Surf Co
Surf Co
Surf Co
Evaluation Report
Prepared By:
December 1996
Prepared For:
Ground-Water Remediation
Technologies Analysis Center
615 William Pitt Way • Pittsburgh, PA 15238 • (412) 826-5511 • (800) 373-1973
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GWRTAC wishes to acknowledge the support and encouragement received for the completion of
this report from the EPA TIO.
This report is one of the GWRTAC “E” Series of reports, which are developed for GWRTAC to
provide a state-of-the-art review of a selected groundwater remediation technology. These technol-
ogy evaluation reports contain information gathered primarily from peer reviewed papers and publi-
cations and, in some instances, from personal communication with involved parties. These reports
are peer-reviewed prior to being released.
GWRTAC makes no warranties, express or implied, including without limitation, warranty for com-
pleteness, accuracy, or usefulness of the information, warranties as to the merchantability, or fitness
for a particular purpose. Moreover, the listing of any technology, corporation, company, person, of
facility in this report does not constitute endorsement, approval, or recommendation by GWRTAC,
NETAC, or the EPA.
E Series: TE-96-02
i Surfactants/Cosolvents
I wish to thank all those persons who graciously provided information for this summary
report. In several cases, pre-publication drafts of manuscripts were made available, or
details were provided over the phone prior to publication of results. Rich Steimle of the
U.S. EPA’s Technology Innovation Office provided copies of previous EPA documents from
which this summary is heavily borrowed. Candida West and Lynn Wood of the U.S. EPA’s
Subsurface Protection and Remediation Division at the R.S. Kerr Environmental Research
Center in Ada, OK provided valuable background information on the studies currently
being conducted at Hill AFB, in addition to names of several key contacted persons. Spe-
cific persons who provided information include: David Sabatini, Richard Jackson, Ron
Falta, Richard Martel, Jim Smith, Suresh Rao, Dean Rhue, Stephanie Fiorenza, and Itzhak
Gotlieb. Kathy Jacox at the Ground-Water Remediation Technologies Analysis Center
(GWRTAC) deserves a special acknowledgment for keeping my mailbox full for the months
of May and June, 1996. I also would like to thank Candida West and Lynn Wood of EPA and
James C. Redwine of Southern Development and Investment Group for taking the time to
review and comment on this document. Finally, I would like to apologize to all investigators
and companies whose work is not summarized in this report. Exclusions are due only to
my own lack of knowing the details at the time of completing this report.
Chad Jafvert
Purdue University
December, 1996
ii E Series: TE-96-02
1. 0 SUMMARY 1
5.0 COST 34
iv E Series: TE-96-02
Surfactant added to injection wells at levels generally around 1 to 3% with or without additional
chemicals (cosolvents, alcohols, inorganic salts, etc.) can mobilize and/or solubilize nonaqueous
phase liquids. Solubilization of sorbed contaminants may also occur. These phenomena result from
the surfactants ability to:
1) lower NAPL - water interfacial tension and decrease capillary forces within the po-
rous media
A continuum through these processes may occur during actual technology applications. Surfactant
solutions with additional additives can affect other water chemistry or aquifer properties, most nota-
bly ground-water viscosity, salinity, and solid phase carbon content.
When removal of NAPL or sorbed compounds is the intent, anionic and/or nonionic surfactants are
utilized, as loss of surfactant to the aquifer solids is minimized. Cationic, and to a lesser extent
zwitterionic, surfactants strongly sorb to aquifer solids making them impractical for such uses. Sev-
eral researchers, interested in retarding the migration of contaminant plumes, are examining the
potential of cationic surfactants to increase the carbon content of the solid phase, thereby reducing
subsurface transport. Others are interested in facilitating the bioremediation of contaminants through
the addition of surfactants. The mechanism(s) or degree of enhancement for the latter case is not
1 E Series: TE-96-02
In most demonstrations, surfactants or cosolvents are pumped through the aquifer displacing at
least one, and more often several, pore volume (PV) of ground-water, followed by several PVs of
water to remove residual surfactant. Various well designs have been used including single vertical
circulation wells, injection and extraction wells, and trenches (for surface flooding) and extraction
wells. From site to site, the amount of contaminant mass recovered per mass of surfactant or
cosolvent added may vary widely. This variation is dependent on the site and whether NAPL mobi-
lization or solubilization occurs at the site. As a result, the ability to capture and recover the surfac-
tant or cosolvent may or may not be a critical factor in process economic feasibility. Unit operations
utilized or suggested as components in surfactant recovery/contaminant removal operations in-
For example, if contaminants are removed by solubilization within micelles, air stripping of volatile
contaminants from the extracted ground-water solution may allow reinjection (recycle) of the surfac-
tant solution for several pore volumes of treatment. However, the air stripping efficiency will be
reduced by surfactant solubilization, a factor which must be included in the design/operation of
these systems.
The first documented field tests of surfactant/cosolvent flushing were performed less than 6 years
ago. Since that time, over 15 field demonstrations have been completed or are in progress. Many
of these are summarized in Section 3. In addition, because of the complexity of and number of
variations on the technology, many investigators are involved in (a) laboratory scale investigations
to address issues of surfactant/cosolvent optimization, toxicity, and fate, and (b) modeling efforts to
address some of these same issues.
These technologies have not been used commercially within the U.S. to fully remediate a contami-
nated site; however, commercial demonstration projects have been completed. In Québec Canada,
Ecosite, Inc. has used surfactants to facilitate removal of 160,000 kg of NAPL from beneath an
active commercial machine shop. Most of the other field projects have been conducted solely for
the purpose of feasibility and research study and technology demonstration.
2 E Series: TE-96-02
Upon reaching the water table of an unconfined aquifer, light nonaqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs),
less dense than water, typical spread on the water-table surface. Some less dense liquids are more
volatile and water soluble than dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs), often resulting in
greater vapor phase contamination of the exposed vadose zone and faster rates and magnitudes of
dissolution into the ground-water. DNAPLs, on the other hand, tend to sink into the ground-water
creating a plug or volume with reduced hydraulic conductivity with respect to the surrounding water.
Many liquid contaminants have densities close to that of ground-water. When NAPL phases occur,
three general zones of contamination may be described. These are the source or residual zone, the
concentrated plume (where the center of mass in the ground-water plume occurs), and the dilute
ground-water plume. Innovative technologies, and not necessarily the same one, are required for
decontamination in each of these zones.
Direct pump-and-treat of a NAPL phase results in fingering of the non-aqueous phase liquid as the
more mobile water moves through or around it to the well head. Pump-and-treat with reinjection of
the local ground-water behind the plug in an attempt to mobilize the NAPL also is often impractical
as high hydraulic conductivity water again passes through or around the NAPL plug which acts as a
continuous source of slowly released contaminant, through chemical dissolution into the ground-
water. The high interfacial tension at the NAPL-water interface, and the resulting capillary forces,
assure oil droplet release to the mobile water phase does not occur. At some sites, the estimated
(DNAPL) residual volumes in the subsurface and the initial pump-and-treat recoveries (with local
ground-water) suggest remediation times of decades to centuries would be required for greater than
90% contaminant removal.
The goal of surfactant flushing is to decrease the required flushing volume by mobilizing and/or
solubilizing nonaqueous liquid phases and/or solubilizing sorbed contaminants. These phenomena
occur because the surfactant may:
1) lower NAPL - water interfacial tension, thereby decrease capillary forces within the
porous media
3 E Series: TE-96-02
3) solubilize individual contaminant molecules in surfactant micelles or single phase
microemulsion systems (with added cosurfactants, usually alcohols)
Surfactant molecules possess both polar and nonpolar regions. The polar region is often a sulfate,
sulfonate, carboxylate, or polyethoxylate group, and often contains a succinate or sorbitan group.
The nonpolar group is generally a linear hydrocarbon chain; however, it is sometimes branched and
may contain a phenolic or other aromatic group. Surfactants are referred to as amphiphilic (both
loving) molecules because the polar group has a large affinity for (high solubility in) polar solvents,
such as water, whereas the nonpolar group has a large affinity for nonpolar or hydrophobic solvents,
which include most organic liquids. Upon addition to water, the large energy requirement of solubi-
lizing the nonpolar portion of the surfactant molecules in the water is minimized by: (1) transference
of this portion of the molecule to a nonpolar solvent through the liquid-liquid interface, or (2) self
assemblage of these groups, forming surfactant aggregates known as micelles.
The first consequence (the overall partitioning of the surfactant molecules at the water-NAPL inter-
face) also reduces the thermodynamic energy required in forming this interface. Without surfactant
present, the large amount of energy required to form a water-NAPL interface is compensated for
physically by reducing in interfacial surface area. This results in a rigid or taut boundary between
the two phases which can be quantified by the measurement of (a high) interfacial tension. Reduc-
ing the energy requirement to make the interface by adding surfactant, allows the interfacial area to
increase or become less taut , as quantified by the measurement of (a low) interfacial tension. An
increase in interfacial area may result in spontaneous formation of droplets, of very thin alternating
sheets of water and NAPL separated by surfactant layers (lamella), or of other structures which
mobilize the NAPL material. NAPL-in-water droplets which form spontaneously (i.e., no mixing
energy required) have been referred to as single phase microemulsions . Single phase refers to
the fact that only one aqueous phase (i.e., the microemulsion phase) is present during their devel-
opment, as opposed to middle phase microemulsions, also referred to as Winsor type III
microemulsions, which are formed in the presence of an additional aqueous phase. Single-phase
microemulsions are basically organic liquid droplets (0.01 to 0.1 µm in diameter) suspended in
water with a very high surfactant concentration at the water-organic liquid interface. These solutions
are quite transparent. Middle phase or Winsor type III microemulsions are lamellar-type structures
and often are cloudy.
The second consequence (self assemblage of the nonpolar groups, forming surfactant aggregates
known as micelles) does not require a second phase or the addition of another organic compound;
however, other organic molecules may be solubilized within the micelles. In these aggregates or
micelles, the hydrophobic groups fill the core, and the polar groups are in contact with the aqueous
phase water molecules. Typical micelles contain 50 to 100 surfactant molecules (i.e., monomers).
A much narrower range of aggregation numbers occur for any given surfactant solution and the
average number is dependent on the specific properties of the surfactant and on solution properties
(i.e., temperature, ionic strength for some surfactant types, etc.). Micelle formation is surfactant
concentration dependent. At surfactant concentrations below a specific value, termed the critical
micelle concentration (cmc), virtually no micelles exist. Surfactant doses in excess of this value
produce micelles at a concentration equal to the difference between the total surfactant concentra-
tion and the cmc. The term critical micelle concentration is really a misnomer, as this value is the
specific monomer concentration that is in equilibrium with the micelles. Micelle formation is very
much like a precipitation reaction as the number or concentration of micelles has very little effect on
4 E Series: TE-96-02
the cmc. (The amount of solid in equilibrium with a saturated aqueous phase is not dependent on
the aqueous saturation value.) In this case, the micellar pseudo (i.e., false) phase is formed rather
than a precipitate. The term pseudo-phase is applied to micelles because they can not be sepa-
rated from the aqueous phase in which they reside without destroying them. They are very dynamic
entities, forming and dissaggregating spontaneously and nearly instantaneously in water upon a
change in surfactant concentration. Due to counter-ion association on charged micelles, cmc val-
ues of anionic surfactants decrease with increasing ionic strength (e.g., increasing salinity). The
cmc values of nonionic surfactants are less affected by ionic composition. The cmc values of
common nonionic surfactants tend to be less than those of common anionic surfactants, with non-
ionic/anionic surfactant mixtures having intermediate cmc values. Micelles may solubilize aqueous
phase organic compounds, resulting in further dissolution of a NAPL phase. The differentiation
between micelles (containing a few non-surfactant organic molecules), swollen micelles (containing
many non-surfactant organic molecules), and single-phase microemulsions (containing even more
non-surfactant organic molecules) is sometimes blurred. Indeed, a continuum through these phases
may occur during actual technology applications.
In addition to phase and interfacial properties, surfactant solutions with or without additional addi-
tives may affect other water chemistry or aquifer properties; most notably ground-water viscosity,
salinity, and solid phase carbon content. Often polymers have been added to affect the hydraulic
conductivity of the porous media, decreasing preferential flow. In the case of mobilizing systems,
anionic/nonionic surfactants are added to injection wells at levels generally around 1 to 3% with or
without additional chemicals (cosolvents, alcohols, inorganic salts, etc.). Based on the DNAPL and
site characteristics, the specific surfactant that is utilized may be selected or precisely formulated as
a mixture to create an optimum middle phase microemulsion, single phase microemulsion, or micel-
lar system in the subsurface. The selection/formulation process is best described by inspection of a
Winsor type diagram, as depicted in Figure 1 (Winsor, 1948). In this figure, each line representing a
surfactant molecule has to parts: The straighter portion represents the nonpolar group, and the
squiggly portion represents the polar group. This figure shows the possible phase behavior within a
1:1 (v:v) mixture of water and immiscible organic liquid (or NAPL). The specific phases that exist are
dependent on several water chemistry and surfactant properties. For example, if a single surfactant
is utilized, the hydrophobic-lipophilic balance (HLB) of that surfactant largely determines the phase
behavior. If a water soluble (hydrophilic) surfactant is added, most of the surfactant will reside
within the water phase, possibly creating a micellar pseudo-phase within the aqueous layer. Some,
but not much, of the organic phase may be solubilized in the aqueous micelles, reducing the organic
phase volume. If cosurfactants are added (usually linear alcohols) a NAPL-in-water microemulsion
possibly may result. These are single-phase microemulsions (SPME) having droplets ranging in
diameter from 0.01 to 0.1 µm, depending on the surfactants, cosurfactants, and NAPL phase with
which they are constructed. Both micellar and SPME systems are optically transparent.
At the other extreme, if an organic soluble (hydrophobic) surfactant is added, most of the surfactant
will reside within the organic phase, creating a Winsor type II organic rich reverse micelle phase. In
this case, some, but not much, of the water may be solubilized within the reverse micelles. Classic
type II systems should be quite impractical for aquifer restoration.
5 E Series: TE-96-02
Figure 1. Typical Winsor diagram of equal volumes of organic phase and water
phase with surfactant(s) and possibly co-surfactants (Adapted from Sabatini, et al.,
If the hydrophilic- lipophilic functional groups of the surfactant are more balanced, a Winsor type III
middle phase microemulsion will result. The term middle phase refers to the actual location of the
phase in static layered solutions where clear top and bottom layers exist, separated by the middle
phase. In the case of a DNAPL, the bottom layer is the excess DNAPL and the top layer is the
excess water, as relationally depicted on Figure 1. Also shown on Figure 1 are some other control-
ling parameters, besides the HLB of a specific surfactant. The most notable is surfactant mixture
ratio. Because of the wide variety of possible chemical compositions within DNAPL spills, the
probability of finding an existing inexpensive high volume surfactant that produces stable middle
phase microemulsions for any given DNAPL is quite low. However, the HLB value of an overall
surfactant mixture can be varied quite easily by adjusting the ratio of surfactants within a mixture. It
has been shown that middle phase microemulsions are possible for the chlorocarbon tetrachloroet-
hylene, using mixtures of the branched nonionic ethoxylated surfactant Aerosol OT (AOT) and so-
dium mono- and di- methyl naphthalene sulfonate (SMDNS) (Shiau, et al., 1994). Both MPME and
SPME systems form spontaneously on water, surfactant (and possible cosurfactant), and NAPL
contact, as opposed to larger diameter emulsion systems which require mixing energy input.
6 E Series: TE-96-02
Km = [PAH]mic / [PAH]aq
where [PAH]mic has units of mass contaminant per mole of surfactant and [PAH]aq has units of mass
contaminant per liter of water. This relationship can be somewhat deceiving. It would appear that
those compounds which are the least water soluble have the greatest solubility within the micelles:
This is not true as these values represent partition constants only, and not absolute solubilities.
Through this series of compounds, as the Kow value increases, water solubility decreases (recall
this is a log scale) For example, the solubility of perylene in water is only 0.0002 mg / L, whereas
benzene’s solubility is 1,800 mg / L, a difference of more than 6 log units. To produce a 4 log unit
increase in the micelle-water partition coefficient, the solubility within the micelles must actually
decrease approximately 2 log units. Indeed, at saturation under standard pressure and tempera-
ture, approximately 35 benzene molecules can be solubilized by one dodecylsulfate micelle com-
posed of 60 to 70 surfactant molecules, whereas, on average much less than one perylene mol-
ecule exists within each micelle. Micellization of contaminants, therefore, generally will require
significant surfactant doses. The molar solubilization ratio (MSR) is the ratio of contaminant mol-
ecules solubilized to surfactant molecules within micelles at saturation. Hence, for benzene the
ratio is approximately 0.5 for micelles composed of dodecylsulfate. The MSR for most halogenated
ethenes and ethanes (PCE, TCE, 1,2-DCA, etc.) is of this same order (0.2 to 0.5), so for about every
ten surfactant molecules added, approximately 2 to 5 molecules of chlorinated ethane or ethene
may be recovered.
Solubilization within SPME systems is somewhat similar. In this case, however, because of the
much larger volume of the microemulsion phase, more NAPL is solubilized. These systems are
more complex in that the stability of the phase is partly determined by the partitioning to the subsur-
face materials of the many individual constituents of the microemulsion. The stability of SPME
systems over long distances in the subsurface is not known.
7 E Series: TE-96-02
2 3 4 5 6
Figure 2. The relationship between the micelle-water portion coefficient (Km) and the
octanol-water partition coefficient (Kow) for the anionic surfactant - dodecylsulfate
(from Jafvert, Environ. Sci. Technol. , 25, 1039-1045, 1991).
Unlike the solubility enhancements caused by partitioning into micelles or microemulsions, solubil-
ity enhancements caused by cosolvent addition generally occur because of changes in the bulk
properties of the isotropic solution. An example of this type of enhancement is shown in Figure 3 for
toluene in mixtures of water with methanol or ethanol. As with mixed surfactants, advantages are
gained by using mixed cosolvents. Short chained linear alcohols are excellent in solubilizing small
chlorohydrocarbons, whereas, larger hydrocarbon cosolvents work best for larger and more hydro-
phobic contaminants. Addition of short linear alcohols also enhances the solubility of the larger
In actual practice, the benefits of flushing with cosolvents may result from the above mentioned
increase in solubilization within the aqueous phase or through the more efficient process of mobili-
zation. Mechanisms responsible for mobilizing NAPL contaminants include: (1) creation of a single
phase condition, (2) decrease in the water-NAPL interfacial tension, and (3) swelling of the NAPL by
solubilization of the cosolvents within this phase. Mobilizing by creating a single phase is essen-
tially the same as solubilizing the entire NAPL. Decreasing the interfacial tension occurs due to the
changes in the surface tension of both phases (the alcohol dissolves in both phases making their
chemical and physical interfacial properties more similar. Similarly, swelling of the NAPL is
8 E Series: TE-96-02
10 3
10 1
10 0
10 -1
accompanied by beneficial changes in phase viscosity, density, and other properties. As with sur-
factant systems, mobilizing, rather than solubilizing, results in: (1) use of less total material (surfac-
tant or cosolvent), (2) use of smaller volumes of material (i.e., fewer pore volumes), and (3) shorter
treatment times. However, precise formulations are required, resulting in much more intensive
laboratory bench and pilot-scale work.
Rather than using conventional surfactants or cosolvents, several researchers have proposed the
use of other solubilizing agents that associate or bind contaminants. Mark Brusseau at the Univer-
sity of Arizona has proposed using cyclodextrins as flushing agents and will be conducting a field
study with cyclodextrins at Hill Air Force Base in 1996. These compounds are generally linear
chains of glucose molecules with the ends joined to form a cyclic structure. Because the diameter of
the ring can be controlled by the number of (glucose) sugar molecules in the chain, specific
cyclodextrins possible could be used for specific contaminants. Because contaminants partition to
the center of the ring, the resulting complexes are termed inclusion complexes. Suzanne Lesage
and coworkers at Environment Canada have proposed using humic acids to enhance the removal
of gasoline and diesel fuel constituents from the subsurface. They have performed pilot-scale
demonstrations. Although humic acids are quite recalcitrant to biodegradation, an advantage of
their use is that they are natural materials.
9 E Series: TE-96-02
There is no typical configuration or mode of operation for these innovative remediation technolo-
gies. Five major considerations are listed below in designing any operation. As will become appar-
ent from reading these, they are quite interdependent, which further complicates the configuration
selection and design process.
2) The removal mechanism which is optimal depends on the interactions among the
contaminants, the surfactant(s)/cosolvent(s), the subsurface porous media, and other
subsurface constituents (i.e., Na+, Ca2+ , Mg2+, Fe2+, H+). Hence, both batch (test
tube) phase-behavior experiments and column flooding studies are required. Col-
umn flooding of aquifer material with surfactants or cosolvents is analogous to what
is known as coreflooding of oil shale material with surfactants or caustics in petro-
leum engineering.
10 E Series: TE-96-02
5) Treatment is not complete upon extraction. Large volumes of water, contaminants,
and surfactants and cosolvents are generated that must be treated. Several re-
search groups are or have investigated ultrafiltration as a means of concentrating
the contaminants and surfactants prior to further treatment. Other research groups
are investigating or have inverstigated solvent extraction, floatation, air stripping,
vacuum steam stripping, foam fractionation, and photochemical treatment as surfac-
tant-contaminant waste-stream separation processes, whereas biotreatment, incin-
eration, and carbon adsorption, have been suggested for contaminant wastewater
Several specific technical conditions/factors which must be considered early in design, even before
laboratory experiments are conducted, are listed below. This list, certainly, is not all inclusive but is
provided to give an idea of the types of conditions or issues that may be important in progressing
from the laboratory to the field scale:
Existing and past field studies and demonstrations are reviewed in Section 3, providing a more
comprehensive overview of the diversity in surfactant/cosolvent remediation strategies.
References Cited:
11 E Series: TE-96-02
Shiau, B. J., Sabatini, D. A. and Harwell, J. H. Ground Water 32, 561-569, 1994.
Winsor, P. A., Hydrotropy, solubilization, and related emulsification processes, Part I, Trans. Fara-
day Soc., 54:376-399, 1948.
Yalkowski, Samuel H., Solubility of Organic Solutes in Mixed Aqueous Solvent, Final Report to the
R. S. Kerr Research Lab., U.S. EPA, contract CR811852-01-0, 1985.
12 E Series: TE-96-02
Table 1 summarizes completed and ongoing studies in which surfactants or cosolvents have been
or will be injected in an attempt to facilitate contaminant removal. Following Table 1, each of these
studies is summarized in more detail, with a list of published references provided for each study
where available. The cases are summarized in the order of their appearance in Table 1.
If a specific process was not identified or engineered for (i.e., solubilization, SPME), the more
general term surfactant flushing is used in the table.
13 E Series: TE-96-02
1. Bordon Site, Bordon Canadian Air Force Base, Alliston, Ontario Canada
Surfactant/cosolvent: unknown
Treatment Summary: The study area was a clean surficial sand aquifer with < 1% clay, and
< 0.1% organic carbon in a 3 x 3 x 3 m3 cell. The cell was constructed
by driving sheet piling walls into the underlying clay aquitard. A sec-
ond sheet-piling wall was installed 1 m outside the inner wall for con-
tainment. Five injection wells and five extraction wells were installed
parallel to each other on opposite sides of the 9 m2 cell. Multi-level
monitoring wells were also installed. 271 L of PCE were introduced
to the cell in a controlled release. The upper PCE zone (0 to 1 m
BGS) was perched on a layer within the sand less than 2 cm in thick-
ness. The lower pool was located on the clay aquitard at the base of
the cell. A 2% surfactant solution was pumped through the cell. The
PCE in the extracted solution was air stripped and the surfactant
solution was recycled through the cell for 14 PVs.
Results: The DNAPL concentration was rapidly reduced in the cell in areas of
high hydraulic conductivity. The residual PCE in the top 1 m was
reduced from an initial value of 10% to a value of 1% after 14.4 PVs.
At a depth of 2.5 to 3 m, where the ground was either saturated or at
20% saturation with PCE initially, the PCE saturation was reduced to
3% after 14.4 PVs. Approximately 80% of the total material was
recovered, with the remaining material lost to volatilization or remain-
ing in dead zones within the formation. The surfactant solution was
initially injected into the wells with a constant-head system on each
well; this later was changed to peristaltic pumps due to plugging of
the injection wells.
14 E Series: TE-96-02
Fountain, John; Waddell-Sheets, Carol ; Lagowski, Alison; Taylor, Craig; Frazier, Dave; Byrne, Michael.
Chapter 13: Enhanced removal of dense nonaqueous-phase liquids using surfactants, in Surfac-
tant-Enhanced Subsurface Remediation: Emerging Technologies, ACS Symposium Series 594, Dave
A. Sabatini, Robert C. Knox, and Jeffrey H. Harwell, eds., 1995.
Fountain, J. C. and Hodge, D., Project summary: Extraction of organic pollutants using enhanced
surfactant flushing: Initial field test (part 1). NY State Center for Hazardous Waste Management,
February, 1992.
Surfactant/cosolvent: unknown
Site Characteristics: CTET was present at shallow depths, underlain by a thick clay aquitard
(barrier to vertical migration). The target zone was a 12 ft fine grain
sand lens with variable smectitic clay content (1 to 15%), 0.025 to
0.031% organic carbon, and 12,000 mg / L total dissolved solids at
12 to 24 ft below ground level, making the overall test area 25 by 35
ft. The formation had moderate hydraulic conductivity (>= 10-3 cmsec).
An array of 6 injection wells and one central extraction well were
used. This project was completed in four phases. In the first phase a
1% surfactant solution was pumped to the injection wells with the
extraction solution air stripped to remove the PCE. The surfactant
solution was recycled. Phase II was similar with one well being re-
placed. In Phase III a new surfactant was used. In Phase IV a smaller
area was tested.
Results: In the first two phases, completed in 6/91-8/91 and 3/92-6/92, re-
spectively, the surfactant was found to sorb considerably and biofouling
of the above ground tanks occurred resulting in the change of surfac-
tant. The initial concentrations in monitoring wells were 200-300 mgL
with concentrations jumping to 800-900 mg / L at the point that the
surfactant reached 0.5% in the monitoring wells (i.e., about 1 PV).
The average concentration of CTET in the solution recovered was
790 and 219 mg / L for Phases I and II, respectively. After 12.5 pore
volumes, a total of 73 gallons of CTET were removed.
15 E Series: TE-96-02
Contacts: John Fountain
SUNY Buffalo
Department of Geology
772 Natural Science Complex
Buffalo, NY 14260
Fountain, John; Waddell-Sheets, Carol ; Lagowski, Alison; Taylor, Craig; Frazier, Dave; Byrne, Michael.
Chapter 13: Enhanced removal of dense nonaqueous-phase liquids using surfactants, in Surfac-
tant-Enhanced Subsurface Remediation: Emerging Technologies, ACS Symposium Series 594, Dave
A. Sabatini, Robert C. Knox, and Jeffrey H. Harwell, Eds., 1995.
Fountain, John; Hodge, D., Project summary: Extraction of organic pollutants using enhanced
surfactant flushing: Initial field tests, Part I, NY State Center for Hazardous Waste Management,
February, 1992.
Fountain, John., Project summary: Extraction of organic pollutants using enhanced surfactant
flushing, part II, NY State Center for Hazardous Waste Management, November 1993.
Fountain, J. C.; Waddell-Sheets, C., A pilot field test of surfactant enhanced aquifer remediation:
Corpus Christi, Texas, Extended Abstract from ACS symposium in Atlanta Georgia, September 27-
29, 1993.
Fountain, J. C. “A pilot scale test of surfactant enhanced pump and treat, in Proceedings of Air and
Waste Management Association’s 86th Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, June 13-18, 1993.
Compounds treated: over 160,000 kg of hydrocarbon cutting-oil laden soil under a building
Treatment Summary: The site was under a machine shop in Estrie Region, Qc, Canada,
with the contamination extending from 2 to 4.3 m beneath the con-
crete slab floor. The volume of contaminated soil was estimated to
be 1,800 m3 with approximately 1 m of free floating phase. The soil
was composed of fine sand with 10-12% silt. The watertable was at
approximately 3 m BGS. The hydraulic conductivity was 10-4 cm/sec.
400 injection-extraction wells were installed in 3 distinct zones:
16 E Series: TE-96-02
A peripheral network to hydraulically isolate the contamination, a sec-
ond zone used only to extract the oils and washing solutions, and a
third zone which was used both to inject and extract material. The
extract was processed on-site in a wastewater treatment system.
Laboratory feasibility trials were performed to: select the surfactant,
evaluate biodegradability and toxicity of wash solutions, and plan
hydraulic controls. A computerized system for data acquisition was
installed to monitor ground-water movement.
Results: First, the watertable within the contaminated area was raised 2 m by
injecting washing solution using the injection/extraction wells. Over a
combined 50 day period (20 and 30 days in 1993 and 1994, respec-
tively) 37.6 m3 of free phase oil was recovered. In the second step, 8
cycles of washing over 60 days resulted in a cumulative mass of oil
recovered of approximately 160,000 kg. Most of this was emulsified
oil. After extraction, high microbial levels of hydrocarbon degraders
were found in the soil.
Ross, Arnold; Boulanger, Charles; Tremblay, Charles, In situ remediation of hydrocarbon contami-
nation using an injection-extraction process, Remediation Management, March/April, pages 42-45,
Compounds treated: up to 6,000 ppm PCB and 67,000 ppm other oils (from soil cores)
Surfactant/cosolvent: unknown
Site Characteristics: The site consisted of a five acre parcel surrounded by a containment
wall of clay and cement (previously installed) to a depth of 60 ft below
the surface. The contamination was confined to the upper 15 ft of the
subsurface fill material. Within the five acre site, surfactant was ap-
plied to a test plot, 10 ft in diameter by 5 ft deep. The leachate was
biotreated for surfactant and oil removal, followed by adsorption of
17 E Series: TE-96-02
the PCBs on activated carbon. In other tests performed on the
leachate, the surfactant solution was concentrated with a Romicon
Model HF-Lab-5 ultrafiltration unit with either a XM50 or a PM500
Results: About 10% of the contaminants were recovered after 5.7 PV. During
a similar test the following year, an additional 14% was recovered
after 2.3 pore volumes. In the ultrafiltration experiments, 67% of the
surfactant mass was recovered with the PM500 membrane, with 90
and 83% of the PCBs and oils being retained, respectively. The XM50
membrane did not capture the surfactant quite as efficiently (46%),
however retained approximately the same fraction of PCB and oil
(94% and 89%, respectively).
Ang, C. C.; Abdul, A. S., “Aqueous surfactant washing of residual oil contamination from sandy soil,”
Ground Water Monitoring Review, 11:121-127, 1991.
Ang, C. C.; Abdul, A. S., A laboratory study of the biodegradation of an alcohol ethoxylate surfactant
by native soil microbes,” J. of Hydrology,138:191-209, 1991.
Abdul, A. S.; Gibson, T. L.; Ang, C. C.; Smith, J. C.; and Sobczynski, R. E. ‘In situ surfactant washing
of polychlorinated biphenyls and oils from a contaminated site,” Ground Water, 30: 219-231 1992.
Abdul, A. S.; Ang, C. C., “In situ surfactant washing of polychlorinated biphenyls and oils from a
contaminated field site: Phase II pilot study,” Ground Water, 32: 727-734, 1994.
Ang, C. C.; Abdul, A. S., Evaluation of an ultrafiltration method for surfactant recovery and reuse
during in situ washing of contaminated sites: Laboratory and field studies,” Ground Water Monitoring
and Remediation, 1994.
18 E Series: TE-96-02
Demonstration date: 1995
Compounds treated: Oil waste and chlorinated solvents in the form of DNAPL, density =
1.02, viscosity = 18 cp.
Surfactant/cosolvent: The washing solution was designed after several laboratory column
experiments and after construction of several phase diagrams.
Results: In the zone swept by the washing solution, 86% of the residual DNAPL
was recovered using 0.9 pore volumes of surfactant and those rinses
described above. DNAPL between extraction wells was not removed
well due to insufficient flow in these areas. The use of a polymer
solution before and after injection of the surfactant solution appeared
to be beneficial in insuring that the surfactant solution swept the ma-
jority of the total treated volume, despite the heterogeneity of the soil.
Rinse cycles were not completed because of weather.
Martel, Richard; Gélinas, Pierre; Desnoyers, Jacques E.; Masson Anne, Phase diagrams to opti-
mize surfactant solutions for oil and DNAPL recovery in aquifers, Ground Water, 31:789-800, 1993.
19 E Series: TE-96-02
Martel, Richard; Gélinas, Pierre; Laurent Saumure, In situ recovery of DNAPL in sand aquifers:
clean-up test using surfactants at Thouin Sand Quarry, presented at the 5th Annual Symposium on
Ground-water and Soil Remediation, Toronto, Ontario Canada, Oct. 2-6, 1995.
Martel, Richard; Gélinas, Pierre, Surfactant solutions developed for NAPL recovery in contami-
nated aquifers, Ground Water, 34:143-154, 1996.
Martel, Richard; Gélinas, Pierre, Residual diesel measurement in sand columns after surfactant/
alcohol washing, Ground Water, 34:162-167, 1996.
Compounds treated: PCE and aviation fuel at up to 1000 µg / kg and 1000 mg / kg, respec-
tively. PCE in the ground-water was typically at 10 µg / L.
Site Characteristics: The test occurred in a highly conductive sand formation with natural
ground-water velocities of 3 to 5 ft / day. The saturated zone was at a
depth of less than 10 ft below the surface. The primary objectives
were to: (1) evaluate a vertical circulation well (VCW) system, and
(2) maximize surfactant recovery. Laboratory batch and column stud-
ies were first performed to test removal efficiencies of the contami-
nants and the surfactant. Modeling studies were performed on the
VCW system. The vertical circulation well was a single borehole well
system with two 5 ft screen lengths separated by a 3 ft spacer. The
screens were isolated from each other within the well with packers.
Water/surfactant was injected through the top screen and water/con-
taminants/surfactant extracted through the bottom screen. Prelimi-
nary tracer studies were conducted at the site prior to installation of
the VCW to characterize the system hydraulics. 540 gallons of sur-
factant solution were added at a surfactant concentration 10 times
the cmc value (3.8 wt%).
Results: It was found that due to the high hydraulic conductivity at the site, the
extraction rate necessary to capture the surfactant and solubilized
contaminants had to be about 10 to 15 times the injection rate. Re-
moval of the contaminant (i.e., PCE and methylated alkanes) was
increased by approximately 5 to 7 times above normal concentra-
tions in the ground- water. After accounting for the tremendous vol-
ume of dilution water added, estimated enhancements were 40 to 90
times background levels with water alone.
20 E Series: TE-96-02
Contacts: R. C. Knox1,3, D. Sabatini1,3, J. Harwell2,3 Candida C. West
1School of Civil Engineering U.S. EPA
and Environmental Science R.S. Kerr Env. Res. Lab.
2School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box 1198
3Inst. for Applied Surfactant Research Ada, OK 74820
University of Oklahoma 405-436-8703
Norman, OK 73019
404-325-4256 (-4273, - 5814)
Knox, Robert C.; Sabatini, David A.; Harwell, Jeffrey H.; West, Candida C.; Blaha, Frank; Griffin,
Chris; Wallick, David; Quencer, Lisa, Traverse City field test, presented at Workshop on In Situ
Surfactant Use, Kansas City, MO, sponsored by the R. S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory,
Ada OK, held September 20, 1995.
Sabatini, D. A.; Knox, R. C.; Harwell, J. H.; Soerens, T. S.; Chen, L.; Brown, R. E.; West C. C., Design
of a surfactant remediation field demonstration based on laboratory and modeling studies, in re-
view, Ground Water, submitted September 20, 1996.
Knox, R. C.; Sabatini, D. A.; Harwell, J. H. Brown, R. E.; West, C. C.; Blaha, F., Griffin, S., Surfactant
remediation field demonstration using a vertical circulation well, in review, Ground Water, submitted
September 20, 1996.
Sabatini, D. A.; Knox, R. C.; Harwell, J. H. eds. Surfactant Enhanced Subsurface Remediation: Emerg-
ing Technologies , ACS Symposium Series, number 594, American Chemical Society, Washington,
D.C., 312 pages, 1995.
Compounds treated: Multicomponent DNAPL, mostly TCE (approx. 90%), PCB’s (approx.
800 mg/ L of the DNAPL), and other chlorinated solvents
Treatment Summary: This demonstration is funded by the U.S. DOE, Morgantown Energy
Technology Center, Morgantown WV. A partitioning tracer test is to
be conducted in July, 1996 to measure the volume of DNAPL be-
tween 2 existing wells at the site. In the Fall of 1996, a DNAPL
solubilization test will be conducted at the X701B area at the DOE
Portsmonth Plant. The contamination occurs in the Gallia sand and
21 E Series: TE-96-02
gravel aquifer. The hydraulic conductivity is approximately 10-2
cm/sec. The two wells, spaced 15 ft apart and 20 ft deep have pro-
duced free phase NAPL.
Compounds treated: TCE at low concentrations sorbed to subsurface soil (no apparent
free phase NAPL)
Treatment Summary: This site is located on a golf course. TCE contamination is within a
sand and gravel aquifer at concentrations of approximately 1 to 5
mg/kg with aqueous phase concentrations of 1 to 5 mg / L. The water
table is approximately 10 ft below the surface, with a lower confining
unit 10 to 15 ft thick at 50 ft below the surface. The test site is up
gradient from an existing pump-and-treat system, installed as an in-
terim remedy, as the site is a listed Superfund site. Three injection
wells, 10 ft apart, were installed perpendicular to the natural gradient
and tangential to the pump-and-treat extraction well, approximately
100 yards down-gradient. One monitoring well is located 30 ft up-
gradient and three monitoring wells located down-gradient at 10 ft
intervals from the injection wells. Clean water was pumped to all
three injection wells for approximately 30 days at 3 gal / min. The
water in the center injection well was replaced with 400 mg / L Triton
X-100 at the same flow rate for 30 days while clean water continued
in the outer wells. Clean water was pumped to all three wells for an
additional 4 months. The purpose of this study was to investigate
whether the surfactant would increase the rate of desorption of TCE
from the solid phase. Hence, researchers are modeling the transport
of the surfactant and the TCE. The Picatinny Arsenal is a USGS
National Research Site.
22 E Series: TE-96-02
Results: Researchers are currently processing data and completing modeling
Di Cesare, D. and Smith, J. A., “Effects of Surfactants on the Desorption Rate of Nonionic Organic
Compounds from Soil to Water,” Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 134:1-29,
Deitsch, J. J. and Smith, J. A., Surfactant Enhanced Remediation of Ground Water at Picatinny
Arsenal, New Jersey,” in Morganwalp, D. W. and Aronson, D. A., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Toxics
Substances Hydrology Program-Proceedings of the Technical Meeting. Colorado Springs, Colo-
rado- September 20-24, 1993, U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 94-
4015, 1994.
Deitsch, J. J. and Smith, J. A., “Effect of Triton X-100 on the Rate of Trichloroethene Desorption from
Soil to Water,” Environmental Science and Technology, 29:1069-1080, 1995.
Compounds treated: Chlorinated organics and BTEX at levels of 1,000 to 2,000 mg/ L.
Treatment Summary: The site is active and used for machining operations. There is a clay
barrier about 10 ft below the surface and the hydraulic conductivity in
the clayey unconfined zone is low. Because the site is characterized
by low permeability and is shallow, the design consists of straight
lines of alternating feed trenches and extraction wells. The feed
trenches will be saturated with the surfactant solution during opera-
tion, with water removed from the alternating (with the trenches) rows
of extraction wells.
23 E Series: TE-96-02
Contacts: Itzhak Gotlieb
Department of Chemical Engineering
New Jersey Institute of Technology
138 Warren Street
Newark, NJ 07102
Gotlieb, I.; Bozzelli, J. W.; Gotlieb, E., Soil and Water Decontamination by Extraction with Surfac-
tants, Seper. Sci. and Technol., 28:793-804, 1993.
At OU1, the design of each test is process dependent, however, each test cell that will undergo
some type of flushing is basically the same. Each cell is constructed of sheet piling driven into a
clay layer approximately 30 feet below the surface, each occupying a rectangular surface area of 3
m x 5 m. The sheet piling has inter-locking grout-sealed joints to hydraulically isolate the cell from its
surroundings. This type of containment is sometimes referred to as a Waterloo Barrier system. The
sand and gravel aquifer is approximately 15 to 20 ft below the surface to the clay aquitard. Four
injection and three extraction wells are located on the opposite 3 m sides of each cell. Well screens
are variable from the clay layer to above the water table. In the interior are 12 evenly spaced
sampling wells, each with nested ports at 5 vertical depths. The saturated zone pore volume (PV)
within each cell is variable from 1,000 to 2,500 gallons per cell. For all of the flushing experiments
(those with surfactants, cosolvents, and cyclodexdrin), the flushing rate will be approximately one
pore volume per day. Prior to and after treatment of each cell, a partitioning tracer test has or will be
performed. The mix of tracers will be designed according to the expected volume of NAPL within the
cell before and after treatment. Among the tracers, hexanol and dimethylpentanol may be included.
The surfactant and cosolvent demonstrations are summarized below enumerated by the site cell
number at which each test has or will be performed.
24 E Series: TE-96-02
CompoundsTreated: The cells are quite variable with respect to water content, although in
general about 6 to 9% residual NAPL exists within the saturated zone
pore space of each cell. The NAPL is composed largely of JP4 jet
fuel (approx. 90 to 95%), with lesser amounts of chlorinated organic
solvents (chloroalkenes and chlorobenzenes) and even some PCBs.
A nearby landfill has contributed to the contamination.
Treatment Summary: This was the first test performed at Hill AFB and consisted of treat-
ment with a cosolvent mixture. Prior to all testing, the water table in
the cell was raised to 5 meters below ground surface to saturate the
NAPL smear zone. The first test was an inter-well partitioning tracer
test (IWPTT) in which bromide (as a nonreactive tracer) and a mix-
ture of methyl alcohols were pumped through the cell. In the cosolvent
flushing test, approximately 40,000 L (about ten pore volumes) of the
cosolvent mixture (70% ethanol, 12% n-pentanol, and 28% water)
were pumped through the cell over a 15 day period. The intent was
to solubilize (not mobilize) the NAPL. A final inter-well partitioning
tracer test was performed. In all tests, samples were taken from the
60 internal monitoring wells (12 nested wells at 5 depths) and the
three extraction wells. Soil cores were also collected.
Results: The first IWPTT indicated a NAPL content of 7% of the porosity. Re-
sults indicated that > 90% of several target contaminants and > 75%
of the total NAPL mass was removed. The co-solvent pumping strat-
egies were not optimized based on cost considerations, as post-treat-
ment of the NAPL and co-solvent was not attempted. The primary
goal was to conduct this study as a proof-of-concept test, and to
extend the database for research and development purposes.
25 E Series: TE-96-02
Annable, M. D.; Rao, P. S. C.; Hatfield, K.; Graham, W. D.; Wood, A. L., Use of Partitioning Tracers for
Measuring Residual Napl Distribution in a Contaminated Aquifer: Preliminary Results from a Field-
Scale Test, proceedings, 2nd Tracer Workshop, Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX.
Pope, G. A.; Jin, M.; Dwarakanath, V.; Rouse, B.; Sepehrnoori, K., Partitioning Tracer Tests to
Characterize Organic Contaminants, proceedings, 2nd Tracer Workshop, Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX.
Rao, P. S. C.; Lee, L. S.; Wood, A. L., Solubility, sorption, and transport of hydrophobic organic
chemicals in Complex Mixtures, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA/600-M-91-009, March,
Wood, A. Lynn; Bouchard, D; Brusseau, M.; Rao, P. S. C., Cosolvent effects on sorption and mobility
of Organic Contaminants in Soils,” Chemosphere, 21:575-587, 1990.
Treatment Summary: The 3 m x 5 m test cell contains approximately 1,500 gallons of water
(i.e., the PV). A partitioning tracer test was performed on the cell with
bromide, ethanol, methanol, tert-butanol, methyl-hexanol, and dim-
ethyl pentanol as tracers. From this test, the estimated amount of
NAPL in the cell is 60 gal. The experimental plan is to pump water,
followed by 5,000 to 7,000 gal of alcohol mixture, followed by water.
It is anticipated that most of the NAPL will be removed before the
total volume of alcohol is pumped. The earlier cosolvent test at Hill
AFB performed by The University of Florida group (Test 1, Opera-
tional Unit 1) was designed to solubilize the NAPL. The intent in this
test is to mobilize the NAPL to basically remove it in a plug. Formu-
lating a cosolvent mixture that will mobilize this specific complex
NAPL has required extensive laboratory work.
26 E Series: TE-96-02
Contacts: Ron Falta
Dept. of Geological Sciences
Brackett Hall, Room 340C
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634-1908
Surfactant/cosolvent: An Aerosol OT/Tween series surfactant mixture with added CaCl2 will
be used. Many (if not all) Tween series surfactants have U.S.D.A.
food grade additive status.
Treatment Summary: The intent is to mobilize the NAPL with a middle phase microemulsion.
Initial partitioning tracer tests have been performed. It is anticipated
that 10 PV or less of mobilizing surfactant mixture will be added at a
rate of one PV per day, followed by 5 PV of water. During treatment
3,000 to 4,000 samples will be collected from the extraction and
multiport sampling wells for chemical and surfactant analysis.
27 E Series: TE-96-02
Cell 6 at Operational Unit 1, Hill Air Force Base, Utah
Surfactant/cosolvent: An overall 3.6 wt% solution of Dowfax 8390 will be used. This is a
solubilizing (micelle forming) diphenyloxide disulfonate surfactant mix-
ture; the same one used at the Traverse City site.
Treatment Summary: The intent is to solubilize the NAPL within surfactant micelles. The
specific Dowfax surfactant was chosen largely because of its low
sorption potential in the subsurface due to the dual negative charges
on each monomer. Ten pore volumes of surfactant will be used fol-
lowed by 5 pore volumes of water. It is anticipated that this system
will be less efficient than the mobilizing system used in Cell 5: Ten
pore volumes may not be sufficient to reduce the residual NAPL con-
centration to below 10% of the original value. An initial partitioning
tracer test has been performed, with the surfactant flushing test sched-
uled for summer, 1996. Similar sampling will occur as in Cell 5.
Jeffrey H. Harwell
School of Chemical Engineering
Sarkeys Energy Center
The University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK 73019
28 E Series: TE-96-02
Treatment Summary: The primary goal is to solubilize NAPL constituents within a single-
phase microemulsion (SPME) system. Initial laboratory studies were
performed in batch, column, and 2-D tanks using the NAPL and sedi-
mentary material from the site and other materials. Over 70 com-
mercially available formulations were used in lab studies. Pre- and
post- treatment partitioning tracer tests will be performed. In the SPME
test, it is anticipated that 2 PV of water, 5 to 7 PV of surfactant/cosur-
factant, 2 PV of surfactant (alone), and 5 PV of water with be flushed
through the cell, in the order listed. The PV is estimated to be about
2,500 gallons. Samples will be taken from the 12 multiport sampling
wells and the three extraction wells. The waste mixture (surfactant/
cosurfactant/NAPL) will be stored on-site for off-site disposal (prob-
ably incineration).
Results: These study will provide much needed information on SPME sys-
tems, however, will not provide complete information on costs associ-
ated with possible future full-scale applications as this is not the pri-
mary intent.
Monthly Progress Reports are available from the Advanced Applied Technology Demonstration
Facility for Environmental Technology, at DOD/AATDF, Rice University, Energy & Environmental
Systems Institute, M.S. 316, P.O. Box 1892 (or 6100 S. Main St.), Houston, Texas 77251 (or 77005).
Compounds treated: DNAPL, mostly TCE with some PCE and 1,1,1-TCA
Surfactant/cosolvent: Surfactant
Treatment Summary: Funding for this project is from the U.S. Air Force Center for Environ-
mental Excellence (AFCEE) and INTERA, Inc. The University of Texas
performed the design of the surfactant flood and a partitioning tracer
29 E Series: TE-96-02
test, and RADIAN International performed the treatment engineering.
INTERA, Inc. was the principle contractor and performed all field in-
jection-extraction operations and applied for all permits. The specific
site was a shallow sand and gravel aquifer at OU2 on Hill AFB. Three
in-line injection wells and 3 in-line extraction wells were installed with
a monitoring well midway between the injectors and extractors, and a
fourth injection well located 10 ft behind the line of 3 injection wells.
The distance between the lines of injection and extraction wells was
20 ft.
The project has two phases. In Phase I, which took place in April and
May of 1996, a pilot test was performed: (1) to demonstrate that hy-
draulic control of injected fluids was possible, (2) to quantify the vol-
ume of DNAPL by conducting a partitioning tracer test between the
injector and extractor wells, (3) to show that surfactant could be in-
jected and extracted at the designed rates, (4) to test a steam strip-
per on the effluent stream, and (5) to identify any potential problems
and gain some experience with the sampling and chemical analysis
The second phase was scheduled for August, 1996, and lasted 30
days. Approval from the U.S. EPA and Utah Dept. of Environmental
Quality was expected in July. The goal was to attempt to remove as
much of the DNAPL with a micellar flood as possible. Initially poly-
mer was going to be used also. A partitioning tracer test was to be
performed subsequent to the surfactant flood to test for residual or-
ganic phase.
Results: The partitioning tracer test indicated that approximately 800 gallons
of DNAPL is present in the test section of the aquifer. During the
solubilization test, with an 8% surfactant injection over 0.6 days (0.6
pore volumes), the TCE concentration in the central monitoring well
rose from approximately 600 mg / L prior to the injection to 40,000
mg / L after. The maximum DNAPL solubilization capacity was calcu-
lated to be 61,000 mg / L for this surfactant injection concentration.
The concentrations in the 3 extraction wells were lower, likely due to
dilution caused by streamtube convergence on this wells. Problems
with surfactant foaming in the steam stripper occurred during this
phase, which the investigators attempted to remedy in Phase II.
30 E Series: TE-96-02
Hill Air Force Base, Utah, OU2, Surfactant/Foam Flood
Treatment Summary: This test will be conducted without a physical barrier system in place.
First, surfactant will be injected, and will fill the high hydraulic conduc-
tivity (permeable) zones, sweeping out residual contaminant. Sec-
ond, air will follow the surfactant creating a foam in the high perme-
ability zone(s). Third, the next slug of surfactant is added, and should
enter the formerly less permeable zone, sweeping out residual con-
taminant. The (surface) area to be treated is approximately 6 m by 6
m with injection wells placed parallel and across from extraction wells.
Many investigators are involved in bench and pilot scale laboratory studies. The results of these
efforts are too extensive to completely review here. The Physical/Chemical Description Section
(Section 2.1) discuss results from some of these efforts. In addition, many researchers are working
to improve existing computational tools (i.e., models) for predicting transport in porous media with
emphasis on surfactant mobilization or solubilization of contaminants and cosolvent transport. Many
citations provided in the General Reference Section (Section 8) are of these laboratory and model-
ing studies.
31 E Series: TE-96-02
A quick review of the information presented in Section 3 indicates that under the all encompassing
heading of in situ remediation with surfactants and/or cosolvents numerous variations on this
theme exist. Indeed, in the current state of the technology, the number of strategies applied are
more numerous than the number of sites where demonstrations have or currently are taking place.
Thousands of surfactants are commercially available, yet researchers have had less than 10 years
of experience in working with these materials in the laboratory and field on sorbed or nonaqueous
phase liquid contaminants. On the other hand, there is a tremendous wealth of very closely related
information available from petroleum engineering, food science, and other disciplines that can and
has been utilized to accelerate technology development. Still, the motivation in these other disci-
plines and the systems are totally different.
In the end, in situ remediation with surfactants and/or cosolvents likely will evolve into a well
defined group of standard technologies all with surfactants and cosolvents as the common denomi-
nator. However, currently there is no standard technology in the bunch (i.e., one that has been
demonstrated numerous times and is widely regarded as an acceptable alternative technology),
and no formula for what will work or what will not work. Due to the wide diversity of subsurface
contaminants and site characteristics, optimal field-scale applications always will be very site spe-
cific. The design and operation of exemplary case studies have been accomplished by interdiscipli-
nary teams of hydrogeologists, environmental engineers, geochemists, surfactant chemists, petro-
leum engineers and/or chemical engineers, with necessary input from other fields as well.
The most promising application appears to be removal of NAPL material from the source zone and
concentrated plume of NAPL spills or sites. In particular, treatment of DNAPL spills may prove
effective, where the residual portion of the DNAPL is trapped within a finite volume in pores due to
capillary forces. Application of the technology to a massive diluted ground-water plume has not
been attempted, and is most likely cost prohibitive because of the capital cost of the surfactant and/
or of the cost of treating the extremely large volumes of contaminant-dilute water for surfactant
recovery. Ultrafiltration, countercurrent solvent extraction, photochemical treatment, incineration,
biotreatment, carbon adsorption, floatation, foam fractionation, air stripping, and vacuum steam
stripping have all been suggested for or performed at small scale for water/NAPL treatment. Sites
where surfactant/cosolvent technologies have been or will be (in the near future) demonstrated
have been highly characterized hydraulically. All have been in unconfined zones, generally with
moderate to high hydraulic conductivity, with clay aquitards at reasonably shallow depths (5 to 15
m), most with vertical containment barriers in the form of engineered hydraulic gradients or con-
structed sheetpile walls. In the case of Waterloo barrier cells, the grouted joints allow for saturation
and flushing of the contaminated vadose zone. Although not tested or demonstrated at the field
scale, the use of surfactant/cosolvent technologies in serial combination with other in situ technolo-
gies may show promise, such as surfactant/cosolvent flooding to removal the majority of source
contamination followed by bioremediation of the remaining residual contaminants, surfactants, and/
or cosolvents. Although remediation of low concentrations of sorbed compounds with surfactant
32 E Series: TE-96-02
flooding technically is feasible, it may prove to be cost prohibitive except for some specific cases
where ecological risks are high for other treatment or no treatment alternatives.
Alternative technologies (to surfactant/cosolvent flushing) may be broadly defined to include any
technology that treats or contains contaminants in the subsurface. As with surfactant/cosolvent
flushing, the efficacy of these alternatives is very dependent on the specific contaminant(s), con-
taminant concentration(s) and mass(es), and site characteristics. For example, several standard or
proven technologies have been proven to work under specific conditions where surfactants would
never be considered for use. Yet these same technologies would fail miserably at sites where
surfactant or cosolvent flushing would prove quite successful. Because of these differences, some
of these alternatives likely may prove to be useful in combination with surfactant/cosolvent treat-
• steam extraction
• addition of electron acceptors, and/or microorganisms
• chemical sorption barriers (these can be cationic surfactants)
• and treatment walls or trenches
Most notable among the treatment walls is use of zero valent iron (iron filing or shavings) which can
reduce (dechlorinate) chlorinated organic compounds. The products of the reaction are ferrous and
ferric iron and hydrocarbons which are less toxic and more biodegradable. Use of iron is very safe
and iron is relatively inexpensive; however, this technology may be suitable for only specific con-
taminants, and even then, complete dechlorination may not occur. Additionally, long term mainte-
nance may be an issue.
33 E Series: TE-96-02
5.0 COST
Few, if any, comprehensive comparative cost analyses have been performed on existing or hypo-
thetical surfactant/cosolvent technology applications. In a chapter by Krebs-Yuill et al. (1995), eco-
nomic considerations have been tabulated, with estimated costs based on remediation of sites
contaminated with PCE, TCE, and 1,2-DCA in DNAPL form, utilizing a solubilizing micellar surfac-
tant at different surfactant prices per mass. A conclusion reached in this study was that surfactant
recycling or recovery would be necessary in order for large-scale solubilizing remediation efforts to
be cost effective, due to surfactant costs. No consideration was given to mobilizing systems or any
cosolvent systems. No consideration was given to costs associated with: field-scale equilibrium
partitioning tracer tests or other specific site assessment operations, site characterization, model-
ing, chemical analysis, and initial laboratory batch and column studies. Indeed, these costs may be
only a fraction of the total cost for large flushing operations, however, they have been the major cost
investment in experimental and demonstration tests to date. Given the complexities in designing
and fully optimizing such systems, design costs could remain quite high for the near future. Be-
cause the surfactant is one of the largest operating expenses, particularly if it is not recovered,
estimates of total cost are somewhat proportional to the cost of total flushing agent(s), which may
be proportional to the total volume of subsurface NAPL removed. Even in cases where the surfac-
tant/cosolvent is recovered, costs will be proportional to the amount of surfactant used due to costs
associated with surfactant recovery unit operations. Current prices of typical commercial large-
volume surfactants are in the range of $1 to $2 / lb. If effective and practical (i.e., nontoxic) mobiliz-
ing flushing agent formulations are developed, the volume and associated cost of these agents may
be of lesser concern as the ratio of NAPL removed per volume of flushing agent applied may be
reduced substantially.
Below is a summary list of basic (non-overhead type) capital equipment and design and operational
cost requirements. The costs associated with each category are highly dependent on the specific
items used within each category (i.e., well type, surfactant type, specific unit operations employed).
Also not included on this list, but an integral consideration in design and cost effectiveness is time of
treatment. Operational costs are nearly proportional to time. Because the time frame required for
pump-and-treat may be shortened considerably through the addition of chemical flushing agents,
an overall minimum cost always exists which can be evaluating by comparing the trade-offs be-
tween total operational costs (over time) and the cost of flushing agent employed (to reduce this
Design Costs
Capital Costs
34 E Series: TE-96-02
Operating Costs
• Surfactant/cosolvent
• Well operation
• Operating costs of concentration/recovery/destruction unit operations
• Electricity/power requirements
• Maintenance
• Labor
Krebs-Yuill, B.; Harwell, J. H.; Sabatini, D. A.; Knox, R. C., Chapter 19: Economic considerations in
surfactant-enhanced pump-and-treat remediation, in Surfactant-Enhanced Subsurface Remediation:
Emerging Technologies, edited by Sabatini, D. A.; Knox, R. C.; Harwell, J. H., ACS Symposium
Series 594, American Chemical Society, Washington DC, 1995.
35 E Series: TE-96-02
Document EPA-542-R-96-001 (1996) issued by the U.S. EPA Technology Innovation Office states:
“Injection wells are regulated by the Underground Injection Control (UIC) program under the
Federal Safe Drinking Water Act. Under the UIC program, injection of any fluid into a well is
prohibited, except as authorized by permit or rule. State UIC programs may be delegated
complete or partial enforcement responsibility (or primacy) by EPA. Twenty-five State UIC
programs have been delegated complete primacy, while ten hold primacy over some portion
of the State UIC program. If a State does not seek primacy, or its program is not approved,
EPA enforces the Federal UIC program for that State. Fifteen State UIC programs are
administered by EPA Regional Offices.”
“Injection wells incidental to aquifer remediation and experimental technologies are distin-
guished from hazardous waste injection wells and are designated as Class V under the UIC
program. Class V wells covered by the Federal UIC program are authorized by rule and do
not require a separate UIC permit. A Class V well regulated by a State UIC program may
require a permit. While permit requirements are not a direct barrier to in situ ground-water
remediation, States that require UIC permits are noted in the summary table.” (see State
regulations below)
“The purpose of the UIC program is to protect underground sources of drinking water (USDW)
by prohibiting injections that may affect water quality in USDWs. Contaminated aquifers at
Superfund sites may not serve as a USDW. For this reason, UIC requirements may not
apply to wells at CERCLA sites. “
No state has a direct regulatory prohibition on injection technologies for treating contaminated
aquifers. A few states have policies that discourage use of injection technologies, having rejected
most or all proposals on technical or policy grounds. About two-thirds of the states have allowed
injection of some type remediation agent, most frequently nutrient injections to enhance
bioremediation. Eleven states have allowed surfactant injections with most occurring at CERCLA
sites. Some states require closed systems or some evidence (i.e., a comprehensive monitoring
program) that all injectant will be removed.
States that require UIC permits include: Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, Mississippi,
Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, and
Wyoming. Many other states have little or no experience and may require an UIC or state permit.
Others do require a state permit.
36 E Series: TE-96-02
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation Office, State policies concerning the use of injectants for in situ
ground- water remediation, EPA-542-96-001, March, 1996
U.S. EPA Technology Innovative Office, Surfactant injection for ground water remediation: State
regulators’ perspectives and experiences, EPA-542-R-95-011, December, 1995.
37 E Series: TE-96-02
As stated in the Technology Summary Section, it has been less than 6 years since completion of the
first field demonstration of subsurface remediation with surfactants/cosolvent flushing. Hence, it
should come as no shock that the most critical limitations to widespread acceptance of the technol-
ogy appears to be the general lack of information regarding the technology and the lack of person-
nel with expertise in applying the technology in the field. It is truly an interdisciplinary and complex
technology, requiring site and contaminant specific design, optimization, and control. Because the
technology is new and its application is so site specific, there are no standard design criteria or
design models available. For example, the act of selecting a surfactant solution is not and should
not be viewed as a simple act, but a process requiring laboratory batch and column studies and field
trials. Currently, there are no formulae or answers to the basic questions: What surfactant, cosolvent
or mixture works best for a given site? What technologies should be used to recover/separate the
surfactant or contaminants? How much surfactant will be lost by sorption to the subsurface par-
ticles? What can be done about subsurface heterogeneity?
It is quite likely that the application of a surfactant-based technology could be made cost effective at
many existing contaminated sites, particularly if it is a flushing technology where only the most
highly contaminated zone is treated. A considerable amount of laboratory and modeling work is
required before such determinations can be made, however, which requires financial investment
prior to possible application of the technology.
As stated previously in Section 4, in situ remediation with surfactants and/or cosolvents likely will
evolve into a well defined group of standard technologies with surfactants and cosolvents as the
common denominator. This group may or may not include:
Not all of these technologies are flushing technologies, and the list suggests the diversity among
processes through which surfactants potentially may be employed to facilitate or enhance subsur-
face soil remediation.
38 E Series: TE-96-02
Technology selection must be based on process specific informational requirements and informa-
tional requirements that are shared with other alternative technologies. Shared informational re-
quirements are those site characteristics which must be collected independent of the technology
selected. Site characteristics include formation hydrogeology and contaminant distribution, phase
behavior (of contaminants as NAPLs or sorbed compounds), and chemical composition. These
characteristics can be known only by core analysis and through studies with observation wells. This
site information is required for modeling existing conditions, and is important in later modeling of
treatment scenarios. These scenarios may include alternate treatment technologies and various
surfactant/cosolvent technologies or processes.
Because injection of surfactants in the subsurface may involve additional ecological risks beyond
those already existing at each site, it is imperative that:
Besides reducing ecological risks, these steps should identify critical data needs, minimize the risk
of process failure, and in the long term save time and other resources. This list of specific informa-
tional requirements is short, only because within each lies numerous specific requirements which
must be met before proceeding fully to the next level of implementation.
39 E Series: TE-96-02
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