Gfpi-F-135 - Guia - de - Aprendizaje Rap 3
Gfpi-F-135 - Guia - de - Aprendizaje Rap 3
Gfpi-F-135 - Guia - de - Aprendizaje Rap 3
● Actividad de Proyecto:
● Formación: Virtual.
GFPI-F-135 V02
pursue opportunities that provide a comfortable work environment that promotes your success and aligns
with your core values. Let’s discuss what work environment is, the elements that make it up and how to
best identify a suitable work environment during your job search.
There are many different types of work environments that include a combination of physical components,
company culture and working conditions. What elements make for the best type of work environments
depend on an organization’s industry and age, the number of and types of employees, and the ideal
environment the organization wants to cultivate.
According to the Holland theory of personality and job compatibility, some environments may be a better
match for certain personalities. When considering a work environment, discover the characteristics and
values of your personality type to find one that best suits you.
A work environment is the setting, social features, and physical conditions in which you perform your job.
These elements can impact feelings of wellbeing, workplace relationships, collaboration, efficiency, and
employee health. Here are the significant aspects of a work environment:
Physical environment: This element is made up of the size, layout, and location of a workplace, whether
work is conducted indoors or outdoors, the facilities offered in a workplace and the furnishings used while
Company culture: This element refers to the way a company and its employees operate, including what
effective communication looks like between different levels of staff, employees’ perspective of company
leaders, the company’s goals and what the organization values.
Working conditions: This element includes the formal terms under which staff members are hired, such as
the rate of pay, contract of employment and length of the workday. It can also cover recreational activities
and other initiatives to promote a healthy workplace.
Physical environment: The physical conditions you work under will play a crucial role in enabling you to
reach your full potential. Some critical aspects of your physical environment to consider include:
Size: The size of your working area can have an impact on whether you have everything at hand to
accomplish your job, while at the same time significantly influencing how you feel at work. To evaluate the
size of your workspace, consider the amount of space you must move freely, whether you have all the
equipment you need nearby and if the area is large enough to accommodate all staff members.
Layout: Some indoor workplaces have an open floorplan, while others use cubicles or other dividers to
separate spaces. The design of a workplace may depend on the type of work. For example, a more
GFPI-F-135 V02
collaborative environment may benefit from an open layout, while a job that requires discretion would
better operate with separate offices or cubicles to ensure privacy.
Furnishings: Desks, chairs, conference tables and other workplace furniture can also impact employees on
the job. Access to comfortable and adequate seating, clean workspaces and functional desks can ensure
indoor workplaces remain efficient. Outdoor workplaces may include comfortable furniture for break times.
Equipment: Some roles require special equipment to do their job, and depending on the company, the
employer may or may not provide it. Some roles, such as a mechanic, may be required to bring their own
set of tools. Indoor office spaces are more likely to provide the necessary equipment, such as computers,
printers and other essential technology used on the job.
Facilities: Other facilities can influence how you feel physically and mentally during your working life. Being
able to take a break or go to the bathroom are essential parts of any productive daily routine, so the
location of these facilities can also impact the work environment. Additional facilities such as relaxing
spaces and on-site gyms can also have a positive influence on employees.
Location: Some roles predominantly work inside; some spend most of their working day outside and certain
roles may have a mixture of both indoor and outdoor work. Many employers may provide additional
facilities or equipment to ensure employees are comfortable while working and productivity is maintained.
Check your workplace conditions, tools, materials, location, equipment, machines, layout sizes etc.; and
design a Quizlet flashcard using the vocabulary related to those features. If you consider it is necessary to
write the meaning and pronunciation of the word, you can add these to the flashcards.
Develop WORKSHOP VOCABULARY ACTIVITY and don’t forget to submit this through your Territorium
LMS platform.
To develop this activity, you must pay attention to your class explanation through ZOOM, WHATSAPP
VIDEO TUTORIALS OR MEET. Download the Word file, fill it out and resend it through the Territorium LMS
platform, WhatsApp, or E-mail.
GFPI-F-135 V02
Prepositions of place
Preposition of
Explanation Example
▪ inside ▪ I watch TV in the living-room
▪ I live in New York
▪ Look at the picture in the book
▪ She looks at herself in the
in mirror.
▪ She is in the car.
▪ Look at the girl in the picture
▪ This is the best team in the
GFPI-F-135 V02
▪ used for showing some bus / on a plane
methods of traveling ▪ My favorite
▪ television, radio program on TV, on the radio
by, next to, ▪ not far away in distance ▪ The girl who is by / next
beside, near to / beside the house.
GFPI-F-135 V02
the other side ▪ He sailed across the Atlantic
Prepositions of movement:
GFPI-F-135 V02
● How do you go to work?
Here is a list of the most common prepositions of movement, with example sentences for each one:
● The dog ran across the road and nearly got hit by a car.
● A big dog was sleeping on the floor so she had to walk around it.
GFPI-F-135 V02
into: movement to an enclosed space; movement resulting in physical contact
● The wineglass fell off the table and shattered on the floor.
over: movement above and across the top or top surface of something
GFPI-F-135 V02
● We gave the marathoners water as they ran past us.
through | thru (AmE): movement in one side and out of the other side of something
● The night sky got brighter as they drove toward the city.
● The boat takes two hours going up the river and one hour coming down.
GFPI-F-135 V02
Develop WHERE IS IT? WORKSHEET. Don’t forget to submit the activity through your LMS platform.
Check first the vocabulary about adjectives to describe places, practice with this activity:
The words we choose will allow the reader to understand the writer's perspective. To call something
bustling and vibrant is quite different from desolate and deserted. Will any of these descriptive words for
places stoke the flames of your next scene?
GFPI-F-135 V02
Words to Express Dislike for a Place
If the show doesn't fit, don't force it. Go ahead and call it polluted, rundown, or even horrifying. Try to
evoke scents as well as sights with your prose. Some of these words may be subject to opinion, such as
crowded or touristy, but readers will quickly catch your connotation.
Sometimes, it all boils down to the facts of the matter. Perhaps you're visiting ancient ruins or staying at a
contemporary resort. Here are some unbiased descriptors to help you label a place:
GFPI-F-135 V02
● Magical - Captivating; enchanting
Develop DESCRIBING THE WORKPLACE activity. Don’t forget to submit the activity through your LMS
To develop this activity, you must pay attention to your class explanation through ZOOM, MEET or Video
tutorials in WhatsApp. Download the Word file, fill it out and resend it through the Territorium LMS
platform, WhatsApp, or E-mail.
● Always provide context for the task to be completed. People do their best work when they
understand the importance of the task to the larger operation. When you take the time to explain
the business importance of the task you are requesting to be completed, you are teaching and
showing respect for the individual you asked to complete the work.
● Be specific when assigning tasks. Outline when the task must be completed and share any quality
● Ask the team member to complete the tasks. Choose a respectful tone of voice, polite words and
deliver the message with the appropriate volume. Contrast these statements: "Go unload that
truck," and "John, the shipment on that truck is needed on the production line. Please help unload
the truck before noon." There is little doubt the latter approach would be perceived as positive and
the former as negative.
● Give your team a chance to ask questions. Offer the individual(s) being asked to complete the task
the opportunity to clarify their questions. This step helps strengthen communication between the
employee and supervisor and improves the probability of a successful outcome. The employee has
the opportunity to confirm that he or she truly understands what is being asked of them.
GFPI-F-135 V02
● Trust your employees. Resist the urge to oversee or micro-manage an employee's completion of
the requested task. Part of leading effectively is learning to trust that your team can complete tasks
without you.
● Reinforce your employee's confidence. Offer appropriate thanks and positive feedback for jobs
completed properly.
● Ensure you give constructive feedback. Offer clear, behavioral, focused feedback for any tasks that
are completed improperly.
Develop GIVING INSTRUCTIONS AT WORKPLACE activity. Don’t forget to submit the activity through your
LMS platform.
To develop this activity, you must pay attention to your class explanation through ZOOM, MEET or Video
tutorials in WhatsApp. Download the Word file, fill it out and resend it through the Territorium LMS
platform, Whatsapp, or E-mail.
Create a presentation and a video record about Describing your Workplace. This video must have the
vocabulary used and explained in the previous activities (prepositions of place and movement, place
description adjectives, workplace description vocabulary). Don’t forget to submit the activity through
your LMS platform.
To develop this activity, you must pay attention to your class explanation through ZOOM, MEET or Video
tutorials in WhatsApp. Download the Word file, fill it out and resend it through the Territorium LMS
GFPI-F-135 V02
conceptual basado en el mismo. Role play
● Where is it?
- Pronuncia adecuadamente el
vocabulario y modismos básicos Workshops
● Giving instructions at
del idioma
workplace - Sostiene conversaciones con Videos
vocabulario básico y técnico
Evidencias de Desempeño: aprendido. Audios
- Elabora resúmenes cortos
Video with oral report Video conferencias.
● sobre textos sencillos, y con
about your workplace contenido técnico.
- Escribe o presenta
description ATTENDANCE
descripciones de sí mismo, su
Evidencias de Producto: profesión y su entorno.
- Plantea y responde preguntas
sobre sí mismo. -
● Workplace Quizlet Realiza vídeos o audios
Vocabulary interactivos relacionados con la
actividad de aprendizaje que
esté desarrollando.
GFPI-F-135 V02
Autor (es)
GFPI-F-135 V02