Water Treatment - EngineerTraining2021fff

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Training 2021

Wilhelmsen Ships Service – Engineer Officer Training May 2021

Water Treatment
Quality of fresh water onboard

The Best Water

Good quality water for boiler?

✓No oil
✓No rust

✓No mineral

✓Very low hardness

✓Can drink ?
Boiler Water Treatment

Boiler Sludge Conditioning Alkaline Treatment Hardness Treatment Condensate Treatment Oxygen Scavenging
Single Function Treatment Product: Single Function Treatment Product: Single Function Treatment Product: Single Function Treatment Product: Oxygen Scavenger Plus
Boiler Coagulant Alkalinity Control Hardness Treatment 7208 Condensate Control Oxygen Control
Multi Function Treatment Product: Multi Function Treatment Product: Multi Function Treatment Product: Condensate Treatment 9-150 Oxygen Scavenger 9-002
Autotreat Autotreat Autotreat Multi Function Treatment Product: Oxytreat
BWT Liquid Plus BWT Liquid Plus BWT Liquid Plus Autotreat Cat Sulphite L
Corrosion Control

Boiler Water Treatment

Alkaline Treatment
pH & P-alkalinity

Corrosion Acid & Caustic General Corrosion


Boiler Water Treatment

Oxygen Scavenging
Oxygen Content vs Temp
Boiler Sludge

Boiler Water Treatment

Boiler Sludge - Control
Chemical Treatment -Polymer

Crystal Modification Dispersion

Boiler Scale

Boiler Water Treatment

Water Scale Effect

Loss of efficiency Increase fuel consumption


Boiler Water Treatment

Condensate Treatment
To neutralize CO2 Acidic Attack
Boiler Water

Boiler Water Treatment

Advance Boiler Water Treatment Program
Autotreat & Oxygen Scavenger Plus

Autotreat Oxygen Scavenger Plus

• NALFLEET™ AUTOTREAT™ is a multifunctional, liquid • NALFLEET™ Oxygen Scavenger Plus™ is a catalysed, liquid
boiler water treatment, formulated with alkaline compounds, Oxygen Scavenger based on Diethylhydroxylamine (DEHA).
scale inhibitor, dispersant, and volatile amines for the Its volatile properties ensure distribution throughout the boiler
protection of the feed, boiler and condensate systems. and condensate system, and hence protects against oxygen
corrosion in all parts of the system.
Problem: Solution: Problem: Solution:
Scale deposits in auxiliary or low pressure Condition hardness salts for blowdown. Corrosion in boilers as a result of dissolved Remove dissolved oxygen
boilers causing reduced efficiency. Maintain correct alkalinity for scale and Oxygen
corrosion control
Corrosion in low pressure boilers as a result Increase alkalinity to neutralise acids, Dosing should be controlled so that the DEHA residual in the condensate is between 0,08-0,30 ppm.
of high boiler water acid levels (low alkalinity). precipitate salts and corrosion control The consumption will depend on feed water temperature and the amount of water fed into the boiler.
Initial Dosage Rate: 1L / per ton of Boiler Routine Dosage Rate: 0.5-0.75L / per day
Dosage Depends of the DEHA readings
Initial dose for an untreated system is 2.4 litres of Autotreat per ton boiler capacity. This will
bring the treatment up to a suitable level of about 200 ppm p-Alkalinity. The provided dosing
chart is convenient for calculation of the amount of chemical required.

DEHA test result in condensate, (ppm)

P-Alkalinity (as ppm CaCO3) 0 50 100 150 200 225 300 350 400 0.04-0.08 0.08-0.12 0.12-0.16 0.16-0.20 0.20-0.25 0.25-0.30 0.30-0.35 0.35-0.40 0.40+
Dosage of Autotreat 2.4 1.8 1.2 0.6 0 0 0 Blowdown ltrs/1000 Increase dose by 25% Satisfactory, maintain daily dose rate Decrease dose by 25 %
Boiler Water
Boiler Water Test Kit 310
DEHA Checkit Test Kit
DEHA Checkit Test Kit

Observatory Manual Dosing Point for

Tank(Condensate Return) Oxygen Scavenger Plus
(sampling point) and Autotreat

Note: Taking DEHA Test only in condensate side/return

to check the residual and not in the boiler.
Boiler Water
Treatment Good
Good Boiler Water Treatment Practice

Dosing, Testing & Logging Blow down

➢ Check dosing pump condition ➢Boiler down from the scum valve to reduce chlorides and
➢Test water and log results to Waterproof
➢Blow the boiler Boilers should be blown down regularly to
➢Blow down if required remove salts and chemical reaction products.
➢Treatment chemicals should be added according to the test ➢Blow the down from the bottom blow down to remove sludge
results. Re-adjust flow rate of dosing pump if required. weekly.
➢Feed water – Check hot well temperature, maintain +850C ➢Blow down should be short 10 second bursts to avoid
➢Hotwell – Ensure hotwell lids closed. interrupting circulation

➢Aim to blow down at least one tonne of water per week

Boiler Water

Boiler Water Treatment

Boiler Water

Respond for coloured boiler water sample

• To do 2 mins circle
• Bottom blow down for coloured water sample

• Top blow down for high chloride & high conductivity

• Focus on the quantity of blow down instead of time

• For coloured water sample issue; blow down should be
increased up to 3 three times a day.

• When boiler blow down had been continued for more than a
week without positive result!

• What do you do?

Good Boiler Water Treatment Practice

Sampling Chemical Dosing

➢Safety first – Use safety glasses and gloves ➢Adding of treatment chemical should be based on the water
test result.
➢Always use clean bottles
➢If no metering pump, add chemical by gravity with flow meter
➢To use the same bottle each time for each sample point to suction line of feed pump.
➢Flush the sample line until sample runs clear before rinsing ➢Close hotwell lids at all times.
➢Wear suitable protective clothing, face shield, chemical
➢Rinse the bottle 2-3 times with the water to be tested resistant gloves and apron
➢Fill sample bottle and close with cap to prevent air entry ➢Oxygen Scavenger Plus should be dosed daily and
➢Sample cooler continuously by means of a dosing tank and pump set.
• Sample coolers avoid flashing of volatile components during
sampling which can affect test readings
• Avoids burning of fingers
Engine Cooling
Water Treatment
What’s the best water onboard?

Good quality water for engine?

✓No oil
✓No rust

✓No mineral

✓Very low hardness

Advance COOLING Water Treatment Program
Liquid Cooling Water Corrosion Inhibitor

NALFLEET™ Rocor NB Liquid is a highly effective corrosion inhibitor for the common ferrous and non-
ferrous metals found in engine cooling water systems.

The product can be used for corrosion inhibition in many types of closed recirculation systems such as:

•Diesel engine cooling water systems

•Compressor cooling water systems
•Centralised cooling systems
•Hot water heating systems
•Auxiliary machinery cooling systems

Problem: Solution:
Corrosion in closed circuit cooling or heating systems - e.g.diesel engines. Passivate metal surfaces and maintain stable pH to prevent damage to the system

Initial dosage for an untreated system is 9 litres of NALFLEET™ Rocor NB Liquid/1000 litres of untreated
distilled/technical water. This will bring the treatment up to the minimum level of 1000 ppm nitrite. The dosage chart
given below is for convenience in calculating the amount of NALFLEET™ Rocor NB Liquid required to bring the
treatment level to the suitable point between the minimum and maximum - this being 1440 ppm nitrite.

Nitrite (as PPM NO2) 0 180 360 540 720 900 1080 1260 1440 - 2400
Rocor NB 13.0 11.3 9.7 8.1 6.5 4.9 3.3 1.7 0
Typical Engine Cooling System
Scale Deposition

• Engine cooling circuits are designed to be ‘closed

Calcium carbonate scale
systems’, that is, the normal make up rate should be
deposition on valve seat. <5% of the system water capacity per week. However,
because of age which leads to leakage and the need
for routine and/or breakdown maintenance, make-up
rates can be much higher than expected.

• If the make-up water is from the evaporated water

system then scaling is not usually a problem as this
water does not contain scale forming salts. Where the
make-up water is shore-water and the make up rate is
high then scale deposition is likely to occur and lead to
operational problems and risk of shutdown for repairs.
Iron Oxide Deposition
Product Approvals

• Most engine manufacturers specify engine water quality limits, typically:

- pH: 6,5 – 8,0 (9,0)
- Chloride: < 50-100 ppm
- Sulphate: < 100-150 ppm
- Hardness: < 4-10 °dH (80-180 ppm CaCO3)
- Silicate: < 25-60 ppm

• Periodic check of water quality – requirement from some manufacturers

- Weekly check: pH, nitrite, chloride, sulphate
- Quarterly check (2-4 times per year from independent laboratory)
• As weekly check + iron, copper, nitrate and hardness

• Inhibitor approvals
- Many manufacturers have inhibitor approval lists
- WSS products are approved by many engine manufacturers
- Review typical approvals
Engine Cooling
Water Testing
Engine Cooling
Best Practices
Engine Cooling Water Treatment
Best practices

Dosing & Testing & Logging

➢ Check expansion tank & coolers & pumps condition

➢Always use distillate water for engine cooling

➢Record the made up volume everyday

➢Connect sample from circulation pump

➢Monitor water sample colour

➢Take sample at same location

➢Log results to Waterproof

➢Make sure to know system capacity for dosage rate

➢Treatment chemicals should be added according to the test
Test Log Report
Step1: Double
click “Start.exe”
to start Active
Solution Portal.
Step2: Select
Step4: Select a
system for data
entry input.

❖The Testing Data MUST include data

for the FIRST DAY and the LAST DAY of
the reporting month.
Transfer data file in XML format to waterproofsystem@wilhelmsen.com

Step 5A: Select “Send/Create Logfile” and Click “Generate Logfile”

Recordkeeping for vessel filing in PDF format

Step5B: Select “Create Report”

Choose a report period below and click “Ok”
Condition Monitoring – Cost efficient
Condition Monitoring

Cleaning Water Oil Maintenance & Ropes

Tank Cleaning Boiler Water Cat Fines Welding Safety SMART Ropes
Cargo Hold Cleaning Engine Cooling Water Ferrous Wear & Cold Inspection Rope Safety
Fine Filter Cleaning Corrosion Refrigerant Leak Inspection
Potable Water
Bilge Cleaning Water in oil Detector
Galley & Sewage Water
Accommodation Ballast Water Viscosity & Density
TBN & Bacteria
Sulphur Content
Compatibility &
Water Solution
Water Solution
Condition Monitoring

Boiler Water Testing Engine Cooling Water Testing Potable Water Testing Effluent Water Testing Ballast Water Testing
Conductivity pH Ecoli & Coliform Ecoli & Coliform Intestinal Enterococci
pH Nitrite pH & Chlorine BOD & COD Ecoli
P-alkalinity Chloride pH Toxicogenic Vibrio Cholerae
Phosphate Bacteria Count Smell Chlorine Viable/living organisms, size 10-50 μm
Chloride Nitrate Copper & Iron Conductivity Viable/living organisms, size >50 μm
Hydrazine Nitrate
Condensate pH Total Bacteria Count
Condensate Chloride Legionella & Intestinal Enterococci
Condensate DEHA

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