Sliding Mode Control of Induction Motor Thesis
Sliding Mode Control of Induction Motor Thesis
Sliding Mode Control of Induction Motor Thesis
Induction Motor? You're not alone. Crafting a comprehensive and compelling thesis requires
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and expertise in the subject matter.
Writing a thesis on Sliding Mode Control of Induction Motor can be particularly challenging due to
the technical nature of the topic. It involves delving deep into the principles of control theory,
understanding the intricacies of induction motor operation, and exploring the nuances of sliding
mode control algorithms.
From formulating a clear research question to conducting experiments, gathering data, and
interpreting results, every step of the thesis writing process requires meticulous attention to detail.
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Received May 19, 2013; revised June 19, 2013; accepted June 26, 2013 Keywords: Electric Vehicle;
Sliding Mode Control; Electronic Differential; Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor;
Multimachine Multiconverter System ABSTRACT This paper presents a simple sliding mode
control strategy used for an electronic differential system for electric vehicle with two independent
wheel drives. Industrial Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) of 4.7 kW was used to
ensure the load torque. Absolute value of system state variable was incorporated in conventional
exponential reaching law, so that the speed of convergence depends on how far the state variable is
from the sliding surface. The whole control algorithm is discretized with sampling time T s.
Obtained results illustrate the same situation in a very similar way—the chattering can be seen in
torque, flux and currents. IEEE Trans Energy Convers. 1999;14(3):413-8. 6. Zhang Z, Zhu J, Tang
R, Bai B, Zhang H. The proposed reaching law can adjust the approach speed adaptively according
to the distances between the state variables and expected points. Compared with ASMC, it can be
known from Figure 4 that the system runs slowly at first under the control of PI controller and SMC.
Our Authors and Editors We are a community of more than 103,000 authors and editors from 3,291
institutions spanning 160 countries, including Nobel Prize winners and some of the world’s most-
cited researchers. A DSP-based indirect field oriented induction machine control by using
chattering-free sliding mode. Many composite SMC controllers have been proposed, but researchers
should not compromise one of the remarkable features of SMC namely its simplicity. Figure 10
shows that in the case where the stator resistance value is reduced by 50% and increased by 100%,
the speed fluctuations are 1 rpm and 5 rpm, respectively. Vector control technique can
beiimplementediwith reference to any of the flux vectors: like stator flux,.air gapiflux and rotoriflux.
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They have integrated a fuzzy speed regulator which makes it possible to dynamically adjust the
integration coefficient k i and the coefficient of proportionality k p as a function of the error and of
the variations of the speed. Control diagram of Bearingless Induction Motor (BIM) speed regulation
system. In Annual IEEE power electronics specialists conference. Tropical Medicine and Infectious
Disease (TropicalMed). Direct control structures are then compared with the proposed cascade
sliding mode control structures. Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article
numbers instead of page numbers. Based on its output signals, i.e., duty cycles d A, d B, d C and the
DC-bus voltage U DC, the motor voltage vector U ABC is estimated. Experimentally, FOSMC has
been proven to achieve better control performance with smaller chattering and robust against
external load disturbance and parameter variations compared to IOSMC. Influence of the load
torque changes on the speed phase trajectory in the case of: ( a ) stationary, ( b ) time-varying
switching line. Certain areas have not been thoroughly covered in this study and deserve a separate
thorough review e.g. the application of sliding mode controllers in sensorless speed control of
PMSMs, the application of SMC for DTC control of PMSMs and sliding mode observers in
combination with other controllers for speed control of PMSMs. For speed control of PMSM, fuzzy
logic inference scheme (FLIS) was implemented to obtain the switching control gain of a fractional
order SMC. Case 3: At reference speed of 600 rpm, the proposed smooth switching strategy for
rotor flux based on a Gaussian function is verified. In this paper, a speed Sensorless sliding mode
control for IM is simulated using. Keeping in mind the end goal to show signs of improvement speed
estimation, obliged to have dynamic representation in view of the stationary referenceiframe.
The overall objective to be achieved in this study are: To design the equivalent d-q model of
induction motor for its vector control analysis and closed loop operation of the drive system.
Therefore, it exceeds the maximum value, set at the level 1.0 (it is about 150% of the nominal torque
in p.u., see Appendix). If the digital realization of the control structure and measurement delays are
taken into account, the steady-state speed error increases significantly—it can be seen in Figure 5b.
The separationiof the error trajectory from theisliding surface and its rate of joining areiutilized to
choose the control input. It has a series of better characteristics than the conventional motor, such as
no friction, no loss, no lubrication, longer service life, high speed and high precision running. Content
Alerts Brief introduction to this section that descibes Open Access especially from an IntechOpen
perspective How it Works Manage preferences Contact Want to get in touch. The input of the PI
controller is the flux control error, while the output is the x -axis stator current vector component.
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI). You can download the paper by clicking the
button above. Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they
believe will be particularly. All of the analyzed structures are illustrated with block diagrams, as well
as with simulation and experimental test results. The control gain and band width are dictated by
different certainties like disturbances, rotor resistance variety and so on. From the experimental
results in Figure 11, Figure 12 and Figure 13, it can be concluded that the proposed speed controller
has strong robustness for parameters variation. NFTSM retains the advantages of NTSM but with a
faster state convergence. Thus the rotor speed can be measured, the rotor flux may be estimated
based on the model of rotor flux equations. By giving decoupled!of torque and flux control
commands, the vector!control can like separately!excited dc motor drive without changing!the
dynamic!performance. Chattering reduction and robust position control in induction motor with
second-order VSS. IEEE Trans Ind Electron. 2008;55(11):3836-45. 12. Comanescu M. An induction-
motor speed estimator based on integral sliding-mode current control. A time varying surface, S(t) is
defined in the state the scalar equation, Page 31. Transient responses of the vehicle during a
curved road. (associated to the motor ) which is inside the turn, and the opposite to that motor which
is located outside the turn, as shown in Figure 8 (c). Control of modular multilevel converter based
hvdc systems during asymmetrica. Based on the reference signals, estimated flux, speed, current and
voltage, the discrete SMC of the stator currents is applied (35). IEEE Trans Energy Convers.
1999;14(3):413-8. 6. Zhang Z, Zhu J, Tang R, Bai B, Zhang H. The idea is to use the advantages of
both SMC and NFC as well as to eliminate the disadvantageous factors of both. Journal of Low
Power Electronics and Applications (JLPEA). For the classical sliding mode control design, the
chattering effect phenomenon is a drawback that involves a limited implementation of such a
controller. Previous Article in Journal Hybrid TOA Trilateration Algorithm Based on Line
Intersection and Comparison Approach of Intersection Distances. Ghazal Falahi International Journal
of Computational Engineering Research(IJCER) International Journal of Computational Engineering
Research(IJCER) ijceronline Lk3420692075 Lk3420692075 IJERA Editor A Survey on Quality
Changes in Positive, Negative and Combined Switching Stra. Journal of Experimental and
Theoretical Analyses (JETA). In this paper the robustness is defined as ensuring identical dynamical
transients of the controlled variable. Received May 19, 2013; revised June 19, 2013; accepted June
26, 2013 Keywords: Electric Vehicle; Sliding Mode Control; Electronic Differential; Permanent
Magnet Synchronous Motor; Multimachine Multiconverter System ABSTRACT This paper presents
a simple sliding mode control strategy used for an electronic differential system for electric vehicle
with two independent wheel drives. Visit our dedicated information section to learn more about
MDPI. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 32, Issue 9, 2017, p. 7233-7243.
It can be seen that the shaft position has the desired dynamics and tracks the reference value without
almost any error. Therefore, the saturation function is applied ( Figure 9b )—the level of the
undesired oscillations is greatly reduced. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 32, Issue 9,
2017, p. 7233-7243. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (JTAER). In
IEEE international conference on mechatronics and automation. Please let us know what you think
of our products and services. It is also necessary to mention that more research works is required in
the area of SMC parameter tuning, since many researchers still based their work on conventional trial
and error method. Subscribe to receive issue release notifications and newsletters from MDPI
journals. IEE Proc-Electr Power Appl. 2005;152(5):1127-36. 8. Bartolini G, Marchesoni M, Pisu P,
Usai E. Figure 6 c, Figure 7 c, Figure 8 c and Figure 9 c show the response curves of
electromagnetic torque and load estimation. The flux is kept constant (not shown in the figure).
Equation ( 33 ) shows that the loss of IM is a function of the rotor flux at a certain speed and
electromagnetic torque. Steady-State Aerodynamics Codes for HAWTs Selig, Tangler, and Giguere
August 2, 1999. The effectiveness of SMC enhancement using fractional order sliding surface design
is verified through simulation results in Section 3. Discrete Sliding Mode Speed Control of Induction
Motor Using Time-Varying Switching Line. Therefore, the cascade connection of speed and torque
regulators is introduced. For more information on the journal statistics, click here. International
Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power (IJTPP). The selected sliding surface becomes
attractive by using the appropriate design of control law. 3.2.Slidingimode controller By utilizing
sliding modeicontroller, the system is controlled so that the deviation in.the system dependably
venturesitowards a sliding surface. Power factor improvement in switched reluctance motor drive
using pwm Power factor improvement in switched reluctance motor drive using pwm 124 124
Design of 15 level reduced switches inverter topology using multicarrier sinu. A sliding mode control
(SMC) with a variable control structure is basically an adaptive control that. In this case, the
switching function derivative becomes. The control law is changed to lessen the chattering effect.
Page 36. Out of all that techniques sliding mode control is an efficient one for the speed control due
to its robustness and insensitivity to the parameter variation. Sensorless second-order sliding-mode
speed control of a voltage-fed induction-motor drive using nonlinear state feedback. Their highly
qualified technicians is capable of developing propellers to feed any application, including the least
difficult to the more delicacy. 0.25 to 2.0 torque at 1400 to 2800 revolutions per minute. Reproduced
with permission from Xiaoguang et al., Nonlinear speed control for PMSM system using sliding
mode control and disturbance compensation techniques; published by IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics, 2013. The underlying c on trol systems are shown to be robust against parameter variati
on s. International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vol. 7, Issue 3, 2015, p. 541-
555. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI).
Various nonlinear control methods have been proposed to enhance the speed control performance of
PMSMs in different aspects. Feature papers are submitted upon individual invitation or
recommendation by the scientific editors and must receive. This paper deals with a discrete-time
sliding mode control (DSMC) for IM drives. TI - Dual direct torque control of doubly fed induction
machine using second order sliding mode control. Comparison of speed response of FOSMC and
SMC speed controller when positive and negative reference speeds are given. How? By making
research easy to access, and puts the academic needs of the researchers before the business interests
of publishers. In sliding mode control, reaching law is the differential equation that specifies the
dynamics of a switching function. Many composite SMC controllers have been proposed, but
researchers should not compromise one of the remarkable features of SMC namely its simplicity.
Visit our dedicated information section to learn more about MDPI. From published literature,
different works considering DTC schemes for induction motor drives, but these schemes are not
reviewed critically. They must be determined by a proper estimator—this problem will not be
addressed in this chapter. It offered the necessary conditions for energy storage devices. Determines
how heavily the magnetic core material is utilized. Control of modular multilevel converter based
hvdc systems during asymmetrica. Next Article in Special Issue Simulation and Experimental
Validation of Novel Trajectory Planning Strategy to Reduce Vibrations and Improve Productivity of
Robotic Manipulator. FG007-17AFR and Postgraduate Research Grant (PPP) No. IEE Proc-Electr
Power Appl. 2005;152(5):1127-36. 8. Bartolini G, Marchesoni M, Pisu P, Usai E. Recently, the
predictive control strategy for DTC has received considerable attention, particularly because of its
ability to minimize the switching frequency of the voltage inverter that supplies the machine and to
reduce torque and flux ripples. For PMSM application, disturbance estimation techniques are mostly
constraint at either DOB or state observer. As can be seen from Figure 14 e, when the motor is at
600 rpm and the load torque is 1 Nm, the loss of the motor is 350 W. Furthermore, this signal can be
limited at desired value. Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers
instead of page numbers. Classical, direct approaches to control mentioned variables are described.
Foria second orderisystem the slidingisurface is ailine. A time varying surface, S(t) is defined in the
state the scalar equation, Page 31. This test is related to the performances of the drive
system at high and low reference speed. Speed response of FOSMC-PID speed controller for various
speed references. Prior to that, i.e., during the reaching phase, the robustness is not guaranteed.
Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology (JFMK).
However, it suffers from some characteristic negative features, such as steady-state and dynamical
errors, chattering and variable switching frequency. The Gaussian smooth switching control method
based on the speed error realizes dynamic flux switching, which improves the efficiency of the motor
at low load operation. This card is also responsible for generating the dead-time, equal to 2 ?s in this
case. 5.2. Experimental Test Results As it was written in Section 3.2.2 the rotor flux control is based
on discretized motor model and can be subjected to modelling errors and mismatched parameters.
The PMSM equations are given as follows: (1) where (2) Figure 5. However, this proposed technique
has the disadvantage of the internal structure that is more complicated. It can be seen that the
proposed load observer can accurately estimate the value of uncertain load in real time. Journal of
Pharmaceutical and BioTech Industry (JPBI). Sliding Mode Variable Structure Control of a
Bearingless Induction Motor Based on a Novel Reaching Law. Energies. 2016; 9(6):452. However,
the low switching frequency of the DTC causes high ripples in the flux and torque that leads to an
acoustic noise which degrades the control performances, especially at low speeds. From the
waveforms, it can be found that the system has faster speed response, better stability and stronger
robustness under the ASMC compared to the PI controller and SMC. The performance of the
proposed control technique is compared with that of the conventionally tuned PI control scheme.
Expand 311 Save A microcontroller-based induction motor drive system using variable structure
strategy with decoupling E. Ho P. Sen Engineering 1990 The sliding-mode control concept is applied
in the outer loop of a speed drive system utilizing a series-connected wound rotor induction machine
(SCWRIM). Information on chattering effect is crucial in presenting SMCs. Microstrip Bandpass
Filter Design using EDA Tolol such as keysight ADS and An. Hence in this work rotor flux
orientation isiconsidered. However, this type of control requires a lot of online calculation compared
to conventional DTC. Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead
of page numbers. Design and Simulation Analysis of Sliding Mode Controller for DC-DC Cuk
Conve. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology (JFMK). While the stator flux is
controlled using a two level hysteresis comparator. Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 13, Issue 4,
2013, p. 216-223. Taking into consideration the above analysis, B 1 becomes. Chekireb, M. Tadjine,
and M. Djemai ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to establish that flux-speed sliding mode c on
trol of inducti on machine is robust in the presence of saturati on of magnetic core and rising
resistance effects. Absolute value of system state variable was incorporated in conventional
exponential reaching law, so that the speed of convergence depends on how far the state variable is
from the sliding surface. For the estimation of rotorispeed, flux estimation is important. It can be
concluded that what remains in designing a SMC for speed control of PMSM is to find balance
between the robustness and the chattering for wide range of operating conditions. 5. Conclusions An
extensive review of the state-of-the-art implementation of SMC for speed control of PMSMs is
presented in this paper. The control structure is sampled with 10 kHz, unless stated otherwise. Stator
flux amplitude is kept constant at nominal value. This investigation proposes the control of the
driving wheels speeds and by the “independents machines” control structure. Discrete Sliding Mode
Speed Control of Induction Motor Using Time-Varying Switching Line.