Consumer Behavior
Consumer Behavior
Consumer Behavior
76. The “in” suppliers are most likely to get nervous and feel pressure to put their
best foot forward in which of the following types of buying situations?
A. modified rebuy .
B. new task buying
C. straight rebuy
D. indirect rebuy
Answer: A
78. The stage of the business buying process where the buyer describes the
characteristics and quantity of the needed item is called:
A. problem recognition.
B. general need description. .
C. product specification.
D. proposal solicitation.
Answer: B
79. If a buying team is asked by the purchasing department to rank the importance
of reliability, durability, price, and other attributes of an item, then the team is
going through a business buying process stage called:
A. problem recognition.
B. general need description. .
C. product specification.
D. proposal solicitation.
Answer: B
81. Factors such as supplier reputation for repair and servicing capabilities are
important criteria for evaluation at which stage in the business buying process?
A. problem recognition
B. supplier search
C. supplier selection .
D. order-routine specification
Answer: C
82. Blanket contracts are typically part of which of the following stages in the
business buying process?
A. general need description
B. product specification
C. supplier selection
D. order-routine specification .
Answer: D
83. The stage of the business buying process in which the buyer writes the final
order with the chosen supplier(s), listing the technical specifications, quantity
needed, expected time of delivery, return policies, and warranties is called:
A. general need description.
B. product specification.
C. supplier selection.
D. order-routine specification. .
Answer: D
84. The _______________ may lead the buyer to continue, modify, or drop the
arrangement that has been entered into by the buyer and seller.
85. For the marketing manager, social class offers some insights into consumer
behavior and is potentially useful as a ___________________.
A. market research information
B. market segmentation variable .
C. source of understanding competition’s strategy
D. source to predict future trends
Answer: B
87. __________ are factors that have been shown to affect consumer behavior.
A. brand name, quality, newness, and complexity .
B. advertising, marketing, product, and price
C. outlets, strategies, concept, and brand name
D. quality, advertising, product positioning, and strategy
Answer: A
88. The reason that higher prices may not affect consumer buying is
A. most consumers prefer brand names which have higher prices
B. 70% of the total population looks for quality services and is willing to pay higher prices
C. consumers believe that higher prices indicate higher quality or prestige .
D. most consumers feel that the price is actually affordable
Answer: C
90. For which of the following products would the reference group influence be the
A. a best-seller novel
B. a pickup truck .
C. a loaf of bread
D. a pair of jeans
Answer: B
92. Marketing strategies are often designed to influence _______________ and lead
to profitable exchanges.
A. consumer decision making .
B. sales strategies
C. advertising strategies
D. export strategies
Answer: A
93. __________ refers to the information a consumer has stored in their memory
about a product or service.
A. cognitive dissonance
B. product knowledge .
C. product research
D. marketing research
94. One of the key tasks of marketers is ____________ and to create consumer
perceptions that the product is worth purchasing.
A. to make products easily visible and available
B. to promote sales of products
C. to differentiate their products from those of competitors .
D. to do marketing surveys
Answer: C
95. Praveen doesn't really like Chicken fry but when all of his friends ordered
chicken fry, he felt that to be part of the gang he needed to buy one for himself.
Which situational influence explains Terence's purchase of a grapefruit martini?
A. its marketing mix
B. task features
C. current conditions
D. social features
Answer: D
99. When consumers are seeking low-involvement products, they are unlikely to
engage in extensive search, so _________________ is important.
A. order processing
B. order booking
C. ready availability .
D. information about warranty
Answer: C