RH1BSB Unit 6 Marketing FINAL

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Unit at a Glance

Language Focus: Explain, Express Ideas

Reading Strategy: Make Inferences

Unit 6

Up in
Phonics Focus: Sounds and Spellings:
ce, ci, ch, tch, wh
Topic: Weather

the Air
Share What You Know
Name your favorite kind of


What’s 2 Tell why you like that weather.
wild about 3 Draw something you do in
Question weather? that weather.


Professional storm chasers monitoring
an approaching tornado
1 Language Focus Words
to Know Science Vocabulary
Explain made Key Words
Listen and sing. Song What happens when the wind blows ?

The wind is made of air.
The wind is made of air.
Let me explain it one more time
How wind is made of air.
Weαther chαnges. It can mαke electricity.
Wind can blow trees down.
And blow your hat around.
Let me explain it one more time
How wind can blow trees down.
Tune: “The Farmer in the Dell”

Things move. It feels good.

Talk Together

Look at the windy weather. Explain what different

kinds of wind can do. What is wild about wind?
76 Unit 6 77

Thinking Map Academic Vocabulary

Find Cause and Effect More Key Words

Cause-and-Effect Chart
fast outside power
Cause Trees snap and
A strong fall down.
wind blows.
Hats blow off.
Write why something This car goes They run This toaster uses
happens here. fast. outside. power.
Write what
happens here.
soft strong Talk Together

pillow Sort the Key Words

by syllables.
Fast has one syllable.

Outside has
Pillows are soft. We are strong. two syllables.
Talk Together

Talk to a partner about rain. Explain

what happens when it rains. Make a
cause-and-effect chart.

78 Unit 6 79

Phonics Focus

Talk Together
Sounds and Spellings: ce, ci
Listen and read. Find the words with the s
sound spelled with the letters ce or ci.
Over to You

A Huge Rainstorm
fence circus The wind begins to blow harder and harder. Work with a
The clouds look dark and angry. A storm can partner.
Listen and Learn
Find the words
come fast. People race to bring their pets
Listen to each group of words. Choose the word with the sound
inside. The power might go out. People look you hear at the
with the sound you hear at the beginning of the beginning of the
for candles. They decide to stay away from
word see. word see. Take
windows. They find a safe place.
turns using
1. city kitty pity The rain comes. It fills the city streets. Strong the words in
winds bend the trees. Then, slowly, the clouds sentences.
2. vent dent cent
move on. The wind stops blowing. The wind made
3. pride price prime a mess, but it is quiet once the
4. ate aid ace storm has gone.

Read “A Huge Rainstorm” with a partner.

Practice reading words with the sound you
hear at the beginning of the word see.
80 Unit 6 81
Read Science Nonfiction
I Face
Science nonfiction gives information the Wind
about a science topic, like weather.
✓ Look for illustrations. Illustrations are
drawings that show information.


Reading Strategy by Vicki Cobb

Make inferences as you read. Use what illustrated by Julia Gorton
you know and details from the text to
make inferences about what wind does.

82 Unit 6 83
Your hair blows away
from your face. You could
Have you ever felt a strong wind ? lose your hat. You may even
have to walk at a slant.

84 Unit 6 85
You can’t see the wind . But you
can feel it. And you can see what
wind does to other things.

It makes flags stick out

straight and flutter.

Can you name some things

you see wind do?

86 Unit 6 87
Go outside and watch.

A kite stays in the sky.

Leaves on trees shake.

88 Unit 6 89
An umbrella turns inside out.

90 Unit 6 91
What is wind made of?
Wind is made of air. You can’t see
air. But you can catch it. Here’s how:

1 Open a large plastic bag. 3 Twist it closed to trap the air you caught.
Make sure there are no holes in it.
4 Squeeze the bag to feel the air.
2 Pull the bag through the air so it puffs up.
92 Unit 6 93
Are there other ways you can
make wind ?

Blow air out of your mouth.

Wave your hand in front of your
face. Be an inventor and make
your own kind of air movers.

94 Unit 6 95
The fastest winds of all are in a
tornado. These winds are so strong
they can lift a roof right off a house!

One of the softest winds is your

breath. Put your fingertips near your
nose. Feel your soft breath.

96 Unit 6 97
Face the wind . Feel the
push of the wind. Yay! ❖

98 Unit 6 99

Think and Respond Reread and Explain

Talk About It Find Cause and Effect

1. What is wind made of? The wind blows . This is the cause.
Wind is made of . What are the effects?
Cause-and-Effect Chart
2. What happens when the wind blows ?
When the wind blows, Effect
will . A flag flutters.
3. Why might you have to walk at a slant when The wind
a strong wind blows? blows.
You might have to walk at a slant because

Write About It Use your cause-and-effect chart. Tell a partner

Use the illustrations and steps on pages 92 facts you learned in “I Face the Wind.”
and 93. Retell how to catch air.
A flag flutters
because the
You can catch air . wind blows.

100 Unit 6 101


Word Work Making Connections Learn more about

how the wind can be wild and gentle.
Genre A legend is a story from long ago.
Compound Words This legend explains why the wind blows
in different ways.

Touch your nose with

your fingertips.

finger + tips = fingertips compound word

Learn the meanings of both words to understand

the compound word.

finger • We have five fingers on each hand.

+ tips • Tips mean ends.
fingertips • Fingertips are the ends of fingers.

Try It Together rain + coat

= raincoat
+ glasses = sunglasses
Wind Eagle
A Native American legend
Talk about the meaning of each
snow + man = snowman
compound word. Use the two
retold by Renee Biermann
shorter words to help you. Then draw a picture to illustrations by Amanda Hall
show the compound word. Label your drawing.

102 Unit 6 103

Gluscabi could not fish. There was too Gluscabi put Wind Eagle in a hole.
much wind . The wind pushed his boat. Now there was no wind . Gluscabi
He went to see Wind Eagle. Wind Eagle was happy. He could easily fish.
was making too much wind!

104 Unit 6 105

Weeks went by. Bad things started to Gluscabi went to see Wind Eagle. Wind
happen because the wind did not blow . Eagle promised to make gentle winds . So
Everyone was hot. The fish began to die. Gluscabi took Wind Eagle out of the hole.
The people in the village were not happy. But on some days Wind Eagle forgets
his promise. That’s why some days feel
very windy. ❖

106 Unit 6 107


Respond and Extend Grammar

Character’s Action Sentence Types

In “Wind Eagle,” what are the reasons for There are four types of sentences.
Gluscabi’s actions?
Grammar Rules Sentence Types

Gluscabi’s Actions Reasons 1. A statement tells something. • Gluscabi could not fish.
It ends with a period. period
Gluscabi went to see There was too much
2. A question asks something. It ends • Can you feel the wind?
Wind Eagle. wind. Gluscabi with a question mark. question mark
couldn’t fish.
3. An exclamation shows strong feeling. • There is too much wind!
Gluscabi put Wind It ends with an exclamation point. exclamation point
Eagle in a hole. 4. A command tells someone to do • Stop, Wind Eagle!
something. It starts with a verb. exclamation point
Gluscabi went to see It ends with a period or an
Wind Eagle again. exclamation point.

Gluscabi took Wind

Eagle out of the hole. Read a Sentence
What types of sentences are these? How do
you know?

It was so hot! The fish began to die.

Talk Together

Think about what you read and learned. What’s wild Write a Sentence
about weather ? Write a sentence about today’s weather.
Read it aloud.
108 Unit 6 109
2 Words

Language Focus to Know Science Vocabulary

Express Ideas think Key Words
Listen and sing. What is the weather?

snowy rainy

the Weather
I see big, dark clouds today.
I think that we will get rain. sunny cloudy

I see a bright sun outside.

I think we’ll be hot tonight!

I see snow fall from the sky.

I think we’ll have a snowball fight! The weather is different
every month of the year .
Tune: “Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star”


Talk Together

What is the weather like today? Is it wild?

110 Unit 6 111

Thinking Map Academic Vocabulary

Classify Details More Key Words

Classification Chart
cold cool hot
Write the name of
the group here.

Cool Cold Write the

• play at park • go sledding details about
the group here.

What We Write the topic here. It’s cold today. The fan keeps me The stove is hot.
Do in Different cool.
Warm Weather Hot
temperature warm Talk Together
• ride my bike • go swimming
Ask a question using
a Key Word.

What do you
wear when it is
cold outside?
The temperature The blanket
is 8˚ Fahrenheit. keeps us warm.

Talk Together

Tell your partner what you do in different kinds

of weather. Add to the classification chart.
How is your weather wild?
112 Unit 6 113

Phonics Focus

Sounds and Spellings: ch, tch, wh Talk Together

Listen and read. Find the words with ch,

tch, or wh in the story.
Over to You

Sunny or Rainy?
chair watch wheel
“What is it like outside?” asked Chico. Work with
a partner.
Listen and Learn Sancho checked. “It’s sunny,” he said.
Take turns. Find
Listen to the picture words. Write the correct letters “I think it’s warm but not hot.” a word with
to complete each word. “Great! Let’s play ball,” said Chico. the spellings
ch, tch, or wh.
The boys went out to play. They pitched Say the word.
1. 2. the ball back and forth. They did not see the Have your
sky get cloudy. The temperature got cool. The partner find it
in the passage
sunny day changed to a rainy day. and read the
eese The boys raced home. sentence.
“What can we do now?” asked Chico.
3. 4. “We could play checkers,” said Sancho.
“That is a good game for a rainy day.”

ale imp
Read “Sunny or Rainy?” with a partner.
Practice reading words with the spellings
ch, tch, and wh.
114 Unit 6 115
Read Realistic Fiction A Year for Kiko
Realistic fiction is a story that is made
up, but could happen in real life.

Sensory Details
Sensory details tell what characters see,
hear, smell, taste, and touch.
sensory detail
February is cold and still.

Reading Strategy
Make inferences as you read. by Ferida Wolff
How do you think Kiko feels about illustrated by Joung Un Kim
the different weather?

116 Unit 6 117

January snow is falling.
Kiko slips in the snow.

February is cold and still.

Kiko’s window is frosted white.
Kiko draws a smile with her
finger. The smile melts the ice.

118 Unit 6 119

Kiko’s hat flies off! March April rain falls everywhere. It waters
wind whips Kiko’s hair. the earth and Kiko, too. Now she must
“I am the wind,” says Kiko. play inside.

120 Unit 6 121

Kiko plants a seed. Maybe it will grow Kiko picks June strawberries. One fat
big. May is a month for growing. berry for the basket. Many fat berries for
Kiko. Inside they become Kikoberries.

122 Unit 6 123

July fireflies glow in the night. They
blink their lights at Kiko. Kiko chases them
and laughs. Her eyes are shining, too.

124 Unit 6 125

August mornings are hot . Kiko wears
her bathing suit. She sits in her pool. Now
August feels cool .

Crickets chirp at Kiko. Together they

sing a September song.

126 Unit 6 127

Red and gold leaves are falling. Kiko
holds a red leaf in one hand. She holds
a gold leaf in the other. Kiko feels like
an October tree.

128 Unit 6 129

Kiko looks for the moon. The
orange moon is hiding. When
Kiko hides, the moon finds her.
Kiko and the November moon
are playing.

130 Unit 6 131

Meet the Author

Ferida Wolff
Ferida Wolff wrote a lot
when she was a young girl.
She wrote about people
and pets. She wrote letters
and stories.

Ms. Wolff still writes many

stories. There is always
something new to learn
and write about.
Ferida Wolff

In December Kiko breathes out Writing Tip

Find words that Ferida
clouds. She puts on her winter coat. Wolff used to tell what
Kiko does. Can you think
She wears her mittens and hat. of other action words?
Kiko is ready for snow. ❖

132 Unit 6 133


Think and Respond Reread and Retell

Talk About It Classify Details

1. What does Kiko do in the month of May? What does Kiko do in different weather?
Kiko in the month of May. Classification Chart

2. Why does Kiko wear a hat and gloves when

she plays in the snow? Cool Cold
• plays in grass •
She wears them because .
3. Does Kiko like July? How do you know? What Kiko
Kiko July. She . Does in Different
Warm Weather Hot
• •

Write About It
Find one sensory detail in “A Year for Kiko.”
Fill in these sentences.
Use your chart and the
illustrations in the story
The sensory detail word is .
to retell what Kiko does in
This tells me Kiko .
different weather.

134 Unit 6 135


Word Work Making Connections Learn more about how

weather can be wild.
Genre In an interview, one person asks questions
Compound Words while another person answers them.

raindrop snowflake

Chasing Storms
with Tim Samaras
rain + drop = raindrop snow + flake = snowflake
by Jennifer Tetzloff
Put the meanings of two words together to
understand a compound word.

drop • A drop is a small amount.

rain + drop • A raindrop is a small amount
of rain.
Most people run from
Try It Together
tornadoes. Not Tim Samaras.
Put these words together to fire + flies = fireflies
Kiko + berries = Kikoberries He was a storm chaser.
make compound words. Use
moon + light = moonlight
what you know about each
word to tell what it means.

136 Unit 6 137

What is a storm chaser? Where and when do
A storm chaser follows thunderstorms tornadoes happen?
that create tornadoes to learn more Tornadoes can happen anywhere. Most
about them. tornadoes happen between March and August.

What is a tornado? Why do storm chasers study

A tornado starts as a powerful tornadoes?
thunderstorm. The storm creates Tornadoes are dangerous. Learning about
spinning, funnel-shaped clouds. tornadoes helps keep people safe. ❖
If the clouds touch the ground,
then it is a tornado.

138 Unit 6 139


Respond and Extend Grammar

Compare Genres Ask Questions

How are the words in “A Year for Kiko” and Ask a question to get information.
“Chasing Storms with Tim Samaras” different?
Grammar Rules Ask Questions
Realistic Fiction Interview
Questions Information
Making Connections Learn more about how
weather can be wild.
Genre In an interview, one person asks questions
Who is that? That is Tim.
while another person answers them.

What is that? It is a tornado.

July fireflies glow in the night. They Chasing Storms Where is the tornado? It is far away.
blink their lights at Kiko. Kiko chases them
and laughs. Her eyes are shining, too.
with Tim Samaras Why is it so windy? It is windy because of the tornado.
by Jennifer Tetzloff

When did it start raining? It started at 4:00.

How is the weather? It is rainy.

Most people run from

Read a Sentence
tornadoes. Not Tim Samaras.
He was a storm chaser.

What information do these questions ask about?


How do you know?

124 Unit 6

has sensory has facts

details and about real 1. Who was a storm chaser?
characters people
2. How does a tornado start?

Talk Together
Write a Sentence
Think about what you read. What’s wild Write a question for a storm chaser. Ask for
about weather? information about this job.

140 Unit 6 141

Writing Project Language Frames

• happens
because the
Write Like a Reporter Plan and Write
weather is .
Talk about kinds of weather with
Write a Nonfiction Paragraph
a partner. Pick one kind of weather. Explain
What do you know about weather? Explain what
to your partner what happens because of
happens on a windy, rainy, sunny, or snowy day.
this weather.
Write a paragraph for your classmates.
Write a sentence that tells about the kind of
A Rainy Day weather. Then write sentences to explain what
A nonfiction
A pαrαgrαph Kids wear raincoats. They jump in pαrαgrαph happens because of this weather.
hαs αn indent. tells about
puddles. You hear thunder. Boom! something reαl

This all happens because the weather

thαt hαppens.
Check Your Work Checklist
It αlso tells why
is rainy. Rain falls from the sky. things hαppen. Revise and edit your writing. Did you use αny
compound words?
Cαn you αdd one?
Use this checklist.
Check your sentences.
Did you use the right
end mαrks?
Finish and Share
Reαd each word of
your pαrαgrαph. Check
Finish your paragraph. Write the spelling. Look for
missing letters. Correct
each sentence neatly. Leave spelling errors.

space between each word.

Read your paragraph clearly. Sometimes we
Listen politely when other hear thunder on
reporters read.
a rainy day.

142 Unit 6 143

? 6 Wrap-Up
What’s wild about

Talk About It!

Weather Report
Pretend that you are a weather person on TV.
Give your weather report to the group. Describe
the weather today. Tell what the
Share Your Ideas weather will be
Today it is sunny
like tomorrow. and warm.
Think about the different kinds of weather.
What’s wild about weather? Choose one of
these ways to share your ideas about the
Big Question.

Write It! Do It!

Draw and Write Make Air Move
Draw a picture of Work with a partner. Make a
a storm. Write two fan, kite, or other type of air
sentences about the mover. Explain to your partner
storm. Tell how it how your invention works.
looks and sounds. T he sky is dark. T
he thunder is loud

144 Unit 6 145

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