Crim 5
Crim 5
Crim 5
•HUKBALAHAP – Hukbo ng bayan laban sa 2. Crimes Against Property – are crimes that are
hapon. directed to a person’s belongings, intellectual
properties and money.
•PKM – Pambansang kaisahan ng mga
Magbubukid. 3.Crimes Against Society – are directed to the
community’s moral code and values.
Ex. Gambling, Prostitution, And Drug Violations
– another prerogative exercised by the President of
the Philippines. •Act No. 3815 (Revised Penal Code Of The
-it is applied to death sentences already affirmed by
the Supreme Court. -considered as one of the Philippines most
enduring pieces of legislation
-the temporary stay of the execution of a sentence.
-the basic law that defines criminal offenses and
-extended to death penalty prisoners.
provides the penalties for the commission of those
•Commutation Of Sentence offenses.
-refer to the reduction of the duration of a prison What is special law?
-Contains antiquated provisions and it has a largely
-another prerogative of the President. been ineffective in addressing organized crime,
-it is an act of clemency by which a heavier or transnational crime, cybercrime and such other
longer sentence is reduced to a lighter or shorter emergent criminal activities that proliferate today.
term. •Special Crimes
-does not forgive the offender but merely reduces -Carnapping
the penalty of life imprisonment or death sentence
for a term of years.
-Drug Trafficking
-resorted to because the law prescribe uniform
punishment for crimes regardless of how serious or -Gunrunning
how light the offense committed is. -Intellectual Property Theft
-Kidnapping For Ransom
-Trafficking In Persons
-Money Laundering
•”Mala in se”
– crimes that are penalized in the Revised Penal
-crimes that are considered wrong in and of
themselves. (Wrong In Itself)
Ex. Murder, Theft, Fraud.
•”Mala prohibita”
-a term applied to any action that is criminalized
strictly by state and statutory law.(Wrong Because
It Is Prohibited)
Ex. Smuggling, Drug Trafficking, Cybercrime