Statutory Declaration Form

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Statutory Declaration

In accordance with prevailing legislation, applicants for registration must make this
statutory declaration. ‘Registration Board’ refers to the Registration board for your
profession _______________________ (insert name of your profession).

I,……………….………………….. of ……………….……….……………………….………
(Name) (Home address)

Declare as follows:
1. I am not aware of any reason on grounds of physical or mental health why I might be
unable to discharge the responsibilities of the profession for which I am applying for
2. I have read, understood and will comply with the Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics
for my profession.
3. I understand that I would be guilty of an offence if I make or cause to be made any false
declaration or misrepresentation to obtain registration.
4. I agree to pay the correct fees for my registration.
5. I acknowledge that it is up to the Registration Board to decide if I meet the requirements
for registration as set out in the Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005 (as
6. I have not at any time been refused registration or a licence by a body in the
Republic of Ireland, or in any other jurisdiction.
7. I have not at any time had conditions imposed on my registration or license, or had my
registration or license suspended, withdrawn or removed by a body in the Republic of
Ireland, or in any other jurisdiction.
8. I have never been convicted in the Republic of Ireland of an offence triable on
indictment, (other than a spent conviction within the meaning of section 5 of the Criminal
Justice (Spent Convictions and Certain Disclosures) Act 2016).1
9. I have never been convicted in another jurisdiction of an offence which, if carried out in
the Republic of Ireland, would constitute an offence triable on indictment.
10. I understand that the Registration Board has the right to verify or to ask me to verify any
information contained in my application and to ask me to supply additional information in
relation to my application. The Registration Board may ask me to supply this additional
information by means of a statutory declaration.

If you are unsure whether you have been convicted of an offence which is triable on indictment in Ireland (or
would be if the offence had been committed here), you should take your own legal advice. If you do not disclose
a conviction which you should have disclosed, you may be prosecuted.

You do not have to disclose convictions which are spent, within the meaning of section 5 of the Criminal Justice
(Spent Convictions and Certain Disclosures Act 2016). You should take legal advice in relation to when convictions
are spent. If you do not disclose a conviction which you should have disclosed, you may be prosecuted.

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11. I agree to Garda vetting.
12. I agree to provide a Police Clearance certificate from the Police Authority in each country
where I have lived abroad for one year and one day or longer since the age of 18.
13. I consent to the Registration Board making such enquiries as it considers appropriate on
receipt of Garda Vetting or Police Clearance.
14. I understand that canvassing of Council or Registration Board members, educational
bodies, employers or anyone else in relation to my application is forbidden. I
acknowledge that canvassing will not help my application and that the Registration Board
will be told of any attempts at canvassing.
15. I agree to tell the Registration Board if my circumstances change during the course of
my registration, especially if the change would have caused me to answer any of these
questions differently. In particular, I agree to tell the Registration Board as soon as
practicable about:
a. any mistakes in the Register that I know about and that relate to my
b. any change in my name or address or contact details or any change of
c. any granting to me by a body (other than the Registration Board) inside or
outside the State, of a licence, certificate or registration relating to the practice
of any profession;
d. any change in the status of such licence, certificate or registration (including
any conditions attached to it);
e. anything likely to affect my right to such licence, certificate or registration
(including any material matter); and
f. anything likely to affect my right to be registered under the Health and Social
Care Professionals Act 2005 (including any material matter).
16. I understand that if a complaint is made about me I may become the subject of the
complaints, inquiries and discipline provisions of the Health and Social Care
Professionals Act, 2005.
17. I know of no reason why the Registration Board should not grant me registration under
the Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005.
18. I have signed this form in my handwriting. The information in this form and in the
support documents that I have provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge
and belief.

I make this solemn declaration conscientiously and believe all the statements in it are true.
Declared before me by:
(insert name of the applicant swearing the declaration
in capitals)
who is personally known to me or who was identified to
me by:

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Whose identity has been established to me before the
taking of this declaration by the production to me of
passport number…………………………… issued on
…………………….…………. … the authorities of
…………………..…………….., which is an authority
recognised by the Irish Government.
National identity card no. ……………………..issued on
…………………………….….. by the authorities of
………………………………..…….. [which is an EU
Member State, the Swiss Confederation or a
Contracting Party of the EEA Agreement]

At ……………………..………………….……………….
in the county or city of ………………………………….
This ……… day of …..…………. in the year…………

……………………………… ….……………………………………………….
Signature of applicant Signature and seal of a Practising Solicitor /
Notary Public / Commissioner for Oaths /
Peace Commissioner

(If you do not possess an official seal or stamp, then

you must provide full name and address in block

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