RH1BSB Unit 6 Marketing FINAL
RH1BSB Unit 6 Marketing FINAL
RH1BSB Unit 6 Marketing FINAL
Unit 6
Up in
Phonics Focus: Sounds and Spellings:
ce, ci, ch, tch, wh
Topic: Weather
the Air
Share What You Know
Name your favorite kind of
What’s 2 Tell why you like that weather.
wild about 3 Draw something you do in
Question weather? that weather.
The wind is made of air.
The wind is made of air.
Let me explain it one more time
How wind is made of air.
Weαther chαnges. It can mαke electricity.
Wind can blow trees down.
And blow your hat around.
Let me explain it one more time
How wind can blow trees down.
Tune: “The Farmer in the Dell”
Talk Together
Outside has
Pillows are soft. We are strong. two syllables.
Talk Together
78 Unit 6 79
Phonics Focus
Talk Together
Sounds and Spellings: ce, ci
Listen and read. Find the words with the s
sound spelled with the letters ce or ci.
Over to You
A Huge Rainstorm
fence circus The wind begins to blow harder and harder. Work with a
The clouds look dark and angry. A storm can partner.
Listen and Learn
Find the words
come fast. People race to bring their pets
Listen to each group of words. Choose the word with the sound
inside. The power might go out. People look you hear at the
with the sound you hear at the beginning of the beginning of the
for candles. They decide to stay away from
word see. word see. Take
windows. They find a safe place.
turns using
1. city kitty pity The rain comes. It fills the city streets. Strong the words in
winds bend the trees. Then, slowly, the clouds sentences.
2. vent dent cent
move on. The wind stops blowing. The wind made
3. pride price prime a mess, but it is quiet once the
4. ate aid ace storm has gone.
82 Unit 6 83
Your hair blows away
from your face. You could
Have you ever felt a strong wind ? lose your hat. You may even
have to walk at a slant.
84 Unit 6 85
You can’t see the wind . But you
can feel it. And you can see what
wind does to other things.
86 Unit 6 87
Go outside and watch.
88 Unit 6 89
An umbrella turns inside out.
90 Unit 6 91
What is wind made of?
Wind is made of air. You can’t see
air. But you can catch it. Here’s how:
1 Open a large plastic bag. 3 Twist it closed to trap the air you caught.
Make sure there are no holes in it.
4 Squeeze the bag to feel the air.
2 Pull the bag through the air so it puffs up.
92 Unit 6 93
Are there other ways you can
make wind ?
94 Unit 6 95
The fastest winds of all are in a
tornado. These winds are so strong
they can lift a roof right off a house!
96 Unit 6 97
Face the wind . Feel the
push of the wind. Yay! ❖
98 Unit 6 99
Gluscabi’s Actions Reasons 1. A statement tells something. • Gluscabi could not fish.
It ends with a period. period
Gluscabi went to see There was too much
2. A question asks something. It ends • Can you feel the wind?
Wind Eagle. wind. Gluscabi with a question mark. question mark
couldn’t fish.
3. An exclamation shows strong feeling. • There is too much wind!
Gluscabi put Wind It ends with an exclamation point. exclamation point
Eagle in a hole. 4. A command tells someone to do • Stop, Wind Eagle!
something. It starts with a verb. exclamation point
Gluscabi went to see It ends with a period or an
Wind Eagle again. exclamation point.
Think about what you read and learned. What’s wild Write a Sentence
about weather ? Write a sentence about today’s weather.
Read it aloud.
108 Unit 6 109
2 Words
snowy rainy
the Weather
I see big, dark clouds today.
I think that we will get rain. sunny cloudy
Talk Together
What We Write the topic here. It’s cold today. The fan keeps me The stove is hot.
Do in Different cool.
Warm Weather Hot
temperature warm Talk Together
• ride my bike • go swimming
Ask a question using
a Key Word.
What do you
wear when it is
cold outside?
The temperature The blanket
is 8˚ Fahrenheit. keeps us warm.
Talk Together
Phonics Focus
Sunny or Rainy?
chair watch wheel
“What is it like outside?” asked Chico. Work with
a partner.
Listen and Learn Sancho checked. “It’s sunny,” he said.
Take turns. Find
Listen to the picture words. Write the correct letters “I think it’s warm but not hot.” a word with
to complete each word. “Great! Let’s play ball,” said Chico. the spellings
ch, tch, or wh.
The boys went out to play. They pitched Say the word.
1. 2. the ball back and forth. They did not see the Have your
sky get cloudy. The temperature got cool. The partner find it
in the passage
sunny day changed to a rainy day. and read the
eese The boys raced home. sentence.
“What can we do now?” asked Chico.
3. 4. “We could play checkers,” said Sancho.
“That is a good game for a rainy day.”
ale imp
Read “Sunny or Rainy?” with a partner.
Practice reading words with the spellings
ch, tch, and wh.
114 Unit 6 115
Read Realistic Fiction A Year for Kiko
Realistic fiction is a story that is made
up, but could happen in real life.
Sensory Details
Sensory details tell what characters see,
hear, smell, taste, and touch.
sensory detail
February is cold and still.
Reading Strategy
Make inferences as you read. by Ferida Wolff
How do you think Kiko feels about illustrated by Joung Un Kim
the different weather?
Ferida Wolff
Ferida Wolff wrote a lot
when she was a young girl.
She wrote about people
and pets. She wrote letters
and stories.
Write About It
Find one sensory detail in “A Year for Kiko.”
Fill in these sentences.
Use your chart and the
illustrations in the story
The sensory detail word is .
to retell what Kiko does in
This tells me Kiko .
different weather.
raindrop snowflake
Chasing Storms
with Tim Samaras
rain + drop = raindrop snow + flake = snowflake
by Jennifer Tetzloff
Put the meanings of two words together to
understand a compound word.
July fireflies glow in the night. They Chasing Storms Where is the tornado? It is far away.
blink their lights at Kiko. Kiko chases them
and laughs. Her eyes are shining, too.
with Tim Samaras Why is it so windy? It is windy because of the tornado.
by Jennifer Tetzloff
Read a Sentence
tornadoes. Not Tim Samaras.
He was a storm chaser.
Talk Together
Write a Sentence
Think about what you read. What’s wild Write a question for a storm chaser. Ask for
about weather? information about this job.
• happens
because the
Write Like a Reporter Plan and Write
weather is .
Talk about kinds of weather with
Write a Nonfiction Paragraph
a partner. Pick one kind of weather. Explain
What do you know about weather? Explain what
to your partner what happens because of
happens on a windy, rainy, sunny, or snowy day.
this weather.
Write a paragraph for your classmates.
Write a sentence that tells about the kind of
A Rainy Day weather. Then write sentences to explain what
A nonfiction
A pαrαgrαph Kids wear raincoats. They jump in pαrαgrαph happens because of this weather.
hαs αn indent. tells about
puddles. You hear thunder. Boom! something reαl