headroom pulley block
Traveling trolley On mild steel plates, wheels finished high grade cast iron hobbling gears
with machine cut teeth, cast integral with the wheel; steel pinion
Beam The beam shall be suitable for the trolley complete with end stops, holding
down bolts and taper washers. It shall be designed according to the
capacity of the hoist, the beam fixation/ support points, length and
alignment. It shall of the hoist, the beam fixation/ support points, length
and alignment. It shall be of galvanized mild steel. All fixation elements
shall be of galvanized steel.
equipment/ materials, procurement, expediting, inspection, packing and forwarding, delivery at
site, erection, testing commissioning, obtaining the statutory approvals, handing over the
complete plant etc.
a) L.T. switchgear
S. No. Standard Description
1 3247 Switchgear general requirement
2 8623 Factory built assemblies of switch gear & control gear for
voltages including 650 V.
3 2147 Degree of protection provided by enclosure for low voltage
swift and control gear.
4 2551 Danger notice plates
5 1248 Electrical indicating instruments.
6 722 AC electric meters.
7 2705 Current transformers.
8 3156 Voltage transformers.
9 10118 Installation and maintenance of switchgear.
10 375 Marking and arrangement for switchgear bus bars main
connection auxiliary Wiring
Other considerations
This section is applicable for 415 V motor control center (MCC) for sewage treatment plant.
For details of individual switchgear components refer design consideration given in tables.
Switchgear shall be made out of steel sheet in compartmentalized design and shall be suitable for
bottom cable entry on rear side. The horizontal bus bar chamber shall be on the top whereas
vertical bus bars shall be provided in bus alley at the front. Instead of switch fuse unit (SFU)
unless otherwise specifically shown on drawing, fixed type molded case circuit breaker (MCCB)
shall be provided.
All modules up to 630A shall be provided with MCCB of 50 kA S.C. rating.
All modules of 800A and above shall be provided with draw out type air circuit breaker
(ACB). All A.C.B.'s shall be of three pole, manually operated spring charged design. The
minimum clearance on back and sides on each switchgear shall be 1000 mm and on the front
side the same shall be 1500 mm.
All M.C.C.B.'s shall be provided with operating handle and indoor interlock.
Technical parameters
a) Designation & quantity MCC
b) TPN bus bar details High conductivity aluminium, grade E91E for TPN bus
type, size to suit current rating.
c) Min. clearance Phase to earth—20 mm
d) Earth Bus 50 x 6 GI strip for other switch gears
e) Power frequency 2.5 KV RMS, 50 Hz for one minute
Withstand voltage
f) Short time 50 kV RMS, 50 Hz for one minute
g) Maximum temperature bar 70 Deg. C
h) ACB details Ratings and static releases contractor to release.
i) Operating duty cycle for 0-3 min- co-3 min- co
j) CT details Cast resin, bar primary type, IACT of suitable CT ratio,
burden and class of accuracy.
k) PT details Shall be with static releases, current limiting features &
aux switch for alarm/ indication.
l) MCCB details Shall be with static releases, current limiting feature & aux
switch for alarm/ indication.
m) Indicating Lamps On, off and Auto-trip indications on module door for each
n) Motor control supply 415/ 110V, AC, 1 ph, common control transformer
o) Selector switch details AS for ammeter with R, Y, B Off positions and VS for
Voltmeter with RY, YB, BR, OFF positions
p) Indicating Meter Details Moving iron type, 90 deg scale for Am & VM, Suppressed
scale in case of AM for motors. AM dial range to suit CT
primary current, VM dial range to suit PT primary
voltage. Size 144 mm sq for incomer feeders.Size 96 mm
sq for outgoing feeders, Accuracy Class 1.0.
q) Integrating Meter details Train gear type, calibrated for required CT-PT ratio
Accuracy Class 1.0.
r) Push button details OFF PB, momentary type, 2 NO & 2NC contacts of 10A
s) Indicating lamp details 7 Watts filament type with series resistance
t) Control fuse details HRC cartridge type with base & carrier Ratting contractor
to select
u) Miscellaneous details Control wiring shall be with standard copper conductor,
PVC insulated, 650 V grade wires of 2.5 mm, 2 for Ct
circuits - and 1.5 mm, 2 for other circuits.
Control terminals shall be provided with shorting link and
earthing facility Control wiring shall be marked with
ferrule no. at both ends.
All boards shall be provided with thermostat control space
heater, cubicle illumination with control switches. Degree
of protection for enclosure of all boards shall be IP52.
All boards shall be applied with 2 coats of red oxide after
cleaning and with final finish with enamel paint of shed no
631 as per IS-5.
Other considerations
Contractor shall select the motor as per the required performance of pumps and ascertain the
required rating of the motor. Contractor shall also verify the starting characteristic and
acceleration time for motor selection.
All the motors are provided with M.C.C.B’s at MCC. The MCCB make, type and characteristic
shall be provided to the motor manufacturer for his necessary action. Contractor shall inform the
no. of permissible restart per hour for each motor after obtaining the same from motor
Contractor shall co-ordinate between the driven equipment (pump) supplier and motor supplier
for selecting the method of coupling, motor frame size, base frame details & foundation details.
If cable termination box provided with the motor is inadequate to accept cables required then
contractor should provide an adopter box for the same.
Technical parameters
a) Quantity and Motor details As required at various locations discussed in the
documents elsewhere.
b) Typeof motors As required as per individual requirement.
c) Motor duty Asperdesign.
d) Supply voltage & free conditions Voltage-415V +/-10%
Frequency - 50 Hz +/- 6%
Combined variation +/- 10%
e) Insulation class Class F and temperature rise as per classB
f) Starting method Star-delta for rating>22, DOL for rating <22kW
g) Cable termination details Cable termination box protection class IP55.
h) Space heater 230V space heater for motors above 55kW
i) Performance details Efficiency at full load - 80%min.
Power factor at full load -0.90 min
j) Painting details Enamel paint of shade 631 as per IS5.
3. 5831 PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables.
4. 3975 Mild steel wires, strips and tapes for armoring of
5. 1753 Aluminium conductors for insulated cables
6. 9283 (1979) Submersible cables.
Other Considerations
Power cable shall be of Al conductor except in case of submersible cables whereas submersible
control and lighting cables shall be of Cu conductor. The minimum size of Al conductor cable
shall be 6 mm2and Cu conductor cable of 2.5 mm2. Power cable sizing shall be based on the
various de- rating factors recommended by cable manufacturer, rated current, temperature rise of
conductor and voltage drop. Control cables of CTs shall be based on the VA burden of CT and
Technical parameters
LTCables: PVC insulated, taped PVC inner sheath, 650/1100V grade with multistage
aluminum/ copper conductor, armoured and overall PVC sheathed.
Cable selection: Cable shall be selected considering following points Current rating of
the load de-rating due to grouping of cables Voltage drop up to 3% in cable due to cable
resistance de-rating factor due to ambient temperature.
Drawing and documents required
d) LightingFixtures
Other Considerations
The Contractor considering following flux levels shall design lighting system.
Indoor areas- 250 fluxes for Laboratory and Control Room, 200 fluxes for other areas.Outdoor
areas - 50 fluxes.
Lighting shall be designed for controlling the flux level in following way.
Switches shall be provided to achieve 50% of the designed flux level whenever required for
indoor as well as outdoor areas.
Technical parameters
wrapped aroundit.
Underground cables shall be provided with cable markets. These posts shall be located at every
50 meters and every corner.
All temporary ends of cables shall be protected against dust and moisture to prevent damage to
the insulation. While laying cables the ends shall be taped with PVC tape. Cables shall be
handled carefully during installation to prevent mechanical injury to the cables. Ends of cables
leaving trenches shall be coiled and provided with protective cover until the final termination to
the equipment is completed.
Directly buried cable shall be laid underground in excavated cable trenches wherever required.
The trenches shall be suitably designed for accommodating all the cables. Before cables are
placed the trench bottom shall be filled with a layer of sand. This sand shall be leveled and
cables laid over it. The cable shall be covered with 150mm of sand on top of the largest dia.
cable and sand shall be lightly pressed. A protective covering of RCC tiles shall then be laid on
top. The balance trench area shall then be back filled with soil, rammed and leveled.
As each cable is laid in the trench, it shall be subjected to insulation test in the presence of the
Engineer in charge before covering. Any cable which proves defective shall be replaced.
All wall openings shall be effectively sealed after installation of cables.
Where cables rise from trenches to motor, control station, lighting panels etc. they shall be taken
in GI pipes (rigid/ flexible) for mechanical protection up to a minimum of 600 mm above grade
level. The diameter of the GI pipe shall be at least 3 times the diameter of the cables.
Cable shall be carefully pulled through conduits to prevent damage.
Wherever cables are taken in conduits/ Pipe, the contractor shall ensure that the area of conduit/
pipe is 100% more than the cable area.
If pipe sleeves provided by purchaser are inadequate since more cables are to be laid, then
additional pipe sleeves shall be laid.
After the cables are installed and all testing is complete, conduit ends above grade level shall be
plugged with suitable weatherproof plastic compound.
Where cables pass through foundation walls or other underground structures, the necessary ducts
on openings will be provided in advance for the same.
At road crossings and other places where cables enter pipe sleeves an adequate bed of sand shall
be given.
Cables installed above grade level shall be run in trays, exposed on walls, ceilings/ structures and
shall be run parallel to or at right angles to, beams, walls or columns. The cables shall be so
routed that they will not be subjected to heat.
Cables running along structures will be clamped by means of GI saddles and saddle bars a
spacing of 300 mm.
Cable carrier system i.e. site fabricated ladder type cable trays and supporting steel shall be
painted before laying of cables. Painting shall have four coats of red oxide and one coat of
aluminium paint.
For all outdoor buried cables a 3-meter diameter loop shall be provided at both ends before
All PVC cables shall be terminated at the equipment/ panel by means of double compression
type brass glands and tinned copper lugs.
Power cable cores shall be identified with red, yellow and blue PVC tapes.
In case of control cables, their terminal numbers by means of PVC ferrules shall identify all
cores at both ends. Wire numbers shall be as per inter-connection diagrams to be furnished to the
The cable shall be taken through adequate size gland inside the panel or any other electrical
Cable leads shall be terminated at the equipment terminals by means of crimped type solder less
Crimping shall be done by hand crimping/ hydraulically operated tool and conducting jelly shall
be applied on the conductor. Insulation of the leads should be removed immediately before the
f) Earthing system
All the material required for the earthings system shall be supplied and Installed by the
contractor. The main grid conductor shall be hot dip G.I. strip of 50 x 6 mmsize.
The contractor shall prepare earthing layouts. All the material required for making earthen
stations, such as electrode, charcoal, salt etc. should be supplied by the contractor. Excavation
and refilling for laying of earth strip and for earth pit shall also be in contractor's scope.
The entire earthen system shall fully comply with Indian electricity act and rules. The contractor
shall carry out any changes desired by the electrical inspector in order to make the installation
conform to I.E. Rules.
The main earth grid shall be laid at a depth of 1000 mm below grade level. In trenches earth strip
shall be laid along the trench. It shall be protected against mechanical damage. Joints and tapping
in the main earth grid shall be made in such a way that reliable and good electrical connections
are permanently ensured. All joints except the equipment end shall be welded. Giving four coats
of bitumen and covering with Hessian tape shall suitably protect all joints buried inground.
Conduits in which cables have been installed shall be bonded and earthed. Cable armour shall be
earthed at both ends.
Earth pipe electrodes shall be installed as per IS: 3043. Their location shall be marked on earth
pit chamber covers.
The electrodes shall be tested for earth resistance by means of standard earth tester.
A disconnecting facility shall be provided for individual earth pit to check earth resistance. All
electrical equipment above 230 V shall be earthed at four points and equipments below 230 V
shall be earthed at one point.
Conductor size for connections to various equipments shall be as per the table as follows:
Conductor size for connections to various equipments shall as per the table as follows:-
Equipment Conductor
Motors 8 SWG GI
Up to 11 kW up to 22kW up to 37.5 kW to 90kW 25 x 3 mm GI
to above 200 kW 25 x 6 mmGI
40 x 6 mm GI
50 x 6 mm GI flat
MCC/PDB 50 x 6 mm GI flat
Local control station, street light top junction box 8 SWG GI wire
Main earth grid 50 x 6 mm GI
SLDB 32 x 3 mm GI
LightingPanel 25 x 3 mm GI flat
Indoorfixtures 14 SWG GI Wire
All paint, scale etc. shall be removed before earthen connections are made. Anchor bolts or
fixing bolts shall not be used for earthen connections.
Earthing station
The pipe electrode of 40mm dia x 3000mm long GI pipe shall be provided. Salt and coke
shall be filled in layers of 25-mm up to one meter and balance shall be filled with loose soil.
However care shall be taken that the earth pit does not sink. The brick chamber (600 x 600) shall
be made 75mm above FGL and shall have heavy-duty cast iron frame and hinged cover at top for
inspection. A 40 mm NB GI watering pipe shall be provided in the pit.
g) Lighting System
The cabling/ wiring, installation and commissioning of complete illumination system shall
comply with all currently applicable statutes, regulations, fire insurance and safety codes. Suing
1.1 shall carry out outdoor lighting, KV grade four-core cable. The cabling for the outdoor
lighting fixtures will be done in loop-in loop-out at respective high mast structure/ street light
pole mounted junction boxes. Using 2 Core, 2.5 mm 2 copper cables shall also carry out the
indoor lighting. The indoor office areas wiring shall be carried in conduits. Outdoor cabling shall
be buried in ground whereas indoor lighting wiring (cable/ conduit) shall be of exposed type.
General Requirements
Except as specifically approved by the Engineer in charge, installation of conduits and lighting
fixtures shall be commenced only after all major services in that particular area have been
completed. Location of lighting fixtures, switches and receptacles shall be shown on the
drawings and shall be relocated if required to suit the site conditions. 5A 3 pin/ 15A 6 pin
receptacles with switches shall be provided on the light control switch boards.
LP's shall be provided with labels indicating LP number and O/ G CKT feeder numbers.
LPs shall be provided with cable gland for incoming cable and knockouts for outgoing conduit
Cable/ conduit supports shall be provided in interval of 300-400 mm for horizontal runs and 400-
500 mm for vertical runs.
Cable/ conduits shall be kept, wherever possible at least 300 mm away from pipes, heating
devices and other equipments.
For the purpose of calculating connected loads of various circuits, a multiplying factor of 1.25
will be made to the rated lamp voltage for lamp fixtures to take into account the losses in the
control gear. Contractor shall supply junction boxes, pull boxes, terminal blocks, glands,
conduits and accessories (elbows, tees, bends etc.) and supporting/ anchoring materials to make
the installation complete.
In all types of cabling due consideration shall be given for neatness and good appearance.
Decision of the Engineer in charge shall be final.
The rate for installation, testing and commissioning of the indoor lighting shall include the
mounting of fixtures with necessary materials, laying of cable/ conduit, pulling of wires through
conduit and external earth wire, providing all accessories for cable/ conduit installation including
conduit fittings. Providing of light control switchboard with switches, switchboard mounted 5A,
3 pin receptacles with switches etc.
The rate shall also be applicable to the lighting fixtures installed outside the building as
perimeter lighting, entrance lighting below canopy etc.
For street lighting poles the fixtures wiring from Junction box up to fixture shall be with 3 nos.
of single core 2.5 mm2(Phase, Neutral & Earth) copper conductor PVC insulated wires.
Connecting it to the plant earth grid as per the Indian electricity rules shall ground each pole. The
foundation of the street lighting poles shall be supplied with a base plate and grouted in. The
street lighting poles shall be painted with one coat of primer and 2 coats of aluminium paint. The
second coat of aluminum paint shall be given just before handing over the installation to the
h) Cable glands and lugs
All cable glands shall be made out of brass and shall be of double compression type. All cable
lugs shall be of tinned copper, crimping type.
Cable trays
Cable carrier system shall comprise of site fabricated ladder type cable trays made out of
structural steel and painted duly with four coats of red oxide and a final coat of enamel paint. The
construction of the cable trays shall be as per the site requirement
i) Lighting panels (LP)
The panels shall be of 14-gauge sheet metal construction. Panels shall be equipped with phase
and neutral bus bars of adequate capacity and miniature circuit breakers. The incomer shall be of
ELMCB and outgoing circuits shall have only MCBs. MCB shall be of 9 KA. Miniature circuit
breakers shall be mounted in such a way that operating levers project outside the front cover
plates. A hinged door to cover the operating knobs shall be provided with detachable top and
bottom plates with 25 mm knockouts. All metal surfaces shall be cleaned free of rust, given a
coat of red oxide primer & finished with 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint of shade 631 as per
IS, for 415V danger board and engraved name plate shall be fixed on the panel. The lighting
panels shall be marked with the voltage and no. of phases of the supply.
j) Civil works
All civil/ structural works required for electrical installation is included in the contractor's scope.
However, some of the major items are listed below: -
Foundations for lighting poles Road Crossings by RCC pipes
Excavation, cable protection tiles, sand filling, back filling etc. for directly buried cables and
earthing conductors.
Any other minor civil works required such as making openings in wall, floor etc. Built up
trenches for indoor cabling
All openings made by the contractor for laying of conduit/ cable/ earthing strip etc. shall be made
good at no extra cost.
k) Main Control Panel General Arrangement
The control panel shall be of 'L' shaped with indicators, ON/OFF indicating lamps, annunciations
on the front side, manual push buttons and manual controls etc. on the slanted desk.
Control panel shall be fabricated out of the cold rolled sheet of thickness not less than 3 mm for
all front/ side/ rear/ top & bottom sides. Control panel after having given the preparinting
treatment and four coats of red oxide shall be painted with final paint shade of 631 as per IS 5.
The CP shall be of free standing type with bottom cable entry and rear access with hinged door.
The slant portion of the CP shall also be provided with hinge for easy access to the internal
wiring. The CP shall be provided with thermostat controlled space heater and internal
illumination facility. The slant portion of the CP shall also be provided with hinge for easy
access to the internal wiring. The overall size of the CP when viewed from front shall be
limited to maximum 1800 mm in height and 1500 mm in depth. The length of the CP shall be
decided suitably to accommodate the equipment.
All instruments on the front of the panel shall be flush mounted. The instruments shall be
mounted at such an elevation from ground that the operator should be able to read them easily.
Centrally located suction an on the rear side and louvers on the bottom of the side panels for
cross ventilation shall be provided to enable the CP operator to control the same in case of A/C
A good clear earth shall be provided for the instrument control panel. This earth shall be
independent and separate from the earthing provided for electrical installations. Annunciation
system shall be located on the front vertical surface of the panel. The approved inscriptions shall
be labeled on each annunciation window. Annunciation shall be complete with Accept/ Reset /
Test PBS.
All cables shall be terminated inside the panel on properly arranged DIN rail mounted terminal
blocks. All cables shall be provided with double compression type brass cable glands while
terminating the cables inside the panel. Cable entry shall be from the bottom. All field mounted
junction boxes for signal and control cables shall be weather proof and with canopy.
The control panel indicating status of various motors, pumps, blowers, the various system
parameters e.g. levels, etc. All ‘ON’ indications shall be in Red LED and ‘OFF’ indications in
Green LED.
l) Local control panels:-
Local control panels wherever required shall be provided standard vertical or slanted panel type
only depending upon the number of components viz. Control switches, indicating lamps meters
Sheet of local panel shall be of MS and thickness not less than 2mm.
Local control panel after having the pre painting treatment and two coats of red oxide, shall be
painted with final paint shed of 631 as per IS: 5. The control panel shall have bottom entry for
cables, hinged typelockable door arrangement and easy access for wiring. Mounting arrangement
for the control panel shall be suitable for the application and location and easily accessible for
the operator.
Level Measuring System: - General:
i) The level transmitter shall be mounted in suitable weatherproof lockable pedestal
enclosures near the level sensor.
ii) Ultrasonic type flow measuring devices shall comprise of a transducer, a transmitter,
remote flow indicator & all other items required completing the control system.
iii) The level sensor & the field – mounted transmitter shall be separate & inter connected by
integral cable of sufficientlength.
iv) The transmitter will be provided an isolated 4 – 20 mA 2 wireo/p.
Technical Parameters:
1 Instrument Flow Transmitter
2. Type Ultrasonic Type, for water in open channel
3. Static Pressure Range As required
4. Required Flow Range As required
5. Pipe ID As required
6. Process Connection As per model selected
7. Mounting Socket alongside sensor and bracket fabricated
8. Accessories Flange fittings as per model selected and
gasketssuitable flange size
9. Application Water
10. Power Supply 230 V AC/ 50 Hz
11. Output 4 to 20 mA
12. Cable connection ½ “NPT
13. Cable Type Multi stand Cu conductor, 1.5 sq mm with
PVCins screened Armored
14. Cable Glands ½ “NPT Double Compression in S.S.
15. Enclosure Weatherproof, IS 2147 / IP 65
16 Accuracy +/- 2% FSR
Site Calibration: -
All field instruments shall be calibrated at site under supervision of supplier’s Engineer. Standard
calibration procedures shall be followed for calibration. All reference equipments such as
pressure gauges, scales etc. shall be certified from authorized/-approved agency. All such
certification shall be in the scope of contractor.
For all instruments standard calibration documentation shall be prepared at the time of
calibration. Calibration shall be performed in the presence of the Engineer-in-Charge or his
representative. The contractor shall do all recalibration till hand over of the plant.
the context so requires specific characteristic dimensions and other details applicable to any
particular equipment shall be given in the schedule of Technical Data provided at the end of the
relevant Section.
The contractor shall provide all the required laboure permanent equipment and electrical tools,
construction plant and equipment, safety equipment, transportation and test equipment for
supplying, installing, adjusting and fully testing all the mechanical work shown on the drawings
included in these schedules or ordered by theEngineer-in-charge.
All mechanical equipment and the materials used shall comply with the relevant Indian standards
unless a more rigorous requirement is specifically stipulated. If no applicable Indian standard is
available for any item of equipment or materials, the corresponding British standards or the
standards laid down by the regulating authority in the United States dealing with the subject in
question shall be adopted. In every situation the latest specifications, standards etc. shall apply
unless otherwise stated. In instances where there is a conflict between four codes (the Indian
standards not available), the more restrictive of the four shall apply.
b) Extra works
Any item of equipment or material or materials not shown on the drawings or specified else
where but is clearly essential to make the system operable shall be supplied and installed by the
contractor as if it has been shown or specified therein.
c)Quality Standards
Whereas the names of one or more manufacturers have been shown on the drawings or
mentioned in these specifications, it has been so done to indicate type and equality required
and acceptable. No restrictive choice is either implied or intended and tenderers are free to
offer other makes of equipment or materials provided they comply with these specifications
and the requirements shown on the drawings.
All equipment furnished shall have a data plate fabricated out of 316 Stainless steel with a
minimum thickness of 6.6 mm with embosses or reprinted lettering and fastened to the frame
with corrosion resistant pins. Nameplates shall have stamped on number type. Operating and
performance data and other pertinent information, letters and numerals shall not be smaller than
4.75 mm high.
d) Tagging
Name tags shall be provided and attached with each item or equipment and device to identify it.
The nametag shall be of rectangular shape and shall be approximately 37 mm x 76 mm insize.
They shall be made from brass or stainless steel metal and have a minimum thickness of 0.75 mm.
Letters and numbers shall be engraved or etched in the name tag and shall not be less than 4.75
mm. high. The name and number of each item or equipment or device as shown on the drawing
shall be shown on each name tag. A 4.75 mm diameter hole shall be provided in the upper left
hand corner of each tag and shall be used to attach the name tags to the equipment and devices
with 2 mm stainless steel chain.
e) Project Drawings
The plant layout STP with MPS with locations of various units is attached. The bidder is
required to prepare his own layout showing all mechanical &electrical equipments, cable routes
etc. on the basis of his detailed design to be submitted along with his technical bid.
f) Shop Drawings
Prior to fabrication of custom made equipment or placing orders for available manufacture
equipment, the contractor shall obtain from the manufacturer and submit to Engineer in Charge
for his approval five copies of shop drawings for showing.
Detail of fabrication, assembly, foundation drawing, installation drawings and wring diagrams
together with detailed specifications and data covering materials used, power, the assembly,
parts, devices and other accessories forming a part of the equipment to be furnished. Unless
otherwise specified, these shall constitute the initial submittal.
The contractor shall submit six (6) copies of certified performance or certificate test curves as
specified for all pumps unless otherwise specified with the tender. The contractor shall notify the
Engineer-in-Charge three (3) weeks prior to any testing. Should the Engineer-in-Charge elect to
witness the tests or have the test witnessed by an authorised representative on his behalf.
g) Record Drawings
The contractor shall maintain a complete and accurate record set of drawings for the mechanical
installation and construction work.
Record all work that is installed differently than shown on the project drawings.
Upon completion of the work the contractor shall submit to the Engineer-in-Charge three (3)
complete set of "record drawings" or as built distinctly shown in red ink and marked "Record" or
"As built". Only one of these four descriptions shall be used throughout the contract.
All underground piping shall be located by the dimensions, baseline stationing, approximate
elevation and other pertinent data required to facilitate the relocation of the pipes or fittings later
when necessary.
h) Adaptation ofEquipment
In case the equipment selected require any revision to the structure, piping electrical or other
works shown on the drawings, the contractor shall include the cost of such revisions in his bid
for the equipment and no extra payment shall be made for such revision. All such revisions shall
be adaptedto the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. It should however be noted that no
equipment will be accepted which requires any major structural, piping, electrical or other
i) Utility Service Interruptions
Utility service interruptions initiated by the contractor in the course of execution of his work
shall be scheduled in advance and approved by the utility authority and the Engineer in Charge.
j) Manuals
The contractor shall obtain from the manufacturer and hand over to the Engineer-in-Charge
seven sets of instruction and maintenance manuals for the equipment furnished under these
specification to provide adequate information for proper installation, pertain and maintenance of
the equipment. This requirement shall over all equipment furnished. The Engineer-in-Charge
shall approve the manuals for the adequacy of the contents and the format.
And return one (1) set to the contractor for his use in the Start-up of the equipment. If any errors
or in adequacies discovered are of a minor nature, errata sheets or addenda shall be supplied by
the contractor in consultation with the Engineer-in-Charge, if gross inadequacies are comings, to
improve to a general level of acceptance. The errata sheets, addenda or revised manuals shall all
be resubmitted to the Engineer in Charge for recreating and approval within fourteen (14) days
of the date of which the Engineer in Charge's comments are conveyed to him.
Schedule manual for approval shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge not later than the
date of dispatch from factory.
The instruction manual shall contain but not be limited to at least the following information,
where applicable.
General introduction & over all equipment description, purpose, functions simplified theory of
operations etc.
Specifications, installation, instruction and precautions, Start up procedures, shut down
procedures, short and long-term inactivation procedures, schedule of preventive, maintenance,
calibration and repair instructions, parts list and spare parts recommendations, name and address
of closest spare parts and repair facility, operation procedure.
k) Equipment Guarantee
As mentioned on page No. 97 clause No. 3.9.
withstand all stresses that may occur or be induced in them during fabrication, erection and
intermittent or continuous operation. All equipment shall be designed fabricated and assembled
in accordance with the best current engineering and workshop practice. Individual parts shall be
manufactured to standard sizes and gauges so that spares furnished at any time can be installed in
the field. Corresponding parts of duplicate units shall be fully interchangeable. Equipment shall
not have been in service at any time prior to delivery except as required for test. All materials
tested shall be appropriate for the service conditions, iron shall be tough, close-grained gray iron
free form blow holes, flaws or excessive shrinkage and shall comply with the requirements of IS-
210, except where otherwise specified structural and miscellaneous fabricated steel used in items
of equipment shall conform to the relevant Indian standards. All structural members shall be
considered as subject to shock or vibratory loads. Unless otherwise specified all steels, which
will be submerged in part or fully, during normal operation of equipment shall have a minimum
nominal thickness of 6.0 mm. The location of the fabricator and his shop schedule shall be
furnished to the Engineer-in-charge for commencement of fabrication to enable him to schedule
inspections if he so decides.
m) Safety Guards
All tests or chain drives, fan belts, couplings, exposed shafts and other moving or rotating parts
shall be covered on all sides by safety guards which shall be free of sharp edges and corners.
Safety guards shall be fabricated from galvanized or aluminium clad sheet steel of sufficient
thickness of 13 mm mesh. Each guard shall be designed for easy installation and removal. All
necessary supports and accessories shall be provided for each guard. Supports and accessories
including bolts shall be hot dipped galvanized. All safety guards to outdoor locations shall be
designed to prevent the entry of rain and dripping water.
n) Equipment Bases and BedPlates
A heavy cast iron or welded steel base shall be provided for each item of equipment, which is to
be installed on a concrete foundation. Equipment assemblies unless otherwise specified or shown
on the drawings shall be mounted on a single, heavy cast iron or welded steel bed plate. Bases
or bed plates shall be provided with machined support pads, tapered dowels for alignment or
making adjustments, adequate openings to facilitate grouting and openings for electrical
conducts. All seams and contract edges between steel plates and shapes shall be continuously
welded and ground smooth. The plates shall have a minimum thickness of 6.0 mm.
o) Jacking Screws andAnchor
Bolts jacking screws shall be provided in the equipment bases and bed plates to aid in leveling
prior to grouting. Equipment suppliers shall provide anchor bolts nuts, washers and sleeves of
an adequate design as required for proper anchorage of the bases and bed plates to the
concrete bases. Sleeves shall be minimum of one and half times the diameter of the anchor bolts.
Unless otherwise shown or specified, anchor bolts for items or equipment mounted on base plate
shall be long enough topermit38 mm of grout beneath the base plate and to provide adequate
anchorage into structural concrete. Anchor bolts shall be 316 Stainless Steel and no bolts or other
material shall be permitted except with the written permission of the Engineer-in-charge. Anchor
bolts together with templates or settingdrawings shall be delivered sufficiently early to permit
setting the bolts accurately in place when the structural concrete is placed.
p) Drives
All drive units shall have rating and service factor suitable for "twenty four" (24) hours per day
operation under operating load. Drive unit housings shall be constructed of high grade cast iron-
welded steel or other suitable approved material. The thermal rating of each unit shall exceed the
design load or proper cooling devices shall be provided. All drives shall be designed specially for
the service, which they are required to perform.
q) Electrical Motors
All Electrical motors supplied under this contract shall conform to all requirements specified
elsewhere in the selection dealing with motors. The contractor's attention is drawn here to the
fact that requirements more rigorous than those stipulated in general therein or the Indian
standard or other sections of these specifications to meet specials process requirements. The
contractor shall accordingly coordinate the work of all different specials comprising the integral
system and the corresponding functional safety and code requirements for each installation in
order to comply with these specifications. Drives shall be non-overloading at all point on the
equipment-operating curve.
r) Lubrication
Contractor shall ensure constant presence of lubricant on all wearing surfaces lubricant filling
and draining openings shall be ready accessible. Easy means for checking the lubricant level
shall be provided prior to testing and or operation; the equipment shall receive prescribed amount
and type of lubricant as required by the equipment manufacturer.
The pipes used shall be as follows:
5. Rigid PVC 10 Kg f/ Cm2 g 4985
6. GI Heavy duty 1239 up to 150 NB
7. Stainless Steel 316/304 6913
8. RCC Pipe S&S NP2 458
9. SW pipe. 651- 1980
Valves general: -
The design, construction materials, manufacture, inspection, performance testing and installation
shall comply with all applicable Indian standards and codes. Nothing in the specification will be
construed to relieve the contractor of this responsibility.
Operational Torque Requirement: -
The valves shall be manually operated as per the description given in different units. If the
operating force is more then 10 Kg f, it shall be reduced through a suitable gearbox. Operation
must be possible by one man against maximum design working pressure by exerting not more
than 10 kg f force. The valves shall be installed in a horizontal position. In case of manual
closing of valves, the gearbox design should be able to close the valve within 30 minutes for
large size valves (500 mm dia and above), and 15 minutes for valves 450 mm dia and below.
Dismantling pieces: -
All valves to be installed in straight lines shall be installed between flanges with a flexible
dismantling piece at one side of the valve, which shall ensure pipeline rigidity. The piece must
allow the dismantling of the valve without stress to the joints of the attached pipes. The
minimum clearance of the dismantling pieces shall be five (5) cm. The pressure class of the
dismantling piece shall be the same as that of the valve. Drawings of the dismantling pieces have
to be submitted to the Engineer in Charge for approval.
Flanges: -
All flanges of pipes, specials and accessories will be according to IS 1538. The contractor has to
ensure that flanges of flanged equipment of different type and of different suppliers have the
same matching dimensions, number, position and diameter of holes, according to the nominal
diameter and the pressure class. No new or additional holes shall be drilled at site.
Codes and standards: -
The design, manufacture, shop testing, erection, testing and commissioning of valves shall
conform to the latest revision of the following IS codes and /or equivalent: -
1 IS-778 Gunmetal gate, globe and check valves for general purpose.
2 IS-2685 Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of valves.
3 IS-14846 Sluice valves for water works purpose (50 to 1200 mm)
4 API-594 Spring loaded dual plate check valve
5 IS-3042 Single faced Sluice Gate for the distribution chamber and filter inlet.
Materials of Construction: -
Body CI to IS Gr FG 200
Door CI to IS Gr FG 200
Spring Spring steel BS: 970
Body ring S.S. AISI 304
Door ring S.S. AISI 304
Hinge pin AISI 410 / 431 Hardened and ground
Drawings and information to be provided: -
The contractor shall submit the following drawings with his submission for detailed Engineering:
- Outline drawings showing the principal dimensions and weights.
Sluice Gates: -
General Specifications: -
Sluice gates according to IS 3042 shall be provided shall be square or circular, in standard sizes,
according to the outlet conditions. The gates shall general be mounted on the side from where the
higher pressure shall general be expected (seating). The gates shall be mounted on frames and
provided with a non-rising spindle with headstock or electrical drive according to the site of
In case of alternative load from either side, the sluice gate shall be designed to tight close against
a maximum unbalanced head (forcing the door away from the seat/frame) corresponding to
150% of the minimum difference in the water levels or the difference plus 1, whichever is
The frame shall be with gunmetal seating faces, machined to match with the faces to the door.
The frame shall have a sufficiently broad flange of adequate section with drilled holes to fix it
with anchor bolts. It shall have an integrally cast in spigot of the nominal size of the opening to
be cast into the concrete. It shall have a side guide strip with a machined face up to the
maximum open position of the door. The upper part of the frame shall have machined face to
support a thrust plate. All anchors bolts ands nuts of galvanized mild steel, joints and fixing
elements shall beprovided.
The door shall have reinforcement ribs depending on the size of the door and the unbalanced
head. The adjustable sealing faces on the sides, bottom and top are of gunmetal and machined to
match the seat on the frame. Sufficient margin should be there for wear and tear in course of use.
On the back, tapered snug shallbe provided to match the tapered side guide strips of the frame.
There shall be an integrally cast pocket in the upper part for the unmated nut threaded to suit the
The spindle shall be rolled on trapezoidal thread. It shall be provided with torsion couplings, cast
iron guide brackets, mild steel extension rod up to the headstock/ drive Ball thrust-bearing
arrangements shall be provided for long spindle.
The headstock shall be a cast iron pillar with and operating rod operated by a hand wheel on top,
fitted with gunmetal index and pointer. The hand wheel is to be designed, for operation by one
man against the full unbalanced head (not more than 10 kg f). If required, gearing shall be
Materials of Construction: -
Frame CI
Door CI
Sealing faces Gun Metal
Spindle S.S IS 410
Head stock CI
Hand Wheel CI
Sluice Valves
General Specifications: -
The valves will be of PN 1.0 rating suitable for on line installations in horizontal positions. The
valves will be provided with hand wheels with extensions as required on the place ofinstallation.
Materials of construction: -
Body CI IS 210 Gr FG 260
Gate / Disc CI IS 201 Gr FG 260
Spindle Stainless Steel AISI 431 / AISI 410
Seating ring SS 304
Back Seat Cast Iron IS 210 Gr-FG 260 with SS 304 seat
The C.I. piping valves etc shall be painted with bit mastic rust proof paint.
Blower: -
Codes and standards: -
For supplying air to Treatment plant Twin/ Tri Lobe Blower for outdoor location in acoustic
enclosures are proposed. The design, manufacture and performance of blowers specified herein
shall comply with the requirements of the latest edition of the applicable, Codes and Standards:
Standard Title
BS: 1571 Performance Testing
ISO: 1940 Dynamic Balancing of rotor
Design requirements: -
The blower shall be capable of developing the required total pressure at rated capacity for
continuous operation. The blower shall operate satisfactorily within the operating range.
The material of various components shall conform to those stipulated in the Technical Particulars
section. The data specification sheets shall guide performance requirement for the blowers.
Blower configuration shall be vertical i.e. one rotor mounted over other with horizontal air flow.
Air delivery shall be clean, dry and oil free.
Blower shall run smooth without undue noise or vibration. Noise levels and velocity of vibration
shall be within acceptable limits. Noise level shall be limited to 85 DBA at a distance of 1.86 m.;
Velocity of vibrations shall be within 4.5 mm/s.
Blower shall be air cooled and driven by electric motor unless otherwise specified in data sheets,
power rating shall be at least 10% above the maximum power required by the blower.
Blower shall be provided with suction air filter, silencer, dead weight pressure relief valve and
pressure gauge. The speed of the blower shall not exceed 1500 rpm.
Blower shall be mounted at a level necessary to avoid backflow or siphoning of liquid into the
Features of construction: - Main Body: -
Main body/ Casing shall have required rigidity, strength and heat transfer fins for smooth and
cool blower operation. It should be mounted on anti vibration base. Casing shall have proper
involutes shape on inner side machined accurately to achieve best efficiency.
Rotor: -
Both the rotors shall be properly machined for involutes profile surface with treatment to
increase wearing resistance. Rotors shall be properly keyed and locked to respective shaft. The
designed clearance shall be so chosen that even at elevated temperature the clearance is adequate
and efficiency is achieved.
Shaft: -
Both the shafts shall have high tensile strength and critical speed of the shafts shall be at least
20% above the operating speed. Complete rotor assembly shall be dynamically balanced. The
shaft shall be suitable to work at high temperature.
Shaft Sleeves: -
Replaceable shaft sleeves shall be provided to protect the shaft. Shaft sleeves shall be securely
locked or keyed to the shaft to prevent loosening. Shaft and shaft sleeve assembly shall ensure
concentric rotation.
Bearings: -
Antifriction roller/ double row angular contact ball bearings shall be provided with proper
lubrication. It shall be designed to take necessary radial load and axial thrust. Bearing shall be
suitable for continuous duty operations and for high temperature operations arising due to
compression ofair.
Timing Gears: -
Oil seals shall be suitable for high temperature application at continuous rating and shall have
ensured life of at least 5000 hours.
Base plate: -
The common base plate for blower and motor shall be in one piece and it shall be provided with
suitable holes for grouting. Holes shall be so located that base can be grouted in place without
disturbing the blower and motor. Blower and motor shall be properly aligned, bolted and
dowelled to the base plates by contractor.
Contentions: -
Suction and discharge connections shall be flanged and drilled to IS or equivalent standard
unless otherwise noted in Data sheet.
Accessories: -
All specified accessories and any other standard accessories required for correct and safe
operation of the blower shall be furnished with the blowers. All incidentals piping (including
valves) required shall be furnished by the contractor.
Mild steel fabricated coupling guard/ bell guard shall be provided as a safeguard against the open
rotating parts of the blower and the motor.
Eyebolts shall be provided for ease of lifting and installation (as many per blower as required for
1. Companion Flanges Yes
2. Base Plate Yes
3. Foundation Bolts Yes
4. Suction Air Filter Yes
5. Silencer Yes
6. Pressure Relief Valve Yes
7. Pressure Gauge Yes
8. Bearing Temperature Detector Yes
9. Spare parts (5 years operation from original manufacturer) Rotating assembly (2 sets)
10 Special Tools and Tackle Yes
Drawings and information to be provided: -
The contractor shall submit the following drawings with his submission: -
Outline drawings showing the principal dimensions, weights and locations of the suction
and discharge connections.
Cross-sectional drawings with bills of material
The Performance- curves of the anticipated blower model.
Technical particulars enclosed with this specification.
house drainage in the latest versions. In case of any variation between the Public Health
Engineering Department specifications and specifications given herein the latter shall prevail. In
cases where the Public Health Engineering Department specification and the specifications given
below are silent about any aspects in respect of any item, the work shall be carried out as per the
relevant IS code of practice in the latest version and as per sound engineering practice as decided
by the Engineer in charge.
The excavation items will include all lifts, lateral leads within limits of works, labour,
dewatering, lowering of subsoil water table, shoring wherever necessary, backfilling around
completed structures and disposal of surplus soil as directed. If any road is dug-up for any
purpose whatsoever, the contractor shall reinstate it to the standard required by the Engineer in
Charge or the statutory body at no extra cost.
The contractor shall programme his construction activities in such a manner that all inlet and
outlet arrangements are ready for testing purposes to avoid any delays.
The contractor shall submit to the Engineer in Charge or his representative, samples of the
materials which will form part of the permanent works, sufficiently in advance of the start of the
work within 15 days of the issue of orders, so that necessary tests can be carried out for the
approval of the Engineer in Charge or his representative before using any such material on site.
Samples for the following basic materials shall be submitted from every supplier and from each
consignment; if materials differ from one consignment to another the consignment differing from
the accepted sample shall be replaced by the contractor free of cost.
The building and the blower house shall be designed and constructed as a RCC framed structure.
All masonry shall be in 1:5 cement sand mortar. Pre-cast cement concrete blocks can be
approved if suiting to requirement at interior/ non-load bearing walls.
Reinforced concrete structures shall conform to the following standard specifications and codes
of practice of the Indian Standards Institution. In all cases the relevant standard shall be the
updated latest version:-
IS: 456 — Code of Practice for plain and reinforced concrete
IS: 875 — Code of Practice for structural safety of buildings, loading standards
IS: 3370 — part I — IV code of Practice for concrete structures for storage of liquids
IS: 1893 — Criteria for earthquake resistant design and structures.
Seismic Load
The seismic load for the structures in the project shall be as per National Building Code of India
1983, Group 2.
Live Load
The live loads will be adopted as 5 KN/sq. meter in case of clarified sewage sump & other
buildings live load be adopted as 2.5 KN/sqm. All major point loads shall be adopted in addition
in the design.
Concrete Mixes
The concrete mixes to be used shall not be leaner than the following & specifically provided
there after:
Water bearing structure including roof M30
Other structural concrete M25
Lean concrete in foundation M10
The concrete thickness and the concrete cover of reinforcement of dry and wetted surfaces etc.
shall be according to the IS design codes.
Water retaining structures such as tanks and sumps and concrete roofs shall be designed on a no
crack basis.
Account shall be taken of all loads due to weights (dead loads), live loads, and soil pressure due
to water and point loads caused during installation or dismantling of equipment.
All concrete structures shall be created on a blinding layer of lean concrete of 15 cm.
All RCC structures should be M-30 designed mix with minimum content of 420 Kg
cement /M3The brickwork shall be in 1:5 with 12 mm thick 1:4 cement plasters.
Exterior Finish
The type of finishing and the colour scheme of the external surfaces of the building will have to
be decided according to the designed elevation after approval of the engineer in charge. However
it shall be any or a combination of the following: -
Water proofing cement paint: This shall be of approved shade and brand to give an even shade
on the work in 3 or more coats on cement concrete surfaces smoothened and cleared by rubbing.
Cement plaster followed with water proofing cement paint: This shall provide for cement sand
plaster 1:4 mix 20 mm thick followed with paint.
Interior Finishes
The following table gives the general elements of the specifications of the building. They are not
comprehensive and the contractor is expected to complete the building and the plant to make it
complete and useable building of a standard generally reflected in these specifications:
S. No. Unit Floor CC/MT/K Walls Finish Door
1. Walk ways. CHAD WALK DT
2. MCC Room. IF DT SS2
3. Office Room. VT DT SS1
4. Chowkidar Room. KS WW SS1
5. Laboratory room. VT DT SS1
6. Corridor lobby. KS DT SS1
7. Pump House. IF WW AL
The following floorings will be adopted in the building and walkways.
Cement concrete flooring: Grade 1:2:4 75 mm thick with 20 mm thick normal size aggregate
with finishing with a floating coat of neat cement including cement slurry etc. (CC)
Cement concrete flooring with metal concrete hardener topping: It shall be with a 18 mm thick
metallic concrete hardener topping consisting of mix 1:2 (1 cement 2 stone aggregate 6 mm
nominal size) by volume and mixed with metallic hardening compound of approved quality @ of
3 Kg/ sqm including cement slurry rounding of edges etc. This shall be laid on cement concrete
1:2:4 layer of 42 mm thickness(IF).
Kota stone flooring: polished blue Kota stone of 25 mm thick slabs of 900 sq-cm lay over 20 cm
thick base of cement mortar 1:4 and jointed with gray cement slurry to match the shade of slab
including rubbing and polishing (KS).
Wall Finish
The interior walls will be plastered with cement sand mortar 1:4 of 20 mm thickness finished
smooth. In Laboratory and bathrooms the finishes will be different.
White wash: with whiting to give an even shade in 3 or more coats (WW)
Distemper: Dry distemper of approved brand and shade in 2 or more coats over priming coat of
whiting to give an even shade (DT)
Ceramic tile: 1st quality mat finish tiles of 6 mm thickness laid on a bed of neat cement slurry
including nicely finished joints using water proof joint filler powder and finishing with flush
pointing in white cement mixed with pigment to meet the shade of tiles(tiles).
All roofing shall be in RCC. Due attention shall be paid to slopes to facilitate rainwater disposal
through CI drain pipes. All the roofs except the roof of the wash water tank shall be covered with
waterproofing & tiles as per Haryana Public Health Engineering Department specifications.
Damp proofing
Suitable damp proofing should be provided on the roofs with one layer of fiber-based bitumen felt
in four coats of hot applied bitumen.
All brick walls shall be provided with one layer of bitumen felt (hesin type) for damp proofing.
Doors and windows
General description
The buildings shall have a suitable number of doors and windows of suitable sizes in order to
ensure easy access and escape in case of emergency, to ensure adequate ventilation natural
lighting and protection from heat and dust in summer and from cold in winter. As a general
guideline the total area of doors and windows shall be not less than about 25% of the floor area.
a) Specifications of doors
Aluminum Gate (AG)
Aluminum window/ ventilators (AW+AV). Aluminium alloys used in the manufacturer extended
section of the fabrication of doors, windows, ventilator shall conform to designation HE AWP of
15733. Transparent sheet glass shall conform to requirement of IS 2835, wild or figured glass is
to be as per I.S. 5437.
It shall be a wholly open-able doors provided on the main entrance of the plant. It will be glazed
aluminium made out of anodized aluminium section. The outer frame shall be of size 101.6x
44.45x 3.11 mm rectangular tubular section and the shutter shall be made out of specially
extruded tubular section of size for sill member shall be 99.2 x 44.45 x 3.18 mm including partial
glazing of5.5 mm thick plain glass PVC/Neoprene & partially PVC hollow tubes, weather
striping screw less aluminum bidding fixer such as lock, handle, tower bolt and self closing
device of approved make. The size shall be fixed in line with the elevation but shall not be less
than 2.04 x 2.7 meters. (AG).
Flush Doors (FD)
Hollow core construction with internal frame of 1 st grade wood having styles and top rails of
100 mm width and bottom and lock rails of 150 mm width with three numbers cross batons of
50 mm thick width using 4 mm thick commercial ply on both faces of shutters and 6 mm thick
bidding of respective wood using with approved heavy duty aluminium fittings in MP teak
wood frame (FD). Anti termite treatment is to be given on all thewoodwork.
Metal Pressed doors (SS1)
Steel doors with frame of hollow metal pressed section size 80x 50 mm as per ISI 1.25 mm
thick with single sheet shutter 0.8 mm MS sheet to be spot welded and embossed with rib type
design front vertical including hold fast of 15 x 3 mm MS oxidized fittings such as butt hinges,
sliding bolts, handles tower bolts etc. complete in all respects including applying priming coat
of approved steel primer (SSI).
with 5 L capacity CI automatic flushing cistern complete with all otheraccessories.
3. First quality, vitreous, china ware wash basins 510 x 400 mm complete with 32mm brass
waste, 15mm CP Brass screw down pillar tap & all other fittings.
4. Best Indian make Chromium plated 750mm long towel rail complete with allaccessories.
5. Best Indian make beveled edge 5.5 mm thick mirror 600 x 450 mm mounted on asbestos
sheet complete with allaccessories.
6. 15 mm inner dia. CP Brass bib cocks best quality for bathing & abulation — 2Nos.
7. White glazed tiles up to 7 ft. height on all walls.
8. The contractor shall provide only HCI floor traps & use only best quality heavy-duty
HCI pipes with lead joints.
Internal water Supply
Flush toilets & drinking water to be supplied by contractor from the point of supply to
inside to be provided by the contractor from the Lab, office building, staff quarter, STP,
MPS. The GI Class-B pipe shall be supplied by the contractor.
a) Painting of metallic surfaces
If not otherwise stated metallic surfaces shall receive one initial epoxy coat in the
manufacturer's workshop. After arrival of the equipment on site, the same shall be
inspected and damaged portions shall be cleaned and given the primer and under coat of
similar paint. After erection all metal work shall be painted as follows.
Painting of metallic surface
Coating of the pipes and the plant equipment is to be provided according to the colour code.
Other equipment
All other items like doors, windows, sanitary ware, lighting, cabling, switches, power points, and
finishing like plasters, tiles, paints, coats shall be provided according to the technical
Final Finishing -
The contractor will ensure that the building along with all its installations is in a finished and in
new and fully operative condition when handed over. He shall have repaired and removed all
signs of damage that might have been done during the course of installation and fixing of
equipment. He shall also see that the entire exterior has been finished properly and the entire site
is cleared of all extra construction material, debris and excavated soil. This shall have to be done
to the satisfaction of the engineer in charge.
Check of reinforcement and concreting
All reinforcement shall be checked and recorded prior to pouring of concrete by a representative
of the Engineer in Charge not below the rank of Assistant Engineer. Similarly the entire concrete
pouring work shall be done in the presence of an officer not below the rank of Junior Engineer.
The contractor shall therefore give a notice of a minimum three days to the Engineer in Charge or
his representative, such that the works can be checked by him or his representative.
Main standards for civil works
Some of the important IS codes referred during execution of the work are as follows:
IS 3764 :Safety code for excavation works
IS:3720 : Methods of tests for soils
Concrete Works
IS:280 : Mild steel wire for general engineering purposes
IS:269 : Portland cement
IS:383 : Coarse and fine aggregate
IS:432 : Medium tension steel bars and hard drawn steel wire
IS:456 : code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete
IS:516 : Methods of testing for strength of concrete
IS:1199 : Method of sampling and analysis of concrete
IS:1566 : Fabric reinforcement
IS:1786 : Fabric reinforcement
IS:2062 : Structural steel
IS:2386 : Method of tests for aggregates of concrete
IS:2502 : Code of practice for bending and fixing of bars for
concrete reinforcement
IS:3370 : Code of practice for concrete structures for the storage
of liquids
Building works
All building works hall be as per National Building code/ Haryana Public Health Engineering
Department specifications.
a) General Requirement
The term "materials" shall mean all materials, goods and articles of every kind, whether raw,
processed or manufactured and equipment and plant of every kind, to be supplied by the
contractor for incorporation in the works. Except as may be otherwise specified for particular
parts for the works, the provisions of clauses in this section shall apply to materials and
workmanship for any part of the works. All materials shall be new and of the kinds and qualities
described, in the contract sands shall be at least equal to approved samples.
As soon as is practical after receiving the order to commence the works, the contractor shall
inform the Engineer in Charge of the names of the suppliers from whom he proposes to obtain
any which may be withheld until samples have been submitted and have been satisfactorily
tested. The contractor shall be thereafter keep the Engineer in Charge informed of orders and
deliveries of all materials.
Materials shall be transported, handled and stored in such a manner as to prevent deterioration,
damage or contamination.
b) Samples and tests of materials
The contractor shall submit samples of such materials as may be required by the engineer and
shall carry out the specified tests required under the contract documents or as directed by the
Engineer at the site, at the supplier's premises or at a laboratory approved by theEngineer.
Samples shall be submitted and tests carried out sufficiently early to enable further samples to be
submitted and tested, if required by the Engineer.
The contractor shall give the Engineer at least seven days notice in writing, of the date on which
any of the materials will be ready for testing or inspection at the supplier's premises or at an
appointed place within seven days, the test may proceed in his absence provided that the
contractor shall in any case submit of the Engineer within seven days of every test, such
number of certified copies (not exceeding six) of the test readings as the Engineer mayrequire.
Approval by the Engineer with regard to the placing of orders for materials or of samples or tests
shall not prejudice any of the Engineer's power under the provisions of the contract. The
provisions of this clause shall also apply to materials supplied by any nominatedsub-contractor.
Materials and workmanship shall comply with the latest relevant specifications and explanatory
notes, Haryana Public Health Engineering Department specifications. All materials used in the
permanent works shall be of the best quality of the kind and to the approval of the Engineer. Any
material or workmanship not covered any the above specification of Haryana Public Health
Engineering Department, shall comply with the latest relevant Indian Standard, current at the
thirty-first day of December of the year preceding the tender date, unless a more recent
amendment is specified in the contract documents or with the requirements of any other
authoritative standard approval by the Engineer in Charge which shall not be to a less standard in
the opinion of the Engineer in Charge than the corresponding standard quoted herein.
Testing Concrete
During the progress of construction sampling, preparation of test specimens, curing and
testingofconcrete shall be conducted in accordance with IS 1199 and IS 516, to determine
whether the concrete being produced complies with the strength requirements asspecified.
At least one slump test shall be carried out for every compressive strength test carried out or as
directed by the Engineer. Six no. cubes shall be made for each cubic meter for portion thereof or
for each pour per grade of concrete. This number may be increased at the discretion of the
Engineer. Six specimens shall preferably be prepared from different batches, three being tested
after 7 days and the remaining three being tested at 28 days. The contractor shall provide at his
own expense all apparatus, labour and arrange for testing at a laboratory approved by the
Engineer in Charge.
c) Acceptance of Concrete
The concrete tested in accordance with "Testing of Concrete" clause above shall meet the criteria
for acceptance of concrete as per BIS 456. The strength of concrete shall be the average strength
of three specimens tested at 28 days and conform to strength requirements of different grades of
concrete. If the advance 7 days tests show crushing strengths that are too low, corrective measures
shall be taken at once at the Engineer's direction without waiting for the results of the 28
d) Failure to meet Strength Requirements
In cases where concrete test fails to meet the test requirements, the Engineer in Charge shall have
the right to require any one or all the following additional tests. The contractor at his own expense
shall carry these out. The Engineer in Charge shall be the final authority forinterpreting the
resultsand shall decide upon the acceptance or otherwise.
Curing and load testing of the concrete member concerned represented by the test, which fail,
replacement of any such portions of the structure. No payment shall be made for the dismantling
of the concrete, relevant formwork, or reinforcement shall be made. The contractor at his own
expenses shall make embedded fixtures and reinforcement of adjoining structures damaged
during dismantling work.
Extended curing of the structure of the concrete represented by the specimen & collecting and
testing of a core specimen from the hardened concrete. The location, number and size of such
specimen shall be taken as directed by the Engineer.
Any other test i.e. ultrasonic and/or rebound hammer tests to be decided by the Engineer at the
contractors own cost.
Water Retaining Structures
In addition to the tests of the concrete structure regarding "Failure to meet Strength
Requirements" referenced above, each water retaining structure shall also be tested for water
tightness at "top water level" as follows:
The structure shall be thoroughly cleaned and as far as practicable before any earth or other
filling is placed against the outside wall face, water retaining structures shall be filled with water
at a uniform rate of not greater than 2m in 24 hours. A period of 21 days shall be allowed for
stabilization, after which the water level shall be recorded by an approved method, at 24-hour
periods for a test period of 7 days. During the test period the total permissible drop, after
allowing for evaporation and rainfall, shall not exceed 1/500 of the average water depth of the
full tank or 10mm, whichever is less.
In the case of structures whose external faces are exposed, such as elevated tanks, the test
requirements shall be deemed to be satisfied if the external faces show no signs of leakage and
remain apparently dry over a period of seven days, after allowing an initial seven days period for
absorption after filling.
In the case of structures whose external faces are submerged and are not accessible for
inspection, such as underground tanks, the tanks shall be filled with water and after filling the
level of the surface of the water shall be recorded at subsequent intervals of 24 hours for a period
of seven days. The total drop in level over the seven-day period shall be taken as an indication of
the water tightness of the structure. The Engineer shall decide on the actual permissible
magnitude of this drop in surface level, taking into account whether the tanks are open or closed
and the corresponding affect it has on evaporation losses. For many purposes however, an
underground tank whose top is covered may be deemed to be watertight if the total drop in the
surface level over a period of seven days does not exceed 40 mm.
If the structure does not satisfy the test requirements and the daily drop in water level is greater
than that allowable, the period of test may be extended for a further seven days and if the
specified limit is then met, the structure may be considered as satisfactory.
If the test results are unsatisfactory, the contractor shall ascertain the cause and make all
necessary repairs and repeat the water retaining structures test procedures, at his own cost.
Should the re-testresult still be unsatisfactory after the repairs, the structure will be condemned
and the contractor will dismantle and reconstruct the structure, to the original specification, at his
own cost.
be tested on completion by water trenching to a minimum depth of 25 mm for a period of 24
hours. Where it is impracticable, because of roof falls or otherwise, to contain a 25 mm depth of
water, the roof shall be thoroughly wetted by continuous hosing for a period of not less than 6
hours. In either case, the roof shall be regarded as satisfactory if no leaks or damp patches show
in the roof.
The roof covering shall be completed as soon as possible after satisfactory testing.
6.24 Road Works:
This part of the specification shall apply to all internal roads: -
a) Embankment: The fill shall be well compacted to utilize its full strength & to economize there
by on the overall thickness of pavement required. Top 50 cm portion of the roadway shall be
well compacted up to 100% of standard proctor density.
Internal Roads (concrete Pavement) and Paved Areas: -
The internal roads connecting different units and paved areas in front of Pump houses, filter
units, and other specified areas shall be cement concrete pavements of following specifications
mentioned hereunder.
Earthwork: -
Earthwork in embankment including excavation in all kind of soil carriage including loading
unloading and laying of soil as per specification for compaction in 25cm layers, dressing the
berms and side slope to correct level including rolling, watering to achieve 95% relative
compaction as percentage of maximum laboratory dry density calculated by modified proctor test
conducted on soil as per IS: 2720 (Part8). The contractor shall use, after cleaning and sieving, the
surplus earth excavated from structures. The contractor shall demonstrate adequately by field and
laboratory test that the specified density has been obtained.
Sub-base: -
The work shall consist of construction of Dry Lean concrete sub base for cement concrete
pavement in accordance with the requirements of specifications as laid down in Section 600 -
Specification of Road andBridge works (4 th Revision) of Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport
and Highways. The work shall include furnishing of all plant and equipment, materials and labor
and performing all operations in connection with the work, as approved by the E-I-C.
Materials: -
Ordinary Portland cement: - IS-8112 & 12269
Aggregate for Lean concrete shall be natural material complying with IS 383 and shall not be
alkali reactive. Coarse Aggregate shall consist of clean hard strong dense, non-porous and
durable pieces of crushed stone or crushed gravel of maximum size of 25 mm.
Fine aggregate shall consist of clean natural sand or crushed stone sand and shall conform to IS
383 and shall not contain deleterious substances more than the following:
Clay lumps4% Coal and lignite1%
Material passing IS Sieve no. 75 micron4%
The material after blending shall confirm to the grading as indicated below:
works (4th Revision) of Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways. The work shall
include furnishing of all plant and equipment, materials and labor and performing all operations
in connection with the work, as approved by theE-I-C.
Materials: -
Ordinary Portland cement: IS-8112 & 12269
Aggregate for concrete pavement shall be natural material complying with IS 383 and shall not
be alkali reactive.
Coarse Aggregate shall consist of clean hard strong dense, non-porous and durable pieces of
crushed stone or crushed gravel of maximum size of 25 mm.
Fine aggregate shall consist of clean natural sand or crushed stone sand and shall conform to IS
383 and shall not contain deleterious substances more than thefollowing:
Clay lumps 4%
Coal and lignite 1%
Material passing IS Sieve no. 75 micron 4%
Water used shall conform to IS 456.
Mild steel bars for Dowels and Tie Bar shall conform to requirements of IS 432 – 1139 and IS
1786 as relevant and shall conform to Grade S240 of IS and Tie Bar to grade S415.
Pre- molded joint filler board for expansion joints abutting structures shall be 20-25mm
thickness within a tolerance of ±1.5mm of a firm compressible material and complying with the
requirement of IS 1838 or BS clause 2630 or specification for Highway works clause 1015.
Joint sealing compound shall be of hot poured, elastomeric type or cold polysulpide type. If the
sealant shall be Hot poured type it shall conform to AASHTO M282 and cold applied sealant
shall be in accordance with BS 5212 (part -2).
Preparation of Mix: -
The contractor shall submit the mix design at least 30 days prior to paving based on laboratory
trial mixes using the approved material and methods as per IS – 10262 and IS-SP-23 handbook
on concrete mixes. Thetarget mean strength for the design mix shall be determined as indicated
in clause 903.5.2 Specification of Road and Bridge works (4th Revision) of Ministry of Shipping,
Road Transport and Highways. The mix design shall be based on flexural strength of concrete.
The minimum cement content in the concrete shall not be less than 350 kg /cum of concrete and
not exceeding 425kg/cum of concrete. While designing the mix in laboratory correlation between
flexural and compressive strength of concrete shall be established on the basis of at least 30 tests
on samples and shall be ensured that the material and mix proportion remain substantially
unaltered during the daily concrete production. The workability of concrete the point of placing
shall be adequate for the concrete to be fully compacted and to suit the paving plant being used.
The control of workability in the field shall be exercised by slump test as per IS 1199.
Separation Membrane shall be used between the concrete slab and sub-base and shall be
impermeable plastic sheeting 125 micron thick laid flat without crease. Wherever overlap of
plastic sheet is necessary the same shall be at least 300 mm and thematically sealed.
Transverse Joints shall be contraction and expansion joints constructed at the spacing
described in the drawing.
Construction joint shall consist of mechanical sawn joint groove 3-5mm wide and 1/4to 1/3
depth of the slab+ 5mm and shall be cut as soon as the concrete has undergone initial hardening.
Expansion Joints shall consist of a joint filler board and dowel bars shall be positioned vertically
with the prefabricated joint assemblies along the joint. The adjacent slabs shall be completely
separated from each other by providing joint filler board and space around the dowel bars,
between the sub-base and the filler board shall be packed with suitable compressible material to
block the flow of cement slurry.
Transverse construction joint shall be placed whenever is completed after days work or
suspended more than 30 minutes, using dowel bars and shall be made of Butt type.
Longitudinal Joints shall be sawn cut as per the details of the drawings and the groove shall be
cut after the final set of the concrete to at least 1/3 the depth of the slab ±5mm.
Tie bars shall be provided at the longitudinal joints as per the dimension and spacing shown in
drawing and shall be positioned at middle third depth of the slab within a tolerance of ± 50mm.
Tie bars projecting across the longitudinal joints shall be protected from corrosion for 75mm
on each side of the joint by applying bituminous paint.
Dowel Bars shall be MS rounds of dimension as indicated in the drawings. The dowel bars shall
be either supported on cradle/chairs in pre-fabricated joint assemblies or mechanically inserted
with vibration and shall be positioned at mid depth of the slab within a tolerance of ± 20mm.
Dowel bars shall be covered with a thin plastic sheath for at least 2/3rd of the length from one
end of the dowel bar in construction joint or ½ of the length + 50 mmfor expansion joint. The
sheath shall be durable of an average thickness not greater than1.25mm for expansion joint a
closely fitted cap 100mm long of and approved synthetic material like PVC or GI pipe shall be
placed over the sheathed of the dowel bar. In expansion space at least equal in length to the
thickness of the joint filler board shall be formed between the end of the cap and end of the
dowel bar by using compressible sponge.
All the site forms, rails and Guide wires shall be of mild steel and sufficient form shall be used
and shall be checked for its trueness, rectifying any deviation greater than 3mm.No deviation is
permitted at joints.
Construction: -
The systematic approach may be adopted for carrying out the work and shall submit to the E-I-C
method statement which shall include time cycle, equipment, type capacity of batch mixing
plant, hauling arrangement and paving equipment. The Concrete shall be prepared in the
batching and mixing plant capable of proportioning the material by weight, each type of material
being weighed separately and shall be discharged immediately from the mixer, transported
directly to the point where it is to be laid and protected from weather covering the
tipper/dumper and shall be placed/laid by a paver with electronic sensors. Vibrator shall operate
at a frequency of 8300-9600 impulses per minute under a load at a maximum spacing of 60cm.
The total time taken from the addition of water to the mix until the completion of the surface
finishing and texturing shall not exceed 120 min. Transverse and longitudinal construction joints
shall be provided as shown in the drawing. The compaction shall be carried out immediately and
leveled. The curing shall be done by covering the surface by Gunny Bags/Hessians which shall
be kept continuously moist for 7 days by sprinklingwater.
All transverse joints in the surface slab shall be sealed using sealants not before 14 days after
Kerb and Channels: -
As per requirement pre cast Kerb and channels M-20 grade design mix concrete and compressed
to 3000 PSI by electro-hydraulic pressure with stone aggregates of 20mm nominal and finished
with smooth 6mm cement mortar 1:3 on exposed surface including jointing and grouting with
12mm thick cement mortar. The contractor shall submit the detailed drawing of the kerb and
channel showing the dimension and thickness for approval by E-I-C before carrying out thework.
from Centrifuge chute, Screens & lifting of the screened material & Semi Dried Sludge &
storage/ disposal of the same in a safe & hygienic way out side the battery limits of STP site at
bidders own risk & cost.
- Keeping the down time of any equipment as low as possible.
- Maintaining all the plant & machinery and tools and making necessary repairs.
- Technical and administrative monitoring of the MPS & STP;
The operation, maintenance and repair service shall be made according to the following
specifications and parameters.
All spare parts shall be packed for long storage and shall be labeled in the outside with
description number and purpose and the list of such spare parts shall be supplied to Public
Health Engineering Department.
5. Particular Requirement during O &M:The Workmanship observed for all repair and
maintenance work must be in according to “Good Engineering Practices”.
6. Operation and Maintenance manual:The Comprehensive Manual to be submitted before
the operation and maintenance period i.e. during execution stage and defect liability period
in special conditions of contract or as specified in scope of work contract must be updated
and should contain all information not limiting the contents mentioned below:
1. Process Write Up.
2. Piping and Instrumentation. (as built)
3. Hydraulic profile (as built).
4. Plant layout. (As built showing cables, piping route and dimensions).
5. Technical data Sheets of all electrical, mechanical and instrumentation equipment.
6. General arrangement drawings of all civil works, Electrical, mechanical and
7. Operation and Maintenance manual of all major equipments from the original manufacturer.
8. List of spares, sources of procurement and specifications.
9. The Operation manual to be submitted by the contractor should elaborate detailed procedure
for operation and maintenance of the plant including preventive and special maintenance.
The O & M Manual must be updated periodically for incorporating procedure of
maintenance of repairs and breakdowns not incorporated in the earlier O & M Manual.
Procedure for repairs of leak / burst of pipes must be provided with supportive drawings.
Frequency of spares used in maintenance of electrical, mechanical equipments must be
recorded for updating the contents of manual.
Record of troubleshooting points and details of events causing trouble (Breakdown in any
part of Sewage Treatment plant must be maintained and used for updating the contents of
The record of inventory used must be maintained and the relevant portion of O & M Manual
must be updated to list out the requirement of the entry for maintaining the system for 12
The record of incoming / treated sewage water quality monitors during every day of O & M
period must be maintained and handed over after the expiry of contract period.
The chemical requirement in worst condition of Operation must be identified and
The provision in the manual must incorporate every aspect of good industrial practices even
if not elaborated here or other parts of the bid documents. The provisions in the approved
Operation and Maintenance document shall only be binding on the parties.
The manual so prepared must be updated after the end f every tear of O & M giving effect to
the experience gained and the observations made by the department during the maintenance
7. Operation and Monitoring of the plant:The plant shall be operated according to the rules
and procedures laid down in the operation manual. The plant must be in a position to work
at the design and overload capacity at any time and to produce the design/overload output
quality of treated water.
The contractor shall maintain and submit following returns on a format duly approved by
PHED on daily basis.
1. Attendance of O & M Staff engaged by the contractor.
2. Quantity of Raw sewage / treated sewage water.
3. Quality of incoming / treated sewage water based on laboratory testing to be maintained by
the contractor.
4. All the consumables for laboratory testing & running of Electrical / Mechanical items
including Lubricants, Diesel etc. during trial run of the plant shall be arranged by the
contractor except Electric Power at no Extra cost However Including Defect Liability
period & 5 years thereafter. All the consumables for laboratory testing & running
hecontractor. Only the cost of diesel shall be reimbursed by the department at prevailing
rates on actual consumptions basis to the calculated from the hour meter of the generator.
The electric Power shall also be supplied by the department during trial run period, defect
liability period for one year & 5 years thereafter.
5. Running hours of each prime mover.
6. Total power consumption.
The bidder shall get tested incoming / treated sewage water / digested sludge for the following
parameters on monthly basis from any Govt. approved analytical laboratory and submit results
to PHED at his own cost. Public Health Engineering Department may order analysis of
additional parameters required to check the efficiency and efficacy of the plant. The contractors
shall take daily readings of TOC, TSS, and DO after interpretation of results shall calculate the
effluent BOD, TSS and maintain the record.
1 pH
2 Suspended Solids
3 Total Dissolved Solids
Physical chemical analysis of biological Sludge: -
This scope of work does include painting, white washing, distempering of plant, building &
equipments shall be done every year during the defect liability period & operation &
maintenance period of five years.
12. Experience, qualification and minimum staff required for O &M:-
For all O & M work the contractor shall provide skilled staff that has adequate qualifications and
sufficient experience of similar works.
O & M personel shall dedicate their 100% time & the contractor will ensure that adequate
number of his staff shall be available on duty 24 hours, 7 days per week including all holidays.
O & M personel to be provided by the contractor shall be suitably qualified & he will get their
CV resume duly vetted by the Engineer in charge before engaging them.
The contractor shall include the availability of the minimum man power as hereunder round the
clock throughout the year in his quotes rates for operation & maintenance of the plant.
The contractor shall maintain & submit statements to Public Health Engineering Department on
daily basis for consumption of Diesel quantity & quality of treated sewage water & shall get the
treated sewage samples duly tested for submission to PCB for NOC/ Consent & shall submit
consolidated monthly statement at the time of claiming payment.
In case contractor fails to operate & maintain the treatment plant to the rated capacity & quality
Public Health Engineering Department shall be at liberty to terminate the operation &
maintenance contract without assigning any reason & take penal action as per the contract &
prevailing law as this is covered under essential services act.
The contractor shall adopt all necessary safety measures for all his staff, plant, building &
The contractor shall be responsible to carry out day today as well as periodic maintenance
necessary to ensure smooth and efficient performance/running of all equipment/instruments
installed at MPS and STP. The contractor shall hand over the machinery & site to the department
after expiry of the contract period in good running condition.
i) All structures of Sewage treatment plant, Pumping Stations, Sullage Carriers and all other
contingent thereto.
a) Govt. laws and rules such as Indian Electricity Act – 1948, Factory Act – 1948, contractor
labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act – 1972, Workmen Compensation Act, Provident Fund
Act, and any other relevant Act etc. and the rules framed under the said Acts by the
competent authority with all upto date amendments.
b) Laws and rules prevailing during contract and pertaining to thesites.
recorded in the log book immediately. In case of failure of operation of the generating set /
diesel engine immediately after the disruption of electricity / power supply, then the
recovery @ Rs.500/- per hour for this duration of failure of electricity will be recovered
from the agency.
4. Contractor is responsible for operation & measures of sewage pumping station including,
generating sets and removal of silt to Zero level from structures of STP / disposal work and
sullage carrier etc.
5. The silt removed from the structures of STP / disposal work will be dumped in a way that it
does not cause any hardship to the nearby inhabitations / shopkeepers / traffic movement /
movement of Public. The silt shall be removed from the site on the same day to a place
designated by Engineer-in-Charge for its safe disposal. The cost involved in loading /
unloading / carriage including arrangement of vehicle will be borne by the contractor at his
own cost.
6. All repairs works to Civil, electrical, mechanical engineering works & replacement of
materials and spares required for various installations, structures of STP / Disposal works,
complaint centers, manhole, sullage carrier, open drains and rising mains etc. will be done
by the contractor on his cost. All type of dismantling, assembling, fitting of machines,
equipments and their repairs, will be on contractor’s account. The contractor will arrange his
own sewer cleaning machines according to requirement and as desired by Engineer-in-
Charge to complete the work of desilting from the different structures within stipulated
period as detailed below:-
(a) The contractor will ensure free fall of sewer in the collecting tanks of all the disposals at all
times and zero level of the silt shall bemaintained.
(b) The silt so cleared from the structures, open drains, collecting tanks, manholes etc. will be
dispose of at far off places by the contractor in 24 hours as per directions of the Engineer-
(c) The contractor will hand over the structures of STP / Disposal works after completion of
agreement period with zero level of silt from all the different structures as well as in the
open drains, sullage carrier and disposal works.
7. Contractor will have to carry out routine maintenance work as per direction of Engineer-in-
8. All type dismantling, assembling, fault finding including buried cable, digging from earth
and jointing the cable with provided jointing kit will be on contractor’s account including
Xmas gaskets, gasket type of gland pacing all cleaning material such as C.T.C, diesel, petrol
kerosene required for remaining maintenance / repair works including drilling bending
grinding cutting welding machining etc. will be on contractor’s account and contractor
should maintain stock of the above material for round the clockmaintenance.
9. Contractor will have to maintain the computerized record of maintenance / repair works,
Preventive as well as break-down, carried out as per attached performa. Separate history
sheet should be maintained for every equipment /machine.
10. Contractor will have to carry out all operational routine works, preventive and break-down,
maintenance and any kind of repair work, with the help of his own staff, round theclock.
11. Staff in all shifts will carryout minor maintenance & repair works such as replacement of
fuses, glands packing, oiling, rectification of fault in electrical and electronic circuits,
arresting sparking, water and oil leakage daily and break down repair whereveroccurs.
12. Preventive maintenance and break down maintenance and alteration will be carried out
normally in a day shift, but if required the Mtc. Work has to be done in non-stop manners as
and when directed by Engineer- in-Charge. For above clause the decision of Engineer-in-
Charge will be final andbinding.
13. Contractor will have to carry out the preventive measures of the transformers, DG sets,
motors, pumps etc. as per schedule given by Engineer-in-Charge and record of the same will
have to systematically be maintained inregister.
14. If contractor fails to attend machine, instruments, equipments in time and fails to put the
same in working order within stipulated time as directed by the Executive Engineer-in-
Charge then Engineer-in-Charge reserves the right to bring the same in working order by
deputing another agency at the risk and cost of the contractor and the same will be recovered
from bimonthly bills of the contractor. A penalty will also be imposed as deem fit by the
Engineer-in-Charge. The amount calculated by Engineer- In – Charge as recoverable from
the contractor shall be final and binding on the contractor.
15. Contractor should hold sufficient stock of spare and material by submitting demand to
Engineer in charge in advance. If contractor fails to bid up the stock of the spare and material
and put the requirement at the time of repair works. Maintenance work and if any loss occur
to MC / PHED due to non availability of spare and material, then the same will be recovered
form contracter’s payment due.
16. At the time of taking over the said work by the contractor, if some machine / pump sets are
found out oforder/ under maintenance, then all these machines / pump sets will have to put in
working conditions, within reasonable time as decided by Engineer-in-Charge.
17. It will be contractor’s responsibility to keep record of daily consumption of electricity and
maintain average power factor above 0.9. Contractor will receive, scrutinize HVPN energy
bills and submit the same to Engineer-in-Charge well in advance i.e. at least 7 days in
advance of due date for making their payments . He will make all necessary arrangement to
maintain power factor of 0.9. as stated above.
18. In case of failure of power supply from HVPN contractor will have to inform Executive
Engineer-in-Charge / Assistant Engineer, Superintending Engineer immediately and
approach to HVPN and will take all necessary steps to restore power supply immediately.
The contractor is also responsible to provide all sort of help and cooperation to HVPN staff at
site for restoring supply, meter reading etc.
19. Contractor shall be responsible for smooth running of the plant on its rated & installed
20. Contractor should provide all safety equipment, safety kits in such a quantity as required for
works in good condition for round the clock work. His personnel should be trained in
handling safety equipments and the same will have to be demonstrated at any given time. A
mock drill should be performed weekly.
21. Contractor will have to observe all safety measures at his risk and cost as per the norms of
Govt. under various Acts and rules. Contractor shall have to maintain all necessary safety
equipments, tools and tackles required for the work in good working condition at his risk and
cost. The minimum safety measures and safety equipment required shall be as per the
guidelines contained in Annexure-B.
22. Contractor shall have to provide all tools, torch with cells, insulated screw driver set,
discharge rod and safety instrument like self breathing apparatus, rubber mats etc.
23. Essential and break down maintenance / repair work shall have to be carried out
continuously, irrespective of day or night to put the machine in working order in shortest
possible time, if required, Contractor will have to increase the staff. No extra payment will be
made by the department on this account. During break down maintenance staff should not
leave the premises without permission of Engineer-in-Charge. If any pumping machinery
goes under repairs due to major break down contractor should immediately inform the
Engineer-in-Charge immediately and further works should be carried out as per his
instructions at the premises itself or as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charges.
24. Contractor shall have to maintain cleanliness and proper illumination in the premises of the
plants. To maintain the illumination materials bulbs, chocks, igniters, cable. Switches will be
arranged by the contractor himself.
25. Contractor should extend full co-operation to electrical inspection, Dy. Director of factories
and any other Statutory Authority visiting the plant as per rules. Contractor shall have to
comply the suggestions and directions conveyed to him for the inspection of plants.
Contractor has to pay the required fees to the said department and he will responsible to get
necessary clearances from electrical safety department and Deputy Director, factories to run
the plant.
26. If it is observed that contractor is not performing duty as per instruction and directions given
by Engineer-in- Charge then Executive Engineer- in- charge reserves the right to impose
penalty or engage some other agency and losses occurred thereon will be recovered from
contractor’s bill. Executive Engineer, also reserves the right to extend or reduce the contract
period within accepted terms and conditions at the time of agreement. Normally contract
period will be for 3 years from the date of commencement of the date of written order. If
required ‘Public Health Engineering Department’ may extend the contract period upto 3
Years and proportionately additional payment shall be made.
27. All abnormal events i.e. continuous power failure / failure of equipments etc. shall be
reported to the Engineer-in-Charge promptly in writing only.
28. Secrecy – The contractor shall during the tenure of the contract and any time thereafter
mention in strict confidence all information relating to the work and shall not unless so
authorized in writing by the competent authority, disclose of grant access to any information
about the work to any body and prevent and unauthorized person to have information about
the work to any body and prevent and unauthorized person to have an access to such an
information. The obligation to keep secrecy shall be continued even after the termination of
29. Good house keeping shall be maintained at disposal work, pumping station and its premises.
30. Contractor will have to maintain daily log books and all other records asked by Engineer-in-
Charge. Contractor will have to arrange for stationery at his cost.
31. All sundry materials for maintenance and repair, such as cotton waste, gland packing,
lubricating oil, greases, brooms, doormat, phenol, washing powder, soap for sweeping etc.
will purchased by the contractor at his own cost as per requirement.
32. Contractor shall have to submit specific information other than monthly information on
prescribed form to the office of Engineer-in-Charge as per his requirement.
33. Contractor will have to keep all the instruments in working order round the clock if
Engineer-in-Charge observes that the instruments are not maintained properly or not showing
reading properly suitable penalty will be imposed on contractor and decision of Executive
Engineer will be final and binding on contractor.
34. All telephone bills payment shall be made by the contractor to telephone department well in
35. If, it is observed that the contractor is not performing the duty as per instructions / directions
given by the Engineer-in-Charge/ Executive Engineer, Public Health Engineering
Department or do not keep the requiredmaterial or do not repair and put the misc. equipments
in order, within time limit, the Executive Engineer reserves the right to impose penalty or to
purchase the required material at risk and cost of contractor or to engage some other agency
to get the work or part of work done at the risk and cost of contractor. The decision of the
Executive Engineer in this respect will be final and binding on the contractor.
36. If any installation failed due to any account , the repair shall be carried out by the contractor
or shall be recovered form the pending dues of the contractor.
37. In case of strike by contractor’s employees, contractor will have to make necessary alternate
arrangement for operation and maintenance of the plants but in no case day to day operation
& maintenance work should be stopped. If necessary, contractor can seek police protection.
He may take help of Home Guard for operation and maintenance of the work. The necessary
letters will be given by the department to the Police Authorities but necessary expenses
should be borne by the contractor.
38. Contractor / contractor’s representative will round the clock co-operate with Executive
Engineer / Assistant Engineer/ Junior Engineer or Superintending Engineer for giving
information and for taking instruction. The representative should be well conversant with the
job and can guide or pass the instruction to field staff properly and he should be available
round the clock on telephone or at site. He should arrange to the give information regarding
the plant to Engineer-in-Charge as and when required by him. If this arrangement is not made
by contractor he will be penalized @ Rs. 10000.00 per month besides this his bimonthly bill
will be withheld till he provides such arrangement.
39. Contractor will maintain cleanliness, ventilation and lighting in the plant and its premises in
all three shifts. This include sweeping, removing of cobwebs, dust, etc. from plant machines
and premises. If during inspection it is observed that cleanliness is not maintained, a penalty
upto @ Rs. 10000.00 per inspection per plant will be imposed and deduction will be made
accordingly from contractor’s bimonthly bill. All the materials required for maintaining
cleanliness will be on contractor’s account.
40. Toilet blocks should be kept neat and well maintained through out day, if it observed that
they are dirty and not clean upto Rs. 500.00 each inspection per plant will be deducted from
contractor’s bill for required material for cleaning will be contractor’s account.
41. If, any machine or equipment which is under repair and remain unattached for 4 hours due to
the contractor’s negligence a penalty @ Rs. 500.00 per hour will be imposed till repair works
is done. The contractor shall be responsible for all damages / loses to public / private
property on account of his negligence / failure in the performance of this contract.
42. If, Engineer-in-Charge fixes any time limit for any work the contractor will have to complete
the work within the fixed time at any cost even by deputing additional staff round the clock.
If contractor fails to complete that job within the fixed time, a penalty @ Rs. 500.00 per
hour for delay in time will be imposed. In this respect the decision of the Executive Engineer
will be final and binding on the contractor.
43. The plantation at the STP & disposal works will have to be maintained by the contractors
himself. He should provide proper manure, watering cleaning etc. to the existing plantation
zone surrounded by four boundary walls of the works. The fencing around plants has also to
be maintained by the contractor himself including all labour and materials.
Analysis schedule
A Water Sample
1 Effluent raw Three times in a Before Composite On Every Sample
water week (Except screening Temp pH, BOD, TOT,
has to be done COD FIL TSSVSS
dailybasis) On one sample per
week Sulphate,
Sulphide, VFA Feacal,
Coliform, TKN,
Amonical Nitrogen
Phosphorous T
coliform, SAR EC
RSC Alkalinity
2 Effluent waste Three times in a After Composite On Every Sample
water week (Except Chlorine Temp pH, BOD, TOT,
BOD & SS which Contact BID FIL COD, TOT,
has to be done tank TOT, TSS, VSS,
dailybasis) CODFIL.
On one sample per
Alkalinity Sulphate
Sulphide VFA Feacal
3 Three times in a Three times in a After Grab Temp pH, BOD, TOT,
week (Except week Chlorine COD, TOT, TSS,
which tank FIL.
has to be done
daily basis)
4 Influent to Three times Inlet Grab Temp. pH, BOD,TSS,
Chlorine Feacal Coliform
5 Effluent from Three times Outlet Grab Temp. pH, BOD,TSS,
Chlorine contact Feacal Coliform
6 Final Effluent Every day Outlet Hourly As per table 1-2-3on
page 11
B Sludge Sample
1 From reactor for Once in a week Sludge pit Samples shall be TSS, VSS, Ash
complete from each reactor tested for each contents
Sludge profile at Withdrawal port
different heights level separately
by mixing
sample of all
pits of reactor
port level wise
2 From sludge Once in week from Sludge sump Grab TSS, VSS
sump each sludge sump
Fortnightly Sludge Drying Grab Moisture
Beds Content, NPK
C Biogas (if any)
1 Before scrubber Once in a week Inlet Grab Methane
toscrubber Co2,
H2S1 Temp
2 After scrubber Once in a week Outlet scrubber Grab Methane
H2S1 Temp
The composite sample, wherever specified, mean a sample prepared by taking sample every two
hours and mixing them in proportion of the flow.
Contractor should run the laboratory (both chemical and Biological) by expertise hand to
evaluate the results & different parameters stated above and for that he should supply required
chemicals regarding filters & glass wares etc. complete. He should analyze the treated and
untreated sewage samples for Fecal Coliform Count in a week for that also contractor should
support and supply necessary chemicals. The contractor should submit the weekly test reports to
Department. The list of minimum chemicals to be procured minimum one month advance by the
contractor is as follows:
Contractor shall also procure the other chemicals required to carry out the different tests as per
DEPARTMENT requirements, PPCB & Other governing authorities. The PPCB guidelines for
Operation and Maintenance of STP should also be followed for performing different laboratory
tests, record keeping as well for Operation and maintenance of the entireplant.
Except following conditions no other condition will be considered as Force Majure condition: -
a) Failure of electric supply from HVPN.
b) All electrical break down at H.T / L.T control gear, switch gear, equipments of substation
upto a reasonable time as assessed by the Engineer-in-Charge of the work.
8.0. List of Laboratory Equipments required in this scope of contract: -
Temperature control. : Automatic.
Temperature sensor : Yes.
Quantity. : 1 No.
10.0. MST MICRO Stirrer. :
Painted metal structure Electronic speed regulation up to 1100 RPM with
stirring volume
of 5 Liters.
Quantity. : 1 No.
11.0. Unitron 1 X fixed power stereo Microscope, : 1 No.
Binocular with oil immersion & movable
stage counting cell.
12.0. Membrane Filter Assembly. : 1 No.
Conical shaped funnel with graduated volume marks to 500 ml. Base
sections shall include fritted borosilicate membranes support. Fennel &
base sections joined by locking ring mechanism for dispensable seal etc.
Quantity. : 1 No.
13.0. Rectangular Muffle Furnace High temperature
(1200 o
C) W/ Digital.
Working temperature o C : 1100
Outer Body. : MS
Digital workable on : 220/ 230 V
Quantity : 1 No.
14.0. Turbidity Meter
2100 N laboratory Turbidity meter for nephelometric measurement
Range. : 0 to 4000 NTU-26800
Nepholes; & 0 980EBC
Accuracy : ± 2% for 0 to 1000 NTU
Quantity. : 1 No.
15.0. PH meter Large LCD bench top PH/ M/ V/
Temp meter.
Range: -
PH : 6 to 20
mV : 2000 to 2000mV
Temp. 10 to 120 o C.
Resolution: -
PH : 0.01
mV : 1.0
Temp. : 0.1 o C
Accuracy: -
PH : ± 0.01
Quantity : 1 No.
16.0. Sedgwick Rafter funnels. : 1 No.
17.0. Sludge sampler. : 1 No.
18.0. Air Conditioners (1.5 to 2T). : 1 No.
19.0. Sampling pumps for following services with
control in
- For raw sewage. : 1 No.
- For Clarified effluent. : 1 No.
- For common aerated effluent. : 1No.
Note : The glass ware bottles, beakers, cylinder, funnels, flasks, dishes, in halfconer, pipettes,
HT & LT merger, Tong tester and first aid box shall be provided by the contractor as per
the requirement of site.
8.0. List of accepted makes: -
10. Sluice gates. JASH / Oriental / IVC/ Upadhyay, VAG/ Kirloskar
BrotherLtd/ Indian Valve Co./VAG
11. Non Return Valves Kirloskar Brother Ltd./ Indian Valve Co./VAG
12 Gas Valves AUDCO
13. Exhaust Fans Bajaj Electronics Ltd./Crompton Greaves Ltd./
Electric Co. Ltd./Havells/ALSTOM/Jay Engg. Works
25. HRC Fuses Schneider India/ C & S/ GE/ Havells/ L & T
26. Contactors SIEMENS / L & T/ Cutler-Hammer / GE/ C & S/
BhartiaCurtler Hammer
27. Bimetal O/L Relay SIEMENS / L & T/ Cutler-Hammer / GE
28. Thermostat Relay L & T/ Cutler-Hammer/ Siemens/ GE/ Havells
29. Control Fuses L&T/GEPower/C&S/Havells/SIEMENS/HPL/
30. Push Buttons Siemens/L&T/Concord/Cutler-Hammer/C&S/
Vashinov/Bhartiya Cutler Hammer
For non-flame Proof SIEMENS
Flameproof/weather Proof FCC/BALIGA
31. Indicating Lamp Siemens/L&T/Concord/Cutler-Hammer/Vashinov/
Bhartiya Cutler Hammer
32. Timers Siemens/ L&T/Cutler-Hammer
33. C.T.S.&P.T.S Siemens/ AEP/ Pactil/ Kappa
34. Outdoor Transformer/ HT GE/CROMPTON/Kirloskar/ITE/VOLTAMP/EMCO.
Panel (Nasik)/ETC (Thana)/VOLTAS/CG
35. Indicating Instrument AEP/ Meco/ MECIBUS/ PYROTECH
36. Protective Relays ABB/ Easun/ Rerolley/ GE, SEC
37. Terminals Elmex/ C & PHONIX
38. MCB Standard/ Crompton /MDS/ GE/ HAVELLS / BCH
39. MCCB SIEMENS / L & T / GE/ C & S / Havells / BCH
40. IDMT Relay GE/ C & S / ABB
41. Wires/ Cables. ASIAN/ ICC/ UNISTAR/ Finolex/ Fort Closter/ KEI
42. Monorail with trolley. Brady/ ELDROF/ EVEREST
44. BATTERY. EXIDE/ SF/ HBC KNIFE/Standard batteries
Ltd./Chloride India Ltd./Amco Batteries Ltd./
Tata green
45 Battery Charger UPTRON/AEL/APCO/KerlaState Electricity
46. Butterfly Valve. Kirloskar/Fouress /Audco/ IVC/VAG
47. Air Blower. Kay / Everest / Swam/Kirloskar pneumatic
Co./K.g.khosla Compressors Ltd/Ingersoll
Rand/Chicago Pneumatic (I)Ltd./Elgi / Welcome
60. Ultrasonic Insertion type Danfoss, Endress + Hauser, ABB, Ultraflux, France,
Flow GE
61. Electromagnetic Flowmeter Endress + Hauser, Rosemount (Emerson), ABB
62. Digital LED Indicators Nishko/ SwitzerMEASIBUS/ MECO /Lectrotek
System devices
63. Level switches. Nova / EPLC / Levcon.
65. Timer. GEC / L & T / Siemens / BCH / Concorde.
66. Chlorine Toner. ISGEF / ANUP.
67. Chlorinator ToshconJesco/Pennwatt/Aldos/Metito
68. PLC A Bradley/ Siemens/ L & T/ GE- FANUC
69. Lighting Fixtures BAJAJ/Crompton Greaves Ltd./Philips/Wipro Ltd.
70. 415 V Air Circuit breaker English Electrical Ltd./L&T/SIEMENS
71. Power Capacitors Crompton GreavesLtd/MEHER(L&T)/Manohar
GLOBE/Applied Electronis Ltd.
73. Lightening protection Unit NELCO/LPT
74. Relays (for 1.1 KV 11 KV EEL/ALSTOM/Universal Electrics Ltd./
easunReyrollesRelays/Asian Brown
switch gear)
75. Nuts & Bolts TATA/B&W
76. Ceiling Fans BAJAJ/ORIENT?USHA/CROMPTON/Khaitan/
79. PCC/MCC Advance
Electrical/Bhartiya Cutler Hammer/C&SG/GE Power
80. Flow Indicating Totalizer Lectrotek, Masibus, Nishko, GE, ABB, ULTRE
81. Open Channel UltrasonicFlow Endress + Hauser, Honeywell, Hycontrols, UK
82. Ultrasonic Type Endress + Hauser, Honeywell, Hycontrols, UK
LevelMeasurement Device
83. Float & Board Type Nivo (Toshniwal), Endress + Hauser, Pune Techtrol
LevelMeasuring system
84. Conductivity Type Level Pune Techtrol/EndressHauser/Nivo(Toshniwal)/
Switch SBEM/HATCH/Orbit/EIP/ABB/LevelCone/Magnetr
ol/Forbes Marshall
104. Analog Signal Multiplier SECURE, Sai Tech, MTL INSTS, NISHKO
105. Printer Epson, Wipro ,HP, SAMSUNG
106. Monitor Philips, L.G., Samsung, DELL
107. Lightening Protection Unit MTL Instruments, Rittmeyer, P & F
108. UPS Tata Emerson/ Merlin Gerin/ Mitsubishi/APC/
109. Panel Enclosures & PC Rittal, President, Manshu, Cuttler Hammer,
110. Computer ( Servers & HP-Compaq / IBM/ DELL
111. Communication System Sheetal WirelessTech.Pvt.Ltd,Pune, SaravaniTelecom
Integrator Hyderabad, MIDAS, Ahemdabad; Sai Technologies,
112. On Line Turbidity, TOC, Endress + Hauser, Forbes/ Khrone Marshal
MLSS, Residual chlorine, Do
Fisher Rosemount ( Emerson), HACH,
meter Measuring
Honeywell, Pennwalt
121. Air Condition Carrier/L.G./O’ General
122 Laboratory Equipment’s HACH/ ISI Marked
123 Chemicals Merck/ Equivalent Laboratory Grade
Lump sum price bid for
Renovation and Upgradation Designing, Detailed Engineering, supply, Fabrication, Erection Testing and commissioning
including operation and maintenance for 5 years (1 year warranty period + 4 Year operation and maintenance) of 4.5 MLD
capacity effluent treatment plant with all interconnection piping works, Mechanical, electrical online monitoring system and
its link with HPCB and CPCB server on TRUNKEY (lumpsum) basis
This tender is lump-sum. All the necessary items required for successful run of the plant to be provided by the contractor &
nothing shall be paid extra.
All the safety equipments are to be provided at various units and equipments to ensure proper safety of the works. These
equipments may include guide detectors, gas mask, cylinder, safety belt, shoes, provision of suction of poisonous gasses in
different pump house along the fresh etc. For which nothing extra shall be paid.
Rate are inclusive of all the taxes such as GST, Vat tax, Service Tax, Sales Tax ,Octroi Tax etc. and nothing extra shall be paid to
the contractor on this account.
It is assured that required Treated Sewage Parameters as given below will be achieved after Upgradation of Existing STP .
S. No Parameters Revised HSPCB Norms for Discharge
1. pH 5.5 - 9
2. T.S.S., mg / lit. : ≤ 20
3. B.O.D., mg / lit. : ≤ 10
4. C.O.D., mg / lit. : ≤50
5. Oil & Grease, mg/lit : ≤ 10
6 Phosphorus, mg/l ≤1
7 TKN, mg/l ≤10
8. Total Coliform MPN/ 100ml ≤ 100
Signature of Contractor:
S. No Item Payment
Breakup The Cost For Supply Of Electrical, Mechanical, Interconnecting Piping,
Instrumentation Equipment, lab instruments Solar Panels etc(67% of Capex Cost):-
1 Supply of equipment at site 70%
2 Installation at desired place 15%
3 Testing of equipment 15%
Schedule of Payment for civil works (32% of Capex Cost)
S. No. Description %The cost of respective
E.O. Sub Break up: -
1.0. Reactors & Sump:-
1.1. Excavation 10%
PCC 15%
RCC Raft 35%
RCC Walls
- 1/3 10%
- 2/3 10%
- Full 10%
RCC Slabs/ Walkways/Stairs 5%
Coal Tar Epoxy on inner surface 5%
Schedule of Payment for Operation and Maintenance (45% of Total Cost ie Capex
Cost +Opex Cost)
S. No. Description
1 Quarterly (at three month interval) 5 % of Total Capex Cost
The further stage wise price break up shall be submitted by the successful bidder for approval
from Engineer in Charge, based on work done & prevailing market rates.
5% amount of all running bills shall be recovered and kept in deposit till the successful
completion of Defect Liability Period. The same shall be released against Equivalent Bank
I / We agree to abide by the above conditions fully.
Signature of Contractor: