Coverage of Prelims Juve Handouts
Coverage of Prelims Juve Handouts
Coverage of Prelims Juve Handouts
1) Peer rejection
2) Peer alcohol, tobacco and/or other drug use
3) Association with delinquent and/or aggressive peers
4) Gang involvement and membership
The culture, norms and behavior of the child’s surroundings
may very well influence the upbringing of the child
especially during their formative years and such
misbehavior learned is likely to be carried on until the child’s
maturity. The following are factors present in the community
that may influence to the child’s delinquency:
1) Availability of alcohol and other drugs
2) Availability of firearms or other weapons
3) High-crime neighborhood
4) Community instability and disorganization
5) Social and physical discord
6) Living in an economically disadvantaged neighborhood
with high poverty
7) Safety concerns and feeling unsafe in the neighborhood
8) Low community attachment
9) Neighborhood youth in trouble
Print Media
1) Advertisement of crimes
2) Glorification of criminal leaders
3) Trial by publicity
4) Providing public panic
5) Giving advance information concerning the plans of the
police against the criminals
Broadcast (Audio or Video) Media
1) Arousing desires for easy luxury and suggesting
questionable method of achievements
2) Displaying of crime techniques and criminal pattern
3) Inducing the spirit of bravado, toughness and
4) Arousing intense sexual drive
5) Invoking daydreaming of criminal role
6) Instilling the desire for luxury and smart appearance
7) Depicting various form of crime readily imitated by girls
and young women