B1.nov 2022 Ans
B1.nov 2022 Ans
B1.nov 2022 Ans
Since managing government (for example) is different from managing a company, a different
framework is needed in planning and control. This can be achieved by:
• Setting objectives for each
• Careful planning of public expenditure proposals
• Emphasis on getting value for money.
They provide a simple way for the lender to invest, without him having personally to find a
suitable borrower directly. All the investor has to decide is for how long the money is to be
deposited and what sort of return is required; all he then has to do is to choose an appropriate
intermediary and form of deposit.
Intermediaries can offer a wide range of specialist expert advice on the various investment
opportunities that is not directly available to the private investor.
(Any 4 points @ 1 mark)
(c) Evaluation of the company performance in relation to the industry performance from 2020
to 2021 based on the given ratio: (2020 to 2021)
i. Current ratio
Performance of the company from year 2020 to 2021 in terms of current ratio
increased from 0.84:1 to 0.91:1 while of industry decreases from 1.72:1 to 1.63:1. This
shows that the firm is exposing to high risk of liquidity though by having such ratios it
shows that resources are not idle i.e., high profit policy followed.
v. Stock turnover
Performance of the company from year 2020 to 2021 in terms of stock turnover
decreased from 16.3 times to 14.2 times while of industry increased from 12.8 times to
113 times. This shows that general the performance is good in relation to that of
company though it decreased.
a. Percentage of sales method and computations
i. The following are assumptions to be made under percentage of sales method:
(a) All costs vary directly in proportion to sales.
(b) Net profit percentage will remain constant since costs vary directly in
proportion to sales.
(c) Dividends generally do not vary directly with sales and depend upon
management decision.
(d) All assets including noncurrent assets vary directly in proportion to sales.
(e) Equity and debt do not vary directly in proportion to sales and depend upon
management decision.
(f) Retained earning will depend upon dividend payout.
ii. Estimation of the amount of funds that the company is required to raise from
external sources to support the growth in 2022.
Data Given
Sales growth = 10%
Sales for 2022 = TZS.660,000,000
Current assets = 125% of total sales
Non-current assets = 150% of total sales
Short term debts = 35% of total sales
Profit margin on sales = 15%
Dividend payout = 30%
EFR (External Funds Requirement) = g* (current assets of current year – g * (current
liabilities of current year) – ((1 – dividend payout ratio) Return on sales) ((1+g) sales of
current year)
Sales for 2021 = 100% + 10% = 660,000,000
= 110% = 660,000,000
= TZS.600,000,000
iii. Determination of the expected retained earnings for the year 2022
Expected retained earnings = Opening Balance + Net Profit – Expected dividend
Opening balance of retained earnings 2022
= (600,000,000 * 15%) * 70%
= TZS.63,000,000
Net profit 2022 = 660,000,000 * 15%
= TZS.99,000,000
Dividend 2022 = TZS.99,000,000 x 30%=29,700,000
Expected retained earnings (2022) = 99,000,000 – 29,700,000 = 69,300,000
Expected retaining earning (Total) = 61,200,000 – 15,840,000
= 132,300,000
iv. Determination of the amount of total assets of the company in the year 2022
Total assets = Noncurrent assets + Current assets
= 990,000,000 + 825,000,000
= 1,815,000,000
Therefore, total assets of the company in the year 2022 is TZS 1,815,000,000
• Borrowing money to finance expansion may help a company meet market demand or
position itself better in the market. The larger – scale implies a greater market as
services and goods can now be provided to more customers.
• External sources of finance greatly help a company expend (grow at a fact rate) and
thus operate on a larger scale.
ii. Explanations on the use of external finance for long term investments and the Firm’s
External finance and a firm’s growth are closely related. An increase in sales of an
organization leads to the need for external financing. An organization which grows at a
fast rate needs to resort to external financing since internal earnings may not be
sufficient. Assets requirements grow at a faster rate as compared to retained earnings
hence external financing is required. An increase in the sales of an organization leads
to higher investment in plant and machinery and other assets. This additional
requirement can be financed through retained earnings up to a certain extent beyond
which it is necessary to resort to external financing. External financing also helps an
organization to grow by facilitating other activities like research, advertisement leads
to high production as well as firm’s growth.
a) Systematic risk: this is also known as market risk. It arises due to the uncertainties in
the economy and cannot be reduced by diversification. Examples of systematic risk are
increase in the inflation rate, changes in tax policies, etc.
Unsystematic risk: this is also known as unique risk and arises from unique
uncertainties of individual securities. Uncertainties of individual securities in a
portfolio cancel out each other and hence this risk can be reduced through
diversification. Examples of unsystematic risk are new competitors in the market,
strikes in the company, etc.
c) Ujamaa Pls needs to create a sinking fund for the period from the issue of debentures
to maturity in order to ensure that sufficient and timely funds are available for
repayment of debentures on maturity.
A sinking fund is a fund which is created by contributing fixed amount at regular fixed
intervals so that a redecided sum is accumulated at the end of the specified period.
The sinking fund is generally created by borrowers for e.g., companied create sinking
fund to repay debentures or bonds on maturity. Borrowers may pay interest at regular
intervals during the life of the of the loan but may not have sufficient provision to
repay principle on the maturity of the loan. As such sinking funds are created to make
provision for repayment of loan on maturity.
The time value of money is taken into account to calculate the amount that needs to be
contributed to the sinking fund so that funds are available to repay the loan on
maturity. Funds contributed to the fund are so invested that amount is available at the
time of repayment of loan.
The factor that is used to calculate the equal annual contribution every year is called
the Sinking Fund Factor (SFF) and it ranges between 0 and 1.0.
d) Stock Repurchase is transaction in which a firm buys back shares of its own stock,
thereby decreasing shares outstanding, increasing EPS, and often increasing the stock
price. Situations that warrant share repurchase.
• Situation where the firm has cash available for distribution to its stakeholders
and it distributes this cash by repurchasing share rather than by paying cash
• Situations where the firm concludes that its capital structure is too heavily
weighted with equity and it sells debt and uses the proceeds to buy back its
stock, and
• Situation where the firm has issued options to employees and it uses open
market repurchases to obtain stock for use when the options are exercised.
Stock that has been repurchased by a firm is called treasury stock. If some of the
outstanding shock is repurchased, fewer shares will remain outstanding. Assuming that
the repurchase does not adversely affect the firm’s future earnings, the earnings per
share on the remaining shares will increase, resulting in a higher market price per
share. As a result, capital gains will have been substituted for dividends (2.5 marks).
Demerits of Repurchases
Demerits of repurchases include the following:
1. Stockholders may not be indifferent between dividends and capital gains, and the
price of the stock might benefit more from cash dividends than from repurchases.
2. The selling stockholders may not be fully aware of all the implications of a
repurchases, or they may not have all the pertinent information about the
corporation’s present and future activities. This is especially true in situations.
3. The corporation may pay too high a price for the repurchased stock, to the
disadvantage of remaining stockholders.
Expected Market Price after repurchases is: = P/E Ratio x EPS after Repurchase
= 20 x TZS.200
= TZS.4,000
i. Assessment of the Company’s Financial Performance
Description Amount (TZS)
Profits before tax 10,000,000
Less: Tax 40% 4,000,000
Profits after tax 6,000,000
Less preferred Dividend (8% x TZS 1,000 3,200,000
X 40,000
Earning attributable to ordinary 2,800,000
shareholders Number of Ordinary shares 20,000
in Issue
EPS 140
The performance of the company has extremely deteriorated. There EPS has decreased
from TZS.400 to TZS.140, represented a decrease by 65%.
iii. Uses and limitations of the Earnings per Share as measure of Company’s
• Earnings per share (EPS) is widely used as a measure of a company’s performance
and is of particular importance in comparing results over a period of several years.
A company must be able to sustain its earnings in order to pay dividends and
reinvest in the business so as to achieve future growth. (1 mark)
• Investors also look for growth in the EPS from one year to the nest. (1 mark)
EPS is a figure based on past data, and can be easily manipulated by changes in
accounting policies. (1 mark)
(iii) The value of the geared and the ungeared firm are the same proving the concept of
capital structure irrelevance as par M M.
Types of reward
As cash bonus will be a powerful incentive for managers to improve their
performance and achieve targets. Share options can be used but they can encourage
i. Dividend per Share (2019) and Dividend Yield (2019)
Dividend per Share (DPS) = 0.4 x TZS 1,260,000/10,000= TZS 50.4
Current Dividend Yield = DPS/Po = TZS 50.4/TZS 5,040= 1%
ii. Dividend per Share (2018)
DPS = (TZS1,50,000 x 0.4)/10,000 = TZS 42
iv. The company should maintain a constant dividend payout ratio as this
will guarantee setting aside a proportion of income each year as
retained earnings to be used for the purpose.
Retain 30%
Current Years Dividend = (0.7) (32,000,00) = TZS.22,400,000
Retain 20%
Current Year’s Dividend = TZS.(0.80) (32,000,000) = TZS.25,600,000 (0.5 marks)
Therefore, the value of shares will be maximized by retaining 30% of the year
earnings and only paying 22,400,000/= in dividend (2 marks)
b. (i) If a firm’s cash inflows and outflows are variable but completely predictable the firm
can use the EOQ model of inventory control (i.e the Baumol model) to determine the
optimal level of working balance under conditions of certainty. The objective function
is cost minimization (e.i the firm attempts to minimize the sum of holding costs-
opportunity cost; and conversation costs – transaction costs)
(ii) If a firm’s cashflows and outflows are completely random the firm can use stochastic
models (e.g the Miller – Orr model). The model assumes that the firm do not use its
cash flows are uniformly and sets the upper and lower control limits while assuming
that the net cash follow is normally distributed with a zero value of mean and a
standard deviation.
c. Calculation the break – even EBIT. At any EBIT above this, the increased financial
leverage will increase EPS
Under the old capital structure, the interest bill is TZS.80 million x 0.90 = TZS
Under the new capital structure, the interest expense will be TZS.125 million x 0.09 =
TZS.11.25 million.
Furthermore, the debt rises by TZS.45 million. This amount Is sufficient to repurchase
TZS.45 million/ TZS.45 = 1 million shares of stock, leaving 9 million outriding.
Setting the two scenarios equal to each other and solve for the break – even EBIT.